Use the word event in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “event” in a sentence. How to connect “event” with other words to make correct English sentences.

event (n): anything that happens, especially something important or unusual

Use “event” in a sentence

The movie is based on actual events.
That was an entertaining event.
This story is based on actual events.
In the event of rain, the game will not be held.

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Synonym: episode, experience, happening, incident, occurrence. Similar words: seventh, eventually, in any event, even though, prevention, in the event of, even, eleven. Meaning: [ɪ’vent]  n. 1. something that happens at a given place and time 2. a special set of circumstances 3. a phenomenon located at a single point in space-time; the fundamental observational entity in relativity theory 4. a phenomenon that follows and is caused by some previous phenomenon. 

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(1) It is easy to prophesy after the event

(2) It is easy to be wise after the event

(3) We never thought of demagoguing the event.

(4) A thousand balloons were released to mark the event.

(5) He was the most timorous person in that event.

(6) At the beginning of June an event occurred.

(7) People were giving out flyers advertising the event.

(8) The exact date of the event has escaped me.

(9) Next day the newspapers reported the event.

(10) The new event threw them into confusion.

(11) The event was held in some park or other.

(12) The election was the main event of 1999.

(13) Wilde was emphatic that the event should go ahead.

(14) This is the biggest event we’ve ever catered for.

(15) It is an event in which she reigns supreme.

(16) The school trip has become an annual event.

(17) The event was widely covered by the mass media.

(18) Your birthday is an annual event.

(19) Leaving home was a major event in his life.

(20) He is the centre of this event.

(21) That was antecedent to this event.

(22) The event was an undoubted success.

(23) The event changed the trend of public opinion.

(24) A new book by Grass is always an event.

(25) My sincere congratulations on this auspicious event of yours.

(26) He is the center of this event.

(27) School is an everyday event for most children.

(28) The event passed unnoticed.

(29) The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.

(30) The Post Office has issued a commemorative stamp to mark the event.

More similar words: seventh, eventually, in any event, even though, prevention, in the event of, even, eleven, even now, even if, revenue, even when, invent, venture, invention, inventory, convention, conventional, intervention, development, developmental, entertainment, sentiment, oven, vendor, vendetta, give notice, ever, convenience, fever. 

Definition of Event

an occasion or happening taking place that may be important

Examples of Event in a sentence

The Special Olympics is an event for disabled athletes where each year they come together to compete in sporting games.


Buying a house over the weekend caused me to miss work on Monday due to the event taking so much time.


9/11 was probably the worst thing to happen to the United States in modern times since so many people died in the unforgettable event.


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I offered to attend at any time in the event of potential employer

sympathy sessions, an event actually causes the scales [controls] to be tipped in the other direction thus creating a different and, very

losing most of the normal reference points that social event smal talk requires:

I readjusted myself to this “new time” and the day continued without event until we agreed to meet for an evening meal at 1900

He would try keeping quiet until she had at least taken him to a political event, he thought

The event was at a large hotel

Once the event occurs our cooperation to authorities, encouraging the younger lot to provide help to the needy, taking some sort of control to prevent theft and arsons, regulate the crowd that usually collects and hampers rescue efforts and the doctors amongst us to provide urgent medical aid are some of the tasks we can take upon ourselves and thus be relevant for the society even at this age

Every event, including the ones we call wrong, is an Act of God

to the South Coast and the company laboratories was the biggest emotional event in

doostEr had seen event messages on the vid screen at that tap

was connected to the power of God to the event which happened two

Surrounded by Khmer lettering was a small but intricate picture of an event

The desired event

An event so important that it was worth a permanent mark on the skin, first to assure success, second to commemorate once it had taken place

In spite of Tahlmute’s wishes, this must have been quite the event at Taktor’s

«We shouldn’t stop thinking about the life we will have in the event of the ninety or ninety nine percent chance that it’s going to miss us

It was an event of great national pride for Brazil when the Lula was launched

For example, when an infant has an accident and is paralyzed for the rest of his life, I can never swallow the tale that “this event serves an invisible but good purpose” or “his soul chose this because he needs this experience”, or “he is punished for something bad he did in his past life” and all that paranoiac piffle

Jesus’ death upon that cross was not a one time event, but an ultimatum

The OAAU was an organization rivaled Thanksgiving feasts, or how we held our elders in focused on the fight for human rights of Afro-Americans and such high regard—the highest in fact, or how arriving on promoting cooperation among Africans and people of African time to an event was never as important as showing up in descent in the Americas

You can promote a contest where if new customers follow you through the social media site, they are automatically entered to win tickets to a big event

You can offer things such as free trips, gift cards or credit card gift rewards, movie tickets, backstage concert tickets or tickets to their favorite sporting event of the year

While he was at it he canceled the one where Alan had gotten off the raft and just let it go thru to the statistical and event recorders

As usual in this event,

were greatly troubled, long after the event

The hall was full to bursting and the comments I heard afterwards were very complimentary – I enclose a cutting from the Readersein describing the event

Finally it was the main event

Although it was too far off, it was another strange event for a

‘When is the happy event taking place?’

When he had run in the exercise ring to the limit of his endurance, training for just such an event as this, he had collapsed in exhaustion after less than a quarter this distance and that was without the pack

They all knew it would be a momentous event

And I am not asking you at this stage to become a vegetarian but merely making various practical suggestions as to how it can be done in the event of your gradually turning against the eating of flesh foods for the reasons I have already outlined

The annual village festival would be held in five days time and I just wasn’t in the mood but if that wasn’t enough, there was a special event in the afternoon of the day after next, an annual occasion usually organised every year by father as a kind of reunion for those born in the villagers and all those who had returned to their roots for the festival

A type 3 can act worse than a type 1, it all depends on who does or doesn’t get help or meds or whose personality elevates or depreciates the event with conflicting factors

A year or so after the event on the street corner the government proposed the setting up an immigration processing centre in the borough where Miss Jones lived

have placed into this event

What’s a bubbled event?

main DataGrid event handler to take care of its constituents

asax File: The Route table is created in the application Start event handler, of the

But when she appears, she looks quite ordinary … obviously not performing … I wonder where they’re going – some operatic society event, perhaps? I’m just about to turn away when I become transfixed – he’s holding her hand! Gobsmacked, I watch as he opens the door for her to get into the passenger seat, and I catch an exchange of smiles between them which stops me in my tracks

The panels of the ceiling were panoramas depicting the predictions of Revelation using their event in history, up to and including the powering-up of New Jerusalem in Ceres

What a surprise — Ben has done ‘nothing much’ at school ever since he left the reception class — it takes at least a week for information about any event to percolate through and every single time he swears that he told me all about it on the day

«In an event horizon as far as I can tell

How could this event be the source of her physical

No, as the event had its own generators

The event that caused the

of that event is negative, and your body will naturally

Aware that winter was upon their home world, and that the social event of the year would take place during the winter encampment, the two female scientists decided the trip to the human world must be accomplished with all haste

emotional event will create a trapped emotion

was tragically killed, her natural sadness for that event

a long-ago event, his body had not forgotten it

What event created this?

became trapped because of that event

simply ask if the event that your partner has in mind

is the same event that helped to create the trapped

They just need to think about the event for a moment,

that event helped to create the trapped emotion

or event that created the trapped emotion

Let’s say an emotional event that occurred a month

occurred, your subject will probably know what event

this job she was doing or that event she was organising

Sometimes, you will still not have any idea what event

event that was transitory in nature, and the event

“I seem to have become trapped in an event horizon while I was running from the alternate veron store that was entangled with one of the dark bodies in the space we are passing thru

totally unrelated, when the event will suddenly pop

“I have no way of telling if I am in a simulated universe transmitted from the dark bodies, or if I am in an event horizon imposed by someone in the crew of Gordon’s Lamp

event that had happened to me twenty-five years

significant event that I’d experienced when I was

Practice: the event that is caused must be noticed and remembered

can actually create a trapped emotion about that event,

used more to restore the entire web server in the event their hard disk fails

It’s a black tie do, I believe, have you got something you can wear? What time is this blasted event, Bill?’

Darryl’s been locked in an event horizon with the math

“The Planck frequency going to zero is analogous with slipping within an event horizon

The going to infinity is analogous to being emitted from an event horizon

I think what we are seeing here is a transition thru a form of event horizon

I feel that his treatment of her, combined with her own innate shame, both at the awful abortion event and the discovery of her own sexuality, left her with no self-esteem at all

and you’d have thought that it was the most exciting event in her life

In any event, it

Several of the tenants extremely shaken by the event – as though screaming would help! Decided that strong measures required – announced a midnight feast, and hauled them all into the common room for tea and cake, babes and all

‘Well, the yobs tried to break in late at night and although the police arrived in time and carted them off, several of the tenants were pretty shaken by the event

event to all: yes also, the heart of the sons of men is full of evil, and madness is in their

The next event in the village’s education came the next day

“And did those feelings then result in a selfless endeavor on your part to put things to rights? Or was it more often than not, a fleeting brush with the feeling which when interrupted by some other event or happenstance soon passed and left only the memory, or trace of an encounter with those feelings? That is the experience of most people

The lead story is about a tragic event at a night club in Bideford

‘We were not pleased about that event either, if we had been able to make our wishes known then, we would have made the attempt to stop that from occurring as well

The whole event was a cause of extreme

In the event, the passing-out ceremony itself was rather low-key

“After twenty decades?” What was this bumpkin thinking? Ava didn’t find a wisp of a trail a few years after the event, neither did Internal Investigations

the event, and fined a considerable amount

In the event that someone should fail to

The girls had made all their gifts, well nearly all, and insisted upon directing the holiday’s main event

In the event, it was explained, the alarm was raised almost

Andy poked around in his memory trying to recall if there had been any event, however minor, which hinted at the presence of a stranger … he couldn’t remember anything at all

Dinner would be served around seven, so he had a bit of time before dressing for the event to duck down into the Gent’s lavatory to freshen up a bit

He took her out to a beautiful gymnastic event that she actually found fascinating and she found herself getting cozy and comfortable with him as he told her of the fine points of the competition

but the moon was the only witness to this event

Somehow she managed to instil the last few words with a meaning which reduced the conviction of her brother for child abuse, the deaths of two men and a woman, and the resultant comatose state of her daughter to an event which was purely and simply intended as a disruption of her life

“There are three forces in every event, positive negative and neutral

He worried about what connection any of them could have had to the event

  • Use the word Event in a sentences

Sentence Examples

At that time, I was interested in capturing an event because I didn’t know any better and that was the language of the period… something happened in space and time, you try to be there and make an interesting shape, any picture about it.

An unplanned event at last, gave an edge to the French.

The Violent Unknown event concentrated its vehemence on the head, face and neck of Hasp Fallbazz.

It’s a piece about violence in its immediacy, the instancy of the event, a synchronic rendering of three explosive, aggressive expressions.

I except to see you at my event tonight for the denouement.

Mi Kyung, who works at the Kingdom hotel said she saw him throwing an event for her.

He even rented out a whole swimming pool at his hotel to throw me a surprise event.

All right, welcome to Team Trivia Night, a new weekly event here at Dolan’s Pub.

The big event of Roman history.

A normally manageable event assumed terrifying proportions under the influence of the drug.


I tell you: on my wedding night with Florence, there was a mysterious event

She may have been anxious that once on her path of life she might encounter an event, some sensuously intoxicating charm to which she would surrender.

The Henley Regatta: England’s national rowing event

The jumping event has begun.

He asked me to express his feelings, which I share, on this sad event

Yeah. Let’s drink to the happy event.

The main event of the evening: Ten rounds of boxing.

Prompted by what is unseen, we complete the uncanny event in our minds.

Another line, cut from an earlier script, would have revealed Renfield as the sole proprietor of his real-estate practice, and therefore unlikely to be missed in the event of his disappearance.

Well, in that event, I suppose I really owe it to you to make assurance doubly sure.

Something of an event to see a ship arrive from Russia.

Last week, I told you Mrs. Moskowitz was expecting a blessed event.

It is a wonderful event… Yes?

Let me drive you to the main event.

This event isn’t newsworthy.

After the event, we will show you London by night.

In any event, Stockport will be rid of you… as it will be rid of me.

And, uh, next event, please?

the next event ladies and gentlemen will be the roman standing race.

that concludes today’s event, ladies and gentlemen.

I met them all. Burton told me that he place 2.000 dollar bet on Cheyenne Kent for me. and if I should lose the event that I was entered in, I stand to win 4000 dollars.

come on I am on the next event.

They celebrated the joyful event in their own way.

And I bring you the felicitations of my nation… and my own personal congratulations on so glorious an event. Yes, I know.

Then perhaps you will convey to Her Highness… that I’ve been waiting for some time now to congratulate her… on the great historic event of providing our country with a much-needed heir to the throne.

Next entrant in the women’s high platform diving event, Miss Barbara Hilton of Great Britain.

Announcing the winners of the women’s high-diving event.

Next event, 400 meters, freestyle, for men.

When’s the, uh, happy event?

It’d be a happy event uniting our houses.

In any event, It’s your own business.

Oh, uh, please to meet honorable wife… and, uh, latest blessed event.

Gathered to witness the greatest sporting event of the Australian turf… the Melbourne Cup.

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