Use the word finally in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word finally, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use finally in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «finally».

Finally in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word finally in a sentence.

  1. Their father finally agreed.

  2. He finally retired in April 1930.

  3. He was finally dismissed for 178.

  4. Lodz finally located Scudder in St.

  5. It finally lifted off on August 21.

  6. Athens finally surrendered in 261 BC.

  7. The battle was finally won on 11 Sep.

  8. Cullinan finally gets her name right.

  9. It finally closed on January 13, 2002.

  10. Parliament finally reconvened in 1971.

  11. The train finally arrived in Liverpool at 10:30 pm.

  12. They finally left Cape Denison on 24 December 1913.

  13. Kroonland finally docked in New York on 16 October.

  14. Work on the roads finally commenced on 17 December.

  15. The defenders finally surrendered a few days later.

  16. After a protracted month-long battle, Aizu finally admitted defeat on November 6.

  17. The impasse was finally resolved by naming Anselm the Metropolitan of Canterbury.

  18. Gilbert finally proposed a comparatively serious opera, to which Sullivan agreed.

  19. Demosthenes however reversed Aeschines’ initiatives and Athens finally abstained.

  20. Four islands were finally chosen: Maud, Hauturu/Little Barrier, Codfish and Mana.

  21. It was finally released on 25 February 2014 as a digital download through Universal Music and Island.

  22. She revised the Space Brothers’ expected landing date several times, before finally settling on 2001.

  23. The Norman fleet finally set sail two days later, landing in England at Pevensey Bay on 28 September.

  24. When he finally gave up his efforts to acquire an American work visa in 1984, he returned to Toronto.

  25. In Jarman’s version, Edward finally escapes captivity, following the tradition in the Fieschi letter.

  26. The Cardiff manager continued to heap praise on his new acquisition until Hurley finally stopped him.

  27. On 15 August, Endeavour finally turned south to explore the open ocean for Terra Australis Incognita.

  28. The Senate subcommittee finally issued its report on September 5, 1957, placing no blame on Chotiner.

  29. He finally left Cuzco on 18 May, accompanied by a party of six who, like him, were returning to Lima.

  30. The Friends court case has been postponed several times, but was finally underway on 12 January 2010.

  31. In February 1551, his health finally broke down, and on the 22nd he dictated an addition to his will.

  32. She finally confessed to the murder the night before she was hanged, on 29 July at Wandsworth Prison.

  33. The War of the Spanish Succession was finally settled in 1713 by a series of treaties and agreements.

  34. There was an extended debate when the four Iowa ships were finally decommissioned in the early 1990s.

  35. McKinley senior operated foundries throughout Ohio, in New Lisbon, Niles, Poland, and finally Canton.

  36. Additionally, the coins finally began to be used regularly with many mass-transit systems and vending-machine operations.

  37. L’Ange finally received its premiere in its original form in 2018 in a concert performance at London’s Royal Opera House.

  38. With a loan from the West Bengal government, Ray finally completed the film; it was released in 1955 to critical acclaim.

  39. Nixon commanded the SCAT forward detachments at Vella Lavella, Bougainville, and finally at Green Island (Nissan Island).

  40. In February, they had been joined by the divisional pioneer battalion, which had finally managed to withdraw from Bosnia.

  41. The English batsmen continued to accelerate, and when Bradman finally brought Johnson into the attack, they targeted him.

  42. It was further increased in June 1939 to 90 days plus 15 for reprovisioning, and finally, in September 1939, to 180 days.

  43. With Ryan finally dead, Fontaine takes control of Ryan’s systems and leaves Jack to be killed by hostile security drones.

  44. Having finally eluded his pursuers, Bompart made directly for Lough Swilly where the landing was scheduled to take place.

  45. Blackburn deployed his last reserves on the afternoon of 4 March, and was finally outflanked to the south that afternoon.

  46. By November 2005, only two refugees, Mohammed Sagar and Muhammad Faisal remained on Nauru from those first sent there in 2001, with Sagar finally resettling in early 2007.

  47. The following year, Campbell finally achieved his goal of getting rid of the word «Astounding» in the magazine’s title, changing it to Analog Science Fact/Science Fiction.

  48. The «moment that [she had] been waiting for all season long» finally came to be when Dean took Sam seriously and actually listened to him instead of replying with sarcasm.

  49. The birth of her fourth child, Percy Florence, on 12 November 1819, finally lifted her spirits, though she nursed the memory of her lost children till the end of her life.

  50. On 30 July, his forces finally reached the seaside city of Tukums, near the Bay of Riga, thereby cutting off a total of 38 German infantry and armored divisions in Latvia.

Synonyms for finally

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word finally has the following synonyms: eventually, at length, last, lastly, in conclusion, ultimately, in the end, at last and at long last.

General information about «finally» example sentences

The example sentences for the word finally that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «finally» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «finally».

Examples of how to use the word “finally” in a sentence. How to connect “finally” with other words to make correct English sentences.

finally (adv): after a long time or some difficulty

Use “finally” in a sentence

She finally achieved her ambition of becoming a famous writer.
Finally, they approved the proposal.
I finally passed the test.
The train finally arrived.
Finally, I found a job.
He finally achieved his goals.
We finally arrived at the lake.
I finally passed that test.

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Use finally in a sentence. Sentence for finally. How to use the word finally in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word finally. How to use “finally” with example sentences.

Use Finally in a Sentence - How to use "Finally" in a sentence

Examples of finally in a sentence

  1. The right hands have finally been found.
  2. He progressed from trade union official to local mayor, Liberal candidate and election agent, and finally in 1903 to Labour M. P. from Durham.
  3. Finally, a customized tailor-made garment system in a company is int …
  4. Finally, sentimental observers consider that job satisfaction is sufficient compensation for the lack of material rewards.
  5. Finally the belt is hooked on the Doom Diver Catapult and it prepares for a sudden acceleration.
  6. They finally straggled into Astoria in 1812 after great hardships, which are described in Washington Irving’s Astoria (1836).
  7. This crystal was finally picked up by geologists, who could not classify it.
  8. The financial strains of the Dutch war finally induced the Spanish to propose an armistice, and Spinola and Maurice concluded a 12-year truce in 1609.
  9. Finally, let me insert as the keystone of all that I have been saying in this chapter, be sincere, and ardent, and consistent in your own piety.
  10. After trying in vain on all sides to escape, by forcing his way, and finding that the box is too strong for him in every part, he finally concludes to gnaw out.
  11. They walked up the bank, and finally emerging from the wood at the place where they had entered it, they went toward home.
  12. He finally concluded to undertake the work.
  13. It was finally decided that Stuyvesant should go alone.
  14. It slackened its speed as it advanced, and finally stopped opposite to the platform on which Stuyvesant was standing.
  15. In this disguise he succeeded in making acquaintance with Europa, and finally persuaded her to elope with him.
  16. Their landing finally in the dominions of Latinus in Italy, was not, they confessed, wholly undesigned, for Latium had been divinely indicated to them, on their way, as the place destined by the decrees of heaven for their final home.

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They had eaten all they could of the trap mix over vedn toast by the time Venna finally stirred

When Mom finally told me about the case, I remember just nodding and walking to my room to just stare at the ceiling and think

· Your investment in health insurance is finally beginning to pay off

Finally at five pm, during the Aoki set, he felt the phone vibrate, and headed for the nearest security guard that bore the Oodle logo, a rune in black and white

Finally E, energy, you have to make

Finally, satisfied, her face broke into a thin smile, but her eyes were still cold and lifeless

Once she finally got his attention back she asked, «Are you going to tell me what this is about?»

Seeing Aiko’s pained face, her arms cradling the man on the floor, I finally realize

After what seemed like an eternity of silence, mostly because Ackers was scrutinizing them from the view screen, the elevator finally came to a stop with a sudden lurch

Kulai finally gave up his security blanket at the Kassikan because he has me to back him up and you want me to go away for how long? A year?»

Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

Finally, avoid exposure to bright before bedtime because it signals the neurons that help control the sleep-wake cycle that it is time to awaken, not to sleep

«There’s finally radar available, now that they can cast silicon here, but I had to rig up a lantern over the solar panel to run it in the dark

«Finally,» he muttered, dusting himself off

In the first glow of dawn in week Imnotn they finally reached Zharvai

The lake was choppy and it was late in Morningday when they finally spotted the Sinbara peninsula on the horizon

“This,” Ackers finally found his voice, “is Silence

When he smelled the mix heating he finally came back out

While they talked, she had told Jorma that Kulai was finally the one

After a while they could finally see the door ahead of and above them

But the fact she finally based her decision on, when all was said and done, was Kulai’s maturity

“He wanted me to tell you he said ‘hi,’” I finally say, but I find it’s the wrong thing to say

It was lunch time before they finally moved off, but they ate fruit and bread as they moved out into open country

This will finally, lead you to suitable products

This will not only lock up money without giving any return, it also would mean loss when the design is changed when you finally need it

Cut your wants and better prepare your cash flow chart of money supply and finally develop the habit of spending a little for the less fortunate people of the community and also practice practical spirituality to enjoy the bliss of life

But Ackers had finally found it buried at the bottom of the closet

Finally, Manuel came with his big rolling tray of tools to check on Baggy’s condition

Finally got rid

Finally he hangs up, tosses his phone on the passenger’s seat, reaches over and turns on the radio

John finally realizes she is there

finally to make the prefect little black dress for her to wear

«You’re not sure,» he finally had to ask

Finally, he opens the travel bag, takes out his Rolex, looks at it

After sleeping penniless on the roof of a YMCA with the pigeons, he finally earned some money fighting forest fires as a volunteer

Finally, the old man turns his head slowly toward them, slides down off the donkey

Finally the man reaches John’s side of the car

blitz, all of the inventive rationing, the later convoys heading south, and finally the

It took another hour before her battered old car finally struggled up the winding roads and steep hills that lead to his remote home in South-West County Wickford

He had a big clotted goober stuck in his fuzz that doostEr finally took out with his knife

He swallows water, chokes, tries to reach the surface, but he finally gives up, begins to sink rapidly

They took up the front another few turns before they could finally slide it under

By then it was halfway thru the after-lunch but the aisle was finally clear

waking, which, at seventy-four years of age, is finally taking its toll

When they finally tramped down there, they found one of Taktor’s men named Ilumvi, Estwig, and a large man who was probably half Elf, half Dwarf and a laboratory muscle pill

She felt, then heard and finally saw the metamorphosis

The Victorian solidity of brick and stone was finally giving way to

Finally Teekra clears her throat

I had dozed on and off for several hours but, an over-full bladder finally dragged me out of bed just after nine

Once they did, their creed could finally make some real sense

waltz, and finally a Queen’s minuet

in the process, but finally he managed to fall back onto the relative safety of his bed

And finally she, the Countess, had rejoiced that she could end her mother’s

his jacket pocket, wiped first his brow and then his glasses, and then finally, and with

Finally he leaned forward a little, bringing his large beaked nose and inked skin into the light and revealing the swirl of art that covered his face and neck

It takes a moment for him to spot the bird but it is with deep satisfaction that he finally tells me that he can see it

There was no reason not to have a good fraction of Gordon’s Lamp’s crew restored by the time they finally got the Heavenly Mother in

He kept on until I finally got so mad that I hit him

purples and finally to the blackness of night

lieve that I have it even now, not when my body finally admits it

Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run

Finally she hissed to herself: «Come on Woman of Mass Destruction

The moon had finally

all these years of mumbling and insouciance she had finally come to him

When the bang finally came to the door I had to force myself to move

calcification, and finally returns back to its constituent elements through recycling or

far flung boundaries of the void Smith finally determined that the endlessly irritating

Not when we finally see the

very fabric of time and finally, in a moment of naturally divine inspiration, He

Finally two others appeared in their field of view riding animals

earth, shaking the foundations of the world to rubble, and finally, in the heart of

When he finally let me back up for air we were in the middle of Wickford nowhere

air like a knife, and when the mechanised grind of his jaws finally ceased, an echo

before supervisor McManus finally noticed that old Ted hadn’t entertained the other guards with his impression of a bugle call to signal the end of another long night shift

Final —> (Voice Child) My hunger was finally satisfied

when words and gestures like his own proved futile, the Barcs finally turned on

He had blood on the inside of his visor and when he did finally lift his head from the console and look up, his face was half covered in it

Later, at Janus, we all had a pleasant surprise: Alexander finally agreed to our attempting a technique for astral projection in class, which consists of the following steps:

Finally grandma disappears but I am still afraid and act as if she were still present

Let me explain: After one and a half month of inaction, we finally carried out a telepathy experiment which “of course” proved to be a flop! Not even one of us managed to make a close guess of the object placed on the reception table

At first, when the long hours of silence were rudely interrupted by activity out in the corridor, I did not believe in the sounds that came from the world outside of my cell: boots on ladder rungs, a scuff of rubber soles across rough concrete, and finally the sound of a key in a lock

This afternoon my sister and Antony finally decided to take a divorce by mutual consent, after ten years of misery and irresolution

Creditors were furious, they even went so far as to knock on their door and the couple pretended to be absent! So, Alice finally got sick and tired of this all and decided to ask for a divorce

When he finally decided he couldn’t do any more at this stage from the bridge, he went to finalize the connections on the other end, outside

Whole generations eventually die out, omnipotent dynasties are finally wiped out -it is just a matter of time

Finally, when she realized I had no intention of spending so much money for her, she asked me to buy her a book of poems -and I did that

Finally, seeing I hadn’t phoned her till yesterday afternoon, she called me at about 4:00 pm and asked me whether I intended to come or not; then she commented jokingly: “Those who don’t bring an expensive present, won’t come in!”

Finally, a congregation can be led by «Majority Rule» in two ways:

«I barely got to know any woman I ever married,» he finally admitted

Finally, he pointed out that even Christ has a head who

Weak with self-imposed malnutrition and the physical pain that came from my descent into madness, my body finally gave up the struggle for normality

I have no other alternative but run all the way to Vouliagmenis Avenue together with her, wait for the bus to Glyfada and finally end up in a colourless cafeteria of the common run

I learned, finally, to accept the hand that fate was dealing me

Once Hardway’s battlegroup and convoy had finally rendezvoused with Admiral Ming’s combined fleet over the debris field that had been an alien task force only hours ago, the Air Group Commander called the Lancers to Bay 23 in full flight gear

I try to bring her round, she resists, I emphasize I will come all the way from Glyfada, while she will only have to walk some metres; she grumbles a little more and finally she says in a plaintive voice: “Alright, Yvonne, I will come

» He finally speaks,

Finally, I offer a vague answer in hopes that it will satisfy him, «She died so we all could live

It’s well into the evening before she finally shows up

‘Andy?’ he asked finally, lifting his head to look at me

The ceremony is finally set to begin and I have taken my place at the seat in the center of the square, with Nathan standing by my side

1, They finally found the cat up on the roof.

2, We finally made him see the light.

3, Kawaguchi finally resorted to an outright lie.

4, We finally traced him to an address in Chicago.

5, Bess finally conceded that Nancy was right.

6, She finally got her own TV show.

7, He finally sussed out the truth.

8, After drilling for several weeks they finally struck oil.

9, The bank finally granted a £400 loan to me.

10, The law was finally passed in May 1999.

11, The news finally get through to us.

12, The boat finally fetched up on a sandy beach.

13, Police finally managed to catch the culprit.

14, When they finally arrived it was well past midnight.

15, She finally emerged from her room at noon.

16, He finally solved the difficulty of transportation.

17, Agreement was finally reached after very lengthy discussions.

18, The children were finally reunited with their families.

19, The lost girl was finally reunited with her parents.

20, Their ambitions were finally dead and buried.

21, My persistence in demanding my rights finally paid off.

22, He finally goaded her into answering his question.

23, I finally managed to disentangle myself from perplexity.

24, We finally opted for the wood finish.

25, We finally managed to get there in time.

26, They finally went aboard the plane.

27, They demurred politely,( but finally agreed to stay.

28, We finally reached the crest of the ridge.

29, The city is finally realizing its tourism potential.

30, The gunman was finally overpowered by three security guards.

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