Use the word facts in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word facts, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use facts in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «facts».

Facts in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word facts in a sentence.

  1. Cardozo’s statement of facts, Palsgraf v.

  2. You concealed the facts, that is what you did.

  3. Slattery reviewed the facts with him, Harlan F.

  4. The more and the fresher the facts the better.».

  5. Her father scolded her to check her facts better.

  6. Long for the conclusions he draws from the facts.

  7. The facts behind its abandonment remain a mystery.

  8. Habakuk Jephson’s Statement» did not adhere to the facts.

  9. Burnet also encouraged Gloucester to memorise facts and dates by heart.

  10. Except for the bare facts of his life, little is known about Deusdedit.

  11. Both of these facts suggest that the toxins are obtained from the diet.

  12. The interpretation of the facts was the prerogative of the electorate.».

  13. She eventually admits to these facts after Todd escapes and returns home.

  14. But, if the facts are altered, the judicial abuse may cost someone his life.

  15. Making a table of these facts then reinforces the number line picture above.

  16. Their book therefore offers bare facts and little in the way of interpretation.

  17. I wired these facts to Europe and sent out neostyle copies through this country.

  18. It used to be, everyone was entitled to their own opinion, but not their own facts.

  19. Another five panels beyond left field detail facts about the prehistory of the site.

  20. Both versions feature a gallery mode where brief facts about the Olympics can be found.

  21. The nature fakers take just this kind of liberties with the facts of our natural history.

  22. The «rhythmical rant» in «Crosseyed and Painless»—»Facts are simple and facts are straight.

  23. He later wrote that such facts «seemed to me to throw some light on the origin of species».

  24. Prior to filming, Peirce researched the facts by interviewing the people surrounding the case.

  25. The US historian Erik Kirsinger researched the case for more than a year to establish the facts.

  26. Colvin was admonished by Justice Byron White for arguing the facts, rather than the Constitution.

  27. Knox did not agree, and declined a suggestion that he go to Peking to view the facts on the ground.

  28. Algebras are geometric facts which are proved by propositions five and six of Book two of Elements.

  29. If the Catholics got hold of the full facts about Xenu, does this mean they’ll get more market share?

  30. On January 27, MSNBC ran a commentary titled «Oprah strikes a blow for truthiness: Do facts really matter?

  31. These facts hint at a lapse of royal interest in the state-sponsored funerary cults of Old Kingdom rulers.

  32. Medieval English legal investigation was inquisitorial, with facts established through question and answer.

  33. This account, though using fictional names, essentially retold basic known facts of the case against Brown.

  34. Information is scarce about the basic facts of the massacre, including the exact date and number of victims.

  35. As Terhune seems reluctant to note the facts of canine mating, Lady is never stated to actually go into heat.

  36. In his finding of facts, Judge Jones made the following condemnation of the «Teach the Controversy» strategy:.

  37. He ignored facts that did not suit his argument, abhorred compromise, and very rarely admitted his own errors.

  38. You read the article and see the journalist has absolutely no understanding of either the facts or the issues.

  39. Bush] because he’s certain of his choices as a leader, even if the facts that back him up don’t seem to exist.

  40. Manz, in his article on the facts in Palsgraf, suggested that neither side spent much time preparing for trial.

  41. Drowned God’s concept centers around the idea that human history has been manipulated to cover up certain facts.

  42. Historians since then have argued over the facts of the matter and how to interpret them, with little agreement.

  43. David Bowers suggests that the facts of Peale’s career allow writers to draw very different conclusions about him.

  44. People remember who was playing and when you look at programmes from finals you just recall the facts of the game.

  45. Both of these facts hint at a lapse of royal interest in the state-sponsored funerary cults of Old Kingdom rulers.

  46. Grant’s claims did not fit with the facts of the murder, and his statements were dismissed from the investigation.

  47. The Century loudly proclaimed these facts in promotional advertisements, and that it was coining money as a result.

  48. Wigg later said that he left the House that morning «with black rage in my heart because I knew what the facts were.

  49. He had well-placed sources close to the revolt, but was inclined to elaborate the known facts with colourful stories.

  50. Turn results run to dozens of pages, providing detailed descriptions of kingdom facts and events in narrative fashion.

General information about «facts» example sentences

The example sentences for the word facts that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «facts» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «facts».

Sentences using the word facts. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use facts in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for facts.

  • Your facts . (10)
  • I point you facts. (10)
  • To the facts, then. (16)
  • She stated the facts. (10)
  • The facts are all before you. (8)
  • They try to get their facts right. (16)
  • This letter contains important facts. (18)
  • Will these simple facts do for fiction? (9)
  • They appear to move with an army of facts. (10)
  • Reason whispered a reminder of facts to her. (10)
  • The old butler related the facts of the assault. (8)
  • The middleaged are hard and fast for existing facts. (10)
  • It was scarcely wise to write other than plain facts. (22)
  • She had the habit of treating things spoken as facts. (10)
  • When the facts came out, he was, of course, discharged. (16)
  • Horrible suggestions, but these are the facts in the case! (17)
  • We must look round us, and accept the facts as they stood. (10)
  • Lady Dunstane despatched a few words of the facts to Diana. (10)
  • What kind of facts are of importance to the history of Music? (3)
  • She exhibited no sign of eagerness for his statement of facts. (10)
  • Genuine, or a joke of the enemy, it spoke wakening facts to him. (10)
  • So Boardman had to proceed upon a partial knowledge of the facts. (9)
  • She spared her the recital of facts further than the broad avowal. (10)
  • Mrs. Pasmer had apparently got all of these facts that she could digest. (9)
  • Such of us as made experiment of him, however, found the facts illogical. (9)
  • Poor in words as he was, he strove first to gather the bare facts in his mind. (12)
  • You may interpret many a mythic tale by the facts which lie in your own blood. (10)
  • This is one of the serious facts of the century, and controls violent language. (10)
  • I must say their laughter throughout was far beyond the mirthfulness of the facts. (9)
  • They, seeing all the facts, are not unintelligent of distinctions, as the world is. (10)
  • In the face of such facts, the estates continued to be withheld from her governance. (10)
  • And it demands facts of that, which alone cannot glibly give it facts. (8)
  • She had not been too blind to see the unpleasantness of the fresh facts revealed to her. (10)
  • She thought it unloverlike in him not to stir the past, and to bow to intolerable facts. (10)
  • Seeing her there was more strange to him than being there himself; but he bowed to facts. (10)
  • And at least the facts struck the public fancy and brought forth a remarkable family of myths. (2)
  • It is, at all events, harder than to set men and facts down, as they ought, or ought not to be. (8)
  • He could not think of any one who had done the facts of the eve of sailing on an Atlantic liner. (9)
  • The facts are admitted, so far as the alteration of this cheque and counterfoil by the prisoner. (8)
  • My facts go to show that the literary spirit is the true world-citizen, and is at home everywhere. (9)
  • He must have faced the fact with the same courage and the same trust with which he faced all facts. (9)
  • And yet how shall I convey the true state of affairs, if I shrink back from the unchangeable facts? (12)
  • But when he came to the facts he found himself unable to give them with the fulness he had promised. (9)
  • Before the evening was over, he gathered enough of the facts, and had to speculate only on the designs. (10)
  • He does not say this in his book, or hint it in any way; he gives you the facts, and leaves them with you. (9)
  • His powerful and penetrating intellect interested itself with all social and civil facts through his religion. (9)
  • It must have facts, and again facts, not only in the present and the past, but in the future. (8)
  • Still it despatched him to the looking-glass, to bring that verifier of facts in evidence against the sketch. (10)
  • Embarrassed, and not quite alive to the chapter of facts this name should have opened to him, Evan bowed again. (10)
  • Rousing himself from his reverie over the soup, James took one of his rapid shifting surveys of surrounding facts. (8)
  • How far was his big brother within reach of mere unphilosophic statements; how far was he going to attend to facts? (8)
  • By which it may be seen that she had indeed taken refuge in the Castle of Negation against the whole army of facts. (10)
  • It was unwise on her part, but she had the ghastly thought that facts were oozing out, and were already half known. (10)
  • The facts brought out appeared in the press of the smaller centres, but not a word was printed in the local papers. (16)
  • She was informed that after breakfast she would be called upon to repeat the principal facts she had been reading of. (10)
  • There was no contempt on her part, and no shame on his; the facts were accepted loyally, and no more about the matter. (2)
  • Burnamy told them a number of facts he said Stoller had got together about the place, and had given him to put in shape. (9)
  • Out of the sweet and dear delight of this encyclopedian reserve two or three facts appeared with a present distinctness. (9)
  • But, madam, if not, you may pronounce me incapable of conquering any woman, or of taking an absolute impression of facts. (10)
  • It does not avail to say that the daily papers teem with facts far fouler and deadlier than any which fiction could imagine. (9)
  • That letter was on the table now; it would be read to the Shareholders, who would of course be put into possession of all the facts. (8)
  • Yet the Italians are rather plain-spoken, and they recognize facts which our company manners at least do not admit the existence of. (9)
  • Westover was still in the first surprise of the American facts, and he wondered just what part in the picnic Jeff was to bear socially. (9)
  • Excuse me, Miss Galbraith, for troubling you with these facts of a personal history, which, as you say, is a matter of perfect indifference to you. (9)
  • General principles were nothing to her; she lost no force brooding over the justice or injustice of her situation, but merely tried to digest its facts. (8)
  • But her vehement fighting against facts; her obstinate aristocratic prejudices, which he shared; her stinger of a tongue: these in ebullition formed a discomforting prospect. (10)

Also see sentences for: factory, faculties.

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Ava did not go on, just gave Jorma some of the facts that made them suspicious

’ He said frowning as though trying to get the facts right

Clever user interface, you already always knew it, you explore the memories of knowing the facts, seeing the pictures, hearing the sounds

Facts like those seemed to be coming unbidden to her mind but in this case there was nothing

In a mortal lifetime, he knew as much as anyone did of the facts and figures and customs of this world, native or terrestrial

There was no way to use those facts to talk to them when they just denied those facts

«Those girls have come up on the side of facts over and over again,» Alfred told them, «I think it would be intellectually lazy of us to ignore this warning

So what are the facts? An operation arranging illegal immigration of undesirables (according to Renald Forhamm) ostensibly organised from Earth with well-placed contacts across on Errd, a suspicious Errdian in a position of some power in London, Earth, who is upset by the arrival of an agent of the Secret Guild on his patch … and come to think of it, he’d not liked the fact you were coming to this part of the country

That is facts and lessons learned

ROBERT: Samantha, I think you’re confused about certain facts

Let’s see if we can straighten out some of these facts

’ He said, adding this information to the fund of facts he stores in that head of his

We are searching for facts, not raw opinions

We are simply examining the facts

All facts presented to the reader are based upon

ERICK: They didn’t have all the facts

CINDY: Did you have all the facts?

As you said, I didn’t have all the facts

You don’t have all the facts

cold had facts, a Gradgrindian truth,

«It’s real salty, helps them grow in colder water somehow, I ain’t one of you science folk so don’t ask me facts and figures

Robert would then weave it into a story with all the other facts of the day

Every year her children, himself included, return from every corner of the world to pay their respects and although they do what they can to keep us alive with their money and time, we have to face the facts

profile (not misleading the community with false data or overly-hyped facts), taking precautions

Reassured by his aides and aware that the world’s press was waiting with baited breath, the great politician himself now wanted to read the document, even though there were still some relevant facts to include and a few final conclusions to draw

The only thing he allowed himself was a magic wand to project his facts and figures during the presentation

«But with that we have something possible that fits the facts

«Always that,» he said, «but something possible that fits the facts as we know them

“Whether is is correct by the church does not change the facts if we believe in reality

theories, facts, and doctrines

She was quite apprehensive over what she might encounter, but the facts were she would almost certainly never detect the entanglement at all

document, even though there were still some relevant facts to

Be observant of the facts without bias

silence as Danny explained the facts of her new life to her

We have millions of pages on their history and culture, their biology, facts and figures about Earth and human evolution

Briz had sat silently as his son had explained a few basic facts

Like the rest of club land, the boys are staring at Leona and Bex, putting together the essential facts; it’s time to make themselves scarce

In the end he elects to stick to the facts

That project ran from 55,42,33 to 100,00,23,” he said, “and those facts are trade secrets of the Kassikan and I could lose my position for telling you that much and I will not tell you more

Do it now, or accept the blindingly obvious facts of life; you never really had it in you, Billy, you were never really a player

Have I said too much? … but it seems that Abi wanted facts, she nods her head as though I am confirming what she already suspected

Jesse wove a tapestry of color, intertwined with historical facts, and people whom Emma would never know

The facts he knew agreed with what she told him enough to convince him that there really was advanced biological knowledge on the planet

Of course now he knew that the row of trees along the brook are houses lining the street, facts that were invisible in the view the last time he’d seen it

» she raised her voice stating the facts clearly

The facts are as plain and beautiful as that setting Sun

» Beth spoke up «What your Mom is saying makes since, she’s just pointing out the facts

What else could they do? It was perhaps harder for her to admit than the others, but at least she could face the facts

‘Yes, I know,’ said Kallo, ‘but what use would he be here? You have to face facts

» she spilled the facts, she thought he wanted to hear,

From facts she gave him about the Afterlife, he was able to give her new insights

But facts are facts, Watson, and, after all, you are only a general practitioner

«Luray, I see you believe that,» Nidon said soothingly, while his face was telling her to face the facts

«That Instinct was artificially produced, that’s one of the basic facts of history,» she said

There have been times when she’s made up facts in her articles also, that’s where it gets really serious

That was because Luray hadn’t told him the essential facts

It is some what curious that, though their opinions are so very different, their facts, so far as they relate to the price of corn at least, should coincide so very exactly

«Denial will not change the facts,» she told him

He could laugh now, but the facts were, he was never going to know which ‘copy’ of her won

She merely stated the facts

That, notwithstanding this reduction, the value of silver has, during the course of the present century, begun to rise somewhat in the European market, the facts and arguments which have been alleged above, dispose me to believe, or more properly to suspect and conjecture; for the best opinion which I can form upon this subject, scarce, perhaps, deserves the name of belief

facts reported in the book were true

the heroine, she confirmed the facts, but the peasants

must have gathered as much from the facts of the previous

Of the real than the real facts

Press release facts — It should be a news story, not an ad

a full report giving all the facts and circumstances of the incident

” Ravena took a deep breath, “The other marginally reasonable assumptions—that still fits the facts at hand—aren’t as innocent

Whatever the facts of origin are, one thing is certain: for centuries

What were the hidden riddles of the Brotherhood’s demise? The facts were stubbornly vague things

In yogic philosophy, unawareness of these facts is called ignorance

“I…” She searched her friend’s now stern face for any hope of divulged facts

We just need cold hard facts that we can read, understand, and put into action!


include the facts of a tele-porter

Rex maintained the facts and made it quite

facts of all the galaxies and universes,

to use active verbs and concrete facts

Truths are undeniable and eternal facts which remain constant throughout the history of mankind

statement of the facts in a trial, esp

There were a few basic facts about the first assignment on Eludi-4; nothing revealing

Is this statement really true? From only a few aspects that we touched on earlier, we already know that there are many discrepancies and contradicting facts that would classify Evolution as non-scientific

Having demonstrated some of the flaws in the Theory of Evolution and showing that it has no proper scientific foundations for its standpoints — considering facts that go directly against what the Evolution Theory proposes — the only other option available today would be that of Creationism

How do you identify the one belief that is the most accurate, with all of these creationist views discounting spontaneous generation of life? How can we identify the truth, if we cannot unequivocally prove through normal experimentation and confirm that the timelines suggested by either Evolution or Creationism are factual? Is there any way in which the scientific method can be applied to this issue to establish with more clarity, which of these views are the most accurate? Where would we begin and what methods would we apply to test our hypotheses? I would like to propose a hypothesis that will assist us in better understanding the subject as we move forward; should we be able to provide some provable facts to support the hypothesis

We would only be able to obtain certain facts from the composition of the air that was trapped in that bubble and nothing else

In many people’s minds certain subjects are “accepted facts” and they close the door on any further investigation when there are clearly aspects which require further study to properly explain obvious discrepancies

In short then: Showing evidence of the Bible’s supernatural design, the proven accuracy of the many facts within our means to accurately analyse, then we should also be able to rely on the information for which we have no verifiable answer

We could grasp the facts and implications but it still rankled us that we had to go as we pondered this Sgt Ted Wallace said

“Those are the facts James, whether we like them or not

Considering all these facts, it is mind boggling to even try and fathom how one would go about constructing an object such as this, containing the qualities that have been mentioned, from a human point of view

Another question is, if Jesus is the Messiah who has already fulfilled more than 300 prophecies from the Old Testament, was He aware of the fact that he was the Messiah, or did this just happen by chance from his point of view? Also, can one assume that someone could plan to live their lives in such a way that they would fulfil prophecies intentionally? It may be possible if those prophecies did not include facts such as your genealogy, your birthplace, the nation into which you were born

If we keep all these aspects in mind, what conclusions should we then draw from these provable facts? We are dealing here with a Book that is unlike any other book on earth

In my opinion, the choice one has to make is a simple one, given the facts on both sides

What we do know however, is that God left us enough information in the Bible to understand certain facts clearly and that he also provided clarifying information in the Bible in anticipation of questions we may have about certain aspects unclear to us

With this information available and considering the fact that the Bible contains truthful facts, there is really no valid reason why one would assume that the Author of the Bible would intend the reader to understand a time period that is different to what was written, or to apply special interpretations to the information as presented in Genesis 1

Let us consider some other facts mentioned in the Bible that relate to God, the Creation and the differences when compared to the Evolution Theory

‘It was supposed to be based on actual facts

From the passages above we can identify specific facts that indicate to us that different conditions prevailed on the Earth during the years before the Flood, compared to conditions on earth today

Given these facts, what attitude should we adopt with respect to what is written in the Bible? Should we not pay careful attention to the message it conveys? If we know and can scientifically prove with 100% certainty that the Bible is the only Book on Earth that demonstrates that a supernatural Being was responsible for its construction in its entirety; that every letter in the original languages, in which this Book was written, was placed in their individual positions with intense purpose and that this Book has been preserved through the ages without changing, omitting or adding one letter, does this not give us enough reason to at least read it and try to understand what is our Creator’s purpose for us?

Random good picture Not show

1. Facts speak louder than words.

2. Facts are stubborn (things).

3. Facts can be established by observation and experiment.

4. He was unable to escape the array of facts.

5. Can you back your story with facts?

6. I always ground my arguments on facts.

7. All those facts verified his innocence.

8. Biographers excel at dredging up little known facts.

9. We based our conclusions on facts.

10. I am acquainted of the facts.

11. Facts show we are not a good match.

12. The conclusions disagree with the facts.

13. You can’t turn the facts upside down.

14. The evidence is certain and the facts are clear.

15. His story ties in with the facts.

16. These new facts make the theory improbable.

17. My father is a repository of interesting facts.

18. He pretended not to know the facts.

19. She manufactured a false story to hide the facts.

20. We must learn to discriminate between facts and opinions.

21. It will take time to assimilate all these facts.

22. The facts pose something of a paradox.

22. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

23. Are you fully acquainted with the facts?

24. The detectives tried to piece together the facts.

25. Those facts were influential in solving the problem.

26. John gave a very exposition of the facts.

27. His arguments are well grounded in facts.

28. Never identify opinions with facts.

29. The newspaper reprinted the facts[], without fear or favour.

30. The world can be changed by man’s endeavor, and that this endeavor can lead to something new and better .No man can sever the bonds that unite him to his society simply by averting his eyes . He must ever be receptive and sensitive to the new ; and have sufficient courage and skill to novel facts and to deal with them . 

More similar words: fact, facto, in fact, factor, factual, faction, factory, factoid, defacto, de facto, artifact, factotum, factious, factor out, factor in, artefact, olfactory, ipso facto, factitious, rarefaction, malefactor, benefactor, liquefaction, manufacture, ex post facto, benefaction, satisfactory, stupefaction, manufactured, putrefactive. 

  • Use the word facts in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You have a profound contempt for facts.

Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, these facts cannot be denied.

A human encyclopaedia of facts and figures.

Why? John admits he’s guilty. No one’s disputing the facts.

But photography has to build this out of the facts that we all know by walking dirty streets and living in dirty air.

I mean, I should think the facts would speak for themselves.

Gentlemen, you don’t know all the facts!

I’ll tell you the facts, what I’d have done.

If you’re convinced that the story of the defense represents the facts it is your duty to discharge the accused.

If you are convinced that the defence represents the facts, it is your duty to release the accused.

Go and consider the facts for yourselves.

With your permission, I’d like to summarise the facts of the case.

The prosecutor believes that the facts are beyond doubt.

Mr Harker, I have devoted my lifetime to the study of many strange things — little-known facts which the world is perhaps better off for not knowing.

Wake up and look facts in the face!

No tricks, I just present the plain facts, that’s all.

Tell her the facts, Slouch.

You have no alternative except to bring in a verdict on the facts.

The facts speak for themselves. JUDGE: Quiet.

The decision will rest on facts. Call your witness.

Those are historical facts, sir.

But they’re too young to know the difference between dreams and facts.

Oh, not the facts, of course, but quite enough to cook their goose here.

Gentlemen, let us face the facts:

Everything I’ve said are facts.

Oh, we’re as good as guilty. All the facts are against us.

Throw your newspaper away and let us face the facts.

All of you. Instead of trying to hide the facts, pass laws that will do good.

Well, we may as well discuss this frankly now that you know the facts.

You’ll be telling me next I’m not old enough to know the facts of life.

No, the facts speak for themselves, Chancellor.

I can give you the facts very briefly.


Now, to return to the facts, we…

Blackie, let’s face the facts.

So now you have all the facts, gentlemen.

Jane, you must face facts.

Your trouble is you won’t face facts.

Every day he commits to memory fifty new facts… and remembers every one of them.

facts from history, from geography, from newspapers… from scientific books, millions and millions of them.

Every day… he commits to memory 50 new facts and remembers every one.

facts from history, geography, from newspapers and scientific textbooks.

Your Excellency, facts are so often dull and deplorable.

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