Use the word fiction in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fiction, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fiction in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fiction».

Fiction in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fiction in a sentence.

  1. To turn fiction into fact.».

  2. Oh reader, this is no fiction!

  3. Science fiction writer and U.S.

  4. The result was mediocre fiction.

  5. Science fiction writer Terence M.

  6. Science fiction writers such as H.

  7. The 2003 science fiction film Koi..

  8. Science fiction illustrator Frank R.

  9. Future science fiction author Robert A.

  10. In fiction, Jeeves from the stories by P.

  11. The Turk has also inspired works of literary fiction.

  12. Whitehead, were hired to help find fiction to reprint.

  13. The episode also riffs on other science fiction shows.

  14. But there is no Malcolm untouched by doubt or fiction.

  15. Gernsback claimed that science fiction was educational.

  16. Its title is derived from the 1933 science fiction novel of the same name by H.G.

  17. Beeton began by translating French fiction for publication as stories or serials.

  18. Weird Tales is an American fantasy and horror fiction pulp magazine founded by J.

  19. The novel won three major science fiction awards (the Nebula Award, the Philip K.

  20. Other criticisms included a lack of character needed for truly engrossing fiction.

  21. In 2015, Chastain took on the part of a commander in Ridley Scott’s science fiction film The Martian.

  22. Reznor and Bender collaborated with Carnivàle writer Daniel Knauf to create the science fiction epic.

  23. Weaver offers JC’s Girls and as evidence that Heinlein’s fiction is becoming a reality.

  24. Everett Bleiler, a historian of science fiction, describes the stories as «moronic» and «third-rate».

  25. Despite the controversy, Starship Troopers had wide influence both within and outside science fiction.

  26. Hemingway’s fiction often used grammatical and stylistic structures from languages other than English.

  27. One of his first changes was to reduce the typeface to increase the amount of fiction in the magazine.

  28. New Worlds was a British science fiction magazine that began in 1936 as a fanzine called Novae Terrae.

  29. The only genuine science fiction story in the first issue is «The Perfect Counterfeit» by Captain S.P.

  30. Science fiction writer Jeanne Cavelos wrote that Jabba deserved the «award for most disgusting alien».

  31. He wrote an official report on events for the Foreign Office, and also absorbed ideas for his fiction.

  32. She next appeared in Anubhav Sinha’s science fiction film Ra.One with Shah Rukh Khan and Arjun Rampal.

  33. Planet Stories’ first few issues contained little notable fiction, but it improved throughout the war.

  34. Collin noted that the episode’s central conceit has been widely used within the science fiction genre.

  35. In contrast with Waugh’s other late full-length fiction, religious themes are not prominent in Pinfold.

  36. Some critics consider The Man in the Moone, along with Kepler’s Somnium, to be one of the first works of science fiction.

  37. The fiction that attacks on merchant shipping in the Mediterranean was the fault of ‘pirates unknown’ was fully indulged.

  38. Ace, along with Ballantine Books, was one of the leading science fiction publishers for its first ten years of operation.

  39. The title is taken from Marvin the Paranoid Android from the science fiction series The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

  40. In 2001, Hawke co-founded the Young Lions Fiction Award, an annual prize for achievements in fiction by writers under 35.

  41. The science fiction trade journal Locus commented in an early review that distribution of the magazine seemed to be weak.

  42. Waugh’s first fiction with a Catholic theme was the short story «Out of Depth» (1933) about the immutability of the Mass.

  43. Science fiction author Ben Bova re-invented Orion as a time-traveling servant of various gods in a series of five novels.

  44. Science fiction author Frederik Pohl, then working as a literary agent, was also helpful in connecting writers with Gold.

  45. StarCraft takes place in a science fiction universe created by Chris Metzen and James Phinney for Blizzard Entertainment.

  46. Operation Cascade was intended to create the fiction of a much increased Allied force in North Africa, including eight divisions, three new brigades, and even the 1st SAS.

  47. Friend, a pulp writer with more experience in Westerns than science fiction, though he had published a novel, The Kid from Mars, in Startling Stories just the year before.

  48. Wollheim had no budget at all for fiction, so he solicited stories from his friends among the Futurians, a group of young science fiction fans including James Blish and C.

  49. The later Pixies albums were characterized by Feldman’s increasing influence on the band’s output, as well as a focus on science fiction themes, including aliens and UFOs.

  50. Talbot Baines Reed (3 April 1852 28 November 1893) was an English writer of boys’ fiction who established a genre of school stories that endured into the mid-20th century.

Synonyms for fiction

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fiction has the following synonyms: fabrication and fable.

General information about «fiction» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fiction that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fiction» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fiction».

Synonym: fable, fairy tale, fantasy, invention, legend, myth, untruth. Antonym: fact, nonfiction. Similar words: conviction, prediction, restriction, jurisdiction, dictionary order, action, auction, section. Meaning: [‘fɪkʃn]  n. 1. a literary work based on the imagination and not necessarily on fact 2. a deliberately false or improbable account. 

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(1) Truth is stranger than fiction.

(2) The series will include both fiction and non-fiction.

(3) He has written over 20 works of fiction.

(4) Science fiction stories often mention robots that can talk.

(5) Fact is stranger than fiction.

(6) His testimony is a complete fiction.

(7) Immigrant tales have always been popular themes in fiction.

(8) in the field of romantic fiction.

(9) It’s very difficult to disentangle fact from fiction in what she’s saying.

(10) It is a legal fiction that a corporation is a person.

(11) The book is a work of fiction and not intended as a historical account.

(12) Truth is often stranger than fiction.

(13) The fiction story won’t film well.

(14) Fiction is a poor surrogate for real experience.

(15) The book intermingles fact and fiction.

(16) It’s important to distinguish fact from fiction.

(17) Her taste in fiction was for chunky historical romances.

(18) The sheer volume of fiction produced is staggering.

(19) In the story(,truth was interweaved with fiction.

(20) Anton has a consuming passion for science fiction.

(21) He loves science fiction in particular.

(22) How do we sort out fact from fiction?

(23) Science fiction just doesn’t turn me on.

(24) I read everything from fiction to history.

(25) The play is a composite of reality and fiction.

(26) Real life is sometimes stranger than fiction.

(27) He’s a great reader of crime fiction.

(28) The idea belongs in the realm of science fiction.

(29) The science fiction film had some marvellous special effects.

(30) Fact and fiction merge together in his latest thriller.

More similar words: conviction, prediction, restriction, jurisdiction, dictionary order, action, auction, section, fraction, sanction, reaction, reduction, function, election, objection, selection, infection, identification, esterification, functional, collection, connection, production, reflection, take action, projection, distinction, and function, inspection, protection. 

How do you use the word fiction in a sentence?

  1. [S] [T] He likes science fiction. (
  2. [S] [T] He loves science fiction. (
  3. [S] [T] He really likes science fiction. (
  4. [S] [T] Do you like science fiction movies? (
  5. [S] [T] Tom doesn’t read many non-fiction books. (
  6. [S] [T] He prefers poetry to fiction. (
  7. [S] [T] Fact is stranger than fiction. (

How do I use factitious in a sentence?

1) He has invented a wholly factitious story about his past. 2) The outcry was, to a certain extent, factitious. 3) Factitious what is occasionally is affection respect late blunt?

What is an example of factitious?

An example of a psychological factitious disorder is mimicking behavior that is typical of a mental illness, such as schizophrenia. The person may appear confused, make absurd statements, and report hallucinations (the experience of sensing things that are not there; for example, hearing voices).

What is fictitious syndrome?

Factitious disorder is a serious mental disorder in which someone deceives others by appearing sick, by purposely getting sick or by self-injury. Factitious disorder also can happen when family members or caregivers falsely present others, such as children, as being ill, injured or impaired.

How many types of factitious disorders are there?

There are four main types of factitious disorders, including: Factitious disorder with mostly psychological symptoms: As the description implies, people with this disorder mimic behavior that is typical of a mental illness, such as schizophrenia.

Is Munchausen syndrome a personality disorder?

Munchausen’s syndrome is a psychological disorder where someone pretends to be ill or deliberately produces symptoms of illness in themselves. Their main intention is to assume the “sick role” so that people care for them and they are the centre of attention.

What causes childlike behavior in adults?

Age regression may be the result of a medical or psychiatric issue. For example, some individuals experiencing significant distress or pain may revert to childlike behavior as a means to cope with anxiety or fear. Certain mental health issues make age regression more likely.

Do Narcissists pretend to be sick?

Key Points: Individuals who are high in narcissism may be more likely than others to fake being seriously ill or to fabricate a “health scare.” While the lie’s motivation isn’t always clear, evidence suggests that it may be a way to exert control over others, gain desired attention, or boost the narcissist’s reputation …

What are the symptoms of Munchausen disease?

What are the symptoms of Munchausen syndrome?

  • Dramatic but inconsistent medical history.
  • Problems with identity and self-esteem.
  • Predictable relapses following improvement in the condition.
  • Extensive knowledge of hospitals and/or medical terminology, as well as the textbook descriptions of illnesses.

What is it called when someone pretends to be sick for attention?

Munchausen syndrome is a rare type of mental disorder where a patient fakes illness to gain attention and sympathy.

Is attention-seeking a mental illness?

Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is a mental health disorder. People with BPD may often have dramatic, emotional, erratic, and attention-seeking moods. This behavior is severe enough to cause problems with family and work life, long-term planning, and sense of self.

Is wanting attention a bad thing?

If you notice this behavior is constantly recurring, it’s probably best for the person display the behavior to visit an experienced mental health professional. If left unchecked, attention-seeking behavior can often become manipulative or otherwise harmful.

What is narcissistic behavior?

Overview. Narcissistic personality disorder — one of several types of personality disorders — is a mental condition in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for excessive attention and admiration, troubled relationships, and a lack of empathy for others.

What are the 10 personality disorders?

The signs and symptoms of many personality disorders can overlap each other, though each specific type usually involves a defining feature.

  • Borderline Personality Disorder.
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder.
  • Histrionic Personality Disorder.
  • Narcissistic Personality Disorder.
  • Avoidant Personality Disorder.

What are the 3 types of personality disorders?

These are grouped into three categories. Suspicious: Paranoid personality disorder. Schizoid personality disorder….Emotional and impulsive:

  • Antisocial personality disorder (ASPD)
  • Borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • Histrionic personality disorder.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder.

What is the most common personality disorder?

Finally, according to findings of the most contemporary study (NESARC), the most common personality disorder in the United States is presently obsessive-compulsive personality (7.9%), followed by narcissistic (6.2%) and borderline (5.9%) personality disorders.

What are the 7 personality disorders?


  • Antisocial personality disorder.
  • Avoidant personality disorder.
  • Borderline personality disorder.
  • Dependent personality disorder.
  • Histrionic personality disorder.
  • Narcissistic personality disorder.
  • Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.
  • Paranoid personality disorder.

What triggers personality disorder?

Research suggests that genetics, abuse and other factors contribute to the development of obsessive-compulsive, narcissistic or other personality disorders. In the past, some believed that people with personality disorders were just lazy or even evil.

How do I know I have personality disorder?

You may have strong emotions, mood swings, and feelings you can’t cope with if you have borderline personality disorder (BPD). You may feel anxious and distressed a lot of the time. You may have problems with how you see yourself and your identity. You may self-harm or use drugs and alcohol to cope with these feelings.

What happens if personality disorder is left untreated?

If left untreated, the effects of borderline personality can be devastating, not only for the individual who is diagnosed with the disorder, but their friends and family as well. Some of the most common effects of untreated BPD can include the following: Dysfunctional social relationships. Repeated job losses.

«Oh come on Jorma, read the history of even this planet, much less the fiction

«Yeah, I looked up that fiction you mentioned, ‘Frankensteined back to life’ is my best memory of the words you used

The more raw food fiction that exists, the more chance of a break out success, and so I still work

When the plane started rolling down the driveway, it lit up underneath the wing like some kind of science fiction hovercraft

And then, there was good old-fashioned fiction with all its varying genres

A starship she could understand, they were common enough in fiction and some unsubstantiated reports said they actually existed back in the Energy Age

Non Fiction: The Breast of the Earth

bases her science fiction work on the culture of the islands

winning American science fiction author

“You like science fiction?” He nodded yes and she smiled at him, “Well now, the video store had quite a lot of them

What if this story is actually a lot closer to truth? What if truth is stranger than fiction? Is it possible that heaven will have light for all to see, but not everyone can bear that light? Those who can bear it will remain in the city

And this is my daughter who, until now has shown a remarkable lack of interest in science fiction generally and Star Wars in particular and who, not so very long ago, castigated her brother for being a Star Wars geek

She thought only a second then said, «I was encapsulated, the entertainment I was presented doesn’t mean anything until we run a test to prove whether the entertainment is possible, or fiction

“I read a story, fiction for sure, but it could happen

It was shaped like some weird space gun from a Science Fiction movie

«I was encapsulated, the entertainment I was presented doesn’t mean anything until we run a test to prove whether the entertainment is possible, or fiction

The club is industrial, modelled on old machinery; scaffolding, mocked-up turbine housings and a science fiction proliferation of metal walkways

As doors swing to and fro with the constant movement of nurses and support staff, interested bystanders try to catch a glimpse of the drama, eager to compare the reality of television medical scenes with the fiction all around them

coherent sentences in cursive, read volumes of manuscript both fiction and non,

You read fiction by the truckload, which deals with nothing but people’s lives

«Truth is stranger than fiction

And this truth was stranger than fiction that evening

and – if this had been fiction – she and James would have

«Oh no, but what she writes isn’t fiction, she’s more of a tech writer or news writer

‘ Obviously this was a work of fiction, but after all that had happened, he just couldn’t cram the lid closed on the ‘work of fiction‘ box

«This is a science fiction story,» he said

«What would be his motive for putting his credibility in danger with a work of fiction?» Klowa asked

«Oh yes, they were here, they thought it was a work of fiction

You pretty much have to accept that as fact or call it fiction don’t you? That’s what I mean by putting things in the wrong magazine

I always thought it was pure fiction

but if it was a book of fiction, written by a

” (I’m not making this up regarding his being condemned as described, even though it does read like science fiction, I must admit

I decided that the only decent thing to do would be to expose this fiction


All her books were on Strange Tribal Rituals, and Stranger Than Fiction tales

It was another Stranger Than Fiction, which was supposed to be based on fact

Fantasy and Science Fiction, n

Van Vogt, one of the greats in the genre, prefaced one of his collections of short stories in the mid sixties with the statement that surveys showed that the typical reader of fantasy-science fiction had an IQ above 120, and included professionals such as engineers, doctors, and lawyers

, Collection of short stories by British science fiction novelist Brian Aldiss, that I read in the 1960″s

Not too many folks, I would wager, know that he also wrote three splendid novels of science fiction, thus:

Clifford Simak, in the mid 60″s, wrote a marvelous science fiction novel, which he chose to title: „Time is the Simplest Thing

Stretching out to this point a dozen or so rows of pod-like containers, similar to something he’d seen once in a science fiction movie, placed in close proximity to one another

The old Communist Soviet Union maintained the fiction that those

letting him decide which was fiction and which was fact

I also believe that the expression “shoot to kill” is nothing but fiction created by some longhaired liberal journalist for media attention

He has nothing to hide behind except a legal fiction for which he acts

Admittedly there is speculation if it is fiction or fact but it should be read by all COIN operators

(Road Rage) If I may indulge a science fiction fantasy for a moment, I envision a day in the foreseeable future when an elaborate, computerized transportation network transporting travelers in ―PODS‖ atop elevated guideways will become a reality

This file is fiction, role-playing inspired and scripted back then to inspire a radio audio


Both Tyler and Congress accepted the legal fiction that Texas was independent to make it easier to take the territory over

Unconsciously, he adopted the pose of a popular detective fiction character, Nero Wolfe

And by sending the prisoners there, it maintained the fiction that these were all incredibly dangerous fanatics

A proud geek, I love fantasy, romance, science fiction, and historical fiction

Such proposal seemed to me a mirage, a stroke of chimerical fortune, a fiction, a delirium… and it naturally stimulated my curiosity

They say truth is stranger than fiction

That’s because fiction has to make sense, otherwise the editor sends it back

From then on it was fiction all the way, with a good dose of his science background burbling to the surface

Instead of bidding his time, he just literally sprouted wings, grew horns and a set of sharp fangs, a barbed tail, as well as an array of the assorted nasty features usually associated with demons, beelzebubs, balrogs and the armies of hell as portrayed in popular religious fiction

’ Maybe it was something in an old science book? Science fiction?

They could also be total fiction

Brendan considered what little he knew of espionage and mass mind control, which largely consisted of stuff he read as a boy in spy novels and science fiction

Sadly, only a few of his friends and colleagues supported him in public and pleaded for him to maintain his status as Curator, albeit on the condition that he would burn the bulk of his work and renounce it as a work of fiction

Blaine had written six novels, and about a thousand short non-fiction pieces, and was getting upwards of two hundred or so science fiction, fantasy and horror story-rejections

He slid the last book in place and stood back to admire his collection; some were old classics, some were childhood favourites, but most were modern works of fiction, all waiting to be read

Sometimes a guess through the eye of imagination called fiction might help illuminate the process

This novel is a work of fiction

This process has occurred repeatedly with what was once viewed as science fiction later becoming science fact

Bangla Road! Heavens above what is this? Science fiction?

than fiction and the above is hard to believe but it is so wide spread and pervasive that this must be

The ‘self’ is merely a convenient fiction that enables us to get on with our lives without worrying about our various goals all at once

It is important to clarify that the following story is pure fiction and that nowhere in the Bible is it specified that it happened this way

Fiction and reality blurred in his mind, and the result was Fahrenheit 9/11, Bowling for Columbine, Sicko and more of the same

I never even set out to write dystopian fiction, that’s just what I had when I was finished—at the beginning, I was just writing about a place I found interesting, and a character with a compelling story, and as I began to build the world, I realized that it was my utopia

And the lusty searches are a fiction

This is not fiction and assumptions, as long as we join hands to one step at a time, we can make our society a pure land on earth, datong world

has built a solid catalog of uplifting fiction and

There had to be some official fiction to smooth that over

The hate for the darkness that spued from those two yet the desires she had always had for the fiction had never left her and it had been a guilty pleasure, a comforting thought on lonely nights

We landed on a small beach on the southwest side of the island and Macon and Amana made a point of getting on shore before me, to further the fiction that they were there first

The orange-eyed fiends of science fiction would be the “conditioners” empowered to do the work

Sex and the future in science fiction

A previous recipient of the Australian based Michael Harrison Award for Print Journalism, Mituri’s forte and passion lies firmly in fiction writing

we had lots of things in common, both of us liking science fiction novels, spicy foods,

“We can’t create art or write fiction, poetry, paint, or even create the simplest craft

“Stranger than fiction, huh?” He leans forward to fix his shoe

fiction because they both a) gave me a permanent orange visitor’s

maintained the fiction that I had left for good 4/30/99

stranger than fiction,” and “it’s too good to be true,” but when it

learning how to differentiate truth from fiction

enjoying the show as if it were a weird science fiction movie

online, read fiction – I do still have reading, my first and most

Anne has been writing gay, lesbian, fantasy and literary fiction since Y2K

The following chapter is fiction

Definition of Fiction

something that is imaginary or not real, typically in reference to stories and books

Examples of Fiction in a sentence

My favorite work of fiction is the Star Wars cinema series, as it introduced me to the world of science fiction and made me realize how cool it is.


Many children weave a piece of fiction when they lie to their parents, but their story is so ridiculous that no adult would ever fall for them.


This movie is a work of fiction, including fantastical creatures that do not really exist such as dragons, griffins, and goblins.


For someone that is extremely creative, they should consider writing works of fiction to express their creativity beyond reality.


A work of fiction is any work that takes place in some setting that is not reality, such as a fantasy world with dragons and warlocks.


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