Use the word fantastic in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fantastic, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fantastic in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fantastic». In addition, we also show how different variations of fantastic can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are fantastical and fantastically. If you click on the variation of fantastic that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Fantastic in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fantastic in a sentence.

  1. She did a fantastic voice.

  2. Now those women were fantastic ..

  3. It really has been a fantastic ride».

  4. Her maneuvers with the cue ball are fantastic.

  5. The club had a fantastic start to their season.

  6. The Doctor is always saying «isn’t it fantastic?

  7. He was strong and had a fantastic football brain.

  8. His work fuses elements of realism and the fantastic.

  9. Playing with him in Seattle, that was just fantastic.

  10. Half thought it was fantastic, half thought it was terrible!

  11. It’s Audioslave.» We were all, like, «All right, fantastic.» ..

  12. In the last group, the Caprichos sense of the fantastic returns.

  13. Hoddle’s assistant John Gorman noted: «It’s fantastic, unbelievable.

  14. But with good organisation, preparation and a fantastic work ethic ..

  15. O’Sullivan said «I want to congratulate Mark on a fantastic tournament.

  16. But he inspired other people to do things, and his influence was fantastic.

  17. Each encounter with the Orb reveals a fantastic effect on people who use it.

  18. Lennon described the experience: «It was just terrifying, but it was fantastic.

  19. Does it not prefigure the wayward and fantastic progress of a storm-tossed life?

  20. If we can do that then we have a fantastic chance of getting the victory we want».

  21. At the town hall balcony, Vieira addressed the crowd: «It has been a fantastic season.

  22. One of the things we were doing was getting these fantastic come-from-behind things ..

  23. Herbert reiterated Schumacher’s opinion by stating that Benetton did «a fantastic job».

  24. By human standards, dinosaurs were creatures of fantastic appearance and often enormous size.

  25. Gold’s story was the first of many in Unknown to combine commonplace reality with the fantastic.

  26. Although he preferred the term «philosophical», Balzac’s novel is based upon a fantastic premise.

  27. The trouble is that it is much more fun to think up fantastic situations and mix Bond up in them.

  28. Several novels have been published, generally offering natural rather than fantastic explanations.

  29. He is invested with the narrative authority to understand and explain the fantastic events depicted.».

  30. Robertson commented «My safety was fantastic, my long game was excellent probably as good as it has been.

  31. Lew watched [«Trapped in the Sky»] and at the end he jumped up shouting, ‘Fantastic, absolutely fantastic!

  32. Amis describes «the imaginative use of information, whereby the pervading fantastic nature of Bond’s world ..

  33. I’m not saying that it’s a great album or some fantastic work of art, but I love it and it means a lot to me.

  34. Of the defeat, Rabaul staff officer Masatake Okumiya said, «Our losses for this single battle were fantastic.

  35. Eno compared the creative process to «looking out to the world and saying, ‘What a fantastic place we live in.

  36. In almost every episode, the characters discover or are confronted by what is, for the time, fantastic technology.

  37. In some strips the Fiend was a spectator watching fantastic or horrible things happen to someone close to themself.

  38. They could hear the lilting melody of youth that formed a smooth background for his fantastic caricatures in sound.

  39. Amis describes it as «the imaginative use of information, whereby the pervading fantastic nature of Bond’s world ..

  40. His One Hundred Aspects of the Moon (1885–1892) depicts a variety of fantastic and mundane themes with a moon motif.

  41. This inclusion of the fantastic, however, is mostly a framework by which the author discusses human nature and society.

  42. Richard Ellmann, the biographer of Yeats and James Joyce, stated that Synge «built a fantastic drama out of Irish life.

  43. He completed a fantastic tournament, scoring 16 points in the final game, and was named the Eurocamp’s top small forward.

  44. At the time, French literary appetites for fantastic stories had been whetted by the 1829 translation of German writer E.

  45. He had a fantastic football brain, he could sort it out within 10 minutes of a game who should be where and (doing) what».

  46. Contemporary theatres, such as bangsawan and stamboel, were unscripted and generally used fantastic settings and plotlines.

  47. Watson was appreciative of the more assertive role Hermione played, calling her «charismatic» and «a fantastic role to play».

  48. Although the novel uses fantastic elements, its main focus is a realistic portrayal of the excesses of bourgeois materialism.

  49. Overly, and subsequently Day, nursed McCain and kept him alive; Day later recalled that McCain had «a fantastic will to live».

  50. All of the players, coaches and support staff have done a fantastic job and we can’t wait to greet them on their return home.».

Fantastical in a sentence

Fantastical is a variation of fantastic, below you can find example sentences for fantastical.

  1. Like Bullant, he became a more fantastical designer with time.

  2. It is outlined by border illustrations of fantastical creatures and a peacock.

  3. Candide is characterized by its tone as well as by its erratic, fantastical, and fast-moving plot.

  4. Europeans have traditionally thought of beavers as fantastical animals due to their amphibious nature.

  5. Many of the later plates contain fantastical motifs which can be seen as a return to the imagery of the Caprichos.

  6. In addition to space opera, some more fantastical fiction began to appear, contributed by writers such as Henry Kuttner.

  7. Gernsback discovered that the audience he had attracted was less interested in scientific invention stories than in fantastical adventures.

  8. The romances added wholly-fictional and fantastical elements to the historical accounts and these were repeated in popular plays and operas.

  9. Space Invaders also moved the gaming industry from sports games (such as Pong) grounded in real-world situations, towards fantastical action games.

  10. In contrast to their precise counts of Nasr’s forces, the Arabic chroniclers record the fantastical figures of 300,000 or 600,000 Byzantine troops.

  11. La Planète des singes was heavily influenced by 18th- and 19th-century fantastical travel narratives, especially Jonathan Swift’s satirical Gulliver’s Travels.

  12. However, Bosch is innovative in that he describes hell not as a fantastical place, but as a realistic world containing many elements from day-to-day human life.

  13. The representation of Christ in the guise of a seraph with three pairs of wings is an unusually fantastical element for van Eyck’s normally reserved sensibility.

  14. Roberts for their seemingly fantastical representations of wildlife, he also denounced the booming genre of realistic animal fiction as «yellow journalism of the woods».

  15. Canadian animals and birds, both real and fantastical, have also been widely used in arms, including the mythical raven-bears in the arms of the Canadian Heraldic Authority.

  16. Thus, the frenzy of building gained momentum until the increasingly fantastical Baroque architecture demanded by these hedonistic patrons reached its zenith in the mid-18th century.

  17. At one point, as a preemptive move against any censorship, Bottin suggested making the creature’s violent transformations and the appearance of the internal organs more fantastical using colors.

  18. Knutson, meanwhile, was positive regarding the graphics, art, and animation: he called them «nearly flawless» and praised the realism they brought to the inherently fantastical skateboarding genre.

  19. The plots of Harima’s stories portray a Harima-like hero fighting to save a Tenma-like damsel in various historical or fantastical situations, usually in battle against an obvious facsimile of Karasuma.

  20. William Blake and Henry Fuseli, contemporaries of Goya’s, produced works with similarly fantastical content, but, as Hollander describes, they muted its disturbing impact with «exquisitely applied linearity ..

Fantastically in a sentence

Fantastically is a variation of fantastic, below you can find example sentences for fantastically.

  1. French cartographer Nicolas de Fer illustrated beavers building a dam at Niagara Falls; fantastically depicting them like human builders.

  2. Club dwelled on Carnivàle’s cliffhanger ending in a piece on unanswered TV questions and called the show «a fantastically rich series with a frustratingly dense mythology».

  3. Furthermore, she opined that «[e]verything comes together in the episode’s fantastically entertaining final act», due to the presence of the dramatic fight scene, among others.

Synonyms for fantastic

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fantastic has the following synonyms: ace, A-one, crack, first-rate, super, tiptop, topnotch, tops, superior, antic, fantastical, grotesque, strange, unusual, fancy, unreal, grand, howling, marvelous, marvellous, rattling, terrific, tremendous, wonderful, wondrous, extraordinary, phenomenal, wild and unrealistic.

General information about «fantastic» example sentences

The example sentences for the word fantastic that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fantastic» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fantastic».

The fantastic creatures in Maya carvings that could only have come from serious drug abuse ate you in the wilds on this planet

In the bar, wrapped in the warm embrace of alcohol and the fantastic promise

other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their

’ I said, stunned by her fantastic head gear which towers a good foot above her head and wobbles most precariously every time she moves her head

I’ve discovered that he lives in a house up by the quarry on the western boundaries of the village – I’ve not seen it but he says there are fantastic views over the village from his bedroom window … I contemplate what it would be like to find out … then read myself the riot act for being so … so … optimistic

In the bar, wrapped in the warm embrace of alcohol and the fantastic promise of the boy with the tousled hair and that cheeky smile, she had suddenly felt compelled to decline the offer of more fun

It was a long walk down from the mountain to his one-time home on the coast, a place that he barely remembered other than for the fantastic whiteness of the walls and the deep blue cupola of their little church

I remember it has fantastic audio applications

Umm… this is so good, and the honey and biscuits are fantastic!” Kate returned with his tea, “Thank you so much,” he drank half and continued eating

lost in the trance of his lilting voice and fantastic wit,

As a result of the recent eruption of Vesuvio, the sunsets are fantastic … deep reds streaking across the sky, interwoven with oranges and greens, resulting in the most amazing displays

You are wonderful! So big, so fantastic! She was sobbing and with tears of joy

What a fantastic outcome for Jo – mind you, she deserves it

His curious eyes fixed on Alastair, he explains that Sally has gone off to North Wales to see Uncle David’s house and that they have been to church with Anna who has given them a fantastic picnic lunch in her garden, going into substantial detail before finally reaching the salient point which is that they are trying to cut Anna’s lawn, but that the lawn mower is not working properly

‘Sounds fantastic, Simon – what’s it all about?’

‘You’re not kidding! She was fantastic! It was a terrific concert

Gratitude is a fantastic way to not only ease turbulent emotions like fear, but it can actually help you to better appreciate your life as it is right now (problems and all), as well as continuously keep attracting better experiences

The road winds along the edge of the cliffs, following the contours of the bays, with fantastic views of the towns nestling along the coast and across the bay towards Ischia

I heard Alastair play in a recital once – he plays organ and piano, you know – bloody fantastic what he could do with that organ

She stretches luxuriously, reaching her feet into the corners of the bed and smiles, it is fantastic having the bed to herself … doubly so as she also has her body to herself

All around were fantastic gardens, and walking through them, the loveliest maidens

And I am inclined to agree with them; I think there are many fantastic locations out there that would be a better place to build your office blocks,”

“What a fantastic place for us to spend the

‘And the kids have been fantastic, Sally

And Julia wore that dress to the Harvest Dance and everyone had a most fantastic time, even Matt

If this were a story about a fantastic hero, then Matt would don his perfect mask and perfect cape, run out the door in a flash and announce, ‘step back, innocent civilians! I shall now save the day!’, and then Matt would save the world from certain doom in a most perfect way and be rewarded with millions of dollars and a pool filled with drop-dead perfect gorgeous women, and then go back home to his perfect private tropical island where nothing bad ever happened, except for when it was a chance for Matt to prove how awesome he was and just plain better than everyone else

But Matt was not a fantastic hero; Matt was Matt and nothing else

Andrew, for example, was the kind of boy who could always take charge of a situation, somebody who could come up with fantastic plans to solve problems in the blink of an eye

After that, she had a fantastic résumé for leadership, accuracy, and durability

If this was some fantastic ancient device it would have to be from the Energy Age, but how could he get here from then?

We saw spectacular show at the MGM Grand and had a fantastic Italian dinner before he left for Arizona to help his sister moved to Phoenix

«The same sort of thing Grandpa but Flitters wrong as Seaboy was with us lying in the dark pool producing all those fantastic sea images

dialect, as – most notably – due to the fantastic

The extent of the propaganda is fantastic, and here

Fantastic customer service is where the experience your customers have

“Wow! That’s fantastic!” she blurted out impulsively

A gateway to an even m-more fantastic realm called the Akashi

These are fantastic sources of information to use for email content, as they are generally short and to the point, interesting, and usually target a topic of interest within the niche

— It is a fantastic opportunity for the growth of the Soul

Marlon Sanders, that wild and crazy guy, has amazing energy, and a fantastic way of telling you how to focus on the basics, while giving you step-by-step instructions on how to start and succeed in your own information marketing business

“That»s the most fantastic thing I»ve ever heard,” I said, as I reached for the last batch of thread we were to dye

«But it’s fantastic that she’s back to normal

danced to a silent beat, a tall Celt with fantastic hair, flaxen but shaped into an extraordinary

«Shit!» said Frank, «I don’t mean you, Sharon, that was fantastic

A wife and a dependent loving child, lots of friends and a fantastic

But it was after I checked into his fiancé Helen that the really jaw dropping part of this whole story came home to roost and the most fantastic part of this was that the same Helen that Billy Boy loved was my great grandma

“That’s fantastic!” he said, beaming, and took a step towards her again to take her into his arms

In the following days, he found out more about the Dutch from his car dealer friend and slowly formed a fantastic plan, tweaking it ever so carefully in his and Nathan’s favour

” “You have many things here that are simply fantastic

A creative imagination, one that isn‘t utterly fantastic, is a necessary component of a potentially active, inquisitive young mind

�Pirate, you did a fantastic job,� said Hoover

‘Oh wow this is fantastic, oh man thank you Kaye, really thank you!’

It was fantastic

It was fantastic to visit with my old friends but sadly we were not able to stay very long after service, as we had to catch our flight home

Her comments and suggestions were in all honesty fantastic and I amended my assignment accordingly

‘This is fantastic and so interesting,’ Dena said, staring in amazement at the contestants spraying and twirling and manoeuvring the models’ hair, with fingers like tentacles

“What a fantastic day

«Jill, as much as I’d like to pull one of those fantastic legs of yours, I’m afraid it’s true

He then began his fantastic revelations

“There’s more! Fantastic really! Of all places, renia mushrooms of this size, right here in this godforsaken place! My grandfather would have had a fit!”

Would Truman be the gardener maybe, or bartender? He would make a fantastic bartender for his command of language and endless supply of war stories

Ranger scurried to a nearby trunk, «That showed them, fantastic job!» Their excitement was clearly coursing through their veins

Then it did a most fantastic thing

Molo sniggered at the thought of such a fantastic artifact of mysterious origins and unheard of qualities as that stone, in the hands of a savage that could barely use a wheel, if in fact he had ever seen one in his life

It was fantastic, although the glacier has retreated since

It was too beautiful, too fantastic

It would have been fantastic to sit here with him, Ilmal Nolirtiello, if it had not been for what she had to hide

What has happened here? he wondered, this fantastic spaceship must possess an unimaginably advanced technology, and yet it’s been defeated without any sign of battle

‘What I am going to tell you,’ he said, ‘will sound fantastic and impossible, but hopefully it will answer some of your questions and give you a bearing on our situation

‘Water! Water? Oh man, that’s fantastic

‘This is truly fantastic

‘What a fantastic idea,’ said the professor

We go beyond, we offered 3 fantastic strategies as solution

It builds fantastic wealth with total availability through the behavioural change for the production process and use of the resources with elimination of the chain of successive possessions between suppliers and customers

The idea of this proposal is to transform this fantastic wealth in autosustainable and self-sufficient with the certainty that the resources received in donation they become social investment with success, without deviation of the resources, wastes or applications in other finalities so that the solution of the problem is in a definitive way with world reaching

— Is it not fantastic? she said out of breath

In approximately 7 YEARS, this fantastic solution will accumulate more than 70 TRILLION DOLLARS

This fantastic fortune of material and monetary goods can arrive the countless importance of more than

Each Bank3Sector servant will have the finality of building fantastic financial amount of trillion of trillion dollars, without this voluminous capital is returned or lent with remuneration

s) Fantastic accumulation of trillion dollars that are donated or applied in Bank3Sector, without needing to spend it

We had a fantastic day, and I didn‘t think about him, not once

“This one is from my fantastic childhood

Our innovation builds fantastic wealth of products and services and it accomplishes its equable circulation without there is concentration of the income to accomplish the so desired dream of the distributary justice

288 billion dollars, however it generates fantastic results

Our Project is the definitive solution, it puts an end the those barbarisms and it saves our African siblings of that slaughter so that the people live with dignity to continue offering as a gift its fantastic culture and rich tradition to the human society, without we stay only commoving us with continuous news of its misfortune and slavery

The people are hospitable; it acts in harmony with more than 70 ethnic groups that interact with the thousands of tourists of the most diverse nations and cultures in a fantastic integration

In case the deposit volume is low, that is evidence that the people are without information about this fantastic and cheap solution

Each Bank3Sector acts through the fantastic Coordenational Structure to generate income and to build the wealth without there is the transfer of the money, products and of the resources in definitive possessions

of the information and it creates fantastic Database

Today, the day is fantastic

The interesting point is that this systematics builds the wealth of the nations and of the people; it generates partnership in the competitiveness to the organizations with effective control of the goals and the certainty of the conquest of fantastic results for the development and individual and collective progress

Synonym: incredible, odd, outrageous, strange, unreal, unusual, wild. Similar words: fantasy, plastic, infant, taste of, cast aside, advantage, antagonist, stick out. Meaning: [‘fæn’tæstɪk]  adj. 1. ludicrously odd 2. extraordinarily good; used especially as intensifiers 3. extravagantly fanciful and unrealistic; foolish 4. existing in fancy only 5. of the highest quality 6. extravagantly fanciful in design, construction, appearance 7. exceedingly or unbelievably great. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The weather was absolutely fantastic.

2. I have a fantastic social life.

3. She made a fantastic clay model of her dog.

4. What a fantastic mountain scene.

5. You’ve got the job? Fantastic!

6. It’s a fantastic place, really beautiful!

7. I felt fantastic after my swim.

8. We had a fantastic trip to Europe.

9. You look fantastic in that dress.

10. For some inexplicable reason he gave up a fantastic job.

11. She’s a fantastic swimmer.

12. Don’t miss out on the fantastic bargains in our summer sale.

13. We had a really fantastic holiday.

14. She knocked up a fantastic meal in ten minutes.

15. Jo put us onto this fantastic French restaurant.

16. You passed your test? Fantastic!

17. The lighting at the disco was fantastic.

18. The films have been fantastic money-spinners.

19. We had a fantastic time.

20. She’s a fantastic all-round sportswoman.

21. Have you heard his new opera? It is fantastic.

22. It may sound rather fantastic, but it’s the truth.

23. The car costs a fantastic amount of money.

24. It suddenly clicked that this was fantastic fun.

25. She must be earning a fantastic amount of money.

26. Their wedding cost a fantastic amount ofmoney.

27. The city is memorable for its fantastic beaches.

28. I thought she was fantastic.

29. Kids spend fantastic amounts of money on CDs.

30. You should have heard the audience applaud — the noise was fantastic.

More similar words: fantasy, plastic, infant, taste of, cast aside, advantage, antagonist, stick out, stick to, pedantic, romantic, artistic, domestic, chastisement, do justice, realistic, antiseptic, anticipate, statistics, optimistic, participant, take advantage of, statistical, sophisticated, characteristic, fan, if any, off and on, just as, put aside. 

fantastic — перевод на русский


Oh, that’s fantastic.

— О, это фантастика.

It’s fantastic how much these peasant girls can endure.

Это фантастика, сколько эти крестьянские девушки могут выдержать.

— This is fantastic.

— Это фантастика.

When you consider the odds, it would be fantastic just finding the bottle.

С точки зрения теории вероятности, найти эту бутылку — уже фантастика.

It’s fantastic that the Doctor’s still asleep!

Фантастика, но Доктор всё еще спит!

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Well, it’s a strange, fantastic sight.

В общем, это странный, фантастический вид.

You were fantastic.

Сегодня ты был фантастический.



Walter, you are fantastic!

Ваптер, ты фантастический!

You’re fantastic.

Вы фантастический.

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It would be fantastic!

— Это было бы потрясающе!

I mean, close! — You were fantastic!


This is fantastic.


Great, it tastes fantastic.

Великолепно, потрясающе вкусно!

It was fantastic!

Это было потрясающе!

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So I’ve bought this smart outfit and the skis, absolutely fantastic.

В общем, я купила этот чудный костюм и лыжи — это просто фантастика! Я жду с таким нетерпением…

Of course I am. Marie, the chop suey was fantastic.

Мари, рагу по-китайски — просто фантастика.

How fantastic!

Просто фантастика!

It’s fantastic.

Черт, это просто фантастика.

This is fantastic!

Просто фантастика!

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— That’s fantastic.


Fantastic route, man.

Отлично доехали.

That’s fantastic!

Отлично. Куда вы хотите.

It’s great, I feel fantastic.

Все хорошо, я отлично себя чувствую.

–That’s fantastic, Lew.

Отлично, Лу.

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Fantastic! Excellent!

Прекрасно, восхитительно…



Fantastic, you live here?

Прекрасно! Вы здесь живёте?

You look fantastic. Aw, sweet!

Прекрасно выглядишь.

This is fantastic!


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# It was so fantastic

Настолько фантастически

Oh, that’s fantastic.

О, это фантастически.

I was thinking of that fantastic element of chance that out in limitless space, we should come together with Gem.

Я думал, какой фантастически крошечный шанс, что в безграничном космосе мы встретимся с Джемой.

— It’s fantastic.


They seem to have fantastic staying powers!

Препараты грибов фантастически стабильны!

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It’s fantastic!


This is fantastic, Poirot!

Но это же замечательно, Пуаро.

He’s not. Excellent. Fantastic.

Всё отлично, замечательно.

This is fantastic.


That’s fantastic!

— Правда? Это замечательно!

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What? Fantastic!

Вот здорово!

Fantastic, a football.

Здорово! Футбольный мяч!

Oh, Bri, it’s fantastic, isn’t it?

Брайан, это здорово.

Wow, you were fantastic, really great,

Цѕросто отпад, ты здорово выступил. Ѕольшое спасибо.

Hey, this is fantastic!

эй, а ведь тут здорово!

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Yafa, my earrings look fantastic on you, I’m sick of it, do you understand me?

Ц»наешь, мои серьги на тебе чудесно выгл€д€т. Цћне всЄ это уже надоело. ѕонимаешь?

Charley, that’s fantastic.

— Чарли, это чудесно!

— Yeah, it’s fantastic.

— Да, это чудесно.

You look fantastic.

Выглядишь чудесно.

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  • Use the word Fantastic in a sentences

Sentence Examples

(Mansa/I) That’s why it’s such a fantastic sport.

You know, she’s doing a fantastic job, So I feel like I got to kick it up a notch, You know, with my performance level.

There’s all these new things happening and new energy, And you guys were fantastic.

Dr Evil, that was fantastic.

Against the horizon, the Earth is rising slowly into space illuminating the picture with a fantastic light.

fantastic! — So exciting!

Wild and fantastic, like a gothic cathedral, rises from its mighty foundation…

I’m going to stage a fantastic variety act with my fianc├®e

In the fantastic world of a glacial break.

I took part in fantastic parties there.

«There are queer, grotesque-looking trees, with twisted black branches, huge misshapen rocks that in moonlight seem to take on fantastic shapes.»

Although the stage play had earned more than $2 million in America alone, the studios were as much repelled as attracted by the grotesque, frankly fantastic character and subject matter.

But once Renfield had crossed Dracula’s cobwebby threshold, fantastic and uncanny themes would no longer be taboo in the American cinema.

I wish you’d get rid of that fantastic colored girl.

This whole thing is fantastic.

Those are fantastic Hispanos!

It is fantastic when a man does all this for a woman…

It’s a bit fantastic, isn’t it?

Why should anyone have committed such a fantastic crime?

Don’t be fantastic, Huck.

Is it fantastic when a man is eating his heart out for you?

This is fantastic and absurd!

I’ve heard a great many fantastic stories in my time, Professor Von Helsing…

In these times, with the country incapacitated by economic ailments… and in danger with an undercurrent of social unrest… the promulgation of such a weird, fantastic and impractical plan… as contemplated by the defendant… is capable of fomenting a disturbance… from which the country may not soon recover.

this rather fantastic idea of yours to give away your entire fortune.

It is fantastic, isn’t it?

The defense’s only alibi of a man and woman who could step forward, by waving a magic wand absolve the accused of all guilt, is so fantastic that I shall not presume upon your valuable time by refuting it.

Where did you get that fantastic idea?

This fellow Halton told me the most fantastic story.

Jerry’s always had the most fantastic way of getting into scrapes.

And you deliberately bring her in contact with a maniac who calls himself a picture director, who makes fantastic promises to her.

My wife told me a story so fantastic and inconceivable …

That’s fantastic. Childish, madame.

It’s weird and fantastic and unbelievable but so beautiful.

«Telling a fantastic story about a place in Tibet.

You not only made my father look ridiculous, but you made a fantastic fool out of me!

What in heaven’s name are you doing in that fantastic costume?

But this is fantastic. Impossible!

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