Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word fair, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use fair in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «fair».
Fair in a sentence
Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word fair in a sentence.
A fair field holding life.
Grant us fair weather for Battle.
Cirrus usually occur in fair weather.
Zinc is a fair conductor of electricity.
His complexion was between dark and fair.
Oborne judges both of these decisions fair.
Annual events include a fall fair and rodeo.
Old Market was also the site of an autumn fair.
The species prefers a sunny aspect and fair drainage.
Down the right field line, into the corner it is fair!
The Portland fair commemorated the centennial of that trip.
The weather that day was fair and clear over northern Iraq.
It isn’t fair that a man who has fallen should be beaten.».
Ross wrote to the Montreal Herald, stating «all the players want is a fair deal ..
The Cambridge’s men’s president Leichter was generous in defeat: «It was 100% fair.
Harris refused, as the English team considered the decision to be fair and correct.
Preston (Leech was on vacation), who forwarded them to fair authorities in Chicago.
I don’t feel (the late change in plate size) is a very fair situation for everybody.
The case is frequently cited in matters involving reverse engineering and fair use under copyright law.
Now, I want to ask you, with a free vote and a fair count, how are you going to beat 135,000 by 95,000?
Anthony, who was determined to show that women could successfully assist in the management of the fair.
La Russa said, «I think it’s fair to say he misunderstood how he compared to Royce in spring training ..
Work had not been completed on many of the exhibits and construction continued to the close of the fair.
Ahead of its release, RCA’s Mel Ilberman stated, «It would be fair to call it Bowie’s Sergeant Pepper ..
Sales during the fair itself were promoted by such stunts as constructing a model of the Washington, D.C.
So, what can one say with a fair degree of certainty about growth and inequality in developing countries?
Those cases also provided for the Indigenous peoples’ rights to a fair and equitable share of the harvest.
He observed that Leane «was always a strict disciplinarian but was scrupulously fair in all his dealings».
The position paid a fair salary and allowed him to live more comfortably for his last two years of school.
The manor of Bodiam was granted a charter in 1383 permitting a weekly market and an annual fair to be held.
A fair assessment of the former monarch became possible once the threat of his return to power was removed.
Joyce had blue eyes and a fair complexion, with a tattoo on his left forearm and a scar on his right cheek.
Her granddaughter described Secord as being 5 feet 4 inches (163 cm) with brown eyes and a fair complexion.
The Females are wonderfully beautiful, some fair, some brown; I call them fair, because they are the colour of fair Hair.
The first county fair involved both Fountain and Warren counties and was held in Independence on September 6 and 7, 1853.
Chesney also was a benefactor to the town of Banbury, to which he granted the right to hold a fair some time before 1154.
The judge decided that to ensure a fair trial, the indictment should be split into separate charges for the three murders.
A public statement by IOC President Jacques Rogge dismissed these accusations, stating that the competition had been fair.
Nevertheless, he attempted to follow McKinley as the President began his tour of the fair, but was thrust back by officers.
Accolade in deciding that reverse engineering the Sony PlayStation BIOS was protected by fair use and was non-exploitative.
The story ends with Chet refusing to accompany Sky to the fair because he says he would rather listen to his new Kiss album.
During the whole of our stay, we had only one week of continued fair weather, all the rest of the time the rain predominated.
The Willamette River’s water quality is rated excellent near the source, though it gradually declines to fair near the mouth.
The area was called Victoria Park, after Queen Victoria, and the newly formed Western Pacific Exhibition Company hosted its first agricultural and industrial fair in 1899.
Warner returned to work on the badges to be worn by the fair’s directors at the dedication ceremony in October—the fair itself would not open to the public until May 1893.
Walt Disney World expanded with the opening of Epcot Center in 1982; Walt Disney’s vision of a functional city was replaced by a park more akin to a permanent world’s fair.
These comparisons may not be fair since lemurs prefer to manipulate objects with their mouths (rather than their hands) and only take interest in objects when in captivity.
Adams wanted the soldiers to have a fair trial, because this would show that Boston was not controlled by a lawless mob, but was instead the victim of an unjust occupation.
Synonyms for fair
Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word fair has the following synonyms: average, mediocre, middling, ordinary, bonny, bonnie, comely, sightly, beautiful, clean, legible, clear, fairish, reasonable, moderate, blond, blonde, light-haired, feminine, impartial, disinterested, dispassionate, cold-eyed, indifferent, unbiased, unbiassed, fair, just, in-bounds, antimonopoly, antitrust, sporting, sporty, sportsmanlike, fair-minded, fair-and-square, sensible, fairly, evenhandedly, bazaar, carnival and funfair.
General information about «fair» example sentences
The example sentences for the word fair that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «fair» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «fair».
Having sat down to consider the excellent fair on offer – dried
Life isn’t really fair that way
It wasn’t fair that she alone would know about James’s affliction
He supported rights of individual ownership and fair interaction with people of other ethnic groups
‘Of course, I’d been widowed a fair while by then
Do you understand that? That’s only fair enough, isn’t it?»
Why is that fair? Just because they were born at different times?
Yet again, I come back to the question of whether it is fair to any man to deprive him of fatherhood …
It is neither fair to the preacher or the congregation to let such happen
This morning, as soon as she stepped into my office with some new texts in hand, the screen suddenly went black with a »system error», without my pressing a single key! What the heck, has she got a magnet or something? We called for a technician, as usual, but in the meanwhile the fair lady fumed and fretted at me and started shouting about my incompetence
Alan got her to divulge that she also knew a fair amount of biochemistry and it’s practical application
‘By the standards of Earth technology, life is certainly a lot simpler on Errd … slower in some ways … no, that’s not accurate, less frenzied would be better … but we have a high standard of living … and I think it’s fair to say that our culture is more ecologically sound
«I’ve been down to Lastriss twice before, but once was fair weather all the way, a few weeks earlier in the year than this, and once I came overland and weathered two different storms in two different inns
‘Don’t know … regardless of what Karal said, my uncle seems to have had a fair bit of dosh … I’d hate for anyone to think I’m just after his money
She too was a fair and just ruler
Already there was a fair bit of activity in the streets – people wandering around in what she could only assume was special holiday attire for men of brightly coloured shorts and tops, some women in absurdly brief skirts, others in long muslin affairs that wouldn’t look out of place on Errd, most of them carrying bags of towels and dragging small noisy children laden with buckets and spades
To be fair, the weather forecasters had
evidence I have heard on a fair basis
To be fair, they thought the set up look good, but that
But it has been a while now and it is fair to say that we,
“Well, if the dragon comes, it wouldn’t be fair to leave it out on
but curse fair winds and skies for nothing will grow at all
Mists in March brings frosts in May, but winds set fair the year,
I don’t want this one, it’s not fair,
The Queen will ensure that all is fair” said Lardyme
of the Alderfolk in the fair corner
ROBERT: Is it fair to say your experience of dealing with rape victims is limited to only two cases?
This is not fair
that remains a fair indication of the north
) You thought the work here was done? Justice was done? Perhaps your justice was done… But not mine… NOT MINE! You’d like me to give up this gun and turn myself in, wouldn’t you? Go ahead and tell me you’d give me a fair trial before you hanged me
Berndt brings up the rear – I spend a fair bit of my time checking he is still there; a fact which does not escape his notice
Maybe this wasn’t fair to Alan, they hadn’t really talked about his feelings for Nuran, but Desa knew they weren’t much more than friendship
Diagnosed or not, it is fair to say that any brain not in contact with the environment is ill
He moved straight back into the Ritz, bought new clothes, bought a brand new sports car and almost immediately found that his fair weather friends, now that the rain had ceased to fall in the soldier’s life, all suddenly had sunny windows in their diaries
Bringing others into a fight is not a fair way to fight
In a fair fight it is also important to not bring up old issues
A fair fight will remain focused and bringing up the past distracts from the current issues and also sends the message that the past
A fair fight however incorporates the key elements of focus,
A fair fight is also left in the past after resolution
Fair fighting leads to resolution in most cases
It was deserted, which was just as well since Sophia had more than its fair share of ear-wiggers during the festival
Would you say that is a fair comment?’
With an effort, I manage to throw one arm round her neck, swallowing a fair amount of water in the process, but once there, it means she can support me as she swims strongly towards land
I got into a fair old state and ended up with the mother and father of a migraine last night – all the bells and whistles
The blind at the window is pretty manky too – not surprising I suppose with the amount of steam which gets generated in here sometimes and the fire in the range creates a fair amount of soot
In particular she asked each fair maid if she would wash her son’s crinkly boxer shorts and diamond pattern ankle socks
It was so fair you could see three veins running
However, the brown was more prominent on her fair face
I’d knocked myself out and was sprawled on the ground – the lucky thing about it was that because I was feverish I didn’t try to save myself at all, so landed fair and square in the middle of a bush which broke my fall’
It is precisely because of these ancient traditions of fair play and
It takes a fair while to explain who everyone is but it occupies the journey quite neatly
than her fair share of husbands, lovers and divorces
Peter goes on to explain that in return for me promising to honour and obey, Simon is promising to love and cherish me … more than a fair exchange, I reckon
found that his fair weather friends, now that the rain had ceased to
More entries about building works … Bert features a fair bit
Regular substantial amounts going into the savings account … what do they represent? They look quarterly … yes, that’s right … what sort of payments are paid like that? Interest? Dividends? Would her father have had shares in something? He must have made a fair bit when he sold the shop … what did he do with it? Did he buy shares with some of it? Ann might know
though to be honest, I don’t think it’s fair on Ginny to send him home so he can give it to her!’
‘Hmm … well, that covers a fair amount
In particular she asked each fair
don’t even know how to do myself”? And that would be a very fair question
It looks as though I shall have to go a fair way to earn his approval now
‘What’s not fair, Dave?’ I asked watching his face
Sheila’s a distant cousin of Aunt Clarissa’s, hardly related at all, but she had a mother who was perpetually ill, so she spent a fair bit of time staying with the Danvers over the years
and a voyage set out in fair weather could still end in excitement,
“Still a fair way to go, my friend,” he said, “Quite a few miles
was a fair amount of traffic, mostly heavy lorries, with a few cars and
That’s a fair chunk of my life
Tom and his friends had spent a fair time traipsing the tracks and
have a fair punch on you for a young lad,’ he smiled
“After a few weeks,” the old woman continued, “The fair moved
We been outsmarted, fair and
lit by the watery sunshine, and the sea was whipped into a fair chop
There was a fair bit of other
picture showed a fair representation, he had been given to understand,
accumulated a fair amount of leave
All-in-all, he mused, a fair amount of work had been
“We’ve been out and about a fair bit recently,” Bram said, with
It wasn’t fair how he was being put on
They drove past the tiny, not-quite-permanent fair that occupied a
explained that, while there were a fair number of people who were
Alistair, on the other hand, looked irrepressibly smug, as if a fair
There was a fair amount of frantic
Pritzlaff had just commended the Republican national convention for bringing a fair amount of delegates to the city the month before, and hoped the Democrats would be as forthcoming when they met in a few weeks
Fair enough, he thinks, as Alex gets out of the car to watch the entrance to the house through a gap in the hedge
With the resilience of youth and a fair display of will-power, it
He had to run the gauntlet of a fair bit of opposition from the family generally but nothing put him off
A little self-consciously, because I’ve put a fair amount of myself into my cottage over the years, I show him round
that it’s not fair on you
giving him a fair chance to prove that there is something between his legs other
It’s not fair
He treated me with consideration and kindness and a fair amount of humor
Not fair on the kids either
have of a fair investigation?’ said Tours angrily
“I guess it’s only fair to tell you who he was, seeing as I just told the ghost that took her over
While he looked up at those eroded and mossy gates leaking a little trickle of water from twelve feet above, he thought of that lake runner just scudding along before a fair wind up there on Chardovia Lake
This was more reach than tack now, but it wasn’t a very fair reach and the Balloon should be making about half his speed
The first to enter was a fair but rather broad shouldered Highlander, followed by two pale grey gnomes in black goggles
‘You poor girl …’ he said eventually, wrapping me in the circle of his arms ‘… though I have wondered … you’ve so little confidence … I realised that life had knocked you back a fair bit …’
Knowing my cat, this will have involved a fair amount of cuddling
“It’s not fair,” Monica said, “The Nevermore Forest is beautiful!
Stu hadn’t faired so well, Tar was a martial arts specialist and a commando and struck Stu with a high knee to the face, which made Stu lose his balance and fell with Tar straddled on top of him
This would be his first real contact with the faired sex and he didn’t want to make a fool of himself so he was glad Darlene was available for a price
The city hadn’t faired so well, there were mostly ruins covered over with vines, trees and thousands of years of accumulated debris from neglect and the weather
‘When you think that half of the voting population were women who owned at least half of the wealth, and all of the pussy, pretty dumb eh? Ironically though, in the event, the abandoned Brits have faired better than their counterparts in mainland Europe where the establishment saved themselves and the abandoned, unwanted bulk of the population have been hunted down like rats
Certain their skin was peeling, but nothing faired to prove their suffering
Scott’s delving faired no better
Chloe continued, “How is your Harold fairing in his enterprises?”
Two, you want to know how Wendy is fairing on regardless of everything that went on and three
She opted to start with how Alice was fairing on with her task
He wasn’t fairing too well when I saw him
“How are you all fairing?” The beast spoke out loud, which was shocking and Eleanor in her typical brashness of character responded
“No fairs fair, it was a draw, however I propose my boy Clipear to take on the goat boys cousin
The ancient policy of Europe was, over and above all this, unfavourable to the improvement and cultivation of land, whether carried on by the proprietor or by the farmer ; first, by the general prohibition of the exportation of corn, without a special licence, which seems to have been a very universal regulation ; and, secondly, by the restraints which were laid upon the inland commerce, not only of corn, but of almost every other part of the produce of the farm, by the absurd laws against engrossers, regraters, and forestallers, and by the privileges of fairs and markets
antiques exchange as the town hosted six massive fairs every year
While still a freshman, he became active in country fairs and with programs run by Jesuit priests and farmers’ cooperatives, bringing new ideas to rural areas
COMMUNICATION OF THE PROJECT: All the institutional sponsors or social investors will have its names transmitted in all the events that occur, such as: lectures, courses, congress, forums, conclaves, fairs, articles and other events
Tarshish was your merchant by reason of the multitude of all kind of riches; with silver, iron, tin, and lead, they traded in your fairs
They of the house of Togarmah traded in your fairs with horses and horsemen and mules
by reason of the multitude of the wares of your making: they occupied in your fairs with emeralds, purple, and broidered work, and
of Sheba and Raamah, they were your merchants: they occupied in your fairs with chief of all spices, and with all precious stones, and
While a child, he savored as anyone else in El Bierzo, the delicious “botillo” that the mother of the family used to stuff, cure and prepare in the house, and when he used to accompany his dad to winter livestock fairs
In fairs and in dealings, with malice they deceived him,
The mayor also said that «one of the best fairs of Andalusia as is the Alhaurín el
Career fairs and on-campus recruiting are also ways to expose recruiters, who are more familiar with full-time students, to the value of Executive MBA students
Most Japanese see through the ruse, but others enjoy the occasional handouts and street fairs they hold in poorer neighborhoods and rural communities to bolster support
Now ten years on, he could cope under any situation, as he had been left in charge many times in the past, when Matthew had gone away to the numerous antique fairs
Now that Megan was there all the time, she had given over to Freddy the full responsibility of attending antique fairs and for the buying of the items at auction
The FTDL fairs better than most other Lemur species
Some spiritualist groups have psychic fairs to raise funds for their church or organization
For the same reason she continued giving concerts at church fairs and school parties, even though the requests were less and less frequent
It’s not form lack of belief in the realities awaiting realization, but my laziness – A pilgrim may ardently long to reach the golden city and yet loiter on the way, making unnecessary night stops, because he is tired of plodding thru clinging mud or lingering at village fairs because, although their tawdry attractions fall far short of the jeweled splendors awaiting him, they are to be had now, whereas the golden city lies scores of leagues away
But she’ll have her friend that runs those psychic fairs in Seattle looking for a replacement for me, just in case
There are events that bring exposure to the church such as fairs and flea markets
This chapter includes many unique ways to reach out at fairs and over 40 ideas for community events
fairs of the community and the surrounding area of Sure Hill Valley
In the 1800’s families gathered in parks for community fairs to display what they had made; in the 1930’s they went to theaters to watch movies as a new type of social gathering to escape the depression suffocating them; in the 1950’s the television separated us into our own homes of Happy Days, communist spies, and beatniks, and by 1990 there was one in every room where every member could find a TV family to their own liking
fairs, interview processes he had never even con-
She had never been to fairs as a child apart from one occasion, with family, on Anu’s birthday
Did she do her shopping at Renaissance fairs, or something?
Fairs: Wares; something received or purchased, referring to exports
However, most of them are predisposed to neglect job fairs
That is why job fairs are the best places to find a job because many companies will be participating in the event
Job fairs are not really that bustling
I see the picturesque crowds at the fairs of Khiva and those of Herat, I see Teheran, I see Muscat and Medina and the intervening sands,
visit two separate wool fairs in this part of the country
When she recalled the Fleece Fairs of her childhood, it seemed to her that they had been busier and more crowded
fairs had not been as bustling as those he remembered from childhood
In this family she had become a commodity, to be sold at city fairs
Nor were sports wanting, such as the colonists had witnessed, and shared in, long ago, at the country fairs and on the village-greens of England; and which it was thought well to keep alive on this new soil, for the sake of the courage and manliness that were essential in them
And all fairs were held in summer
services with dogged but unimaginative efficiency – a trait he illustrated by giving a tedious sermon on why God was more important than Money, an odd note on which to open one of England’s great commercial fairs
She had also observed that certain kinds of illness – stomach upsets, coughs and colds, and poxes of all sorts –seemed to flare up during fairs and markets; so it seemed obvious that they were passed from one person to another by some means
{217} And as in other fairs of less moment, there are the several rows and streets, under their proper names, where such and such wares are vended; so here likewise you have the proper places, rows, streets, (viz
But, as in other fairs, some one commodity is as the chief of all the fair, so the ware of Rome and her merchandise is greatly promoted in this fair; only our English nation, with some others, have taken a dislike thereat
For a time, he frequented the fairs, where a showman exhibited him as the «living corpse
Casaubon’s will had yet reached Ladislaw: the air seemed to be filled with the dissolution of Parliament and the coming election, as the old wakes and fairs were filled with the rival clatter of itinerant shows; and more private noises were taken little notice of
lad, don’t forget Gildor’s saying — the one Sam used to quote: Do not meddle in the at Fairs of Wizards, for they are subtle and quick to anger
Doggett, was a Famous Actor who had abandon’d his Calling in order to grow rich off the Rabble that attended sundry Fairs about the Countryside
The newspapers became excitable about the possibility of a winter cold enough for frost fairs, although he had his doubts
These teachers go to the fairs
crouching woman had stood upright, her lofty stature and her frame of a perambulating colossus suitable for fairs, might have frightened the traveller at the outset, troubled her confidence, and disturbed what caused what we have to relate to vanish
Our readers have possibly preserved some recollection of this Thenardier woman, ever since her first appearance,—tall, blond, red, fat, angular, square, enormous, and agile; she belonged, as we have said, to the race of those colossal wild women, who contort themselves at fairs with paving-stones hanging from their hair
He had exhibited phenomena at fairs, and he had owned a booth with a trumpet and this poster: «Babet, Dental Artist, Member of the Academies, makes physical experiments on metals and metalloids, extracts teeth, undertakes stumps abandoned by his brother practitioners
» He exclaimed with an accent which smacked at the same time of the vainglory of the mountebank at fairs, and the humility of the mendicant on the highway:—
» He was savagely modest and chaste, he looked on himself as a perfect monster, detested his own face as well as his character, compared himself to some freak only fit to be exhibited at fairs
Escrocevitch in his early years, when he used to wander among the Polish fairs, swallowing burning flax for the delectation of the public and disgorging endless yards of ribbon and paper
They would be known at the fairs as Moseer and Madame Bottotte, and would do the genteel and compact gift-sale graft from the buggy—having the necessary capital now—and would accept the buggy and horse as a wedding present, knowing that an old friend with forty-three thousand four hundred dollars still left in the bank would not begrudge this small gift to a couple just starting out in life, and with deep regard for him and all inquiring friends, they were, etc
Use Fair in a sentence. How to use the word Fair in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Fair. Sentence for Fair.
Examples of fair in a sentence
- It is not fair to attack one’s relatives.
- The fight for fair incomes just took a step forward.
- The fair sayings of the fire-priests are the way of Vohumano.
- Then was he fair in his greatness, in the length of his branches.
- He is healthy, has worthy children, and is fair to look upon.
- The maternal court decided that a fair equivalent for this pear was a week of desserts.
- A very fair experiment of this kind was made some years since at the Gardiner Lyceum, in Maine.
- The above may be considered as a fair specimen of the ordinary operation of such an exercise.
- Do you think that these written excuses are, after all, a fair test of the real reasons for tardiness?
- He ought to have a fair opportunity when the offer is once made to him, to consider it and decide understandingly, whether he would accept it or not.
- I (Jehovah) have made him fair by the multitude of his branches, and all the trees of Eden envied him.
- The only footing for comradeship is fair dealing.
- She was a very sweet-looking woman then—not exactly pretty, but fair and slight, with the loveliest smile, I think, I have ever seen.
- Most cheering to the host was the fair progress that his patient made.
- “Woman,” he cried, “whether it be murder or justice, your death would remove an infamous stain from the face of this fair world.
- It was the face of a girl of twenty, fair and strong, yet sad.
- I hold that I am not without a fair share of imagination; and easily I builded a fine romance for myself.
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Definition of Fair
just in decisions; right or ethical
Examples of Fair in a sentence
The fair judge always made decisions that were in the reasonable and just.
Trying to be fair to both children, the parents flipped a coin to see who would get the bigger bedroom.
Customers complained that it isn’t fair to charge more for a hotel room during the summer than in the winter.
To make sure the election is fair and honest, no one is allowed in the voting booth with someone else.
Miranda thought it only fair to split the prize money with her brother who helped her with the project.
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