Use the word felt in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word felt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use felt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «felt».

Felt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word felt in a sentence.

  1. But he felt bound by his word.

  2. It felt like being 16 again.».

  3. And all ranks felt the same.».

  4. I felt like it a lot of times.

  5. I always felt like an outsider.

  6. I think that’s when I felt rage.

  7. Cuomo felt limited by rock music.

  8. So I felt like an Italian sausage.

  9. Godwin was angry and felt betrayed.

  10. Brock felt he needed to go further.

  11. Tanabe felt she was almost «writing her own lines».

  12. Hogan felt Briggs was «more than a match» for Todd.

  13. It was a scathing satire, and men felt the rebuke.».

  14. You just felt like you overheard someone thinking ..

  15. In this climate, Lenin felt it safe to return to St.

  16. Anne, already in ill health, felt used and harassed and was desperate for escape.

  17. Rimsky-Korsakov felt talented students needed little formal dictated instruction.

  18. In August 1944, Willkie felt weak while traveling by train to his Rushville home.

  19. Some reviewers felt that the game reflected or encouraged philosophical thinking.

  20. Rhodes’s may have felt the need to fill each channel on the 24-track mixing desk.

  21. Many of these impacts are already felt at the current level of warming, which is about 1.2 °C (2 °F).

  22. The raid drew criticism from some 4chan users who felt it would bring the site undesirable attention.

  23. Kiedis was reluctant, as he felt the poem was too emotional and did not fit the Chili Peppers’ style.

  24. The new lineup made it through three shows before the band felt McKnight didn’t fit and he was fired.

  25. Zimmerman felt obliged to improve the sets fans had watched for seven seasons, especially the bridge.

  26. Traveller’s Tales founder Jon Burton felt that while the PlayStation was easier «to get started on ..

  27. After the song was recorded, Rubin felt the grand ending would benefit from a large group of singers.

  28. He said that he approached filming as seriously as he could because he felt the script was a classic.

  29. He later told Kompas that he felt as if he had reached a dead end, having tried all genres available.

  30. While Cooper received positive reviews, Variety and Films in Review felt he was too old for the part.

  31. Although staunchly liberal, she felt constant tensions between her liberal and feminist philosophies.

  32. John a private investigator, and felt that they «appear eager to avoid what makes their show unique».

  33. Heinsohn felt that Russell resented him because the former was named the 1957 NBA Rookie of the Year.

  34. Turi of Game Informer felt that the frame rate «dramatically elevate[s]» the game above the original.

  35. Some critics felt the game’s use of profanity was excessive, while others thought it was a highlight.

  36. After the game’s release, Miyamoto admitted publicly he felt it was incomplete and development was rushed toward the end.

  37. Yokota felt it would have sold poorly in any situation, as the team were not interested in creating a mainstream product.

  38. O’Rourke felt obliged to inform Mason and Gilmour, which angered Waters, who wanted to dismiss him as the band’s manager.

  39. Miller felt confident that he could make a career out of sport and therefore felt that further education was unnecessary.

  40. William’s ability to leave England for an entire year was a sign that he felt that his control of the kingdom was secure.

  41. In an interview published in late May, Punk was asked how it felt «to be retired at 35» and replied that «it feels good».

  42. Mason had hope, coming into the convention, that it would yield a result that he felt would strengthen the United States.

  43. He felt that after minor re-tuning it would make an excellent radio astronomy instrument for observing the hydrogen line.

  44. He felt that only such high-quality personnel would be able to work with the scientists who were currently doing the job.

  45. The pair opposed the use of Cajun music and swamp blues for the season’s musical score because they felt it was overdone.

  46. Author Christopher Finch reported that Stone, who had worked with Henson previously, felt that if they could not bring him on board, they should «make do without puppets».

  47. The riots saw them descend on Battersea to fight the medical students, even though, she writes, the suffragettes were not a group toward whom male workers felt any warmth.

  48. Although many of his contemporaries agreed that Smart was «mad», accounts of his condition and its ramifications varied, and some felt that he had been committed unfairly.

  49. Bruce, however, was now 62 and indicated that he felt himself too old for the position, instead preferring a less demanding role considering economic and social questions.

  50. Tom Savini agreed to return to make-up duties for The Final Chapter because he felt he should be the one to bring Jason full circle in terms of his look from child to man.

Synonyms for felt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word felt has the following synonyms: felt up, mat up, matt-up, matte up, matte and ma.

General information about «felt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word felt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «felt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «felt».

  • Use the word Felt in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Trained as a painter in post-war Paris, he felt no respect for photography’s sacred cows.

Doctor, when he looked at me and denied me as an enemy, I felt that too.

Each new morn, new widows howl, new orphans cry, new sorrows strike heaven on the face, that it resounds as if it felt with Scotland and yell’d out like syllable of dolour.

I felt that I tottered upon the brink. Then suddenly… there was a discordant hum of human voices. There was a loud blast as of many trumpets.

All the years i’ve felt Bella entreating me, Filled with Her loneliness, I have misunderstood Her signals.

I think deep down I’ve always known you guys were prettier than me, and I felt like I couldn’t talk to you about it because you wouldn’t understand what it felt like to be your schlumpy friend.

What I felt, at that moment, that it was a self portrait. Because I was this kid, and I was this kid. I was timid and afraid of everything, and then I was also a kid who came on pretty strong and I would get into fights and so on.

Your Excellency, I felt a small reception would be appropriate.

Snorri felt that he should have won.

I felt that you had more confidence, sara, But your voice was very shaky, And I know nerves are a huge part of going into this,

Dia: dit starts in my soul, and I lose all control d Blake: I felt so strongly about their abilities.

I felt that the two of you Would be a good challenge for each other in fair grounds Because I chose a song that’s a little more pop-driven,

And I felt something surge through me as I touched my dead sister.

When I saw that look in his eyes, I just felt that I needed to take a step back.

I myself felt like I was going to die.

Let’s just say that’s how the wolf felt, but what about the lamb?

Initially, I felt comfortable to cling onto you as my defensive shield.

But… I felt so pathetic about how low my life was.

But still… I got to tell her exactly how I felt.

I’ve never felt better, Austin.

Many young people lacking secure belief but living secure lives felt a spiritual dimension was lacking.

And I felt that I had to get out of there and go find somebody and tell him:

But there were people in appeal and I felt I couldn’t get out and that’s when I felt a failure as though I wasn’t doing what I had to do

And then people sensed he was troubled yet, and then there were few who felt no threat with Terje Vigen by.

Both felt as if they had sat on the bench of shame in the church.

«I felt obliged to speed up the arrest, so your daughter did not start a life with an imposter!»

I felt I was resting in Abraham’s bosom.»

After Sofren had eaten the fat herring and emptied the bottle of schnapps, he felt very strange.

I have never felt so good!

Spoke to her, offered her gold, a lot of gold, still I felt like the beggar asking for alms.

I am ashamed… I don’t know… pardon me… I have never felt like this in my life!

The poor one probably never felt what inspires artists to great works:

All too often it would beat too passionately and sometimes she felt as if a merciless hand clutched at the twitching thing and squeezed it, dreadful and aching,

Yesterday when I answered you «»No»» for Count Vitelozzo I felt proud and secure, grand and joyful.

It felt like fire when the young maiden took my arm.»

She stated that she felt as if she were fighting against an unknown force stronger than her own.

As soon as the sun rose Hutter felt himself freed from the shadows of the night.

Heiji felt he couldn’t go on.

Mikisaburo felt immense anger and grief build inside him.

So that is how Misao felt.

I was patient, I waited until she felt confident again.

For a moment it was like there was no betrayal or divorce. It all disappeared. For an instant I felt like I was with the man I’ve always loved and with whom I’d decided to have a family.

in his place, or maybe all of us. That’s why we felt lucky. We were still alive.

Heizaburo was angry and sad, but above all he felt lonely and deserted.

Heizaburo needed to hear how she felt.

Tore felt that he was to blame for all the unhappiness that had occured.

Tore felt how the current got hold of him and used his last ounce of strength… to avoid falling prey to the enormous forces of nature.

«…and worst of all last night I felt a sudden compulsion to kill my wife whom I love more than anything…!»

 Meanings and Examples of FELT


 v.  (past tense) have a sensation of something, other than by sight, hearing, taste, or smell

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  It was during their night walks back to the farm that he felt most intensely the sweetness of this communion.

2  He did not even know whether any one else in the world felt as he did, or whether he was the sole victim of this mournful privilege.

3  She stopped short, and he felt, in the darkness, that her face was lifted quickly to his.

4  She slipped out of his hold without speaking, and he stooped down and felt for the key.

5  He felt as if he had never before known what his wife looked like.

6  Ethan felt confusedly that there were many things he ought to think about, but through his tingling veins and tired brain only one sensation throbbed: the warmth of Mattie’s shoulder against his.

7  But since he had seen her lips in the lamplight he felt that they were his.

8  He felt all the more sorry for the girl because misfortune had, in a sense, indentured her to them.

9  He felt that he might have «gone like his mother» if the sound of a new voice had not come to steady him.

10  At times, looking at Zeena’s shut face, he felt the chill of such forebodings.

11  Ethan felt that if he had pleaded an urgent need Hale might have made shift to pay him; but pride, and an instinctive prudence, kept him from resorting to this argument.

12  A mournful peace hung on the fields, as though they felt the relaxing grasp of the cold and stretched themselves in their long winter sleep.

13  Again Ethan felt a sudden twinge of jealousy.

14  She nodded and laughed «Yes, one,» and he felt a blackness settling on his brows.

15  Ethan, a moment earlier, had felt himself on the brink of eloquence; but the mention of Zeena had paralysed him.

Example Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

16  They felt apprehensive about the approach of war.

17  Nobody felt inclined to argue with Smith.

18  I felt degraded by having to ask for money.

19  Sickness is felt, but health not at all.

20  I felt my attention wandering during the lecture.

21  The new manager obviously felt the need to demonstrate her authority.

22  He felt what he was being asked to do took away his dignity and self-respect.

23  Both of them felt that they had become very intimate.

24  He felt too lazy to get out of bed.

25  I felt dizzy when I looked down from the top of the television tower.

26  She felt he had total disrespect for women.

27  For my return journey, I felt I could afford the extra and travel first class.

28  It was too quiet — I felt that trouble was brewing.

29  Her husband was unsympathetic and she felt she had no one to turn to.

30  The floor felt uneven under his feet.

Felt example sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use felt in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for felt.

  • Felix felt ashamed. (8)
  • I felt it just now. (22)
  • He felt their lashes. (10)
  • His lips felt parched. (8)
  • And Shelton felt ashamed. (8)
  • She felt suddenly secure. (8)
  • She felt your full meaning. (4)
  • Rose felt fire on her cheeks. (10)
  • He felt that a chance had been. (10)
  • Ruth felt nervous and frightened. (12)
  • Miss Paynham felt for Mr. Redworth. (10)
  • And suddenly he felt Yes, it is true! (8)
  • He felt confused, helpless, bewildered. (8)
  • Ashurst felt again that wish to dominate. (8)
  • Or she was obscured, and he felt the face. (10)
  • Respect for right conduct is felt by every body. (4)
  • No longer touching her, he felt his grievance revive. (8)
  • He would never know what Antonia really felt and thought. (8)
  • He could not, he felt, stand in the daylight without her. (10)
  • He felt elated, sorry, tremendously important all at once. (8)
  • Not since Stephen was bad with pleurisy had she felt so worried. (8)
  • Now, at last, he felt that he was holding up his end of the rope. (9)
  • The ladies felt that he had bored their ears with hot iron pins. (10)
  • She threw back her head, and again Bob Pillin felt a little giddy. (8)
  • Madge felt the quivering upward of a whimper to a sob in her breast. (10)
  • Christian groped for the bottom stair, and Greta felt her arm shaking. (8)
  • He wanted to sleep on the sofa, so I could wake him up if I felt bad. (12)
  • It was popularly felt to be the supreme of clever-nay, noble-fencing. (10)
  • He felt very giddy, and, after bandaging a nasty cut, lay down on his bed. (8)
  • It was as if we wanted to throw one out, as if we felt our work too perfect. (8)
  • And he felt in need of it, after what he had done that day, as yet undivulged. (8)
  • Her face, framed in her hair, her hands, and all her body, felt as if on fire. (8)
  • But inwardly the news had given her a shock almost as sharp as that felt by him. (8)
  • He felt certain, quite certain, they had been making some appointment or other…. (8)
  • Scorched as she felt both in soul and body, a touch or a word was a wound to her. (22)
  • Two days ago he had been reading in some paper how men felt just before an attack. (8)
  • Laurence drank deeply; but he had never felt clearer, never seen things more clearly. (8)
  • He felt that too, I know; but then, like his master, he was what is called a pessimist. (8)
  • He felt as though someone had threatened his right to invest his money at five per cent. (8)
  • And the slow, sulky anger Soames had felt all the afternoon burned the brighter within him. (8)
  • At Beckley Court, acted on by one genuine soul, he forgot it, and felt elate in his manhood. (10)
  • He felt at once that the feeling against Christian had been deliberately instigated by some one. (12)
  • He felt miraculously sad and happy, as one does, standing under a lime-tree in full honey flower. (8)
  • But Raikes appreciated a capital fellow, and felt warmly to Evan, who, moreover, was feeding him. (10)
  • Her reluctance to espouse the man she was plighted to would cease to be uttered, cease to be felt. (10)
  • The discovery that his mother was beautiful was one which he felt must absolutely be kept to himself. (8)
  • She had escaped, but the moment she felt herself free, she was surprised by a sharp twinge of remorse. (10)
  • He meant to go down and meet her in the coppice, but felt at once he could not manage that in this heat. (8)
  • The small rough tongue going over and over the palm of his hand produced the strange sensation he felt. (10)
  • He had been very much at home with all these people, while she had felt more or less out of her element. (13)
  • He wanted to say something that would be consoling but could find no words; and suddenly he felt disgusted. (8)
  • She was, she felt she was, in the greatest danger of being exquisitely happy, while so many were miserable. (4)
  • But in the small towns the increased costs due to the war are being felt as keenly as in the larger cities. (16)
  • She received letters of bridesmaids writing of it, and felt them as waves that hurl a log of wreck to shore. (10)
  • She nerved herself to do his bidding, and, following his orders, took his head in her hands, and felt about it. (22)
  • And yet in spite of the obvious injustice of her accusations, Helen felt startled and ashamed before her railing. (13)
  • Besides, he still felt shaky, and did not want to risk another aberration like that of last night, away from home. (8)
  • His heart felt sore, as the great heart of a mother-bird feels sore when its youngling flies and bruises its wing. (8)
  • Luigi felt the wind of a handkerchief, and guessed that his eyes were about to be bandaged by the woman behind him. (10)
  • Evan, though he felt more in it, and had some secret nerves set tingling and dancing, was not to be moved from his demand. (10)
  • Thereupon came one of the most singular sensations he had ever known: he felt that he was unable to see the way to please her. (10)
  • When the fellow had made sure of her, he apparently felt himself so safe in her fondness that he did not urge his suit with her. (9)
  • He had been blamable, highly blamable, in remaining at Norland after he first felt her influence over him to be more than it ought to be. (4)
  • Felix saw Kirsteen quiver and flinch, and understood why they had none of them felt quite able to turn their backs on that display of passion. (8)
  • These points formed her chief solicitude in anticipating her removal from Uppercross, where she felt she had been stationed quite long enough. (4)
  • He felt her lips on his forehead, heard her footsteps; opened his eyes to see her gliding through the doorway, and, sighing, screwed them up again. (8)
  • An ably-handled coherent body in the midst of the liquid groups will make it felt that Ireland is a nation, naturally dependent though she must be. (10)

Also see sentences for: felsman, feltre.

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simple past tense and past participle of feel.



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Words nearby felt

felony murder, felsic, felsite, felspar, felspathic, felt, felting, felt marker, felt side, felt-tip pen, felucca

Other definitions for felt (2 of 2)


a nonwoven fabric of wool, fur, or hair, matted together by heat, moisture, and great pressure.

any article made of this material, as a hat.

any matted fabric or material, as a mat of asbestos fibers, rags, or old paper, used for insulation and in construction.


pertaining to or made of felt.

verb (used with object)

to make into felt; mat or press together.

to cover with or as with felt.

verb (used without object)

to become matted together.

Origin of felt


before 1000; Middle English, Old English; cognate with German Filz;see filter Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to felt

anticipated, recognized, fur, leather, skin, wool, dishevel, grasped, heard, heeded, noted, noticed, observed, sensed, touched, understood, witnessed, borne, encountered, endured

How to use felt in a sentence

  • What I more and more felt, as the trauma deepened, was that while my body survived, the self that I had once been had lost its life.

  • Instead of resembling a plastic canister, the Nest Audio speaker is sleeker, akin to a 7-inch pill draped in felt.

  • He felt his body grow limp (like one of those high-speed films of a flower wilting).

  • The EPA felt that the State Department had not looked carefully enough at the impact of the pipeline if oil prices fell.

  • Whatever frustrations or disappointments he felt about politics never surfaced.

  • I—I never felt that way about the presidency, as you—as you probably know.

  • It was one of the few things that felt familiar to him after being away from the outside world since 1975.

  • She was flushed and felt intoxicated with the sound of her own voice and the unaccustomed taste of candor.

  • Genoa has but recently and partially felt the new impulse, yet even here the march of improvement is visible.

  • All felt strangely as if something evil had crept into their lives, and their excitement was great.

  • He made me think of an old time magician more than anything, and I felt that with a touch of his wand he could transform us all.

  • Her feet felt rooted to the floor in the wonder and doubt of this strange occurrence.

British Dictionary definitions for felt (1 of 2)


the past tense and past participle of feel

British Dictionary definitions for felt (2 of 2)


  1. a matted fabric of wool, hair, etc, made by working the fibres together under pressure or by heat or chemical action
  2. (as modifier)a felt hat

any material, such as asbestos, made by a similar process of matting


(tr) to make into or cover with felt

(intr) to become matted

Word Origin for felt

Old English; related to Old Saxon filt, Old High German filz felt, Latin pellere to beat, Greek pelas close; see anvil, filter

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

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