Use the word fluctuation in a sentence

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колебание n













Minimum fluctuation or smallest increment of price movement.

(З) Минимальное колебание или самое малое изменение цены.

Accordingly, the reaction, or the fluctuation of the price in the opposite direction, should be commensurate with such a long-term increase.

Соответственно, реакция или колебание цены в противоположном направлении, должны быть соразмерны с таким долгосрочным ростом.

This fluctuation from high to low levels becomes a barrier for people with diabetes, as they become discouraged.

Эта флуктуация от высокого до низкого уровня становится барьером для людей с диабетом, поскольку они обескуражены.

A small quantum fluctuation in that universe immediately divorced itself from that universe to become ours.

Небольшая квантовая флуктуация в этой вселенной немедленно отделилась от нее, чтобы стать нашей.

There is no price fluctuation risk.

Здесь нет никакого риска, связанного с колебаниями цен.

Not influenced by voltage fluctuation, work normally under 100v-240v voltage.

З. не зависит от колебаний напряжения, обычно работают под напряжением 100v-240v.

There is greater inter-country variation in services exports fluctuation.

Между странами наблюдается более значительная дифференциация по амплитуде колебаний экспорта услуг.

Yet the name was not adopted without some fluctuation.

В то же время название было изменено не без некоторых колебаний.

Small change against the trillion-dollar fluctuation.

Небольшая сумма с учетом колебаний в триллион долларов.

But I sometimes will look at the short-term fluctuation.

Тем не менее, про краткосрочные колебания я всё равно буду говорить.

Previous research had seemed to indicate that statistical fluctuation would condense rapidly.

Предыдущие исследования, как представляется, указывали на то, что статистические колебания будут быстро сокращаться.

Restaurant business still has a chance to grow amidst economic fluctuation.

У ресторанного бизнеса в Таиланде все еще есть шанс вырасти в условиях экономических колебаний.

There are other reasons too for the price fluctuation.

For example, you could use a stock chart to indicate the fluctuation of daily or annual temperatures.

Хотя их можно использовать, например, и для демонстрации колебаний дневных или годовых температур.

In a sense, it is this perpetual fluctuation that permits human beings to accomplish so much.

В каком-то смысле именно эти постоянные флуктуации позволяют человеческим существам так многого добиваться.

This rate is adjusted based on the fluctuation of gas prices.

Этот коэффициент изменяется с учетом колебания цен на нефть.

The fluctuation of weight is accompanied by a multitude of connected side effects that harm your physical health.

Колебания веса приводят к множеству побочных эффектов, которые наносят вред вашему физическому здоровью.

Its price fluctuation creates a serious problem to farmers.

Колебания цен на зерно — серьезная проблема для производителей.

They worried that the price fluctuation and lack of regulatory oversight could get their customers in trouble.

Они были обеспокоены тем, что колебания цен и отсутствие регулирующего надзора могут привести к проблемам у их клиентов.

You can follow the fluctuation of the price manually, simply by looking at the exchange rate.

Вы можете следить за колебаниями цены вручную, просто посмотрев на обменный курс.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fluctuation

Результатов: 2308. Точных совпадений: 2308. Затраченное время: 96 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1. Prices are subject to fluctuation.

2. The calculations do not take into account any fluctuation in the share price.

3. This price fluctuation requires that one measure the current yield on a seasoned bond.

4. There is much evidence that the fluctuation field involves distinctive patterns of motion.

5. As it is sensitive to large temperature fluctuation, care should be taken to maintain a stable reading.

6. This also gets round problems of fluctuation, when business is slow, they do not have to maintain a regular workforce.

7. Continual weight fluctuation increases the risk of heart disease and early death.

8. The third general feature is increased fluctuation in production between years.

9. The reason is simply a minor fluctuation in the fluid content of your body.

10. See also Variable Limit, Maximum Price Fluctuation.

11. The fluctuation changes from acuteness to smoothness.

12. Sometimes temporal fluctuation may take place inthe local velocity.

13. The fluctuation range of commodity market is getting larger.

14. This offer is subject to market fluctuation.

15. If ward sets upstair, fluctuation stair became big question.

16. Local faults cause more sidebands, but less fluctuation intensity.

17. There has been much price fluctuation recently.

18. Loss from fluctuation of foreign currency exchange rate.

19. But what about the risk of currency fluctuation?

20. The erratic fluctuation of market prices are in consequence of unstable economy.

21. On the basis of concentric annular fluctUation pressure model, approximate solution of eccentric annular was soluted.

22. The number of students at a college can be subject to considerable fluctuation.

23. Indeed, at one point the peak of a worst case fluctuation actually exceeds that of the best case.

24. Any number of circumstances may give rise to a fluctuation in workload thus upsetting staffing predictions.

25. As with most ordinary deposit accounts, rates are subject to fluctuation without notice.

26. Or perhaps a new set of laws will come into being, by some sort of quantum fluctuation.

27. Provision of forward exchange cover or currency options to protect against loss through fluctuation in rates of exchange.

28. A computer printout running constantly shows any increase or decrease in activity and the appropriate fluctuation in energy

29. The test results show that the misfire malfunction simulation device can run reliably and have an apparent influence on the engine crankshaft instantaneous speed fluctuation.

30. Most common like has the blood flushes intermittent fever, losing sleep, the function to reduce, the mood fluctuation, the palpitation chest stuffily and so on.

He went deeper in: through signal level monitoring, fluctuation pattern analysis, and information stream consistency

While the cost of a barrel of oil may vary, the one remaining constant is the fluctuation of public anxiety that varies in proportion to rising or declining prices

of minds, fluctuation in the winds necessarily affects consciousness The

fluctuation in his feelings is inevitable, but he must try to minimize it

fluctuation, for it is that “perfect love which casteth out fear”

default risk — loans might have to be paid when cash-flow is negative — and- there is greater risk incurred because of the potential for interest rate fluctuation

While ancient Egyptians didn’t have the temperature fluctuation found at greater latitudes to contend with, they did have a need to anticipate the annual Nile flooding season

technology is derived, but it hardly explains the quantum fluctuation and gravity at the micro levels of reality

“Our GCP seems to be indicating a fluctuation in the noosphere

Strive ever onwards to a higher plain – stay the course of fluctuation, the day’s

Therefore, these attempts to quit the addiction will have only a short-term effect (a small fluctuation in the planned “trajectory” that cannot essentially influence the quality of the Vector of a subsequent Choice which could replace this priority Direction by another one that leads to a higher-quality individual development scenario), after which “the human being” will get back to “his rut”

This Principle is that fluctuation factor (it “sways” incessantly, stimulating the appearance of qualitative inertial changes) that gives rise in each skrruullerrt system to the diversity of different-quality variants of choices

That is, the whole meaning of its creative self-realization (as well as that of a Formo-“particles” of any other Level!!) is that it simply cannot be “for a long time” either a flaks or a wave, but performs the simultaneous fluctuation manifestation of its Focus — through its typical Energy-Information — between Configurations of Forms that simultaneously structure these duvuyllerrt qualitative Levels of Energy-Plasma (in the resopason from 3

Let me remind you one more time that they synthesize in the 2-3-dimensional diapason Aspects of one dominant Quality with very weak (fluctuation) interactions with Fields-Consciousnesses that represent Aspects of the other 11 Qualities

Closer and longer creative interrelations gradually start to appear between them, with a weak fluctuation interaction with Aspects of other Qualities, but each Form tries to assert its own position typical of its Quality

I have mentioned somewhere that each of the 12 Flows of Pure Qualities is differentiated inside itself into 1728 main (distinct in the discrete Direction of their life creativity, but duvuyllerrtly reprojected onto each other) Aspects that are subject to the Synthesis with each other (with the passive fluctuation dynamics of the same number of Aspects of each of the other 11 Qualities) in Self-Consciousnesses of doollttrok Forms

The annual average temperature is beneath freezing point, and the fluctuation throughout the year is huge: in the summer we can lie in the sun at 86 F, but in the winter -58 F is not unusual

That concept of insurance alone is worth much more than the cost and the time you took to read the report! But seriously, apply this method and you will see a big difference in the fluctuation of your bankroll

fluctuation of levels of insulin, thus increasing the chance of fertility

in production of insulin, thereby decreasing the risks of insulin fluctuation

It also helps to increase the liver function in regulating the spleen function in insulin production, resulting in reducing the risk of insulin fluctuation

fluctuation, resulting in increasing the blood stagnation in the abdominal

abnormal weight gain that increases the risk of insulin fluctuation, leading to

glucose disposal, it helps to reduce the fluctuation of levels of insulin in the blood stream, leading to reducing the risk of sugar craving, thus helping to

fluctuation, causing low sperm quality in men and distorting the menstrual

Here I should note that even with a very accurate scale, there’s some fluctuation in the weight reading

the fluctuation of their silver -black colours blinking on and off as their bodies turned in

Some slipped a little downward, some got higher footing: people denied aspirates, gained wealth, and fastidious gentlemen stood for boroughs; some were caught in political currents, some in ecclesiastical, and perhaps found themselves surprisingly grouped in consequence; while a few personages or families that stood with rocky firmness amid all this fluctuation, were slowly presenting new aspects in spite of solidity, and altering with the double change of self and beholder

In much the same way, investment crowds burn brightly in the financial universe and are responsible for much of the observed price fluctuation

The ratio was clearly behaving differently than it had over the past 120 years by leaving its normal range of fluctuation between 0

In actual practice, the presence of additional noise and fluctuation obscures these simple tendencies, but this is the underlying truth of momentum divergence

The benefit for Southwest (and its passengers) is that the company has fixed its costs and eliminated the volatility associated with the price fluctuation of jet fuel

Historical volatility: The fluctuation trends during a time span of one year

Volatility: The fluctuation in the option price

In addition to this standardized measure of past market fluctuation, other factors influence market volatility

The psychological effect of anticipating future events which will influence the price fluctuation of the underlying market are reflected in the option premium as a component of implied volatility

The standardized measurement of the fluctuation of a market, from a given time until expiration (or the time the position is offset), is called actual volatility

The risk of implied volatility fluctuation is measured by the position’s vega

This weighting is expressed by the number of equivalent underlying (futures), or the amount an option moves for a minimum price fluctuation of the underlying

Just when does a fluctuation indicate a turn and when is it merely a temporary correction? Even with other financial knowledge to test the plausibility of an indicator, and even with extensive experience interpreting charts, the chances of making a mistake are high

volatility: the amount of fluctuation in a share price; the more it moves the greater the risk

This causes tremendous price fluctuation, or as we say, volatility

Exactly at what point the question of price fluctuation becomes material rather than minor is naturally impossible to prescribe

The distinction to be made, therefore, is not between industries which are exempt from and those which are affected by depression, but rather between those which are more and those which are less subject to fluctuation

The most striking aspect of the Staley exhibit is the extraordinary fluctuation in the yearly earnings per share of common stock

In theory it should be just long enough to cover a full cyclical fluctuation but not so long as to include factors or results that are totally out of date

But it is our thesis that a properly executed group investment in common stocks does not carry any substantial risk of this sort and that therefore it should not be termed “risky” merely because of the element of price fluctuation

Of course, as far as the price of any individual house was concerned, there was a lot of fluctuation around this line depending on how good a salesman the realtor was and how desperate the owner was to sell

The findings presented above suggest that fluctuation in

Investors shouldn’t let short-term trading and market fluctuation get in the way of your long-term thinking

The men of this party said and thought that what was wrong resulted chiefly from the Emperor’s presence in the army with his military court and from the consequent presence there of an indefinite, conditional, and unsteady fluctuation of relations, which is in place at court but harmful in an army; that a sovereign should reign but not command the army, and

8, is consistent with my argument that much of the curve’s cyclical fluctuation reflects mean-reverting rate expectations, while the risk premium exhibits the mountain shape that echoed inflation trends over the sample period

The holder of a foreign stock or bond is subject not only to the intrinsic risks of that security but also to the additional risk of currency fluctuation

Also, keep in mind that you can lose the amount of a dividend in one or two days’ fluctuation in the price of the stock

The Upside of Margin Fluctuation

Selling premium in volatile markets is an aggressive strategy, and you may be in for a little more “fluctuation” in your option values in the short term, especially if you’re a few days early in your position entry

However, it will be a whole lot less fluctuation than if you shorted the futures and were wrong in the short term

Your option is likely to lose that much in time value over the next 30 days (although it could gain or lose more value through market movement or volatility fluctuation)

A little fluctuation of the wind now carried the path of the forest fire to the north, then blew back and the flames nearly stood still as though held in leash by some master hand

It is remarkable that this fluctuation, whether periodical or not, appears thus to require many years for its accomplishment

By this fluctuation the pond asserts its title to a shore, and thus the shore is shorn, and the trees cannot hold it by right of possession

At one rod from the shore its greatest fluctuation, when observed by means of a level on land directed toward a graduated staff on the ice, was three quarters of an inch, though the ice appeared firmly attached to the shore

The men of this party said and thought that what was wrong resulted chiefly from the Emperor’s presence in the army with his military court and from the consequent presence there of an indefinite, conditional, and unsteady fluctuation of relations, which is in place at court but harmful in an army; that a sovereign should reign but not command the army, and that the only way out of the position would be for the Emperor and his court to leave the army; that the mere presence of the Emperor paralyzed the action of fifty thousand men required to secure his personal safety, and that the worst commander in chief, if independent, would be better than the very best one trammeled by the presence and authority of the monarch

What is the spirit that breathes in the five resolutions which have been adopted—resolutions which were in entire accordance with my feelings? Is it not a spirit of war? Do they not bear a hostile aspect? Are they not calculated to induce Great Britain to believe that forbearance on our part has terminated, and that we are resolved, unless she speedily extend to us full and ample justice, to decide the contest by the sword? Have you any thing to hope, by operating upon the minds of the rulers of that nation, a conviction that you are boasting no longer? If you do entertain such a hope, I pray you, do not adopt this measure—a measure which will show her the fluctuation of our opinions, and the repugnancy of our plans; a measure which will lull to sleep her fears of war, and convince her not only of your indecision, but of your timidity to unsheath your sword in defence of rights clear and undisputed, and in avenging injuries too glaring for the dignity and honor of a nation to submit to

Our Government was founded on the broad basis of popular opinion, liable to fluctuation upon the first appearance of any system which might be calculated to destroy the liberties of the people

I really could use a new quantum fluctuation generator.

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На самом деле я мог бы использовать новый генератор квантовых флуктуаций.

Fluctuation in temperature with time in the refrigerated display-case.

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Изменение температуры в холодильной витрине во времени.

Key words: cluster, water,

optical narrow angles method, fluctuation method.


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Ключевые слова: кластер, вода,

оптический метод малых углов, метод флюктуаций.


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Если потребность зыбкости temp под± 1. 8° C пожалуйста выбирает« низкотемпературный пакет зыбкости»,


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Колебание валютного курса.


Ornithocomplex dynamics is determined by fluctuation of water level, change of vegetation structure, and antropogenic influence.


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Динамика орнитокомплекса определяется колебаниями уровня воды, изменениями структуры растительности, антропогенными факторами.


The change in local staff salaries is owing to fluctuation in the exchange rates.


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Изменение объема ассигнований на оклады местного персонала обусловлено колебаниями валютных курсов.


II. Fluctuation in resource requirements for conference services.


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Ii. изменения потребностей в ресурсах на цели.


Power supply requirement: AC50Hz, 220V, stability of frequency: fluctuation less than 0.5% 2.

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Требования к электропитанию: AC50Hz, 220V, стабильность частоты: флуктуация менее, 5% 2.

Seizures in Canada and Mexico have registered comparable fluctuation trends in recent years.


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В последние годы объемы изъятий в Канаде и Мексике характеризовались аналогичными колебаниями.


Or it could have

been your dense magnetic field causing a fluctuation of my artron energy.

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Или это было ваше плотное магнитное поле вызвавшее флуктуации моей артронной энергии.

That way we are able to respond promptly in case of even minor fluctuation of product parameters.


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Так мы сможем быстро отреагировать, даже при минимальном изменении параметров продукта.


We have seen fluctuation more than 200 pips just for a single news released.


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Мы увидели зыбкость больше чем 200 типунов как раз для одиночной выпущенной весточки.


That may be why we never picked up any quantum fluctuation patterns.

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Вот, скорее всего, почему мы никогда не получали никаких образцов квантовой флуктуации.

This measure of output suggests fluctuation in the output of a country that is just not occurring.

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Это измерение выхода предлагает зыбкость в выходе страны справедливый не происходить.

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Fluctuation phenomena in electronic devices Professor Vorobyev M.D.


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Флуктуационные явления в электронных приборах Профессор Воробьев М. Д.


Seasonality of Operations The Company as a whole

is not subject to significant seasonal fluctuation.


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Сезонный характер деятельности

Общество в целом не подвержена значительным сезонным колебаниям.


GW by sector(public and private) was subject to fluctuation.


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Соотношение ЗПБ в различных секторах( государственном и частном) было подвержено колебаниям.


In the case of a sound wave it is a fluctuation in pressure.

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В случае звуковой войны будет зыбкостью в давлении.

Immunity to voltage drop, short interrupts and voltage fluctuation.

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Тесты сопротивления против кратковременным надениям напряжения, коротким перерывом и колебанию напряжения.

Additional expenditures deriving from inflation and currency fluctuation.


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Дополнительные расходы, возникающие в связи с инфляцией и колебанием.


An investor experiences the risk as a unit price fluctuation.


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Для инвестора риск выражается в колебаниях цены пая.


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Обнаружены энергетические отклонения в одном из коридоров вспомогательного служебного доступа.

Governor, did you know you had a power fluctuation in your weather control system?

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Губернатор, Вы осведомлены об энергетических перепадах в Вашей системе климатического контроля?

Theory of Fluctuation Phenomena in Waves Propagating in a Turbulent Atmosphere,


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Теория флуктуанионных явлений при распространении волн в турбулентной атмосфере.


Fractal exponent α is determined using detrended fluctuation analysis(DFA) 4.


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Коэффициент флюктуации α определяется с помощью флюктуационного анализа с устранением трендов( DFA: detrended fluctuation analysis) 4.


Interest rate fluctuation risk- risk that Customer may incur losses due to interest rates.


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Риск процентных ставок- риск понести убытки в результате колебаний процентных ставок на рынке.


Many years’ counts of

breeding pairs of the species show small fluctuation in the bird numbers.


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Многолетние учеты гнездовых пар вида говорят о незначительных колебаниях ее численности.


fluctuation — перевод на русский


The fluctuations of your power are taking the shape of love and emotions.

Колебания твоей силы принимают форму любви и эмоций.

Except for a momentary fluctuation on your instruments, this planet has no magnetic field.

За исключением колебания на ваших приборах, у планеты нет никакого магнитного поля.

Presently there were no good spells merely brief fluctuations in the speed of his decline.

Вскоре хороших полос вообще больше не стало, а были только короткие колебания в скорости, с какой шло ухудшение.

There’s a severe energy fluctuation in this access panel.

Значительные энергетические колебания в этой панели доступа.

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That may be why we never picked up any quantum fluctuation patterns.

Вот, скорее всего, почему мы никогда не получали никаких образцов квантовой флуктуации.

If Sisko’s runabout is here we might pick up a fluctuation in the hysteresis curve.

Если катер Сиско в этой системе мы сможем засечь флуктуации петли гистерезиса.

All the quantum fluctuations in the universe will not change the cards in your hand.

Все квантовые флуктуации во Вселенной не изменят карт в вашей руке.

There have been power fluctuations in the navigational control system.

Обнаружены энергетические флуктуации в системе контроля навигации.

The life-form being monitored is displaying biomimetic fluctuations beyond stated parameters.

Наблюдаемое живое существо проявляет биометрические флуктуации вне заданных параметров.

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There’s an energy fluctuation in one of the utility access corridors.

Обнаружены энергетические отклонения в одном из коридоров вспомогательного служебного доступа.

I’m reading a slight fluctuation in the isocortex.

Регистрирую небольшие отклонения в изокортексе.

[COMPUTER BEEPING] Fluctuations in the isocortex.

Отклонения в изокортексе!

It’s based on non-linear dynamics — small fluctuations factor out in time.

Он основан на нелинейной динамике, в силу чего малые отклонения не влияют на общее развитие.

— Any fluctuation in your field of vision?

— Какие то отклонения в поле зрения?

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Cattle deaths, temperature fluctuations electrical storms.

Падёж скота, перепады температуры, грозовые бури.

The temperature fluctuations alone would— — these things expand and contract.

Перепады температур… они увеличиваются и уменьшаются в размерах.

Electro-static fluctuations in the atmosphere.

Электростатические перепады в атмосфере.

Uh, power surges? Temperature fluctuations?

Ну скачки напряжения, перепады температуры?

Alpha Station survived for 97 years in space through elevated radiation levels and extreme temperature fluctuations.

Альфа-станция выдержала в открытом космосе девяносто семь лет. А это повышенный уровень радиации и экстремальные перепады температуры.

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