Use the word fashionable in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “fashionable” in a sentence. How to connect “fashionable” with other words to make correct English sentences.

fashionable (adj): popular at a particular time

Use “fashionable” in a sentence

She always wears fashionable clothes.
Tattoos are very fashionable among young people lately.
I am very impressed with her fashionable dress.

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1. Short skirts are fashionable now.

2. Furnishings of this sort are now highly fashionable.

3. Strong colours are very fashionable at the moment.

4. It became fashionable to eat certain kinds of fish.

5. We lunched in a fashionable restaurant.

6. It’s becoming fashionable to have long hair again.

7. It was fashionable to fray the bottoms of your jeans.

8. Washed — out jeans were very fashionable at that time.

9. Such thinking is fashionable among right-wing politicians at the moment.

10. It was fashionable in the past that women were laced in.

11. This part of the town used to be fashionable, but it’s starting to go downhill.

12. She was envious of her sister’s new fashionable dress.

13. He runs a very fashionable restaurant near the Harbor.

14. Entrepreneurs developed fashionable restaurants and bars in the area.

14. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

15. We ate at a fashionable new restaurant.

16. It used to be fashionable to dock horses’ tails.

17. Chelsea Harbour is renowned for its fashionable restaurants.

18. Turn-ups are becoming fashionable again.

19. Vogue magazine quickly became the bible of fashionable women.

20. I have a real weakness for fashionable clothes.

21. It is fashionable to have short hair nowadays.

22. The nightclub has a very fashionable clientele.

23. She has always been surrounded with fashionable friends.

24. There is tremendous peer pressure to wear fashionable clothes.

25. Cheyne Walk was a very fashionable address.

26. A fashionable couple posed elegantly at the next table.

27. Our clothes are lightweight, fashionable, practical for holidays.

28. These cars are no longer fashionable among the young.

29. He’s well-known in fashionable circles .

30. Fashion is not only a kind of appearance, or an inner, popular may not be suitable for you, but according to their own characteristics to dress up yourself, you belong to that kind, mature, lady, or simple and natural, or pure, or movement, a fact that can all be fashionable.

Cyberia turned to look once again at London’s more fashionable districts that towered above her on the northern bank of the river Thames

By arranging the suits, shirts, blouses and skirts by label, size and colour she managed to shift most of the better items to middle class bargain hunters and a good deal of the less fashionable items to the local student population

fashionable meal and a romantic time alone with the love of their life

She’s not a bitch generally, just not terribly bright and it’s fashionable to gossip and speculate

gave her this name because it was fashionable at the time to call a

deal of the less fashionable items to the local student population

Doubt very much it was a fashionable activity for a respectable young woman and, despite her experience, Bunty is very much a respectable young woman

It wasn’t fashionable for a woman to be twenty-three and not married

time the most fashionable of all sciences, rhetoric

become so fashionable as to sell for twenty guineas a-piece, no effort of human industry could increase the number of those brought to market, much beyond what it is at present

Don’t let yourself be dragged in the spiral of fashionable circles with the hope that it will bring you happiness

And as for your fashionable vaccines, I don’t think so

When the expense of fashionable dress is very great, the variety must be very small

In the progress of refinement, when philosophy and rhetoric came into fashion, the better sort of people used to send their children to the schools of philosophers and rhetoricians, in order to be instructed in these fashionable sciences

Were there no public institutions for education, no system, no science, would be taught, for which there was not some demand, or which the circumstances of the times did not render it either necessary or convenient, or at least fashionable to learn

Then in the Seventies it started to become fashionable once more

ways enjoyed lovely clothes, nice places and fashionable

party was being held at the most fashionable Ritz Hotel

It was fashionable, not all these many years ago, to aver that anybody who was not a Marxist at age twenty had no heart, and that anybody who continued a Marxist at age forty had no head

It was on Robson Street, one of the most fashionable streets in Vancouver

I lived in the Zona Rosa, then one of the most fashionable areas of the capital, and scarcely ever appeared on the street without wearing acceptable clothes

All she knew was that young members of the warrior caste found it fashionable as a means to acquire a scar or two before heading off to officer candidacy school

three o’clock; we’ll have to keep fashionable hours, it’s so late now;

It has become socially fashionable, instead, to label disagreeable viewpoints as either racist, bigoted, homophobic, xenophobic or some (reasonable) apprehension or concern as mean-spirited

It was just before ten o»clock – a little late for fashionable visiting with middle aged ladies of property

After years of putting on a macho front by venturing out in t-shirts and chinos in the depths of winter, fashionable overcoats were all the rage

To hide her blonde hair, Elizabeth had tucked it into one of the turbans that had become fashionable during the war

Yul Brynner made baldness fashionable before Tele Savalas and me

By the time antiques or collectibles had become fashionable in South Africa, our home was filled with collectibles-turned-antiques

He insisted on hailing a carriage and then instructed the driver to take us to a very expensive and fashionable restaurant in Piccadilly

They had been to Ageless once before to visit an NRI childless couple who found it fashionable to settle there and breathe their last too

The current fashionable theory is that the world is expanding

a teacher, and if the mothers of any of those fashionable girls had also

Her clothes were overly fashionable

fashionable to marry a foreigner

I wandered across the ineptly named Golden Square and into Carnaby Street, just another grotty lane of cheap fashionable junk, where I bought a pair of tight jeans that had eyelets with cord lashing instead of fly buttons, and a pair of white canvas ‘sailor’ trousers with a flap instead of a fly

I did not have the courage to tell him that his clothing would be fashionable, perhaps, in some distant western, but that in Saint Andre, it was so out of place as if he had come dressed in his traditional blue tunic

Today, unless art is both fashionable and politically correct, its praises will go unsung

Then, thinking to cheer her, he had casually mentioned that Master Reave’s efforts to procure her a wondrously fashionable hat for the Autumn Ball appeared to be progressing well

These shabby buildings were very different from the fashionable shops and salons found in the wealthy Merchants’ Quarter, where the hats manufactured here would ultimately be sold

Matthew had some lessons in Ireland and played what he remembered but by now he was more interested in mastering the guitar, which had become more fashionable and compatible with the music of his era

As she was wearing a mini skirt that was fashionable at the time, her thighs were visible to say the least

It was neither fashionable nor suburban

He was tall and wore his suit with its fashionable ruffled blouse with aplomb

Having a radiant skin goes a long way, as far as becoming a fashionable person is concerned

Wearing a jacket properly is one of the things you need to do to become fashionable

When you have cheek bones that appear higher, you would be able to complement it with a formal attire to be fashionable

Watching models walking on the catwalk can help you a lot in being fashionable

Having a pair of knee-high boots is one of the best things that you can do to become fashionable

Splurge on fashionable items that are important to you

Next year they’ll be fashionable

Juggling classrooms, difficult parents and girlfriend, and keeping up with his commitments to the team as well as his good impression on Cynthia’s parents, he would deprive himself of sleep, cash and meals in order to fulfill his role for Cynthia, picking her up here and there, helping her with her essays, taking her out to suitably good restaurants and shows, et cetera according to her schedule and demands such as the demand to be fashionable vegan and alcohol free

It was plain, not fashionable, but it suited

They had a town house in nearby Randwick not far from the fashionable Peters Corner and it’s cosmopolitan shops

They resembled a fashionable sculptor’s interpretation of a row of monstrous dead flower arrangements that, a few decades earlier, might easily have won the British Turner Prize

He was the one who made fashionable the extravagances that the proprietress celebrated with her eternal smile, without protesting, without believing in them just as when Germán tried to burn the house down to show that it did not exist, and as when Alfonso wrung the neck of the parrot and threw it into the pot where the chicken stew was beginning to boil

Her business two-piece ensemble and fashionable shoes went in her travel bag and she put on instead a flashy, skin-tight outdoor outfit, complete with hiking boots and wide-brimmed jungle hat

This place with its grandeur and ambiance reminded her very much of several of the fashionable resorts in her own country, but most of those at home were in the City and lacked the lovely setting of the sea which this place had captured so marvelously

An old lady with a green handbag that must have been quite fashionable when she bought it in 1967 harrumpfed and walked past us

Free of the fashionable pretence and hastle he had witnessed in London

Everything fashionable came out of Germany

Wallace, fascinated by her stunning beauty, quickly shook hands with the woman, who was dressed in a very fashionable modern female suit

What do you call a man with a seagull on his head? Cliff’ he continues in fashionable 70s style

Nonetheless, it made him appreciate the comfort of his own office even though it was not as fashionable or as expensive as he would have wished

Very fashionable but tries to be a lot younger than what he is

Indeed, I had no idea about the dressing and make-ups of old fashionable ladies and young girls either

In those days it was fashionable to be as tanned

You think that the latest trend in fashionable shoes is actually hideous, but everyone is wearing them

considered fashionable at the time

Buy classical fashionable clothing that will last, and get trendy with accessories

Admitting the patriotic desire to protect cherished institutions was never fashionable, and her dumbstruck friends demanded an explanation

It has become fashionable to talk in terms of the recipes these days, though they’re no more than the same garam masala with different brand names

gions, but he was developing his soul, he was striving for this… Heaven is not a place where you physically hang out with your friends, the ones who, like you, prayed in church, because it’s fashionable and consider themselves enlightened

The girls, as usual, showed off what fashionable rags were bought for them and with evident envy told about what 254

Once fashionable clothes, after a momentary presentation, are now hanging as dead weight in my closet

starting coming up with a new, fashionable way to decorate the bottom

All of this fashionable restaurant’s waiters were good-looking

in a style that was fashionable in Hong Kong at the time

It turns out that Daniel the thug but fashionable dresser with bandanas

The three took lunch at the most fashionable restaurant in London town, and Flower and Candy brushed excited shoulders with the rich and famous, unperturbed by the exposé that most of them were shorter in life than they were on the telly

but they are over hyped diet plans that tend to be fashionable for a

” Love lamented her droned over entreaty to the G-word wannazombie virt-revolutionaries wearing their No Brand, Logo Free stylish anti-consumer badges of fashionable defiance

long before it was fashionable to discuss the connection between the

England’s most fashionable suits and dresses hung so temptingly in stores

dressed in fashionable gowns, wigs, panniers, and coats

Yet with the passage of time, and the influence of fashionable trends, some changes were made to the loose outer garment, or cloak

tries to justify, or rather, re-state, his inherited faith in terms of the fashionable

fashionable clothing was wrinkled and dirty, though Anne had no inclination as to where the filth

‘In those days it wasn’t fashionable for business ladies to become single mothers

was fashionable in the tourist industry at the time

autocratic behavior which was so fashionable to have

Not just to feed us fashionable theories of the time:

fashionable at about thetime of the story, and for some

Much more room than in those constrictive dresses that were apparently so fashionable lately, but in reality they looked like torture devices

“The twins did their research and said that these are normal and fashionable garments,” Aazuria answered

All one had to do was turn the corner and see streets swept clean and houses tenderly kept but Druids Way was like a spinster past her marrying days—avoided by the fashionable set

He looked older than me but not by much, tall, with short dark hair and a face that was a little too square of jaw and sharp of cheek to be fashionable

And now here they were walking down King Street approaching the predominantly Georgian-designed St James’s Square which during its first two hundred years was one of the most fashionable residential addresses in London and which now was home to the headquarters of a number of well-known businesses and the exclusive East India Club

» I’d never thought of the area in which Celia and I lived as being particularly modern or fashionable but walking through Clerkenwell made me realize how safe it was, and how we were far better off there than anyone living here

One owner of a fashionable gay café, where Roger and Mark used to drink had been arrested by the police for “lewdness” and never seen again

I know dressing fashionable isn’t always the most practical, but it can be when you pair your favorite item with other things.


Affinities and influences appear from time to time in modified forms, including Barnett Newman’s zips or Agnes Martin’s fey grids, though such gestures serve to reinforce the artist’s heightened individual sense of pleasure and disregard for the fashionable.


Davies is right that the strength of conviction behind these affirmations goes beyond the fashionable, Popperian, philosophy of science which deals in the currency of the purely provisional and fails explicitly to found its expectations.


I know what you might be thinking, I own a basic white tee and several jeans, and it doesn’t look that fashionable… Well, I’m going to let you in on my secret on how to make basics always look on point.


Scarves are one of the few accessories that can take any ensemble from boring to fashionable.


He writes that much of the research and commentary surrounding Microsoft is based upon «the biases of the commentators, who often seem to feel that because Microsoft is not hip or fashionable, and doesn’t have the design sense of Apple, it doesn’t deserve to succeed.»


Not only is this bag fashionable, but it’s eco-friendly, cruelty-free and vegan too!


I typically don’t post fashion inspired posts because I don’t really think I’m all that fashionable.


But not to worry, you know that I’ve got your fashionable back on this!


(I buy most of my shoes from NB, but then nothing is going to make me look fashionable.)


One thing in common is that they are all effortless fashionable.


For all the stylish mamas out there, this ASOS nursing shirt is made from 100 percent cotton and features a bold leopard print, fitted for days you want to look a little extra fashionable.


Large enough Shop Lugz Online Store for great prices on the bestselling fashionable, trendy styles of boots, shoes, sneakers and apparel for men, women and kids.


Open-cockpit, bugs-in-the-face motoring is rapidly becoming fashionable.


Even when they’re trending and «considered» fashionable.


Also, together with ordinary fabrics, fashionable are also pleated skirts with metallic luster.


Dear fashion girls folded jeans to the ankle, will be super fashionable this year.


The Sydney House Chelsea is a converted town house located in a Grade II listed building, just moments from the King’s Road in London’s fashionable


Everything was perfect, and not necessary fashionable, but incredibly chic.


They’re warm, fun, and fashionable… what’s better than that?


And he made the travel book fashionable again (until it was swept aside by the memoir).


Beautiful new city, fashionable, amazing women, and delicious drinks?


When I want something comfortable and easy to wear, that is still fun and fashionable, I often opt for what I refer to as my charleston dress.


The focus was keeping one’s home décor fashionable while still appropriately providing for your cats» needs.


They can’t add flair and sparkle unless they find the clothes fashionable.


This partakes of the view fashionable among educators that multiple-choice testing is inherently inadequate because it can not be used to appraise anything but the most rudimentary of skills and factual recall-type knowledge.


But matching and mixing prints makes any outfit look fashionable, with a little effort to it.


It blends rich hues of burgundy with a gentle accent of pink, making the color fashionable, as well as flexible.


The question in many people’s mind today is: «Is reading fashionable


Or maybe super stylish and fashionable who want to show off by getting the most expensive stroller?


With some of our travel and a few luncheons and family photos — I am so glad I brought dresses and nice fashionable, yet comfortable sandals!


Today, thanks to L’eggs, I wanted to talk about my 5 tips to stay organized, while being a fashionable, fit and functional mom.


Payless has teamed up with style guru and eco-fashion expert Summer Rayne Oakes on their first-ever fashionable and affordable green footwear and accessory collection, zoe & zac.


Real bisexuals don’t do this because it’s modern, attention-seeking, or fashionable — it’s because they have felt this way since they were really young and this hasn’t changed over the years, it has been something natural for them.


She has a great way of combining different styles, such as making sportswear and casual look super fashionable in this post Opposites Become One.


Thanks for those tips, I struggle so much to make my winter looks fashionable.


Dog boots are an example of items that must be more functional than fashionable.


Don’t hold back from trying something new, like I always say there are no rules in fashion in fact it’s more fashionable to break the rules Fashion these days is exploding with creativity, new ideas everywhere you look literally ripping up the rule book of everything that fashion once stood for.


This style is bound to make you look super fashionable.


It is also considered fashionable in some quarters to drive a Rolls Royce in the U.S. with the wheel on the right.


Sneakers in all shapes and colors are now worn (and often considered fashionable) in most parts of the world.


Having said all that, we can see that the trend of building fashionable and elegant houses is accelerating day by day with the emergence of more and more interior designers and builders.


Making big red noses and bright hair fashionable as they paint and twist their way around town, leaving eyes lit with wonder and grins from ear to ear!


In the last few years Bree Street has become ultra fashionable, its wide road strewn on either side with pubs, bistros, restaurants, coffee shops and boutiques.


It’s all about rocking a supportive bra while still looking fashionable.


The full metal unibody design out of aircraft grade aluminum makes the phone fashionable and sturdy, and


Myntra stands for everything fashionable; be on-trend this season, and make your hands look a notch above the rest.


I spent a lot of this time trying to be things that I felt I «should» be — funnier, more fun, fashionable, more of a partier, and the list goes on.


Is there anything wrong with something that ought to be at the forefront of all our thinking, consciousness and action becoming fashionable?


But, as was evidenced by Utah’s plan to make cycling fashionable, much of the rest of the western world is well served by awareness-raising


Definition of Fashionable

popular; stylish

Examples of Fashionable in a sentence

It took much persuading to convince my aunt that her bell-bottom jeans and platform shoes are no longer fashionable.


Many of her dresses were plain, but the fashionable woman always wore the most chic accessories.


As a style editor, it is Anna Dello Russo’s job to show the masses what is fashionable and what is not.


The new clothing line offers fashionable alternatives to traditional and outdated head scarves.


The teen thought gothic style to be fashionable, but her mother wished that she would spice up her wardrobe with some color.


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