Use the word family in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “family” in a sentence. How to connect “family” with other words to make correct English sentences.

family (n, adj): a group of people who are related to each other, such as a mother, a father, and their children;

Use “family” in a sentence

There are five people in my family.
He took his family to the zoo.
I want to spend more time with my family.
My family has been living on the farm for many years.
I grew up in a poor family.
He is like a member of my family.
The king and his family live in the royal palace.
Here is a photograph of my family.
I grew up in a poor family.
Family is my number one priority.

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  • Use the word Family in a sentences

Sentence Examples

As trustee of your estate and your elder brother… I represent the family… in saying that we cannot have you mixed up in this theater business.

I’m envious of your family as all children are boys.

So you found the family archives.

I am fully convinced that the family is the greatest source of immorality, meanness, stupidity, that if I were given a choice of what to destroy, among the great pests:

And spoil the family tradition? I hardly think I’m gonna waste my talent wiping snotty noses… and salaaming to some joker just because he’s my husband.

A xeno with a toast family.

It’s a little over-whelming to feel all that love from your family and friends

You and you family pucking giving me trouble all the time.

And sometimes my family can be unappreciative.

The entire family had met that evening, and was there condoling each other, you know.

I would never leave my family for Gadje.

Got some family in the ILW.

to find your family, is there any special things you can do or have anything that was given to you before you were adopted.

We have to keep watching so we can find you’re family.

With just this one shirt, I can feed 5 people in my family.

All the guys in my family and neighborhood have been drooling over her…

Secondly, I’d hide the family silver if I were you.

I want to bury my family.

It’s been in the family since.

Well, just pretend your family‘s sitting right there.

For the support You na give my family

Spend eternity with friends and family

Watch all your friends and family die Hasa Diga Eebowai!

When I was nine years old, my family took a trip.

My family would always doubt me Now Nabulungi really cares about me

Join our family And set your spirit free

No, my family is carpet bombing your customers and my voters.

From this moment forward, I am emancipating myself from this family!

Once again, a politician hides behind liberal buzzwords like «mental illness» and «family tragedy».

Well, someone in this family has to give a shit about Meghan.

My family is so fucking selfish.

But co-opting this family‘s funeral to further your political aspirations?

Not until that casket is in the ground and you apologize for doubting the deep feelings of sadness this family is experiencing right now.

He will twist your mind, steal your family and rub your tender heart against a cheese grater.

This place is Richard’s dream, and the it’s the only thing holding this family together.

We’re together in this like a family

The royal family‘s temple

This tattoo is a family crest bestowed only to my bloodline

But if it’s your family crest too?

you gotNone dysfunctional family

Nmy father decreed his heir to the family throneNmust be strong enough to kill his own brotherNin battle if necessary

Rayden To rule all realmsNwith your family

Definition of Family

a group of people related to one another

Examples of Family in a sentence

All of the family members look alike because of their red hair and freckled faces.


Although family night used to be a lot of fun, I have grown tired of spending every Tuesday with my mom and dad.


After grandma’s death, the family pulled together to support each other through the loss.


A family discount was offered to any one closely related to the soldier including his wife and children.


Because the adopted child didn’t know her real family, she began to search for any information about her mom and dad.


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Use family in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use family in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for family.

  • Is he of a family? (10)
  • But not his family honour! (10)
  • The family was breaking up. (8)
  • Is not one in a family enough? (10)
  • To have a double dose of publicity in the family! (8)
  • Hysterics were not in her family. (10)
  • Well, they seem a pleasant family. (8)
  • Heart disease had been in the family. (10)
  • The family were now seen to advantage. (4)
  • And I think the family are well enough. (9)
  • He heard my father was poor, with a family. (10)
  • It was only for the private use of the family. (4)
  • What should I do with the family in that case? (9)
  • The family of Hughs, indeed, stood in the doorway. (8)
  • Why did this family somehow make him feel inferior? (8)
  • Shelton, who was acquainted with this family, smiled. (8)
  • Everett Wheeler was not one to be moved by family ties. (13)
  • She was connected with his family on the paternal side. (10)
  • I have no objections at all to meeting the Hartfield family. (4)
  • People round about spoke fairly well of this Caradoc family. (8)
  • Her fortune was large, and our family estate much encumbered. (4)
  • To this he owed his acquaintance with the family of Dallison. (8)
  • And Schonborn, an aristocrat who had quarrelled with his family. (8)
  • Your own family have lives and thoughts and feelings of their own. (8)
  • You provide for the family, you know, (with a smile at his father). (4)
  • But before the singular muteness of this family sounds would not come. (8)
  • It was no wonder he stopped short of allying himself with the family. (10)
  • Then he told of his encounter with the Lapham family in their new house. (9)
  • Just, also, to his family; to his possible posterity; and just to Dahlia. (10)
  • And even Mary could assure her family that she had no disinclination for it. (4)
  • He has a wife and family to maintain, and is not to be giving away his time. (4)
  • With a clear conscience, it is best to leave the family to its own debates. (10)
  • His present attentions to your family are very sincere: quite from the heart. (4)
  • And what inclines one less to bear, she has no fair pretence of family or blood. (4)
  • To the young lady, at least, in each family, it brought very different feelings. (4)
  • Yet she would willingly part with five thousand or more to save the family honour. (10)
  • He was amazed at the bearing and conversation of Washington and his military family. (18)
  • Sir John wanted the whole family to walk to the Park directly and look at his guests. (4)
  • And an uneasy sleep was traditionally a matter for grave debate in the Radnor family. (10)
  • With that he turned on his heel; he had to assist in the deliberations of the family. (10)
  • Fleetwood read the name of the family of Meek on several boards at the head of the graves. (10)
  • History, pleads for the pride of the great discrowned Family giving her illumination there. (10)
  • I carry enough insurance to enable my small family to do without me and laugh at starvation. (16)
  • There was in his pocket a memento of Ambrose Mallard, that the family had given him at his request. (10)
  • All day the family sits about the fire in a foul and airless hovel, and equally without work or diversion. (2)
  • I saw him then in the midst of his family, and perhaps never afterwards to better advantage, or in a finer mood. (9)
  • My father sent a couple of men on shore with a gift of money to their family in the name of the Princess Ottilia. (10)
  • It was in this illogical spirit of economy that Basil invited his family to the descent; but Isabel shook her head. (9)
  • An union of a different tendency, and precluding the possibility of the other, was soon to be formed in their family. (4)
  • She knew a family near Maple Grove who had tried it, and been obliged to separate before the end of the first quarter. (4)
  • On the other hand, fear of publicity and consequent disgrace to the wrong-doer and his family, is a powerful deterrent. (16)
  • She had bought his promise that he would leave the country, and she had rescued the honour of the family by paying him. (10)
  • In his twelfth year his family went abroad, and after some stay in England made a long sojourn in France and Switzerland. (9)
  • My father told the man who instructed me in the art of self-defence that our family had always patronized his profession. (10)
  • She returned at once with a note for Mrs. Lapham, which she read, and then, after a helpless survey of her family, read again. (9)
  • Dr. Middleton and his daughter paid a flying visit to the Hall, where they were seen only by the members of the Patterne family. (10)
  • With the decease of her husband the family tenacity, the family matter-of-factness, had gone sterile within her. (8)
  • But your arts and allurements may, in a moment of infatuation, have made him forget what he owes to himself and to all his family. (4)
  • These parties were acceptable to all; to avoid a family circle was even more desirable to such as did think, than such as did not. (4)
  • After the customary formalities of presenting himself to his host and family in the library, breakfast was served in the rear hall. (18)
  • His strength was now entirely overtaxed, and he hoped to return to his family, but he died suddenly from consumption, on June 4, 1826. (3)
  • The whole peasant family trooped down to greet us, and took the friendliest interest in the canoes and in the journey we were making. (20)
  • He said something like, After all a good physician was the great matter; and I eagerly turned his clemency to praise of our family doctor. (9)
  • It makes me very nervous and poorly, to be thwarted so in my own family, and to have neighbours who think of themselves before anybody else. (4)
  • Nobody, who has not been in the interior of a family, can say what the difficulties of any individual of that family may be. (4)
  • Through florescence and feud, frosts and fires, it followed the laws of progression even in the Forsyte family which had believed it fixed for ever. (8)
  • The family had been prominent in social circles, and columns were printed in the city papers, columns of cold, biographical facts—born, married, died. (16)

Also see sentences for: ancestry, birth, breed, descent, extraction, household, parentage.

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The man always dreamed of having a large family.


The family came together to celebrate Thanksgiving.


The man went to Europe in order to find out where his family
originated from.

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Here are some sentences.

The family’s dog is a purebred.

We went to the family’s beach house.

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