Use the word excited in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “excited” in a sentence. How to connect “excited” with other words to make correct English sentences.

excited (adj): feeling very happy and enthusiastic

Use “excited” in a sentence

Is anyone else excited about this?
I’m very excited at the prospect of seeing her again.
We’re very excited about the trip.

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Use the word excited in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use excited in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for excited.

  • So excited was Mr. (8)
  • And he excited her. (8)
  • He was very excited. (10)
  • Look how excited he is. (10)
  • He was extremely excited. (8)
  • He seemed violently excited. (8)
  • Her curiosity was greatly excited. (4)
  • She was excited, and breathed quickly. (10)
  • He is excited, as you may well believe. (10)
  • She smoothed her excited apron, sighing. (10)
  • Our curiosity was mightily excited at this. (2)
  • He talks the Scriptures when he is excited. (10)
  • He talks the Scriptures when he is excited. (22)
  • Everybody is irrational, unreasonable and excited. (21)
  • He is in a highly-coloured, not to say excited state. (8)
  • And the youth seemed to answer to it; he was excited. (10)
  • Her excited feelings nearly rose to a scream of laughter. (10)
  • She got up; he noticed that her eyes looked quite excited. (8)
  • The notice, which she excited herself, was to this effect. (4)
  • A knot of excited gazers drew the rest of the field to them. (10)
  • Captain Evremonde became ten times more voluble and excited. (10)
  • She was excited, and a little scornful of her own excitement. (8)
  • I was tremendously excited and my father kept pressing my hand. (10)
  • The whole party before them, indeed, excited a lively attention. (4)
  • It had excited in him a rage of which he was now heartily ashamed. (8)
  • She had dressed herself, and she moved about restless and excited. (9)
  • He waxed excited on a subject that drew him from his shamefacedness. (10)
  • Uppercross excited no interest, Kellynch very little: it was all Bath. (4)
  • The irritation excited by Captain Bulsted and Julia broke out in fury. (10)
  • The bitter and excited answer was that the question concerned Christian. (12)
  • There were some who cried out and were excited; others looked on calmly. (12)
  • Sensitive minds may be excited by a small stimulant to see such pictures. (10)
  • The sympathy and good-will excited towards Captain Benwick was very great. (4)
  • An uneasy and excited mustering and whispering dies away into renewed silence. (8)
  • She was excited, and showed a bosom compressed to explode: she had been weeping. (10)
  • Merthyr turned and tried in vain to get a hearing among the excited, voluble men. (10)
  • The monstrous injustice of the whole thing excited in him a perpetual suppressed fury. (8)
  • Yankee craftiness on salt water always excited his respectful attention as a spectator. (10)
  • Stevenson excited a good deal of odium among fiery Celts by his scoundrel Master of Lovat. (2)
  • She smiled to see how true she had struck, and seemed to swim on the pleasure she excited. (10)
  • He found her extremely excited about Carlo Ammiani, her old playmate, and once her dear friend. (10)
  • The breath and drone and cooing of high summer were not for long a sedative to her excited nerves. (8)
  • But life had not yet touched either her nerves or spirit; she only felt amused and a little excited. (8)
  • Isabella does not seem more my sister; has never excited a greater interest; perhaps hardly so great. (4)
  • Redworth was excited on her behalf, but the broken glass had done no damage, nor had Danvers fainted. (10)
  • She might be in a bed, with her window-blind up, calmly waiting for the flashes: lightning excited her. (10)
  • She might have laughed; but, instead, she felt excited, a little scared by the look on his hot, pale face. (8)
  • He rode with the letter open in his hand, frowning at the curious turmoil which Ferrand excited in his heart. (8)
  • In moments of excited speculation we do not dwell on the possibility that there may be a mixture of motives. (10)
  • The fire burned quietly aloft in the sky, while below there rose the clamor of excited men and screeching engines. (13)
  • Foremost and wildest among the excited young men who animated the stalls, and rushed about the lobby, was Algernon. (10)
  • The tall man fighting such odds excited his unwilling admiration; he had a momentary impulse to go to his assistance. (8)
  • She had been a beauty, and a prosperous beauty, all her life; and beauty and wealth were all that excited her respect. (4)
  • And Gyp, though excited always by anything new, keenly alive to every sort of beauty, felt a longing for air and sunlight. (8)
  • As usual, when excited by anger, he swung his lower right arm to and fro, feeling the prominent muscles with his left hand. (5)
  • Ere her excited blood had time to cool, he had beckoned to her to follow him into the street, where a sedan chair was standing. (5)
  • A step or two farther I was overtaken by an old man in a brown nightcap, clear-eyed, weather-beaten, with a faint excited smile. (2)
  • On a sudden she excited herself to pitch and give volume to that note which had been the enchantment of the night in the woods. (10)
  • But such as they were, it may well be supposed how eagerly she went through them, and what a contrariety of emotion they excited. (4)
  • He seemed very much excited about this, and the general good luck of being able to show these people over the house he had made. (13)
  • The novelty of her revolt stirred him in strange ways, wounded his self-conceit, inspired a curious fear, and yet excited his senses. (8)
  • Excited by the coming end of her self-inflicted penance, moved by the beauty among those sunlit trees, she found it difficult to talk. (8)
  • We had already gone ashore when our attention was called to our canoes by the excited shouts of the crowd hanging over the stone parapet. (20)
  • If it had not been for an excited fellow on the bank, we should have paddled right into the siphon, and thenceforward not paddled any more. (2)
  • A master of stagecraft, his operas abounded in cunningly-devised spectacles and original scenic effects which excited wonder and held the attention. (3)
  • Lavender had been growing more and more excited at each word he overheard, for a scheme of really stupendous proportions was shaping itself within him. (8)

Also see sentences for: agitated, confused, discomposed, distressed, perturbed, worried.

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More Sentence Examples

Select First Letter

Jorma thought the Brazilian was more excited about that aluminum than he should be, but then he had heard that most of the people of YingolNeerie were very interested in money

» Jorma knew that Herndon was pretty excited about his boat because he popped back out the hatch and lifted one of the seat cushions to show him

Some people are excited, they have all the

Tatania is very excited

«Oh, she’s just excited,» Violet’s mother said

Something about the idea actually excited her

she must have been excited

He becomes excited and chases off after the animal

members of a congregation do not seem as excited about appointing a man as does the

In the darkness I still drifted between states of melancholia and determination, but I also found a new emotion brewing: that of puppy-dog gratefulness mixed with a strange sense of excited anticipation

What follows next is dead silence, but then Sabrina speaks again, «Well, are you excited about the ceremony?» I cringe as I sense confusion coming from Apollo as he responds, «What ceremony?»

She may have made fun of this craft, but once she was on it at speed, she was clearly excited

Parking the two excited young people and their baggage in a café nearby with strict instructions not to wander off, she went to introduce herself to the warden, a woman by the name of Zareide

were pretty excited and waited eagerly for the arrival of

children were all excited and keyed up for operation

He was very excited about it

He was so excited for me and for the possibilities for himself

She was such a novice at lovemaking that any action on her part brought about great gasps and shudders, and it made him all the more excited

The twins sensed that they were going ‘home’ and they became very excited, running about and growling

Daniel was excited as he climbed up behind Kate and settled himself

but she was excited

The folk were excited too, as they cheered

Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers were still pretty excited at been

He was so overcome and excited that he had to stop himself and take a deep breath

Excited at the prospect of leaving, they prepared quickly

We can go to town for new clothes in a day or two; we are very excited that you are all here at last

The excited little voice told him

Andrew was very excited

At some stage during that time, she manages to tell Caderl the news about their marriage and I witness him having a quiet, if enthusiastic word with Berndt, clasping him by his injured arm in his excitement and then having to apologise speedily as a result of being a little too excited

As they entered the cave, both very excited, they could see the broken shells lying about

He was excited about the coming battle, but worried about the women

There was a brand new gallows standing there and the steadily growing crowd seemed very excited because there had not been a hanging in the City for years and years and years

They all sounded very excited

In the lane outside I could hear the excited voices of Alexis and Alessandra approaching until they came to a hush at the door

In they burst, chattering and excited, full of cheery plans for our expedition to Faria after the festival

He could see on her face that she wasn’t excited by that concept

After closing prayers, the excited congregation burst into the sunlight and made a dignified dash for the village hall

Lady Beth had a lovely baby girl and Jerry was so excited that he near fainted when he saw her

Alastair is excited, which surprises me

The next day, with the show ground full to bursting with every type of plant, with new roses, new fuscias, begonias, hostas and hebe, with the walkways full to bursting with eager competitors and excited crowds, the judging commenced

The excited painter from Shahpur had thrown in the

He tried on for size the role of lover, of the other man, of concubine and of predator, all of which thrilled and excited

He was excited about

“This is marvelous,” she purred in an excited silky-voice

The closer she got to the herd the more excited she became

Ali was too excited to care for his dad’s instructions

and was excited about her future job prospects

and excited at the same time

Then one day Lady Killian came to Duncan all excited saying she and Mistress Tara could reconfigure the engines and give him 40% more power, and it would only take a day to refit the engines

She was excited, and the big day soon came

Simon sounds so very excited about it and it gives me a warm feeling inside reading all the times he says ‘we’

Archibald was so excited at the prospect of meeting this darling

She tells me in an excited whisper that Gary turned up half an hour early with some flowers for Sally and that this had thrown her mum into a right old state

‘We’re really excited about it, Anna

standing there and the steadily growing crowd seemed very excited

There were ceremonies every week, but only once a month does a new group of girls arrive and that always excited interest in the single men of the countryside

Even without Yellelle translating, Ava could tell that most of the girls were excited to be participating

The excited little girl took him by the hand and lead him into the back, beyond the room where they formed up and up a stairway into a wing of pretty, airy rooms with sumptuous beds

‘So what are you so excited about today?’ Bill asked with a grin

excited, watching them pack up their gear, and then

he was so excited to go and be with them

walkways full to bursting with eager competitors and excited

The closer he got the Queen’s Hold the more excited he became

coming in, that’s when you can get excited, because now you have something

“Shall we hit the water once more while we have this hole in the clouds?” He was already up and walking toward it, Tdeshi’s body excited his ardor even though their conversation had been closer to an argument than seduction

“His mother is excited also, and that’s where the problem and tension are coming from

“I haven’t felt horny, excited, entertained sexual fantasies, or anything since the accident

Jorma was excited to be the pilot of a needleboat at last, after a long and boring business ceremony that Ava participated in a lot more than he did

Walking down to the water’s edge, he felt strangely excited

She is by degrees excited and terrified

His teeth appeared to be razor sharp, but I felt no fear of him, I was too excited, and amazed to find him still alive

He came to visit me once and Bunty got very excited about it and told me that she had lived there for some years

She was bundled in a folded quilt against the early-week chill, but excited about some info they might be interested in

He was as excited to spend time with her, as he was worried by her interrogations

She was excited with the things she’d found out about Tdeshi, mainly that someone was probably lying about being her supplier

” He tried to sound nonchalant, but they each knew he was both excited and reticent to go at the same time

He was excited to do so

‘Long before all the tribes of the great plains came under the sway of the first great chief, far away in an open field beyond the distant mountains, two groups of young men from ‘the people’ armed themselves with spears, sticks, and bows and excited each other to the verge of a violent fight

“I’m back,” she said, looking flushed and excited

watching the excited group of Guardians with mild interest

Heather didn’t sound too excited about it and I could feel her pain

The man actually got excited about the subject, and I could tell by some

There’s a rumbling noise all round the car, reminiscent of thunder and it feels very safe in here, it may be because I am excited already but I’m really enjoying this experience

He was really excited about seeing you and made it very clear that he couldn’t wait until you arrived

So it was that by the morning of their rendezvous with the impending academic challenge, they were calm and excited to begin

She was tired but excited at the thought of seeing her friend again

excited for the ball with seams

where he would go days without his excited stuttering

The thought more than excited him

“I know I’m getting pretty excited about it

Max was already fully excited as he was every time he came to the

“We are very excited about this project; the region served by the orphanage will no doubt benefit immensely from its construction and subsequent operation

“Just because one was found by the natives and excited Kelvin’s paranoia

I knew he was excited about visiting his old nanny, of course, we tried to check up on the robot nanny but all records and everything else was destroyed in the blast

Alex was at the village with the rest of the children, who weren’t excited about the storm

Johnny the Killer was on one of wooden mounds, and I was a little excited,

I felt excited, like a child, and for some unknown reason I couldn’t relate to the danger that I was about to put us in

I’m very excited

Alan became excited as they looked out over the center of town and called it some Yingolian names

His excited shouts brought us

Synonym: activated, aroused, delirious, emotional, frantic, mad, unrestrained, worked up. Similar words: excitement, exciting, cite, write down, city, citizen, deficit, explicit. Meaning: [-tɪd]  adj. 1. in an aroused state 2. (of persons) excessively affected by emotion 3. marked by uncontrolled excitement or emotion 4. (of e.g. a molecule) made reactive or more reactive. 

Random good picture Not show

1. We are excited to inform you that…

2. The handsome young man excited affection in a girl.

3. I can’t get excited about my job.

4. He was getting excited just thinking about the trip.

5. This announcement greatly excited us.

6. Tapping on the hive excited the bees.

7. Steve flies home tomorrow — we’re all really excited.

8. Don’t get excited about the exam; keep cool.

9. The workers were excited when oil welled up.

10. The spectacle greatly excited us at the time.

11. The beggar’s story excited my pity.

12. The whole street was excited at the parade.

13. Don’t get the children too excited.

14. What are you so excited about?

15. There was a hubbub of excited conversation from over a thousand people.

16. His views have excited a lively controversy among fellow scientists.

17. I’m very excited about the possibility of playing for England’s first team.

18. No wonder the children are excited, — this is the first time they’ve been abroad.

19. They were so excited that they kissed and kissed again.

20. The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob.

21. The news excited everybody.

22. I was so excited that I couldn’t keep the good news from her any longer.

23. My father seemed very restless and excited.

24. The excited children were opening their presents.

25. Are you getting excited about your holiday?

26. He was all excited about his new car.

27. The excited fans mobbed forward.

28. It was 5 November?Bonfire Night?and the children were excited.

29. Michelle sounded excited to hear from him.

30. He couldn’t get to sleep because he was too excited.

More similar words: excitement, exciting, cite, write down, city, citizen, deficit, explicit, exceed, publicity, exclude, excuse me, except for, exchange, citizenship, electricity, excessive, exception, exclusive, excluding, gifted, in excess of, related, exclusively, item, site, expected, enlisted, selected, isolated. 

  • Use the word EXCITED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You’re so mopey when you should be so excited.

And… oh! She was so excited that she, uh, she asked for a «boweeto.»

«But I can’t say that Little Ingmar is very excited about it.

… «the Apostle» was excited for playing his part in the downfall of someone who frustrated his personal ambition.

Claire … fainting from shock unexpected music … hateful … in this tortured atmosphere, Claire is increasingly … excited … haunted … suddenly the wind … when she finally leaves to discover the Secret of her immense human suffering …

«Now», said Big Jim, «don’t get excited

I’ve been so excited about finding you I forgot to ask.

Now, don’t get so excited over nothing.

Love to our Hank, Queenie and Eddie.» Oh, I’m so excited.

What is it that you’re so excited to be throwin’in my face?

I get very excited about confirming the truth.

Don’t get so excited, sister, and don’t hurry me.

Mr. Dumontier, please don’t get excited.

Helen, I’m so excited about you getting married.

Oh, don’t get excited, it’s all right.

My Italian blood, she is very excited.

But my dear Director, why get excited?

Your Grace, the guests are getting very excited:

You’re not at all excited.

Isn’t there anything you can get excited about?

These people get kinda excited down here once in a while.

Don’t get so excited, Franz.

I couldn’t be more excited.

He gets excited, you know what I mean?

Don’t get excited, Colonel.

What was that herb that excited him so?

Oh, come on, I’m all excited to get back. — Come on, let’s get at it.

Why get so excited over a man before you’ve even met him?

[ excited Shouting ] — [ Franzi ] What have I done?

Then what are you getting so excited about?

I don’t figure it’s sensible to get excited about horses unless you win something.

Oh, gracious, I was that excited I nearly forgot what I came up for.

You’re getting all excited.

It’s only natural that you should get excited about something that puzzles you.

There’s no use in getting excited.

You don’t seem at all excited.

Don’t get excited. I may have put them in some other place.

What’s the use of getting excited, Cluett?

I’m really terribly excited about it.

You don’t seem very excited about it.

You get so excited, you remind me… ..your father was so excited.

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