Use the word far away in a sentence

We found 2000 ‘far away’ sentence examples to help you understand how to use far away in a sentence.

  • Our party had guests from as far away as L A who were here for the wedding the previous eve.
  • I would stay far far away from Gordo.
  • The Toyota dealership in Henderson is a 100 times better, too bad it’s too far away.
  • Don’t waste your money here there are way better options for Thai not far away.
  • Because of Khan, I will gladly steer anyone I know buying a car far, far away from your dealership.
  • Words of advice, stay away, far, far away.
  • He told me about a club named Blue Martini and it wasn’t to far away.
  • It’s actually not that far away most people could walk it in less than 15 minutes.
  • Far, far away is a magical place called Mythos.
  • There is street parking that is not too far away.
  • So so hotel that is far away, overcharges.
  • How far away you need to be depends on the size of the screen.
  • Not too far away from Rhodes Ranch.
  • If you want late night coffee and desert there’s a Demitri not too far away.
  • Stay far away from this Dr.
  • My kids wanted to sit far away from the parents.
  • I’ve been to a lot of places but I have to say, even if this one was far away from me I’d be there.
  • If you have bad credit stay far far far away they dont honor their word.
  • The perfect way to relax is to get far away from your daily routine and relax in the warm sun.
  • Stay far away, or just stay at the Hard Rock.
  • The stories captivated me giving me the desire to see far away places and bravely meet adventure.
  • Oh well, guess they will learn when they shut down, because I can’t imagine that’s far away.
  • Danger is not far away though as Ruby’s powers seem likely to give away her location.
  • Very, very far away from any miso ramen I have had in the U.
  • This will put you on the rail way side as far away from the tracks as possible.
  • But relatives and friends far away from you can’t see what you’re up to all the time.
  • Although love seems to be about to blossom, Tavy is soon taken far away from Ben and his influence.
  • It is a shame that we live so far away but if we are in the area we will absolutely come back.
  • If you have business banking to do stay far far away from this BOA.
  • Then they threw in one really far away.
  • For that reason, this place reminds me of Phoenix House of Pizza and Subs, which isn’t too far away.
  • Like decisions are made far away, from people who haven’t been in this location.
  • It is far away from the city center.
  • So after we ordered we were not to far away to get there to pick up the food then get home.
  • If you must have the best, go to jerusalem shwarma, stay far away from pita grill.
  • Both were far away from the Olive garden we ate at.
  • Which on the map looked far away but the elevator was literally right by check in.
  • It is set to far away from the bar.
  • Based on my experiences the past four years, this was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
  • I only wish I didn’t live so far away.
  • Brides, stay far away.
  • I was also having them deliver far away 40 miles one way.
  • Even though this place is really far away from me, I try to come here when I can.
  • Then the distance became clear, and she realized how far away the woman was, and how gigantic.
  • I would never recommend this school to anyone and would stay very far away.
  • How far away is the person you need to meet.
  • Stay far away from this company as much as you can.
  • It’s hard for a listener to connect to a tragedy that happened far away or long ago.
  • I wouldn’t drive here if I lived far away.
  • For someone like me who has lived far away from the U.
  • I love how the writer is able to pair spunky women with warriors of a far away land.
  • As in my head was far away from the bed.
  • Don’t walk, RUN as far away from this place.
  • I stayed far away from salads the rest of the time.
  • They are a sad group of people that everyone should stay far away from.
  • I would stay far away.
  • I could easily see things that were very far away.
  • This place is far away.
  • Stay far away from any of the Pet Stores.
  • What if your payday is also yet far away how will you com out such situation.
  • They are hoping to start a new life far away from the memories of the sniper case.
  • Stay far away from the tiny hooks.
  • I don’t care how far away from each other we are.
  • A scream is heard from far away, a demon like scream, and then another louder scream soon follows.
  • So, don’t risk the drive out there if you live far away.
  • A tree up close should be large, while a tree far away should be small.
  • An amazing look into life far,far away.
  • Stay far away from this garbage.
  • I would advise everyone I know and all of you I don’t to stay far away from this place.
  • Stay far, far away if you value your clothing.
  • But Africa, as it turns out, isn’t so very far away it’s in the front lawn, up in a tree.
  • At that point, I just wanted to get as far away as possible from this place.
  • Had a great time there, but we decided to head over to Krush not too far away.
  • No one knows how to drive and we had to park so far away in fear of shopping carts hitting our car.
  • With the innovation of carpeting, the development of the carpet cleaner wasn’t far away.
  • I heard Emerson’s voice beside me as though from far away.
  • If you want to avoid frustrations, stay far far away.
  • I now work far away and it makes me sad.
  • A future far away from what she’s known all her life.
  • She gets brought to her aunts house to be raised far away from whatever went down with her parents.
  • If it weren’t so far away from where I live, it’s likely I’d be there every weekend.
  • Far away from maddening crowds and hot weather of North Indian plains, there is a pearl called Goa.
  • I really only feel it’s a problem when I’m shooting someone really far away.
  • Far away from serious read, but oodles of fun.
  • Unfortunately, there are some who are still far away from this.
  • Whenever Annie is with her, Liza’s problems seem far away.
  • He’s trying to stay out of trouble long enough to graduate and move far, far away.
  • They are traveling to Jondalar’s home, which is very far away.
  • With everything that has happened, Sam knows that she should stay far away from Harrison.
  • Hershey’s chocolate factory in PA is not far away.
  • Most of these thieves are located in far away locations.
  • I would rather see the show from far away than half see the show.
  • Brady was far away, Harrison didn’t exist, and Tug was just Liv’s obnoxious little brother.
  • Sad that you’re so far away.
  • Will you wait for your payday which is yet far away.
  • Stay as far away from this dump as possible it’s a glamorized motel 8.
  • From far away and close up, there are hundreds of things to examine.
  • This tool is great for fixing that problem, even if you are far away out of town.
  • If you’re not an absolute expert, stay as far away from this place as you can.

Other Words: Farnese, Farmsteading, Farkleberry, Farron, Farmer’s Market, Farfetch, Far Western, Farrand, Fares, Farewell Sermon, Farnsworth, Farfetched, Farcically, Farthermost, Farida, Farted, Farded, Faroese, Farner, Farads

far away — перевод на русский

/fɑː əˈweɪ/

You’re so far away, not being able to see you, I can’t bear it anymore.

Ты так далеко, без возможности увидеть тебя, я так долго не выдержу.

Oh, they’re too far away.

— Они слишком далеко.

So far away.

Всё так далеко.

But far away, certainly.

Но далеко, определенно.

It was foggy and I was too far away to see anything.

Было туманно и я находилась слишком далеко, чтобы что-нибудь разглядеть.

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«I will travel far away to forget.»

«Я собираюсь уехать подальше и забыть обо всем.»

When you get back to New York… keep far away from this office.

Когда вернёшься назад в Нью-Йорк,.. ..держись подальше от этого офиса.

Why don’t you ask her what she was too far away from?

Почему бы вам не спросить её — от чего именно она хотела быть подальше?

Would it matter if we sent him very far away?

А что, если мы отправим его подальше?

Take me away Clifford. As far away from this house we can go. I beseech you.

Уедем же, куда угодно, только бы подальше от этого дома!

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Far, far away.

Далеко, далеко отсюда.

If I didn’t feel so far away, I’d be in your arms now, crying and holding you close to me.

Если бы я не была в своих чувствах так далеко отсюда, я бы уже бросилась в твои объятия, плача и прижимаясь к тебе.

I just want to go far away

Мне просто нужно уплыть далеко отсюда.

How far away is their hideout?

Далеко отсюда их укрытие?

Far away, at the foot of the mountain.

Далеко отсюда, у подножия горы.

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By laughing even louder, I could only hear you cry out for help, and from far away.

Смеясь все громче, вы зовете на помощь; я слышу как вы кричите издалека.

The glory of having relatives from far away embracing your child!

Когда приехавшие издалека родственники окружали ребенка, это было гордостью для семьи;

It is corn, corn from far away.

Это зерно. Издалека.

Far, far away…


— From over there, far away.

— Оттуда, издалека.

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«I must travel far, far away, to the land of thieves and phantoms!»

«Я уезжаю далеко-далеко, в страну воров и призраков.»

He sweeps me up on his white horse… and carries me off… far, far away! May I?

И он посадит меня на своего белого коня и увезет меня далеко-далеко.

Florence, we should go far, far away.

Флоранс, нам лучше уехать. Далеко-далеко.

They floated far, far away…

Их уносило далеко-далеко…

Far away, away from the sea there’s my village where my bonnie lives…

Далеко-далеко за морем — там моя деревня и моя любовь…

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Not far away.

Очень далеко.

In our own planet, far away.

Это у нас на планете. Очень далеко.

he’s not far away.

он тут не очень далеко.

I shall be far, far away by the time you here this letter…

Я буду уже далеко, очень далеко, когда ты прочтёшь это письмо.

For now, Boubakr is away, far away…

В настоящий момент Бубакр далеко, очень далеко…

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Our farm isn’t far away — just over there.

Наша ферма недалеко.

the secret landing strip is not far away.

Недалеко есть секретная взлётно-посадочная полоса.

I won’t go very far away.

Мне недалеко.

It’s not far away, it’s in the suburbs, only an hour by train.

Это недалеко, в пригороде. Всего час на поезде.

They can’t be far away, can they?

Они же явно недалеко?

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But I wasn’t, I cared for her and I thought she cared for me, after those 5 ayears in London, among strangers, far away from home.

Как же, я заботилась о ней, думала она мне платит тем же, и после 5 лет в Лондоне, среди чужих, вдали от дома…

A door slamming, a tyre bursting far away?

Не знаю, дверца, или шина лопнула вдали.

Carla would have played the harp, as on any night, and we would have been happy hiding in here, far away from the world.

Карла могла бы играть на арфе, как и обычно, и мы были бы счастливы, живя здесь, вдали от всего мира.

I looked to the horizon without hope of salvation I was constantly fighting to survive in this island, against all odds far away from civilization I thank God to send me a human being whose I can share my life.

Потеряв уже всякую надежду на спасение, я всматривался в горизонт. Я постоянно боролся, чтобы выжить на этом острове наперекор всем невзгодам, вдали от цивилизации. Но, слава Богу, он послал мне человека,

Devils and wonders, winds and tides, far away the sea has gone out.

Чудища и чудеса Ветра и приливы Вдали море уже отступило

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My coach is not far away.

Мой экипаж рядом.

Wherever you are, Mathias is never far away.

Где ты, там и Матиас всегда рядом.

If you insist on this horror of removing yourself so far away from me?

Если вас не будет рядом, на что мне смотреть?

If there’s anything you need … I won’t be far away.

Если тебе что-нибудь понадобится… я буду рядом.

Even if he’s standing far away… they call each other «amor.»

Даже если они не рядом, они так называют друг друга.

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Benny doesn’t live far away.

Бенни живет неподалеку.

They can’t be far away.

Они могут быть неподалеку.

I sensed another alien mind not far away.

Я ощущал неподалеку присутствие еще одного чужого разума.

The sea can’t be far away.

Море было где-то неподалёку.

Hey, I’m not far away.

Эй, я неподалеку.

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Listing Results Far Away Recipes

  • Total 20 Results
  • Low carb

  • Low cholesterol

  • Low fat

  • Low sodiumt

41 Healthy LowCarb Recipes Food Network

WebA good place to start? These chicken «enchiladas» made with zucchini ribbons instead of tortillas — a simple hack that cuts the carb count to just 10 grams per …

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125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

Web3. Baked Shrimp and Broccoli Foil Packs with Garlic Lemon Butter Sauce. 125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less. This baked …


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21 LowCarb, HighProtein Dinners in 30 Minutes

Web21 Low-Carb, High-Protein Dinners in 30 Minutes. You’re just 30 minutes away from getting a delicious and filling dinner on the table with these low-carb high …


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1,300+ Delicious Low Carb Recipes Recipe Diet Doctor

WebWe offer 1,333 nutritionally approved and tested low carb recipes that are easy to follow, created by some of the most loved low

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50 Easy Keto Recipes for Dinner Tonight Insanely Good

WebThis healthy one-pan meal uses zucchini noodles in place of spaghetti to create a carb-free concoction. It’s full of zesty lemon and garlic flavor, combined with the …


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30 Low Carb Recipes You Can Meal Prep Sweet Peas …

WebPan-fried chicken breast and broccoli are smothered with cheese and served over cauliflower rice. Filling but light with only 5 g carbs and 43 g of protein. Santa Fe chicken low carb meal prep has cilantro …


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LowCarb Recipes

WebBaked Fresh Rainbow Trout. 114 Ratings. Oven Scrambled Eggs. 745 Ratings. Daddy Eddie’s Roast Pork (Pernil), Puerto Rican-Style. 56 Ratings. Oven Roasted Stuffed …


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Low Carb Recipes the full index from Step Away From …

WebThai Crab Omelet. Sautéed Tomatillos and Zucchini. Keto Armadillo Eggs. Low Carb Chicken Artichoke Bake. Keto Sweet & Spicy Coleslaw. Low Carb Roasted Strawberries. Cod with Lemon, Basil, and Butter. Easy …


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21 Low Fat Recipes and Low Carb Recipes My Turn for Us

WebLow Carb Zucchini Lasagna dish that is rich and delicious. Steak & Arugula Salad Steak & Arugula Salad with a homemade Sun-Dried Tomato & Lemon Dressing …


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Best LowCarb 3 Seed Bread (Copycat «Multigrain»)

WebLow-Carb 3 Seed Bread Recipe This is it!! The famous 3 seed bread kiwis and Aussies are raving about. Perfect toasted with butter then sweet or savoury toppings. 35 g chia seeds 75 g sunflower seeds …


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45 Budget Friendly Low Carb Recipes Budget Bytes

WebLow Carb Pork Recipes (Left to right, top to bottom). 30 Minute Posole Pineapple Pork Kebabs (no grill required) Herb Roasted Pork Loin Sausage and Kale Skillet White …


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25 Easy LowCarb Vegan Recipes Insanely Good

WebNext, you’ll want to include nuts, avocado, and lowcarb veggies like asparagus, peppers, and zucchini. 10. Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad. Vegan caesar …


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Creamy LowCarb Keto Flan (SugarFree) Low Carb Yum

WebPour over the caramelized sweetener in the prepared pan. Place baking dish in a larger baking pan. Fill larger pan with boiling water to a depth of about 1 inch. Bake …


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55 Low Carb Recipes To Make in Under An Hour Brit …

WebLowCarb Bell Pepper Sandwiches. Hollow out a bell pepper, and stuff it with a cream cheese-mustard mix, as well as slices of your favorite deli meat and cheese. Load it with spinach, bacon, sprouts, …


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15 Cozy LowCarb Casserole Recipes Perfect for Fall

WebIf you’ve tried zoodles, or noodles made of zucchini to help lower carb intake, it’s time to try zucchini casserole, which is primarily just zucchini and parmesan cheese. …


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33 Easy Low Carb Recipes olivemagazine

Web33 easy low-carb recipes. Published: August 5, 2022 at 12:52 pm. Post a comment. Try our lighter, lowcarb meal ideas that pack in plenty of flavour, from sumac …


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37 LowCarb Keto Air Fryer Recipes PureWow

Web2. Lowcarb Keto Fried Chicken. We knew there was a reason we liked the keto diet, and that reason is soul food. 3. Easy Keto, Lowcarb Vegetarian Air Fryer …


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Asked by: Mr. Roscoe Kulas

Score: 4.5/5
(73 votes)

Something that’s distant from you is faraway. … You can describe something that’s far off or removed from you with the adjective faraway — and you can also use it for things that only feel distant, or that happened a long time ago.

How do you use far away?

The word ‘faraway’ is only used to describe nouns and the phrase ‘far away’ is only used to describe verbs, or when an object is described as being in that state. ‘Faraway’ is not commonly used in the English language, since it is often substituted out for synonyms.

How do you say something is far away?

Synonyms & Antonyms of faraway

  1. away,
  2. deep,
  3. distant,
  4. far,
  5. far-flung,
  6. far-off,
  7. remote,
  8. removed.

What is the similar meaning of FAR AWAY?

In this page you can discover 24 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for faraway, like: remote, distant, a million miles away, abstracted, preoccupied, close, removed, oblivious, ability, awareness and dreamy.

How do you use far away in a sentence?

She rose to see how far away they were from the horizon, miserable in the heat. I didn’t want to get too far away from what’s cool and current. Boston seems so long ago, and so very far away . The boy was too far away for Dean to hail but Dean hurried his pace in hopes of stopping him and asking if he’d seen Cynthia.

37 related questions found

What is a faraway look?

From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English a faraway lookan expression on your face which shows that you are not paying attention but thinking about something very different His eyes had a distant faraway look, like a sailor staring out to sea.

How do you use now and again in a sentence?

1 Every now and again/then they’ll have a beer together. 2 She listened sympathetically, nodding her head now and again. 3 We see each other every now and again. 4 I give it a polish now and again.

What is meaning of far-flung?

1 : widely spread or distributed a far-flung empire. 2 : remote a far-flung correspondent.

What does cutoff mean?

To cut someone or something off means to separate them from things that they are normally connected with. One of the goals of the campaign is to cut off the enemy from its supplies. [ V P n + from] The exiles had been cut off from all contact with their homeland. [

What is the meaning of back of beyond?

informal. : a place that is very far from other places and people : a remote place He lives by himself in a cabin out in the back of beyond.

Can faraway be one word?

Your faraway childhood or the faraway history of your town’s oldest building are a couple of examples. This word can also be correctly spelled with a hyphen, far-away, or as two words, far away.

What is far away in place or time?

faraway in American English

1. distant in time, place, degree, etc. 2. dreamy; abstracted. a faraway look.

How do you use the word earth in a sentence?

«They planted crops in the fertile earth.» «The frozen earth was too hard for digging.» «She planted flowers in the moist earth of the garden.» «Nothing could grow in the dry earth.»

How would you describe long distance?

Long-distance is used to describe travel between places that are far apart. … Long-distance is used to describe communication that takes place between people who are far apart. He received a long-distance phone call from his girlfriend in Colorado.

What defines a long distance relationship?

A long-distance relationship (LDR) or long-distance romantic relationship (LDRR) is an intimate relationship between partners who are geographically separated from one another. Partners in LDRs face geographic separation and lack of face-to-face contact.

What is the word for isolated?

The words seclusion and solitude are common synonyms of isolation. While all three words mean «the state of one who is alone,» isolation stresses detachment from others often involuntarily.

What does mean now and again?

phrase. If you say that something happens now and then or every now and again, you mean that it happens sometimes but not very often or regularly.

Is it now and then or now and again?

Basically you do something from time to time. So the «Now and Again» makes no sense. «Now and Then» is much more clear in it’s meaning.

What is mean by again and again?

: at frequent intervals : often, repeatedly. Synonyms & Antonyms Example Sentences Learn More About again and again.



Автоматический перевод

далеко, вдали, неподалеку, очень далеко, далекий, очень далекий, за горами

Перевод по словам

far  — далекий, дальний, далеко, гораздо, намного, большое расстояние
away  — далеко, прочь, вон, долой, в отсутствие, удаленный, отстоящий


You are so far away from me now.

Ты так далеко от меня сейчас.

There’s another hotel not far away.

Там неподалёку есть другая гостиница.

His voice sounded feeble and far away.

Его голос звучал очень слабо и как будто издалека.

He is so far away from being a big-timer.

Его звездный час пробьет еще так не скоро.

They could hear the sound of water not far away.

Они услышали, как где-то рядом шумит вода.

He was too far away to be able to identify faces.

Он был слишком далеко, и не мог распознать лица.

We watched from a safe distance (=we were far away).

Мы наблюдали с безопасного расстояния (т.е мы были далеко).

ещё 15 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His farm is located further away from Riobamba than his brother’s.  

…we stayed in a secluded resort, far away from the regular tourist crowds…  

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