Use the word even though in a sentence

Starting a sentence with “even though” is something that we’re able to do, though not many people are aware of it. This article will show you how it is possible and what grammar rules we associate with a sentence structure like this.

You can start a sentence with “even though” when it’s part of the dependent clause. We need an independent clause to come directly after it if we want it to be grammatically correct. It works well to show that something happens despite another thing.

Can You Start A Sentence With "Even Though"?

It is a conjunction, and many people believe that conjunctions can’t start sentences. However, this is a common English myth, and the idea should be disregarded.

What Does “Even Though” Mean At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

It would help to explain what the meaning of the phrase is before you try to use it yourself.

“Even though” means that something happens in spite of another fact. We usually say that “even though this happened,” something completely the opposite to that thing also occurred. It helps us to explain how certain things came to be.

To help you understand more about the meaning, refer to the following:

  • Even though she didn’t like him, they still went to the ball together.

We can see that in spite of the fact that she did not like him, they still attended the same event, which would indicate that she did, in fact, like him.

Examples Of How To Use “Even Though” At The Beginning Of A Sentence

Some more examples are always welcome here. Make sure you pay attention to the grammar rules because we’re going to focus a little more on them after this.

  1. Even though I couldn’t see over the man’s head, I still enjoyed the movie.
  2. Even though there wasn’t much for us to do, we still made the most of our time together.
  3. Even though someone ruined the entire plot for me, I still had fun at the theatre.
  4. Even though he wasn’t supposed to be there, I noticed there was a nameplate for him on my table.
  5. Even though she couldn’t tell me the truth, I worked out what she wanted to say.
  6. Even though the policy says not to do it, everyone at the party decided it would be fun.
  7. Even though they wouldn’t divulge further information, we all knew what really happened at the party.

“Even though” works to introduce a dependent clause that happens in spite of another contradicting event.

Where Should I Place The Comma When Using “Even Though” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

The punctuation rules that come with “even though” follow standard dependent clause rules. If you know how dependent clauses work at the start of sentences, you’ll know how to punctuate “even though.”

You do not need to place a comma directly after “even though.” However, you do need to place one at the end of the dependent clause to help[p the reader understand where the separation between the two clauses is.

Here’s how that looks with (and without) a comma:

  • Correct: Even though he wasn’t having fun, I’m glad he still came.
  • Incorrect: Even though the food was terrible I still ate most of it.

Alternatives To Starting A Sentence With “Even Though”

There are plenty of good alternatives to starting a sentence with “even though.” The following synonyms are some of the best ones we can think of that will help you expand your knowledge and vocabulary:

  • Despite
  • In spite of the fact that
  • In spite of
  • Although
  • Though
  • While
  • Albeit
  • Even if
  • Even when

Can You Start A Sentence With “Even”?

There are also a few cases where “even” on its own can start a sentence. If we disregard “even though” for a quick minute (because obviously “even” can start a sentence as part of “even though”), we can see how “even” works.

You can start a sentence with “even” when you want to emphasize that somebody or something is related to a particular thing in the context. We use “even” to stress the importance of someone or something.

It works best when you’re trying to compare to someone doing an action. For example, if someone didn’t want to fly on a plane because they were scared, you could say:

  • Even my grandmother is flying on this plane!

That’s how we can emphasize “grandmother” and start a sentence with “even.”

Can You Start A Sentence With “Even If”?

“Even if” is almost identical to “even though.” Therefore, you can start a sentence with it. We typically use it to talk about a potential scenario that could take place, but “even if” that scenario should happen, we can still do something else.

  • Even if he does arrive tomorrow, there’s still plenty of things we can do without him!
  • Even if we can’t afford a big Christmas, there are still ways we can enjoy each other’s company!

Can You End A Sentence With “Even Though”?

Like many conjunctions, “even though” works well to start a sentence and in the middle of a sentence. However, there isn’t much use with “even though” at the end of a sentence.

You cannot end a sentence with “even though” because it is supposed to connect two sentences. When ending a sentence with a conjunction in this way, it does not allow us to connect a sentence and is therefore useless to the sentence.

How Do You Use “Even Though” In The Middle Of A Sentence?

It’s easy to understand how “even though” works in the middle of a sentence. But we’ll refer you back to the dependent and independent clauses we mentioned earlier.

You can place “even though” in the middle of a sentence by swapping the positions of the independent and dependent clauses. In these cases, “even though” comes after the independent clause and is in the middle of a sentence.

Here’s how that looks:

  • Even though she wasn’t my friend, she still made me feel welcome.
  • She still made me feel welcome even though she wasn’t my friend.

The sentence is the same. The only difference is that we drop the comma before the two clauses because the independent clause comes first and doesn’t require a comma.

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Can You Start A Sentence With “Though”? Learn It Here! (With Examples)

Can You End A Sentence With “Though”? Learn It Here! (With Examples)

Can You Start A Sentence With “Although”? Learn It Here! (With Examples)

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


His brothers had no children, even though they tried.

Детей у супругов не было, хотя они и стремились их завести.

It tasted surprisingly good even though I was initially doubtful.

Получилось невероятно красиво, хотя изначально у меня было очень много сомнений.

You should love other parents even though their children may not be angelic towards yours.

Вы должны любить других родителей, даже если их дети не могут быть ангельскими по отношению к вашим.

Similarly karma can proceed without a super-computer even though people cannot calculate it exactly.

Точно так же карма может обойтись без суперкомпьютер, даже если человек не может вычислить его точно.

I love you even though you keep changing.

Я люблю тебя, даже когда ты меняешься или остаешься неизменным.

Eloquently said even though your heart is broken.

Они говорят с достоинством, даже когда их сердце разрывается от горя.

Some diabetic cats lose weight even though they are eating.

При развитии диабета человек теряет вес, даже если он обильно питается.

You drink even though you know it’s causing problems.

Вы пьете, даже если вы знаете, что это создает проблемы.

Sometimes mysqld is not comatose even though you might think so.

Иногда mysqld не является зависшим, даже если кажется, что это так.

You may feel flushed even though you’re not actually ill.

Вы можете чувствовать себя покрасневшим, даже если вы на самом деле не больны.

But you can use moisturizing creams even though they are 50-80% water.

Но вы можете использовать увлажняющие кремы, даже если они на 50-80% состоят из воды.

We can help you even though you have bad credit.

Мы можем вам помочь, даже если у вас плохой кредитная история.

Cancelled after three seasons even though the ratings were still good.

Мы закончили с сериалом после трех сезонов, хотя рейтинги были еще достаточно высоки.

Follow your heart even though it makes no sense.

Мы следуем путём сердца, даже если это не имеет смысла.

Tired even though you’re in good physical shape.

Экскурсии тяжёлые, даже если вы находитесь в хорошей физической форме.

I couldn’t stop listening even though I wanted too.

Я не могу перестать слушать его, даже если я не хочу.

They took me even though it was technically after hours.

Они и согласовали мне на день позже, хотя это были технические детали.

He is now retired even though young.

Он очень хочет попасть на пенсию, хотя является молодым.

He got his, even though thousands of people suffered.

Многие восприняли ее как свою собственную, хотя люди страдали за тысячи километров.

Arsenal will be better even though they lost their first match.

«Арсенал» тоже будет лучше, хотя они и проиграли свой первый матч.

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UNIT 113. Although/ though/ even though

In spite of/ despite


Study this example situation:

Last year Paul and Sarah had a
holiday by the sea. It rained a lot, but they enjoyed it. You can say:

Although it rained
lot, they enjoyed it. (= It rained a lot, but they … )


After although we
use a subject+ verb:

it rained

a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

I didn’t get the job although I had the necessary

Compare the meaning of although
and because:

We went out although it was raining

We didn’t go out because it was raining


After in spite of or
we use a noun, a pronoun (this/that/what
etc.) or ing

spite of the rain
, we enjoyed our holiday.

I didn’t get the job in spite of having the
necessary qualifications.

She wasn’t well, but in spite of this she
continued working.

spite of what

I said yesterday, I still love you.

Despite is the same
as in spite of. We say in spite of, but despite (without of):

She wasn’t well, but despite
she continued working. (not despite of this)

You can say in spite of
the fact (that)
… and despite the fact (that) … :

Compare in spite of and
because of:

We went out in spite of the rain. (ordespite the rain.)

We didn’t go out because of the rain.


Compare although and
in spite of /despite:


Though is the same
as although:

I didn’t get the job though
I had the necessary qualifications.

In spoken English we often use
though at the end of a sentence:

The house isn’t so nice. I like
the garden though. (=but I like the garden)

I see them every day. I’ve never
spoken to them though. (= but
I’ve never spoken to them)

Even though (but not ‘even’ alone)
is a stronger form of although:

Even though I was really
tired, I couldn’t sleep. (not Even I was really tired … )



Complete the sentences. Use although
+ a sentence from the box.


_____Although he has a very important job_______, he isn’t
particularly well-paid.


I recognised her from a photograph.

She wasn’t wearing a coat __________________________________.

We thought we’d better invite
them to the party __________________________________.

I managed to make myself understood.





the room wasn’t warm.

I didn’t recognise her __________________________________.

We’re not very good friends __________________________________.




Complete the sentences with although
/in spite of /because /because of


______ Although_____  1t rained
a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.


a. __________________ all our
careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

b. __________________ we’d
planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.


a. I went home early __________________
I was feeling unwell.

b. I went to work the next day
__________________ I was still feeling unwell.


a. She only accepted the job __________________
the salary, which was very high.

b. She accepted the job __________________
the salary, which was rather low.


a. I managed to get to sleep __________________
there was a lot of noise.

b. I couldn’t get to sleep __________________
the noise.

Use your own ideas to complete the following


a. He passed the exam although

b. He passed the exam because __________________.


a. I didn’t eat anything
although __________________.

b. I didn’t eat anything in
spite of __________________.


Make one sentence from two. Use the
word(s) in brackets in your sentences.


I couldn’t sleep. I was very
tired. (despite)

_____ I couldn’t sleep despite being very tired. ___________


They have very little money.
They are happy. (in spite of)

In spite _______________________________________________


My foot was injured. I managed
to walk home. (although)



I enjoyed the film. The story
was silly. (in spite of)



We live in the same street. We
hardly ever see each other. (despite)



I got very wet in the rain. I
was only out for five minutes. (even though)



Use the words in brackets to make a
sentence with though at the end.


The house isn’t very nice.
(like I garden) _____ I like the
garden though _______.


It’s warm today. (very windy) ______________________.

We didn’t like the food. (ate)

Liz is very nice. (don’t like /husband)
I ______________________.




Содержание [показать]

  • Примеры
  • although / even though
  • Примеры
  • in spite of / despite
  • Примеры
  • though
  • Примеры

Давайте сразу посмотрим примеры использования перечисленных слов.

  • Although we don’t agree, I think Mary is a good person. – Хотя мы не согласны, я думаю, Мэри – хороший человек.
  • Even though we don’t agree, I think Mary is a good person. – Хотя мы не согласны, я думаю, Мэри – хороший человек.
  • In spite of the wind, we continued walking. – Несмотря на ветер, мы продолжили идти.
  • Despite the wind, we continued walking. – Несмотря на ветер, мы продолжили идти.

Although,even though, in spite of и despite используются, чтобы соединить две противоположных идеи. Главное отличие между ними в том, что они по-разному используются в предложениях.

Эти слова могут встретиться как в начале, так и в середине предложения.


  • Despite the rain, we continued walking.
  • We continued walking, despite the rain.

Давайте прочитаем два предложения.

  • She studied English a lot. She couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Она много учила английский. Она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.

Вот каким образом можно противопоставить эти предложения:

  • Although (even though) she studied English a lot, she couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Хотя она много учила английский, она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.
  • Despite (in spite of) studying English a lot, she couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Несмотря на то, что она много учила английский, она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.
  • She studied English a lot, but despite (in spite of) that she couldn’t talk to a native speaker. – Она много учила английский, но несмотря на это она не могла поговорить с носителем языка.

Рассмотрим эти слова в сравнении.

На примерах видно, что после слов although и even though следуют подлежащее и сказуемое. Even though звучит для носителя языка чуть «сильнее», чем although.


  • We enjoyed the trip, although it was raining all the time. – Нам понравилась поездка, хотя всё время шёл дождь.
  • Although we met very often, we weren’t friends. – Хотя мы частенько встречались, мы не были друзьями.
  • Even though I studied a little, I had good marks at school. – Хотя я учился очень мало, у меня были хорошие оценки в школе.
  • She didn’t help me, even though she had a lot of free time. – Она не помогла мне, хотя у неё было много свободного времени.

in spite of / despite

После in spite of и despite мы видим в предложении существительное, местоимение или герундий (глагол с окончанием -ing). Внимание: despite употребляется без предлога of.


  • You never travel to Russia, in spite of the relatives there. – Ты никогда не ездишь в Россию, несмотря на то, что у тебя там родственники.
  • In spite of the headache, I completed the test. – Несмотря на головную боль, я закончил писать тест.
  • Despite meeting John, I had a great day. – Несмотря на встречу с Джоном, у меня был хороший день.
  • Our flight was cancelled. In spite of that, we arrived on time. – Наш рейс отменили. Несмотря на это, мы приехали вовремя.

Часто слова in spite of и despite используют с выражением the fact that, после которого обязательно идёт подлежащее и сказуемое.

  • In spite of the fact that Ned worked very hard, his boss didn’t promote him.
  • Despite the fact that Ned worked very hard, his boss didn’t promote him.


Слово though является синонимом although. Они используются в предложениях одинаково.

Though может встретиться в конце второго предложения. Это очень типично для разговорного английского.


  • Though I wasn’t a fan of sports, I enjoyed swimming with you every morning.
  • I didn’t like the actor. The film was really nice, though.

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Поддержи наш проект и поделись с друзьями!

1. She hasn’t phoned, even though she said she would.

2. always listen to your heart because even though it’s on your left side, it’s always right.

3. Smile though your heart is aching. Smile even though it’s breaking.

4. All the men were being deported even though the real culprits in the fight have not been identified.

5. I will always love, even though public opinion into the sea.

6. He had no plans to retire even though he is now very comfortably off.

7. Even though he was getting angry, his voice remained level.

8. Even though we are apart, you are in my heart this season.

9. He’s the best teacher, even though he has the least experience.

10. They still speak broad Scots even though they left Scotland twenty years ago.

11. Always listen to your heart because even though it’s on your left side, it’s always right.

12. She never took a taxi, even though she could afford to.

13. Bill grudged Dick his prize even though he had won a better prize himself.

14. The most melancholy thing in life is a farewell between those in love,even though it is but for a short time.

15. Even though he’s old he’s game for anything.

16. I believed him, even though his story sounded unlikely.

17. We mustn’t let up, even though we’re winning.

18. We lost the game, although/even though/though everyone played well.

19. I like her even though she can be annoying.

20. Even though he’s 86, he enjoys excellent health.

21. Although/Even though/Though everyone played well, we lost the game.

22. It’s a thrilling movie even though it lacks subtlety.

23. Even though our house is in tip-top condition, we’re having problems selling it.

24. She sold the house even though it was against his wishes.

24. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

25. I kept on struggling forward, even though I knew it was hopeless .

26. We decided to play on even though it was snowing.

27. Even though she hasn’t lived in Spain for 50 years, she still calls it her mother country.

28. for two pins used to say that you would like to do sth, even though you know that it would not be sensible: I’d kill him for two pins.

29. On the diet I would chomp my way through breakfast, even though I’m never hungry in the morning.

30. The bird is caught on the horns of a dilemma. Should it attack the predator, even though it then risks its own life? Or should it get out while the going is good?

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