Use the word evidently in a sentence

1. She was evidently a heavy smoker.

2. She evidently dresses for comfort.

3. He has evidently mistaken me.

4. Evidently, he has fallen in love with Miss Green.

5. She walked slowly down the road, evidently in pain.

6. The army evidently fears that, under him, its activities would be severely circumscribed.

7. They were evidently trying to frighten the public into obedience.

8. The man wore a bathrobe and had evidently just come from the bathroom.

9. Alan was irritable, and very evidently in a nervy state.

10. He came to the door, evidently just roused from his bed.

11. She was evidently upset by what she saw.

12. He was born evidently in London.

12. try its best to gather and build good sentences.

13. Evidently he has decided to leave.

14. Evidently this information clinched the matter.

15. Evidently, the builders had finished and gone home early.

16. Evidently we have to hitch a passing car.

17. A truck had evidently collided with a car.

18. He was evidently a rude, unpleasant child.

19. He was evidently too tired to go any further.

20. He was evidently in pain.

21. The two Russians evidently knew each other.

22. He was evidently upset by the news of the accident.

23. My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.

24. From childhood, he was evidently at once rebellious and precocious.

25. They were evidently rationalizing.

26. He evidently hated maths at school, so it’s amazing he became an accountant!

27. Evidently, she had nothing to do with the whole affair.

28. I didn’t think Charlie’s parents would like me, but evidently I pass muster.

29. She should have been here two hours ago so she’s evidently decided not to come after all.

30. His claim about the number of people killed in the spring forest fire was evidently overstated.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Setting a coronation date evidently remains a royal prerogative.

Впрочем, установление даты коронации, очевидно, остается королевской прерогативой.

It was evidently also connected with quartz’s ability to convey information.

И связано это было, очевидно, еще и со способностью кварца передавать информацию.

He evidently found falling stones a lot less interesting than living creatures.

Он, видимо, обнаружили падающих камней много менее интересно, чем живые существа.

Eliza still spoke little: she had evidently no time to talk.

Элиза по-прежнему была немногословна; у нее, видимо, не было времени на разговоры.

And evidently off-worlders, judging by your sonic technology.

И явно не с этой планеты, судя по звуковым технологиям.

Azerbaijan evidently feels that UNESCO recognition can also help promote its political agenda.

Азербайджан явно полагает, что признание ЮНЕСКО может оказать содействие и в продвижении определенных политических задач.

And they evidently think that we cannot see through this plan.

И они, очевидно, думают, что мы не сможем разглядеть этот план.

Europe evidently heard these words from its long-time ally loudly and clearly.

Европа, очевидно, слышала эти слова от своего давнего союзника громко и ясно.

The term «individually» evidently raises a question.

Очевидно, что в связи с термином «индивидуально» возникает вопрос.

The state is evidently competent to run extractive industries and banks.

Очевидно, что государство обладает компетенциями, необходимыми для того, чтобы управлять предприятиями добывающей промышленности и банками.

Caspian coast the animals evidently penetrated far north.

Вдоль каспийского побережья звери, очевидно, распространялись далеко на север.

Financial diplomacy is evidently more difficult than in 1944.

Очевидно, что финансовая дипломатия нынче гораздо более тонкая материя, чем в 1944 году.

This was evidently not done and resulted in the convoy attack.

Очевидно, этого не было сделано, что и привело к нападению на автоколонну.

And evidently it simply updated the old version…

И, видимо, для этого он обновил старую версию…

He evidently heard something that would make him stop so quickly.

Видимо ему на тот момент было известно нечто, что заставляло его высказываться столь определенно.

But evidently much of this legislation was not enforced.

Но, очевидно, большая часть этих законов не была исполнена.

This evidently means I must now be very smart.

То есть, видимо, я должен сейчас быть очень умным.

These models evidently left much room for chance.

Подобные модели, очевидно, оставляли многое на волю случая.

So evidently they needed something else during that time.

А им, очевидно, в этот момент нужно было что-то другое.

These hieroglyphics have evidently a meaning.

Эти иероглифы, очевидно, имеют какой-нибудь смысл.

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evidently — перевод на русский


[Laughing] Evidently not.

Очевидно, нет.

Sir, it’s evident that your presence here is unwelcome.

Сэр, очевидно, что Ваше присутствие здесь нежелательно.

You’ve evidently taken care of it.

Вы, очевидно, обо всем позаботились

Evidently you’re not aware of it, but this is a girls’ school.

Очевидно, вы не в курсе, но это женский колледж.

Evidently you’re not aware of it, Miss Brooks but this is a girls’ school for boys.

Очевидно, вы не в курсе того, мисс Брукс что это женский колледж для мальчиков.

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— No. He was evidently trapped somewhere.

— Нет, видимо, заманили в ловушку.

Evidently the man honks the horn and that’s the signal.

Зачем он? Видимо, проезжая, он ей сигналит!

Evidently programmed to ignore anything as small as a ship beyond a certain radius.

Видимо, он запрограммирован игнорировать корабли в некотором радиусе.

These incised symbols are fascinating, evidently some form of writing.

Какие интересные символы. Видимо, какая-то письменность.

Evidently, Sir doesn’t know the tradition.

Видимо, вы не знаете наших традиций.

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A young lady downstairs evidently wants to see me.

Внизу молодая леди. Явно хочет меня видеть.

Evidently they are not prepared to deal with outright disobedience.

Они явно не сталкивались с открытым неповиновением.

— I am constrained to point out, that since minds are evidently being influenced, we cannot know at this moment whether our own memories are completely accurate and true.

— Я должен указать, что, поскольку наш разум явно контролируется, мы не можем знать, верны ли наши собственные воспоминания.

We are evidently far outside our own galaxy, judging from the lack of traceable reference points.

Мы явно очень далеко от нашей галактики, судя по отсутствию точек отсчета.

I mean he evidently could not live with what he saw.

Он явно не мог жить с тем, что он видел.

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Evidently Sheriff Keogh wasn’t very popular either.

Похоже, шериф Кео тоже не пользовался особым успехом, да?

You’re a gallant soldier, and evidently of good stock but you’re idle and unprincipled.

Вы хороший солдат, и, похоже, из хорошей семьи но ленивый и без принципов.

Evidently, your friend did not realise that here in East Germany we use 220 volt current.

Похоже, Ваш друг не знал, что в Восточной Германии в розетках напряжение 220 Вольт.

Evidently, he’s become very lax in his waning years.

Похоже, что с годами он утратил осторожность.

Evidently he spent most of the night doing this.

Похоже, большую часть ночи он занимался этим.

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What we received was evidently a delayed taped message.

То, что мы приняли, — несомненно, ранее записанное сообщение.

Evidently, they are convinced that we can do nothing to stop them, and they wish to impress upon us what they can do to us.

— Да. Несомненно, они убеждены, Что мы не сможем их остановить, и они хотят поразить нас тем, что они могут с нами сделать.

Anyway, evidently you were his favorite student.

В общем, несомненно, ты была его лучшей студенткой.

Evidently, our wormhole passes through a layer of subspace monitored by the Borg.

Несомненно, наша червоточина проходит через слой подпространства, контролируемого боргами.

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Evidently, you’ve intersected a line of narco-finance and…

По-видимому, вы узнали о денежном потоке от наркоторговли…

He kissed a coed, evidently a-against her will.

Он поцеловал школьницу, по-видимому, против ее воли.

— Jan evidently lived in chaos.

— Ян по-видимому жил в хаосе.

Evidently not.

По-видимому, нет.

Evidently, 911 says we’ve cried wolf too many times.

По-видимому, 911 говорит, что мы слишком часто кричале о волке.

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National boundaries are not evident when we view the Earth from space.

Из космоса не видно границ между странами.

He admitted, although with hesitation, that the peculiar gloom which afflicted him could be traced to a more natural and far more palpable origin to the severe and long-continued illness, to the evidently approaching dissolution of a tenderly beloved sister.

давняя и тяжкая болезнь нежно любимой сестры, для которой дни, видно, уже сочтены.

— That’s evident!

— Оно и видно!

She was a proud woman and proud of her name. This is extremely evident from the way she carried herself.

Она очень гордилась своим именем, что видно по всем ее поступкам.

Evidently, they made a few modifications.

Видно, они сделали несколько модификаций.

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Evidently you don’t get headaches often.

Ясно, что мигрени посещают тебя не часто.

In enhancing this particular quadrant, what became very evident to me was an anomalous crescent in the upper left-hand corner, just off the limb of lo.

Повысив четкость этого сектора, я совершенно ясно увидела аномальный полумесяц в левом верхнем углу, как раз на краю Ио.

That was evident.

— Хм… Это же и так ясно.

Evidently, country people are no more receptive to strangers than city dwellers.

Ясно, что деревенские жители больше не столь благосклонны к незнакомцам, как и горожане.

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— No, evidently…

— Нет, конечно…

Evidently it’s false.

Но это, конечно же, неправда.

Evidently, most men focused on cars, and most women on fashion…

Конечно, большинство мужчин устремилось к автомобилям, а большая часть женщин — на показы мод…

Evidently, now?

Конечно же

Evidently, we can’t sing about faith, but we can sing about losing faith?

Конечно, мы не можем петь о вере, но что если спеть о потере веры?

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It is evident, yes.

Это заметно, да.

As was evident in your studies.

Это было заметно по твоей учебе.

The scar is even more evident in this enlargement.

Шрам становится еще более заметным при увеличении.

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очевидно, видимо, явно, видно, несомненно, внешне, по внешнему виду, по-видимому


- очевидно, явно, ясно

Мои примеры


evidently / absolutely ludicrous — совершенно нелепый  
his star is evidently setting — его звезда явно заходит  
self-evidently true — самоочевидно истинный  

Примеры с переводом

He was evidently in pain.

Очевидно ему было больно.

She was evidently upset by what she saw.

Она была явно расстроена тем, что видела.

Evidently you and I have different feelings on this issue.

Видимо, у нас с вами разные мнения по этому вопросу.

She was evidently a heavy smoker.

Она, явно была заядлым курильщиком.

He was evidently a rude, unpleasant child.

Было очевидно, что он грубый и неприятный ребёнок.

Evidently, the local authority are planning to close the school.

Очевидно, местные власти планируют закрыть школу.

“We seem to have different feelings on this issue.” “Evidently!”

“Похоже, у нас разные мнения по этому вопросу.” “Очевидно!”

Evidently, the builders had finished and gone home early.

Видимо, строители уже закончили и ушли домой пораньше.

She was in bed and evidently in great pain.

Она была в постели и очевидно испытывала сильную боль.

Возможные однокоренные слова

evident  — очевидный, явный, бросающийся в глаза, кажущийся

vitamin c is evidently very effective, researchers suggest that it is best to combat factors in increasing skin ageing using multiple antioxidants and not relying on a few that has greater publicity

The companions fell silent for a few moments, evidently thinking

The gunner sucked at his teeth for a few seconds, evidently lost in

The gunner again paused, evidently in thought of his old

Evidently following the landlady’s instructions, Bram directed

Evidently much of the produce had come

The visitors entered what was evidently the main building

Intrigued, he followed the sounds to the commons deck where his family was sitting, evidently enjoying themselves in discussion

Evidently they still had not made up from the incident at lunch

“And now she’s back, evidently in one piece, and with nothing to

When not actively on patrol, it could be found in close proximity of one, or both of the twins, graciously accepting the adoration from whom they evidently considered their co-workers

Evidently it was my time to

and the coming of age of a super-charged mind that evidently had no off-switch

Roman had evidently taken care of what he called the insurance, and now

But wages evidently make a part of it

Such enhancements of the market price are evidently the effect of natural causes, which may hinder the effectual demand from ever being fully supplied, and which may continue, therefore, to operate for ever

In Great Britain, the wages of labour seem, in the present times, to be evidently more than what is precisely necessary to enable the labourer to bring up a family

After all that has been said of the levity and inconstancy of human nature, it appears evidently from experience, that man is, of all sorts of luggage, the most difficult to be transported

The country, too, is not only much poorer, but the steps by which it advances to a better condition, for it is evidently advancing, seem to be much slower and more tardy

If, in the same neighbourhood, there was any employment evidently either more or

who pays no more than this, evidently pays no more than the real value of the risk, or the

misfortune is then capable of balancing the hope of good luck, appears still more evidently in

of a well employed lawyer or physician, is evidently much greater than that between the

labourers occasionally received from their masters, was evidently not the whole price of their

evidently dictated by the same corporation-spirit which enacted the bye-law of Sheffield

evidently to have been copied from the term of apprenticeship in common trades, of which the

wages of labour and the profits of stock must evidently be greater, in the one situation than in

This is evidently the smallest share with which the tenant can content himself, without being a loser, and the landlord seldom means to leave him any more

Whatever part of the produce, or, what is the same thing, whatever part of its price, is over and above this share, he naturally endeavours to reserve to himself as the rent of his land, which is evidently the highest the tenant can afford to pay in the actual circumstances of the land

In countries not better cultivated than England was then, or than the Highlands of Scotland are now, and which had no foreign commerce, the materials of clothing would evidently be so superabundant, that a great part of them would be thrown away as useless, and no part could afford any rent to the landlord

Upon consulting the manuscript, however, it appears evidently, that all these prices are only set down as examples of the proportion which ought to be observed between the respective prices of wheat and bread

seems evidently to have been the effect of the extraordinary unfavourableness of the seasons, and ought, therefore, to be regarded, not as a permanent, but as a transitory and occasional event

The change has evidently been too sudden to he ascribed to any change in the value of silver, which is always slow and gradual

After all the wonderful tales which have been published concerning the splendid state of those countries in ancient times, whoever reads, with any degree of sober judgment, the history of their first discovery and conquest, will evidently discern that, in arts, agriculture, and commerce, their inhabitants were much more ignorant than the Tartars of the Ukraine are at present

Evidently, in this

If it is not augmented, their real recompence will evidently be so much diminished

it and the religion used in the same purpose? Evidently,

Not evidently bright, they obviously dreamt of developing into forms better adapted to their environment

This accumulation must evidently be previous to his applying his industry for so long a time to such a peculiar business

The cause is evidently: they did not reach

The whole revenue of all of them taken together is evidently not equal to both the money and the consumable goods, but only to one or other of those two values, and to the latter more properly than to the former

But though the conduct of all those different companies has not been unexceptionable, and has accordingly required an act of parliament to regulate it, the country, notwithstanding, has evidently derived great benefit from their trade

Its agriculture, manufactures, and trade, on the contrary, the annual produce of its land and labour, have evidently been augmented

When we compare, therefore, the state of a nation at two different periods, and find that the annual produce of its land and labour is evidently greater at the latter than at the former, that its lands are better cultivated, its manufactures more numerous and more flourishing, and its trade more extensive; we may be assured that its capital must have increased during the interval between those two periods, and that more must have been added to it by the good conduct of some, than had been taken from it either by the private misconduct of others, or by the public extravagance of government

But how servile soever may have been originally the condition of the inhabitants of the towns, it appears evidently, that they arrived at liberty and independency much earlier than the occupiers of land in the country

Evidently, he had no fear of the hermit

According as they tend either to increase or diminish the value of this annual produce, they must evidently tend either to increase or diminish the real wealth and revenue of the country

The value of its annual produce is certainly more or less diminished, when it is thus turned away from producing commodities evidently of more value than the commodity which it is directed to produce

Taxes imposed with a view to prevent, or even to diminish importation, are evidently as destructive of the revenue of the customs as of the freedom of trade

Every such branch is evidently upon a level with all the other branches of trade which are carried on without bounties, and cannot, therefore, require one more than they

The trade of the merchant-importer of foreign corn for home consumption, evidently contributes to the immediate supply of the home market, and must so far be immediately beneficial to the great body of the people

Evidently, these animals flourish on this part of the planet

To hinder, besides, the farmer from sending his goods at all times to the best market, is evidently to sacrifice the ordinary laws of justice to an idea of public utility, to a sort of reasons of state ; an act or legislative authority which ought to be exercised only, which can be pardoned only, in cases of the most urgent necessity

He was momentarily distracted by the arrival of a large pie, borne aloft by Mrs Pilfer, who evidently feared that the banquet was not extensive enough already

So far this treaty, therefore, is evidently advantageous to Portugal, and

Tei went on, “As GingerKat explained, rather eloquently, I thought,” GingerKat elbowed Jonibob who was evidently pointing out a few other things she might have mentioned

Both in the one way and in the other, it must evidently have subjected Great Britain to a relative disadvantage in all those other branches of trade

To hurt, in any degree, the interest of any one order of citizens, for no other purpose but to promote that of some other, is evidently contrary to that justice and equality of treatment which the sovereign owes to all the different orders of his subjects

In the restraints upon the importation of all foreign commodities which can come into competition with those of our own growth or manufacture, the interest of the home consumer is evidently sacrificed to that of the producer

Unless its price repays to him the maintenance which he advances to himself, as well as the materials, tools, and wages, which he advances to his workmen, it evidently does not repay to him the whole expense which he lays out upon it

‘Can you play croquet?’ The soldiers were silent, and looked at Alice, as the question was evidently

Birth and fortune are evidently the two circumstances which principally set one man above another

Great objects, however, are evidently not necessary, in order to occasion the greatest exertions

Every part of their education tends evidently to some useful purpose ; either to improve the natural attractions of their person, or to form their mind to reserve, to modesty, to chastity, and to economy ; to render them both likely to became the mistresses of a family, and to behave properly when they have become such

But a coward, a man incapable either of defending or of revenging himself, evidently wants one of the most essential parts of the character of a man

He is evidently the more wretched and miserable of the two; because happiness and misery, which reside altogether in the mind, must necessarily depend more upon the healthful or unhealthful, the mutilated or entire state of the mind, than upon that of the body

This latter part of profit is evidently a subject not taxable directly

shade of blue mixed with the raw red it was earlier, troubled the man little, evidently

He had hidden for a week, evidently to avoid what he just didn’t want to deal with

This was heeded and before she got out of sight that night was seen to speak to other whalers, which from their actions had evidently taken the alarm making all sail and standing off

American actress not only too much in love with herself, but also, for some unfathomable reason, evidently thinking that she is some sort of giant of the intellect

Evidently somebody had told our company president, the developer, that

There, on the floor, was the moaning, sprawled-out body of Rufus Lickspittle, his long arms and legs all akimbo, and buried by books from a case he evidently had just knocked over

Man evidently rejects the idea of perpetual peace and harmony and strives to control and own what is his anyway

I stood a few moments longer, but the burial was evidently not to be proceeded with in my presence, so I discreetly withdrew, followed by some niggers, who furtively watched me well down the road before returning to the grave side

I went in to see his patient and found a young Negro evidently suffering from fever and dysentery

It had evidently been hung on the tree for one

Pattie would say something to her and Vangie would tell her, ―You lie! Lie! Lie! All the time lie!‖ Evidently it got to the point I had to move Vangie so this time I moved her into an assisted living facility called Park Merced

the windows was a cleared space, where evidently the tree, when

The storm was evidently almost over, but the sky was gray and overcast

There she saw a tiny chick-a-dee, whose wing was evidently

The soldiers were silent, and looked at Alice, as the question was evidently meant for her

It was evidently aware of him, for it made a sudden turn

Evidently surprised and dumbstruck, he managed to ask the Patriarch:

He was evidently disturbed by the names and certainly surprised

The trees for one thing were visibly smaller, and the canopy above them evidently thinner

Only because of evidently great determination did his voice hold together barely at the seams

He was evidently in a lot of pain, and in a pretty poor state

Hilderich looked at his feet sprawled as they were, his vision evidently out of focus

He said to Hilderich who was evidently uncomfortable, his arms sticking out in a weird fashion:

The old man known as Perconal the Jester, indeed the Waking Man of the game, closed his eyes bitterly, and put a finger to his mouth, evidently concerned about Celia’s cold and unfitting attitude towards her father

Ron had been evidently surprised to find out how she came about a player capsule

Nicole dragged him along behind one of the walls of ’Madimba’ and told him in a very strong manner, evidently quite upset:

This evidently encouraged attempts by others to also break free from Roman domination

He evidently considered himself to be very knowledgeable on banking as he proceeded to give me an unsolicited and lengthy tutorial on international banking

Before it happened at age fifty-two, there had evidently been little thought given to succession

He had evidently been so impressed that he equipped his army with crosses as their main battle standard, and then gave that vision the credit for having won

There was a spiritual kind of battle going on that engaged much of her thoughts, attention and linguistic efforts as she daily read from the Good Book during the time that she cared for us, evidently hoping to alter the perceived effects of our earlier upbringing

Alexander said, evidently she could not get pregnant

Xeila, evidently, was nowhere to be seen, thanks to her flawless camouflage,

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