Use the word fan in a sentence

Synonym: admirer, arouse, blower, devotee, fancier, flare, follower, spread, stimulate, stir, whip. Similar words: if any, infant, off and on, fantasy, fantastic. Meaning: [fæn]  n. 1. a device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or surfaces 2. an enthusiastic devotee of sports 3. an ardent follower and admirer. v. 1. strike out (a batter), (of a pitcher) 2. make (an emotion) fiercer 3. agitate the air 4. separate the chaff from by using air currents. 

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(1) I’m a big fan of Italian food.

(2) She cooled herself with a fan.

(3) It’s so hot please turn the fan on.

(4) The guard fan ned him for weapon.

(5) The ceiling fan depends from the ceiling.

(6) He has sued a fan for bootlegging his concerts.

(7) His fan base is mostly middle-aged ladies.

(8) Ed was snowed under with fan mail when he was doing his television show.

(9) I’m a baseball fan.

(10) He’s such a keen fan(sentencedict .com), he even goes to all the away matches.

(11) I’m a big fan of country.

(12) I’m a big fan of hers.

(13) He’s a big fan of Elvis Presley.

(14) I’m a secret fan of soap operas on TV.

(15) By the way, I’m your number-one fan.

(16) He can juggle a fan into a bird.

(17) She was inundated by floods of fan mail.

(18) He rejoined the Ball Fan Club last week.

(19) She was stalked by an obsessed fan.

(20) The fan whirred in the corner of the room.

(21) I wouldn’t have classed you as a Shakespeare fan.

(22) Fan the cards out, then pick one.

(23) She liked to fan out.

(24) During the afternoon, hot winds fan the flames.

(25) Five main roads fan out from the village.

(26) I am a great fan of rave music.

(27) He flapped the flies away with a fan.

(28) Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan.

(29) They have inundated me with fan letters.

(30) The bathroom is ventilated by means of an extractor fan.

He doesn’t have a comeback, though, because “Dizzie” is Dizzie’s real name—her dad was a jazz fan

Hamo sits as at a corner desk in front of an oscillating fan that rustles papers, a calender on the wall, etc

The shit hits the fan one morning when I answer my doorbell to find Betty standing there, half annoyed and half gloating, as she sees me with a piece of toast in my hand

«But it is a known fan out

Most seem think it was just a fan, probably an innocent

I’m a bit of a sci-fi fan so his YingolNeerie origins are interesting to me

How delicious our goal looked from where we paused to fan ourselves desperate for the slightest breeze

He spread his fingers in a fan, then folded his hands horizontally, laid his head on them and closed his eyes

Once in the bathroom he slams the door shut on purpose, locks it and pulls the chord that powers up the heated lamp unit and the extractor fan

The fan grinds through years of sticky dust and detritus, whining in complaint

Before Andy could refute this suggestion, the shit really hit the fan

off when the shit would finally hit the fan

belongings, she was a big fan of Volleyball and loved to watch EastEnders

tripped and besides, the fan blades at the ends of the shafts were too close together

Collingston High, furnished with paintings and a gold-plated ceiling fan

Harman looked around his empty office again, noticing that the ceiling fan

A large fan shaped stained glass window topped it, causing the arched appearance she’d seen from the outside of the house

The stained glass fan, cast a delicate pattern on the wooden floor, as the first rays of the lavender sky emerged over the blanketed hills

The thought, was lost again to this world, as the brilliant orange ball, exploded across the pink and lavender sky, sending a fan shaped ray of light streaming in all directions

Otto took off his Boer hat and used it as a fan

Tom Tong lay awake watching the reflections of the dawn bounce off the ceiling fan

This is one game where Arizona did not win but even as a loyal University of Arizona fan, I have to applaud Curt Gentry for that game

that – whilst being a fan of the country in many respects –

electric fan, but I refused the ventilator and

It was quickly obvious that she wasn’t a fan

She thought it was because she dressed like a Goth, and she wasn’t a fan of judgmental people

Showcase a Face-507 book Fan, congratulate a Twitter follower, customer of the week on your site

To see a fan in your dream refers to the changes in your life

In order to explain our inability in seeing spiritual beings, we can use the common analogy of a fan

When the mechanical fan is static, we can clearly view and count the number of fan blades

He had her whole life in his first five minutes with her; farmer’s daughter, college graduate, baseball fan, and a real looker

He was a big fan of poetry, but it was

told him you were a big fan of his

With first place prizes being the best in golf, PGA tournaments have the most loyal fan base as any sport

in the room like a fan running

She had chosen to conceal her identity and heritage under a western name to increase her fan base in the UK

Snapping his fingers a ceiling fan spun into life, causing a warm downdraft just enough to make the air move once more

Many a time I sat in a Casspir waiting for the hail of bullets and (you know what) to hit the fan, and I would be comforted by someone chain smoking close by

He was also waiting for the bullets and you know what else to hit the fan

Listed company’s tend to be the owners of nothing except their name and shares which may or may not be bulls-t when (not if) the fan hits (you know what)

Were it not for this very special occasion, (The ―Scooter‖ was always a fan favorite), I would have passed up the ballgame

Nevertheless, how much longer must the average fan see their season(s) high jacked by self-centered, lingering adolescents; many of whom don‘t appreciate the value of a hard earned dollar? I remember when it was only a game

The bedroom light was off but the ceiling fan was going round and round on the slowest speed, murmuring in motion offering no reply to any of my questions

In his mind, William imagined the clock spinning at the speed of a fan and the clouds overhead moving as fast as speeding automobiles on a busy highway

As a sports fan who came of age in the sixties, I often ask myself, what have become of the Larry Czonka‘s or the Bill Riggins‘ or the Jerry West‘s or Rick Barry‘s, White Athletes who once dominated their respected sports? Is it conceivable that, in a day and age when the financial rewards are exceptionally high, (White‘s) have suddenly lost their competitive spark? Or could it be that many have fallen victim, in their own right, to stereotypical standards that seem to favor skill specific attributes like speed or vertical aptitude above other, less ―remarkable‖ qualities equally essential for performing on a higher level? Will such patterns eventually mandate the same type of protective status for Whites that are presently afforded to African Americans and other racial minorities competing in the public and private sectors? The latter is a stretch, granted

It was extremely humid in there, with the inefficient ceiling suck-out fan moaning and groaning away on dry bearings

With her body still steaming, she’d sprawl on her wide bed and allow the slowly rotating ceiling fan to hypnotically induce first dreams, then sleep

The fan of the heater still blew warm air across me, but that would only last until the engine cooled

Unlike Tara, she wasn’t much of a history fan

Lyra gave a startled cry when the overhead lights suddenly came on and somewhere along the corridor, a large fan started up

He could hear talking somewhere in the distance, and the soft hum of a fan

to fan the flies away

That was guaranteed by its height of twenty feet, its bifurcated barbed tail, the red-hot flaming hoofs instead of feet, claws as large as jet engine fan blades, and a devilish smile that said that this one knew he had a natural capacity to instill gaping awe, mind-numbing fear, and send men early to their graves

And, when Sylvia found out that the tuna cans game was blown wide open, the shit would hit the fan like never before

The pungent odour of cordite was evident despite the large vent fan working in the ceiling

Two large fan blades moved lazily making only the smallest impact on the quality the breathable air

Since Colling had always been a Cubs fan, he bantered with them for awhile, realizing he was getting the worst of the exchange

The woman in the store didn’t so much as move her eyes, as he entered, scanned for someone to speak with, saw her and stood impatiently at the counter: she might have been a manequin, except that the paper fan in her hand waved continually

The single hotel offered rooms with doors of nailed planks, cement floors, platforms of raw wood covered over with thin, flattened foam rubber as beds, a single, threadbare sheet, one frayed towel, no pillows, a bare bulb hanging from a spider web decorated wire, no window, no fan and walls partially covered in flaking, stained paint

James turned and looked at the ceiling fan; it was going at full speed, casting shadows that seemed to playfully dance around the room, but it did little to make the heat more bearable

He sat down as well, the Captain fidgeting on the chair, trying to feel the waft of the ceiling fan; the intolerable heat had sweat piling up on his brow

“It won’t hurt or anything, will it? I’m a big fan of the Stones

He had stopped the ceiling fan; the window blinds were closed but still the heat was almost unbearable

Coming from his background, he’d be no fan of the Republic

“She’s a fan of yours, already

She was never a big fan of PDA and Carter was okay with that any other day

a fan” to join the same interest

First, you will have to become a fan of the 7-Eleven page

objective of this is to increase the fan amount of the fan page,

Within five months the fan page of 7-Eleven grew by 300

thousand, becoming the fan page with the most fans in Taiwan

Baidar ordered us to fan out into the capital and wipe out any rebels we met

Nick had never been a fan of technology

Is the worship in the fan and the master of culture, caused the gap between ideas and ideologies

provender, which has been winnowed with the shovel and with the fan

We were to fan out and visit each town and village and make sure they understood the change of rulers

16 You shall fan

I assumed we would likely charge through them on horseback and fan out around them in our usual way cutting them down with arrows and keeping them busy until Henry came up with the rest of the men

7 And I will fan them with a fan in the gates of the land; I will bereave them of children, I will destroy my

Fan: Work of the flesh to imitate a cool breeze of the Spirit; division of the impure and pure; Christ’s fan in one’s hand: purging His threshing floor

Just think once before switching on the fan

destroying wind; 2 And will send to Babylon fanners, that shall fan her, and shall empty her land, for in the day of trouble they shall

He picked up a magazine and started to fan himself

“I thought you were a big fan of Terry’s,” I said

I decided that it would be an excellent opportunity for us to fan out in force and look for any pockets of resistance behind us and rebuild pontoon bridges to our rear to ensure our supply lines

Colin was a bigger fan of the original series; mess up the aliens

Wind is blowing in all directions from the blades chopping like a high-speed fan

Join the Facebook fan page to learn more:

being His worshipers and a fan of His

Jaden hears a sound like a high-speed fan

Tom attributed his wonderful and loving fan base to the hard work his former lover Selina had put into his career

By the end of my three weeks in F Tank, Blake was my biggest fan

In her hand, she held a fan

She moved her fan with another graceful movement of her wrist and vanished

I parked my M-Class outside of a restaurant, I wasn’t much a fan of an SUV but JT had a different idea

It fanned its brilliantly plumed tail in pleasure when she obliged

It ended where the wash ended and fanned out over dry sand looking across the basin floor at the encroaching dark

This shared mingling of human substance gave me strength and, like a small bellows, fanned the flame of glowing anger that accompanied my slow investigation of the crime scene

washed across the fanned out blue of a sunny afternoon

and the flames of my success will be fanned

fanned out beneath the cliffs, dotted with pine forests and

The cool breeze in his chest fanned the embers of his inner fire and Dane felt power surge through him, tearing at his humanity, releasing Djgarr, the Dragon Lord of the North

She fanned my face with a palm frond while her husband opened the goatskin of water and poured a cup

The four troopers quickly fanned out into a covering formation and crouched close to the ground, each of them intently surveying the area around them while holding their rifles ready

She slipped her fingers into the hair at the nape of his neck, her fingers plunging into the curly masses, which were fanned across the mat

They scooped their wings, batting them madly and fanned their tails to drift slowly above the melee, tiny heads darting from side to side, scanning for the perfect morsel

shock resounded, and the mourners fanned out to let the

fanned white shells with red and charcoal pinstripes

Government troops would have a column of vehicles, squads of men fanned out on the roadside, carriers

splotched the walls, his teeth fanned the carpet

He motioned with his free hand and half a dozen men fanned out two by two’s, going inside the rooms and halls on the west side of the monastery

The wizard had fanned the fire severely, and he himself had let it burn

Khevasiah fanned her nose with her hand and pushed Junya to the side

Junya put his hand up and fanned it down in the direction of

feathers of his wings, which fanned out around him, also threaded with stars, like

We rushed over the bridge nearest to us and fanned out all over the city cutting down anyone who stood against us

We fanned out to form a semicircle north of the town while the guide was sent in to tell the chieftain he would have to join the Khanate

Suchix came over with the rest of our force and they fanned out to help tend our wounded

Ignace came up in his own good time while the priests waited patiently and we fanned out around the town

The others fanned out around us in a semicircle with spears at the ready but not yet pointed

He nodded again and fanned his mouth

Carmen lifted up her hair with one hand and fanned the back of her neck with the other

Then the men poured across and fanned out to form a strong bridgehead

2 Then they made it into a heap; and, faint from heat and from thirst, they went under a shady tree, where the breeze fanned them to sleep

Bandages around his head didn’t completely cover the deep purple bruising along his temple that fanned out to encircle his right eye

The others quickly fanned out in response to his advice, while Moshe, easily identifying

As the teams fanned out, first to the nearby villages, then to those farther afield, an explosive

at its centre, and which then fanned out into a grid of resources

fanned out to spend the rest of their lives to search for, and then

them, hobbling over the thorns and sharp rocks as they fanned

He stood on his two hind legs, his front legs placed on the trunk of a sacred oak tree, and his tail fanned out behind him

The guil otine demons fanned out on either side of the accused

Beatrice fanned her sensual eyelashes seeing the opportunity to explain things:

As soon as he was in the air Why fanned his broken wings, flying ahead of the boat in a crooked, lilting manner, carrying the purple petal away with him

But no matter how hard they fanned the flames the story never caught fire

The blaze in his weird black eyes did not alter, and their expression filled her with fury, fanned by the sardonic smile that seemed carved upon his bearded lips

Thousands of small grey objects shot out of the long spines, and under their own power, fanned out in every direction above the planet’s surface

Thousands of drones shot out of the long spines, and fanned out in every direction above the planet’s surface

” The winged man fanned his wings

Then the green lights stopped and it fanned out, scanning my face

Suwanee’s squad of Marines fanned out around the bridge

The four MMARV’s fanned out and advanced on the animals as they appeared from the forest

” He fanned the smoke out of his face

Feltus fanned himself with his hat as if the lobby was excruciatingly warm; beads of perspiration had formed on his forehead, evidently from the long, arduous journey across the lobby

Enormous sheets of flame, fanned by the mountain updraft engulfed both sides of the house, and now the back

They fanned out, watching in

Wickland and Graisco studied the sitting area before them while the SWAT team fanned out through the rest of the suite

First they approached the airfield in single file, then fanned out into line abreast formation and opened fire

was shouting “Hands in the air or we fire!” His men fanned out behind him to cover the other

Jillian discreetly fanned the smoke that was filling the room and hurting her lungs

As more trolls came, the group fanned out

opponents, stock-stil , cigarette hanging out of his mouth as they fanned out

Jil died the feeling fanned out, covered everything

Finally, some of the men and women on the edges of the mob fanned out and took true aim hitting one of the PC’s in the engine compartment

Prince Len read again the front page titles on the few newspapers fanned in front of him on the conference table, then shook his head in disbelief while watched by his diplomatic staff

The lead fanned the deck and offered Garcia a chance to draw a card

Four of the tanks and four tracked carriers detached themselves from the column once inside the perimeter fence and fanned out, taking defensive positions on both sides of the gate

More laughs came out when Agnes Evans, red with embarrassment, fanned herself with one hand on hearing Jeanne

Murrow’s three cameramen fanned out at once, with one filming Schriever as he spoke while the two others took shots of the XC-200 and of the SPS-10A from various angles

As they walked, the mercenaries fanned out, taking their places around the

He puffed away contentedly, while Nord fanned the air

As he was tossing another chunk into his mouth, he heard a slight poof, and felt the air move as if it were fanned

It had fanned out like a cobra’s head into many smaller rivers that were all flowing into the great blue water

I looked at the swan fanned over the straw and closed my eyes

crown of the jewel and fanned out around the outlaw

She tapped a small button on the base of the apparatus, and yellow light fanned out from beneath its top portion

Ren Fengping fanned his fan and smiled and said in a clear voice

As his squadron fanned out to start collecting survivors, he ordered his pilot to head directly for the Tiger�s Claw

He put them together in a stack, then fanned his hand across the table laying them out, face up

Quaint bungalows and farmhouses fanned out from the church hall, with its perfectly manicured green in front of it

A negative sort of way, for fear can cancel out anger—while just a spark of anger, stoked and fanned into flame, is capable of overcoming the strongest, most paralyzing of fears

Crouching down, he brushed away the sand at his feet and found a large network of fat squishy roots that fanned out far from the

” the voice fanned her spark

Then he threw water over him and fanned him with a towel

me and I was fanned with a towel

with water and fanned

Alice fanned Steven’s face and sang a lullaby

I fanned my Pentas with the tray as it

She should have taken Puffy from his cage and allowed him to scamper around in her hair, which she fanned out for him over the bed like a curtain, her arms carefully hovering over him lest he scurry out of reach

Cool air fanned over Casey as she stood frozen in the doorway

Long white hair fanned out around her face, and the purest eyes of blue sapphire stared at him

I gather they haven’t been in England for some time, so that naturally their affection for their country has been fanned into a great glow

He shouted orders to his men, and they fanned out in a hurry

” I fanned my face and glided towards the punch bowl

Tasha shrugged and fanned her hand in the air, “I’m not happy about this, but fine

They fanned out and searched high and low, mindful of the animals hanging above their heads but with keen eyes scrutinizing every crack and crevice

His first thoughts were how peaceful she looked with her hair fanned out on the pillow like a dark halo, her torso relaxed with her legs decorously together and her arms by her sides

His breath fanned her neck

The three riders fanned out and galloped towards them from three different directions

Tom cursed himself for not having told his companions that they should put some distance between themselves, just as their opponents had done when they had fanned out

Three hours later, Chief Evelyn Horcheese sat strapped into the command chair with 184 control conduits fanning out from the interface ports at her shoulders and pelvis

Nlara obviously didn’t want to chat, what was there left to say after the centuries they’d shared? Having Kalaz and Dencah back, along with Gardir, was fanning the current flare-up in her addiction to the hormone high

More does, perhaps, in Great Britain than in any other country, though even there the great stocks which are in some places employed in farming, have generally been acquired by fanning, the trade, perhaps, in which, of all others, stock is commonly acquired most slowly

“Anything would be a blessing,” I said, fanning my face with my hand

He was tired, though Arawn was gaining strength from the ki’mera that continued to flow into Adem’s chest and his sheathed sword, mostly fanning around the hilt

There were others in the corridors, some headed aft, towards engineering, others fanning out

activists fanning the flames of racial grievance(s) for their own political reasons indicated elsewhere above

(Read: Conservative Blacks!) Although it is not my intention to marginalize the organization‘s historical importance (or value) for peoples of color, its neo-radical, oftentimes racist agenda has long abandoned its intended purpose of advancing civil rights and equal opportunity in favor of consolidating a political power base in a manner that incorrectly defines the ―needs‖ of its ―constituents‖ by propagating the meanest forms of race-baiting that (otherwise) serve to advance political ambition by fanning artificial expectations that have lost much of their historical relevancy

He laughed, taking a big bite, then fanning his hand in front of his mouth when it burnt his tongue

She blew out air, fanning her face

ignored the hash, fanning out

“Oh my,” Al’s mother says, fanning her face with her hand

She placed herself in a floating like position, her wings fanning rhythmically above the storage cell

«I have found out what your ghost was,» she said, with a grim smile, sitting down on a rocker and fanning herself

that his growing army of admirers were all staring in his direction and not paying an ounce of interest to their partner’s conversation, some were even fanning themselves with the menu card

I felt his breath fanning across my cheek

” She added fanning herself

The force com�mander, an older lieutenant colonel with squint lines fanning from his eyes, told the assembled pilots that today’s force of 16 Thuds, four flights of four, was going against the rail yards outside of the Thai Nguyen steel mill

Fanning, President of the Navy League of the United States

Fanning asserted the Coast Guard response was

National NLUS President Fanning credited the Coast Guard with being the primary federal agency for maritime law enforcement and security, and said the naval service was chronically under staffed and underfunded, given its responsibility over “25,000 miles of coastline to patrol, 350 ports,” and thousands of “foreign flag ships, many of them carrying hazardous materials,” some of which come ”from countries identified by the U

” (Fanning, “Unanswered Questions,” Sea Power, August 2002, p

fanning out in strange patterns that the downpour was grating

shade of the trees, their leaves fanning out to catch the little bit

from the backseats, fanning themselves while weak with laugher from their first experience in

Several officers burst out of the security office fanning out as they approached Mark

In the top of the gathering an oldster with raised fists and the missed expression of madness, was fanning the long and black sleeves of her blouse as a raven on the verge of detaching in flight

I galloped up to a soft hill filled with golden ears, which in the distance was fanning its sprouts to the insistence of the wind

My respiration paralyzed when I saw that Zoroastro, of a kick, was throwing Mariana towards the black cloud; I followed her with the look, while, lifted, the force of the wind was swinging her hair; she was fanning the arms in an effort to move away from the thundercloud

Rory had removed the fainting man»s shirt and was fanning him with it

Silently they set off across the stream and into the depths of the National Park, fanning out, but keeping in sight of each other, carefully avoiding trampling and disturbing

She had maidens fanning her as the elephant carried her through the hot roadways

“Yeah, unthinkable,” Angela mumbled, still fanning herself with the documents

Carefully he took it up and blew upon it, fanning it into flame again

This creeping chain of cars into the fanning out

“The Rakai is fine, everyone,” Telkit said to the crowd, fanning his hands down to suppress the commotion

When she went into the bedroom she found Petronila Iguarán there with the bothersome crinolines and the beaded jacket that she put on for formal visits, and she found Tran-quilina Maria Miniata Alacoque Buendía, her grand-mother, fanning herself with a peacock feather in her in-valid’s rocking chair, and her great-grandfather Aure-liano Arcadio Buendía, with his imitation dolman of the viceregal guard, and Aureliano Iguarán, her father, who had invented a prayer to make the worms shrivel up and drop off cows, and her timid mother, and her cousin with the pig’s tail, and José Arcadio Buendía, and her dead sons, all sitting in chairs lined up against the wall as if it were a wake and not a visit

Mystics of the Christian Tradition by Steven Fanning

* Mystics of the Christian Tradition, by Steven Fanning

Mystics of the Christian Tradition, by Steven Fanning

gazed longingly back to camp, fanning her pink face with both hands

fanning the inside air out

” Scenes played through his mind, scenes of the trolls being afraid of this Horror, and he, Brumvack, cynically fanning those fears

I was fanning myself with a book and a magazine covers in order to cool down from the burning hot temperature

small in comparison to the bank of cirrus clouds fanning out over the

Oh, my,” she said, fanning herself comically

’’ Said Queen Anne, who was fanning herself to chase the emotion that the ferocious show given by Nancy had brought her

The desire to feed had grown overwhelming, and he had not been vampire long enough to learn how to control his urges, not with the looming Destiratu fanning his need for blood

He started across the lot, head lowered against the wind-driven snow, and remembered when he, Connie, and the boys would spend hours in their backyard during snowstorms, plopping themselves onto the snow and fanning out snow angels, rolling up gigantic bottoms and abdomens and heads of snow for snowmen, stockpiling snow balls for their epic battles (David and Josh against Connie and Julian), and lying in their red plastic sleds while gazing up at the snow falling into their eyes, ending the snowy days by cooking hotdogs on the outside fireplace and making s’mores in semi-darkness, the light reflected off the snow from the fire and the moonlight providing all the illumination they needed

The imminent darkness dims the flicker of hope his heart was fanning just moments ago

the fire that she was fanning

The thought that there are people at this moment sitting under palm-trees or in the shadow of pyramids fanning themselves with their handkerchiefs while I am in my clammy room—the house gets clammy, I find, in persistent wet weather—not liking to light a lamp because it is only three o’clock, and yet hardly able to see because of the streaming panes and driving mist, the thought of these happy people makes me restive

“Whew!” she said, turning towards Hannah and fanning herself with her hand

“That’s only because it’s so hot out here,” I said, fanning myself

The Shepard – if that’s what he was – found the pistol his hand had been fanning for seemed to have appeared in another man’s grip; a hand attached to a crazed Irishman wearing nothing but a pair of long johns, having a small black Jack Russell of some kind tucked firmly to his hip

bed, her thick brown hair fanning out around her face as she raised the pinky ring to her

But Ingeborg one afternoon, walking longer than usual, facing the hot sun and the flies and sand of the road beyond the village to see where it led to instead of, as she generally did, exploring footpaths in the forest, came after much heat and exertion to a thicket of trees that were not firs or pines but green cool things, oaks, and acacias and silver birches, and going through them along a grass-grown road fanning herself with her hat as she walked in the pleasant shade, found herself stopped by a white gate, a notice telling her she was not to advance further, and a garden

He shimmed his shoulders like a peacock fanning its feathers

The so-called politicians are gearing up for a real hullabaloo in Legco and the media is fanning the flames as they always do

“Whew!” she said, turning toward Hannah and fanning herself with her hand

leaves and fanning him while a nude woman was caressing and

It was a favorite game played by 14th century homosexual monks who lived in secluded monasteries because these poisoned perversions of human beings, these sexual perverts, these sodomizers were the closest European culture of the pederasty and buggery practiced by the ancient Greeks: and these undead filthy Greek and Roman entities tried to recreate a part of their ancient way of life; by fanning the flames of secret hidden hate, in a ritualized game where the hatred was hidden under the palm of one’s hand in a secrecy of secret homosexual perverts where nobody could see them practicing their filthy bestial acts

fanning themselves with the convocation brochures

still more and they were soon moving toward her again, fanning out to surround her as they approached

„Not any more,’ I said fanning the air with a closed hand and it took the

«Laurie, I want you to do me a favor, will you?’ said Meg, as he stood fanning her when her breath gave out, which it did very soon though she would not own why

Henchy, «only Fanning has such a

Fanning, the registration agent and mayor maker of the city, who was sitting immediately under the pulpit beside one of the newly elected councillors of the ward

ZOE: (Fanning herself with the grate fan) I’m melting!

, more than seventy-five thousand people lined both banks of the river, sitting on beaches, standing on docks, perched on roofs, bluffs, and palisades along the racecourse, sipping lemonade and fanning themselves with copies of the program

The grandstands at the finish line slowly filled with people fanning themselves with their programs—men in fedoras and Panama hats, women in flat-brimmed hats perched on their heads at jaunty angles

Annette cornered a prosecutor, a man she hurriedly introduced to her intern as Richard, and said they represented Phoebe Fanning, who would be filing for a divorce as soon as possible

When the judge called Randy Fanning to the bench, Annette sent a text message to Phoebe, who was sitting in her car outside the courthouse

Richard, for the prosecution, dwelt on the gravity of the charges and the real possibility of a lengthy jail term for Fanning

“We represent Phoebe Fanning, whose divorce we’ll be filing within the next ten minutes

Samantha, still safely in the audience, watched as Randy Fanning glared at his wife

“I’m glad to hear that because I keep thinking about Phoebe Fanning, with her busted face and kids hidden with a relative, and a goon for a husband who’ll probably kill her when he gets out

At two that afternoon, Samantha was sitting in the main courtroom of the Noland County Courthouse patting the knee of a terrified Phoebe Fanning

Once again, Randy Fanning was driven over with his escort and entered the courtroom looking even rougher than he had two days earlier

Fanning? You may remain seated

The morning’s second crisis erupted minutes later when Phoebe Fanning arrived unannounced with her husband, Randy, and informed Annette she was dropping her divorce

Randy Fanning had been out of jail for three days and was only slightly more presentable absent the orange county jumpsuit

They talked about the Bookers, Phoebe Fanning, and poor Mrs

Phoebe and Randy Fanning are in jail, got busted Saturday with a truckload of meth

the drawing room, sedate in dark silks as they sat fanning themselves and talking of Through the open French windows, she caught glimpses of the older women seated in babies and sicknesses and who had married whom and why

The nurse had left off fanning, and was dozing

years, one being well along in its second century and the other entering its third, and in her young eyes they had always seemed like aged grandmothers fanning themselves placidly in the sun

voice, fanning herself languidly as if neither this nor anything else mattered very much

He picked up her black fan from the counter and began fanning her solicitously, too solicitously, his face grave but his eyes still dancing

Scarlett sat quietly on the stool fanning herself, not daring to look up, wishing Captain “Your husband has been dead long?”

There was endless cooking and lifting and turning and fanning, endless hours of washing and rerolling bandages and picking lint, and endless warm nights made sleepless by the babbling delirium of men in the next room

Then a hubbub ensued, Archie picking her up, India running to the kitchen for over and over: “Now you’ve done it! Now you’ve done it!” water, Pitty and Scarlett fanning her and slapping her wrists, while Hugh Elsing shouted

The whole police building back there is emptying itself into Lower Manhattan, fanning out to do God knows what

He found Egg sitting on the horse trough, soaking his feet in the water and fanning his face with his big floppy hat

A row of serving girls were fanning them, yet Lord Butterwell’s damask tunic was stained beneath the arms, and his lady’s hair was limp from perspiration

We have thirteen million fans

Many fans have made the pilgrimage to his California home — he’s not hard to find, his address and phone number printed on every label

Most people wanted photographs of beaded sweat on brown skin and slow turning ceiling fans in Bangkok, Phnom Penh or Vientiane

They were all grateful when the huge fans turned off and slowly spun down

Long before the fans stopped, a man in a service coverall sauntered down it at a quick pace

Even that far below a dirty old burner like that, she was likely to pick up some damage to her flesh, unless they were still running on fans and thrusters when they passed over

«The shuttle stays in the air when its going slow because it has powerful fans in it’s wings which blow wind and keep them up by the force of that wind

The fans are noisy

She knew that from magazine pictures, a city with two rings of glass and grown towers, miles around, sweltering in the jungle, with lemphs running in cages turning big slow fans that hung from the ceilings

They were hiding and guarding me from the fans and the assassins

The fans, the press and all of those ex-footballer pundits on the television said that Terry was a legend in the making; that he was ten times the player Chazza had ever been

The camp had won Mama many fans in the neighbourhood, Technically,

pedestal fans conked off

The fans whirred again

The fans, the press and all of

Titania and Hipolyta were also his biggest fans and when they were younger, his constant shadows

“0 and 12 huh? They don’t call Cub fans the best in the world for nothing I

fifty fans in attendance

I wasn’t even aware that we really had fans

entertainers who had exited with the fans stood around watching like students at a

Five thousand-plus fans

Even though we had our fans they paled in comparison to those

The hometown fans couldn’t have gotten any better a game in their life

He wound up pitching a one hitter at Phoenix Giants Stadium in front of 10,000 screaming Arizona State fans and a few Arizona fans

And it was an incredibly high wall with no fans behind it; was just an empty outfield wall with nobody sitting in the outfield

«None from the fans struck your fancy for the sleep?» he asked

conditioning, there were no fans, and James vomited non-

They were pictured as bigger than today’s floaters with open decks and enormous sausage balloons and horizontal fans to drive them, peddled by most of the troops aboard

We knew from Alan’s description that the starship flies by fans, so when it landed and shut itself off to let the ghost named Alfred carry Alan in, Klarrain drove the floater in low from the bushes and dropped a tarp over one of the fans

I knew I’d be sucked into the blades of the shuttle’s fans, I’d get some disease so preposterous I’d lie in a quaking pile rotting and seething with maggots

Surprising for me is why the fans of the

(Most of the fans won’t even bother to read the

fans to admire them when they have not earned the admiration

Seconds later the main lights flicked back into life and they heard the air conditioning fans start up again

more mature golf fans

and affordable to the fans of golf that have no qualms about the cost

The Masters is a tournament founded by Bobby Jones and is highly respected by all golf fans

Ladies golf has been around for sometime but the popularity has consistently grown and the association has not disappointed its fans

It is highly unlikely anyone has seen the World Cup void of fans on any given year

cheers of golf fans exude a respect for the game

She blew kisses to her fans, but when she turned in Raven’s direction he looked away immediately

Every time he showed her something deep or spiritual, he followed it up the next day by smirking at the cameras or flirting with fans

He was angry at the fans who cheered from their homes, detached from the reality of the deaths

He fought with fans and the press throughout his career

I had no fans in the room

endorsements, playing up to fans but not for the fans, not really, and highlight reels that burnish self-serving credentials, begs the question, how about the love for the game for its own sake that has (seemingly) become secondary to self-centered attitudes and inflated egos; where gamesmanship has superseded sportsmanship? Bizarre behavior, taunting and jeering an opponent, especially common in higher profiled sports, has (sadly) provided the modern athlete with a receptive audience

observing a moment of silence honoring the victims of the World Trade Center, some of the fans in attendance set fire to the American Flag

” For extreme torture fans, “Butterfly” is one of the best ever written

Care about your fans and they will care even more about you

Delnagro‘s troubling column (―Anthem gets attention‖) questioning why players and fans attending professional sporting events should be required to stand during the playing of our National Anthem, despite conflicting ideological viewpoints, instead of being allowed to ―sit it out in peace‖, if that is their desire, underscores a disturbing tendency among a number of Americans who routinely take peace for granted

Unless I too have fallen victim to the imaginary ideals of youth, I believe that, on some level at least, many of the athletes of my generation were properly aware of the underlying aspects that defined their ―relationship‖ with their fans; notwithstanding (obvious) concern over their own public persona

The son-of-a-bitch was enjoying himself! Two women battled publicly for his affection, right there, for his admiring fans to watch! Was she nuts, or what? The door at the back had a sign above it: CASINO

The thousands of football fans who had been milling around the ground were now concentrated within a much smaller area

Notts County fans are used to things not going for them

The MP’s laughed and admitted that they were both from Detroit and big Tigers fans

For some reason, the amateur rally fans loved to tape car crashes and post them on the internet, and some of them were clever hackers, that’s for sure

Christ; waved to the fans, raucously shouting their adulation

“Race fans, we’ll let you know as soon as we get word from the race doctors and the medical center, but as of now, he’s still in the car, and they’re attending under the machine,” said Fred Jackson somberly

“Race fans may be a little disappointed, but the race has been called, due to several reasons,” noted Raoul

Dozens of fans positioned around the room serve only to blow the hot air around, so I am already sweating

Accompanying the army were wagons, herds of animals, his court, female fans of the soldiers, merchants, traders, poets, intellectuals, surveyors, and a historian (a relative of Aristotle)

thousand, becoming the fan page with the most fans in Taiwan

Brands like Apple have raving fans as customers! This is what your product or brand

The fans overhead had ceased to rotate,

There was no time for protests, no time to consider the feelings of his fans

To hell with his fans

“That’s because all those hot new fans ran out and bought the first CD after they fell in love with the second one

But it was important that they toured right after the release to plug the album to the fans they had recently established

Do your best Milli Vanilli impression and Doberman’s Stub fans everywhere will be eternally grateful

“What about all those old loyal fans who will be crushed when they find out Tsunami Rush isn’t in the house?” I asked with tongue firmly implanted in cheek

Most rock & roll fans connect with bands they enjoyed during a significant time in their lives

When I walked out onto the stage I had a flashback of old footage of the Beatles being drowned out by screaming fans

“That if Terry had soul he wouldn’t be squeezing him for every nickel and get the songs out to the fans where they’d be appreciated,” he said, then gave a little cough

Nigel’s attorney might have considered the death penalty talk to be just so much sword rattling had it not been for the fact that Jack and Ian changed the home page of the Doberman’s Stub Official Web Site to ask fans to demand justice

The text strongly urged fans to email the San Diego County DA’s office to ask for the death penalty for Nigel Choate

preparing to show off for the fans and judges

frustrated, and I think mil ions of TV fans thank him (her?), too

Your biggest fans will be those you help in the beginning

Yes, he hated his fans, whilst he survived on their love like fodder for the pigs

Soon Normie had a following of fans, larger than he had ever dreamed of

Tom had never had any problems with fans

Together he and Gretchen became a walking wall of security between Tom and his fans

That was how they found themselves in a square, in Sydney, surrounded by sirens and flashing lights, with Gretchen ushering Tom into a limo amid a throng of screaming fans and Norm with a woman curled up in a ball at his feet

To her right, around the corner of the building, she could see the Pop Star Norman, surrounded by his fans, casually signing autographs for his adoring fans, and Greatchen close by like she always was, and her lover, Tom still in the restaurant sitting by the window

She didn’t look around for the danger, but rushed, instead to her charge, Norman, still surrounded by adoring fans

Greatchen grabbed Norman and hustled him away still being followed by the adoring fans who through all this had barely stopped screaming the name of their idol

Its good to know I have fans in all the right places

” Note that using “we” will make your fans feel more inclusive and part of a community, especially when you share milestones with them

This is because fans generally want to feel they are interacting with the brand, not an employee

greenhouses was blown through the city by the same large fans

the air scrubber fans came on at six, but the excitement and

so you can essentially find out who some of their most active and influential fans are

When I saw fans gathering in the Safeway parking lot at 10am on game morning wearing purple baseball caps with white W’s, and not drinking beer, it slowly dawned on me that these were Mormons from Ogden, UT, there to cheer Weber State, not U

Fans circulate the air, provide a soothing, low-level whir (the white noise can help you sleep), and reduce cooling bills in the summer and heating bills in the winter

A loose crowd of those whom Mark was beginning to consider their devoted fans were enjoying the day in the parkland outside the wall, and they smiled and waved as they stopped what they were doing to come along, and Talia called greetings with the closer ones she knew

Fucking Birmingham? Birmingham? What sort of TMNT fans were these?

“Let us interview your family for your fans to know who you really are

The interior was cooled by giant floor fans

Listing Results Fan Recipes

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50 Healthy LowCarb Dinner Recipes Cooking Light

WebView Recipe: LowCarb Beanless Chili Not a fan of beans? This is the chili for you. We packed this version full of flavorful veggies such as corn, bell peppers, and chiles, which …


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LowCarb Recipes

WebLowCarb Desserts; Pin Share Tweet Email Save. Juicy Roasted Chicken. 4,067 Ratings Save. Awesome Broccoli-Cheese Casserole. 612 Ratings Save. Mouth-Watering Stuffed Mushrooms. 4,321 Ratings Save. Pan …


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1,300+ Delicious Low Carb Recipes Recipe Diet Doctor

WebWe offer 1,333 nutritionally approved and tested low carb recipes that are easy to follow, created by some of the most loved low carb cookbook authors, chefs, and dietitians from around the world. The Diet …


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50 LowCarb Vegan Recipes Vegan Blueberry

WebVegan Thai Coconut Vegetable Curry is a scrumptious vegan curry where everyday vegetables are simmered in a Thai coconut curry sauce for. This delectable vegan curry recipe is made for Instant Pot or …


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125 Quick Low Carb Dinners Ready in 30 Minutes or Less

WebFrom garlic butter steak bites and zucchini noodles to sausage and cauliflower rice skillet, these low carb dinner recipes are all ready in 30 minutes or less. Cooking low carb meals doesn’t have to be a chore …


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Low Carb Recipe Collection Mission Foods

WebRecipe Collection Low Carb. Cutting carbs doesn’t have to mean cutting out flavor or taste, because these low carb recipes deliver on both. Zero Net Carbs. Air Fryer Cheesy …


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75 LowCarb Recipes for Fall Taste Of Home

WebFlavorful Pot Roast. On hectic days, this is so quick and easy to prep! Convenient packages of dressing and gravy combine to create a sauce worthy of a fall …


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20+ LowCarb DiabetesFriendly Dinner Recipes

WebGinger Beef Stir-Fry with Peppers. This vibrant, colorful dish is great for those who love a little heat. Adjust the amount of chile-garlic sauce according to your preferred …


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70 LowCarb Recipes Ready in 30 Minutes Taste Of Home

Web70 Low-Carb Recipes Ready in 30 Minutes Caroline Stanko Updated: May 19, 2022 Get a delicious lowcarb meal without the hassle. Each of these recipes, from …


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40+ Best Low Carb Recipes Downshiftology

WebWhen it comes to the best low-carb recipes, this herb baked chicken is always in steady rotation. Enjoy it sliced alongside a healthy side or diced into a salad! …


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The Best Sugar Free Dessert: Sex In A Pan Wholesome Yum

WebPreheat the oven to 350 degrees F. Line a 9×9 inch baking dish or 10.5×7.5 inch baking dish with parchment paper. In a large bowl, stir together almond flour, pecan …


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WebCreamy Garlic Shrimp With Parmesan (Low Carb) — LOW CARB, KETO Creamy Garlic Shrimp With Parmesan is a deliciously easy Shrimp Recipe! Coated in a …


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18 Low Carb Ground Pork Recipes to Try Delightfully Low Carb

Web2 days ago · Low Carb Ground Pork Recipes. Sausage-Stuffed Delicata Squash filled with seasoned ground pork, kale, onion, apple, walnuts, and cranberries. This lowcarb


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25 Easy LowCarb Vegan Recipes Insanely Good

WebNext, you’ll want to include nuts, avocado, and lowcarb veggies like asparagus, peppers, and zucchini. 10. Quick & Easy Vegan Caesar Salad. Vegan caesar …


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200+ Easy Low Carb Keto Dinner Ideas & Recipes Wholesome Yum

WebWhen you’re browsing these gluten-free low carb dinner ideas, you’ll find that many of them use staple keto foods — including meats such as chicken, beef, pork, shrimp, and bacon; …


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What are the best low carb recipes?

These insanely delicious low-carb recipes are anything but boring! From hearty soups, to flaky fish, savory kabobs and loaded breakfast casseroles, these healthy recipes (for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!) will fuel your low-carb life. If you’re just starting a low carb or keto-friendly diet, don’t get discouraged by what you can’t eat.

What are some of the best low carbohydrate recipes to add to your weekly meals rotation?

Cooking low carb meals doesn’t have to be a chore because low-carbohydrates ingredients such as zucchini noodles, asparagus, or cauliflower cook as quick as regular pasta or potatoes. If you’re considering a low-carb diet lifestyle, just check this huge selection of fast low-carb recipes and pick your fave to add to your weekly meals rotation.

What are some low carb vegetarian dinner ideas?

Vegetarian low-carb dinner ideas Spinach, chickpea and potato curry Try our lightly spiced vegan curry for a wholesome midweek meal for four. Make the most of storecupboard ingredients such as chickpeas and chopped tomatoes in this flavoursome dish. Cauliflower mash

What is a quick easy and over the top tasty dinner that is gluten free keto low carb?

51. Creamy Chicken and Cauliflower Rice Casserole {Keto, Low-Carb} This chicken cauliflower casserole recipe makes a quick, easy, and over the top tasty dinner. Chicken cauliflower casserole is gluten free, keto, low carb friendly!

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This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.

This shows grade level based on the word’s complexity.


any device for producing a current of air by the movement of a broad surface or a number of such surfaces.

an implement of feathers, leaves, paper, cloth, etc., often in the shape of a long triangle or of a semicircle, for waving lightly in the hand to create a cooling current of air about a person: We sat on the veranda, cooling ourselves with palm-leaf fans.

anything resembling such an implement, as the tail of a bird.

any of various devices consisting essentially of a series of radiating vanes or blades attached to and revolving with a central hublike portion to produce a current of air: ceiling fan; wall fan.

a series of revolving blades supplying air for winnowing or cleaning grain.

a semicircular decoration of bunting.

verb (used with object), fanned, fan·ning.

to move or agitate (the air) with or as if with a fan.

to cause air to blow upon, as from a fan; cool or refresh with or as if with a fan: He fanned his face with a newspaper.

to stir to activity with or as if with a fan: to fan a flame; to fan emotions.

(of a breeze, current of air, etc.) to blow upon, as if driven by a fan: A cool breeze fanned the shore.

to spread out like a fan: The dealer fanned the cards.

Informal. to move (oneself) quickly: You’ll fan your tail out of here if you know what’s good for you.

Agriculture. to winnow, especially by an artificial current of air.

Baseball. (of a pitcher) to strike out (a batter).

Chiefly South Midland and Southern U.S. to punish by spanking; spank: Your mother will fan you good if you break that dish.

verb (used without object), fanned, fan·ning.

to strike, swing, or brush lightly at something.

Western U.S. (chiefly cowboy use). to slap the flanks of (a horse or other animal) repeatedly with a hat to get it to move or move faster.

to spread out like a fan (often followed by out): The forest fire fanned out in all directions.

Baseball. (of a batter) to strike out, usually by swinging at and missing the pitch charged as the third strike.



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Idioms about fan

    hit the fan, Slang. to become suddenly more awkward, embarrassing, or troublesome: When news of the incident was leaked to the press, everything hit the fan at once.See also shit (def. 26).

Origin of fan


First recorded before 900; Middle English, Old English fann, from Latin vannus “winnowing basket”


fanlike, adjectivefanner, nounun·fanned, adjective

Words nearby fan

famished, famous, famous last words, famously, famulus, fan, fana, Fanagalo, Fanakalo, fanatic, fanatical

Other definitions for fan (2 of 3)


an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, etc.: a baseball fan; a great fan of Charlie Chaplin.

Origin of fan


An Americanism dating back to 1885–90; short for fanatic

Other definitions for fan (3 of 3)


[ fan, fahn ]

/ fæn, fɑn /

noun, plural Fans, (especially collectively) Fan. Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023


Where does fan come from?

Is the word fan, as in a device with rotating blades, related in any way to a fan, as in an enthusiastic devotee? Whether in cooling a room or cheering for a team, both fans do move a lot of air, as it were. But no, these senses of fan come from very different—though equally fantastic—roots.

Fan, the device

Let’s start with fan in the sense of “any device for producing a current of air.” This fan is very old, recorded in English before 900. It comes from the Old English, fann, directly from the Latin vannus, a “winnowing basket.”

Winnowing basket? This calls for a lesson in agricultural history. A winnowing basket is a type of broad, shallow basket used to winnow, that is, to free grain from lighter particles of chaff, dirt, and the like. This can be done, as shown in the video below, by tossing the grain, allowing the wind or a forced current of air to blow away the chaff and any impurities.

A winnowing basket is what fan originally meant in English. The word fan expanded to refer to other kinds of devices used to blow away chaff. By association with the movement of air involved in winnowing, fan further expanded to name various devices for generating currents of air, especially for cooling and ventilation.

Fan, the devotee 

Now, onto to that other fan, the kind that fills arenas for sporting and music events. This fan is “an enthusiastic devotee, follower, or admirer of a sport, pastime, celebrity, or similar.” It was shortened from fanatic, “a person with an extreme and uncritical enthusiasm or zeal, as in religion or politics.”

A fan is passionate, yes, but compared to a fanatic, the connotation of the word fan is generally much less extreme and uncritical. Fan was first recorded in American English around 1885–90. Early uses of fan refer to baseball die-hards before spreading to all sorts of other ardent followers.

Dig deeper

The word fanatic has an interesting origin of its own. Entering English around 1515–25, fanatic derives from the Latin fānāticus, “pertaining to a temple.” Fānāticus came to refer to people seen as “frantic” and “enthusiastic”—people thought to be inspired by a divinity or orgiastic rites. Fānāticus is based on the noun fānum, “temple, sanctuary.” Discover more at profane.

Did you know … ?

Fan, as in “enthusiastic devotee,” has inspired many compound words and phrases. Explore the continuing evolution of the word fan at the following entries:

  • fan base
  • fanboy
  • fandom
  • fanfic
  • fangirl
  • fan letter
  • fan mail

A true word fan? Learn more about a slang term for a “very zealous fan”: stan.

Words related to fan

admirer, buff, devotee, follower, lover, supporter, arouse, excite, rouse, whip up, blade, draft, leaf, propeller, vane, ventilator, windmill, addict, adherent, aficionado

How to use fan in a sentence

  • In his statement, Stepien called the Big Ten’s decision “huge news, not just for college football fans, but for all Americans looking for key indicators that we can reopen our society and our economy, and do so safely.”

  • With fans unable to experience in-venue activations, many sponsors have also ramped up their activations on social media.

  • Even though they make money off the service through sponsorships and donations from fans, they make sure not to get too attached.

  • Most chips today are cooled by using thermal materials to transfer heat from components to a large metal heat sink that dissipates the energy to the air, possible with the help of a fan.

  • Suffice it to say Strzok is not a fan of the 45th President of the United States.

  • We haven’t had any real fan reaction yet, but our collective fingers are crossed.

  • Why do you think you were “an asperg-y movie fan…a jabbering repellent acolyte?”

  • Replying to a fan, she wrote, “Anthony Goldstein, Ravenclaw, Jewish wizard.”

  • Comments like that are designed to stoke the fires of fan-passion—and it works beautifully.

  • It is the most animated this Downton Abbey fan has ever seen Lady Grantham.

  • She took the fan from Madame Ratignolle and began to fan both herself and her companion.

  • She bathed Madame Ratignolle’s face with cologne, while Robert plied the fan with unnecessary vigor.

  • Rarely, sodium urate occurs in crystalline form—slender prisms, arranged in fan— or sheaf-like structures (Fig. 32).

  • She opened a large black fan and moved it slowly while looking intently at her son’s bent profile.

  • In one, which occurs not infrequently, a thickened arm is made to expand into something like a fan-shaped hand, as in Fig. 18.

British Dictionary definitions for fan (1 of 2)


  1. any device for creating a current of air by movement of a surface or number of surfaces, esp a rotating device consisting of a number of blades attached to a central hub
  2. a machine that rotates such a device

any of various hand-agitated devices for cooling onself, esp a collapsible semicircular series of flat segments of paper, ivory, etc

something shaped like such a fan, such as the tail of certain birds


  1. a kind of basket formerly used for winnowing grain
  2. a machine equipped with a fan for winnowing or cleaning grain

verb fans, fanning or fanned (mainly tr)

to cause a current of air, esp cool air, to blow upon, as by means of a fanto fan one’s face

to agitate or move (air, smoke, etc) with or as if with a fan

to make fiercer, more ardent, etcfan one’s passion

(also intr often foll by out) to spread out or cause to spread out in the shape of a fan

  1. to fire (an automatic gun) continuously by keeping the trigger depressed
  2. to fire (a nonautomatic gun) several times by repeatedly chopping back the hammer with the palm

to winnow (grain) by blowing the chaff away from it

Derived forms of fan

fanlike, adjectivefanner, noun

Word Origin for fan

Old English fann, from Latin vannus

British Dictionary definitions for fan (2 of 2)


an ardent admirer of a pop star, film actor, football team, etc

a devotee of a sport, hobby, etc

Word Origin for fan

C17, re-formed C19: from fan (atic)

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with fan

In addition to the idiom beginning with fan

  • fan the flames

also see:

  • shit will hit the fan

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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PERFECT HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.PERFECT_HITS * 20}}
HITS {{lyricTraining.stats.HITS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.HITS * 10}}
LONGEST STREAK {{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS}} +{{lyricTraining.stats.LONGEST_STREAKS * 10}}
REMAINING TIME {{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}s +{{lyricTraining.timeout / 1000}}
TOTAL +{{lyricTraining.exp}}

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  • {{tag.normal}} {{tag.pos_name}}

{{a.word ||}}


{{a.type || a.sub_type}}


The example sentences of FAN in videos (15 in total of 3048)

fan noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
finally adverb
start verb, base form
the determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
test noun, singular or mass
all determiner
alarms noun, plural
and coordinating conjunction
check noun, singular or mass
the determiner
flue noun, singular or mass
gas noun, singular or mass
quality noun, singular or mass

i personal pronoun
kind proper noun, singular
of preposition or subordinating conjunction

i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
fan proper noun, singular
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
free proper noun, singular
healthcare proper noun, singular
i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
fan proper noun, singular
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
free proper noun, singular

the determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
will modal
go verb, base form
ahead adverb
actually adverb
up preposition or subordinating conjunction
60 cardinal number
degrees noun, plural
celsius proper noun, singular
the determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
will modal
go verb, base form
ahead adverb

a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
especially adverb
using verb, gerund or present participle
essential adjective
oils noun, plural
as preposition or subordinating conjunction
well adverb
or coordinating conjunction
citronella proper noun, singular
candle noun, singular or mass
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
fan noun, singular or mass

airliners noun, plural
use verb, non-3rd person singular present
turbo proper noun, singular
fan noun, singular or mass
engines noun, plural
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
triple noun, singular or mass
fan noun, singular or mass
there existential there
‘s verb, 3rd person singular present
an determiner
additional adjective
large adjective
fan noun, singular or mass
the determiner
front noun, singular or mass

i personal pronoun
was verb, past tense
also adverb
a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
boy noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
i personal pronoun
was verb, past tense
a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
boy noun, singular or mass
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
particular noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction

a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
international adjective
drive noun, singular or mass
the determiner
hotel noun, singular or mass
itself personal pronoun
certainly adverb
is verb, 3rd person singular present
n’t adverb
a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
international proper noun, singular
drive proper noun, singular

to to
fit verb, base form
any determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
in preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
control noun, singular or mass
through preposition or subordinating conjunction
your possessive pronoun
motherboard proper noun, singular
or coordinating conjunction
your possessive pronoun
fan noun, singular or mass
text noun, singular or mass
case noun, singular or mass

fan noun, singular or mass
speed noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
oscillation noun, singular or mass
or coordinating conjunction
not adverb
and coordinating conjunction
the determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
will modal
just adverb
run verb, base form
like preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
regular adjective
fan verb, base form
it personal pronoun
offers verb, 3rd person singular present
a determiner
wide adjective
90 cardinal number

ultimately adverb
i personal pronoun
‘d modal
say verb, base form
i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
bigger adjective, comparative
lego proper noun, singular
fan noun, singular or mass
than preposition or subordinating conjunction
i personal pronoun
am verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
star proper noun, singular
wars proper noun, singular
fan verb, non-3rd person singular present

really adverb
a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
canvas noun, singular or mass
i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
not adverb
really adverb
a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
how wh-adverb
bouncy verb, base form
it personal pronoun
is verb, 3rd person singular present
i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
not adverb
really adverb
a determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
texture noun, singular or mass

the determiner
fan noun, singular or mass
theories noun, plural
like preposition or subordinating conjunction
all determiner
your possessive pronoun
fan noun, singular or mass
theories noun, plural
are verb, non-3rd person singular present
probably adverb
wrong adjective
but coordinating conjunction
maybe adverb
they personal pronoun
‘re verb, non-3rd person singular present
not adverb

i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
massive adjective
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
makita proper noun, singular
i personal pronoun
‘m verb, non-3rd person singular present
a determiner
massive adjective
fan noun, singular or mass
of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
makita proper noun, singular
products noun, plural

fan noun, singular or mass
forums noun, plural
talking verb, gerund or present participle
about preposition or subordinating conjunction
different adjective
fan noun, singular or mass
theory noun, singular or mass
and coordinating conjunction
this determiner
was verb, past tense
a determiner
great adjective
way noun, singular or mass
for preposition or subordinating conjunction
him personal pronoun

of preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
rgb proper noun, singular
fan noun, singular or mass
if preposition or subordinating conjunction
you personal pronoun
do verb, non-3rd person singular present
n’t adverb
like preposition or subordinating conjunction
the determiner
rgb proper noun, singular
fan verb, base form
it personal pronoun
does verb, 3rd person singular present
also adverb
come verb, base form
with preposition or subordinating conjunction
a determiner
plain adjective
fan noun, singular or mass
so preposition or subordinating conjunction
you personal pronoun
can modal
swap verb, base form

Use «fan» in a sentence | «fan» example sentences

How to use «fan» in a sentence?

  • Amazing, powerful, inspirational — those adjectives might make me sound like a fawning fan, but REWORK is that useful. Be prepared for a new feeling of clarity and motivation.

  • I’ve always been a fan of advertising, I’ve always been a fan of television, I’ve loved commercials, I’ve loved all the jingles, I loved all the stuff

    -Jon Hamm-

  • I’ve been a huge fan of Chris Martin forever; it’d be awesome to work with him. He’s really kind, and he’s been really encouraging when we’ve met.

    -Taylor Swift-

  • We all love to see excellence as a fan, and I am a fan now watching excellence in the Rangers net.

    -Mike Richter-

  • I would love to work with Bill Murray. I’ve always been such a big fan. I think he’s obviously a great comedic actor but a really interesting actor.

    -Will Ferrell-

  • As I have said many times — my father was a great fan of Bill Dickey’s and he certainly loved the Yankees. I hope that he would be pleased.

    -George Steinbrenner-

  • I love ‘Capote.’ Huge fan of Philip Seymour Hoffman; if he’s not my all-time favorite actor he’s definitely in my top five. I just love him so much.

    -Chris Pratt-

  • I’m such a comedy fan that I just love laughing and so admire comedians who have brought me joy.

    -Miranda Hart-

Special thanks to The Free Dictionary
and azquotes

for providing us with the information used in this web page

Definition and meaning of FAN

What does «fan mean?»



Someone who admires a famous person, sport etc..


To blow air upon a fire to make it stronger.

Some common synonyms of «fan» are:

  • ventilator,
  • blower,
  • aerator,
  • punkah,

You can find detailed definitions of them on this page.


Device (e.g. fan) to bring in fresh air.


Device that produces a current of air.


An apparatus for exposing something to the air (as sewage).


large cloth fan on frame suspended from ceiling.
A large fan consisting of a frame covered with canvas that is suspended from the ceiling; used in India for circulating air in a room.

The word «fan» is a countable noun.

The plural of «fan» is «fans».

The word «fan» is also the plural of «Fang».

Phrases and Idioms that contain «fan»

fan out

to spread out over a wide area.

to spread out over a wide area.

fan service

The act (by writers, creative directors, etc.) of attempting to please the f …

The act (by writers, creative directors, etc.) of attempting to please the fans of a work of fiction (typically a TV show) by depicting or incorporating certain aspects or character pairings that fans have promoted, requested, or shown interest in.

a fan of

Someone who strongly likes, appreciates, supports, or is interested in someo …

Someone who strongly likes, appreciates, supports, or is interested in someone or something.

hit the fan

To become more of a problem or more widespread or publicized.

To become more of a problem or more widespread or publicized.

fan the flames

cause an emotion such as anger or hatred to become stronger.

cause an emotion such as anger or hatred to become stronger.

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