Use the word exchange in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “exchange” in a sentence. How to connect “exchange” with other words to make correct English sentences.

exchange (v, n): to give something to someone and receive something from that person; the act of giving something to someone and them giving you something else

Use “exchange” in a sentence

He exchanged his cow for two horses.
I think that cultural exchanges are important.
He gave me an orange in exchange for a piece of cake.
He exchanges the blue shirt for a red one.
May I exchange money here?
What’s the exchange rate?

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Synonym: change, substitute, swap, switch, trade. Similar words: in exchange for, change, changeable, unchangeable, range, angel, orange, arrange. Meaning: [ɪks’tʃeɪndʒ]  n. 1. chemical process in which one atom or ion or group changes places with another 2. a mutual expression of views (especially an unpleasant one) 3. the act of changing one thing for another thing 4. the act of giving something in return for something received 5. a workplace that serves as a telecommunications facility where lines from telephones can be connected together to permit communication 6. a workplace for buying and selling; open only to members 7. (sports) an unbroken sequence of several successive strokes 8. reciprocal transfer of equivalent sums of money especially the currencies of different countries 9. the act of putting one thing or person in the place of another: «he sent Smith in for Jones but the substitution came too late to help» 10. (chess) gaining (or losing) a rook in return for a knight or bishop 11. (chess) the capture by both players (usually on consecutive moves) of pieces of equal value. v. 1. give to, and receive from, one another 2. exchange or replace with another, usually of the same kind or category 3. change over, change around, as to a new order or sequence 4. hand over one and receive another, approximately equivalent 5. exchange a penalty for a less severe one. 

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(1) Fair exchange is no robbery.

(2) Exchange is no robbery.

(3) It was a good exchange, fair and square.

(4) I’ll type your report if you’ll babysit in exchange.

(5) What is needed is a frank exchange of views.

(6) The exchange of prisoners took place this morning.

(7) Is five apples for five eggs a fair exchange?

(8) They bought some shares on the London stock exchange.

(9) There followed a frank exchange of views.

(10) Could you exchange this,[] please?

(11) Exchange of unequal values makes the poor countries poorer.

(12) A fair exchange is no robbery.

(13) Currency exchange rates are always subject to variation.

(14) I’d like to exchange yen to dollars, pls.

(15) Most stores will allow the purchaser to exchange goods.

(16) An exchange of opinions is helpful.

(17) I’ve offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week’s accommodation.

(18) Would you exchange this one hundred dollar bill with five twenties? 100.

(19) Genetic engineers transpose or exchange bits of hereditary material from one organism to the next.

(20) The university’s exchange scheme for teachers has cemented its links with many other academic institutions.

(21) We need to promote an open exchange of ideas and information.

(22) The group asked the Stock Exchange to delist the shares of four of its companies.

(23) It’s traditional for the two teams to exchange shirts after the game.

(24) Anyone who gambles on the stock exchange has to be prepared to lose money.

(25) Research is also advanced by frequent conference to exchange experience.

(26) Bahrain’s stock exchange closed up 10.09 points today at 2160.09.

(27) The dollar is expected to fall in the foreign exchange markets.

(28) The shortage of good stock has kept some investors away from the stock exchange.

(29) Wall Street made Friday’s running on the international stock exchange.

(30) The meeting was described as ‘a frank and honest exchange of views’.

More similar words: in exchange for, change, changeable, unchangeable, range, angel, orange, arrange, in danger, hang up, hang on, out of danger, arrangement, challenged, chance, channel, merchant, mechanic, by chance, mechanism, mechanical, take a chance, hand in hand, exceed, gang, excited, exclude, excuse me, angst, angle. 

Definition of Exchange

to trade or swap

Examples of Exchange in a sentence

After the small fender bender, the two parties decided to exchange phone numbers and sort the issue out at a later date.


Vendors were able to exchange business cards with other sellers at the craft fair.


Without a way to exchange the tickets for a different date, the original purchaser tried to sell them on the internet.


At Christmastime, my parents and I always exchange gifts that we each handmade.


Before paper money was invented, Native American tribes would exchange tangible goods.


Other words in the Change category:

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Sentences starting with exchange

  • Exchange had been in my favor ever since I had been in Europe, but just that one time. [5]

Sentences ending with exchange

  • It was a wild hour in the Exchange. [4]
  • For Kutuzov this was mathematically clear, as it is that if when playing draughts I have one man less and go on exchanging, I shall certainly lose, and therefore should not exchange. [2]
  • I was induced to authorize a gentleman to bring Roger A. Pryor here with a view of effecting an exchange of him; but since then I have seen a despatch of yours showing that you specially object to his exchange. [7]
  • The house was thrilled as with an electric shock, and the people half rose as if to seek a glimpse of the person who had made that exchange. [5]
  • Oh yes, when there are ideas to exchange. [4]
  • He dwelt upon the fact that his saddle was new and ours were old, and the advantages that would accrue to us from the exchange. [4]
  • It says, ‘I teach neighbourliness and life’s exchange. [11]
  • That was a strange month in the life of Clarence Colfax,—the last of his recovery, while he was waiting for the news of his exchange. [9]
  • And when a person asks of her coal, she is quite apt to require gold in exchange. [5]
  • Now what’s the name of that new boat with everything on her from a cafe to a Stock Exchange? [9]

Short sentences using exchange

  • A poor exchange. [10]

Sentences containing exchange two or more times

  • Would an exchange of name be an exchange of rights? [7]
  • And that is how power is understood by the science of jurisprudence, that exchange bank of history which offers to exchange history’s understanding of power for true gold. [2]
  • Even the wool exchange in Melbourne could not be told from the familiar stock exchange of other countries. [5]
  • You know how exchange after exchange was refused, and that for near three years I have been here, fretting my soul out, eager to be fighting in our cause, yet tied hand and foot, wasting time and losing heart, idle in an enemy’s country. [11]

More example sentences with the word exchange in them

  • I am sending you this line to welcome you, and to tell you that I have arranged with the furniture people to take any or all things back that you do not like, and exchange them. [9]
  • Wherein were they wrong and you justified, and why was all exchange refused? [11]
  • But then I would not exchange the remembrance of it for a good many odors and perfumes that I do like. [4]
  • They could exchange words and looks, they could arrange private interviews, they would be stooping together over the same book, her hair touching his cheek, her breath mingling with his, all the magnetic attractions drawing them together with strange, invisible effluences. [6]
  • She has a woman’s heart; and what talent of mine is to be named by the love a true woman can offer in exchange for these divided and cold affections? [6]
  • Indeed, it was with this plain statement of the facts that the second military officer of the duchy had some days before been sent to the Court of St. James to secure its intervention for Philip’s freedom by exchange of prisoners. [11]
  • We agreed that when she wanted bustle, or when I wanted quiet, we were to let each other know, and exchange visits as occasion required. [14]
  • Even the calmest were still in some excitement over the massacre they had helped in; the plunder was discussed, and barter and exchange were eagerly carried on. [10]
  • The preliminary sparring was an exchange of compliments, and deceived neither party. [9]
  • We took a walk down street, a block or two, and a place where four streets met and the principal shops were clustered, found the groups of men in the roadway thicker than ever—for this was the Exchange of Chamonix. [5]
  • When we exchange visits I’ll show you an unfinished sketch of Elizabeth’s time which shook David Gray’s system up pretty exhaustively. [5]
  • There are expressions used in it which might well put a stop to all scientific discussions, were they to form the current coin in our exchange of opinions. [3]
  • No particular place to meet and exchange information, no wharf-boat reports, none but chance and unsatisfactory ways of getting news. [5]
  • However, he came to her in every pause to exchange at least a few brief words and a glance. [10]
  • In his letter to her he had simply said that it were wiser not to write, since the acting postmistress, the Cure’s sister, would note the exchange of letters, and this would arouse suspicion. [11]
  • The callers rose to go, with an exchange of neighborhood friendliness and invitations. [4]
  • I got Bowers to go, by agreeing to exchange ranks with him for the time being, and go along and stand the watch with him as his subordinate. [5]
  • They calmly proceeded to exchange theories. [5]
  • He exhorted us to be thankful that we were better off, but generally added that he would not exchange for anything in the world those days when he went barefoot. [10]
  • I took it to a pawnshop, and [soaked] it for a revolver: The pawnbroker didn’t think much of the exchange, but when I explained the situation he acquiesced. [5]
  • Instead of the timid, irregular exchange of goods as far as the Rhine, the Main, and the Danube, regular intercourse with Venice, Milan, Genoa, Bohemia, and Hungary, Flanders, Brabant, and the coast of the Baltic had commenced. [10]
  • There was still time to gain, in exchange for dead florins, living salvation. [10]
  • They tiptoed out, through the broken weather-boarding, and stopped at a little distance to exchange a parting word. [5]
  • The writer of this, who appeals for his brother, is our minister to Ecuador, and whom, if at all compatible, I would like to have obliged by a special exchange of his brother. [7]
  • The third notable thing was the exchange of treene (wooden) platters into pewter, and wooden spoons into silver or tin. [4]
  • So long as they remained in town the exchange of civilities was kept up. [4]
  • The exchange of these two letters marked the beginning of one of the most notable publishing connections in American literary history. [5]
  • The exchange of these letters, however, was never made outside of Mark Twain’s bed-room. [5]
  • Is there nothing, then, in the exchange of ideas? [4]
  • I first heard them made the subject of an animated exchange of thought in the Dirichlet household, where Professor Baum emerged from his aristocratic composure to denounce vehemently materialism and its apostles. [10]
  • And Honora, following their glances, beheld the two ladies, in the negligee referred to above, with their elbows on the railing of the upper hall and their faces between their hands, engaged in a lively exchange of compliments with the gentlemen. [9]
  • Would he exchange the sweetness of that for the fleeting reputation of the most brilliant lawyer? [4]
  • Would you exchange the purest and loftiest things for what tomorrow will fill you with grief and loathing? [10]
  • As soon as the old noblewoman heard that the bill of exchange for her son was on the way to Paris, she expressed her intention of thanking his Majesty for this noble donation. [10]
  • The Fondaco was the name of the great exchange established by the Republic itself for the German trade. [10]
  • At the palace-gates the latter dispersed to their several abodes, in order to exchange the simple Persian leather hunting-costume for the splendid Median court-dress. [10]
  • We’re members of the Exchange, so you won’t have any trouble in finding us. [9]
  • I stepped into the Exchange, an immense interior, that will hold five thousand people, where the stock-gamblers meet twice a day. [4]
  • He thought of the exchange of documents he had made with her that day, and he had a sense of satisfaction. [11]
  • By the time the Exchange closed it had risen eight points, and on this and some other investments he was five thousand dollars richer than he had been in the morning. [8]
  • When news of the disaster was telephoned to the Exchange L35,000 were subscribed in the first five minutes. [5]
  • Your common talkers, that exchange the gossip of the day, have no wheel in particular to turn, and the wash of the rain as it runs down the street is enough for them. [6]
  • We did not stop there to exchange courtesies, but pressed on to the Grand Gulf, the grave of many a keel boat before and since. [9]
  • There must be some fatality which carries our young men and maidens in the direction of the Common when they have anything very particular to exchange their views about. [6]
  • For Edith, the sole relief of the evening was an exchange of sympathy with Father Damon, and she was too much preoccupied to enjoy that. [4]
  • But he nodded slightly, and answered: «We members of patrician families cling to old customs; each wants to keep his individuality, as he would share or exchange his escutcheon with no one. [10]
  • But why Margaret should wish to exchange her dainty and luxurious home in Washington Square for the care of a vast establishment big enough for a royal court, my wife could not comprehend. [4]
  • W. R. Morrison says he has requested you by letter to effect a special exchange of Lieut. [7]
  • Near the door sat Miss Sophy, still fluttered and confused by the attentions of Mr Cheggs, and by her side Richard Swiveller lingered for a moment to exchange a few parting words. [12]
  • The exchange of prisoners, fully set forth in the letter of General Hitchcock. [7]
  • To exchange one prison for another is in itself something of a feat, and an argument that the thing may be done again. [9]
  • But Francis preferred poverty and contempt, nay, even his father’s curse and the reproach of ingratitude, receiving in exchange possessions of a nobler nature and more lasting character. [10]
  • Oh, if this pilgrimage might yield him Heinz Schorlin’s vow to follow his saint and with him the Saviour!—if he might be permitted, clasping in his the hand of the beloved youth he had saved, to exchange this world for eternal bliss! [10]
  • Half an hour passes with only a languid exchange of family feeling, and then: «Pa? [4]
  • We did indeed part suddenly; it made my heart ache that we were severed without the time to exchange a word; and yet perhaps it was better. [14]
  • There is no other place in the world where merit is so quickly recognized as in the Stock Exchange, especially if it is backed by brass and a good head. [4]
  • By the General’s orders, the bombardment ceased while the exchange was being effected, and the French batteries also were still. [11]
  • Barter and exchange of things in kind is the one form of finance in the Soudan. [11]
  • Then the day of the trickster came—and men laughed at the idea of fair exchange and strove to give an illusive value for a thing of real value—the remorseless sleight of hand which the law could not reach. [11]
  • Dryfoos heard nothing of the strike in the lobby of the Stock Exchange, where he spent two or three hours watching a favorite stock of his go up and go down under the betting. [8]
  • As usual, many of the Majority and the most of the Minority were standing up—to have a better chance to exchange epithets and make other noises. [5]
  • And the chairman of the committee was instituting a forcible exchange of hats with him, to his manifest disadvantage, for he had just bought him a new beaver. [6]
  • In that exchange of glances he imagined each saw the other in some different guise. [13]
  • The Alexandrian bills of exchange were paid in gold by the lessee of the royal bank, who was a good friend of Hermon. [10]
  • It’s a sort of exchange for the whole country: you can see everybody here, and it is a good place to arrange matters. [4]
  • We often had occasion to pity Americans whom we found traveling drearily among strangers with no friends to exchange pains and pleasures with. [5]
  • Your outfit will now cost nothing, and it is quite necessary that before the next meeting I should go to a goldsmith and exchange that wretched thing for one of real gold. [10]
  • Well, we need not take any wastrel or nobody the English offer in exchange for you. [11]
  • And I would not exchange it, sir, were it in your power to make me a Gibbon or a Hume, or tutor to his Royal Highness, which it is not. [9]
  • But I would not exchange for a long life, overflowing with the happiness which you, dear, good fellow, could offer me, the brief May weeks that placed me among the few who are permitted to taste the highest measure of happiness. [10]
  • Often he did not exchange a word with Euphrasia between home-coming and bed-going, and this was apparently to be one of these occasions. [9]
  • There was even no lack of intellectual aliment, for a little field-library had been established by the exchange of books. [10]
  • When we came near the chamber, I said to him, ‘You will tell the Intendant that a lady of some gifts in dancing would entertain his guests; but she must come and go without exchange of individual courtesies, at her will. [11]
  • Hitherto her gentle nature, her intellect, which yearned to expand, gather new riches, and exchange what it had gained with others, had possessed much to offer to the Queen. [10]
  • Yesterday I tormented myself and suffered, but I would not exchange even that torment for anything in the world, I have not lived till now. [2]
  • I owe you my life; but as nothing can be given in exchange for a life, I cannot pay you. [11]
  • Immediately I proposed Mr. Wainfleet, the chaplain, in exchange for a prisoner, though his name was not on the list, but Doltaire shook his head in a blank sort of way. [11]
  • With this eventful morn came the news that the envoy to England had returned with Philip’s freedom by exchange of prisoners, and with the needful licence from King George. [11]
  • Therefore he was more than ready to risk returning to the city, but Barine entreated him so earnestly not to exchange the secure happiness they enjoyed here for a greater one, behind which might lurk the heaviest misfortune, that he yielded. [10]
  • We thought the men who listed the stock on the Exchange were honest. [9]
  • We frequently hear men say that they would give so many months or years of their lives in exchange for a less number on the globe one or two or three centuries from now. [4]
  • And Sally tells me at the Exchange they like your work so well they are asking for more. [9]
  • After luncheon, the matter of exchange of prisoners was gone into, and one by one the names of the French prisoners in our hands—ladies and gentlemen apprehended at the chateau were ticked off, and I knew them all save two. [11]
  • The next morning Master Jamnitzer called the valuable star his own, and pledged himself to keep the matter secret, and to obtain from the Fuggers a bill of exchange upon Paris for ten thousand lire. [10]
  • It is a marvelous exchange, however, and we had intended to make some reflections here upon the en rapport feeling, so to speak, with all the world, which we experienced while there; but our conveyance was waiting. [4]
  • The South would make a poor exchange for her former condition in any amount of industrial success without a corresponding development of the highest intellectual life. [4]
  • He added: «Count Luigi’s request for another exchange is another proof that he is a brave and chivalrous gentleman, and I beg that the courtesy he asks may be accorded him. [5]
  • Gradually, from this long-range practice with single guns and exchange of broadsides, they drifted into closer conflict, rushed together, and we lost sight of the individual combatants in the general tumult of this aerial war. [4]
  • Henderson might have lead it aloud in the Exchange. [4]
  • She had no lack of friends, who came and went in the common round of social exchange, and for many of them she had a sincere affection. [4]
  • The young Roman knew well enough all the significance of this hasty action; it was thus that in his own country a woman when in love was wont to exchange her cup with her lover, or an apple already bitten by her white teeth. [10]
  • Each group believes its own gods to be strongest, and it will not exchange them except for gods that shall be proven to be their superiors in power. [5]
  • Miss Grower took it to the Woman’s Exchange, actually sold it, and brought back the money and handed it to her with a smile, and left her alone. [9]
  • I suppose this is one of the pernicious results of being on the Stock Exchange. [9]
  • State policy was involved, and, if De la Foret might be a counter, the pledge of exchange in the game, as it were, the path would once more be clear. [11]
  • It is not intended to enter into a defense of the local pool known as the New York Stock Exchange. [4]
  • It said that Iberville had brought prisoners whom he was willing to exchange for French prisoners in the governor’s hands. [11]
  • Did not the holy expression of her eyes and the aspiration of her own soul show that she would understand him, approve his sacrifice, imitate it, and exchange earthly for heavenly love? [10]
  • He had sold his costly booty, and, like so many other pillagers, gambled away the stolen property at the exchange. [10]
  • The Buttons brought him—a Yankee of browbeating presence in plain clothes—almost before they had time to exchange a frightened whisper in recognition of the fact that there could be no doubt of the steam heat and elevator in this case. [8]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word exchange in a sentence? How do you use exchange in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word exchange?
It contains example sentences with the word exchange, a sentence example for exchange, and exchange in sample sentence.

Use the words in the list to complete the sentences.

• exchange

• bring

• wash

• cook

• celebrate

• keep

e.g. Can you bring some crisps to the party?
1. Always _ the kitchen clean!
2. Americans _ Thanksgiving in November.
3. Always _ your hands before you prepare food.
4. We always _ gifts at Christmas time.
5. Let’s _ something special for dinner tonight.

Английский язык 5 класс (Test Booklet) Spotlight Английский в фокусе Ваулина. TEST 8 A (Module 8). Номер №A


Перевод задания
Используйте слова из списка для того, чтобы закончить предложения.
• обмен
• приносить
• мыть
• готовить
• праздновать
• содержать
например: Вы можете принести чипсы на вечеринку?
1. Всегда _ кухня чистая!
2. Американцы _ День благодарения в ноябре.
3. Всегда _ свои руки перед приготовлением пищи.
4. Мы всегда _ подарки на Рождество.
5. Давайте _ сегодня вечером что−нибудь особенное на ужин.

1. Always keep the kitchen clean!
2. Americans celebrate Thanksgiving in November.
3. Always wash your hands before you prepare food.
4. We always exchange gifts at Christmas time.
5. Let’s cook something special for dinner tonight.

Перевод овета
1. Всегда содержите кухню в чистоте!
2. Американцы празднуют День Благодарения в ноябре.
3. Всегда мойте руки перед приготовлением пищи.
4. Мы всегда обмениваемся подарками на Рождество.
5. Давай приготовим сегодня на ужин что−нибудь особенное.

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