Use the word express in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “express” in a sentence. How to connect “express” with other words to make correct English sentences.

express (v, adj): to show a feeling, opinion, or fact; moving or being sent fast

Use “express” in a sentence

The content of his essay is excellent, but it’s not very well expressed.
He’s always found it hard to express his emotions.
We often express our emotions non-verbally.
I can’t express my feelings.
Is there any express train?
No words can express her deep sorrow.

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In the moment of repentance, that is where we express

is a phrase he uses to express how much he was longing,

We are not in this world to passively drift with the tides of ever changing events, to aggressively fulfill useless desires in a vain attempt to express limited personal powers

Europol, yes I have heard of this terrible scourge on those of us» He gestured to his own tattoos, «who chose to express ourselves artistically through skin-art

sent an express telegram to the high command of the rangers: “Send

’ Tonya said, leaving me with the impression she will probably hunt me down for this express purpose

wanted something, but had no means to express such things in any sense other than

The young couple continues to express his love to the

Wrapped as I was in the cotton wool of solitary confinement, unable as I was to express any of my thoughts in concrete form or to engage in conjecture with another rational human being, nonetheless I spent hours imagining faces and clothes and names to accompany the hollow tapping sounds in the night

The reason that she played with the ouija board in the first place was because she couldn’t express to her friends and family the guilt and shame she felt from her personal lifestyle

The reason that we can’t understand or express where the Spirit fits in or how the trinity works is because we have no need of either concept in our daily lives

Smith wanted something, but had no means to express such things in any sense other than silence and darkness, and so Smith thought un-shapes out of the fraying circular chords of absolute tranquillity

The station café was virtually empty, enjoying a hiatus before the arrival of the next intercity express

They are platforms to express the very heart of God

Who knows what the future holds? These trinkets express only a fraction of my love, respect and esteem for you, carissima mea, I could purchase or steal every ounce of gold in the world and it would not reflect the depth of my love

Is our freedom constituted in that our death serves an ultimate purpose of God? Can we die in such a way as to express a mystery? Revelation 12:11 says that they loved not their lives even unto death

The warm water diluting it only makes the stuff worse; a fact which amuses Gilla as I express my distaste and wince

«He said he wanted me to let him express the strength of his love the only way he knew how

I then stepped onto the express route and stood there

The languages of the time did not have words for extrasolar planets, digital simulation, genetic engineering, electronic surveillance and a lot of other terms that were needed to express the reality of current life

Use strong language to express these feelings and don‘t hold back!

right of the individual to express his or her free will has not always

If we express this dream in the form of a mathematical

fire to a bogie of the Sabarmati Express near the Godhra station in Gujarat on

Express arrived at Godhra station,’ the official said as his voice waned

Without the need to express anger and resentment

WOC-members are at liberty to express

Healers Library is being created for the express purpose

way, without judgment; just express how you feel and that’s it

What happened, Amanda? What derailed the Passion Express into oblivion?”

He hands her his American Express card and she puts it into the card reader

It reminds Ted of posh hotels and homes where he might once have remained had it not been for the dream of the starlight express

Mickey worked the farms, milking and labouring, while Ted steamed forward on the light entertainment express to Eastbourne, Morecambe and Scarborough

She was a bit off balance with this, reeling, she said, “I don’t think I can remember anyone in my past talking about it in any way except to express sympathy over what happened to Tdeshi

For a long moment, we look at each other saying with our eyes the things we cannot express any other way in public, then he closes the car door and stands back as I start the car

express his hopes for eventually taking over the vineyard

«I can’t even express the real beauty, I saw that day

Thus I grew afraid to express my emotions, and unable to be successful in most relationships

I’d like to learn how to be intimate with people, how to really be close, to express feelings without feeling nervous or tense

to feel and express feelings

words to express herself

Many feel great anger, but are too afraid to express it—they fear that they will

Feelings ? Sure I have feelings — THANK GOD I HAVE FEELINGS! I can now express

We are on a journey and I can’t express how important it is to lean on the Heavenly Father during this journey

His wages properly express the value of this labour of inspection and direction

and express the gifts in us

overstocked, as they commonly express it, with their own particular species of industry; which

Their real price, the quantity of labour and subsistence which was given away for them, was about one-third more than their nominal price is apt to express to us in the present times

In other words, they express the ideas in a

Let’s express the rule governing the proper use of the option of suicide: It is to be used only under extremes circumstances

This was regarded, in those times, as so important an object, that it was always considered as belonging to the sovereign, and neither to the finder nor to the proprietor of the land, unless the right to it had been conveyed to the latter by an express clause in his charter

Thus, when we say that the circulating money of England has been computed at eighteen millions, we mean only to express the amount of the metal pieces, which some writers have computed, or rather have supposed, to circulate in that country

But when we say that a man is worth fifty or a hundred pounds a-year, we mean commonly to express, not only the amount of the metal pieces which are annually paid to him, but the value of the goods which he can annually purchase or consume; we mean commonly to assertain what is or ought

Though we frequently, therefore, express a person’s revenue by the metal pieces which are annually paid to him, it is because the amount of those pieces regulates the extent of his power of purchasing, or the value of the goods which he can annually afford to consume

If a lie would save the life of the person you love most on earth while being convinced it would have no adverse effect on anybody else, would you express it? If the answer is no I am not sure you can differentiate good and bad and I beg you to devote more efforts to understand the extraordinary lesson life is trying to teach you

If, before it came to the person who presents it to the acceptor for payment, it had passed through the hands of several other persons, who had successively advanced to one another the contents of it, either in money or goods, and who, to express that each of them had in his turn received those contents, had all of them in their order indorsed, that is, written their names upon the back of the bill; each indorser becomes in his turn liable to the owner of the bill for those contents, and, if he fails to pay, he becomes too, from that moment, a bankrupt

In the midst of this clamour and distress, a new bank was established in Scotland, for the express purpose of relieving the distress of the country

“No mortal can express the pains of hell! ” Really!

Adjectives, conjunctions, and prepositions: some sort Of bionomic central force in the monkey seemed to Express itself through the de-centered processes of Rolling grammatical progression and spreading activation That converged around the impulses flowing between The brain-machine interface, with the monkey’s intentions Refined by the computers rationalizing

darkness reigned in the Chennai Express, and the right was once

To see a hamper in your dream indicates that you need to find a more productive way to express your negative feelings

Or that you are unable to express yourself

It is this feeling that you need to express more in your waking life

Alternatively, it symbolizes your curiosity, your subconscious thoughts and your need to express them

To see or play a saxophone in your dream indicates that there is something you need to express from deep within your soul

Was it passionate? Was it slow? Was it wild? The sex act parallels aspects of yourself that you wish to express

To dream that you are silent indicates an inability to express yourself

He decided to go somewhere where he could express himself without having anyone truly know about his struggles

Or the lyrics can serve as your voice to express how you are really feeling

To dream that you rip someone else’s tongue out indicates that you are extremely upset with something that this person has said, but you are not able to appropriately express your anger

The bank of Amsterdam has, for these many years past, been the great warehouse of Europe for bullion, for which the receipts are very seldom allowed to expire, or, as they express it, to fall to the bank

To dream that you are undead represents your inability to express yourself

To dream that you are sending valentines indicate your need to express more love and affection

To dream that you are waffling over a topic suggests that you need to think things more clearly and learn to express yourself with more assurance and conviction

Arkaneh knew that he wanted to express his opinion on the plan without having anyone knowing about the rat, so he naturally followed him

In fact, without the fear of failure or the greed for reward that accompanies the self-centered self, you are free to express who you really are

The purpose of life is to express and live who you are

It is as though the poverty-stricken coagulation which is the language of mortal man were broken into fragments under the formidable pressure of the Heavenly Word, or as if God, in order to express a thousand truths, had but a dozen words at his command and so was compelled to make use of allusions heavy with meaning, of ellipses, abridgements and symbolical syntheses

What he had intended to say was, «And has that fool Pinscher arrived yet?» but being a gentleman of some foresight, he stopped himself when it occurred to him that the expected person may indeed be present, and may not express any great delight in being referred to as a fool

My wife is devoted, though she often chooses to express this as disapproval of some of my more innocent habits

With it, we are able to express ourselves in almost unlimited ways

Everyone in this world wants to be loved and each person also has the capacity to express love to others

It was as if this was the only way he could express himself

Closing: Express thanks to Karen for volunteering her time this year

We are here to express ourselves and learn from our experience

express one’s opinions or thoughts

raised hands to express an opinion in a vote

to express (the expression of) an opinion in a group by voice or hand etc

Passion excites the Soul to express the inner yearning to create

and to express gratefulness for what you have and what

ways to express themselves that will add value or

of discovering new ways to express themselves

contributions of others and express their gratitude, not

All humans were so solitary in some ways, isolated from each other in their feelings they could not properly express

Before Scott could think of a good way to express his incredulity a figure in a white suit popped into existence

In order, therefore, to make out something like an argument, it was necessary that they should express themselves as they have done ; and this argument, even supposing things actually were as it seems to presume them to be, turns out to be a very inconclusive one

idea or thought of conception that is usually expressed as an action of some form of

that scratched the cosmic itch most effectively, and so He expressed thought in a set

He had always trusted to his friendship with Ava to keep his opinions expressed in his own universe private

A little later, as we were chatting on, I complained about the awful noise made by cars at the outdoor garage below my window every night; he expressed his understanding and then he asked smiling: “Outdoor garage? What’s does »outdoor» mean?”

Rose has expressed a wish to watch the film which is on TV this afternoon – The Sound of Music — and as it would never cross her menfolk’s minds to suggest otherwise and also as the weather has degenerated into an unpleasant blustery rain, we decide it would be rather nice to curl up in the warm and do just that

Leaning up on my elbow I looked down at Menachem’s swollen face and saw in those bruises a love that can never be adequately expressed in words

There is something being expressed within the very nature of God

For example, most such tales share an idea or thought of conception that is usually expressed as an action of some form of anthropomorphic being

Smith preferred those thought-shapes that pleased, that scratched the cosmic itch most effectively, and so He expressed thought in a set of patterned, reactive ways

Literal interpretation might be what is expressed

That wisdom needs to be expressed in such a way that when Christ returns and casts him in the pit, everyone knows

And what is the devil’s power? We’ve expressed it over and over again

Could it be that God did not care so much about the ponds and chicken coops they built to help the village as He cared about a fulfillment of wisdom displayed through a willing Church that there is something more important than this life? What was expressed to that community was that these men were not simply there to help with the economy

He expressed this story and explained that he has come to realize that what he is living is a lie

I believe that this fullness being expressed is a number to sit and rule and reign with Christ during the first resurrection (Millennial Kingdom)

I only know what I have expressed

with the sentiments expressed here,

Jake’s expressed a wish to invade the cottage tomorrow afternoon – will that be okay with both of you?’

She expressed to me that

which she expressed, but many that she internalized

Koruki patted Ava’s hand and expressed sympathy

When this work is expressed in a new book the 16

This is more easily expressed than

Miss Danvers expressed the wish that they should be offered to her biographer, if I deemed it appropriate

Harry expressed his admiration to Mr

Tom was genuinely heartened by this invitation and expressed his

expressed to Tom, Fred apparently felt comfortable in asking Ged to

Yet she also felt the earnest appeal to her sense of integrity which he expressed so clearly

Allcock expressed his pride of manufacture and command of his chosen markets

With the table clear Jim rose and walks into the living room and right to the mantle where he rested his arm and expressed his disbelief

A white bird came to the tree every time, and whenever she expressed a wish, the bird would throw down to her what she had wished for

expressed the opinion that the place was cursed, and

Its nominal value, the quantity of gold and silver by which this annual produce could be expressed or represented, would, no doubt, be very different ; but its real value, the real quantity of labour which it could purchase or command, would be precisely the same

I, for my part, stick to the concept of a continuum as I already expressed in a previous chapter

I could never make mine the opinions expressed by many philosophers that human life is an absurdity void of any real intended meaning

The notion hides two possibilities that, to my knowledge, have never been expressed before: 1) If our future has been changed by entities from the future, all we see is the new future

What I just so awkwardly expressed above is the basis of morality

Necessity and reverence expressed through

You have expressed concern about the

The quantity of stock, therefore, or, as it is commonly expressed, of money, which can be lent at interest in any country, is not regulated by the value of the money, whether paper or coin, which serves as the instrument of the different loans made in that country, but by the value of that part of the annual produce, which, as soon as it comes either from the ground, or from the hands of the productive labourers, is destined, not only for replacing a capital, but such a capital as the owner does not care to be at the trouble of employing himself

It might continue to be expressed by the same quantity of money, but it would command a greater quantity of labour

wife had a little bit of business to tend to, she expressed

An aspect of yourself is fighting to be expressed or let out

To free slaves in your dream implies that you are liberating an aspect of yourself that you have been suppressing or that you have previously not expressed

To dream that you have sores on your body suggest that you are keeping in some negative emotions and attitudes that need to be released and expressed

The sympathy he’d expressed about her treatment on the Thallia appeared to be quite limited

The nominal value of their goods, and of the annual produce of their land and labour, would fall, and would be expressed or represented by a smaller quantity of silver than before; but their real value would be the same as before, and would be sufficient to maintain, command, and employ the same quantity of labour

Love expressed from the purity of this well that is trained is eternal

you when felt and expressed

Their real wealth, their real revenue, therefore, would be the same as at present, though it might be expressed by a smaller quantity of silver, and they would neither be disabled nor discouraged from cultivating corn as much as they do at present

The archery master in Zen in the Art of Archery expressed nonattachment in the following way when he said to his student:

Mahatma Gandhi expressed the essence of the message of the Bhagavad Gita as selfless work and sacrifice

More than a hundred years after the death of that great man, the Jesuit Gumila was still convinced of the reality of that wonderful country, and expressed, with great warmth, and, I dare say, with great sincerity, how happy he should be to carry the light of the gospel to a people who could so well reward the pious labours of their missionary

) is expressed by following

He expressed his fears, saying, “The King’s castle is a week away even on the fastest horse

Artificers, manufacturers, and merchants, can augment the revenue and wealth of their society by parsimony only ; or, as it is expressed in this system, by privation, that is, by depriving themselves of a part of the funds destined for their own subsistence

But if they had expressed themselves more accurately, and only asserted, that the revenue of this class was equal to the value of what they produced, it might readily have occurred to the reader, that what would naturally be saved out of this revenue, must necessarily increase more or less the real wealth of the society

‘Doctor Rengil expressed to me his concern about the nature of your injuries

Many people over the years had expressed feelings of being trapped in their lives, but rarely in such stark terms and with such commonality

My hypothesis is this: Knowing that the Evolution Theory does not correspond to the evidence that is found, and that Darwin and others realised that his Theory was flawed and even expressed the reasons for their doubts, we need to investigate the alternative

The sum of these Numeric Values is 7,931 and can also be expressed as (721×11), while the sum of the factors of 7, 11, and 103 is 121 (11×11)

As the tax is made payable in money, so the valuation of the land is expressed in money

A theory, where the scientists themselves expressed doubt in the validity of their own theory about the origin of life and the complexities they encountered and where we now have ample evidence mounting against the validity of the theory

023 (this is different from the “baryon density” Omega-b expressed as a fraction of the total matter/energy density, which as noted above is about 0

Pamela thanked him, but expressed the need to consider

Shelagh, too, was more robust but she expressed a healthy youthfulness that many a younger woman would have envied

Grant expressed how disappointed he was that Rex

The Romans, at the end of the first Punic war, reduced the As, the coin or denomination by which they computed the value of all their other coins, from containing twelve ounces of copper, to contain only two ounces; that is, they raised two ounces of copper to a denomination which had always before expressed the value of twelve ounces

As they are substantially the same as those expressed in your letter of

I do not feel that the same can be said for his monumental 1936 work, „General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money,» even though the ideas he expressed therein profoundly affected, for many a year, the practice of macroeconomics

What is wrong with this man? Even a House member from his own party expressed his frustration with Leahy this time around

Item: In many instances, teachers have expressed the view that children

It matters not whether the „money» is expressed in cowrie shells or American dollars (Or does it?) One can»t help expressing concern over the now defunct Gold Standard

After all, if she’d expressed in some way she merely wanted him to be himself it would not have made much sense

A document that should stand for the ages, and has been the inspiration for many countries; it will hast however, only so long as the people of America agree to abide by its precepts, including the undeniable fact, so eloquently expressed by John Adams, that a Constitution without the integrity, religious, and moral support of the American People, is nothing more than a destroyable piece of parchment

He had already expressed his vision during his Second Inaugural

The only quibble I have with Socrates, as expressed by Plato, is that Socrates said, in a great expression of self-effacement, that he only knew that he knew nothing

If he so wanted, Hylensia could have expressed an obvious disfavour without the utterance of a single word

Mechanization existed as the next looming threat, expressed as the worst possible fear for some

But he said, when Jimmy expressed an interest, ‘the physical nature of all matter is determined by its underlying structure, a component of which vibrates at a particular frequency

But one of them spoke, and Gerrid remembered there was such a thing as words, that they expressed a language for communication

An older man was behind the counter, and when we expressed our relief that he

No hint of pink brightened the sky over the distant mountains, so she could not see his face, but then it rarely expressed much anyway

He was a lot taller than I was and skinny, his hands and feet reminded me of flippers, especially when he expressed himself dramatically with his hands

‖ In what manner, for example, can we be certain of mutual love? Are demonstrable expressions of love sufficient proofs in themselves? Are outward appearances genuine or do such expressions proceed from affected emotions or selfish motive(s)? Does an act of love anticipate a reciprocity of tender feelings or is (that) love for an individual, apart from ―loving‖ that individual, expressed less for its own sake rather than the sake of the beloved? At what juncture does Reason, justified by Faith, provide us with some measure of certainty that we may rely upon without imposing limits or placing conditions on that love?

Hillenbrand expressed his allergy to vice, the tables began to turn

The guilt of not being there with me was so evident, expressed by every word he uttered

Although expressed in a unique way, this is normal

Grace does not invalidate Free Will that, however expressed in accordance with God‘s (purposeful) designs, allows every individual to charter his or her own chosen course; that is to say, to decide whether to (freely) accept or reject what God expects from each of us or has to offer us if we willingly accept it with an open heart

But there was little sorrow expressed by those in attendance and none by his widow, Sarah

An acquaintance of mine recently expressed some concern over the (potential) appointment of a practicing Baptist likely to influence the ideological composition of the Court, thereby overturning hard-fought legal battles like the (omnipresent) Roe v

Before they left the car, I thanked them profusely and they expressed their happiness for being able to help me

Stan listened with curiosity to this outsider’s view, and then told William that his somewhat odd comments were similar to those expressed by one of Stan’s customers

Greenberg‘s column (―Poll-itically Incorrect‖) criticizing the unsportsmanlike manner of some college football coaches who perennially run up scores against weaker opponents in order to impress pollsters, (and thereby secure higher national rankings), inconsistent with previous viewpoints expressed in earlier columns addressing the same issue

Immature grievances commonly expressed nowadays by students toiling over ―useless‖ Algebra and ―dated‖ languages like Latin and Greek considered unnecessary or incompatible with a student‘s career objective(s) misses the point entirely; that is to say, their functional

pain she expressed in earlier months was not to encourage us that

In his electronic dialog with me, Héctor expressed his thinking as well as his feelings with respect to the growing threat of war that caused fear throughout the world

Those in the left progressive community hoped for a Franklin Roosevelt, and quickly expressed their disappointment he was closer to Clinton, a moderate compromiser who looked good only compared to the president before

Whatever opinions they may have expressed to our skipper we never knew

Each sheath or vehicle through which the soul expresses itself (on physical, emotional and mental levels) carries latent within itself certain inherent potencies, but the soul, which is the source of them all, has them in their purest and most sublimated form

It all comes down to one question: how did you treat the least of these my brethren? I quote this from Matthew 25 where Jesus expresses how He will judge the nations

This man Philemon was called a brother and Paul expresses the reasons that he knows this man to be true to the faith

that the writer expresses in any one

expresses affection and even love

that there is none) which expresses the idea we now annex to the word apprentice, a servant

Here is how Lao Tzu expresses the essence of not-doing:

Here is the way Gandhi expresses the idea of the renunciation of the fruits of action:

Dukkha expresses in three primary ways

In this manner, the love an individual expresses for another individual is conditioned by self-interest and that the underlying motives behind every kindly and selfless act conceals an (inner) need or emotional requirement that an individual seeks to fulfill

“The soul expresses itself in images

This lesson, unfortunately, oftentimes expresses itself too late in life to the chagrin of ―ambitious‖ women who willfully placed their professional careers ahead of raising a family

Addendum to the above: It is certain, however, that the product of one‘s (own) imagination (or its descriptive designs) retains its own internal or conscious impressions that unite Thinker and Thought in a manner that reveals or expresses the inner ‖being‖ of the Thinker

” This translation scarcely expresses the meaning which Thayer has freely rendered, “not for the purpose of passing judgment on opinions”

expresses his regret that he cannot write poetry and

Called “Dranker” (her pronunciation of “Drunkard”?), it expresses the desperation of a man whose wife’s unfaithfulness drives him to drink and to madness

Creating a work of art that expresses your feelings about the situation

Something that’s simple, but still expresses your personality

expresses her desire in a forthright manner

he expresses her sexuality with confidence, but more importantly, she is

Our inner development will then expresses itself in our outer life as well

” Hart’s core values of family, faith, and decency are a sort of earthly trinity that expresses what “we can’t not know

Q: Would you say that reality expresses itself in action rather

M: How can it be? It is like saying that truth expresses itself in

Boogie is a small young man who aggressively expresses himself to the other cellmates

In conclusion, Watrin expresses his doubts that “policies based on socialist ideology will prove helpful in meeting the challenges with which we are confronted

In respect of any member State which subsequently expresses its consent to be

After all those years of trying to understand and know him, Ethan Canin comes close to describing my own realization of this through the words the father expresses to the son in his story “The Year of Getting to Know Us”: “[Y]ou don’t have to get to know me

“We have a book called the Bible, which many people believe expresses His wishes

Each actor expresses only one facet of the diamond, and it is up to the

Another positive law that it expresses is the law of the

But it also expresses a revolt of the body against the psyche: “I am not

Luca’s reaction expresses the refusal to keep accepting this maternal

Pierre intervenes and expresses his difficulty in interacting with women

I affirm that when the body expresses its needs, which include having a

expresses humanity’s wisdom; a solution that can allow us to experience the

expresses a deep need; but when he or she demand to be able to affirm this

Every potential expresses the possibility that

with the gods, who no longer exist, but rather he expresses it through us and

to leadbeater, a man is using his astral body whenever he expresses an

Then these groups, and the individuals, produce media that expresses positions and opinions

And to „want» expresses a state of non possession

It’s so that God can have a damn fine time don’t you know! According to Neale, God views himself, enjoys herself, expresses and extrudes

Nevertheless, that was not a friendly smile, like those that furrowed in the face of the one who expresses it invite with joy to the intimacy of a secret, but of that other, which by its irony load is ballasted by the steams of the suspicion

Leonardo treated me with courtesy, but there is nothing in his behavior that expresses that he is romantically interested in me

This one expresses five time gates, all portals to specific realms within the nine domains of space known, hitherto, as ‘Home’ to Thee

Feather: Feathers deal with higher thought and expresses intuitive wisdom

at this level, the word storm only partially expresses the reality; we should in some ways come nearer to the effect produced if we thought of it as a sore

teaching and training of pupils expresses especially His method

Volver a plus aninfinitive expresses repetition of the act of that infinitive

In the sign of Libra the universal mind – the soul – expresses its genius for relationships, that is, its power to harmonize diverse elements in a unified, organic way

The oedipal male expresses his sense of entitlement

lt expresses succinctly just how different the meanings of masculine and feminine sexuality are

The man expresses gratitude for his assistance on the previous day

you that’s how your inner mind expresses itself? You shouldn’t look at the face

When Sharon can’t put something into words, she intensely expresses it with a cry or sound

Lewis stares at the nurse as the doctor approaches, annoyed with the pain and mistakes and for her almost putting a hole in the wrong side of his chest he expresses his feelings;

It is important to understand that the energy that we speak of simply expresses the nature of the energy

The coach focuses on what the client expresses, both

Expresses sincere interest in the coachee’s life stories

For example, suppose a mother and father are tied up to a post while their daughter, who hates herself, expresses her self-hatred by running a razor blade up and down her arms

In The Naked Truth, Desmond Morris strongly expresses,

The body is as a mount for the spirit by which it achieves its desires and expresses its feelings

Feeling it expresses, as what you don’t express, naturally suppresses itself

∆ Net Income / % ∆ Operating Income (EBIT) because it best expresses the conceptual

Moreover, there is no factor in the model that expresses the relationship between interest

neither would the boy be jealous if the girl expresses his love to

expresses his love freely to his fellow men

expresses free love without knowing the boundaries of love will end up

It is the fool that expresses beginner’s mind

expresses who we are in the world

expresses an entirely abstract thing that exists only in some ideal

ways that human consciousness expresses itself in the form of

in which everyone expresses his or her acorn is a world that works

Once the fool expresses a willingness to work with the unconscious

expresses our individuality within the field of that which is human

It reaches toward the sky because that is how it expresses its oakness

perhaps it’s not complex at all, but expresses an order that we can’t

“Yes, the idea expresses beauty in its simplicity

He expresses a look of

This duality expresses the condition of being Vulcan, who, contrary to popular belief, do have

When the way we live expresses our inner

Inspiration is the language of the universal intelligence or consciousness and it expresses itself through our feelings which are translated into our inspired thoughts

“To the human nurse, this Warrior Medic expresses his regrets about the turn of events

“Kandras expresses his thanks for the offer, but he thinks we ought to get to

Power, is how He expresses the love; but that’s not the only way love is expressed; and so now Jesus does something that stuns them

It expresses the central mystery about the special relationship between God and the human race

symbols that expresses our feelings about something

I speak for all the hunters when I ask White Eyes to help us show our happiness by making a story about Runs Like Cheetah that expresses our happiness

Power is how He expresses the love, but that’s not the only way love is expressed, and so now Jesus does something that stuns them; He exposes the pride and the carnal way of thinking they had about positions and titles and so on

expresses genuine pain over the religious ban

Noah’s Ark length was 300 cubits, which expresses the figure three powered by one hundred

This expresses, in some sense, diffusion of spiritual sunlight into the heart of the world

Chinese emperors are worshipped today as Gods in line with Buddha which expresses the idea “God is a political fear” in actions and accountabilities maximizing the economy of blood in return

The dragon shape expresses all his events that happened in terms of deformity

His look shows how god who expresses complete and perfect human creation declines in a state of imperfection and faults to give such equality

A conscious person is more interested in truth, how he/she expresses that truth and how this truth affects others

Pride expresses its words in the following: «If you cannot inspire a woman with love, fill her above the brim with love of herself

Gluttony expresses the ideas of eating too much and having an enormous appetite

expressing their love in such a mannered they do not know the

expressing the importance of forgiveness in Luke 23:34 — “Then said Jesus, Father,

My God, my God, why have you forsaken me? Isn’t Jesus really expressing the heart of David here? Isn’t this a reference back to Psalm 22? For Jesus to make that cry was for Him to blow the whistle on all of those that surrounded and mocked

and a heart is poured into it then it is very much a way of expressing oneself

Ful communication, with the expressing of all thoughts and feelings, is

’ Mickey muttered, his voice expressing both his physical tiredness and his weariness with the whole project

Everything about the place was a surprise and she didn’t know any other way of expressing herself

was merely to pay you the courtesy of expressing our

were a few claps and before long the entire varsity joined in, expressing their

It keeps expressing in its own way that this mystic experience, that can prove to be so difficult at the human level, is rich of promises on the spiritual one

You may be expressing your creativity

You may be holding in your anger and frustrations, instead of expressing it

To see a sea turtle in your dream indicates that you are cautious when it comes to expressing your emotions

You are expressing concern over your finances

You are expressing some fear or uncertainly within your emotional state

To see a shower curtain in your dream indicates that you are not fully expressing your emotions

You have trouble expressing yourself and over-think things

The dream reflects how you are receiving, integrating, and expressing your ideas and thoughts

To dream that the toilet seat is down indicates that you are guarded when it comes to expressing your emotions

Alternatively, the dream suggests that you are not expressing your feelings enough

To dream that you are in a water park indicates that you are expressing an emotional high point

Form a greater awareness of life expressing itself in diversity on the Earth, and become aware of your connection with the planets in the Solar system

There was another way he was expressing himself, however, and far better,

This is usually an informal note expressing best wishes and may contain contact information

expressing your gratitude for the things that you are in

Torbin thought of protesting this time, expressing his disgust that he, someone so important to their connection with humanity, should be treated in this degrading way

I took her on a journey through her own life, expressing how Mama had many times dropped everything and rushed to her rescue

Cats are agile in their loyalty, recognizing and expressing love in its myriad shapes and unconventional forms

It matters not whether the „money» is expressed in cowrie shells or American dollars (Or does it?) One can»t help expressing concern over the now defunct Gold Standard

That is, the intelligence contained in his shouted imprecations were inversely related to his vehemence in expressing them

No wonder he was having so much trouble expressing himself

Inasmuch as Satan is incapable of expressing love, neither is he capable of (properly) expressing its antithesis commonly understood as ―hate‖ or any (real) emotion for that matter, unless Pride is considered an emotion which I don‘t believe it is

Our immediate question to you is whether or not this teacher is correctly expressing a belief in keeping with Church teachings or is she merely expressing her own private opinions in a manner that has become increasingly troubling to parents with young children in school? Many of our teachers, it seems, are oftentimes inclined to take liberty with their students in a manner exceeding the scope or limits of their profession

For this reason, conventional wisdom is oftentimes likely to avoid controversial subjects considered incompatible with the customary and accepted practices of an increasingly sensitive, overly cautious society; preferring to play it safe, instead, by providing pat answers or formulaic responses to difficult questions rather than expressing a ―truthful‖ opinion

Political Correctness has accelerated this admonitory process by its simplistic characterization of individuals or groups; by not only disregarding the complexity of singular viewpoints but by challenging the moral and intellectual foundation of the individuals expressing them

would find expressing a coherent thought particularly challenging? Although each of us has the potential to exceed the somewhat (flexible) limits imposed by natural designs, no substitute exists for natural intelligence

or upset; they’re expressing themselves as best they can,

We’re all well and truly screwed,” Lee said, expressing what they were all thinking

His voice rose in pitch suggestively, expressing his grave doubt as to the honesty of the awaited reply

Finally, as I finished expressing my suspicions about the Bullock pair and why I wanted to look at them closer, he broke into a grin

Ferguson had no plans to promote him, and Tracy reciprocated by frequently expressing his desire to see the expiration of his term of service and discharge

The Poles all began expressing their alarm and dismay simultaneously, until Colling waved his hands and asked them to listen to him

Given that its ramifications had not been fully considered at the time, some commissioners are now expressing regret at having voted for it

“Yes sir,” I said, my voice expressing a bit of the discomfort of the situation

How deep was this thing’s scheme that it extended to master Olom? Why did he ask him such irrelevant questions at this hour? Was he belatedly or mockingly trying to befriend him? He chose silence over expressing his ire frivolously

On the fourth day, after Elizabeth seemed out of danger, Colling, realizing he had been remiss in not doing so earlier, asked Hermann about the Countess, expressing his concern with what the Russians might do to her when they became aware that she had been substituted for Elizabeth

We recognize the Mouth as the Organ of Communication and consider the relationship that we have with speaking our minds, expressing our feelings

Even then, I couldn‘t help the feeling sorry for him over the sentiments he was expressing for his family

The other way of expressing possession is with possessive pronouns mi (my), su (polite your, his, her & its), tu (familiar your), nuestro & nuestra (our, m & f), and su (plural your & their)

In other words, he has mastered reading the words and the emotion, but still has problems thinking out a problem and expressing clearly his conclusions

He was a notably soft-spoken man and was careful about expressing opinions

Truly: gratefully taking it’s light, either it is a morning slide across the smooth surface of heaven curtains, or proud and unhurried, his barely perceptible steps beyond the horizon on a sky emaciated by clouds, a man, expressing the desire and will to let that light in, can turn itself into this light for a while, and shine itself in mornings and evenings, to be itself in a mood of joy and immediate smile

I wrote a note to Theodore expressing my sorrow over the death of his father and explaining my “orders

unlimited choice of expressing your sexuality

Culture will affect the individual style of expressing emotions, the poet can express emotion in the form of poetry, religion will be in the form of religious emotion, the artist can express emotion in the form of art

Most people are of the style of expressing emotions and their relevant professional culture, there are also less number of people at the time of emotion is not affected by the

All human beings are born with the same capacity for feeling and expressing emotions, but the influence

In the West, some people believe that you get rid of your anger by expressing it, that you finish it by letting it out

When they came to the 5-year-old in the family, he began by looking at the turkey and expressing his thanks to the turkey, saying although he had not tasted it he knew it would be good

“Yes, what is poetry but our pathetic attempts to rival nature’s beautiful flowers, streams, mountains, birds, and animals by expressing our thoughts and feelings in words

I was a bit amazed at this coming from my deep-in-intrigue brother, but on reflection I don’t ever recall him expressing hate for anybody

This book would be incomplete without expressing my heartfelt

or hope for relief, The Lord took unilateral action in expressing His love, and He did this at just the

Fifty ways of expressing pain

Last, online editor of The Weekly Standard, sees Hibbs’ book as expressing a realization that rampant nihilism induces the “flattening of man,” a

After all, the Self is expressing itself in action — and a

Why? Well, they have the audacity to disagree with policies of the Prophet we have been waiting for, and are expressing their constitutional right to say so

expressing movement in the Immovable, change in the change-

Be silent and watch it expressing

unconditional way of expressing joy and affection — i

Poetry and lyrics are an improved method of expressing truth, as compared to

happy, but it is far from expressing the whole truth

expressing the highest Vedantic truths, are known as Mahavakyas

It would be most appropriate to conclude here this chapter, as indeed the whole work, with a sonnet on the present book expressing the author’s wishes for the readers

and expressing regret about the damage it inflicted on his marriage

meaningless—to say that the instantaneous velocity is a determinate number without expressing

Expressing his feelings with a string of short and none too polite words that owed more to their Anglo-Saxon heritage than to anything imported from later linguistic influences, he saved his work and dragged tired and unwilling feet across the room

place, use you in various unspeakable ways, then dispose of you in such a horrible fashion that even the rag newspapers would have had difficulty in expressing their outrage

expressing their own hurt and anger at what happened to me has

don’t remember her ever expressing that she wanted to kill me, and

with little phrases expressing how much she hated him,

He shares with us an inside view of management and the criteria he used to build his group of eighteen television and radio stations,” Ward said, expressing his appreciation to Mr

Some sources say the words were written on the wall in Mother Teresa’s own room, but in any case, their association with Mother Teresa and the Missionaries of Charity has made them popular worldwide, expressing asthey do the spirit in which they lived their lives

“You can show your appreciation by expressing His love to others

He was never good with expressing his feelings and she knew that

created out there; and those things were usually expressing the

Sarah looked at him expressing her hurt

She then suggested that he had deliberately engineered her ungainly introduction to donning armour by selecting an overly small vest, she cocked her head to one side and gave him a sideways glance expressing her suspicions in a single look

mean? Expressing the desire to close the group is a good proposal for the life

here”, she is expressing the same idea of presence

Both hemispheres of the brain are capable of some kind of awareness, but their methods of experiencing and expressing it are very different

girls or boys, it is expressing also its wisdom

Each brain ‘stores’ in its memory the type of material that it is best at recognising, processing, and expressing

He kept his message short, expressing concern over their recent loss of communications—a situation Summers assured him was under control—and gave them new orders

You should not give your child excuses for expressing anger or violence, but you need to help your child deal with the feelings in a non-destructive way

The chief characteristic of this ring is devotion expressing itself in active

They fear you will think they are showing off, or expressing

«You have a unique way of expressing yourself

Every one expressing her loving concern for me and how sad she was that I had chosen to surround myself with such a bad crowd


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  • Use the word Express in a sentences

Sentence Examples

A living will. A document that clarifies your wishes should you be unable to express them yourself.

Your voice is so clean and so clear. When you’re trying to express

Because I do the right thing, that energy is using me as a medium to express many things through music.

At the feet of his master Beethoven, a musician distraught by the treason of women, tries to forget and express his sadness.

We are taking the next express train!

But emotion made him clumsy and he couldn’t express the feelings bursting in his heart.

With this ring, you must only… express a wish and it will come true!»

«Thoughts will come up that you may not wish to express Tell them to me anyway.»

I came to express my regrets to you.

Bordenave, with Rose Mignon, the star of his theater, and the whole company, goes to Nana to express the most emphatic condolences that he can.

He asked me to express his feelings, which I share, on this sad event

it is my express order to allow the workers to do as they please…

The Colonel forbids entry to the barracks to all women, without express authorization.

And the Cannonball express… is leaving for hell twice a day.

Between Bruges and the sea Jonathan went 4 times by express train, one time by boat and 3 times by bus.

How can I ever express my gratitude?

I can scarcely find the words to express my gratitude… in having being selected as master of ceremony for this delightful performance.

But I’m very grateful to you for… for allowing me to express what’s on my mind.

«Ostend express — transportation society».

express delivery for Ostend.

Air express delivery Paris

express delivery to Ostend.

The knights wanted to express their gratitude to the Emperor.

You know, Sister, every time I express myself, this big dummy tries to step on me.

May I take this opportunity to express my heartfelt sympathies?

As the eldest member of the family, on behalf of all our cousins, aunts and relatives, and even of our dead, I have traveled through the night to express our joy. It’s a boy.

By now the express will have left.

Has the Shanghai express gone?

The prisoner who was removed from the Shanghai express was my right hand — an important officer in my army.

The Shanghai express has been held up.

See you at the Berlin express.

I came to express my sympathy…

He heard what you did about your breakfast and sent me a nice note saying he hoped I’d allow him to express his friendly feeling toward my children and send them a few trifles in honor of the day.

I can’t express it very well.

Words can’t express my gladness.

This is the voice of the New York express broadcasting.

You gave it to The express!

Did you call the express company?

It must have cost a lot able to express … all that femininity.

«Barton Brothers held up Cheyenne express last week.

When are you gonna give up riding herd… on express car bandits and get somethin’ for yourself?

I don’t express it concretely, that’s me.

We must catch the 8 o’clock express at Vauxhall.

Orient express, Budapest, Visegrad. «

I’m afraid it is impossible to get a train out of Visegrad until the express goes through at 11:00 tonight.

I can have one sent up by express.

Definition of Express

communicate; articulate

Examples of Express in a sentence

Meteorologists began to express their concern about a storm moving into the area.


What the shy girl could not express in person, she conveyed in the poems she penned.


Out of the two twins, the girl was able to express her feelings much better than the boy.


The husband sent his wife flowers as a way to express his appreciation for all that she does for the family.


Several critics went on to express their disappointment with the film through negative reviews.


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