Use the word excellent in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “excellent” in a sentence. How to connect “excellent” with other words to make correct English sentences.

excellent (adj): extremely good

Use “excellent” in a sentence

The service was excellent in every aspect.
The content of his essay is excellent, but it’s not very well expressed.
That’s an excellent idea.
That restaurant serves excellent food.
Our university has excellent sports facilities.
Your pronunciation is excellent.
We guarantee excellent service.

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Definition of Excellent

wonderful and superb

Examples of Excellent in a sentence

After studying a few hours for his math test, the boy was proud for making an excellent grade of an A+ on his test.


The prize-winning chocolate cake tasted excellent by the friends at the party who requested a copy of the recipe.


As the couple was informed of the wife’s pregnancy, the excellent news caused them to celebrate with a party.


Spinach is an excellent source of iron because eating only a relatively small amount will give your body almost all the iron it needs for the day.


When the company offered full benefits, high pay, interesting work and four weeks off paid vacation, Thomas knew he would take this excellent job.


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Used with verbs:

«His work is excellent.«
(be: is/am/are, looks, seems, appears, sounds, remains)

«This program is considered excellent.«
(be + considered)

Used with adverbs:

«Her art is truly excellent.«
(truly, absolutely, really, quite, rather, most)

«The service here is generally excellent.«
(generally, consistently, apparently, usually)

Used with prepositions:

«He is excellent at solving difficult math problems.«

«This example would be excellent for your project.«

Used with nouns:

«She made an excellent choice.«
(choice, decision, investment, argument, selection, impression)

«This is really excellent coffee.«
(coffee, cuisine, champagne, food, wine)

«He gave an excellent speech.«
(speech, performance, report, description)

«This is an excellent restaurant.«
(restaurant, meal, dinner, bar, pub, museum)

«She is an excellent teacher.«
(teacher, chef, cook, player, lawyer, doctor, dancer, musician)

«He works hard on maintaining his excellent health.«
(health, shape, condition)

«She has written an excellent article.«
(article, report, story, tutorial, presentation, summary)

«He has an excellent memory.«
(memory, reputation)

«We are making excellent progress on this project.«

«She gave me some excellent advice.«
(advice, suggestions, ideas)

«He has excellent hearing despite his age.«
(hearing, eyesight, vision, mobility, health)

«I received an excellent education at that school.«

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1. Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means power, leisure, and liberty. 

2. The school is widely admired for its excellent teaching.

3. I must congratulate you on your excellent exam results.

4. He had an excellent rapport with his patients.

5. The picture is in an excellent state of preservation.

6. The peach tree has an excellent blossom this year.

7. The school is considered excellent.

8. The acoustics of the new concert hall are excellent.

9. The play had excellent sound and lighting effects.

10. My car has given me excellent service.

11. His running commentary on the football match was excellent.

12. The teaching staff of this college is excellent.

13. The natives make excellent boats from the tree trunks.

14. She had excellent credentials for the job.

15. Many churches provide excellent pastoral counselling.

16. My wife is an excellent manager.

17. These two hotels are both excellent establishments.

18. The car has excellent all-round visibility .

19. The initial reaction has been excellent.

20. Rice makes an excellent complement to a curry dish.

21. The wine was excellent,( but the food was disappointing.

22. She is excellent at her job.

23. Our international credit is excellent.

24. The facilities are excellent for a town that size.

25. The firm has an excellent customer service department.

26. The firm has excellent customer relations.

27. The school’s teaching staff is excellent.

28. There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation.

29. The recording quality is excellent.

30. Of course she is an excellent doctor.

More similar words: exceed, excess, except, cell, except for, excessive, exception, in excess of, sullen, pollen, seller, challenged, millennia, intellectual, intellectually, silent, plenty, violent, lenient, talented, excitement, truculent, gentleness, equivalent, benevolent, fraudulent, resplendent, belligerent, unrelentingly, cancel. 

  • Use the word Excellent in a sentences

Sentence Examples

-He’s an excellent pedicure.

And there’s an excellent viewing position for the fireworks display and, of course, the aquacade.

The pubic symphysis is an excellent yardstick of age.

Richard, I know this is a trying time for us, but it’s also an excellent opportunity to dig deep, and find out what’s really going on here.

The moral and health are in excellent state.

I have tried to find out how the excellent inquisition judges behaved in such circumstances.


The cigars from your employer are excellent, indeed.

He’s got such an education and excellent deeds.

R├®vande begins to think Gabrielle Derisau could become an excellent business for him.

The service here is excellent.

Because of the excellent example set by our young friends here,

Why, they’re really an excellent quality, aren’t they?

Give us the song you sang this morning, it was excellent.

You make excellent coffee.

excellent, you must show me!

Bravo, bravo, that was marvellous! Really excellent!

Oh, that’s an excellent idea!

And this process has been excellent publicity.

They took excellent english goods!

The champagne is very excellent, madam.

You certainly could make an excellent guess.

My guesses might be excellent, but I’m not silly enough to make them in front of a District Attorney.

excellent rule, Mr. Trevor.

excellent, Fräulein von Attems

That’s an excellent idea.

They’re very excellent, good people, and they’ve lived quietly in that cottage for 30 years.

This bank is in excellent condition.

The bank’s in excellent condition.



And 5ooo cases of excellent liquor are in our warehouse.

She was called the Queen of Dance [1/2 lb. excellent veal fat home-style 45] but known as the Queen of Sensual Pleasures

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