Use the word explained in a sentence

  • Use the word EXPLAINED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Look, as I have explained — repeatedly — we can’t risk involving the authorities!

The witch’s insanity can be explained as a nervous exhaustion that I will try to exemplify here.

At the same time, professor Bulwar explained to his pupils the cruelty of carnivorous plants.

In the present version the gaps in the plot will be explained in black text on a white background.

I explained to you that I am innocent of all this.

He explained he was in financial difficulties and asked if I’d take his IOU, which I did.

«‘lf’, he explained, ‘I am able to have my name on the book, the governor can afford, with business bad, to have his name on the play.»‘

What happens to the maid is never explained.

I’ve explained to the driver that it’s a matter of business with me.

You left me flat, explained nothing.

Sorry, but I explained earlier how I have a weak stomach.

You haven’t explained anything yet, sir.

Your father never explained.

As Renoir explained in 1961, the film came about from his admiration for Simenon:

I do not know if your servant has explained our situation.

Couldn’t you have explained it to them a little more gently?

I’ve explained everything, sir.

I explained to Mitzi «trot», that’s we’re more comfortable at home and she understood.

Pop explained it to you? — Mm-hm.

Oh, I should have explained.

This gentleman has explained the situation.

He did not defend himself and never explained why he did it.

But can’t you explain to her as you explained to me?

I’ve explained he’s away.

Professor Thurston has explained… that you have been good enough to interest yourself in the case.

Professor Thurston explained last night… that it had nothing to do with Arnold’s death.

He’s the only one at the time of the shooting whose movements are not explained.

I’ve explained that to Wolfinger several times, but he has stubbornly installed his own jumbled system of filing.

As I explained to Onami, I demand from you a lump sum of 300 ryo.

I’ve already explained that we’re really not interested in wholesale business.

Still have not explained urgency of visit here tonight, Mr. Childers.

Mr. Barton already explained.

I wrote and explained what happened but I never had an answer to any of my letters.

Connie wouldn’t want him if things had to be explained.

If they’d only explained to me what they want, there’d be no trouble.

Hasn’t your mother or anyone ever explained to you… that some things are proper and some things are not?

Oh, yes, I explained, but they explained right back to me by radiogram that my name was mud.

I explained what happened to the writ of habeas corpus you obtained for Sam.

But as soon as we arrived, he led me into his office, told me to sit down, took a seat himself, opened a file, and explained that once the shop was sold and the burials paid for,

He said, «Croupier,» and explained why.

With childlike naivet├® she explained that she was a thief, that she worked in fancy hotels and wanted me to join her.

I explained how he’d saved my life in 1914 by carrying me on his back, and that the idea of taking his money was more than odious to me.

Yes, he’s explained all that.

Mr. Isoyama, is the nylon what he explained?

Oh, no. I just explained things to him very simply.

You still haven’t explained about Savarin.

Mystery of young lady’s expensive luxuries now explained.

I should have thought of it myself but Margit explained to me that Irene was the only girl for me and I should love her.

She’s already explained herself.

Sentences ending with explained

  • Who he was, where he came from, why he had come to Cantabridge, was never clearly explained. [6]
  • Then the mystery was explained. [5]
  • Mr. C. Staniland Wake argues strongly (‘Anthropologia,’ March, 1874, p. 197) against the views held by these three writers on the former prevalence of almost promiscuous intercourse; and he thinks that the classificatory system of relationship can be otherwise explained. [1]
  • So this impossible thing, this miracle, was explained? [4]
  • He proceeded: «Now, then, I want this case explained. [5]
  • The absence of the pervading and jocund steamboatman from the billiard- saloon was explained. [5]
  • She hastened to the officer in charge of the hospital, and explained. [11]
  • I am aware that my views are singular, and perhaps not sufficiently explained. [7]
  • Then, perhaps the temporary expatriation, the tedious traversing of seas and continents, the pilgrimage to Bayreuth stands explained. [5]
  • There was a small portico, with marble pillars, and in the ample, swift sloping roof many dormers; servants’ rooms, Archie explained. [9]

Short sentences using explained

  • The mystery was explained. [5]
  • It was easily explained. [5]
  • This has never been explained. [6]
  • They haven’t yet been explained. [4]
  • He need not be explained. [9]
  • You’ve explained it. [9]
  • My friend explained. [5]
  • Finally he explained. [5]
  • Then Orlando explained. [11]
  • Dyck explained. [11]

Sentences containing explained two or more times

  • Everybody rose and peered over at the thing, while he explained the work of sinking a gas-well, as he had already explained it to Frescobaldi. [8]
  • He saw, he felt, the likeness to his father and himself; a thousand things were explained that could only be explained by this fatal fact launched at him without warning. [11]
  • And so I explained and explained and explained, and they took notes of all I said, but the more I explained the more they could not understand it, and when they desisted at last, I could not even understand it myself. [5]
  • All this should be explained in the churches and the Sunday schools,—is, in fact, being explained in some, and also in books for popular reading by clergymen of my own Church, both here and in England. [9]

More example sentences with the word explained in them

  • I only ask you to remember, Honora, that you have not explained these reasons very clearly in your letters to your aunt and uncle. [9]
  • He will tell you that many facts are explained by studying them in the wider range of related facts to which they belong. [3]
  • He explained in writing, and was very explicit: ‘I declare upon my word of honour that I did not say the words attributed to me. [5]
  • Clearly, plainly, fully, with more thorough knowledge of many details than even the superintendent of the water works, she explained her design to the assembled professionals. [10]
  • The adversary explained with enthusiasm, and the other raven dropped everything and came. [5]
  • He explained his wish to be present at the battle and to see the position. [2]
  • Fusel oil, labelled whiskey,» she explained, succinctly. [9]
  • This shameful letter, which promised Barine clemency in return for her favour without unmasking him in his character of judge, explained to Charmian the agitation in which she found her friend’s daughter. [10]
  • In the interview which Father Damon sought with Dr. Leigh at the Women’s Hospital all this was explained, and ways and means were discussed for help elsewhere. [4]
  • With an acuteness which aroused the admiration of the young corsair, who was trained to similar plots, she explained hers. [10]
  • Justinus meanwhile explained what had brought them to Egypt, and begged Orion’s assistance. [10]
  • He explained to Wetmore: «They have me because they partly own me. [8]
  • If the flats were advertised as having «all light rooms,» he explained that any room with a window giving into the open air of a court or shaft was counted a light room. [8]
  • She explained as well as she could the social destitution of these opulent people, and she had of course to name Beaton as the source of her knowledge concerning them. [8]
  • I explained how we had met him at Brooks’s, and had gone to his house. [9]
  • But the matter was soon explained, and the right confirmed. [5]
  • Mr. Stephen Merrill was in the Throne Room that evening, and confidentially explained to the bewildered William Wetherell the exact situation in the Truro Franchise fight. [9]
  • But the mystery was explained when we got under way again; for these people were evidently bound for a large town which lay shut in behind a tow-head (i.e., new island) a couple of miles below this landing. [5]
  • And this name was explained by the circumstance that whoever would approach the king must do so by the way of «Hengstenberg. [10]
  • Toll explained to Volkonski in Russian. [2]
  • It was all very strange; though the meeting was quite to be expected, as Mrs. Falchion herself explained that day. [11]
  • In the opening verses of this Gospel the Incarnation is explained, not by a virgin birth, but in a manner acceptable to the educated and spiritually-minded, in terms of the philosophy of the day. [9]
  • Insall himself had used the phrase, and explained it to Janet. [9]
  • Aunt Patsy stood up and took the oath, and Mr. Allen explained the point in issue, and asked her to go on now, in her own way, and throw as much light upon it as she could. [5]
  • It was not until very recently that it could be explained to her, without putting her in terror hourly, why she must always be watched and guarded. [4]
  • It was an unpleasant affair; and I do not care to repeat the particulars; but some young men had been using sacred things in a profane and unlawful way, when the occurrence, which was variously explained, took place. [6]
  • This, however, seems unlikely, because any statements elicited by fear or force could not be evidence in law or could be so explained as to have no force. [5]
  • The woman seemed uneasy until I explained that we were travelers and had lost our way and been wandering in the woods all night. [5]
  • To him I told my plans so far as I thought he should know them, and then I explained what I wished him to do. [11]
  • The landlady had told her story, which explained nothing. [6]
  • One of them, to whom she had partially explained the situation, ended by asking her, «Are you going to contest the will? [4]
  • His heart began to throb; the artist’s love of his art had awaked within him; he had collected his wits, and explained to the matron that to paint in the darkness was impossible. [10]
  • Miss Mela explained to the Marches: «Mother was raised among the Dunkards, and she thinks it’s wicked to wear anything but a gray silk even for dress-up. [8]
  • She advised Orion to put off his journey and to devote himself to his friends; but he explained that even their arrival must not delay him. [10]
  • I explained myself to only one critic (the World)—the consequence was a noble notice of the play. [5]
  • He explained this to me himself. [5]
  • Reducing my English to his comprehension as I measured it—he bowed when I asked him if he understood—I explained to him many things necessary for the good of his country. [11]
  • I have explained to him that you were innocent. [9]
  • He explained this to her with as much gravity as if she had asked him to do it. [2]
  • All was explained to her now. [6]
  • This she explained to her host early in the day and he was ready to set out at once and restore her to the care of Karnis. [10]
  • It was explained to her by Massieu. [5]
  • He told this to Euthymia, and explained the matter to her parents and friends. [6]
  • The doctor explained to Edith that he had been getting fair wages in a type-foundry until he had become too weak to go any longer to the shop. [4]
  • Then he explained to Dion that, as a young, resolute, independent man, he might render himself doubly useful if it were necessary to guard the endangered liberty of the city, and told him how many beautiful things life still held in store. [10]
  • She therefore explained to Caracalla, in a low whisper directly he began to speak again, that her desire to give him relief would be vain if he did not keep his eyes and lips closed. [10]
  • Strange lights were to be seen about this rock, and though wise men guessed them mortal glimmerings, easily explained, they sufficed to give the headland immunity from invasion. [11]
  • And it remains to be explained why this is enjoyed most by those who are most highly civilized. [4]
  • I took it to a pawnshop, and [soaked] it for a revolver: The pawnbroker didn’t think much of the exchange, but when I explained the situation he acquiesced. [5]
  • It was some time before her husband responded to the call; and then he explained that if Honora didn’t object, he was going to a man’s dinner in a private room. [9]
  • People have called this kind of war «guerrilla warfare» and assume that by so calling it they have explained its meaning. [2]
  • Gabord explained that this chaplain had been in the citadel for some weeks; that he had often inquired about me; that he had been brought from the Ohio; and had known of me, having tended the lieutenant of my Virginian infantry in his last hours. [11]
  • Serapion explained that they were his pupils, whose office it was to support his incantations by efficient formulas. [10]
  • The choice lay, Theocritus explained, between two equally good men. [10]
  • Haschim explained to them that this particular fragment had been the share of the booty allotted to Ali, the Prophet’s son-in-law. [10]
  • Their character and their history, their customs and their religion, confront you with riddles at every turn-riddles which are a trifle more perplexing after they are explained than they were before. [5]
  • Saint Simeon Stylites the Younger explained the wonders of the moon to her,—Tycho and the grooves radiating from it, Kepler and Copernicus with their craters and ridges, and all the most brilliant shows of this wonderful little world. [6]
  • The mystery of the young Doctor’s long visits to the neighboring town was satisfactorily explained by what we saw and heard of his relations with our charming «Delilah,»—for Delilah we could hardly help calling her. [6]
  • He then asked the time, and when Philostratus, who had walked to the window, explained that the fifth hour after midnight was past, Caracalla bade him prepare a bath. [10]
  • The Expert explained the thing’s points briefly, then he got on its back and rode around a little, to show me how easy it was to do. [5]
  • I hastily explained the situation to my friend, and told him what we must do. [11]
  • I rang, and the servant came and explained that it was another rule. [5]
  • The ordinary reverence, the reverence defined and explained by the dictionary costs nothing. [5]
  • Kuni timidly asked the price of an indulgence, but the Dominican unctuously explained that they were not sold like penny rolls at the baker’s; the heavier the sin, the higher the fine to be paid. [10]
  • In this paper the mechanism of the series of nervous derangements to which I have been subject since the fatal shock experienced in my infancy is explained in language not hard to understand. [6]
  • The ex-emperor restored the lost trespass law, and explained that he had stolen it not to injure any one, but to further his political projects. [5]
  • The mount where the laws were given I believe was the majestic Serbal, not the Sinai of the monks; the reasons for which I explained fully in my work «Through Goshen to Sinai. [10]
  • I explained to the head chaleteer just how the thing happened, and that I was only searching for the road, and would certainly have given him timely notice if I had known he was up there. [5]
  • The pure enjoyed the gifts of paradise in peace and contentment.—All this was explained to me by a priest of the Fire-worshippers. [10]
  • He explained how the enterprise differed from others, and how he needed for its direction a man who combined general business experience and business ideas with a love for the thing and a natural aptness for it. [8]
  • The courtiers explained the Emperor’s neglect of him by His Majesty’s displeasure at Bolkonski’s not having served since 1805. [2]
  • He especially befriended the correspondents of the newspapers of other cities, for, as he explained to March, those fellows could give him any amount of advertising simply as literary gossip. [8]
  • The nature of the Church Militant was explained, and once more Joan was asked to submit herself to it. [5]
  • Our Order imitates the ancient societies that explained their teaching by hieroglyphics. [2]
  • He explained that the «Sundowner» was not a bird it was a man; sundowner was merely the Australian equivalent of our word, tramp. [5]
  • Then I explained that you had no mother, that we lived a retired life for each other, and that I could not bear the idea of sending my daughter alone, and without any protectress to the meeting. [10]
  • Mr. Dodd explained that they wished a little meeting of the committee. [9]
  • His host explained that these had belonged to the original farm of which all this Park Street property had made a part. [9]
  • He further explained that the usual rendezvous was a glare where all business affairs between detectives and criminals were conducted. [5]
  • He unhesitatingly explained that the emerald had disappeared, but that he was quite ready to make good its value. [10]
  • It may be that the action is that happily explained by one of the Hibernian bathmen in an American water-cure establishment. [4]
  • Kruger explained that that stone was removable; and that it was in the north wall of the foundation, fourth row from the top, and third stone from the west. [5]
  • It is explained that spirits will not answer frivolous questions. [5]
  • I know now that it comes in battle to all men, and with intensity to the hunted, and it explained to me more clearly what followed. [9]
  • The expert explained that his share was not reached. [5]
  • The steward explained that here was a gentleman who was insisting on having a chicken when it was dead against the rule and not in the bill. [5]
  • Pierre then explained that he had loved this woman from his earliest years, but that he had not dared to think of her because she was too young, and because he had been an illegitimate son without a name. [2]
  • The captain explained that he enforced this one because his own cabin adjoined the smoking-room, and the smell of tobacco smoke made him sick. [5]
  • Passengers explained the term to me. [5]
  • The farmer was telegraphing to the occupants of the carruca as well, and when he at last reached Marcus he briefly explained to him that the first thing to be done was to place Dada in safety. [10]
  • I got the subject up again, and then Tom explained, the best he could. [5]
  • If he is standing before Brunn…» And Prince Dolgorukov rapidly but indistinctly explained Weyrother’s plan of a flanking movement. [2]
  • After Monsieur de St. Gre had explained to me the horrors of the indigo pest and the futility of sugar raising, he turned to his daughter. [9]
  • With respect to sounds, Helmholtz has explained to a certain extent on physiological principles, why harmonies and certain cadences are agreeable. [1]
  • The guards showed some uneasiness, but Ameni explained who he was. [10]
  • This was to some extent explained, a few days later, when Wetherell found himself gazing across the counter at the motherly figure of Mrs. Moses Hatch, who held the well-deserved honor of being the best cook in Coniston. [9]
  • He explained in some detail, with statistics, the waste and inefficiency and dishonesty in various departments under the present system, dwelling particularly upon the deplorable state of affairs in the city hospital. [9]
  • But why castration should lead to the reappearance of an early condition of the horns cannot be explained with any certainty. [1]
  • Any such movement should have and deserves our earnest and unanimous co-operation, and such a petition for funds as has been explained by Mr. Hunter, with its just and powerful meaning, should have the utmost support of each and every one of us. [5]
  • No one has shewn so well, how admirably such structures are adapted for their final purpose; and this adaptation can, as I believe, be explained through natural selection. [1]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word explained in a sentence? How do you use explained in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word explained?
It contains example sentences with the word explained, a sentence example for explained, and explained in sample sentence.

Examples of how to use the word “explain” in a sentence. How to connect “explain” with other words to make correct English sentences.

explain (v): to make something clear or easy to understand by describing or giving information about it

Use “explain” in a sentence

She begins to explain her plan of action to the group.
Can you explain why you dislike him?
Can you explain your answer?
It’s impossible for me to explain it to you.
I explained the procedure to him.
He explained the process of building a boat.

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This article will see phrasal verbs starting with the word “Explain.”

The list of phrasal verbs that start with the word “Explain” is as follows.

  1. Explain away

Let us see the meaning of each phrasal verb with Explain and their usage in a sentence.

1. Explain away

Explain away meaning: give reasons why something is not your fault or why something is not important

Using Explain away in a sentence:

  • He tried to explain away his absence by saying he was sick.
  • She couldn’t explain away her mistake. She knew she was wrong.
  • They tried to explain away their lack of progress by blaming it on external factors.
  • He attempted to explain away the evidence that pointed toward his guilt.
  • She tried to explain away her lateness by saying there was heavy traffic.
  • The government tried to explain away the rise in poverty levels by pointing to the global economic situation.
  • The CEO had to explain away the company’s poor financial performance in a press conference.
  • He tried to explain away his inappropriate behavior by saying he was under stress.
  • She struggled to explain away the discrepancies in her story.
  • The company tried to explain away the environmental violations by claiming they were accidental.
  • The politician tried to explain away his corruption charges by blaming them on a political conspiracy.
  • He attempted to explain away his poor test results by saying he didn’t study enough.
  • She tried to explain her lack of motivation by saying she was burnt out.
  • They tried to explain away their underfunding by pointing to budget cuts.
  • He tried to explain away his involvement in the scandal by claiming he was following orders.
  • She struggled to explain away the negative customer reviews about her service.
  • The organization tried to explain away the data breach by saying it was a cyber attack.
  • The athlete tried to explain away his doping allegations by saying it was a mistake.
  • He attempted to explain away his mistake by blaming it on a miscommunication.
  • She tried to explain away her missed deadline by saying she was working on a more important project.
  • He tried to explain away his inconsistent statements by saying he was confused.
  • She couldn’t explain away the lack of progress on her project.
  • They attempted to explain away their unethical behavior by saying they were following company policy.
  • He tried to explain away his poor performance by saying he was dealing with personal issues.
  • She struggled to explain away the errors in her report.
  • The company tried to explain away the negative impact of their new product on the environment.
  • The politician tried to explain away his vote against the bill by saying it was in the best interest of his constituents.
  • He attempted to explain away his poor communication skills by saying he was an introvert.
  • She tried to explain away her rude behavior by saying she was having a bad day.
  • They tried to explain away the low attendance at their event by blaming it on bad weather.
  • He tried to explain away his untimely departure from the company by saying he wanted to pursue other opportunities.
  • She struggled to explain away the complaints about her customer service.
  • The organization tried to explain away the loss of valuable data by saying it was due to a technical glitch.
  • The athlete tried to explain away his injury by saying it was just a minor setback.

How to use the English verb "explain" | English Teacher Melanie

I frequently see English learners using the verb explain incorrectly.

Teacher, can you explain me . . .?

Let me explain you what I mean . . .

Explain means make something clear or easy to understand (MW), and that’s what I want to do in this lesson. I use colors and example sentences to help you understand exactly how to use the verb explain.

The verb explain is not followed by object pronoun. It can’t be followed by a pronoun like me, him, her, you or us that is the object of the verb, or the pronoun that receives the action of the verb. That’s why “Can you explain me …?” is wrong.

The verb explain has a very specific sentence pattern. Remember this when you want to use explain in a sentence.

You explain something TO someone.


You explain TO someone something.

I explained the problem to my friends.

Can you please explain the difference between borrow and lend?

The teacher explained the game to the children.

I understand now. She explained it to me very clearly.

If you are not explaining anything to anyone, then you can useexplain by itself.

Something could also be a clause with a wh- question word.

He tried to explain how to play cricket to me, but I still don’t understand.

Can you please explain what “a clause” is?

My mom explained to us how to use the washing machine.

I will try to explain when to use the present perfect.

Something could also be a clause with that.

They explained that they were getting a divorce.

I explained to everyone that I will check my email while I’m on vacation.

I explained to him he needed to work harder.

That can be left out of the sentence.

Now you know how to use the verb explain in an English sentence!

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