Use the word fascinating in a sentence

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Rudolph Larson

Score: 4.1/5
(33 votes)

Fascinating Sentence Examples

  1. It was a bewildering and fascinating place.
  2. He was also the most fascinating person she’d ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
  3. The geology of New Mexico is fascinating.
  4. Women were a strange and fascinating gender.

What type of word is fascinating?

of great interest or attraction; enchanting; charming; captivating: a fascinating story;fascinating jewelry.

How do you use how in a sentence?

We use how when we introduce direct and indirect questions:

  1. I haven’t seen you for ages. …
  2. How was the film? …
  3. Do you know how I can get to the bus station?
  4. I asked her how she was but she didn’t answer me.
  5. How old is your grandfather?
  6. How often do you get to your cottage at weekends?

How do you say someone is fascinating?

Explore the Words

  1. intriguing. capable of arousing interest or curiosity. …
  2. exciting. creating or arousing uncontrolled emotion. …
  3. fascinating. capturing interest as if by a spell. …
  4. riveting. capable of arousing and holding the attention. …
  5. absorbing. capable of arousing and holding the attention. …
  6. amusing. …
  7. diverting. …
  8. engrossing.

How do you use interesting in a sentence?

Interesting sentence example

  1. You’re a very interesting person. …
  2. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. …
  3. You get to meet all kinds of interesting people. …
  4. It is very interesting to watch a plant grow, it is like taking part in creation. …
  5. Interesting .

30 related questions found

How do you write interesting?

5 Tips to Making Your Writing More Exciting

  1. Choose active voice and vivid verbs. Passive voice, or leaving the subject out of the sentence, makes it look like you are trying to avoid responsibility. …
  2. Choose precise words. …
  3. Choose concise phrasing. …
  4. Choose simple words. …
  5. Choose appropriate words.

Are you interested on or in?

Since we’re using an adjective referring to our state of being when we talk about the desire to buy something, we always say “interested in” instead of “interested on.” For example: I am interested in buying some property.

What are 2 synonyms for fascinating?

synonyms for fascinating

  • alluring.
  • appealing.
  • charming.
  • delightful.
  • engaging.
  • gripping.
  • intriguing.
  • riveting.

What is it called when something is interesting?

intriguing. adjective. very interesting, especially because of being strange or mysterious.

What word can replace interesting?

Synonyms & Antonyms of interesting

  • absorbing,
  • arresting,
  • consuming,
  • engaging,
  • engrossing,
  • enthralling,
  • fascinating,
  • gripping,

How do we use questions?

How is a very useful question word. Let’s look at some of the ways it can be used.

  • How can I stay healthy?
  • How do you use a public bus? …
  • How big is your room? …
  • How long does it take to get to your job each day? …
  • How many people do you know who can speak English? …
  • How much fun do you have each day?

How do you write per se?


  1. ˈpərs
  2. per se. adverb.
  3. (ˌ)pər-ˈsā also per-ˈsā or (ˌ)pər-ˈsē
  4. per se. adjective (2)
  5. Perse. biographical name.

What is the type of the sentences?

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.

Where do we use the word fascinating?

Fascinating Sentence Examples

  • It was a bewildering and fascinating place.
  • He was also the most fascinating person she’d ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
  • The geology of New Mexico is fascinating.
  • Women were a strange and fascinating gender.

What is the difference between fascinating and interesting?

As adjectives the difference between fascinating and interesting. is that fascinating is having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive while interesting is arousing]] or holding the attention or [[interest#noun|interest of someone.

What is a fascinating mean?

: extremely interesting or charming : captivating a fascinating documentary gave a fascinating account of the expedition. Other Words from fascinating Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About fascinating.

How do you say something is fun?


  1. amusing.
  2. enjoyable.
  3. entertaining.
  4. lively.
  5. pleasant.
  6. boisterous.
  7. convivial.
  8. merry.

What do you mean by entrancing?

adjective. capturing interest as if by a spell. “antique papers of entrancing design” synonyms: bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enthralling, fascinating attractive. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm.

How do you explain why something is interesting?

To say that something is interesting is also to describe a particular kind of synthesis that arises within the experience. Whenever we engage in an activity, we bring to that experience some combination of expectations, likes/desires, beliefs, curiosity, and so forth.

What does enrapture mean in English?

transitive verb. : to fill with delight.

Is fascinating positive or negative?

Fascinating is generally positive, but the mildest of the three. It is used in everyday contexts, e.g. The child finds insects fascinating.

What is synonyms of attractive?

Synonyms: good-looking , pretty , handsome , beautiful , charming , appealing , seductive, gorgeous , lovely , desirable , sensuous, sexy (informal), hot (slang), easy on the eye (slang), fit (UK, slang), ravishing, pulchritudinous (literary, formal), fair , comely.

What does I am interested in you mean?

To be interested in someone or something means to find it worthy of further attention. If «She doesn’t seem the least bit interested in him» this indicates she doesn’t desire to pay attention to him, for whatever purpose may be clear from context.

Are you interested in this job?

Example: «I’m interested in this job because I can see that, in this role, my skills could help solve this problem within your company. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow these skills, so we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially.

Can you say interested to?

While «I am interested to start my career in your company» may be technically correct, you should not use it because people generally don’t use «interested» with «to start». A more commonly accepted way to say it while still using the «to» would be «I am excited to start my career in your company».

fascinating — перевод на русский


This is fascinating.

Как увлекательно.

I didn’t mean to be impolite, but it’s so new to me. I just mean, it’s just all so new… and so fascinating!

Я не хотела быть невежливой, но для меня все это ново, все, все так ново, и так увлекательно.

It all sounds so fascinating and uncouth.

Это так увлекательно.

Ha! It’s fascinating, Chesterton.

Это увлекательно, Честертон.

Yes, it’s interesting, it’s fascinating.

Да, как интересно, как увлекательно.

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Oh, fascinating.


It’s a little primitive, of course, but it’s still very fascinating, hmm!

Это немного примитивно, конечно, но все еще очаровательно, хм!

That’s very interesting, I might even say fascinating, but back to your mission.

Очень интересно. Можно даже сказать очаровательно, но вернемся к вашей миссии.

— Oh, yes, it was fascinating.

— О, да, это было очаровательно.

This is fascinating.

Это очаровательно.

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I find it fascinating.

Мне интересно.

It sounds fascinating.

Звучит интересно.

How fascinating!

Как интересно.

Why, I’d be fascinated.

Мне будет интересно.

I’ve been trying, Papa, but they’re so fascinating.

Я старалась, папа, но это так интересно.

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Testing you see, sir — this is fascinating!

Тестирование, видите ли, сэр — это захватывающе!

They’re fascinating.

Это так захватывающе.

Yes… yes, it’s fascinating.

Да… да, это захватывающе.

Well, that’s fascinating.

Это захватывающе.

To actually be this close… to a pop culture explosion has been really fascinating.

Что действительно быть так близко… к экспансии поп-культуры это очень захватывающе.

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It confuses me, frightens me. But it fascinates me.

Я смущен, напуган… и при этом очарован.

He was fascinated by watches.

Он был очарован часами.

He looked so fascinated by death.

Он был так очарован смертью .

I now understand why my father was fascinated by that woman.

Теперь я понимаю, почему мой отец был так очарован этой женщиной.

I’m not! I’m fascinated, but I know the dangers.

Я не.я очарован, Но я знаю опасности.

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«When I say it sounds fascinating, I want you to believe me.»

Это звучит потрясающе, и я хочу, чтобы ты мне поверил.

Horrible, but fascinating.

Ужасно, но потрясающе.



Fascinating, but quite impossible.

Потрясающе. Но невозможно.

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I think that’s fascinating.

Я думаю — это удивительно.






Этим. — Удивительно.

Fascinating, isn’t it?

Удивительно, не так ли?

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— Sounds fascinating, princess.

Звучит восхитительно, принцесса.

— This is fascinating.

— Это восхитительно.

But giving birth in itself is fascinating…

Но давать жизнь само по себе восхитительно…

I’m also a fascinating shot.

А я еще и восхитительно стреляю.

— It’s fascinating.

— Это восхитительно.

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Sounds simply fascinating.

Опера завораживает.

It’s fascinating, but only to me.

Он завораживает, но только меня.

It fascinates me.

Он завораживает меня.

There is something about this game that fascinates you, perhaps even more than the game with the water under the bridges, or the imperfectly opaque twigs which drift slowly across the surface of your cornea.

Что-то в этой игре завораживает тебя, возможно, даже сильнее, чем игра воды под мостом, чем трещины на потолке или те полупрозрачные волокна, которые порой медленно перемещаются по поверхности твоей роговицы.

The swan is pretty and it fascinates the people.

Лебедь красивый и это завораживает людей.

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Most fascinating.






Captain, this is fascinating.

Капитан, это поразительно.

To coin a phrase, fascinating.

Как кто-то бы сказал, поразительно.

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Asked by: Rudolph Larson

Score: 4.1/5
(33 votes)

Fascinating Sentence Examples

  1. It was a bewildering and fascinating place.
  2. He was also the most fascinating person she’d ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
  3. The geology of New Mexico is fascinating.
  4. Women were a strange and fascinating gender.

What type of word is fascinating?

of great interest or attraction; enchanting; charming; captivating: a fascinating story;fascinating jewelry.

How do you use how in a sentence?

We use how when we introduce direct and indirect questions:

  1. I haven’t seen you for ages. …
  2. How was the film? …
  3. Do you know how I can get to the bus station?
  4. I asked her how she was but she didn’t answer me.
  5. How old is your grandfather?
  6. How often do you get to your cottage at weekends?

How do you say someone is fascinating?

Explore the Words

  1. intriguing. capable of arousing interest or curiosity. …
  2. exciting. creating or arousing uncontrolled emotion. …
  3. fascinating. capturing interest as if by a spell. …
  4. riveting. capable of arousing and holding the attention. …
  5. absorbing. capable of arousing and holding the attention. …
  6. amusing. …
  7. diverting. …
  8. engrossing.

How do you use interesting in a sentence?

Interesting sentence example

  1. You’re a very interesting person. …
  2. She had an interesting perspective, and she made him think about things differently. …
  3. You get to meet all kinds of interesting people. …
  4. It is very interesting to watch a plant grow, it is like taking part in creation. …
  5. Interesting .

30 related questions found

How do you write interesting?

5 Tips to Making Your Writing More Exciting

  1. Choose active voice and vivid verbs. Passive voice, or leaving the subject out of the sentence, makes it look like you are trying to avoid responsibility. …
  2. Choose precise words. …
  3. Choose concise phrasing. …
  4. Choose simple words. …
  5. Choose appropriate words.

Are you interested on or in?

Since we’re using an adjective referring to our state of being when we talk about the desire to buy something, we always say “interested in” instead of “interested on.” For example: I am interested in buying some property.

What are 2 synonyms for fascinating?

synonyms for fascinating

  • alluring.
  • appealing.
  • charming.
  • delightful.
  • engaging.
  • gripping.
  • intriguing.
  • riveting.

What is it called when something is interesting?

intriguing. adjective. very interesting, especially because of being strange or mysterious.

What word can replace interesting?

Synonyms & Antonyms of interesting

  • absorbing,
  • arresting,
  • consuming,
  • engaging,
  • engrossing,
  • enthralling,
  • fascinating,
  • gripping,

How do we use questions?

How is a very useful question word. Let’s look at some of the ways it can be used.

  • How can I stay healthy?
  • How do you use a public bus? …
  • How big is your room? …
  • How long does it take to get to your job each day? …
  • How many people do you know who can speak English? …
  • How much fun do you have each day?

How do you write per se?


  1. ˈpərs
  2. per se. adverb.
  3. (ˌ)pər-ˈsā also per-ˈsā or (ˌ)pər-ˈsē
  4. per se. adjective (2)
  5. Perse. biographical name.

What is the type of the sentences?

There are four types of sentences: simple, compound, complex, and compound-complex. Each sentence is defined by the use of independent and dependent clauses, conjunctions, and subordinators.

Where do we use the word fascinating?

Fascinating Sentence Examples

  • It was a bewildering and fascinating place.
  • He was also the most fascinating person she’d ever spoken to, in a terrifying, otherworldly way.
  • The geology of New Mexico is fascinating.
  • Women were a strange and fascinating gender.

What is the difference between fascinating and interesting?

As adjectives the difference between fascinating and interesting. is that fascinating is having interesting qualities; captivating; attractive while interesting is arousing]] or holding the attention or [[interest#noun|interest of someone.

What is a fascinating mean?

: extremely interesting or charming : captivating a fascinating documentary gave a fascinating account of the expedition. Other Words from fascinating Synonyms & Antonyms More Example Sentences Learn More About fascinating.

How do you say something is fun?


  1. amusing.
  2. enjoyable.
  3. entertaining.
  4. lively.
  5. pleasant.
  6. boisterous.
  7. convivial.
  8. merry.

What do you mean by entrancing?

adjective. capturing interest as if by a spell. “antique papers of entrancing design” synonyms: bewitching, captivating, enchanting, enthralling, fascinating attractive. pleasing to the eye or mind especially through beauty or charm.

How do you explain why something is interesting?

To say that something is interesting is also to describe a particular kind of synthesis that arises within the experience. Whenever we engage in an activity, we bring to that experience some combination of expectations, likes/desires, beliefs, curiosity, and so forth.

What does enrapture mean in English?

transitive verb. : to fill with delight.

Is fascinating positive or negative?

Fascinating is generally positive, but the mildest of the three. It is used in everyday contexts, e.g. The child finds insects fascinating.

What is synonyms of attractive?

Synonyms: good-looking , pretty , handsome , beautiful , charming , appealing , seductive, gorgeous , lovely , desirable , sensuous, sexy (informal), hot (slang), easy on the eye (slang), fit (UK, slang), ravishing, pulchritudinous (literary, formal), fair , comely.

What does I am interested in you mean?

To be interested in someone or something means to find it worthy of further attention. If «She doesn’t seem the least bit interested in him» this indicates she doesn’t desire to pay attention to him, for whatever purpose may be clear from context.

Are you interested in this job?

Example: «I’m interested in this job because I can see that, in this role, my skills could help solve this problem within your company. I also see an opportunity for me to learn and grow these skills, so we both would benefit personally, professionally, and financially.

Can you say interested to?

While «I am interested to start my career in your company» may be technically correct, you should not use it because people generally don’t use «interested» with «to start». A more commonly accepted way to say it while still using the «to» would be «I am excited to start my career in your company».

There was something fascinating about watching

I love listening to them talking about how things were when they were younger … some of them have seen tremendous changes in the way even the simplest things are done and their stories about the village are fascinating

He is fascinating and makes me laugh – it is refreshingly enjoyable

Some of the stories they relate give me a fascinating insight into village life

He was a fascinating old man and who had worked on the grounds for nearly forty years

He was fascinating as always, yet he looked more elfin in his light azure uniform

There was something fascinating about watching these creatures eat, something sordidly gratifying about the way that little dribbles of sauce might run down their chins

She has in her possession a fascinating diary written by her grandmother who came across during the Troubles

It was fascinating … she’d read about these seaside resorts but never visited one

In Romans 10, there is a fascinating verse that says, “Anyone who will confess with their mouth, ‘Jesus is Lord,’ and believe in their heart that God has raised Him from the dead, then you shall be saved

Astride a couple of motor bikes sat a couple of other visitors, rather obvious in matching wraparound sunglasses, identical maroon shorts and gaudy waterproofs; I couldn’t help but wonder why they found our van so fascinating

It was fascinating

This vengeful, this fascinating series of events held them in total thrall

that you will become angry, because in a fascinating

In a literal and fascinating way, part of her

This fascinating, yet simple test has

Another fascinating thing to determine is exactly

with an animal is a fascinating experience that is

This woman is fascinating … but what is there about her that doesn’t quite add up? I refer to my pad where I have listed the topics I want to talk to her about

This vengeful, this fascinating series of events held them in

We had some fascinating discussions – the process of birth is a great leveller, Sarah

He said she was a fascinating woman

He took her out to a beautiful gymnastic event that she actually found fascinating and she found herself getting cozy and comfortable with him as he told her of the fine points of the competition

It’s fascinating watching the water drops being chased down the window by the hot air

The fascinating but useless information he spouted—facts

Architecture was as challenging and fascinating as he’d hoped it should be, and the Waterhouse firm encouraged his input and creativity, though in moderation

I found it fascinating to watch Dan as Deeny, playing and being loved by a Robot! What use will it be to watch Dan as a Napie, you ask? I just want to observe the consciousness of Dan

It is fascinating to discuss all this with

most fascinating story, I would have phoned you personally

spectacle of the streets is fascinating, but this

” He went on to explain the ordeal in fascinating

And a most fascinating creature it appears to be too

Delia had never been much of a supporter of oral sex but now she was thinking about it as being a most fascinating affair

To Kurt, Fallingwater was the most fascinating architecture he had ever experienced and in a setting that was dreamlike

But to listen to their conversation was perplexing yet fascinating

She gave him the history of her family that Kurt found fascinating

He’d been running from Security one moment, and now he was following this fascinating woman

What makes this code fascinating is the fact that it wraps around the entire Tanakh 9 times

The sea connections were the most fascinating, and

He lost himself in her presence, wrapped himself body and soul in her fascinating self

She was fascinating, tantalising

Eric was a fascinating guy

“Really? At West Belsen? That must be fascinating

‘Yes, fascinating you should point that out

He said after a while, ‘entering TIAR and communicating with its controller would surely have been a fascinating experience, however the Temporal Directive prevents such action

The history of all these arts were fascinating as well as the actual designs and fabrication

Amaranthe was not sure she found the information as fascinating as Avery did, but at least he had an interest in the topic

It made the fight fascinating as the shorter cadet normally had the speed advantage and could stay out of trouble…until the bigger cadet was able to land a punch

who was the most fascinating person, with knowledge of the most

‘It’s a fascinating event

It was so fascinating to see what incredible trickery the hairstylists used and what they could do with a simple head of hair

It was fascinating to see Dena’s belly increase and transform into the shape of a ball

No man could possibly be that fascinating

He had a way of instruction that made Beth feel it was she who, each day, unraveled another fascinating mystery

In that fascinating city, English and Malaysian are the two main languages spoken, the latter representing the national and official language of the country

That fascinating section of Singapore stands out for its Chinese architecture of traditional character in its temples and commercial stores

…That wonder of geological treasures is an inexhaustible source of impressionist paints that make the sightseer sigh: “I wish I was a painter!” As in Alaska, that is a fascinating landscape, a feast for the senses, a true natural scenic orgy, a peaceful and tranquil refuge where to escape from the earthly problems that constantly besiege human beings

Usually at this hour on a Tuesday, he would be eating, but his very dearest friend who found Edgar’s occupation fascinating mentioned that he would join him

“That’s a fascinating story, Richard,” she replied with honest admiration for the quality and sturdiness of the canoe

Wall Drug was actually pretty amusing, with a fascinating collection of western-themed paintings and other museum-like exhibits

I’ve heard they’re fascinating

Yes, Hartle was glad to be off the interstellar cruise ship, which should have been fascinating, but it wasn’t

It was fascinating to witness an ancient relic wielded like a common utensil, nothing more than a tool, when it’s value to knowledge and the unlocking of hitherto unexplainable mysteries could prove to be incalculable

[48] I commend a fascinating book None of these Diseases (S I McMillen, 1966 and subsequent editions which looks at the health benefits of following certain Old Testament practices

All in all, it was a fascinating game, whether you ever won a race or not

are more fascinating than life, your eyes

love, referred to as Bhakti, forms the very essence of the fascinating

It put her in contact with the mix of emotions and range of conversation of one of most fascinating and frustrating creatures on the planet—the evolving adolescent

His past life vision was incredibly perfect and totally unique in terms of sequences, and this was more than fascinating, but I felt him trapped in a world of isolation with a deep sense of shame

In private, she was comic and fascinating, her speech often earthy and outrageous

That’s how I began a fascinating six months at the best-known Special School in Pretoria

Among his several anticipations was hearing this fascinating woman play her guitar

awe, the memory fascinating him, even now as he retold it

VERONICA: It’s those two definitions (“fearless” and “undaunted”) that I found so fascinating

hidden, the more fascinating it will become when

“A fascinating debut- this novel takes the reader to the darkest places in the human soul,

I have found myself gravitating towards this fascinating area of narrow and congested streets, again almost by instinct

I arrived in Marseilles yesterday and again, as if drawn by some instinct, made my way to the oldest and most congested area of this fascinating and teeming city

Lisa smiled and followed the man mysterious and fascinating

“However, the more I read of this fascinating report on the

up a conversation with strangers, a fascinating thing to do when you are in

This is a very fascinating job with better than average pay

Fascinating operation of the Canal

Fascinating and astonishing are, indeed, the design and construction of the Gatun, Pedro Miguel and

That traditional form of transportation is still painted by hand since 1903 at the Joaquín Chaverrí’s Factory in that fascinating locality

The Bay is simply fascinating

It was in 1920, however, that its clear waters, its shining white sand beaches and its fascinating sunsets started to attract thousands of tourists

Thomas proves to be an idyllic resort, the island relates a history of a fascinating, quite turbulent and somewhat legendary beginning

There is no doubt that it has become one of the cities with the most intense flavor and charm in the western hemisphere, from its fascinating history and culture to its enrapturing salsa rhythm and

Many spend time fishing the big marlin or adventuring deep or shallow snorkeling to observe closely hundreds of fish of various colors, coral forms and other fascinating marine formations

Before starting navigating new seas towards Tauranga in the south, it would be fitting to somewhat explore Auckland’s fascinating history

It was a fascinating concept

It represents a testimony to the prisoners brought from England to be jailed in Port Arthur, the famous prison that constitutes one of the most fascinating tourist attractions of the region

They constitute the most appropriate place for visitors to imbue themselves of the exquisite floral beauty and fascinating world of the plants

previously noted, to the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery where he could appreciate, calmly and at ease, the fascinating cultural and natural world which the museum’s collections show visitors, something truly singular and curious

As of today, the Heritage Foundation protects the main university building for its fascinating architectural style

As evidence of the large Chinese population in the province of Cebu, in one of the mountains known as “Beverly Hills”, tourists can admire the immense, fascinating structure of the Taoist temple

silkworm and silk tree have been traced to that stunning and fascinating nation

Awesome in its magnitude and resplendent in its beauty, the interminable Forbidden City leaves the sightseer marveling at its art, captivated by its glorious monotony, confounded by its majestic immensity and, it is worth saying, physically exhausted when leaving that fascinating compound through a cooling royal garden

All carved throughout the hill, ten thousand of them can be seen, however, in the most impressive cave of that imposing configuration of caverns in that fascinating rocky mountain

Synonym: absorbing, bewitching, captivating, enchanting, engrossing, enthralling, entrancing, gripping, riveting. Similar words: nomination, combination, inclination, rating, discrimination, creating, operating, devastating. Meaning: [‘fæsɪneɪtɪŋ]  adj. 1. capable of arousing and holding the attention 2. capturing interest as if by a spell. 

Random good picture Not show

(1) I find the natural world endlessly fascinating.

(2) Hong Kong is a vibrant, fascinating city.

(3) Berlin sounds fascinating from your description.

(4) The museum has a fascinating collection of Celtic artifacts.

(5) That sounds absolutely fascinating .

(6) The museum houses a fascinating miscellany of nautical treasures.

(7) The book gives a fascinating insight into Mrs Blair’s character.

(8) Madagascar is the most fascinating place I have ever been to.

(9) He’s a fascinating person.

(10) He told some fascinating tales about his life in India.

(11) He gave a fascinating slide show on climbing in the Himalayas.

(12) They are carrying out/conducting/doing some fascinating research into/on the language of dolphins.

(13) I found the whole film fascinating.

(14) The teacher brought history alive with fascinating stories.

(15) The Ancient Egyptians were a fascinating people.

(16) There’s something morbidly fascinating about the thought.

(17) The book provides a fascinating glimpse into Moroccan life.

(18) This is a fascinating period of history.

(19) She is compelling, spectral, fascinating(, an unforgettably unique performer.

(20) I found him quite fascinating.

(21) The book is fascinating, despite its uninspiring title.

(22) Your trip to Alaska sounds absolutely fascinating.

(23) Both the band’s writers are fascinating lyricists.

(24) The results of the survey made fascinating reading.

(25) This city is endlessly fascinating.

(26) Your report made fascinating reading.

(27) We have a fascinating statistics.

(28) The iconography of this picture is fascinating.

(29) The changing vivid colours of the sunset are really fascinating.

(30) There are only two kinds of people who are really fascinating, people who know absolutely everything, and people who know absolutely nothing.

More similar words: nomination, combination, inclination, rating, discrimination, creating, operating, devastating, concentrating, electroplating, enticing, dominate, laminated, eliminate, coordinate, coordinator, nation, native, decaffeinated, national, zonation, donation, Latin, nationwide, voting, explanation, nationalism, alternative, setting, testing. 

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