Use the word factory in a sentence

My father got a job down at the old Trico factory on the Great West where

The smell of the hops being brewed from the Guinness factory filled his nostrils and made him think of old times

Mrs Lemony’s husband, Harry, has had a bad accident recently: He got his left leg badly injured by a press in the factory where he works as a factory-hand

Factory: If you see that you work in a factory, you will lead a boring life

It was a fuel company making lantern fuel out of the morass on big crystal factory ships more like floating villages than ships

the products of the factory emerge enriched,

Our mutual friend is opening a fish processing factory just down the road in St Austell, which might come in handy now that we’ve run out of cash”

During the telephone call the businessman decided not to remark on the fact that he had seen the fisherman sitting on the beach with his rods and his lines on more than one occasion during his recent trips down to the south coast to seal the deal on his new factory with the local council planning authorities

“So”, said the businessman, “you’re interested in working for me at the factory?”

Here were antiquities to order — and not just a warehouse, a factory — and everywhere the Kaliantikos logo, a diamond ‘K’, Daphne’s little company

owned a large bat factory in Kashmir

of various types of house and small factory unit, the young drug

young man started work at a factory run by one of his father’s

trips down to the south coast to seal the deal on his new factory

building of his new factory, the two men met for a pie and a pint in

me at the factory?”

The possibility of failure is not one that Leona wishes to contemplate, bringing with it the prospect of a dizzying career at window two of the drive-thru obesity factory; that or Snuggle’s ad infinitum

“I have meetings with no less than five suppliers and three wholesalers before I even get to review my own operations at the factory in Toronto,” continued Samuel in mock solemnity, clearly pleased and proud that his North American ventures were going so well

Allcock, “We moved to Clive House, it’s closer to the factory and a bit more room

” He described the gardens, the town, the church, and his factory all with such fondness it made Harry wonder what a toll it must take on him to be away from his home for such long business trips

They were quartered in an Allcock & Sons owned hotel near the factory for the night

One of the Managers took him on a personal tour of the factory and workshops

‘Works in the local factory – toilet roll manufacturer

I told her I could get her a job at the factory but she wouldn’t have none of it

came out of the factory

The gentlemen made plans for a tour of the factory in the morning and arrangements for Henry’s Entrance Examinations, for which he would be making a brief trip to Malvern the day after tomorrow

‘ His own tour of the factory could be got at any time in the future and therefore he was prodded out of the house before noon in the company of Chloe and Kaitlyn

Spelman looked at each other surreptitiously, the former, who would not be joining the party for factory reasons, gave the latter a look which said, ‘rather you than me

Allcock’s morning at the factory the next day was interrupted by a troubling wire from Malvern

He gave as an example, “There’s a man in my own factory, whose family has just suffered the cruel loss of the better part of their house to an unseasonable rise in the river

He had picked up walking sticks, of sorts, no doubt factory discards, and handed one to Kaitlyn

“The husband works at the Allcock factory all day, and his wife is nearly to give birth to their first-born

“Find work in a factory? Are you hearing me mother? He’s a genius and

Allcock returned home from the factory offices for the evening

Allcock made welcome all the craftsmen of the factory and their families who wished to attend

She was careful to explain how people would dominate even the private lives of each other, something like a bad factory boss that you couldn’t leave

This was the newest factory in town

It was probably older than any factory Desa had ever worked in

In spite of getting an early start, Yoonbarla did not blossom as a factory town

” He handed his daughter to Jameson, “You know, when we were children, after her mother died she walled herself in behind courtesy and elegant gowns, her house duties and her father’s factory

‘Kowz’ is probably the name of some factory that synthesized milk in that trip

Desa felt that this was just more evidence that what effected him was really just an RNAcid trip, since it should be pretty obvious that food in any real world can’t be produced in a factory

What were once apartments in the same complex he lived in had been transformed to offices above factory floors

Those factory floors were put in every thirty feet in what was once an atrium

Now even the factory use of that atrium had been abandoned

There were lots of hawkers about, and labor boards pleaded for algal technicians, metallurgists and moldmakers with attractive rates, as well as the usual factory help

It might get redeveloped into factory offices before or after that because the blocks of its walls and doorframes were massive

Where the former apartment’s balcony used to be was a plankway now and the old atrium on that side had been filled in with factory floors at these levels, the same as it had far below in the abandoned area

In the days of the island this had been the outskirts of the city of Hyadrain that encircled the bay of the same name, and this factory had been deep in a back canyon that lead back into the slope of the then uninhabited Rankor Hill

This had probably been the roof at one time, probably when that factory was in use

They were soon past the Swivels and the thunderous noise emulating from Tom Foolery’s factory

No, Lemoss, its just the environment here, what with Tom Foolery’s new motor factory, the prosperity of the place generally seems to attract avarice, that’s greed to you Flitter up there all high and mighty

‘Tend to return to the factory with amazing speed

Tom Foolery’s factory was only just saved from total destruction by disappearing into its hole in the ground just in time

writing to your local officials about a factory or plant that is violating

It had been a few minutes now since Arkaneh had passed by the turn to Ravenwey Burrows, where their HQ was, in the abandoned factory

Upon finishing, he went back into the van and drove away, this time heading for the abandoned factory in Ravenwey Burrows

Once he finally arrived at the abandoned factory, he entered the old building and climbed up the deteriorating stairs to the main hall

Escort girls from the Godly Succubi roamed the halls of the factory, pleasing and teasing whatever man they came across

Once he made it back to the factory, he walked in along with the other men

The smelting factory was established a

factory, to order a peasant to plough up a rich field of poppies, and sow it with rice, or some other grain

There was no dust inside this factory

his power by redirecting the ion beam around the factory

“Rosie will be so glad to see you she is at work at the moment down the munitions factory but she will be back tonight

“We wrote off to London and asked about any war work we might be able to do anywhere in the country and they told us about a factory just across town so we decided to give it a go

“Goodbye Rosie old girl keep your chin up and get the hell out of that munitions factory because I couldn’t bear to think of anything happening to you either

«Not without a factory, I can’t

“It seems to be Rosie from what I can gather she is not well again something to do with the munitions factory or maybe it’s something else Mabel thought you could have a word when you go home?” I looked at him and said

“Of course it is caused by the Liddite and Cordite that she has been working with down at the munitions factory

“Why didn’t she just tell me? I even told her to leave the bloody munitions factory in fact I begged her to the silly cow

“Don’t be angry with her she stopped at the munitions factory because she thought the shells she was making would be used to safeguard you and keep you safe over there that’s how deep her love is for you

He asked me if I was alright and he seemed quite concerned I said I felt really tires which I did but I put it down to the shift work at the factory

Now it seemed things were finally about to change at the factory

Once the world was Jimmy’s oyster, or that’s how it had seemed back then in the haze of teenage optimism … Until the job at the factory

The gadgets for entertainment, which for most people his age were a must, all equated in expense to every hour and minute of drudgery at that factory

He’d lost track of how many hours ago he had left the factory, headed for home, with much of the usual thoughts of things to resolve that were as always seemingly irresolvable, that still waited for him down there for his return

Approaching the old factory, its mottled red brick facade, hiding nothing of what it truly is: old and decaying

I’d invite them to come in and look over the factory, where we had the capacity for fifty homes under construction at

to the factory to choose carpet colors, styles, cabinets, and so on

simulated 1940 Ford stampings in the same factory that made

business there, a clothing factory making garments for the Tommy

Then there was the issue of citizenship and residence: her factory and all of her family were in Thailand, while all of my family and most of my business contacts were in the

Nat found that she could stay in touch with her factory by phone, e-mail and occasional flying visits

Factory people came to us when they had all the other equipment but wanted a first rate granulator

As I said, in addition we could, and did, set up an entire factory, back door to front door, on a turnkey basis

I sold all those types of operations, the granulator, the press, the entire factory

Every time one of them was out of operation we had to send it back to the factory to be repaired as it was not considered field repairable

Softer skills in the field of information, commercial and industrial technology, computer and software designs, among others, are gradually replacing the diminishing demands for unskilled labor (especially) among manufacturing and factory workers whose positions are facing daunting challenges from computer-based technologies

We fetched the Gti’s at the factory in Port Elizabeth which was about a thousand mile away

«In a great factory, Mr

There was an unfortunate rumour that the first Casspir ever was built, was built with the wrong steel and not armoured through some embarrassing mix up at the factory

sentiments through demagogy and ―catch-all‖ politicking designed to get out the vote by ―connecting‖ with the ―people‖; the factory worker or farmer, for example

The building consisted of two floors, the ground floor the factory and the first floor the offices

The dramatic decline in manufacturing and factory jobs has created a tighter domestic labor market that is increasingly finding expression within the corporate mainstream

if held next to a factory there may be a siren

This was probably one good reason for the existence of the Royal Aircraft Factory

In the meantime, his factory had orders to crank out planes as fast as they could

When Clinton sent missile attacks aimed at an alleged chemical weapons factory for Al Qaeda, the factory turned out to be making medicines

We shipped them back to the factory after a ten-hour life

Definition of Factory

a building were products are made

Examples of Factory in a sentence

Factory employees work Monday through Friday making the rubber stoppers that go in bathtubs.


With sales steadily dropping, the shoe factory owners have decided to cut back on production.


As a factory forklift driver, it is the man’s job to move the boxes filled with goods out to the warehouse.


Charlie couldn’t believe all the products that were being prepared when visited the chocolate factory with his grandfather.


The inventor had a great product idea, but he couldn’t find a local factory big enough to make his product.


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  • Use the word factory in a sentences

Sentence Examples

All is calm at the factory.

«Get me the files on the factory district.»

I cannot leave the factory with the stigma of a thief.

They’ve brought the factory into politics.»

In the factory district a State Liquor Store was smashed, looted and burned by the strikers.

And all of the factory / plant

Together with the female workers in the socialist factory

factory owner (played by M. Narokov)

The factory in Langenbielau provides us with fabric, that is machine-made, and much cheaper!

For the love of God, have respect for the factory …!

What do you care about the factory?

The city awakens. Every day is a new battle that begins when the factory echo whistles.

This movie was shot… at the film factory Mezrablom

One factory after the other.

The steel factory in the small village Serres-Bas in southern France has been family property for generations

After a hard day of work at the factory, Michiyo and a friend return home

«I’ve lost my job at the factory.

Remember that day when you brought the whole pig into the factory?

I have to go to the factory.

Mother works all day in the factory.

And it was better than scrubbing floors or working in a factory.

She worked at the match factory.

I’m setting up a factory — a commune in an ex-monastery.

On this solemn occasion, when the Machine has proven that if it can replace the hand of man, it cannot replace his brain, allow me first to pay homage to the brilliant creator behind the destiny of this magnificent factory.

Gentlemen, the opening of this factory is my crowning achievement.

When I was called up from the factory, I left my uniforms and tools at the local bistro.

What news have you from the factory, dear?

I know him? I’ve slaved in that man’s factory for years and years.

You can bet your tin hat Mr. James Allen won’t be back in the old grind of a factory.

Mr. Parker is going to take you back into the factory.

I don’t want to spend the rest of my life… answering a factory whistle, instead of a bugle call… or be cooped up in a shipping room all day.

But tomorrow morning, after a good night’s sleep… you’ll be ready to take up where you left off at the factory.

I don’t want to tell you what to do, Jim… but when you were in the war… every time I passed the factory… I was wishing for the day my boy would be working there again.

As for me, my father is Thomas Darrow, Boston, Mass., owns most of the rubber factory.

I picked the shoe factory.

The fire in the chemical factory in quadrants E-9 and K-14 —

That must be the L├Âhr Stegerwald chemical factory.

«Fires started in this manner in a chemical factory‘s storerooms cannot be extinguished by firefighters.

After the strike, the owners raised factory walls and surrounded them with a network of electric wires.

Please send that bastard off to the factory.

I put up with work at the factory. That’s why they pay me.

The factory won’t give me an advance. It’s so hard to find money!

Of course, I can’t get over your running this enormous factory.

Della, will you telephone the factory and tell Mr. Pettigrew that I’ll handle that Ajax Glass contract in the morning.

People at the factory think of you as they see you there.

ALISON: Because I run a factory?

No, because you forget so completely running a factory.

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1. This factory produces 10,000 military vehicles every year.

2. The factory is in Leeds or somewhere thereabouts.

3. How many workmen do you employ at your factory?

4. It’s monotonous work, like most factory jobs.

5. The production in this factory is spiral.

6. There were pickets outside the factory gates.

7. The London factory assembles the finished product .

8. Their factory had to close down for good.

9. Our factory has taken to making children’s boots.

10. The factory launched into a large-scale project last year.

11. That factory has diversified its products.

12. They lodged a compensation claim against the factory.

13. The number of workers in our factory is 300.

14. Has the furniture been delivered from the factory yet?

15. The rebels bombed the munition factory.

16. The factory replaced most of its workers with robots.

17. The factory pollutes the air and water.

18. The machine hummed all around us in the factory.

19. Many important businessmen began as factory workers.

20. Factory chimneys foul the air with smoke.

21. This factory employs thousands of people.

22. Several watchmen police the factory at

23. The factory supplies electrical components for cars.

24. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.

25. The factory has achieved a steady growth in output.

26. Because of the continued loss, the factory closed down.

27. The factory typically produces 500 chairs a week.

28. The fire at the factory was caused by sabotage.

29. The factory expands to the foot of the mountain.

30. Factory chimneys spewed fumes out into the sky.

More similar words: factor, facto, actor, contractor, story, act on, act out, history, fact, doctor, sector, in fact, director, territory, inventory, inspector, collector, regulatory, laboratory, artifact, instructor, conciliatory, manufacturer, manufacturing, the private sector, as a matter of fact, face to face, theory, category, face. 

A factory or manufacturing plant is an industrial site, usually consisting of buildings and machinery, or more commonly a complex having several buildings, where workers manufacture goods or operate machines processing one product into another. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

At the same time, industrial output fell unexpectedly, as per the Federal Reserve’s monthly report on factory production.


We did hit a nerve, and so for us it’s good news that we had to temporarily shut down our factory so we could improve our workflow.


After all, labor in the region is becoming less cheap these days, and manufacturers are increasingly turning to robots — just last week, the South China Morning Post reported that electronics manufacturer Foxconn managed to do away with 60,000 jobs in just one factory, through the introduction of robotic systems.


Speaking to Innovation Trail reporter Ryan Delaney on Wednesday, Herkimer County Chamber of Commerce director John Scarano says the community of Ilion, where the factory is based, feels it should have been given more of a say in such a sensitive issue.


Restores your cooling system to factory specifications of -35 degrees F.


The company claims the device can identify more than 300 volatile organic compounds (VOCs), those foul chemical vapors that waft off solvents, new carpet and furniture, and just about anything else that comes out of a factory, plus 25 different toxic gases.


Moonrise was a cheap thriller made by B-movie factory Republic Pictures.


Chickens are smart, and they understand their world, which raises troubling questions about how they are treated on factory farms


Ferrari pulled out of prototype racing at the end of 1973 in order to focus on F1, but 20 years later a Ferrari sports prototype was seen at race tracks once more — although it had actually been built by Dallara and wasn’t run by the Ferrari factory team.


Its vehicles are found in environments ranging from golf courses to factories, airports to planned communities, and theme parks to hunting preserves.


If all goes according to plan, the AM General factory in Mishawaka, Indiana, will be building 40,000 H2 SUVs and 8000 H2 SUTs per year by then.


A lesson looking at the setting of the chocolate room in Charlie and the chocolate factory.


Even though it is definitely a race-centric machine, the factory didn’t completely neglect work-related features.


Johnson, who works in a steel factory in Huntington, W.V., was sitting on his couch Saturday afternoon when Buffett called to tell him that, with 31 out of 32 correct predictions in his March Madness bracket, he’d be winning $ 100,000 of the billionaire’s money.


Last September, the company let more than 1,500 factory workers go after a federal investigation found hundreds of undocumented employees at its facilities.


Sanjeev Gupta, the British billionaire, has said that he wants to turn the former Holden plant into a factory for electric cars.


Fort Schuyler Management Corp., a nonprofit affiliate of SUNY Poly, signed a contract in August 2016 under which Cor would construct the 82,250-square-foot factory for not more than $ 66.4 million.


As I listen for the ticking hum of the 2015 Audi S8’s engine, I imagine a struggle at the Ingolstadt factory where the car was born, the team responsible for delivering a sedate, quiet ride toe-to-toe and screwdriver-to-pneumatic-drill with the engineers who developed the engine and tuned the car for performance.


Manufacturing job loss is well documented at auto plants, textile mills and other U.S. factories.


They have a couple of huge manufacturing facilities in the country, which are located in the vicinity of Greater Noida that is in the state of Uttar Pradesh and the other gigantic factory in the district of Bhiwadi, which falls in the state of Rajasthan.


455 V8, automatic, factory A/C (not working), power steering, power brakes, power windows, remote side mirrors, power…


This year, the Brooklyn Brewery is applying for money to help build a factory on Staten Island (its president, Steve Hindy, sits on New York city’s council) and Finch Paper is hoping to upgrade its Glens Falls plant with state funds (Deba Mukherjee, its C.E.O., is a member of the Capital Region council, and gave Cuomo $ 1,000 last December.)


Maybe after more than 10 years of studying Toyota and operating a California factory with the Japanese automaker, GM has learned a thing or two about improving its cars.


Why were proposals from workers to merge factories with valuable, well equipped, viable manufacturing space completely ignored?


Mr. Currie noted that the company is doing extensive product testing for every fabric and having people in factories all the time to check product as part of that effort.


Without tenure schools will turn into instant test prep factories supported by young cheap teachers who come out of these new test prep college teaching training programs.


A victory by Johnny O’Connell, Jan Magnussen and Ron Fellows in the 1,000-mile Petit Le Mans at Road Atlanta on October 4 clinched the GT1 drivers» titles for O’Connell and Magnussen, the seventh straight drivers championship for Chevrolet’s factory sports car racing team.


The 1.5-liter turbocharged Civic Si could make more than the factory 205 horsepower, but it probably couldn’t do it for hundreds of tho…


Overall factory production slipped 0.1 percent, dragged down by falling metal production and clothing.


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Its made from the stuff they used to throw out from tequila factories


As the notion of a «factory of the future» continues to evolve, how are companies incorporating «smart» and connected products into their manufacturing process?


Meanwhile both Malaysia and South Korea saw factory activity shrink, while across most readings, export orders show weakness.


A family needs to weigh the financial costs, time investment and other factories


Alfa Romeo parent company FCA just issued a recall on a few hundred Giulias and Stelvios that may have been filled with contaminated brake fluid from the factory.


«I don’t know how many factories I visited from Buffalo down through Syracuse that had a padlock on the front door,» he said.


We’ve put the power where the pedal is with a brand new, factory supercharged 6.2-liter HEMI Hellcat engine, upgraded suspension and brakes, and specially selected tires.


My favorite features of this vehicle include: gas mileage (18-20 in town, which is wonderful for such a large vehicle); leather heated seats in the front (so nice in the winter); third row seating (great for large families or those that like to have company riding along); factory installed side steps (great for those that are lacking in height or have bad knees), and lots of cargo space.


The new production plant was built beside the existing whey protein facility in Videbæk, where the company built a new lactose factory.


Inscriptions on statues also indicate that artisans working at off-site factories during the Qin Empire collaborated with potters at local workshops to produce the terra-cotta army, Ledderose says.


Highly optioned including factory air conditioning, power steering, power brakes, 6-way power seats, power windows.


This model will be built in the Spartanburg, South Carolina plant, the 5-million-square-foot factory that is also assembling mid-size X5 and X6 models and compact crossovers X3 and X4.


The 1,290-pound monster makes 300 hp and 800 lb-ft of torque with factory programming.


China will likely build factories in Africa due to population explosion, and manufacturing will return to the USA.


This was in fact his personal car and features a special color combo that customers could not order out of the factory.


At Ginetta, we want to bring people into motorsport, so we can’t ignore this new virtual arena, particularly when you have such huge enthusiasm for Esport — and not only from the players, but here in the factory, as well.


Magnesium stearate is a lubricant, an anti-adhesive which prevents powder supplements from sticking to factory machinery.


Once there, the DNA takes over the cellular machinery, effectively turning the cell into a virus factory.


What they found, of course, was a series of idols, the human mind being a perpetual factory of them.


In 2017 Lamborghini achieved a record year with 3,815 cars delivered to customers worldwide, including 2,642 Huracan units leaving the factory in Sant «Agata Bolognese: an increase of 12 per cent…


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