Use the word finished in a sentence

Antonym: unfinished. Similar words: finish, finish up, finish with, finnish, punished, burnished, astonished, diminish. Meaning: [‘fɪnɪʃt]  adj. 1. (of materials or goods) brought to the desired final state 2. ended or brought to an end 3. (of skills or the products of skills) brought to or having the greatest excellence; perfected 4. having a surface coating or finish applied 5. brought to ruin. 

Random good picture Not show

1. Finished labours are pleasant.

2. Against all odds, he finished the work.

3. I’ve finished this magazine. Can I swap with you?

4. My essay is practically finished now.

5. Have you finished your breakfast?

6. I still haven’t finished my essay.

7. When you have finished an exercise, rule off.

8. Are you finished with my tools yet?

9. The London factory assembles the finished product .

10. Of eight starters, only three finished the race.

11. Johnson finished first, closely followed by Stevens and Higgins.

12. I’m finished with the work.

12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

13. He assured me that he had finished.

14. Has he finished the work yet?

15. They finished in joint first place.

16. One suspects he will be finished with boxing.

17. The road finished in a narrow path.

18. Don’t rush off — I haven’t finished.

19. I’ve finished my essay at last!

20. My test is only partly finished.

21. Keep plodding on — you’ll soon be finished!

22. He finished the job already.

23. They finished the house within half a year.

24. Have you finished? —Not yet.

25. He finished third in the Tote Gold Trophy.

26. I won’t be finished for another hour.

27. Haven’t you finished your homework yet?

28. She finished putting the milk away and turned around.

29. I still haven’t finished painting the spare room.

30. Just a second — I’ve nearly finished.

More similar words: finish, finish up, finish with, finnish, punished, burnished, astonished, diminish, finite, definite, affinity, infinite, ministry, polished, definitive, definition, definitely, punish, vanish, sinister, minister, feminist, furnish, burnish, clownish, Spanish, tarnish, garnish, miniskirt, admonish. 

Finished is a 1923 British silent romance film directed by George A. Cooper and starring Jerrold Robertshaw, Eileen Magrath and Chris Walker. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

And that’s the thing about Early Access games on Steam: When they’re initially released to the public they’re not in a finished state.


There are lawyers who think while speaking into their dictaphones and I daresay that — aside from their helpless distance from the finished output — they can use that means effectively too.


The Challenger is an excellent example of how seemingly minor styling alterations can have a huge impact on the finished car’s attitude.


Still based on the underpinnings of a Jaguar XK, the finished article has an Aston Martin DB5-inspired body shell, a revised interior and the quaint addition of folding rear-facing seats in the boot.


Is it ok if Id don’t have a finished game at the end of Stugan?


TIP: Other enticements, like this special price, or the free finished basement if you sign by this weekend — are also phony.


Rosenberg’s critique shifted the emphasis from the object to the struggle itself, with the finished painting being only the physical — the process and the action is the act of art, artworks are not in the focus; this is something that would influence the emergence of a number of art movements in the coming years.


Your finished sentence will brilliantly distill what it is you are writing.


Hong’s previous film The Day He Arrives was also interested in repetition with variation, but In Another Country feels more finished and polished than that film did.


After months of developer preview releases, the newest version of Google’s operating system is available in finished form for the Nexus 5X, 6P, Nexus Player, Pixel C, Pixel, and Pixel XL.


There will be another squad of professionals who will proof read the finished work and do the needed copyediting to take our scholarship essay writing services to higher elevations of excellence.


As becomes clear all too quickly to anyone who plays the finished game, the results could be a little wonky, with views of the ships suddenly popping into place rather than smoothly rotating.


Another can’t wait to see the finished room.


The painting below has been highlighted with lighter colors to add a finished look.


Your students will love working on this large group project together and the finished projects make a dynamic classroom or hallway display.


Everyone including the CEO loves the finished buildings.»


can I just say that this demo for Kroll was cobbled together in just two weeks, expect the finished game to look much much better.


I’m living in a church parsonage with a huge finished basement… that is completely wood-paneled.


Therefore, the finished copies, the copyright, all subsidiary rights, and all profits are exclusively yours.


if you had come in and played any of the last builds we were working on, you would have said it was a finished game,» Urquhart tells Joystiq.


His finished projects are the result of very careful development and planning.


Fold remaining chicken wire behind the piece of a more finished look and extra security / smoother looking sides.


Made of ultra-soft brushed microfiber, the stylish sheets ensure a finished look for your bed and a blissful night’s sleep for you.


In fact, the less finished and more suggestive a toy is the more educational value it has — because it engages the imagination of the child (planks of wood become tree houses or ironing boards, silk cloths become knight’s capes or baby blankets).


I have saved about 30 of these parts for this company while employed here and the cost of the finished part is $ 50,000.00 per piece.


Now in addition to market-ready real estate there are even more properties ready and waiting for an investor to scoop them up, repair where needed, and flip the finished unit.


I can’t wait for the plumbing fixtures to go in so I can show you the finished space… but here’s a preview:


The spacious layout has a finished basement which is hard to come by and won’t last long in this gated community.


It was former BookPage contributor Michael Sims that National Geographic asked to take on the project; his finished book includes many of the astounding 3-D and 4-D images shown on the television series.


I toasted the almonds using a bit of EVOO to garnish the finished dish.


«The Lath Picture Show» emphasizes one of the most universal of materials, artistic and not, but its segues into highly finished forms depart from the back-to-basics idea.


After that I started to learn WordPress basics in order to give users a finished product.


Within the 3 finished levels oh 11 Windsong, you’ll find a room for every need!


As well-known clicker trainer Gary Wilkes says: «To assert that Pit Bulls are only aggressive if you train them to attack is to deny the existence of every other behaviour-specific breed on the planet… try telling a hunter that he paid $ 10 000 for a finished field pointer that had to be taught to point.


Another way to ensure that your course meets the required standards, in addition to the creation of a prototype, is to have a number of learners complete the finished sections of the course.


Mick Johnson, owner of Johnson Creek in St. Paul, Minn., says homeowners with this kind of budget can expect a wide variety of finished projects, including patios and retaining walls.


Handled finished product activity from Warehouse to Shipping.


Fans can also play the finished game before launch day with G.O.A.T. Edition on Tuesday, August 22, while EA Access members can play for up to 10 hours starting Thursday, August 17 with the EA Access Play First Trial on Xbox One.


Each and every character created in the Encased character creation prototype will be added to the records of the C.R.O.N.U.S database, leaving a permanent mark on the finished game.


You want your finished product to be perfect.


Regardless of location, fans are invited to an official web portal where they can solve these and other puzzles, interact with other players and earn prizes that carry over into the finished game.


According to the press release, the title for the exhibition is borrowed from American poet Frank O’Hara’s poem «Why I Am Not a Painter,» which reflects on the elusiveness of the creative process, often resulting in a finished work that bears no resemblance to its initial inspiration.


Unlike Ally’s comparison between finished books and movies, our in-process stories might need their chemistry adjusted.


Accusations of a finished game being cut up so some of it can be sold later as dlc.


For that, I am trying to feel inspired by real homes from real people, from my own home, my clients» finished projects and bloggers.


It seems to me that it’s much better to have a developer produce one Totally Finished game than several somewhat-finished ones.


I also like the look of small beads that have a little sparkle to them, but stone beads, seed beads, large beads — all will give you a different finished look.


In the past, such big investors would only buy finished projects with stable tenant rolls, says Boorstein.


Most importantly though, this product really does give me a beautiful finished look and helps my makeup to stay on and hydrated all day.


I’ve just put the finished touches on my new blog â $ ˜Coastal Styleâ $ ™ It will have lots of inspiration on beach houses, resortwear, summer food, travel and anything â $ ˜beachyâ $ ™.


Definition of Finished

completed; brought to an end

Examples of Finished in a sentence

Mindy quickly finished her homework so that she could play outside when she was done.


After they finished the game, the children put up the pieces and laid down to watch a movie.


Ray finished folding his laundry by noon and completed his other chores as well.




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Но, к сожалению грубости часто получаются случайно»,- Дамблдор закончил предложение серьезным тоном.

context icon

We both sort of approached Burt from both ends And

context icon

Мы оба в некотором роде обступили Барта с обеих сторон загнали

его в угол после лекции и каждый из нас буквально заканчивал предложение, начатое другим и спросили у него:» Знаете,

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Neither did his release mean that he had


the sentence, or, within


Rameka sense,


punitive component thereof.


context icon


An unsuitable definition-


person sees a dash(-) in the sentence“I


numbers 3- 7 today.”.

context icon

Неподходящая дефиниция- человек видит тире(-) в предложении:« Я сегодня прочитал страницы 3- 7».

Record while acting out


character’s role by pressing the»record» button and

press it again when you have


recording the sentence.

context icon

Ты должен записать свое« исполнение» роли выбранного персонажа: нажимай кнопку« записать»,

когда начинаешь говорить, и отключай ее по завершении фразы.

context icon

So, this guy’s been off


radar since he finished serving his sentence six months ago.

context icon

Так, этот парень без надзора с тех пор как он закончил отбывать наказание 6 месяцев назад.

Helping you in fights, climbing over


wall to buy blueberry dessert for you, helping you to beat


dog that bit you, and so on,” Judgment finished my sentence and sighed.“Grisia,

context icon

Помочь тебе в драке, перелезть через забор, чтобы купить для тебя черничный десерт, побить собаку,

что укусила тебя и так далее,- закончил мою фразу Кара и вздохнул.

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context icon

context icon

context icon

context icon



time I finish this sentence… about seven people around


world will make a huge mistake.

context icon

Когда я закончу эту фразу, примерно семь человек в мире совершат огромную ошибку.

context icon

Results: 223,
Time: 0.153





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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

verb (used with object)

to bring (something) to an end or to completion; complete: to finish a novel; to finish breakfast.

to come to the end of (a course, period of time, etc.): to finish school.

to use completely (often followed by up or off): to finish up a can of paint; to finish off the rest of the milk.

to overcome completely; destroy or kill (often followed by off): This spray will finish off the cockroaches.

to complete and perfect in detail; put the final touches on (sometimes followed by up): He decided to finish his plan more carefully. She finished up a painting.

to put a finish on (wood, metal, etc.): We finished the desk in antique red lacquer.

to perfect (a person) in education, accomplishments, social graces, etc.

to ready (livestock) for market by feeding a diet calculated to produce the desired weight.

verb (used without object)

to come to an end: The course finishes in January.

to complete a course, project, etc. (sometimes followed by up): I finished before he did. It was nine o’clock when we finished up.

(of livestock) to become fattened for market.


the end or conclusion; the final part or last stage.

the end of a hunt, race, etc.: a close finish.

a decisive ending: a fight to the finish.

the quality of being finished or completed with smoothness, elegance, etc.: to admire the finish of one’s writing.

educational or social polish.

the manner in which an object is perfected or finished in its preparation, or an effect imparted in finishing.

the surface coating or texture of wood, metal, etc.

something used or serving to finish, complete, or perfect a thing.

woodwork or the like, especially in the interior of a building, not essential to the structure but used for purposes of ornament, neatness, etc.: a finish of black walnut.

Also called finish coat, finishing coat . a final coat of plaster or paint.

a material for application in finishing.

Animal Husbandry. the fat tissue of livestock.

the flavor remaining in the mouth after a wine has been swallowed.

Verb Phrases

finish with,

  1. to bring to completion: She’s finished with her latest novel.
  2. to put aside, break all relations with, or reject finally: He’s finished with football and will play only baseball now. After the way they treated us, we’re finished with them.



There are grammar debates that never die; and the ones highlighted in the questions in this quiz are sure to rile everyone up once again. Do you know how to answer the questions that cause some of the greatest grammar debates?

Which sentence is correct?

Origin of finish

1300–50; Middle English finisshen<Anglo-French, Middle French finiss-, long stem of finir<Latin fīnīre to end. See fine1

synonym study for finish


fin·ish·er, nounnon·fin·ish·ing, adjective, nounpre·fin·ish, verb (used with object), noun


Finnish, finish

Words nearby finish

finick, finicky, fining, finis, finis coronat opus, finish, finished, finisher, finisher card, finishing, finishing nail Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to finish

accomplishment, defeat, ending, finale, appearance, surface, accomplish, achieve, clinch, close, complete, conclude, do, make, play out, settle, stop, wind up, wrap up, go

How to use finish in a sentence

  • Then, knit three stitches and finish by increasing another one.

  • Then, as we approach the finish, we use it all up with a glorious sprint.

  • An impressive variety of layouts allows buyers to choose the one that best suits their lifestyle, although there are some signature elements intrinsic to the developer’s vision, like the bespoke finishes that were selected to stand the test of time.

  • With these shelves, you will undoubtedly save space while creating a custom way to organize whether that be by color, brand, or finish.

  • For the optimal training experience, select one journey to watch live from start to finish.

  • I had been studying abroad in London, and came back to finish the semester at Tufts.

  • In 2008 and 2012, Huckabee and Santorum, respectively won the Iowa Caucus, but did not make it to the finish line.

  • “We would love to finish what we started some years ago,” Branson told journalists at a news conference with notable hesitancy.

  • Finish the sauce by putting the roasting pan on the stovetop over medium-high heat.

  • He said,  “I am breaking my heart over this story, and cannot bear to finish it.”

  • Before he could finish the sentence the Hole-keeper said snappishly, «Well, drop out again—quick!»

  • The mother’s lips could not finish the charge she was about to put upon her innocent child.

  • He shall give his mind to finish the glazing, and his watching to make clean the furnace.

  • I suppose I must take you down to see the old man, and then we’ll go straight off to Rome, and finish the winter there.

  • She’s been three times; but it’s so sad; the story is a beautiful one, only she doesn’t think he’ll live to finish it.

British Dictionary definitions for finish

verb (mainly tr)

to bring to an end; complete, conclude, or stop

(intr sometimes foll by up) to be at or come to the end; use up

to bring to a desired or complete condition

to put a particular surface texture on (wood, cloth, etc)

(often foll by off) to destroy or defeat completely

to train (a person) in social graces and talents

(intr foll by with)

  1. to end a relationship or association
  2. to stop punishing a personI haven’t finished with you yet!


the final or last stage or part; end

  1. the death, destruction, or absolute defeat of a person or one side in a conflicta fight to the finish
  2. the person, event, or thing that brings this about
  1. the surface texture or appearance of wood, cloth, etca rough finish
  2. a preparation, such as varnish, used to produce such a texture

a thing, event, etc, that completes

completeness and high quality of workmanship

refinement in social graces

sport ability to sprint at the end of a racehe has a good finish

Word Origin for finish

C14: from Old French finir, from Latin fīnīre see fine 1

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with finish

see from soup to nuts (start to finish); in at the death (finish).

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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