Use the word environment in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word environment, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use environment in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «environment».

Environment in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word environment in a sentence.

  1. He grew up in a cricketing environment.

  2. Adaptation to the dry environment is key.

  3. I just checked that the environment was in order.

  4. Megalodon faced a highly competitive environment.

  5. The scattered disc is a very dynamic environment.

  6. His father had wanted an environment with few Jews.

  7. Mendelssohn grew up in an intellectual environment.

  8. By far the largest carnivore in its environment, T.

  9. Some frog species are adapted to a cold environment.

  10. These are consistent with an open woodland environment.

  11. In the IGT Hytort oil shale is processed in a high-pressure hydrogen environment.

  12. Heavy metals are often assumed to be highly toxic or damaging to the environment.

  13. They developed behaviours suitable for reproduction in a terrestrial environment.

  14. The environment of early Jurassic southern Africa has been described as a desert.

  15. The system was embedded in an environment characterized by high surface pressures.

  16. In recent years, logging and mining have scarred Ratanakiri’s environment, long known for its beauty.

  17. Dorian initially intensified while it was located in an environment of warm sea surface temperatures.

  18. Like other corvids, the common raven can mimic sounds from their environment, including human speech.

  19. The player can have Ico take Yorda’s hand and pull her along at a faster pace across the environment.

  20. It lived in a coastal lagoon environment with sauropods, as evidenced by a possible titanosaur tooth.

  21. In his autobiographical writings, Cardus refers to his home environment at Summer Place as «sordid ..

  22. First, bacteria can take up exogenous DNA from their environment, in a process called transformation.

  23. This adaptation helps the fish in the range of salinities it encounters in its estuarine environment.

  24. The first direct observation of a non-ape primate using a tool in a wild environment occurred in 1988.

  25. Among the details was how to provide the inhabitants of a space colony with an Earth-like environment.

  26. The ion is relatively stable in the environment of outer space due to the low temperature and density.

  27. When he decided to become a solo artist he wanted to be comfortable in his environment and moved back.

  28. These transfer proteins from the cytoplasm into the periplasm or into the environment around the cell.

  29. This environment supported large herbivores that were prey for Beringian wolves and their competitors.

  30. The environment of the Nemegt Formation may have acted as an oasis and thereby attracted oviraptorids.

  31. These eruptions often cause massive lahars (mud and debris flows), which pose a threat to human life and the environment.

  32. The editors called Flight Unlimited II «the first aviation sim to truly capture the environment of real civilian flying».

  33. Since this region linked the warmer Tethys Sea and the colder Boreal Sea, its environment was very susceptible to change.

  34. These functions allow the Storyteller to dynamically manipulate the play environment while the other players traverse it.

  35. Both sides experienced extreme difficulties in fighting in the thick jungles and tropical environment of the battle area.

  36. During their one-month stay, they are encouraged to share ideas in an environment fostered to stimulate their creativity.

  37. Reduced performance has also been observed in the first hour of work as an individual adjusts to the working environment.

  38. The olm is extremely vulnerable to changes in its environment, due to its adaptation to the specific conditions in caves.

  39. Although often inconspicuous, fungi occur in every environment on Earth and play very important roles in most ecosystems.

  40. Research conducted in 2003 concluded, «Plutonium in the marine environment at Thule presents an insignificant risk to man.

  41. It must eat an estimated 25 to 38% of its own body weight in food each day to burn the calories necessary to counteract the loss of heat due to the cold water environment.

  42. Anti-Stratfordians often portray the town as a cultural backwater lacking the environment necessary to nurture a genius, and depict Shakespeare as ignorant and illiterate.

  43. In the deep sea, members of the suborder Asellota predominate, to the near exclusion of all other isopods, having undergone a large adaptive radiation in that environment.

  44. While the environment has changed, the game’s focus remains on stealth and infiltration, while retaining the series’ self-referential, fourth-wall-breaking sense of humor.

  45. Each character type had unique features that shaped the way the game was experienced, including how the environment and non-playable characters interacted with the player.

Synonyms for environment

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word environment has the following synonyms: environs, surroundings, surround and .

General information about «environment» example sentences

The example sentences for the word environment that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «environment» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «environment».

Examples of how to use the word “environment” in a sentence. How to connect “environment” with other words to make correct English sentences.

environment (n): the air, water, and land in or on which people, animals, and plants live

Use “environment” in a sentence

It’s hard to work efficiently in such noisy environment.
Initially I found it difficult to deal with my new environment.
Over time, he got used to the new environment.
The environment here is polluted.
It is harmless for the environment.
It’s a pleasant environment to work in.
We have to do more to protect the environment from pollution.

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environment — перевод на русский


It shows that organisms can adapt to any kind of environment, even one like this with a high radiation concentra…

Это показывает, что организмы могут приспосабливаться к любой окружающей среде, даже к такой, с высокой концентрацией радиа…

One line took to the trees, developing dexterity stereo vision, larger brains and a curiosity about their environment.

Одна поселилась на деревьях, развивая ловкость, стереоскопическое зрение, большой мозг и любопытство к окружающей среде.

But there can be other creatures in this alien environment: hunters.

Но в этой чужой окружающей среде могли появиться и другие существа: хищники.

Important lessons about our environment have come from spacecraft missions to the planets.

Полеты зондов к другим планетам дают нам важные уроки о собственной окружающей среде.

humans are less adapted to their environment.

люди хуже адаптированы к окружающей среде.

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«Men act… in an environment which already exists.»

«Люди действуют… в среде, которая уже существует.»

I warned him the psychic shock of that environment…

Я предупреждал его о возможном психическом шоке в той среде…

They will be guiding a new machine through a hostile environment.

Они будут управлять новой машиной в чуждой среде.

the proper environment and a program of long-term medication… you can become like me.

В нормальной среде и при надлежащем лечении вы можете стать такими, как я.

Somebody was raised in a culture-free environment!

Кое-кто вырос в бескультурной среде!

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She still has to get used to her new environment.

Ей нужно привыкнуть к новой обстановке.

We’re adjusting to our environment.

Мы просто приспособились к обстановке.

Imagine what he’d do in an open, normal environment.

Представьте, что он сделает в открытой, нормальной обстановке.

Perhaps the secret fear an environment so cute … whichinducesahugechange, face, gestures and even … apparentlyentirely, a modest waiter.

В столь роскошной обстановке, Растерявшийся, неловкий, Позабыл про целый мир, Про присягу и мундир И с невиданным талантом Служит он официантом,

He was thrust into a purely virile environment.

Потому что он находился в исключительно порочной обстановке.

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Traveling makes sense… if one changes his entire environment.

Путешествовать имеет смысл, если меняется… как бы это сказать, историческое окружение.

Fill him hallucinatory drugs, change his environment, talk through microphones!

Накачайте его галлюциногенами, поместите в опасное окружение, говорите через микрофоны!

Your behavior is the result of your environment, your life, this state you are in.

Идею этой роли тебе подсказало твоё окружение, твоя жизнь, состояние, в котором ты находишься.

A variation in her environment?

Ќеблагопри€тное окружение?

There’s another way to search for life on Mars to seek out the discoveries and delights which that heterogeneous environment promises us.

Но есть и другой способ искать жизнь на Марсе, искать и делать научные открытия, которые это разнообразное окружение обещает нам.

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Pleasant work in a modern environment.

Приятная работа в хороших условиях.

The crystals were designed and built by people who had mastered the techniques of molecular engineering in a zero gravity environment!

Кристаллы были спроектированы и сделаны людьми, которые открыли методику молекулярной инженерии в условиях невесомости.

As Starfleet officers, we cannot always serve in an ideal environment.

Как офицеры Звёздного Флота, мы не можем служить всё время в идеальных условиях.

If you accept the theory of hostile working environment, she has a case.

Если ты принимаешь теорию враждебности в производственных условиях, то её случай вполне подходящий.

I don’t know whether it was because of his personality, or whether it was because he was more forgiving towards me, being a non-climber in that environment.

Не знаю, то ли из-за его личных качеств, или просто потому, что он мне многое прощал в условиях похода, поскольку я не был альпинистом.

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— It’s not good for the environment.

— Tы загрязняешь атмосферу.

What we’ve tried to develop here… is a family environment.

Мы стараемся создать здесь атмосферу дружной семьи.

and the sexy looks between you and pam-— the general sexiness,the flowers-— it’s creating a bit of a hostile work environment.

И ваши секси-переглядывания с Пэм… ваша сексуальность, цветы… все это создает враждебную рабочую атмосферу.

We are doing the same thing, those painted in caves, we are creating an environment that makes us feel comfortable, or feel concerned or get a reaction from us, which the community has wanted

Мы делаем то же, что и древние люди, рисовавшие на стенах пещер: создаём атмосферу, в которой чувствуем себя спокойно, встревожено или ещё как-то, в зависимости от того, что хотел сказать её создатель.

She and I both appreciate a quiet, professional work environment.

Мы оба предпочитали тихую рабочую атмосферу.

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And I’m afraid we’re going to have to find a new environment for you, Bart.

Боюсь, нам придётся найти тебе новое место жительства, Барт.

The reptiles held sway for a time but gave way to small warm-blooded creatures with bigger brains who developed dexterity and curiosity about their environment.

Какое-то время там царствовали рептилии, но на их место пришли маленькие теплокровные существа, у которых развилась ловкость и любопытство к окружающему миру.

— I would like to think That this is an ideal working environment for you.

Ну, я бы сказала, что эта работа — прекрасное место для тебя.

Our wildlife refuge is the ideal environment for your elephant.

Наш заповедник — идеальное место для вашего животного.

I don’t know if Orange County is the best environment… for an aspiring writer… so I’m applying to Stanford.

Я не думаю, что Округ Оранж это подходящее место… для начинающего писателя… так что я решил поступать в Стэнфорд.

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Everybody wanna save the environment.

Все хотят сохранить природу.

They plowed through the mountains, destroying the environment, eating all that they heard was healthy.

Они разрушали природу пожирали все что считали съедобным.

Look, I’m an activist too. I appreciate what you’re doing for the environment.

Я тоже ярый борец за природу, я ценю ваш поступок.

Mankind, which destroys environment and wages war, should die.

Человечество, которое разрушает природу и дерётся за заработную плату должно умереть.

But as we continue to change the nature of the greatest environment on our planet, how we’ll adapt in the future remains to be seen.

Но, поскольку мы по-прежнему изменяем природу самой большой экосистемы нашей планеты, то пока ещё неизвестно, как мы приспособимся в будущем.

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There are certain absolutes, Mr. Spock, and one of them is the right of humanoids to a free and unchained environment.

Есть абсолютные истины, мистер Спок, и одна из них — право гуманоидов на свободную и независимую среду обитания.

We’ve discovered that there are these Near Earth Objects flying by us all the time, and we’ve got more and more capability to modify our environment to enhance our survival.

Мы обнаружили, что нас постоянно окружают околоземные объекты, но наши возможности изменить среду обитания все время растут, это увеличивает наш шанс на выживание.

She’s the new element that’s been introduced to his environment, the catalyst to his physical response.

Она новый элемент, введенный в его среду обитания, катализатор его физической реакции.

What if my reality is I’m creating a bad environment for myself?

Гены и среда обитания. Что, если в моей реальности я сама создаю плохую среду обитания? для себя?

Well, there’s some Wesen that are ecologically wired to protect the natural environment — they live in. — Yeah.

Есть существа, которые защищают свою естественную среду обитания.

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The protection of our environment… starts with our sewers… not with the prophets of imminent doom and war.

Защита экологии… осуществляется нашими силами… а не криками и паникерами, предсказывающими апокалипсис.

Justifications for the Mars endeavor have been offered in terms of scientific exploration developing technology, international cooperation education, the environment.

Поддержка исследований Марса основывается на терминах научных исследований, развитии технологии, международного сотрудничества, образования, экологии.

Ifyou were doing this over at Environment and Rural Affairs at 8:30 you’d be very much outside the tent.

На собрании Министерства Экологии и Сельского хозяйства ты бы точно была снаружи палатки.

Education, housing, the environment.

Вопросы образования, жилья, экологии.

— That sounds good for the environment.

— Очень полезно для экологии.

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Definition of Environment

the situations, items and settings in a surrounding

Examples of Environment in a sentence

Based on the wealthy environment in which she grew up, the teenage girl was spoiled and expected everyone to continue giving her gifts.


Since the woman wanted to be involved in a more positive environment, she would only befriend and work around nice people.


Working in a friendly environment was experienced by most workers since they would always speak kindly to everyone and help each other out when needed.


Deciding to attend Harvard College made sense for the determined and hard-working high school graduate since she wanted to live in a like-minded environment.


Wanting to reside in a social environment, the young man decided to rent an apartment that conducted many neighborhood activities.


Other words in the Neutral category:

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Synonym: neighborhood, setting, surroundings, vicinity. Similar words: environmental, environmental protection, entertainment, government, assignment, envious, irony, envision. Meaning: [-mənt]  n. 1. the totality of surrounding conditions 2. the area in which something exists or lives. 

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1. Protecting the environment is every man’s responsibility.

2. We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.

3. We can’t overbuild a natural environment area.

4. A comfortable working environment will increase productivity.

5. Are we doing enough to protect the environment?

6. The care of the environment is of prime importance.

7. Quite rightly, the environment is of great concern.

8. The environment is a popular topic these days.

9. The acid rain is threatening world environment.

10. It was interesting to be in a different environment.

11. We have a moral obligation to protect the environment.

12. It’s everyone’s duty to love and protect the environment.

13. An unhappy home environment can affect a child’s behaviour.

14. The children have a happy environment at school.

15. I set up a ginger group on the environment.

16. Organic farming is better for the environment.

17. Fossil fuels have caused irreversible damage to the environment.

18. Matters of pollution and the environment concern us all.

19. He quickly adjusts to the unfamiliar environment.

20. Recycling is important to help protect our environment.

21. The school aims to educate children in a caring environment.

22. Lack of discipline at home meant that many pupils found it difficult to settle in to the ordered environment of the school.

23. Certain chemicals have been banned because of their damaging effect on the environment.

24. Not to protest is to connive at the destruction of the environment.

25. The trust, which has 2.3 million members,( has been characterised as a sleeping giant of the environment movement.

26. They assimilated their customs and behavior to the new environment.

27. There is little assessment of the damage to the natural environment.

28. It is really hard for Jim to adapt to the new environment.

28. Wish you will love and make progress everyday!

29. In 1970, a federal agency was created to coordinate governmental action to protect environment.

30. Cold-blooded animals depend on the temperature of their immediate environment.

More similar words: environmental, environmental protection, entertainment, government, assignment, envious, irony, envision, ironically, commencement, amendment, sentiment, mental, mentor, comment, moment, segment, raiment, element, payment, mention, mentally, ailment, monument, momentum, fragment, movement, comment on, amusement, shipment. 

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