Use the word enjoyed in a sentence

  • Use the word ENJOYED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

They enjoyed it, especially during Sunday jump.

Little Djordje liked to play Serbs and Turks, but he enjoyed most… listening epic songs about Kosovo battle and death of sultan Murat who was killed… by Milos Obilic, great hero.

Although there is no man in Paris who has not enjoyed her favors.

I enjoyed our time together.

«Much as Nana enjoyed her victory over the fallen tyrant… she often secretly pitied him.»

I enjoyed your company very much… and I’d come back here to stay among people of such good breeding as you are.

I trust Madame has enjoyed the evening.

I can’t remember when I’ve enjoyed eating so much.

Hope you’ve enjoyed the service.

And he enjoyed the trial.

I’m virtually certain the flower girl was played by a young actress, Anita Dardour, who did not much longer pursue a Hollywood career, but later, under her married name, Anita Harder, was active in Santa Barbara community theatre, where she enjoyed recounting being Bela Lugosi’s first victim outside Transylvania.

I don’t know when I’ve enjoyed myself so much.

Probably enjoyed that Renault girl, too.

Madame, I have enjoyed the confidence of your family for more than 40 years.

I have enjoyed the confidence of this family for more… For more than 40 years.

I have enjoyed the confidence of this family for more than 40 years.

How long have you enjoyed the confidence of madame?

You have enjoyed the confidence of this family for more than 40 years.

Certainly enjoyed it, Patch.

(man) I really enjoyed that show very much.

High-class comedy, enjoyed by everybody.

Well Fanny, you don’t know how much we enjoyed that meal.

I enjoyed our little ride exceedingly.


I enjoyed every minute of it.

I never enjoyed anything so much in my life.

I hope you have enjoyed your stay with us.

You enjoyed yourself, naturally.

I haven’t enjoyed dining alone every night.

I enjoyed your playing, too.

I hope you enjoyed your lunch, Miss Elizabeth.

No, on the contrary, he enjoyed good health, except for a slightly sluggish heart.

I’ve enjoyed my visit very much.

Oh, I’ve enjoyed it thoroughly.

I hope you enjoyed the food.

Hope you enjoyed your trip. Mr. Glasgow.

Not at all I enjoyed the drive

What’s worse, I enjoyed it.

I think you would have enjoyed that lunch.

And we enjoyed it very much too.

I managed, I didn’t earn much, but I enjoyed it.

I actually enjoyed reading it.

I’ve always enjoyed nights like this.

He’s enjoyed his three-day fish fest.

Awfully glad you’ve enjoyed it.

Enjoyed sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use enjoyed in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for enjoyed.

  • Hope you both enjoyed it. (8)
  • The Colonel enjoyed this. (9)
  • She enjoyed it extremely. (10)
  • How has my son enjoyed himself? (10)
  • She enjoyed herself and was radiant. (12)
  • They had enjoyed it very much, he said. (9)
  • He would have enjoyed, too, someone to talk to. (8)
  • And how long have you enjoyed his acquaintanceship? (8)
  • I do not think any one enjoyed praise more than he. (9)
  • He enjoyed repose; knowing it might be but a truce. (10)
  • He called a second time, and enjoyed a similar greeting. (10)
  • And it was no wonder that Andrew Hedger enjoyed prime bacon. (10)
  • She enjoyed him in the scents absorbed by her crinkling nose. (8)
  • It was some time since he had enjoyed her company in the Park. (8)
  • He liked the woman, enjoyed the cause for battle that she gave. (10)
  • Skepsey enjoyed it, at the back of thoughts military and naval. (10)
  • And he enjoyed his reputation for virtue as something additional. (10)
  • She was cheerful, and, as it was pitiful to see, enjoyed her walk. (10)
  • We simply enjoyed strange scenes, looking idly out of our windows. (10)
  • His uncle Everard enjoyed a perusal of the manuscript in his absence. (10)
  • Lady Busshe and Mrs. Mountstuart Jenkinson enjoyed a perusal of them. (10)
  • Breakfasting there, he enjoyed the first truly calm cigar of many days. (10)
  • Evan enjoyed the doctoring of kingdoms quite as well as the diplomatist. (10)
  • These studies long enjoyed a reputation second only to those of Clementi. (3)
  • These writers have enjoyed unusual opportunities and have used them well. (3)
  • It should be located so that it can be viewed from the house and enjoyed. (17)
  • Those familiar with the ladies enjoyed their sparring, which was frequent. (10)
  • Colney refrained from speaking to wound, and enjoyed a silence that did it. (10)
  • He did not mind talking about his age, and I fancied rather enjoyed doing so. (9)
  • I myself have been out in a sleigh two or three times and enjoyed it in a quiet way. (14)
  • Perhaps too, as timidity quitted her, she enjoyed her distinctiveness in their midst. (10)
  • Was it the day, or the thought of leaving this place where she had so enjoyed herself? (8)
  • Awhile he enjoyed the contrast, dividing his attention between the footfarer and moon. (10)
  • The Goshawk quickly made peace with his lord, and enjoyed the commendation of the Kaiser. (10)
  • She passionately enjoyed dancing, loved feeling that she was dancing well and giving pleasure. (8)
  • I have been used to the gratification of believing myself to earn every blessing that I enjoyed. (4)
  • Lady Jocelyn enjoyed the fun, and still more the serious way in which her relatives regarded it. (10)
  • The Colonel enjoyed this too, and laughed again with the ease of a man who knows what he is about. (9)
  • The military enjoyed the monopoly of a table next the rail dividing the dancing from the dining space. (9)
  • Mendelssohn was fond of out-of-door life, walking, riding and swimming; he also greatly enjoyed dancing. (3)
  • They enjoyed the peculiar novel relish of it, coming from a social pressman and a dame of high society. (10)
  • Tourdestelle enjoyed the aristocratic privilege of being twelve miles from the nearest railway station. (10)
  • To hear his hero talk, was the music for him; and he richly enjoyed the pacing along the railway-platform. (10)
  • He had evidently enjoyed it vastly, and I now understood why he had chosen to prolong it as much as possible. (10)
  • But I cannot make out that I was sensible of the literature; it was the forever enchanting story that I enjoyed. (9)
  • He got on well enough with Summerhay, but he enjoyed himself much more when he was there alone with his daughter. (8)
  • I assure you, Edward, that if their remarks had not been about me, I could have really quite enjoyed some of them. (9)
  • They actually enjoyed the sensation in every instance, except when a strong current was passed through the trunk. (21)
  • They could not have been written in quite so many places as times, but they enjoyed a comparable variety of origin. (9)
  • It was an education for him in good manners, and when we were sitting at dinner we wished our companions had enjoyed it. (10)
  • When he did reach it, happily a good while before his death, I do not believe any man ever enjoyed the like condition more. (9)
  • The whole family went to the theatre a good deal, and enjoyed themselves together in their desultory explorations of the city. (9)
  • The overthrow of Blankenberg took place as forecast, and Philadelphia has since enjoyed boss rule again, with plentiful scandals.—H. (16)
  • Diana enjoyed her walk beneath the lingering brown-red of the frosty November sunset, with the scent of sand-earth strong in the air. (10)
  • This was a feat which Mrs. Pasmer enjoyed for its own sake, and it fully satisfied the curiosity which she naturally felt to know all. (9)
  • That is to say, they supposed that they enjoyed exclusive possession of the Nice Feelings, and exclusively comprehended the Fine Shades. (10)
  • Those who distrusted her declared her to be a secret agent of Germany, yet she enjoyed the friendship of French and British diplomatists. (12)
  • He enjoyed the methodical arrangement of the material gleaned from so many sources, and threw a glance of triumph at the Privy Councillor. (12)
  • The architect was a good provider: he enjoyed heartily the luxury that his money brought him, and he wanted his wife to enjoy it with him. (13)
  • But for the interest left them by the French, these tiny islands have scarcely any associations, and must be enjoyed for their beauty alone. (9)
  • In spite of all the apparent prosperity which the little office enjoyed from the start, the profit for the first year was startlingly small. (13)
  • She had enjoyed the advantage of having an estimable French lady for her governess, she informed him, as they sauntered together on the terrace. (10)
  • Among these =Ferdinand Ries= (1784-1838) enjoyed an intimate association with him, and afterwards became prominent as piano virtuoso and composer. (3)
  • An author who has long enjoyed their favor suddenly and rather mysteriously loses it, through his opinions on certain matters of literary taste, say. (9)
  • I enjoyed them, however, and I enjoyed them the more, as the innumerable perspectives of Italian history began to open all about me. (9)
  • An author who has long enjoyed their favor, suddenly and rather mysteriously loses it, through his opinions on certain matters of literary taste, say. (9)
  • While the latter, then, was doing this, Shelton enjoyed the luxuries of self-denial, hunting up things he did not want, and laying them in two portmanteaus. (8)

Also see sentences for: enjoy, enjoying, enjoyment, enjoyments, enjoys.

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Definition of Enjoyed

liked; took pleasure in

Examples of Enjoyed in a sentence

Ethan enjoyed going bowling a lot more than his sister since she doesn’t really like physical activity.


The fans agreed that they enjoyed the movie and that it was one of the best ones they’d ever seen.


Casey enjoyed her tasty meal, eating every delicious drop and licking the bowl clean.




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Sentences ending with enjoyed

  • The first snow had fallen, and she had had the horses harnessed for us to go sleighing, which she particularly enjoyed. [10]
  • It was a habit, and it was a habit that he enjoyed. [4]

Short sentences using enjoyed

  • I enjoyed myself very well. [5]
  • This he enjoyed tolerably well. [5]
  • We enjoyed our jaunt. [5]
  • Have you enjoyed it? [9]
  • The flies enjoyed it. [4]
  • Good-by—I’ve enjoyed myself immensely. [9]
  • And he enjoyed his solitude. [4]
  • And the Burgundian enjoyed it. [5]
  • I guess she enjoyed it. [4]
  • He enjoyed that. [5]

Sentences containing enjoyed two or more times

  • I never enjoyed profanity as I enjoyed it then—more than if I had been uttering it myself. [5]
  • I never have enjoyed rest as I have enjoyed it during these last few hours. [5]

More example sentences with the word enjoyed in them

  • All respect to your Boy Eating Figs, in whose presence you would feel the pleasure he himself enjoyed while consuming the sweet fruit. [10]
  • With her he would cast anchor for the remainder of his life; but first must come the period when he enjoyed the compensation now awarded to him for such severe sufferings. [10]
  • Obviously no animal would be capable of admiring such scenes as the heavens at night, a beautiful landscape, or refined music; but such high tastes are acquired through culture, and depend on complex associations; they are not enjoyed by barbarians or by uneducated persons. [1]
  • He enjoyed the world—a sufficient reason why the world should like him. [4]
  • The story has won the attention and enjoyed the favor of a limited class of readers, and if it still continues to interest others of the same tastes and habits of thought I can ask nothing more of it. [6]
  • Must she die without knowing how much the fire had injured the newly built convent, on whose site she had enjoyed the springtime of love, and how the good Sisters fared? [10]
  • Lucilla nursed him with unfailing devotion and enjoyed the longed-for monopoly of his attentions through a period of much suffering. [10]
  • They were staying with Professor and Mrs. Max Mueller, whose hospitalities I hope they enjoyed as much as we did. [6]
  • I enjoyed being with her so much. [10]
  • Like my fathers, who have enjoyed the stewardship of it for centuries, I know how to exercise the sacred duties of hospitality. [10]
  • Among the youths who at that time enjoyed the hospitality of the Waldstromers, Herdegen’s friend, Franz von Welemisl, held the foremost place. [10]
  • The trivial sin which this sweet love secret contained had been pardoned in the case of the man bound by no older obligation, after a slight penance, and now for the first time he fully enjoyed the wealth of the unexpected new happiness. [10]
  • I enjoyed everything which I had once seen all the more from the blending of my recollections with the present as it was before me. [6]
  • I don’t know when I have enjoyed anything as much as I did him. [5]
  • He was hardly what Dr. Johnson would have called a «clubable» man, yet he enjoyed the meetings in his still way, or he would never have come from Concord so regularly to attend them. [6]
  • The whole family went to the theatre a good deal, and enjoyed themselves together in their desultory explorations of the city. [8]
  • Every morning he went down to the Euphrates with Cambyses and the rest of us, and enjoyed watching the sons of the Achaemenidae at their exercises. [10]
  • Therefore the «establishment» went along with her to Rivervale, and the shy, modest little woman, who had dropped down into the country simplicity that she so dearly loved, greatly enjoyed the sensation that her coming produced. [4]
  • For Maryland was well content with the government she had enjoyed, and her best patriots long after shunned the length of secession. [9]
  • Here all were welcome, even the light-fingered gentlemen who enjoyed the privilege of police protection; and who sometimes, through fortuitous circumstances, were hauled before the very magistrates with whom they had rubbed elbows on the polished rail. [9]
  • Philip was not weary, however, of making these attempts, he rather enjoyed it. [5]
  • Gyges told us we were very imprudent, but we felt confident that we were too much inured to such things to get any harm, and very much enjoyed our swim in the cool, green water. [10]
  • Her double meaning was, naturally, lost on Farrar, but he enjoyed the thing hugely, nevertheless, as more or less applicable to Mr. Allen. [9]
  • That the age, was unable to separate him from itself, and see his great stature, is probable; that it enjoyed him with a sympathy to which we are strangers there is no doubt. [4]
  • This surprising thing was tested and enjoyed by each scholar in turn, and great was the gladness and astonishment of all. [5]
  • This, I think, was noticed by her, and enjoyed too, for she doubtless remembered her conversation with me, in which she had said that Clovelly thought he understood her perfectly. [11]
  • I had recently visited their place of rest in the Kensal Green Cemetery, recalling with tenderest emotions the many years in which I had enjoyed their companionship. [6]
  • They kept it up the whole night long, and I never enjoyed myself better than I did while it lasted. [5]
  • Do you say to me that if he keeps the freedom such as he has enjoyed, you’d punish him? [11]
  • It was delightful to gaze, at this late hour, into the moonlit street, and she wondered that she had never enjoyed it before. [10]
  • And it remains to be explained why this is enjoyed most by those who are most highly civilized. [4]
  • He directed him to account for it in his books as conscience-money, and he enjoyed the joke more than Conrad seemed to do when he was told where it came from. [8]
  • In the mean time they desired nothing in the world but honor and pleasure; and such pleasure as well-bred, healthy, and genial youths, with amiability, strength, and money to spend, can always command, they enjoyed to the full, without carrying it to reckless extravagance. [10]
  • Mar them not till thou’st enjoyed them: then let thy hand be heavy as thou wilt. [5]
  • But the abbe, though he evidently enjoyed the beauty of his companion, was absorbed in his mastery of the matter. [2]
  • The crowd enjoyed this episode prodigiously, and pressed forward and craned their necks to see the small rioter. [5]
  • The Colonel enjoyed this bustle and confusion amazingly; he thrived in the air of-indefinite expectation. [5]
  • The winter, he thinks (if there is a difference), is sharper and longer; but yet he may be deceived by the want of the comforts he enjoyed at home. [3]
  • They did not think of fleeing from winter any more than from the summer solstice, and consequently they enjoyed a certain contentment of mind that is absent from modern life. [4]
  • I do not think any of us would like to turn out the possessor of a fine estate enjoyed for two or three generations on the faith of unquestioned ownership by making use of some old forgotten instrument, which accident had thrown in our way. [6]
  • Without a doubt they were under that shed a quarter of a minute after they had left us, and they must have overheard and enjoyed all our confessions and lamentations. [5]
  • I have found them in all the descriptions of the Nile valley, and afterwards often enjoyed the delicious perfume of the golden yellow flowers in the gardens of Alexandria and Cairo. [10]
  • She simply enjoyed their pleasure and tried to fit in with it. [2]
  • If it was the wrong one there could be no use in hurrying; therefore we did not hurry, but sat down frequently on the soft moss and enjoyed the restful quiet and shade of the forest solitudes. [5]
  • However, I enjoyed the walk inexpressibly, and would not have missed the spectacle on any account» She did not achieve this walk of seven or eight miles, in such weather, with impunity. [14]
  • And thus, in the very extremity of danger, they enjoyed a solemn moment of the purest, deepest happiness. [10]
  • After this battle the three friends were quartered in Castle Gohrde, and there enjoyed a delightful season of rest after months of severe hardships. [10]
  • The youth enjoyed the storm, and when his locks fluttered and he battled victoriously against the gale in rushing hither and thither, as his office required, it seemed to him a foretaste of the venture he had in view. [10]
  • Croesus had enjoyed the society of the Samian poets and sculptors. [10]
  • Her father enjoyed the society of his favorite daughter as he did few things besides; he liked her mirthful and teasing ways, and not less a keen battle over something she had read. [5]
  • I have for the second time now enjoyed this kind of prodigal hospitality—in the other House yesterday, to-day in this one. [5]
  • I talked to the Russians a good deal, just to be friendly, and they talked to me from the same motive; I am sure that both enjoyed the conversation, but never a word of it either of us understood. [5]
  • He had placed the Royal box at our disposal, so we invited our friends the Priestleys to go with us, and we all enjoyed the evening mightily. [6]
  • The doctor enjoyed the quaint and first-hand observations of the old woodsman, and Phelps found new worlds open to him in the wide ranges of the doctor’s mind. [4]
  • He wrote for the people, and the theatre in his day was a popular amusement for the multitude, probably more than it was a recreation for those who enjoyed the culture of letters. [4]
  • They had gutted the Navigation office, then piled the beautiful engraved stock-books and things in the middle of the floor and enjoyed the bonfire while it lasted. [5]
  • They enjoyed this the more because it was on their consciences that they should visit Linville Falls, some twenty-five miles eastward, long held up before them as the most magnificent feature of this region, and on no account to be omitted. [4]
  • La Hire survived the martyrdom thirteen years; and always fighting, of course, for that was all he enjoyed in life. [5]
  • Heinz had instructed the lad of eighteen in the use of the lance and the sword, and Hartmann had sent him word the day before that the Rhine was beautiful, but without him he but half enjoyed even the pleasantest things. [10]
  • Think of all the hospitality you enjoyed in their house. [10]
  • How bewitchingly he, the great Emperor, understood how to flatter, and, with the memory of the charm of his manner, the thought of the blissful hours which she had enjoyed through his love returned to her mind. [10]
  • The pure enjoyed the gifts of paradise in peace and contentment.—All this was explained to me by a priest of the Fire-worshippers. [10]
  • This was really the first holiday in my life, and I enjoyed it thoroughly. [11]
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the feeling of immediate contact with all the world of yesterday, until I read among the minor items that Patrick Donahue, of the city of New York, died of a sunstroke. [4]
  • It was only the easy-going Miss Tavish and two or three others who carried along their own animal spirits and love of amusement who enjoyed the chance of a possible contretemps. [4]
  • Yet he enjoyed the company of his equals, and never withdrew, no matter how many callers—whom he recognized as of his society—might come into the drawing-room. [4]
  • He had enjoyed the adventure so far up to the hilt. [11]
  • It is true that we can all have front seats, and we do not exactly need to dress for it as we do for the opera; but the conditions under which it is to be enjoyed are rather dear. [4]
  • And I think that the Great Idea, great as it was, would have enjoyed but a brief activity, and would then have gone to sleep again for some more centuries, but for the perpetuating impulse it got from that organized and tremendous force. [5]
  • I have found that some of those active exercises, which are commonly thought to belong to young folks only, may be enjoyed at a much later period. [6]
  • She was astonished that she enjoyed his society so keenly. [11]
  • I was supposing that my musical regeneration was accomplished and perfected, because I enjoyed both of these operas, singing and all, and, moreover, one of them was «Parsifal,» but the experts have disenchanted me. [5]
  • So it was that Mazarine’s lawyer enjoyed the public attention given to his drive through the town with Mazarine. [11]
  • I forgot to tell you how thoroughly I enjoyed your account of the country printing office, and how true it all was and how intimately recognizable in all its details. [5]
  • Dr. Lewis enjoyed teaching and made his students enjoy being taught. [6]
  • Some particularly pretty, tall, or well-dressed figure would give rise to a smile or an exclamation of approval, but before one sight had been thoroughly enjoyed the inquisitive eye was seeking a fresh one. [10]
  • They were finished swimmers and divers, and enjoyed themselves to the last degree. [5]
  • He plucked the sweetest bud that grew there, and having enjoyed its odor, trampled it in the mire beneath his feet. [5]
  • I should have supposed him incapable of any heedless word, any warm emotion, until I afterwards met him under his own roof and enjoyed the warm-hearted cheerfulness of the father of the family and the graciousness of the host. [10]
  • Germany, in the summer, is the perfection of the beautiful, but nobody has understood, and realized, and enjoyed the utmost possibilities of this soft and peaceful beauty unless he has voyaged down the Neckar on a raft. [5]
  • I have enjoyed sufficient honor now, and shall stand firmly on my rights. [10]
  • And even a stranger would have enjoyed hearing Sappho tell of her past happiness. [10]
  • Forever warm, and still to be enjoyed, Forever panting and forever young! [6]
  • She had intended staying in London to the end of the season, not because she enjoyed it, but because she was determined to face Frank’s marriage at every quarter, and have it over, once for all, so far as herself was concerned. [11]
  • He enjoyed his splendid clothes, and ordered more: he found his four hundred servants too few for his proper grandeur, and trebled them. [5]
  • Here dwelt the spirit of his fathers; here he found men who enjoyed life after his own fashion, who could share his enthusiasms and his hatreds. [10]
  • How many a song their discord trills Of «truck» consumed, enjoyed, forgot, Since I was skinned by last year’s lot! [5]
  • At any rate some of the lines he read us in the afternoon of this same day had never enjoyed the benefit of my revision, and I think they had but just been written. [6]
  • We greatly need some light on Harriet’s side of the case now; we need to know how she enjoyed the month, but there is no way to inform ourselves; there seems to be a strange absence of documents and letters and diaries on that side. [5]
  • Pierre enjoyed the situation; he knew life all round; he had boxed the compass of experience. [11]
  • High bluffs, bold shores, exquisite sea-views, mountainous ranges, delicious air, the society of a member of the Dominion Parliament, these are some of the things to be enjoyed at this place. [4]
  • Before Crozier came she had enjoyed existence as existence, wondering often why it was she wanted to spring up from the ground with the idea that she could fly, if she chose to try. [11]
  • At his side she had enjoyed a radiant, glowing, peerless bliss, of which the world still talked with envious amazement. [10]
  • On the whole, she enjoyed her visit very much, in spite of her shyness, and the difficulty she always experienced in meeting the advances of those strangers whose kindness she did not feel herself in a position to repay. [14]
  • The parents and several friends of the bridegroom were present, and enjoyed a sumptuous breakfast and much festivity until nearly sunrise, and then departed on a bridal trip to the Aquarium, the bridegroom’s state of health not admitting of a more extended journey. [5]
  • He had a sense of humour, and he enjoyed her keen chastening raillery. [11]
  • Even Jacques, whose sense of humour had grown by long association with Gaston, enjoyed the piquant conversation. [11]
  • Political freedom was seen to be of little worth unless also accompanied by the economic freedom the nation had enjoyed before the advent of industrialism. [9]
  • The artist, who seemed to be in a sardonic mood, and could get no chance to enter his name, watched the scene, while his friends enjoyed the view of the stove. [4]
  • So, then, I sat by the window and enjoyed the slight tipsiness produced by short, limited, rapid oscillations, which I take to be the exhilarating stage of that condition which reaches hopeless inebriety in what we know as sea-sickness. [6]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word enjoyed in a sentence? How do you use enjoyed in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word enjoyed?
It contains example sentences with the word enjoyed, a sentence example for enjoyed, and enjoyed in sample sentence.

Synonym: appreciate, like, relish, savor. Antonym: deplore. Similar words: enjoyable, enjoyment, enjoin, banjo, joy, joyous, joyful, joyfully. Meaning: [ɪn’dʒɔɪ]  v. 1. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in 2. have benefit from 3. get pleasure from 4. have for one’s benefit 5. take delight in. 

1. So much is mine as I enjoy

2. Goods are theirs that enjoy them. 

3. You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 

4. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 

5. She does not enjoy the details of housekeeping.

6. I always enjoy my evening meal alnoe.

7. I enjoy playing tennis and squash.

8. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

9. Did you enjoy your travels in Europe?

10. They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life.

11. I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.

12. The officers enjoy special services.

13. Did you enjoy yourselves in your holiday?

14. They enjoy a cult following in the UK.

15. Just relax and enjoy the movie.

16. Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.

17. I enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes.

18. He welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality.

19. She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.

20. I enjoy your company,( but your brother bores me.

21. They are entitled to enjoy many advantages and privileges.

22. I really enjoy talking to you.

23. Did you enjoy your holiday?—Anything but.

24. His sole aim in life is to enjoy himself.

26. She had come to enjoy Roberto’s luxurious life-style.

27. I enjoy having time to myself.

28. Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?

29. Did they enjoy themselves at the theatre?

30. In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. William Blake 

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