Use the word every in a sentences

Synonym: all, each. Antonym: none. Similar words: everyone, every other, every bit, every time, in every way, everything, very, slavery. Meaning: [‘evrɪ]  adj. 1. each and all of a series of entities or intervals as specified 2. (used of count nouns) each and all of the members of a group considered singly and without exception. 

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1. Every man has his own habit. 

2. Every heart has its own sorrow. 

3. Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice. 

4. Every law has a loophole.

5. Every man is the master of his own fortune. 

6. There are lees to every wine. 

7. Every dog has his day.

8. Every shoe fits not every foot. 

9. To every thing there is a season. 

10. In a calm sea,[] every man is a pilot. 

11. Every cock crows on its own dunghill. 

12. Every door may be shut but death’s door. 

13. Every why has a wherefore.

14. Every bird likes its own nest. 

15. Every salesman boasts of his own wares. 

16. Every dog is a lion at home. 

17. Every cloud has a silver lining. 

18. There’s an exception to every rule. 

19. Every failure one meets with adds to one’s experience. 

20. Every man hath [has] his faults. 

21. Every man is the son of his own works. 

22. No one is a fool always[], every one sometimes. 

23. Every man is best know to himself. 

24. Every man has his hobby-horse.

25. Every dog is valiant at his won door. 

26. Every bullet has its billet.

27. He that fears every bush must never go a-birding. 

28. Every extremity is a fault.

29. The sea has fish for every man. 

30. Every family has a skeleton in the cupboard. 

More similar words: everyone, every other, every bit, every time, in every way, everything, very, slavery, delivery, recovery, ever, fever, never, however, severe, for ever, ever so, reverse, several, ever since, severely, never mind, whatsoever, nevertheless, more than ever, economic recovery, over and over, gallery, surgery, imagery. 

When do we use each and when every?

The words each and every have similar meanings.

Each/Every time I go to work, the red car is parked in front of the office.

But each and every are not always interchangeable. There are situations where you can either use each or every.


  • each is used when you see the persons in a group as individuals.
  • every is used when you see the persons in a group as a unit.

1. each

The word each can be used alone or before an of-phrase.

1.1.can be used for two persons or things

There are two boys. Each is smiling.

1.2. can be used as a pronoun

There are 5 worksheets. Please take one of each.

1.3. can be used before a verb

The students each received a free copy of the magazine.

2. every

2.1. used for three or more persons or things

The manager wants to speak to every employee in his office.

2.2. has to be used before a noun

They enjoyed every minute of their holidays.

2.3. used for repeated actions

  • I get up at 6 o’clock every morning.
  • The show will be broadcast every other Monday.
  • Every time I go shopping I choose the wrong queue.
  • There’s a tram every ten minutes.

3. Singular or plural and each, every

  • If each is used after a subject in the plural (the girls), the verb is used in the plural (have):
    • The girls each have written an e-mail.
    • The girls each have written e-mails.
  • If every should be used in this sentence, the singular of the verb is used (has):
    • Every girl has written an e-mail.

Learn how to use every in a sentence – Example sentences:

Every two or three yards she was accosted , ‘ Signora!

They were very accommodating to our every need.

Every curve is accentuated and every line exaggerated.

So occupied with abstruse ideas, that he is incapable of coping with every day activities.

Each is thoroughly absorbing , with delightful wonders on every page.

Every sedition and every schism was abominable to you.

A Muslim performing complete ablution then washes every part of his or her body.

I go every year.

I run every day.

I swim every day.

I walk every day.

I use it every day.

Every man in his way.

We watch TV every day.

Every imaginable means.

I go to work every day.

I have tried every way.

Every tide has its ebb.

Every man to his trade.

Study English every day.

I have a bath every day.

I go to Tokyo every day.

I call her up every day.

Every man has his humor.

He watches TV every day.

He goes there every day.

He is loafing every day.

Mother washes every day.

I play soccer every day.

Every Jack has his Jill.

We take a bath every day.

We play tennis every day.

Every member must attend.

She writes me every week.

Is it this hot every day?

I keep a diary every day.

I wash clothes every day.

He was every inch a king.

He goes abroad every year.

She showers every morning.

Every player did his best.

They worship every Sunday.

Every man cannot be happy.

We go abroad every summer.

I keep my diary every day.

I go home early every day.

I study English every day.

He is every bit a scholar.

3076 more results not shown.
Basic 10 sentences
5 Advanced Sentences about every in a sentence

  • Dictionary
  • E
  • Every
  • Sentences
  • Every village has a green, a church, a pub and a manor house.
  • His every utterance will be scrutinized.
  • Every Little Step is a documentary about A Chorus Line, that ’70s musical that took Broadway by storm.
  • Harder was the other realisation that struck me with force: not only will I die, but so will everyone else: every single one.
  • We were made to attend meetings every day.
  • Two out of every three Britons already own a digital TV.
  • Every Thursday night, music fans.
  • Inside the halls of FieraMilano from 8th to 10th of June, every year.
  • The Congressional Budget Office says the federal deficit shows every sign of getting larger.
  • Dozens of servants had catered to his every whim.
  • I believe that every thought we have, every feeling that follows, every decision we make.
  • We all want the perfect strike in every bowling game we play and as many of them as we can get.
  • every child knows it
  • every hope of success
  • In the kingdom, each individual will know every member of his family line dating back to Adam.
  • While every media outlet is reporting that HealthSouth’s founder.
  • every third day
  • every man among you
  • Buying clothing in refreshing colors and patterns can simply add that chic, diva look to every woman’s appearance.
  • Given every chance to do the job
  • Take a pill every three hours
  • Every person in the room stood and cheered.
  • Every third bead was red, and the rest were blue.   The sequence was thus red, blue, blue, red, blue, blue etc. Decimation originally meant the execution of every tenth soldier in a unit.

Unit 91- Part A

galka.jpgEach and every are similar in meaning. Often it is possible to use each or every:

       Each time (or Every time) I see you, you look different.
       There’s a telephone in each room (or every room) of the house.

But each and every are not exactly the same.
Study the difference:

Each (but not every) can be used for two things:
        In a football match, each team has eleven players. 
(not every team)

We use
every (not each) to say how often something happens:
        ‘How often do you use your computer?’    ‘Every day.’  (not Each day)
        There’s a bus every ten minutes. 
(not each ten minutes)

Unit 91- Part B

galka.jpgCompare the structures we use with each and every:

You can use each with a noun:
        each book        each student
You can use every with a noun:
    every book       every student
You can use each alone (without a noun):
        None of the rooms was the same.
         Each (= each room) was different.
Or you can use each one:

        Each one was different.
You can’t use every alone, but you can say every one:
        A: Have you read all these books?
          B: Yes, every one.
You can say each of (the … / these … / them etc.):
        Read each ot these sentences carefully.
        Each of the books is a different colour.
        Each of them is a different colour.
You can say every one of … (but not every of):
        I’ve read every one of those books. (not every of those books)
        I’ve read every one of them.

Unit 91- Part C

galka.jpgYou can also use each in the middle or at the end of a sentence. For example:

        The students were each given a book.  (= Each student was given a book.)
        These oranges cost 15 pence each.

Unit 91- Part D

galka.jpgEveryone and every one
Everyone (one word) is only for people (= everybody).
Every one (two words) is for things or people, and is similar to each one (see Section B).
        Everyone enjoyed the party.  (= Everybody …)
        Sarah is invited to lots of parties and she goes to every one
(= to every party)


{slide=1 Look at the pictures and complete the sentences with each or every.}

{/slide} {slide=2 Put in each or every.}flag.jpgPut in each or every.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    Every   
4    Each   
5    every   
6    every   
7    each   
8    every   
9    every   
10  each   
11  Every   
12  each {end-tooltip}

1    There were tour books on the table.    Each    book was a different colour.
2    The Olympic Games are held    every    four years.
3    ____________ parent worries about their children.
4    In a game of tennis there are two or four players. ____________ player has a racket.
5    Nicola plays volleyball ____________ Thursday evening.
6    I understood most of what they said but not ____________ word.
7    The book is divided into five parts and ____________ of these has three sections.
8    I get paid ____________ four weeks.
9    We had a great weekend. I enjoyed ____________ minute of it.
10  I tried to phone her two or three times, but ____________ time there was no reply.
12  Car seat belts save lives. ____________ driver should wear one.
13  (from an exam)  Answer all five questions. Write your answer to ____________ question on a separate sheet of paper.
{/slide} {slide=3 Complete the sentences using each.}flag.jpgComplete the sentences using each.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    Sonia and I had    ten pounds each. / Sonia and I each had ten pounds.
3    Those postcards cost 80 pence each. / Those postcards are 80 pence each.
4    We paid £120 each. / We each paid £120.{end-tooltip}

1    The price of one of those oranges is 30 pence.
      Those    oranges are 30 pence each.   
2    I had ten pounds and so did Sonia.
      Sonia and I _______________________
3    One of those postcards costs 80 pence.
      Those ____________________________
4    The hotel was expensive. I paid £120 and so did you.
      We _______________________________ {/slide} {slide=4 Put in everyone or every one.}flag.jpgPut in everyone (1 word) or every one (2 words).
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    everyone
3    every one
4    Everyone
5    every one{end-tooltip}

1    Sarah is invited to a lot of parties and she goes to   every one   .  
2    As soon as _____________ had arrived, we began the meeting.
3    I asked her lots of questions and she answered _____________ correctly.
4    She’s very popular. _____________ likes her.
5    I dropped a tray of glasses.  Unfortunately _____________ broke. {/slide} создан специально чтобы помочь хозяину квартиры и любому человеку, желающему снять квартиру. Если Вы мечтали найти: квартиры от хозяев то Вы нашли то, что искали, здесь вы сэкономите достаточно серьезную сумму на квартире без посредников.

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