Use the word focus in a sentence

Synonym: adjust, concentrate. Similar words: focus on, focussed, jocund, document, accuse, excuse, innocuous, discuss. Meaning: [‘fəʊkəs]  n. 1. the concentration of attention or energy on something 2. maximum clarity or distinctness of an image rendered by an optical system 3. maximum clarity or distinctness of an idea 4. a central point or locus of an infection in an organism 5. special emphasis attached to something 6. a point of convergence of light (or other radiation) or a point from which it diverges 7. a fixed reference point on the concave side of a conic section. v. 1. direct one’s attention on something 2. cause to converge on or toward a central point 3. bring into focus or alignment; to converge or cause to converge; of ideas or emotions 4. become focussed or come into focus 5. put (an image) into focus. 

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1 It’s time to focus on the company’s core business.

2 The focus on my camera isn’t working properly.

3 Focus on small goals instead of big ones.

4 Try and focus your mind on your lessons.

5 Education is the current focus of public debate.

6 The company needs to focus on its biggest clients.

7 I think Dave likes to be the focus of attention.

8 His administration’s economic policy would focus on reining in inflation.

9 The visit helped to focus world attention on the plight of the refugees.

10 If you focus the sun’s rays on dry wood with a burning-glass, it will start burning.

11 He felt he needed to focus more on his career.

12 The noise made it hard for me to focus on work.

13 In the background, in soft focus, we see his smiling wife.

14 should always learn from everything; should focus on in order to know more, know all.

15 The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.

16 The key focus of the marketing mix will be on price and distribution.

17 Magnetic coils focus the electron beams into fine spots.

18 These issues have recently come into sharp focus .

19 The scene was beautifully captured in soft focus.

20 Her beauty makes her the focus of attention.

21 She was the focus of everyone’s attention.

22 Her children are the main focus of her life.

23 Now the focus is on draining the water.

24 Focus on making a short[], firm follow-through.

25 The binoculars were not in focus .

26 He raised his binoculars and adjusted the focus.

27 The new system is the focus of controversy.

28 In tonight’s programme our focus is on Germany.

29 I’m so tired I can’t focus today.

30 The company’s restructuring is designed to give a sharper focus on key growth markets.

More similar words: focus on, focussed, jocund, document, accuse, excuse, innocuous, discuss, excuse me, custody, documentary, customer, the accused, circumlocution, discussion, accusation. 

English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«The main focus of this article is about women’s rights.«
(main, central, primary)

«Tomorrow’s debate will have a special focus on the economy.«
(special, specific, particular)

«She’s placing a greater focus on creativity in her classroom.«
(greater, increased, new, renewed)

«She adjusted the settings until the image was in sharp focus.«
(sharp, clear)

Used with verbs:

«Her studies remain her main focus.«
(remain, serve as, became)

«Maybe this new project will give him some focus.«
(give, provide)

«The focus of his studies has narrowed since he started school.«
(narrowed, sharpened, expanded, broadened)

«He really lacks focus.«

«He’s starting to lose focus of the big picture.«

«She struggles to maintain her focus.«
(maintain, keep)

«They tried changing the focus to something else.«
(changing, switching, moving, shifting, directing, turning)

«They are placing the focus of the class on communication.«
(be + placing, be +putting)

«The image slowly came into focus.«
(came into)

Used with prepositions:

«The focus of the policy is prevention.«

«His focus is on getting good grades.«

«Turn the knob until the image is in focus.«

«Everything is out of focus in this picture.«
(out of)

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«Her research focuses mostly on young children.«
(mostly, primarily, completely, entirely, mainly, solely, specifically)

«He is clearly focused on finishing his degree.«
(clearly, only, particularly, increasingly, fully, especially)

«The documentary focuses closely on his career.«
(closely, directly)

«The police initially focused on the wrong person.«

«She focused hard on the image in front of her.«
(hard, intently)

«The camera is set to focus automatically.«

Used with verbs:

«She needs to focus on her work.«

«He tried to focus on his homework but it was too noisy.«

«She tends to focus on herself.«

«He decided to focus on his studies rather than having fun.«

«Having a routine might help you to focus.«

Used with prepositions:

«We need to focus on the issue at hand.«
«He focused on the computer screen.«

Used with nouns:

«They focused their attention on finishing the project.«
(attention, effort, energy)

«She tried to focus the camera.«
(camera, binoculars)

«She focused her eyes on the image in the book.«
(eyes, gaze)

«He focused the spotlight on the stage.«
(spotlight, beam)

«They are trying to focus their strategy.«

Previous Word by Letter: fly

Next Word by Letter: fold

CONTACT   |   

It took a long time, it took a lot of energy, it took money, it took commitment, it took integrity, it took focus, it took a lot of things that are a challenge, but I embraced those challenges

Stand there and focus on your affirmations

Whatever your affirmations are, read them, focus on them

I’m going to focus on watching those shows and I’m going to believe that everything’s

Accepting circumstances that cannot be changed can help you focus on circumstances that you can alter

Focus on the Present

When you focus on you, everything around you will begin to

When you focus and improve on how you are being and what

You take two hours each day for one year and you focus on your goal instead of whatever else you are using the same 2 hours for each day

At some point, he made a choice to focus his efforts on helping the community

To manage our weight and maintain optimum health, we have to focus on eating efficiently

Focus on the advantages of age and expect to be as healthy as you can be

Like all of Dizzie’s bad habits, it helps her focus on the here and now

“Are you listening to me?” Ackers said, breaking Johnny out of his focus

He stops thrashing about, his eyes focus on Clarisse

It requires you to focus your mind at one point and stilling the mind in order to perceive the self

steadied and he managed to focus

This is due to the fact that the focus of attention is away from the things of the senses, no matter how beautiful

Dharana is training the mind to focus without any distraction

To achieve this, you can focus your mind into an object at a time

I could barely focus on the work at hand in our little studio, because

Russ yawns mightily, stretches, stands, tries to focus on his watch

» He said to Theo without taking his focus off the work

She put on her league strip with the focus and intent of an undertaker

The atmosphere shouldn’t be too bad here, a little integration should render it out, so she locked the scope on it and let it focus

We need to keep our focus on Jesus, because the healing is in

being was a single point of focus

’ The man said … is he some sort of doctor? I think he’s wearing a white coat, though that is a bit foggy, more a sort of white blur just out of focus

We focus on the flame of a candle placed in front of us

Sitting there in the darkness, unable to see my own hands, it seemed to me that the images in my head were all out of focus

So very often the business meetings don’t focus on the most important work of the church

I lay down and tried to focus on reasons for starving myself

We shall focus our attention on how a congregation can function where there are no elders, and specific

Just as I started to get the image into some sort of focus, at the critical moment when I started to remember details about the garden, their clothes and the house, right then the truck would bounce or shake over rough English roads, and these carefully assembled pieces of the picture puzzle would break and scatter

I tried to focus

Kara squinted, trying to focus on the woman’s face … she ought to know who this was, didn’t she? She moved, trying to get a better look and the figure on the chair stirred

addiction, changing our focus to hit the target that will give us

Focusing all your attention and focus solely on what’s

This will usher in even more support and energy to focus on

Instead, focus on how money is a tool through which

Keep that focus on you’re your abundance

At The Sacred Living Center, I focus on using a vibrational

pressure and the focus off the word love, which can be a loaded

The more positive our focus,

Son to focus on anything but the pain, but he managed to pull himself out of

His awareness of being was a single point of focus

Remember, as long as you focus on what delights you the

Even in this it implies that God has His focus upon that place on the globe

He tried to focus, but even that was too much of an effort

As we progress over the next two weeks and you get a better focus on your life, the Success doesn’t just happen

Realization that this was all really happening had brought things into focus

that your words flutter in and out of focus

It put a twinkle in my heart and a rhythm in my eye, and gave the village a sharp focus

«Yeah, yeah, listening», mumbled her husband as the wardrobe swayed gently in and out of focus

A fair fight however incorporates the key elements of focus,

There are some important things that you need to focus on when you’re building your online

The following are specific aspects that you can focus on to get the ideal profile for your online dating adventures

There are some aspects of the profile header line that you should focus on so that you get the

Once he was able to focus he realised that his wife had that look on her face that signified trouble, not of the ‘You Bastard’ variety, but of the ‘I think we should’ variety

we will focus on that

I’ll focus on the cricket,’ Ish said

He needed the focus of Sol behind him

He had to focus at least well enough to recite what he knew from memory

his focus to use his gift

statements with the intention to shift your focus from fear to love,

While there are many keys to effective meditation, the essence of the practice is learning to focus your attention as you choose

It means that you can see alternatives and focus on one versus the other

In other words, you can consciously focus your attention according to how you choose to be

You recognize the thought, feeling, or sensation that is other than your point of focus (in this case your breathing)

Focus on the feeling of open, honest communication that you desire and bring that into the moment

Whatever you focus on increases

Therefore, your ability to consciously focus your attention is the most essential skill you can master

Focus not only on the physical situations that worry you, but also the way they make you feel

When locked into a fearful state of mind, you automatically focus on the bad things that are either happening now or could happen in the near future

Then focus on possible ways to cope with such a prognosis:

Becoming aware of these limiting beliefs is just the first step in the process; then you need to focus on transforming them into more empowering beliefs, which can be done with the use of

During hypnotherapy the trance is aided by your focus on the hypnotherapist’s voice

When you focus in this way you are able to ignore, if you want to, the great deal of other distractions that may be around you

So the magician explained that in life you get more of what you focus on and the gardener said —

―So what is the solution? The solution is to focus on what you do want more of — have you

And what happened is the focus became the reality and the problems that were no longer focused on, were no longer there

So although the gardener couldn‘t make the thorns go away, he learned not to focus on them and focus instead on all of the good and wonderful things

focus shifts to the kar sevaks as vandals

second or two for her to focus properly, but when she could see

I have my business to focus on and this is really

swayed gently in and out of focus

Keep it simple, focus on the

Give focus to the thing which compels you the most

Focus on their talents while strengthening them

focus on yourself by making it seem as though that focus is actually theirs

when and whether or not he or she wants focus drawn to them

Focus To give an unusual amount of attention to a particular thing

more attention toward something else to steal focus given it to that

Once he was able to focus he realised that his wife had that look on

Focus on what is tried and true

To have cast focus on your study a certain amount of times, give yourself a

Instead, focus on the moments of work itself that

to focus on is a big factor in the happiness equation

going to be someone who is focused on achieving your goals then you have to be aware of that

Sniders had already focused her intense, cold, half smile on him

Everyone was focused on the fight except for Ackers, who turned his head and looked at the sword sticking out of the wall

As the younger lot today is more focused on his/her career, marriage and having babies gets deferred to late 20s or early 30s vis-à-vis early 20s in the past

May I ask who invented it?” The Operator asked as he kept his attention focused on the screen

Knowing that physical life is temporary, behaviours are more focused towards acquiring valid knowledge to move to spiritual maturity

The interrogator takes his foot away, his attention still focused on John

She was focused, intent and looked away from Theo towards the floor

Even if a congregation has an eldership that has not yet focused on the lost of the community the members must continue to seek out those

a) Boyfriends and husbands: Even in the modern, “feminist” society, a woman’s thoughts and actions are focused mainly on one thing -how to satisfy her man

When Tig and the alien twisted around again, the blade of magnetically focused plasma had sliced a Squidy into a pair of thrashing hose and ribbon tangles that shot a mix of snowy atmo and alien blood out mortal wounds

It occurred to me as I focused on the grainy film flickering in my head that their faces were already starting to fade

She talked with slow, fluid gestures and had blue, blue dreamy eyes that sometimes focused on the phonecam, making Alfred afraid that she had spotted the lens

I cannot manifest abundance when I’m focused on all that I

slavery, end war, when we are focused on the hardships,

focused on what’s wrong with them, they get caught up in an

Your mind becomes easily focused and tuned into these things

The OAAU was an organization rivaled Thanksgiving feasts, or how we held our elders in focused on the fight for human rights of Afro-Americans and such high regard—the highest in fact, or how arriving on promoting cooperation among Africans and people of African time to an event was never as important as showing up in descent in the Americas

The walker, focused, wrapped up

Once upon the fairy tale of softly focused memory,

As my eyes focused better I could see there was a dragon caring for two rather large eggs that seemed to be cracking

She shouldn’t let her thoughts wander out here, this wasn’t the time and place to ponder everything, this was the time and place to be super alert and focused

Today’s topic is focused on the soul or spirit

Continue the habit of focused reflection

focused on his own symptoms,

A fair fight will remain focused and bringing up the past distracts from the current issues and also sends the message that the past

Consider the usual state of men at that age: career focused, womanizers, drug users, different sexual orientation, and

of a love focused relationship, that both parties are, in fact, more focused on how the other

He needed the crowd to stay focused toward the front, toward where they looked for authority

The light from its eye focused on the ferry as though it knew what we had done, calculating its next move, and for a while nothing happened, nothing, not even a wave

visualization – except you would be deliberately focused on

focused and pleased with himself

And what happened is the focus became the reality and the problems that were no longer focused on, were no longer there

‘Being extra focused takes a lot out of him

The main thing is to stay focused on whatever statement

He calmed himself and focused all his senses; he would have to be very cautious

Attention focused on their risks in 004 when

three times, and to stay focused on your intention to

It was hard to stay focused after a few hours

Stay focused on what you are

’ Andy said, his instinct for self-preservation focused as never before

Nonetheless he focused on Roman’s

had dropped to silence, everyone’s gaze focused toward the center

All Harry focused upon beyond that, ‘Begin,’ was each question in turn, and the sound of his own pencil on the test sheets

None of it publicly mentioned that she was the transferee, all of it focused on her theories of virtuality

number of twenty-four hour news channels, his eyes focused on an image on the

Tahlmute’s eyes focused on the bottle, “There will be no usable identifying evidence on that bottle after all this time

Roman’s eyes wandered away from the agent as he spoke, and focused on

His brain was already focused and

Roman focused on the floor, unable to look at the green eyes in front of

than focused on her new goal

She focused her mind and opened the door

When he finally inserted the key, his eyes focused on the picture on his door

So she focused on the picture that was emerging before her

and then, as if the same thought entered both dogs’ small brains, they focused on

It wasn’t until she recognized my attentions were so wholly focused upon

Flavio looked down at the map and then focused on Otto’s coin

He wiped them off, looked around then focused on the wheel; its power over him was total

My job as a catcher was to keep my pitcher focused and that

Otto raise is eyebrows and focused his gaze

his attention focused on the dead man hanging from the shackles in the middle of

They were focused on hers and the black in his pupil was that of a cave

She had to turn and glare at him when the methods focused on the female ‘meat puppets’

He started the set in a trance, but he was flawless, totally focused on the songs they had worked out

The Father focused my attention on one of these risen warriors

is interesting to me that they were so focused on the funeral that

Church is so focused on death that they are missing life? Just as I was not prepared for the wedding because of a funeral, many in

to, and you will not be focused on other things

In this vision I focused in on a warrior that was travelling down

Those near Jesus were focused on Him, captivated by

Those who were focused on the things in

The elf slowly turned and focused his attention toward the council members

focused on the works that needed to be done that I forgot what

vision was focused on the

Neither were our lives devoid of trials, but we were so focused

After their victory over the races, they focused their power on

came to capture Jesus, but He was focused on the Father

They could be super focused for all he knew

She too was focused on Tetloan’s auburn head

focused on the Master

Their arms immune to fatigue, their minds focused on one purpose

The elven eyes focused on Brice

With his gaze focused on Brice, he walked closer to the trio

As of yet, the group of Magi had suffered few losses, due in great part to the fact that they had focused all their efforts on defending themselves while offering only an infinitesimal show of retaliation

The pair of gray and white eyes focused on Theodorous, who was suddenly spurred into motion by the gaze

‘ «I would be gone, a replacement would take over and you will never know, especially if it has become skilled at keeping conversations focused on its area of expertise

She focused her thoughts, gave them form

Alan’s world became focused on the blue light in that crystal that gradually lightened as dawn strode in from the east

If he tried he could look around, but all he saw were the five wizards of the circle focused on the crystal

He focused also in its blue depths, wondering at the depth of its knowledge

The fleeing Magi had been focused on the terror behind them, but because of Adros’ shout, they finally took note of the elven trio

They focused the demon wind on speed and strength, preferring to get up close to their opponents and rend them to pieces with their hands

The majority of the servants had focused their efforts on the weaker of the two giants – a wise move

focused as they are on the past or a future that hasn’t arrived (always wanting),

Keep your emails focused only on work

Remember, when someone is focused on

They never blinked, but never focused on her, either

I had been so focused on the fight between Ash and Liam that I wasn’t aware of Izzy and Willow’s approach

Keep them 100% focused on making the

My eyes swam with tears, but focused enough to see Ash smiling at me

He stops in front of Khalid, but focuses his attention on John

Maggie feels suddenly impotent, but she focuses and manages to spit her message out

• Most of the time, your attention focuses on the contents of your memory of the world

Your mind focuses only on the object of meditation

Bearing this brief guidance in mind, let us look at some different types of objects and focuses of meditation

And if the mind focuses on things that make you unhappy, attention is stuck in a morass that prevents you from enjoying your life

thoughts that serve no useful purpose, who focuses his

The New Testament, especially the Gospels, focuses on the life of a Man and provides information in the other Epistles regarding God’s church and the principles for living under his grace that he provided free for those who would recognise him and accept his gift

millions of Ford Focuses are on the road

That’s because I’ve created a course already that focuses on those 4 things

Side Planks – one of the few moves that focuses almost entirely on the obliques

What shall be the sign? The prophecy focuses its attention on

The AFU focuses on restraining and forfeiting the proceeds of crime or the property used to commit crime

with the Lord and progressively focuses his mind on to the Divine

It focuses on the following:

A black bird the size of my forearm turns its head and focuses one beady eye on me

“I told you before that the third stage of initiation focuses on mental preparation,” he says

Four stops scanning the crowd of initiates and focuses his stare on me

They are not words which well describe other focuses of life

He turns his head and focuses a bright eye on me

One of his focuses was

She looks up and focuses her watery eyes on one of the Erudite

VERONICA: The word “erudite” focuses on knowledge rather than intelligence—intelligence being something you’re born with and can’t necessarily control, and knowledge being something that you acquire

9 He tears me in his anger, who hates me: he gnashes on me with his teeth; my enemy focuses his eyes on me

focuses on the advertisements from their Traditional Marketing

Tatiana’s son focuses on soccer,

So, wherever one focuses one’s attention, the

In verse 5, Paul focuses on the difference in desires; the sinful desire to be more sinful, the

In verse 6 focuses on different mind sets; the mind of the sinner, will, if unrepentant, result in

Verse 10 focuses on the affect that being born again has on believers, again repeating that

Verse 11 focuses on the effect that the resurrection of Jesus has on the believer’s final

Verses 14 and 15, this is the famous verse that focuses on the problem of the unbeliever who

focuses on gospel hardening, and gives two quotations to support this aspect of his theses:

There are two spiritual principals involved here that Paul focuses on; the first is

The Texas Academy of Performing arts focuses on youth education and performance

He notices there are some nanoeyes behind his body and focuses on them

He focuses and moves back in front of his body and looks at the screen again

The Center focuses on helping growth ori-

He focuses on the same weapon he used on the AC-130 gunship

He wipes his eyes and focuses again and he sees a four-legged animal walking towards him

The Middle Class focuses on having

the World Class focuses on being

The rest of us only care about manufacturing a truth that focuses on

The horde then focuses its terror on the stunning young blonde

How about we start with a greater reliance on States and local governments and ‘we the people’ to handle some of their/our own problems, while the Federal government focuses on ‘their constitutional duties’

required to submit a hyperdetailed budget that immediately focuses the process on microeconomics


She focuses on what

Stretching out his hand, he focuses himself until green and black flashes leap from his fingers

56 The following day, Higgins confirmed in his article in the Ithaca Journal, headlined triAd FoCuses pArk Mission that The Triad Foundation, the new organization recently split off from the Park Foundation, won’t make any changes to the way it manages fellowship programs it will take over in Ithaca and Chapel Hill, NC, according to its director

57 Dan Higgins, “Triad focuses Park mission,” The Ithaca Journal, February 7, 2003, p

Instead, the grit and soil carve out their patterns on the underparts of my feet; I can feel each small puncture like a gift that focuses me on a lesser pain

When a corporation focuses its efforts in improving the world through concrete

It focuses him

Then he focuses in on the most peculiar feature of the trees

For example, the student teams of IEDC Executive MBA Programs work for 11 months on a real-life project, conducting a “rigorous analysis of the external and organizational context as well as the indicated area on which the project focuses, delivering concrete solutions to the problem and an action plan for the solution implementation,” she says

In the 1980s, the number of EMBA programs had grown, and, as a result, the Executive MBA Council, an association that focuses on EMBA Programs and the EMBA industry, was formed

The most popular option for a visit is one that that includes or focuses on time in the classroom

group focuses out of a social club in Bali

Each encounter focuses on this central problem so that all

when the plasma life form focuses

When the dark plasma life form focuses (this also

which focuses the beam that emerges as collimated

Rather than chasing ever-changing technology, the book focuses on timeless interpersonal skills, but in the virtual context

For the sake of this argument, a hardcore gamer is not a player that focuses on competing with other players

It is the player that focuses entirely on the game

Those who fall in love with this game will be happy to know that there are also other titles in the Phoenix Wright series that offer a similar gameplay experience –with the exception of the Miles Edgeworth title that focuses more on the investigation part as opposed to the court case

Within a few months, she accepts it all and focuses on herself

This operator focuses on one of

focuses you on the forest rather than the trees

Notice that Having focuses on nouns and static objects but life is everchanging

A facilitator focuses on team upkeep

ABC focuses on work; it measures the costs of work activities

The Expo typically focuses on major

Green Sci Fi, then, is my attempt to bring to life (bring back to life?) a genre that focuses on a hopeful future

The Mortal Path series focuses on one such recruited human, a woman named Maliha who decides after a few hundred years that she doesn’t want to be a demon’s assassin anymore

It focuses on

A helicopter’s camera focuses in on a group of idiot children vomiting in the dirt

Acupuncture focuses on the Qi that flows throughout the body; it flows through points known as meridian points

The «evolutionary neuro — androgenic theory» focuses on the hormone testosterone as a factor influencing aggression and criminality and being beneficial during certain forms of competition

However, as the name suggests, it is a website directory which largely focuses on

Plyometrics is used to develop explosive speed, and focuses on maximal power instead of maximal strength by compressing the force of muscular contraction into as short a period as possible, and may be used to improve the effectiveness of a boxer’s punch, or to increase the vertical jumping ability of a basketball player

successful only when it focuses more on

When your own attention focuses on the intent to communicate, tremendous magnetizing forces of electromagnetics swing into action

This search for meaning, even among psychologists, typically focuses on

This is because most employers are not interested in how you look, unless you are applying for an acting or modeling position, which focuses more on the physical traits of individuals

While this book focuses on the pain and the

Grailem brings up the scans he made earlier of the planet and focuses on the coordinates they have given

next chapter focuses on that

Archan focuses, trying to block out all the noises of nature which sound so lively

” Her lack of movement forces him to focuses more; he notices something odd about her finger

He stops and focuses his hearing to find out where the action is

This lesson focuses on how to prevent the emotional brain from becoming

focuses on observable behaviours excluding internal thoughts,

This lesson focuses on how the thinking brain can

on your goal instead of focusing on the tv

Again, if we start the day with the focusing of our attention on spiritual things and on the affairs of the soul, we shall live the day in a different manner

It means focusing the mind on one point, stilling the mind in order to perceive the Self

All her concentration was turned inwards, focusing on the translated feedback from the ship

They gain something out of focusing on negative energy, so

Focusing all your attention and focus solely on what’s

when I’m focusing all the symptoms of what’s “wrong” with

accept things as they are, while focusing one what you really

others than you can by focusing always on what’s wrong with

“Why yes, I can then concentrate on focusing on what is in front

Impatience takes away joy; it has you focusing on the long term instead of focusing on the current activity

Statistically speaking, most women spend their twenties focusing on their lives and living for the moment, and it is not until they reach their thirties that they begin to consider marriage and

I tried staring into my surroundings without focusing on anything in particular and that helped a distant crumbling ruin to emerge from its orange terraced soil but the stillness made me feel I was being monitored or that something nasty was about to happen

Another solution is to relieve the pressure you feel by focusing on a gradual process of

Meditation is a practice of consciously focusing your attention for a period of time

Third, return to focusing on your conscious intent to build an intimate relationship

stopped deliberately focusing on positive thoughts

―I wasn‘t focusing on the thorns, I was telling myself not to!‖ So the magician explained ―Don‘t look at the thorns‖ presupposed that there are thorns and that you can see them and touch them

Focusing on the good things about a relationship

Focusing on the things that you don’t want and

Johnson ignored the apology, focusing his attention on the other agents

” Dave was having trouble focusing his eyes

Was he mad? she wondered, focusing on the display of him in his present state

Focusing on the object of his quest, he scanned the streets, searching for some kind of sign, some indication that he had reached his journey’s end

The Reapers had quickly learned to avoid the elf and his blackened staff focusing instead on the weaker sections of their ring — which was of course its human half

He gathered his power, focusing it on her

He used them to amplify his mental energy, focusing it toward the ball of light hovering in the distance


children had, rather than focusing on what they didn’t have

Everyone is focusing on their obtaining sufficient quantities of the limited resources, resulting in differences in their survival rate and therefore, their possibilities for reproduction and advancement

You are trying to disconnect yourself from your reality by focusing on the pain that you inflicted to yourself

Also, without focusing on yourself, be aware of yourself as you experience the realness of the object

Focusing on those beliefs rather than the experience can prevent you from experiencing that Source

If you focus on your belief about an experience, you are not focusing on the experience

If you are focusing on belief about an experience, your attention is stuck in your mind and you cannot have the experience

His eyes no longer focusing on her directly

Slowly and silently, we walked along the four walls of a meditation room, focusing full attention on the simple act of walking, and not thinking of anything else

Long-distance runners sometimes share their experience of focusing only on their bodies, with few other thoughts, and the resulting surge of happiness and contentment they feel

After spending a few minutes focusing on your sense of feeling and touch, direct your attention to what you hear

Here, the challenge is to allow a sense impression to come into awareness, without focusing on that sense

Meditation is a practice during which you consciously still your mind by focusing all of your attention on a single object of meditation

Our attention is used to focusing automatically on the thoughts and perceptions that arise in our minds, and automatically attends to our ongoing story or narrative

This is because the person is focusing on the activity itself, for its own sake, and not on some expected reward

As long as attention is not focusing on some new annoyance, threat, or danger, the result should be the kind of happiness that is natural to you

To demonstrate how important it is to have your finger on the pulse here, let me quickly outline the compounded benefit of improving both these factors, rather than just focusing on one of them

Practicing compassion alone results in a loving and compassionate fool, while focusing on wisdom alone produces a heartless intellectual

The mind of the student is focused on each movement, focusing on the

Focusing all my thoughts on her made it easy for me to not think about what I was going through

and by creating and focusing your attention on the ideals

that you are focusing your attention on

What exactly are you focusing your attention on these

“So you’re still bent on your trek to Columbia?” she said as she kept focusing on the bowl and her stirring of the pancake flour

‘I will see him shortly,’ Zardino said, still focusing on his console screen

Scott turned back, his eyes focusing on the doors until he found a medical dispensary

Torbin was nonplussed, he had been focusing on the data collected from the Elusiver craft

Focusing on men’s teaching as a

3:11, but by focusing the assembly on Christ, their

Raven’s attention was drawn away by the spotlight focusing upon the stage

However, if you want the basics for building your sexual value, then understand that you can rapidly build it by focusing on 4 things:

It was all focusing in on the scrolls and on that beautifully bound and illustrated holy book

He simply had to hope that no sentient attention was focusing on him

Excessive wealth accumulation, I believe, is a subconscious reaction to our fear of death inasmuch as we attempt to hold it in check by focusing our attention on material pursuits rather than the other way around

Politicians have become increasingly monolithic in their approach to politicking, focusing more on groups rather than individuals

Sespian’s head lolled to the side, dark eyes focusing on Sicarius, but only briefly before his chin slumped

“Do that again,” he asked, focusing intensely

Focusing his mind on the Dark Healing, Skelda quickly dropped into a trance, plunging down the First Path of Darkness

It would appear that the European Economic Community (EEC) is focusing much of its attention on micromanaging the private affairs of its member citizens rather than promoting sound economic policies

As she faced me her eyes opened, focusing in the dim bedside light as I gazed back at her

‖ By focusing exclusively on a single dimension, (width, length or height), of some geometric configuration, for example, an observer may otherwise lose sight of what each spatial measure brought together properly represents; that is to say, a rectangle, square or triangle or some other material arrangement for that matter

William was focusing on the droplets of water forming on the underside of the bridge and falling to the grass below

William now was focusing on the origin of the droplets bombarding his shoulders, hair, forehead, cheeks and chin

William was focusing on the droplets of water forming on the underside of the bridge and falling to grass below

It will need to embrace and retain its core base by focusing on conservative principles rather than embracing political strategies that have alienated its natural supporters

I believe that many of us are losing sight of the bigger picture by focusing our attention exclusively on inanimate objects while paying scant attention to the causal factors that have contributed to higher crime rates in our nation as compared, for example, with other industrialized nations that enforce stricter gun-control laws

‘s by focusing (more) on ―performance‖ standards in the classroom rather than relying on objective, more traditional measures commonly employed to assess a student‘s (native) aptitude

Focusing again on the page, with his eyes tired and sore, his mood not happy at all, Brubaker read on in the hopes of finding some kind of serenity in the classic words

They were focusing more on those issues at the paper lately, precisely because Brubaker just seemed so darned incompetent

Had she been beaten? Her eyes seemed not to be focusing well

The only principles worth focusing on are spiritual, ethical, or moral

She turned around suddenly once more and knew I had been focusing my attention on her butt once again

Cassa was a bit on edge after seeing the images at the War Memorial and was having a little trouble on focusing on exactly where he was

By focusing your attention on the perimeter, the periphery of Empire, you neglected the possibility of a palace revolution

Where would they live, in the city; or out in the country? Somewhere out in the suburbs? Somewhere up in the front of his mind he was perfectly aware that he should be focusing in on the race

Focusing back on the road,

“You,” she says, focusing her narrowed eyes on me

I have trouble focusing through the pain

We have been focusing on the power of logical and coherent thought

He was pleased to hear how I got to manage my mind efficiently, focusing on all the good stuff and reducing all the rest to life’s normal burdens

By focusing on WMDs a deliberate attempt was made to have people forget the full content of that important speech

Johanna will be heading up the former effort, and I will be heading up the latter, which is what we will mostly be focusing on tonight

In order to understand the two basic methods of healing we will be focusing on self-healing and hands-on-healing

Display the errors one by one, focusing on the offending field

If you are focusing only on the syllabus and appearing for the exam then it is of

But, of course, he had understood that such anthropomorphisms were not possible — He was focusing on nothing more than a pile of ash

Or, have your eyes open – but have them only slightly open, gazing downwards without focusing

By focusing on the mind of a patho-

  • Use the word Focus in a sentences

Sentence Examples

An echogenic focus can be a marker for abnormalities in the fetus.

My photographs were, you know, given to the corner drugstore and they came back, you know, thumb marks, smudged and out of focus.

It’s so much inside the camera range that it’s out of focus.

Your focus needs to be on our work.

A campaign that has zero focus, no platform, and not a single female supporter?

Because the election is imminent and we need to focus on shoring up votes.

Now that the dead weight is gone we can focus on your Summerwind dream-

Let’s skip the names and focus on the fucking.

Well, maybe you could help him find something positive to focus on?

Let’s all keep our minds focus on targeting America after China.

hey focus on you so much so they don’t have to focus on themselves and all their crap.

No longer could he focus on his training and his desire to restore his family honor also faded.

Now focus on yourself, try and get back on track.

Vienna, once the city of joy, is now the focus of disease and hunger Germany is divided and is being destroyed by infighting and all this was the work of a man … the great man from Corsica:

This is where we must focus the public’s attention.

Don’t seem to have it in focus here.

And don’t focus on just one or else the others will be offended.

I┬┤m certainly out of focus now.

Better go upstairs, we need to focus.

Eyes without focus, flesh without feeling lips with no tongue, utter decay.

It interests me. One must not focus on what is seen but on what is not seen.

You’re too restless. Calm down and focus. You’ll never get into a good junior high that way.

You can’t afford to lose your focus.

Old Hyder Khan must’ve been out of focus at the time.

You got her in focus, boys?

It’s impossible for me to focus.

Se├▒or, my medium is far sighted things that are too close sometimes are out of focus

Your eyes’ focus matters in the way of the sword.

With these hands? And a brain that’s all out of focus?

A certain air of strain, an inability to focus his eyes on the person he’s talking to… a few rather marked irrelevancies in his conversation.

Sometimes you sing for the crowd… but your focus is on a single person.

«Urashima the focus of All Japan

A stranger would have thought him insensitive to the occasion, for the preceding hours had held the full meaning of a quarter-century of George Boswell’s life into violent focus.

I haven’t been able to focus straight for days. What’s new with you?

When he x-rays me, I’m… I’m out of focus.

Also something about «time marching on» and a newsreel of the royal family… christening something extremely out of focus… — a lot of people being saved from a sinking freighter… and a cat which had its kittens in a harmonium… which made ghostly music and frightened a Harlem congregation nearly out of its wits.

Seems to be the focus of the evening.

How can I focus this thing if you keep on fidgeting?

«Guernica,» painted during the Spanish Civil War, provided the main focus of this film.

You can just focus on your studies.

The camera used, the exposure, the focus what kind of film, what kind of paper it was printed on the distance from the camera, and then match it.

You’d think that with all the photographers in this town, one would’ve gotten me in focus.

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for focus.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is focusing
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is direction
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is centering
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is focal point
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is focussing
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is rivet
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is center
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is concentrate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is centre
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is pore
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is focalise
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is focalize
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is concenter
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is concentre
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is nidus
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is stress
  • • Relevant word or phrase for focus is sharpen
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  • Use the word flight in a sentence
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