Use the word excessive in a sentence

Synonym: extravagant, exuberant, inordinate, overweening, undue, unreasonable. Similar words: in excess of, aggressive, impressive, progressive, exclusive, massive, exclusively, recession. Meaning: [ɪk’sesɪv]  adj. 1. beyond normal limits 2. unrestrained, especially with regard to feelings. 

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1) You should not demand such an excessive charge.

2) Heavy rain and excessive use have impoverished the soil.

3) The government says that local authority spending is excessive.

4) She takes an excessive interest in clothes.

5) Excessive tiredness while driving can kill.

6) As expected,( excessive drinking caught up with him.

7) Most member countries have already legislated against excessive overtime.

8) The word ‘lady’ has connotations of refinement and excessive femininity that some women find offensive.

9) Excessive dosage of this drug can result in injury to the liver.

10) Excessive farming had impoverished the soil.

11) Any more pudding would simply be excessive.

12) Your son suffers from your excessive shielding.

13) Excessive drinking can lead to stomach disorders.

14) Excessive weight gain doesn’t do you any good.

15) The boiler from excessive pressure of steam exploded.

16) Excessive conformity is usually caused by fear of disapproval.

17) Her face was bepainted with excessive make-up.

18) He claimed that the police had used excessive force.

19) He actually knocked himself out with excessive work.

20) Excessive exercise can sometimes cause health problems.

21) For years(, the organization was strangled by excessive bureaucracy.

22) The amounts she borrowed were not excessive.

23) Excessive drinking will do you harm.

24) Excessive managerial control is inimical to creative expression.

25) I think the demands of this job are excessive.

26) The teacher admonished her about excessive noise.

27) The prices at this hotel are excessive.

28) The accident was due to excessive speed.

29) Money is not the root of all eviles as is usually claimed, what is the root of all evils is the lust for money, that is the excessive, selfish and greedy pusuit of mnoey. 

30) Women are caught in a double bind, marginalised in the community if they are not wives and mothers, under excessive pressure to be perfect if they are.

More similar words: in excess of, aggressive, impressive, progressive, exclusive, massive, exclusively, recession, processing, accessible, exceed, except for, exception, access, process, processor, offensive, extensive, defensive, successfully, session, comprehensive, impression, profession, depression, confession, aggression, professional, congressional, effectiveness. 

Excessive alcohol consumption and side effects from medications can lead to falls, but ongoing problems with instability should be reported to a physician

The methods used by spiritual masters so as to break their disciples’ Ego are mostly red herrings, sophistry or rhetorical tricks; the listeners seldom oppose to them, because of excessive psychological pressure they are usually subjected to

There are skins that have the tendency to develop keloids or excessive benign growth

It also improves flabby upper arms, and excessive flesh on the shoulders will slowly be squeezed away

If you suffer from excessive cold in the winter this is a good exercise to warm yourself

This ridding your body of excessive waste, and the practice of Yoga asanas and breathing exercises will go a long way towards sheering that superfluous fat from your body and here is a Yoga asana which will help you on your way

Honey is absorbed at once without excessive stimulation or shock to the system and it does not result in a craving for more

having an excessive amount of authority

“Soldiers drink an excessive

Often laxatives and excessive exercises are added to their routine

Excessive anxiety and worry are associated with the following symptoms:

If the reward should at any time be less than what was requisite for this purpose, the deficiency of hands would soon raise it ; and if it should at any time be more, their excessive multiplication would soon lower it to this necessary rate

Almost every class of artificers is subject to some peculiar infirmity occasioned by excessive application to their peculiar species of work

Till this stipulation was made, mutual emulation, and the desire of greater gain, frequently prompted them to overwork themselves, and to hurt their health by excessive labour

Excessive application, during four days of the week, is frequently the real cause of the idleness of the other three, so much and so loudly complained of

are okay in moderation, but a lot of people use these in excessive amounts

This leaves their body with excessive

Excessive fat intake of saturated fats and Trans fats are associated with the greatest

A banking company which issues more paper than can be employed in the circulation of the country, and of which the excess is continually returning upon them for payment, ought to increase the quantity of gold and silver which they keep at all times in their coffers, not only in proportion to this excessive increase of their circulation, but in a much greater proportion; their notes returning upon them much faster than in proportion to the excess of their quantity

It will thus gain nothing by the interest of the four thousand pounds excessive circulation ; and it will lose the whole expense of continually collecting four thousand pounds in gold and silver, which will be continually going out of its coffers as fast as they are brought into them

When those correspondents afterwards drew upon them for the payment of this sum, together with the interest and commission, some of those banks, from the distress into which their excessive circulation had thrown them, had sometimes no other means of satisfying this draught, but by drawing a second set of bills, either upon the same, or upon some other correspondents in London; and the same sum, or rather bills for the same sum, would in this manner make sometimes more than

Whatever coin, therefore, was wanted to support this excessive circulation both of Scotch and English paper money, whatever vacuities this excessive circulation occasioned in the necessary coin of the kingdom, the Bank of England was obliged to supply them

The over-trading of some bold projectors in both parts of the united kingdom, was the original cause of this excessive circulation of paper money

But had the coffers of this bank been filled ever so well, its excessive circulation must have emptied them faster than they could have been replenished by any other expedient but the ruinous one of drawing upon London; and when the bill became due, paying it, together with interest and commission, by another draught upon the same place

A prince, anxious to maintain his dominions at all times in the state in which he can most easily defend them, ought upon this account to guard not only against that excessive multiplication of paper money which ruins the very banks which issue it, but even against that multiplication of it which enables them to fill the greater part of the circulation of the country with it

bordering on the excessive, but it helps one to keep smiling…”

The authority of government still continued to be, as before, too weak in the head, and too strong in the inferior members; and the excessive strength of the inferior members was the cause of the weakness of the head

To dream that you have excessive earwax suggests that there is something you are refusing to hear

Though individuals, besides, may sometimes ruin their fortunes by an excessive consumption of fermented liquors, there seems to be no risk that a nation should do so

On the contrary, in the countries which, either from excessive heat or cold, produce no grapes, and where wine consequently is dear and a rarity, drunkenness is a common vice, as among the northern nations, and all those who live between the tropics, the negroes, for example on the coast of Guinea

The seasons most unfavourable to the crop are those of excessive drought or excessive rain

The Happy Marooner seemed somewhat oppressed by the excessive weight, but, with me wading and swimming alongside her, we managed to slosh and splash our way through the waves

arts knew of their purposes and refused their offers, generous and excessive though they were, in

necessary poverty, but of their unnecessary and excessive enterprise

In transacting their domestic business, they would be obliged to employ a costly, instead of a cheap instrument of commerce; and the expense of purchasing this costly instrument might damp somewhat the vivacity and ardour of their excessive enterprise in the improvement of land

The Phoenix Project deals an excessive amount of punishment to all offenders equally, regardless of their crimes

Excessive doses may interfere with treatment for cardiac disorders and with hyper- and hypertensive

Excessive wealth accumulation, I believe, is a subconscious reaction to our fear of death inasmuch as we attempt to hold it in check by focusing our attention on material pursuits rather than the other way around

(Macro Level) Excessive (government) spending and higher tax rates negatively impact long-term economic growth by withdrawing

Wage and Price controls and excessive regulations are prime examples that have produced dire consequences on the open market

Arrogance, the off-spring of Low Esteem, is (fortunately) balanced, however, by the professional demeanor of other (exceptional) athletes with little or nothing to prove, whose quiet tenor, and business like attitude, free of pretentious designs and excessive self-regard; that is to say, individuals who are comfortable with themselves and in themselves, who feel that they have nothing to prove and are (generally) less likely to be influenced by money and glamour; speaks volumes about the fundamental character of an emotional secure individual

An exemplary environment, however, should never be (overly) excessive or overbearing that it discourages creative thought or initiative

proportionate to its intended purpose and that it is only excessive where its authority exceeds the limits delegated to some predetermined end

Nevertheless, Power, however limited in scope or whatever its assigned role or whatever its form(s) or for whatever purpose (end) it is channeled, should be considered absolute or complete (or excessive) in the manner that it (Power) seeks to promote a desired end, and that however ―restricted‖ by definition remains absolute in its intended design

I believe the confusion lies between Absolute Power and the (excessive) Abuse of Power (which need not be absolute in order to be abusive)

(Who was it that said ―you can‘t make an omelet without breaking a few eggs‖?) Nevertheless, such designs seem justified, on some uncertain level, at least, ( ‘tis better to err on the side of ―caution‖), on the basis of radical liberalism‘s excessive aversion for anything Western and its fawning enthusiasm for its vocal opponents

I feel that his excessive manner, for whatever reason, represents the meanest form of religious (and social) intolerance

This rather dim view of convention is never mindful of the perils of excessive tolerance that must inevitably find expression in an environment where unlimited freedom will eventually be unable to sustain itself

His latest column is consistent along a variety of condemning themes that oftentimes center upon, but are not limited to, class and racial conflict, feminism, wicked corporations, the greedy rich and the military industrial complex (thrown in for good measure) that express his excessive, if not obsessive sympathy for allegedly ―oppressed‖ peoples

A monotone voice instructed the staff and guest that there was no need for panic and that this was just a precaution to deal with the excessive protests that were being encountered at the bottom of Holyrood Road and festivities would re-commence shortly once the situation outside was stabilised

God will allow the Assyrians, his rod of correction, to be humbled because of their excessive pride

They searched every bikie for drugs and weapons, and issued each and every one of them with an infringement notice for excessive noise

When the joint/muscle system is subjected to excessive force damage can result

This can happen as a result of an accident or much more commonly as a result of excessive force from the habit of clenching/grinding (Bruxism)

Excessive physical and mental activity caught up with Trevor, and all he could think of was food and rest

With proper media exposure, any party unwilling to commit to their spending level would be seen by voters as trying to continue the pork-barrel special interest politics that have led to excessive government growth for the last half-century

“During childhood the analysis of the events is done with an inexperienced mind still in codependency and therefore building behaviors that are often incomplete, excessive, or wrong

Residents became amateur epidemiologists, and claims of excessive sickness and cancers were made

Sometimes it accounted for excessive and unwarranted analysis

He learned that hallucinogens like LSD (acid) and PCP (angel dust) caused an excessive release of serotonin

Lately, he was excessive beyond his simple recipe for road etiquette

For others, without excessive causality,

Excessive negative thoughts cause almost half of all physical health problems on this 67

high income should come only through excessive amounts of hard, grubby, painful work

No one would ever accuse the Texcalla of excessive taste

The assistant was afraid to talk to me, but just led me with excessive bowing and hand gestures to the ship

I showed him my gerege and told him about the excessive deference I was getting

I don’t know what’s up with you, but don’t you think your treatment towards Daisuke is a bit excessive? This isn’t like you,” she said

30 A man’s attire, and excessive laughter, and gait, show what he is

I think Terry put you in a position where he wanted to punish you for your excessive spending and felt a legal battle would get him more money in the long run and get you back under his thumb in the short run

Kiyori wanted to paint a giant sign proclaiming eat me, but even Akito thought that was a bit excessive

I hate the excessive subservience I have found in Europa

scars are associated with excessive amounts of the cell substance

I scampered up, falling to my knees at the excessive effort my body wasn’t ready for

options investors would be to avoid excessive leverage

excessive interest, leading to self-identification

“Still, that’s excessive and totally inconsiderate

Unfortunately, through misuse of the religiously healthy and positive Cursillo movement and, particularly, through the Charismatic movement with its harmful excessive use of touching and private meetings, Josie and Agatha apparently fell in love, and in the process they convinced themselves that their sacrament of matrimony was invalid, because they had “discovered” that they were lesbians and that they were meant for each other in God’s plan

That 30 to 40 % of their nation’s hard earned money would go to creating excessive and invasive restrictions on its citizens’ liberties

there was a lot of work to be done, but it didn’t look excessive, and there seemed to be a more than adequate supply of cleaning materials and machinery for the job

When he took to excessive drinking we had to move to a cheaper part of the

And now, mental health professionals have joined the movement, focusing on how simple living can help alleviate tension-related reactions such as insomnia, nervousness, anxiety, neck and shoulder spasms, chronic fatigue and, says Roderick Gorney, MD, PhD, «our excessive dwelling on ‘things

To the excessive consumption

With the smoke still rising and trees snapped from the excessive heat, all the inhabitants felt very bitter

Sometimes we just have to put up with the ways of others that we don’t like, unless we can prove harm or excessive risk, and that’s all there is to it

And lawyers will tell you the commonly used, two-word legal phrases applied to claims considered excessive or frivolous are “arbitrary and capricious,” for which they are “shocked and appalled

When this young “relative” returned several months later, richer by far by pocketing most of the excessive funding for his travels, he presented my father with his massive collection of photographs

You must therefore target your offense as precisely as possible, and not waste energy on excessive or inappropriate attacks

17 For the temperate mind has power to conquer the pressure of the passions and to quench the fires of excitement 18 and to wrestle down the pains of the body however excessive; and through the excellency of reasoning to abominate all the assaults of the passions

He had been a sharpshooter in the British Police force before losing his job because of his excessive drinking

was excessive for far too long and allowed their food stores to

However, eventually, something happened with my excessive

«I hope she did, because I’ve rarely been accused of excessive tact

Not only will these excessive relative health

been trained to avoid excessive testing and rely on clinical judgment, the public

device companies advertising along with excessive influence over Congress and

which would be in their interest as our excessive health care costs are a major

Our excessive health care cost, by decreasing the competitiveness of our goods in

I have been living and working in India for the past 43 years and have witnessed a transition in cities (even villages and small towns) toward more air pollution and also big dietary changes from whole grains and healthy unrefined oils to white flour, polished rice, excessive sugar and unlimited availability of milk (white revolution).


Two of the other deaths occurred when infants suffocated in cribs that contained an excessive amount of blankets.


The possible causes for chronic inflammation range from excessive weight and lack of exercise to chronic stress and environmental pollution, meaning that there is a lot we can do to fight persistent inflammation and help our bodies heal and strengthen.


If possible, transport your pet in a carrier to avoid excessive movement and take your pet to the veterinarian as quickly as possible.


One of the tell-tale signs is excessive licking of the paws.


Withdrawals and/or transfers exceeding the six per account cycle allowance, will result in a $ 15 excessive withdrawal fee per transaction.


If paw licking or chewing is excessive and causes bare skin or irritation, it is a problem.


The seeds, leaves and steam of the plant contain ricin (remember the poison attack on Japanese subway) and may produce abdominal pain, drooling, vomiting diarrhea, excessive thirst, weakness and appetite loss.


A dog that’s well-suited for apartment living needs to be reasonably quiet so he doesn’t annoy the neighbors, and he shouldn’t need an excessive amount of exercise to stay happy and fit.


Also, like many people who perform this exercise, you may be placing excessive weight into your armpit, which is where your brachial plexus is.


In the new study, more than 40 percent of mothers gained excessive weight while 25 percent of mothers gained too little.


Third gear being on one end of the mainshaft makes it susceptable to any increase in end float (wear) and allows the third/fourth hub to drop third if wear in box/bearings allows excessive end float.


This pooch is a moderate-shedder and will need brushing 2 to 3 times a week to avoid excessive hair loss in the home and to prevent tangles and matting.


«We trust correction officers to be the front line of security in the jails, and we will not tolerate any officer who uses excessive force or covers it up,» Bronx District Attorney Darcel Clark said in a statement.


Examples that may violate suitability include excessive trading, churning the account simply to generate more commissions or frequently switching account assets to generate transaction income for the broker-dealer.


Within minutes you can have the right Germantown coverage for the right price, and you will be able to drive without excessive financial worry.


Gastrointestinal signs could include vomiting, diarrhea, dry mouth or excessive drooling.


«Obesity is an established risk factor for RCC with more than 40 percent of these cases attributed to excessive body weight,» said Xifeng Wu, M.D., Ph.D., professor of Epidemiology and principal investigator for the study.


This is the reason protein intake should be adequate, but not excessive.


Defended manufacturer of pepper spray in federal court in a product liability/police excessive force suit for wrongful death.


If we could address the underlying problems, one of which is excessive of debt, perhaps the need for payday loans would be greatly diminished.


— With Qualified Mortgages, lenders are not permitted to charge homeowners or homebuyers with excessive upfront points and fees, because the cost limits depend on the size of the loan.


I admit that my rhetoric might seem a bit excessive, but be fair: Something about the game elicits excess.


In severe cases there can be ulceration at the back of the ear as a result of excessive scratching.


Using gluten-free oats, this banana bread stays moist without excessive added fat from oils.


It has a vile taste, but I have not found that it stops itching and excessive grooming.


Since excessive or deficient intake of these B vitamins can have an unwanted impact on your disease risk, it is great to have a food like collard greens that provide a helpful amount of so many B vitamins.


I read the case… there are no less than a dozen interveners each of them big government organizations… each with a dozen lawyers… defence… has nothing… makes no point for all the damage the legislation does to average canadians… may not kill people… but terrorises thousands who arbitrarily loose their licence for a warning… or excessive speeding


Practically all clients of Kharkov dating agencies indicate reason of failure of first date with man is problem of excessive drinking.


These include breathing difficulties, excessive acid buildup in tissues, and even coma.


There were even some examples of cases that had to change the venue due to excessive media attendance.


In spite of the many uses of prednisone, excessive and/or long-term use of prednisone for your dog can cause side effects, ranging from mild to severe.


If they do find a resource that will provide them with credit, the consumer will typically end up paying high interest rates and excessive fees.


One of the claimed benefits of legal spend management software is to use AI (artificial intelligence) to examine electronic legal invoices, then challenge expenses that look erroneous or excessive.


There isn’t one single best solution to eliminate excessive debt since you can use multiple techniques and pick the ones which work best for…


Loud, flashy and totally obscene, the movie is like a private tour through Belfort’s excessive, hard-partying lifestyle, including easily one of the greatest sequences of the year.


But also, many owners find excessive and uncontrollable barking to be a problem even when they are at home with their dogs.


It causes excessive salvation, chest discomfort and muscle tremors.


Based upon teacher referral and review of attendance records, Boze and her staff identify students with chronic attendance concerns, including excessive tardies, 12 or more days absent in a year, and multiple absences in a month (not related to legitimate illness).


The government says it does not want to stop people enjoying alcohol responsibly, but instead reduce the harm caused by excessive drinking.


We believe that excessive suspensions boost chronic absenteeism and fuels the school-to-prison pipeline.»


If your sebum production is high due to excessive DHT, then you might woefully believe that your pores are doomed to be blocked…


Reasons for judgement were released today by the the BC Supreme Court, New Westminster Registry, finding a left turning vehicle faultless for such a crash due to excessive Defendant speed.


Some people might think it’s excessive, but that doesn’t bother me.


Symptoms of rabies include aggression, extreme loss of energy, seizures and excessive drooling or foaming at the mouth.


They also show that UV-protection of children pays off because rates of melanoma death keep going down from around 1960 to the current day as the UV protection of children based on clothing, shading and avoidance of excessive sun exposure has spread in most light-skinned populations, starting in Australia.


Natural materials on wreaths, such as ivy, fir cones, mistletoe and holly, can be composted as long as they are not covered with excessive glitter.


The map above shows the excessive rainfall in January (blue is wetter than average, brown is drier than average), based on data from NOAA’s Earth System Research Laboratory, overlaid on topography.


All cats will vocalize to some extent but when does normal meowing become excessive crying or howling?


For me, Skywards isn’t a priority at all what with their excessive fuel surcharges and large mileage requirements for awards.


Definition of Excessive

more than needed

Examples of Excessive in a sentence

Excessive spending by the state government drained our funds and left us with a huge deficit.


An excessive amount of security was at the event making the sea of people even more crowded.


Without an excessive amount of money to spend on the wedding, the bride and groom decided that eloping would be the best option.


Because an excessive number of invitations were sent out, there were not enough seats for the attendees.


The shoe fanatic’s husband though her collection was excessive and a waste of money.


Other words in the Increase category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

чрезмерный, излишний, безмерный, эксцессив, чрезмерная степень


- чрезмерный; излишний; избыточный

excessive praise — неумеренные похвалы
an excessive smoker — заядлый курильщик
the price is excessive — цена чрезмерно высока
to be an excessive drinker — пить лишнего

- в грам. знач. сущ. лингв. чрезмерная степень, эксцессив

Мои примеры


excessive fatigue — переутомление  
excessive heating — перегрев  

Примеры с переводом

Excessive drinking can make you lose control of your own life.

Чрезмерное употребление спиртного может привести к потере контроля над собственной жизнью.

The system broke down under excessive loads.

Система обрушилась из-за чрезмерных нагрузок.

His perfectionism seemed excessive to his students.

Студентам его требовательность к себе и окружающим /перфекционизм/ казалась чрезмерной.

Excessive taxation has been clogging the market.

Высокие налоговые ставки тормозили развитие рынка.

It is necessary to see that these assessments were not excessive.

Необходимо проследить, чтобы размер налогообложения не был завышен.

High fever, nausea, and excessive sweating are some of the symptoms.

Высокая температура, тошнота и повышенная потливость — вот некоторые симптомы этого заболевания.

Excessive logging has denuded the hillside of trees.

Чрезмерная вырубка лишила деревьев склоны холмов.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

$15 for two beers seems a little excessive.

What wearies me about Dickens, however, is his excessive use of words.

…sometimes the rigidity of the headmaster’s discipline was deemed excessive by even much of the faculty…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

excessively  — чрезмерно, излишне, безмерно
excessiveness  — чрезмерность, излишество, избыточность

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