Use the word fancy in a sentence

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Insomnia is a fancy way of saying you have trouble sleeping.

Бессонница — это просто причудливый способ сказать, что вы испытываете проблемы со сном.

Headings should just be headings, not fancy graphic banners.

Заголовки должны оставаться заголовками, а не превращаться в причудливые графические баннеры.

Go back to your fancy pool.

Почему бы вам не вернуться в ваш модный бассейн.

You go to a fancy dinner, flowers.

Ты отведёшь её в модный ресторан, подаришь ей цветы…

Two men have dinner in a fancy restaurant and discuss life.

Сюжет — проще некуда: двое мужчин ужинают в шикарном ресторане и обсуждают жизнь.

That will not keep you in those fancy ties.

С таким доходом ты не сможешь позволить себе такие шикарные галстуки.

Some chips don’t actually need fancy cooling solutions.

Некоторые чипы на самом деле не нуждаются в причудливых решениях для охлаждения.

No frills or fancy features-just good, solid shirts.

Никаких наворотов или причудливых черт — только хорошие, прочные рубашки.

We need classrooms and teachers more urgently than fancy tools.

Мы больше нуждаемся в классных комнатах и преподавателях, чем в причудливых инструментах.

Splurge on steaks and fancy dinners in this budget tip turned upside-down.

Разориться на стейки и модные ужины в этой бюджетной статье перевернулось с ног на голову.

In a small area concentrated plants, fancy stones, water and pavilions.

На небольшой площади сосредоточены и растения, и причудливые камни, и вода, и павильоны.

Or maybe she only reads fancy French newspapers.

Или, может быть, она читает только модные французские журналы.

To old, fancy, rich ladies… who want to do classy, exotic, fancy things with me.

Для старых модных богатых дам… которые хотят делать со мной шикарные, экзотические, модные вещи.

Same fancy paper, same fancy handwriting.

I prepare fancy food for fancy Americans in a fancy hotel in Macao.

Restaurants in Bahrain run the gamut for cheap stalls offering local food to fancy restaurants in fancy hotels.

Рестораны в Бахрейне предлагают широкий выбор дешевых киосков, предлагающих местную еду в модные рестораны в модных отелях.

We can do all the fancy experiments we want.

У нас есть иллюзия, что мы можем сделать любой эксперимент, какой захотим.

These clients don’t need anything fancy.

Вы сказали, что клиентам не нужно было ничего фантастического.

No country can ignore them without indulging in economic flights of fancy.

Ни одна страна не может их игнорировать, не впадая при этом в экономический романтизм.

Note that the design work is often fancy embroider work.

Обратите внимание, что проектные работы часто являются фантазийными работами с вышивкой.

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Suggestions that contain fancy

Results: 11358. Exact: 11358. Elapsed time: 149 ms.


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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: care for, dream, elaborate, flowery, frilly, fussy, imagine, like, love, ornate, picture, suppose, think, visualize. Antonym: plain. Similar words: fancier, pregnancy, fan, if any, infant, off and on, fantasy, agency. Meaning: [‘fænsɪ]  n. 1. something many people believe that is false 2. a kind of imagination that was held by Coleridge to be more casual and superficial than true imagination 3. a predisposition to like something. v. 1. imagine; conceive of; see in one’s mind 2. have a fancy or particular liking or desire for. adj. not plain; decorative or ornamented. 

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1. A little of what you fancy does you good. 

2. Can you fancy him in uniform?

3. Fancy a quick drink, Emma?

4. Do you fancy a drink this evening?

5. Do you fancy going out this evening?

6. The furniture is not fancy, just functional.

7. Can you fancy yourself on the moon?

8. Scientific stories titillate the fancy of the school boys.

9. He patched together a mask for the fancy party.

10. I like simple food better than fancy dishes.

11. Guests were told to come in fancy dress.

12. The England keeper revealed some fancy footwork in the victory over Nottingham Forest.

13. I want a plain black jumper with no fancy trimmings.

14. Do you fancy coming on a day trip to Bath next Saturday?

15. Fancy meeting you here.

16. I rather fancy the Antipodes for a holiday this summer.

17. Many of the dancers at the fancy dress ball wore colourful masks.

18. I’ve got a cowboy outfit for the fancy dress party.

19. She didn’t fancy the idea of going home in the dark.

20. What shall we do foodwise — do you fancy going out to eat?

21. Several of the managers donned fancy dress for the office party.

22. It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive graphics.

23. Laura’s taken a fancy to Japanese food.

24. The story tickled her fancy/curiosity.

25. I didn’t fancy myself wearing a kilt.

26. I fancy it will rain.

26. try its best to collect and create good sentences.

27. Does anything on the menu tickle your fancy?

28. I think he would come but it’s only a fancy of mine.

29. We need to steer clear of this poverty of ambition[], where people want to drive fancy cars and wear nice clothes and live in nice apartments but don’t want to work hard to accomplish these things.

30. Did I really hear someone come in, or was it only a fancy?

More similar words: fancier, pregnancy, fan, if any, infant, off and on, fantasy, agency, urgency, fantastic, frequency, solvency, tendency, currency, emergency, fantabulous, efficiency, presidency, cancel, ranch, cancer, chance, rancor, branch, stance, dancer, glance, france, romance, alliance. 

There’s a little of Daddy’s cash left and I’ve always fancied a spell at the

Tonight, though, he fancied quiet and peaceful, which he had to admit was a bit of a departure from the norm

It seems Pantelis fancied her like mad and would flirt with her quite openly, and then someone in their class said she was lesbian and there was quite a bit of bullying until he stepped in and got everyone to calm down

He didn’t quite believe this, but nonetheless he fancied a change of career and scenery

quite believe this, but nonetheless he fancied a change of career and

He actually confessed that he’d fancied me right from the start but didn’t do anything about it because of Kevin

fancied a change that night

But, as he turned away, he fancied that he had seen something

It was an extraordinary land that she had long fancied visiting one day

But everyman then, says he, fancied himself of some importance ; and the innumerable memoirs which have come down to us from those times, were the greater part of them written by people who took pleasure in recording and magnifying events, in which they flattered themselves they had been considerable actors

As soon as writing came into fashion, wise men, or those who fancied themselves such, would naturally endeavour to increase the number of those established and respected maxims, and to express their own sense of what was either proper or improper conduct, sometimes in the more artificial form of apologues, like what are called the fables of Aesop; and sometimes in the more simple one of apophthegms or wise sayings, like the proverbs of Solmnon, the verses of Theognis and Phocyllides, and some part of the works of Hesiod

«It was a crummy line, but I fancied you

We breakfasted in the morning and then started our steady march up to the front line as we got closer we could hear the crump thump of shells and trench-mortars and we also fancied that we could hear the rattle of machine gun fire

Our RSM, bless his soul, really enjoyed being a barber in his spare time, and fancied himself mightily with the barber shears

Fetish was represented by hundreds of charms of every size, shape, and description, from the common slaves’ ju-ju of plaited straw to the elaborately worked charms of chased gold or leopard and lion skin, with human blood on the sacred inscription inside as a fancied panacea, of far-reaching power, to cure every disease, destroy an enemy, and grant the wearer a perfect immunity from any ills the flesh or spirit is heir to

Now that created a free for all of note, which some of us looked forward to because of a certain misunderstandings like the one at the mess hall regarding beetroot! We would line up across from each other, and two cadets from opposing platoons entered the ring and battled for two rounds, or as long as the PT Sergeant fancied

I fancied myself behind a steering wheel when I arrived but quickly realised that I was outclassed and preferred later years to be the crew and do the navigating

Thus I felt safe enough and fancied our chances

once that day, as she was playing by herself, she fancied that she was

My mates were reassuring me from the other side of the fence, and since I was ex-Flying Squad weighing 230 pounds I fancied my chances until the dog unfairly became airborne ten feet away

«Yer know, Peter boy, I’ve always fancied ‘er

Such fancied notions of what the world ―should‖ be like rather than what it ―could‖ be like marked a generation of socio/cultural ―engineers‖ presenting rather odd impressions of the ideal society predicated upon utopian standards rather than practical designs

He fancied he floated in a vast hollow tomb where a thousand lost souls lamented, and shadowy hands clutched at his skin, and eerie spots and shapes danced before his eyes

She was accustomed to wonder, when she thought about it at all, how she could ever have fancied him or felt so badly over his sudden marriage

Knowing what she knew, or fancied she knew, Mary considered that Faith was far too light-hearted

“So you fancied a swim in the China Sea one morning, did

obviously fancied his chances after so much soil had been

He had heard that Ferrante was rather impetuous and fancied himself a military leader of some merit

He asked me which one I fancied and I pointed at the one painting; it looked like a father and a child sitting by the lake, they were fishing

Every generation has fancied that it, unlike previous generations, now wields the tools to master nature and unearth all her deepest secrets

In those days, girls let boys do that to them because they fancied them and they reckoned it was the best chance of being fancied back

Misrepresentation fancied its own tail

fancied him as a black Elvis Presley, at his best and without the sideburns

She fancied she detected a new respect on the part of the brittle-mannered clerk at the bank, and even Clay Feister must soon start to consider her a depositor to be reckoned with

I hated it all, though my meetings with the kingdom’s scribe could get lively, especially when he fancied himself a reporter

Instead of admonishing her son, his mother had joined him in discussing what sort of boys he fancied and planning the roles he would have when he became an actor

Blokes fancied him, pressing their crotches against him and massaging his bum while dancing

At twenty-four I was already over the hill! The men I fancied no longer fancied me

She obviously still fancied him and he especially didn’t want to go if Lance was going to be there

“Because I fancied you and in the beginning I thought it would affect our relationship

They were restaurant quality and he could have whatever he fancied to drink with them

He never bought her flowers or chocolates but always asked her what she fancied doing of a weekend

Of course, it is just about useless while you sit out here on the mountainside and grieve over your misfortunes, real and fancied

They were busying themselves gawking at the surroundings of this demented abode, and may have fancied that I was simply looking for the right key

And in one particular aisle I fancied that I heard the pitter patter of feet and saw the ends of a little girl’s bright blue blouse as she turned a corner

Though Gautam explained the absurdity of the proposition and offered to line up dames by the dozen to choose from, Vivek remained steadfast in his passion for the fancied woman

All through his life Judas had cultivated the habit of getting even with those whom he fancied had mistreated him

Besides, she said, she never fancied herself as an actress, and if pushed into the act, she would only make a fool of herself

He fancied himself as a real old time cowboy

could have really fancied a croissant

When you first told me about him I did wonder about his motives as you said he fancied you, but I cannot see you getting involved with him in that way

True he fancied her like crazy, but

One day I found a bathroom cabinet with a mirror door, which I quite fancied

Still, the woman he fancied was now with him

She admitted to herself that she fancied Max a lot, but Geoff was much better and more importantly, he was available

“What about blonde? I always fancied being a blonde

He often fancied himself a thrifty thinker of sorts

fancied were the offspring of the less worthy Cain

denied the fact that he’d always fancied boys

Here, pilots were at the mercy of rulebooks written by men who’d never looked up from their desks, much less actually flown, and yet fancied themselves the gods of the skies

What sadist puts rudimentary stick figures both wearing skirts on either door! God, were we back back in Scotland! Hadn’t these people even heard of trousers, I mean, how backward were they? Then again, Mark confided, he’d always fancied himself in a skirt- of the manly kilt variety obviously he hastily added

Added to this, the only time Mark had ventured there on his only previous trip to the then Eastern Bloc, he’d had everything stolen, including his bike and been arrested — neither experience of which we fancied repeating

Were we to carry on to Gumushane, the day’s total would have topped one hundred and sixty kilometres and neither of us fancied such heroics on this sort of surface

It may have been her imagination, but she fancied that even at this distance she could pick out black individual shapes swirling around inside it

and to assure everyone who would listen that he fancied her very much

Again, he fancied turning

One evening, sitting at a beach-side bar with a quiet cocktail before dinner – Lobster, he rather fancied tonight – he noticed a young couple a few tables away

glanced at each other, noting the two men who fancied them had stayed downstairs

conditions, and unclouded by the fancied

Had he fancied her and was that why he was so vindictive? She wondered what she would have done if he had asked, which he never had

lips… the fact is, I fancied him so much it was difficult not to stare at him

Did he assume that, simply because he fancied

said about Toby and Dale, for him to say he fancied me was flattering

Jays and Toby hopped into bed with anyone they fancied, to be jealous would be silly, but how could

There was someone on the course who fancied me

He said Quick fancied some bird who was supposed to be a High Priestess

Why, luckily for men, the hard nuts to crack for the final favor are few and far between! But then, the harder the struggle to win women over, the sweeter would be the pleasure in having them, wouldn’t it be? Oh, what else draws a man to a woman than his desire to access her persona specifics? Won’t woman bare her veiled assets for her fancied man to dabble with her private accounts? But after a few jaunts of his to her favored joint, what would be left in her for her lover to explore, and for her to show him more? And thereafter, how could she cater to his innate need for variety and what else she could conjure up to sustain his enticement? Oh, the poor thing, seeing his interest in her wane in time, won’t she turn more so eager to keep him in good humor? Of course, the more she gives her man; even more she satiates him, doesn’t she? And it’s only time before she finds her paramour bypass her favors for lesser flavors

Won’t a push with praise and prod with a gift bring the babes to bare their boobs? And aren’t women blessed with a weakness for successful men? How money bestows status upon men and brings power over women! Won’t that enable the well-heeled to pick up their fancied women, that too at the drop of a hat! Well, haven’t I tasted the amorous flavors of countless randies in assorted ways? It’s as though every lass is ready for a lay, of course, on the sly

‘If not for the lack of that, wouldn’t I’ve laid every woman I’d ever fancied? Given half a chance, won’t women explore their passions in their paramours’ private parts? Invariably, it’s her man who turns out to be the hurdle in the path of her fulfillment

“Maybe in my youth, my visage had that dual character, which, as I told you, endeared me to many a woman, and that was why without the fear of rejection, I could make a pass at every woman I had ever fancied; well, my weakness had always been the lightly darkish women with a tinge of sadness on their faces, and I was all too brotherly to those who failed to connect with my roving eye

Numerous soldiers have fancied they

At the outset Arjun is deeply agitated at the fancied prospect of loss of

They only succeed in attaining to the fancied

living descendants, as well as shedding tears of sorrow over the fancied

I’d always suspected that Len fancied Nicky because of the way he stares at her

sponsors, Anne skillfully lied that she fancied she was taking advantage of Windsor by eating his

her entire life through, he fancied that she still needed some maturation with the concept of being

on the ice-covered Avon, though Anne fancied that Grace anticipated the event more than she

‘The truth is he fancied Grace

Some did it for nothing if they fancied you

Gareth wanted one who fancied him but was prepared to pay if he had to

He reckoned he fancied her

Her move into airhostess respectability had been quickly followed by a change to darker, and she fancied more demure, honey tones that hung around her face like an unlikely halo

Hugh fancied their gazes lingered particularly long on him and he suppressed the tremble that longed to course through his body

Despite Placid being the larger man, Caramarin fancied his chances

Angie tried to divert our attention by asking what we all fancied to eat

She had fancied herself a witch for less than a year, picking up what she could from internet articles and movies

By the same token I fancied him a more dangerous opponent

I fancied that his roving eye was considering various means of utilizing his seemingly inexhaustible ingenuity if occasion should arise

Nellie Francillon was not the only person who found or fancied a change in Cyril Horne

Who else is there? Oh yes, I expect you’ll meet Harvey Wadsworth … he’s a nuisance, fancies himself a bit

I discarded the wilder fancies, settling instead on asking for the small and the mundane, settling on things that might make me just a little more human

He fancies a cold pint but doesn’t want to wait for a suitable break in the crowd at the bar

have scarce any chance of preferment, they figure to themselves, in their youthful fancies, a

The other half, therefore, or at least the greater part of them, can be employed in providing other things, or in satisfying the other wants and fancies of mankind

Clothing and lodging, household furniture, and what is called equipage, are the principal objects of the greater part of those wants and fancies

The poor, in order to obtain food, exert themselves to gratify those fancies of the rich ; and to obtain it more certainly, they vie with one another in the cheapness and perfection of their work

«The bastard fancies himself to be a Black Mage, higher in the Order than the Keeper himself,» Coba said, floating alongside Brice

“Just a moment are you saying there is something wrong with any girl who fancies me because if you are you would have to include Mabel Smith in that statement?”

Fancies himself a philosopher, due to the fact that he can quote Socrates

according to their own fancies; and this new Costumer had charming

remember the fancies of their childhood I need say no more

I just sharpen my sword, fill my pipe and gulp down what Mott fancies each time

“Those who later became known as Shi’ites (partisans of Ali) maintained from the beginning that such an important office could not be left to the whims and fancies of the people, and that God had designated through Mohammed a successor (caliph) who was none other than Ali, husband of his only daughter, Fatima

Hebrew elements of religion and Buddhistic doctrines were also found in Mancihaeism, which appears to have been an eclectic jumble of wild fancies, among which the soberest and strongest dogmas of the Christian creed were sometimes seen to be embedded…The practical side of Manichaeism appears in the condemnation of marriage, or sexual indulgence of any sort…There were two classes of disciples, the initiated, or perfecti, and the auditores, hearers, or novices

The mind is fickle and flighty, it flies after fancies wherever it likes: it is difficult indeed to restrain

Invisible and subtle is the mind, and it flies after fancies wherever it likes; but let the wise man guard well his mind, for a mind well guarded is a source of great joy

He also has an eye for the ladies, and although he is not married and is free to pursue any woman he fancies, I find it all somehow distasteful and I cannot quite explain why

“Well he’s told me and some others that he fancies you

“Nigel Choate fancies himself a ladies man,” he said

5 Divinations, and soothsaying, and dreams are vain, and the heart fancies, as a woman’s heart in travail

almost dropped her plate of French Fancies; it was only a matter of time before 42 Blossom Meadows reared its ugly head again

fancies, not with facts

“He so sits at the front because he fancies that girl

And crowned your head with fancies, nothing worth,

I knew that an adult who likes sex with youths is called a pederast, but there was no word I could find for a youth who fancies sex with men

“I know,” I responded carelessly, “he fancies me

‘Bart fancies me

‘None so blind as those who do not wish to see! He obviously fancies Asa and wants to spend the weekend with him—that’s his condition for signing

“They’re for the innkeeper- he fancies himself a writer and I’m his clerk

Having catered to Sneha’s whims on Ocean Organics, Gautam began to address his fancies about Global Facilitators

Didn’t he derive the satisfaction that he had averted a mishap to his family? Why, life seemed to have unique ways to link the fates of the mortals and to de-link their destinies at its whims and fancies!

Carmen shouted the gang, “Who fancies a farewell drink with Santos tonight?”

fancies me, if it was all to do with childbearing then

He fancies Gloria

Of fancies floating through the brain,

Old dreams and fancies coloring it,

The fair, fond fancies dear to youth

Painted with fancies of malignant power!

fancies, longings, and imaginings

(I think he rather fancies me, to tell the truth), but I really can’t come at the idea of him poring over poor Jacob’s diaries!”

“I should think he fancies recounting his tales of seduction and love he encountered with other women while on his missions

Enthralled by the changing of colour of the ocean from a lovely bluish green to a dank, depressing grey as the weather phenomenon passed and entrenched itself for the rest of the day, Faye smiled as the sun managed briefly to sneak through a clearing in the thick cloud cover and reflect brilliantly off the tumultuous surface of the water; it was indeed a sublime sight for those not accustomed to viewing such occurrences and one that far surpassed anything written in books or magazines or those fancies that the imagination could produce when invoked to do so

All vain, habitual thoughts, wild fancies, wrong feelings, cares, worries, anxieties, confused ideas, and all kinds of imaginary fears must be done away with in toto

Paul’s address, which were mere «words and names» and raving fancies to his companion in the place of hearing

Many a Sunday-school teacher comes home on Sunday night with a heavy heart, and fancies that his or her labour is all in vain

Hell is paved with such fancies

same old Toby, he goes with anyone he fancies

Thinking this to be another of her harmless fancies, I did not make a fuss about it

the big house fancies a bit of rough

So, they tried to enliven their life by seeking pleasures as their fancies suggested, but as the novelty of those diversions wore off, their cumulative exasperation increased reducing the span of their thrill; and back to square one, they realized that they had lost the capacity to enthuse each other, so bored to death but committed to each other, they dragged their feet on their drab marital course

I have often wondered what manner of men and women they were who gave shape to these bright dreams and lovely fancies, and out of what gold mine of thought and imagination they dug them

More so, when it comes to the Jews, their religious cousins, it is as if the Musalmans have got stuck in the time zone when their life and limb, not to speak of their faith, depended on the whims and fancies of Muhammad

So, when the neutral Cupid fancies an odd Hindu-Muslim nuptial, what for the Musalmans treat it as a case of ‘Islam in danger’, and attack the hapless couple! Well, if the Quran erects Islamic barriers for interfaith love matches, the Hindu prejudice places hurdles to inter-caste marriages, and it is high time that the caste panchaayats that kill the transgressing lovers are wound up once and for all

In other words, “How in the ‘bleep’ did we get here?” It’s all well and good for those who need such to assign all the credit (thus, all the accompanying blame, as well) to whichever Supreme Being, All-Powerful Creator or Heavenly Parent of any gender one fancies or had foisted upon one by one’s earthly antecedents

Who wears out last season’s shoe when you heed the call of new and improved? Where rusts the slums of our passing fancies?

Then the devil can spiritually appear to people, allowing them to imagine such fancies (which are spiritual and not physical in nature)

The word ‘appeared’ here means that they were shown to him to be mere fancies with no material quality

He (pth) was not affected by these images as the people were; instead these fancies were brought before his hands so that they were open and exposed for him, so that he saw them to be images that had no reality, each just like a mirage

The whole truth is that false visions created by the magicians were shown to him, and he saw them to be mere fancies without physical reality

Besides this, he knew with certainty that such actions were restricted to the devils of humanity and their brothers of the jinn-kind whom they support in their error, sparing no effort to cause harm to others and make them imagine false fancies

The magician and the devil work together to affect the nerves of the one who is bewitched, and who sees these fancies and deceptions after their spirit has been possessed by the devil by means of his ally, the magician

They see fancies, and they think that they are seeing with their eyes, but what they are really seeing is a spiritual vision that is reflected onto their eyes

But how can they affect any person so that they see whatever deceptions and fancies they want to show them?! Is there anyone they cannot bewitch or inflict with the least of harm, or make see false fancies?! Or is it possible that there exist those who witness the reality of these matters!!?

Such people console themselves through fancies, and some of the most famous of these include Oliver Lodge, who lost his son during World War I, and the founder of the Spiritual Institution in Egypt, Ahmed Fahmi Abul-Kheir, who also lost his son in the year 1937, and had only been blessed with this child after waiting for a long time after his marriage without having children

At heart she fancies youth and beauty too

You want to pull them down and erect new fabrics in their place, fabrics so frothy and unreal that they are hardly more than fancies and would have to be built up afresh every day

And she appeared to have odd fancies

As usual she had whispered—it was another of her fancies that she had lost her voice—and when he bent down he found that she was whispering the word _stuck_

Kipling’s French Fancies

your fancies to color your report and it will be worthless

By the way she talked, I was sure she had the fancies for me

She fancies you

This is all well and good and we each, all of us, deserve such escapist fancies from time to time; yet stories are told for the lessons they impart with their recounting; they are told for their relevance, else there would exist neither need nor place for stories in our lives, would there?

But such fancies receive no sanction from the Mosaic writings

If we once abandon ourselves to the fancies of dreamers who see every thing through an intellectual prism, for whom no word retains its natural signification, but every vocable is surrounded with an aureola or many-tinted halo of mysteries and ‘inner senses,’ we might as well abandon at the same time the hope of comprehending Christianity

Wedding reception venues are many and the whims and fancies of most every bride to be can be catered to

«—any fancies, any reasons, any apprehensions, anything whatsoever, new or old, against the man she really loved—the direct responsibility thereof not lying on his head—they should all be obliterated for her sake

see their fancies as solid realities

And she kisses and hugs me, comforts me, and you know she has such faith, such faith in her fancies! One can’t contradict her

And you know she fancies it’s very touching and does not suspect how stupid she is! To my thinking that drunken commissariat clerk is a great deal cleverer, anyway one can see that he has addled his brains with drink, but you know, these foreigners are always so well behaved

Already the poor man saw himself crowned by the might of his arm Emperor of Trebizond at least; and so, led away by the intense enjoyment he found in these pleasant fancies, he set himself forthwith to put his scheme into execution

Her fancies were sometimes very strange

«I could not do that,» said Sancho, «for when I separate from your worship fear at once lays hold of me, and assails me with all sorts of panics and fancies; and let what I now say be a notice that from this time forth I am not going to stir a finger’s width from your presence

At last I took my departure, sad and dejected, my heart filled with fancies and suspicions, but not knowing well what it was I suspected or fancied; plain omens pointing to the sad event and

«Why don’t you say you’d have a splendid, wise, good husband and some angelic little children? You know your castle wouldn’t be perfect without,» said blunt Jo, who had no tender fancies yet, and rather scorned romance, except in books

neighbours and acquaintances, it is very possible that they may seem to be those same persons; but that they are so in reality and in fact, believe it not on any account; what thou art to believe and think is that, if they look like them, as thou sayest, it must be that those who have enchanted me have taken this shape and likeness; for it is easy for enchanters to take any form they please, and they may have taken those of our friends in order to make thee think as thou dost, and lead thee into a labyrinth of fancies from which thou wilt find no escape though thou hadst the cord of Theseus; and they may also have done it to make me uncertain in my mind, and unable to conjecture whence this evil comes to me; for if on the one hand thou dost tell me that the barber and curate of our village are here in company with us, and on the other I find myself shut up in a cage, and know in my heart that no power on earth that was not supernatural would have been able to shut me in, what wouldst thou have me say or think, but that my enchantment is of a sort that transcends all I have ever read of in all the histories that deal with knights-errant that have been enchanted? So thou mayest set thy mind at rest as to the idea that they are what thou sayest, for they are as much so as I am a Turk

«The next, `The theory of the book is bad, full of morbid fancies, spiritualistic ideas, and unnatural characters

He was going along entirely absorbed in these fancies, when Sancho said to him, «Isn’t it odd, senor, that I have still before my eyes that monstrous enormous nose of my gossip, Tom Cecial?»

«If all those who love one another were to marry,» said Don Quixote, «it would deprive parents of the right to choose, and marry their children to the proper person and at the proper time; and if it was left to daughters to choose husbands as they pleased, one would be for choosing her father’s servant, and another, some one she has seen passing in the street and fancies gallant and dashing, though he may be a drunken bully; for love and fancy easily blind the eyes of the judgment, so much wanted in choosing one’s way of life; and the matrimonial choice is very liable to error, and it needs great caution and the special favour of heaven to make it a good one

For in truth and earnest, I know from good authority that the coarse country wench who jumped up on the ass was and is Dulcinea del Toboso, and that worthy Sancho, though he fancies himself the deceiver, is the one that is deceived; and that there is no more reason to doubt the truth of this, than of anything else we never saw

Domestic mediocrity drove her to lewd fancies, marriage tenderness to adulterous desires

Unlucky wretch that I am, what an end my follies and fancies have come to! They’ll take up my bones out of this, when it is heaven’s will that I’m found, picked clean, white and polished, and my good Dapple’s with them, and by that, perhaps, it will be found out who we are, at least by such as have heard that Sancho Panza never separated from his ass, nor his ass from Sancho Panza

A free agent cannot have his fancies regulated by law; and the execution of the law would be rendered impossible, owing to the uncertainty of the cases in which marriage was to be forbidden

But the cunning and suspicious nature of which we spoke,—he who has committed many crimes, and fancies himself to be a master in wickedness, when he is amongst his fellows, is wonderful in the precautions which he takes, because he judges of them by himself: but when he gets into the company of men of virtue, who have the experience of age, he appears to be a fool again, owing to his unseasonable suspicions; he cannot recognise an honest man, because he has no pattern of honesty in himself; at the same time, as the bad are more numerous than the good, and he meets with them oftener, he thinks himself, and is by others thought to be, rather wise than foolish

«My cousin fancies you are an idiot

Heathcliff?» I said, alarmed at his manner: though he was neither in danger of losing his senses, nor dying, according to my judgment: he was quite strong and healthy: and, as to his reason, from childhood he had a delight in dwelling on dark things, and entertaining odd fancies

If you consider, I said, that when in misfortune we feel a natural hunger and desire to relieve our sorrow by weeping and lamentation, and that this feeling which is kept under control in our own calamities is satisfied and delighted by the poets;—the better nature in each of us, not having been sufficiently trained by reason or habit, allows the sympathetic element to break loose because the sorrow is another’s; and the spectator fancies that there can be no disgrace to himself in praising and pitying any one who comes telling him what a good man he is, and making a fuss about his troubles; he thinks that the pleasure is a gain, and why should he be supercilious and lose this and the poem too? Few persons ever reflect, as I should imagine, that from the evil of other men something of evil is communicated to themselves

Captain Nemo must have spent millions in acquiring these different specimens, and I was wondering what financial resources he tapped to satisfy his collector’s fancies, when these words interrupted me:

There, seated before a walnut table he had brought with him from Hartwell, and to which, from one of those fancies not uncommon to great people, he was particularly attached, the king, Louis XVIII

Not a fancy one with all the dangly bits

Most of the yachts below were garden floats, fancy entertaining rooms on the water, most had upper floors with lavish trysting suites and rooms below decks for serving staff and crew

He wore a fancy top hat, but it was a size too big and kept slipping over his eyes while he rocked

‘Do you fancy a cuppa?’ I suggested, changing the subject as, conveniently, we arrive at the tea tent

It was a very small circulation magazine, but with a fancy press

Fancy and the Flutter

‘D’you fancy a coffee or something, Molly?’ Liz asked as she runs a duster over the now empty bookshelves

‘I rather fancy cucumber sandwiches

‘Look, my office is only round the corner from where you are – fancy coming over and telling me about it? I can rustle up some coffee

curiosity that brooked no flight or fancy

She wished she didn’t have to, it’s really just a fancy electric dildo isn’t it? But she did, and had for years while they were separated when Morg as away at B

“I oughta go over there, tear off that fancy fur collar and shove it up yer ass security guard

“Besides, I don’t fancy that guy, I don’t want him for myself!”

Whenever I confide in her I like some stranger on the road, she says scornfully: “Only silly women fancy such men!”

It was a large square room with a high ceiling adorned with fancy plasterwork and filled by rows of tables bearing what she knew to be computer stations criss-crossing the room, lit by natural light from the long, floor to ceiling windows let into one wall

‘What do you fancy, Angie?’ Kara asked, ‘I’ll have Victoria sponge

‘What do you think, Sefir? Fancy going to Wales with us?’

It was a fancy cup like the ones from Alan’s world

It doesn’t even have to be fancy

‘We thought salad and cold meat and cheeses, going for quality rather than fancy

Talking about whizzing – everyone here buzzes around the place on scooters … how do you fancy that?

I suppose that says more about the sort of men who fancy petite blondes than anything else, but it is demoralizing all the same

There’s some salad … what can I have with that? Anything in the tinned line? Ah yes, a tin of tuna in mayo … that would go nicely with the salad and maybe a jacket potato … sorted! Feeling very righteous after my session at the gym and carrying a plate of healthy dinner, I mooch into the lounge … don’t much fancy TV … a book it is! By nine thirty, I am nodding, so call it a day and go to bed

‘You didn’t fancy that?’

The sound of girls in full fancy echoes around Billy’s normally silent bachelor home

It wasn’t anything particularly fancy by any standards, but we used to put all sorts of stuff in – it always tasted wonderful

They got one that was serviceable but none too fancy or high in the branches, for an iron and a half a week

with a fancy for wickedness

A bit later, having changed out of my office kit and into something decidedly sloppy and comfortable, I stand in the kitchen … food … need something to eat … what’s in the freezer? … don’t fancy that … or that … oh dear … is there anything in any of those tins … no, not really … cooking for one can be pretty mindless at times

It’s obviously been hand-delivered … curious, I open it to find a fancy, glitter-covered invitation from the Ladies Katie and Abi requesting my presence at an alfresco luncheon with the Richards family at Lacock Abbey on Easter Monday

So it was with his companions, he only hoped that he would be able to build upon this new foundation before it might lapse into passing fancy

Over the years the fancy gadgets and

As she wondered about the pond, dressed in not only her fancy dress but also a full-length coat of velvet and fur, with her hair neatly tucked up, under a stylish hat with a feather dress, she was taken aback by the similar scene that had developed on the frozen pond

He was in a big hall of some kind, two stories high, ornate, with fancy rails on the floor above overlooking this floor

Nothing particularly fancy, but just what was

«None from the fans struck your fancy for the sleep?» he asked

Then the wicked sprite laughed till he almost choked, for all this tickled his fancy

She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she was perfect, he did not fear her at all, and told her that he could calculate in his head and with fractions, even; that he knew the number of square miles there were in the different countries, and how many inhabitants they contained; and she smiled while he spoke

Takes you as cramp, I fancy

She was very beautiful; a more clever, or a more lovely countenance he could not fancy to himself; and she no longer appeared of ice as before, when she sat outside the window, and beckoned to him; in his eyes she was perfect, he did not fear her at all… (they flew away) and higher up appeared the moon, quite large and bright; and it was on it that Kay gazed during the long long winter’s night; while by day he slept at the feet of the Snow Queen

don’t fancy his chances with this cold weather coming on

‘I have a fancy to visit the region south of

Fancy giving that away!”

Worse yet, several of the other soldiers Gunt had been able to scrounge from the refugees lacked limbs with which to even wield their fancy weapons

Fortunately, my fancy was gone and I realized that the

someone deludes himself with the fancy that the

Boys like me don’t fancy combs

Do you really need the big house in the fancy neighborhood? Or could an

These are things in which further expense is frequently rendered unnecessary by former expense; and when a person stops short, he appears to do so, not because he has exceeded his fortune, but because he has satisfied his fancy

They are founded upon the most absurd of all suppositions, the supposition that every successive generation of men have not an equal right to the earth, and to all that it possesses ; but that the property of the present generation should be restrained and regulated according to the fancy of those who died, perhaps five hundred years ago

The situation of such a person naturally disposes him to attend rather to ornament, which pleases his fancy, than to profit, for which he has so little occasion

and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself fit to exercise it

The point that caught my fancy is that our mythology included those elven people—children of Lúthien

True to her word, the first test of the Huntress’s fancy new cloak was tested at the fringes of the Waghtnin Embedded Cluster, their initial destination on this leg

He doesn’t bother playing tricks on anyone who doesn’t strike his fancy in some way

Oh yes, we all want progress, don’t we, but what happens to our heritage? So, thank you but you can keep your fancy new flushing toilets — we’ll just keep crapping in the yard

” She considered for only a moment, then added, “I am, what was once known as, among those lofty ancient circles: a child of the ‘First Water’—that is a fancy epithet meaning: No one’s the boss of me! If I choose to continue down the path I’ve already chosen, so be it

Html looks nice with fancy text and pics, whereas plain text looks a bit average these days

She had never had a sentient machine take a fancy to her before

Fancy job titles or designations are immaterial in the eyes of the Divine Creator

In the total exclusion from the colony market, was it to last only for a few years, the greater part of our merchants used to fancy that they foresaw an entire stop to their trade; the greater part of our master manufacturers, the entire ruin of their business; and the greater part of our workmen, an end of their employment

Almost every individual of the governing party in America fills, at present, in his own fancy, a station superior, not only to what he had ever filled before, but to what he had ever expected to fill; and unless some new object of ambition is presented either to him or to his leaders, if he has the ordinary spirit of a man, he will die in defence of that station

And something catches Alice’s fancy, for when it comes time for her to leave she asks her husband if he would mind her staying on “for just another day or two

Without it I don’t fancy our chances

‘What is his sorrow?’ she asked the Gryphon, and the Gryphon answered, very nearly in the same words as before, ‘It’s all his fancy, that: he hasn’t got no sorrow, you know

To eat my mother»s stew again was better than all the fancy dishes I tasted at Elizabeth»s

“Do you think it might be possible for me and my chaps to stay with your Company Sir I don’t fancy wandering round the country side getting more lost or even ambushed?” The Major thought a moment and then replied

“That one is a little fancy don’t you think?” She called

“No thanks Mabel I don’t really fancy any food I will settle for the mug of tea if you don’t mind”

More or less can be got for it, according as the competitors happen to be richer or poorer, or can afford to gratify their fancy for a particular spot of ground at a greater or smaller expense

It was a world of the fairy princess, fancy cars, chauf-

idiot’s out for the evening, fancy coming over for a shag?’ How long after cars were invented

There was a fancy dress party at the Collage in Doc’s department

He didn’t want to ring and ask in case she was reticent about the idea, or the fancy dress

He had not seen Jack since the previous night when he had set out in high spirits for Maureen’s, with the fancy dresses

Jerusha was about the same age as Jon, and both were too young to have more than a fancy to each other at

On our train there were troops from nearly all the services there were sailors in their bellbottom trousers and Naval Officers full of gold braid then their were RFC pilots with fancy wings on their uniform chests and brightly coloured medal ribbons below them

He didn’t fancy her but as Jean had said earlier,

I didn’t fancy going to the pub and to tell the truth I was missing Helen anyway I had a few more smokes and then I went upstairs and back to bed which still smelled of Helen I closed my eyes and the next thing I knew it was teatime

kettle on or can I have one of those fancy coffees?” He calculated

“I’m thinking of going to visit Elijah I hers that he is home do you fancy like coming?” He replied

“Do you fancy a cuddle then?” She put her hand on his crotch

Could she know what he had already decided that Rosemary was not just a passing fancy

“Yes you’re probably right and I quite fancy a night with the lads

What’s next? Will I be one of those middle-aged women wearing cat pins and cat earrings, drinking my coffee from a cat mug? How long before I am attending cat conventions and subscribing to Cat Fancy? I’m the little old lady in apartment 9

Celebrations poured out on to the streets of Nordhel from the houses and inns within the city where people held grand parties in fancy costumes and gilded and feathered masks

I thought fucking hell this lot aren’t hanging about much and I didn’t fancy my chances if all you were getting was ten minutes

„The statesman who should attempt to direct private people in what manner they ought to employ their capitals, would not only load himself with a most unnecessary attention, but assume an authority which could safely be entrusted to no council and senate whatever, and which would nowhere be so dangerous as in the hands of a man who had folly and presumption enough to fancy himself to exercise it

makeup, and had her hair in some sort of ponytail, but with a fancy thing holding it back

some cold cuts, bread and those fancy deli chips that Mother preferred

Mother had packed turkey sandwiches, heaping with onions, lettuce and tomato, plus that fancy gray mustard

In answer to my fatherly stare he explained that he had needed them in bed since his girlfriend had bought fancy satin sheets the day before

She was out in no time, and handed me her fancy clothes

Nor were we issued the fancy tactical thigh holsters seen today, so we got used to what we had and not being longhaired liberals we never complained, but we knew of their existence

If they did there would be no need for pressure groups in Washington and no fancy offices either

That fancy high rise tower with their name so proudly on it is registered in an offshore tax haven company

in its own way, to the ‘ome I fled, me father fancying

Such statesmen, and such statesmen only, are capable of fancying that they will find some advantage in employing the blood and treasure of their fellow-citizens, to found and maintain such an empire

I debated a moment, wondering if this were a corpse partially buried, or a sick man, but as I looked, fancying I could see him breathing, I jumped down and pulled off the cloth

6 When therefore Adam and Eve saw the light fancying it was real they strengthened their hearts; yet as they were trembling Adam said to Eve:

He had never said a word to anyone, not even to Phil when he had confided in him about fancying Sabrina so many years before

Anne turned toward her bed again, fancying that she had smelled

Deneb walked stealing covert looks at Cleo now and then under the star lit sky, fancying a morning walk with her, their hands entwined and her head on his shoulders, Cleo snuggling to him for warmth

Deneb walked stealing covert looks at Cleo now and then under the star lit sky, fancying a morning walk with her, their hands entwined and her head on his shoulders, Cleo snuggling to him for warmth in the future

When there’s no outlet for it and it gets clotted, you begin fancying

When you were writing your article, surely you couldn’t have helped, he-he! fancying yourself

Katerina Ivanovna, however, put off expressing her feelings for the time and contented herself with treating her coldly, though she decided inwardly that she would certainly have to put Amalia Ivanovna down and set her in her proper place, for goodness only knew what she was fancying herself

If he was persuaded that this was true, and that his lady had wronged him, it is no wonder that he should have gone mad; but I, how am I to imitate him in his madness, unless I can imitate him in the cause of it? For my Dulcinea, I will venture to swear, never saw a Moor in her life, as he is, in his proper costume, and she is this day as the mother that bore her, and I should plainly be doing her a wrong if, fancying anything else, I were to go mad with the same kind of madness as Roland the Furious

The curate was holding Don Quixote’s hands, who, fancying he had now ended the adventure and was in the presence of the Princess Micomicona, knelt before the curate and said, «Exalted and beauteous lady, your highness may live from this day forth fearless of any harm this base being could do you; and I too from this day forth am released from the promise I gave you, since by the help of God on high and by the favour of her by whom I live and breathe, I have fulfilled it so successfully

Don Quixote, fancying that his foe was coming down upon him flying, drove his spurs vigorously into Rocinante’s lean flanks and made him scud along in such style that the history tells us that on this occasion only was he known to make something like running, for on all others it was a simple trot with him; and with this unparalleled fury he bore down where he of the Mirrors stood digging his spurs into his horse up to buttons, without being able to make him stir a finger’s length from the spot where he had come to a standstill in his course

Don Quixote pursued his journey in the high spirits, satisfaction, and self-complacency already described, fancying himself the most valorous knight-errant of the age in the world because of his late victory

‘ To which the owner of the ass replied, ‘It’s an excellent plan, I declare, gossip, and worthy of your great genius;’ and the two separating as agreed, it so fell out that they brayed almost at the same moment, and each, deceived by the braying of the other, ran to look, fancying the ass had turned up at last

One of those, however, that stood near him, fancying he was mocking them, lifted up a long staff he had in his hand and smote him such a blow with it that Sancho dropped helpless to the ground

Don Quixote, who was not used to dismount without having the stirrup held, fancying that Sancho had by this time come to hold it for him, threw himself off with a lurch and brought Rocinante’s saddle after him, which was no doubt badly girthed, and saddle and he both came to the ground; not without discomfiture to him and abundant curses muttered between his teeth against the unlucky Sancho, who had his foot still in the shackles

always cockering up his honour, dining miserably and in secret, and making a hypocrite of the toothpick with which he sallies out into the street after eating nothing to oblige him to use it! Poor fellow, I say, with his nervous honour, fancying they perceive a league off the patch on his shoe, the sweat-stains on his hat, the shabbiness of his cloak, and the hunger of his stomach!»

Charles sank back into his arm-chair overwhelmed, trying to discover what could be wrong with her, fancying some nervous illness, weeping, and vaguely feeling something fatal and incomprehensible whirling round him

Then she let her head fall back, fancying she heard in space the music of seraphic harps, and perceived in an azure sky, on a golden throne in the midst of saints holding green palms, God the Father, resplendent with majesty, who with a sign sent to earth angels with wings of fire to carry her away in their arms

As he fell he commended himself with all his heart to God, fancying he was not going to stop until he reached the depths of the bottomless pit; but it did not turn out so, for at little more than thrice a man’s height Dapple touched bottom, and he found himself sitting on him without having received any hurt or damage whatever

Emma watched him with a look of anguish, fancying she saw an accusation in every line of his face

Madame Homais was very fond of these small, heavy turban-shaped loaves, that are eaten in Lent with salt butter; a last vestige of Gothic food that goes back, perhaps, to the time of the Crusades, and with which the robust Normans gorged themselves of yore, fancying they saw on the table, in the light of the yellow torches, between tankards of hippocras and huge boars’ heads, the heads of Saracens to be devoured

«Oh, leave off!» she murmured, fancying she heard Binet’s lathe

This Cide Hamete Benengeli thought fit to reveal at once, not to keep the world in suspense, fancying that the head had some strange magical mystery in it

The viceroy, fancying it must be some fresh adventure got up by Don Antonio Moreno or some other gentleman of the city, hurried out at once to the beach accompanied by Don Antonio and several other gentlemen, just as Don Quixote was wheeling Rocinante round in order to take up the necessary distance

The manner in which Miss Steele had spoken of Edward, increased her curiosity; for it struck her as being rather ill-natured, and suggested the suspicion of that lady’s knowing, or fancying herself to know something to his disadvantage

I say awakened, because time and London, business and dissipation, had in some measure quieted it, and I had been growing a fine hardened villain, fancying myself indifferent to her, and choosing to fancy that she too must have become indifferent to me; talking to myself of our past attachment as a mere idle, trifling business, shrugging up my shoulders in proof of its being so, and silencing every reproach, overcoming every scruple, by secretly saying now and then, ‘I shall be heartily glad to hear she is well married

Morel had white tips in her bonnet, and some white on her blouse, and was teased by both her sons for fancying herself so grand

Yes, indeed, I replied, and equally incompatible with the management of a house, an army, or an office of state; and, what is most important of all, irreconcileable with any kind of study or thought or self-reflection—there is a constant suspicion that headache and giddiness are to be ascribed to philosophy, and hence all practising or making trial of virtue in the higher sense is absolutely stopped; for a man is always fancying that he is being made ill, and is in constant anxiety about the state of his body

Well, then, do not be angry with them; for are they not as good as a play, trying their hand at paltry reforms such as I was describing; they are always fancying that by legislation they will make an end of frauds in contracts, and the other rascalities which I was mentioning, not knowing that they are in reality cutting off the heads of a hydra?

And though frequently, when she looked in to bid me good-night, I remarked a fresh colour in her cheeks and a pinkness over her slender fingers; instead of fancying the hue borrowed from a cold ride across the moors, I laid it to the charge of a hot fire in the library

I went at five o’clock, and walked; fancying I might manage to creep into the house, and up to Linton’s room, unobserved

Yes, I said; and there is another thing which is likely, or rather a necessary inference from what has preceded, that neither the uneducated and uninformed of the truth, nor yet those who never make an end of their education, will be able ministers of State; not the former, because they have no single aim of duty which is the rule of all their actions, private as well as public; nor the latter, because they will not act at all except upon compulsion, fancying that they are already dwelling apart in the islands of the blest

Danglars brightened up on beholding it, fancying that it gave some promise of safety

‘Into the infantry when they need artillery more than anything?’ said Katavasov, fancying from the artilleryman’s apparent age that he must have reached a fairly high grade

When there’s no outlet for it and it gets clotted, you begin fancying things

And I cannot help fancying somebody is about the house

I have no ground for the nonsensical vanity of fancying everybody who comes near me is in love with me

Emma watched him with a look of anguish, fancying she saw an accusation

At last, unable to bear it any longer, and fancying she had gone to Rouen, he set out along the highroad, walked a mile, met no one, again waited, and returned home

I sav’d the Bellars Missive for later, fancying that ’twould cause me the greatest Inquietude, and open’d the one that was splotch’d with Mud

And though frequently, when she looked in to bid me good-night, I remarked a fresh colour in her cheeks and a pinkness over her slender fingers, instead of fancying the line borrowed from a cold ride across the moors, I laid it to the charge of a hot fire in the library

I went at five o’clock, and walked; fancying I might manage to creep into the house, and up to Linton’s room, unobserved

Cosette, although this is a strange statement to make, in the profound ignorance of a girl brought up in a convent,—maternity being also absolutely unintelligible to virginity,—had ended by fancying that she had had as little mother as possible

Fauchelevent arrived with Cosette, the porter had not been able to refrain from communicating to his wife this aside: «I don’t know why it is, but I can’t help fancying that I’ve seen that face before

Rochester, to witness their repeated failure—herself unconscious that they did fail; vainly fancying that each shaft launched hit the mark, and infatuatedly pluming herself on success, when her pride and self-complacency repelled further and further what she wished to allure—to witness this, was to be at once under ceaseless excitation and ruthless restraint

She looked and looked, longing to know which might be least valuable; and was determined in her choice at last, by fancying there was one necklace more frequently placed before her eyes than the rest

The manner in which Miss Steele had spoken of Edward, increased her curiosity; for it struck her as being rather ill-natured, and suggested the suspicion of that lady’s knowing, or fancying herself to know something to his disadvantage

I say awakened, because time and London, business and dissipation, had in some measure quieted it, and I had been growing a fine hardened villain, fancying myself indifferent to her, and chusing to fancy that she too must have become indifferent to me; talking to myself of our past attachment as a mere idle, trifling business, shrugging up my shoulders in proof of its being so, and silencing every reproach, overcoming every scruple, by secretly saying now and then, ‘I shall be heartily glad to hear she is well married

She started no difficulties that were not talked down in five minutes by her eldest nephew and niece, who were all-powerful with her; and as the whole arrangement was to bring very little expense to anybody, and none at all to herself, as she foresaw in it all the comforts of hurry, bustle, and importance, and derived the immediate advantage of fancying herself obliged to leave her own house, where she had been living a month at her own cost, and take up her abode in theirs, that every hour might be spent in their service, she was, in fact, exceedingly delighted with the project

She feared she had been doing wrong: saying too much, overacting the caution which she had been fancying necessary; in guarding against one evil, laying herself open to another; and to have Miss Crawford’s liveliness repeated to her at such a moment, and on such a subject, was a bitter aggravation

In their very last conversation, Miss Crawford, in spite of some amiable sensations, and much personal kindness, had still been Miss Crawford; still shewn a mind led astray and bewildered, and without any suspicion of being so; darkened, yet fancying itself light

Second: To the native Indian of Peru, the continual sight of the snowhowdahed Andes conveys naught of dread, except, perhaps, in the mere fancying of the eternal frosted desolateness reigning at such vast altitudes, and the natural conceit of what a fearfulness it would be to lose oneself in such inhuman solitudes

It is transparent, as I said before; and being laid upon the printed page, I have sometimes pleased myself with fancying it exerted a magnifying influence

When there’s no outlet for it and it gets clotted, you begin fancying things…

He was not at all the same as Konstantin had been fancying him

I am indeed always in terror over the ladies’ opera-glasses which usually lie on the edge of the boxes; I am constantly fancying that they will fly down on some unsuspecting head

I write «I suppose,» though I know for a fact that I have made it up, but yet I keep fancying that it must have happened somewhere at some time, that it must have happened on Christmas Eve in some great town in a time of terrible frost

Why have I made up such a story, so out of keeping with an ordinary diary, and a writer’s above all? And I promised two stories dealing with real events! But that is just it, I keep fancying that all this may have happened really—that is, what took place in the cellar and on the woodstack; but as for Christ’s Christmas tree, I cannot tell you whether that could have happened or not

He was still fancying that Grushenka really was somewhere in the house

She was always fancying that Kolya was “unfeeling” to her, and at times, dissolving into hysterical tears, she used to reproach him with his coldness

I kept fancying how the little thing cried and moaned (a child of four years old understands, you know), and all the while the thought of pineapple compote haunted me

It was just after fancying this, that he met Alyosha in the street

We fellows were always fancying that he would escape; but his hour did not come, or perhaps had come and gone; anyhow, he went through with his punishment without resistance

I had had a strange idea in my head ever since the previous day: I kept fancying that he would be received with hisses as soon as he appeared

Erkel evidently wanted to speak of something of importance in the last moments, though possibly he did not himself know exactly of what, but he could not bring himself to begin! He kept fancying that Pyotr Stepanovitch seemed anxious to get rid of him and was impatient for the last bell

He kept fancying that he was not asleep, and that Vasya was still lying on the bed

He was extremely pleased with his brother, he looked at him with respect and pride, fancying him his hero; but in some ways, so far as judgments on worldly culture, ability to talk French, behavior in the society of distinguished people, dancing, and so on, he was somewhat ashamed of him, looked down on him, and even cherished a hope of improving him if such a thing were possible

As I contemplated his slightly rounded back and the soles of his feet (which somehow seemed to stick out in my direction in a sort of repentant fashion whenever he made his obeisances), I felt that I liked him more than ever, and debated within myself whether or not I should tell him all I had been fancying concerning our respective sisters

Fancies is a cycle of six choral settings by John Rutter, created around whimsical themes and based on text from poets such as Shakespeare, Thomas Campion (1567–1620), Edward Lear (1812–1888) and others. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Make one last trip to the store to get some treats for yourself: wine, chocolate, fancy iced coffee drinks — whatever floats your boat, stock up on it.


I liked how you can play the way you have done in the past by jumping on your foes but also utilising Mario’s fancy new hat, which comes in handy when multiple enemies are approaching.


Although pet rats are closely related to wild rats, domesticated or fancy rats are easy to socialize, and will not spread disease.


The orthodox writer Raghunanda said the same: «For the sake of the devotee do we fancy forms and shapes of that Brahman which is pure spirit, the one without a second, the absolutely simple and incorporeal One.»


What makes Zoe different is that it accomplishes these things not with the use of fancy technological tricks, and instead, the app lets users become more introspective not just of the match they are looking for but also of themselves.


I reported the failure and serious side effects of the feline vaccine in the January 1981 issue of The Dog newspaper, thus becoming the first dog fancy journalist to report on vaccine failure.


Yet sadly most pastors have fancy houses and cars and the little lady on social security giving her last dollar for it.


Although we may disdain fancy clothing as scientists, we still accept that for most animals, appearance is a life-or-death issue.


i wanted to elevate the look without going overboard because let’s be honest my night out looks like dinner and drinks with a friends or something of that sort.i am not going to many fancy parties or crazy events.


If you love the idea of visiting Dublin but fancy letting someone else do all the hard work, allow local guide and creative Orlaith Ross to show you around.


Usually it’s just a fancy way of naming the second film so that it sounds more important than it really is.


That «ç» must make it sound really fancy, but yeah.


I agree that it makes sense to build a Twitter following from a certain group of people; teenagers wanting to chat about which member of One Direction they fancy aren’t going to take an interest in tweets about book publication!


I opted to fancy up this lunch staple a little with the addition of a second spread for my toasts — tofu ricotta.


Sure, you might find fancy espresso makers and the odd Ping-Pong table among the offices of the 79 companies that earned a spot on the 2017 Aon Best Employers in Canada list.


I frequently make it up after dinner and then use it for breakfast for turnovers, fancy braided pastries, all kinds of yummy things.


The main tourist hotspots have loads of choice ranging from budget $ 15 a night basic rooms all the way to fancy hotels.


This weekend all the video editors are swimming around underwater, Dan Tack lies about a fancy meal he plans on eating, and I lie to myself about planning to clean the house.


Feathers are accessories that decorated fashionistas outfits from different generations, whether ladies or fancy ladies from the Chicago musical.


I know — I’ll throw a fancy slip dress over the top!


I would definitely wear this look out on a date for dinner, drinks, and a fancy show!


So while it might just disappear in a bowl of milk, it adds a sweet and healthful crunch to homemade bircher muesli (as pictured here) or a bowl of plain yogurt, and would be great on top of one of those fancy green smoothie bowls.


Names that aren’t too fancy… are also prime candidates.»


I can wear it casually as a crossbody or use it as a small satchel for fancy outfits.


You can’t always be around but a fancy and soft cashmere cardigan will be the next best thing to your warm hugs when you are not there.


Mercedes-Benz’s booth, aside from featuring excellent espresso and fancy Voss water, was themed «it’s all about me,» furthering the personalized experience trend.


Pakistan best female models Noor Bhatti and Amna Baber are hired to showcase this assortment.The overall collection depicts the finest series of classy and Pakistani fancy dresses.


I really do fancy a Forest holiday, the beautiful cabins set in all that woodland appeals so much.


I think that risotto is a really fancy & gourmet dish that would easily impress someone, but is also relatively cheap to make & very easy.


You have to create an account to use it, but you can do most things for free (super fancy stuff is, of course, a paid service.)


At 21 months, my second child, a girl, chose to wear the fancy ruffle-butt panties I had left hanging in the bathroom since she was a year old.


Chromed toggle switches, knobs, fancy animations and LED light games are well received by the hip target group, all others are more likely to confuse them.


Chia seeds are more than fancy little superfood seeds that make delicious puddings (although, that’s a pretty good function on it’s own for breakfast on rush hour mornings!).


But there would be no reason for GM to hold on to Chrysler (competing with Buick and fancy Chevys), Dodge (Pontiac), Fiat (small cars selling well only regionally), or Alfa Romeo (requires boatloads of cash to develop new product).


That means no fancy lab equipment, no microscopes, no post-processing of measurement data.


The Tech package does include a fancy digital instrument cluster as well, and it displays full-screen navigation, media settings, and more.


The plate-type limited-slip differential isn’t particularly fancy, but it is predictable and trustworthy, which is what you want when the DSC is all the way off.


If you fancy going to the Emirates yourself then check out The Gooner News Guide To Buying Tickets To Watch The Arsenal — Version 2.0 —


Pinwheel cookies are a simple way to make a very fancy final product.


The city pays National Grid $ 1.9 million a year to keep those fancy streetlights on but it collects only $ 200,000 from property owners.


There are a number of organizations and governing bodies of the cat fancy worldwide, and the CFA is one of the best known.


There is really not a lot of difference in the taste so choose any color you fancy!


We’ve got a trick to fancy up the low-maintenance bun and make it perfect for a wedding: add a cool braid that weaves its way up from the back of your neck and twists into a topknot.


once they even gave me a glass of their fancy grape juice, for free.


A basic home gym will cover you as there are no machines or fancy gym equipment required.


It’s time to come and discover long vintage style prom dresses to fancy up your wardrobe now!


I can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight over a home-cooked meal and fancy wine.


My go to recipe for Banana bread for 3 decades was from the Joy of Cooking book, which frankly is quite decent — includes whole wheat flout and wheat germ — but a girl’s fancy turns to other recipes and it has been a while for be and banana bread…


Inside, the trim has been raised a few notches over the standard Grand Cherokee, with leather seats and some fancy Trackhawk logos; while comfortable enough, it’s not a class-leading interior.


I was actually really surprised that our food processor managed to make almond butter since it’s not a fancy machine.


Definition of Fancy

to want to do something

Examples of Fancy in a sentence

We fancy a trip to the islands, but our budget won’t allow it.


I fancy a juicy hamburger every now and again but try to eat clean otherwise.


My brother and his wife fancy buying a large, exotic homes while we prefer a small cabin-like feel.


The girls fancy a night-out on the town and should be leaving the hotel soon.


Though the couple might fancy going out on a date, there is no babysitter to watch the children.


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