Use the word enjoyable in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word enjoyable, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use enjoyable in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «enjoyable».

Enjoyable in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word enjoyable in a sentence.

  1. It’s what makes it so great and enjoyable.».

  2. He’s a fun guy and likes to make all the sessions enjoyable.

  3. Worden found El-Baz to be an enjoyable and inspiring teacher.

  4. With a Republican legislature, Hayes’s second term was more enjoyable.

  5. He also describes it as being mildly enjoyable with three other friends.

  6. What he had hoped would be an enjoyable job became a highly stressful one.

  7. Trainor wanted to make the video enjoyable to reflect the fun nature of the song.

  8. She praised Nash’s artwork as being one of the most enjoyable aspects of the book.

  9. Fingleton said he had never «known a more enjoyable hour» of «delectable cricket».

  10. Activities and games provide an enjoyable way to develop skills such as dexterity.

  11. Fingleton said that he had never «known a more enjoyable hour» of «delectable cricket».

  12. He nevertheless affirmed that the show had «positive attributes» that made it enjoyable.

  13. Chris Sell of PALGN wrote that the most enjoyable aspect of the combat is its simplicity.

  14. Hammond approached the tour as an exercise in goodwill, promising his men an enjoyable time.

  15. John Metcalf for The Spectator thought the book «utterly disgraceful—and highly enjoyable ..

  16. GamesTM attributed the change to a desire to streamline production and create enjoyable games.

  17. Dunst revealed that working with Crowe was enjoyable, but more demanding than she had expected.

  18. GameSpy’s Gerald Villoria thought the tradeoffs between both versions made them equally enjoyable.

  19. They often had to strip away elements to make the puzzles more enjoyable and easier to figure out.

  20. Rita Kempley said that his relationship with Murphy was just as enjoyable as his one with Belushi.

  21. Blumberg considered The Beautician and the Beast to be inoffensive and fluffy enough to be enjoyable.

  22. Members of the team felt that he improved the atmosphere within the side and made the game enjoyable.

  23. GameSpot stated the game had enjoyable puzzles, boss battles, atmospheric levels, and smooth gameplay.

  24. She considered the moments where Katniss reflects on happier moments in her past to be more enjoyable.

  25. They become godlike to most of us and yet it is their humanity that makes them so interesting and enjoyable.

  26. She criticized the graphics and gameplay of both releases but felt the game to be highly enjoyable regardless.

  27. While many critics found El Camino enjoyable, some also saw it as inessential to the overall arc of the series.

  28. Oliver considers this characterisation to be one of Gibbons’s «most enjoyable and vicious» satirical portraits.

  29. In 2007, Ashley commented that F&SF had been «the most consistently enjoyable magazine of the last 50 years».

  30. Science fiction historian Mike Ashley regards Tales of Wonder as «a lively, entertaining and enjoyable magazine».

  31. Rush praised Wang’s performance, and believed the story was enjoyable enough to maintain the audience’s attention.

  32. Emma Garland of Vice found the video enjoyable, cautious, and easily digestible but she criticized its choreography.

  33. Casamassina stated that tennis was one of the more enjoyable games, but the lack of movement control was a detractor.

  34. Despite the family’s modest resources, Harrison’s boyhood was enjoyable, much of it spent outdoors fishing or hunting.

  35. Rowland said in that he found the adventure «very enjoyable, with ideas and creatures eminently suitable for wider use».

  36. He spoke about his time spent on the music hall circuit, which he described as the «most enjoyable experience» of his life.

  37. Britt wrote that the song’s introspection makes previous dark, brooding moods in Elverum’s work seem enjoyable by comparison.

  38. During the tour he had enjoyable meetings with Mendelssohn and Schumann in Leipzig, Wagner in Dresden and Meyerbeer in Berlin.

  39. Bathurst speaks very highly of Joking Apart, identifying it as a «career highlight» and the most enjoyable job he has ever done.

  40. Roughly a year before its release, the team concluded that Terra Nova’s realistic, simulation-style gameplay was not enjoyable.

  41. Scary Larry of GamePro said flying using the analogue joystick «is a breeze» and that the gameplay is fun, enjoyable, and impressive.

  42. Critics considered the mode to be «refreshing» and just as enjoyable as faster-paced versions of more recent Call of Duty installments.

  43. X-Play claimed that the game was enjoyable, but it had a few awkward control mechanics and was a little difficult to control on the Wii.

  44. In 1919, Dennett published a widely distributed educational pamphlet, The Sex Side of Life, which treated sex as a natural and enjoyable act.

  45. Price stated that the addition of critters was a way to make the game more enjoyable and varied, instead of just adding more moves for Spyro.

  46. He was responsible not only for developing a more generally affordable neighborhood, but also making it a healthy and enjoyable place to live.

  47. The Province’s Paul Chapman wrote that games like Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 would not be enjoyable if not for the ground Halo 2 broke.

  48. Some media outlets asked whether Fox’s role was awkward given his divorce from Williams, though they said filming with each other was enjoyable.

  49. He criticized the lack of support for the paddle controller, and stated that not even the two-player and terrorist modes made the game enjoyable.

  50. In their review of the game, GameSpy stated that «you’ll have a pretty hard time finding a more enjoyable multiplayer experience on any other console».

Synonyms for enjoyable

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word enjoyable has the following synonyms: gratifying, pleasurable and pleasant.

General information about «enjoyable» example sentences

The example sentences for the word enjoyable that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «enjoyable» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «enjoyable».

Examples of how to use the word “enjoyable” in a sentence. How to connect “enjoyable” with other words to make correct English sentences.

enjoyable (adj): An enjoyable event or experience gives you pleasure

Use “enjoyable” in a sentence

Learning a foreign language is truly enjoyable.
We had an enjoyable day together at the zoo.
For me, it was one of the most enjoyable experiences of the festival.

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1 It is always important to choose enjoyable, nutritious foods.

2 I always try to make my lessons enjoyable.

3 We had a most enjoyable evening.

4 Life is fine and enjoyable, yet you must learn to enjoy your fine life.

5 His latest film is an enjoyable romp.

6 Thank you for a most enjoyable evening.

7 The film was quite enjoyable.

8 It was much more enjoyable than I had expected.

9 Skipping is one of the most enjoyable aerobic activities.

10 What was specially enjoyable about that job?

11 Games can make learning more enjoyable.

12 The book is an enjoyable and undemanding read.

13 The exhibition is an enjoyable and, ultimately,[] life-affirming experience.

14 His books are just froth, but they’re enjoyable enough.

15 The whole holiday was really enjoyable, from start to finish.

16 I’ve been given the enjoyable job of presenting the prizes.

17 Cycling is an enjoyable pastime for people of all ages.

18 In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.

19 They are assured of an enjoyable and trouble — free holiday.

20 The pace of the book is leisurely, with enjoyable literary and historical asides.

21 We ensure that you have a trouble-free and enjoyable holiday.

22 There are a few small things that I don’t like about my job, but by and large it’s very enjoyable.

23 You and your neighbour might want to buddy up to make the trip more enjoyable.

24 With the arrival of John’s friends, the party became really enjoyable.

25 The staff should make sure the kids have an enjoyable and educational day.

26 I really must congratulate the organisers for a well run and enjoyable event.

27 The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible.

28 As with most pleasures, it’s not so much the experience itself as the anticipation that is enjoyable.

29 Her natural musicality made this one of the most enjoyable concerts of the year.

30 Losing that job was a blessing in disguise really, and I ended up in a much more enjoyable career.

Activities and relationships are truly enjoyable

living a complete and enjoyable life without doctors and medicines

He is fascinating and makes me laugh – it is refreshingly enjoyable

After a thoroughly enjoyable half hour, debating the relative merits of the various plants on offer, I decide to buy a rather nice little Areca palm … small and neat … just right for the middle of the table; I splash out on a pretty pot to stand it in – my reward for having made a good start at The Laurels

‘Yes, it was a very enjoyable concert

It was an enjoyable time for all

“I hope the ride was enjoyable Commander Duncan, Lady Rayne,” said the pilot as he stood up and bowed slightly

He smiles across at me – this has the makings of an enjoyable day out

An enjoyable dinner, some pleasant conversation, and they were soon off to bed

‘As her boss, I was given the enjoyable task of presenting her with the cheque we’d collected for her – Sally, they raised nearly £200! Claire, the girl who works in the office with Anna, had elicited the information by some means or other that Anna wanted money to buy linen and crockery when they get to Italy so in the end we’d decided to just give her the cash

Maggie usually holds the first act until there are enough people in the place to make the heckling enjoyable

The holidays were a smashing success; Harold was a very enjoyable addition to their celebrations

She found the sent enjoyable on him, but if they both showed up smelling that way – it wouldn’t of made a very good impression

He hadn’t gotten close to her since kissing her, not that she was complaining, but it had been enjoyable, even if she had regretted it later

I am taking two classes – the history of the State of Nevada (it’s a required course but very interesting and enjoyable) and algebra (I find it hard, but it’s a required course and the teacher is very good so I’ll struggle through it, the best I can

I hadn’t visited Tucson for two years and was very enjoyable to see my old friends

more enjoyable for him then in the middle of

exceptional men? No matter how irritating, their sojourn had been the most enjoyable thing to come into her life in years

“Count on it, Sally! You know, this was a very enjoyable luncheon after all

You can be in an enjoyable state of flow while doing work that others would call the most boring jobs imaginable, such as working on an assembly line

enjoyable to most of the crew when it was learned that two or

We got in and spent an enjoyable time in the tub, washing each other, laughing and

So we tossed tear-gas canisters into the rooms and still they still did not surrender, but after we released the police dogs they were chased out into the streets where we had an enjoyable punch-up as they came out swinging

I am not sure what their point was, besides taking the Mickey out of the Army, which was always enjoyable and a well-respected SAP COIN tradition

was rendered doubly enjoyable by everybody having somebody with whom to

It had set the tone for what was going to be one of the most enjoyable weekends I’d had in years

It was a grateful distraction and for once, listening to them talk about cars was enjoyable

The evening was so pleasant, so relaxed, and so enjoyable

Nevertheless, these families can grow and mature into loving, stable, enjoyable, peaceful and productive families

The trips were enjoyable for more than just acquainting herself with the sights and history of San José: they were also excellent for meeting people from all parts of the world

Flying is pretty enjoyable when there is no reason to fear

Truly, that Holy Week became for me not only spiritually beneficial and rewarding, but also humanly enjoyable and busy

While extending here my thanks to those who participated to make that day exceptionally successful and enjoyable, I will only share here my somewhat emotional verbal participation as I presented my special gift to her:

The air was fresh to breathe and the sun made the day enjoyable

From marching music to current melodies, the Band put on an enjoyable concert and the price was right�it was free to everyone

Hilderich felt his unwanted role to be almost enjoyable

Though it had little in the way of communicating sentiment and feeling and lacked a facial expression, the flatly lit red thick line in the middle of the black band felt to Hilderich almost as if it wanted to burn through him with enjoyable deliberation

Mastering the relationship with Karma puts us in charge of our evolution, allowing for a much more enjoyable, efficient, and powerful life

This was up there with my most enjoyable and memorable meals I’ve ever had the pleasure of eating

from the process and have enjoyable time while doing the work?

He thanked me and wished me an enjoyable campaign

What was waiting for me in room 567 was hardly a friendly surprise, definitely one that I could have done without, but still enjoyable in a weird sort of way

Then, after several months of calling the jackasses and hanging up on them, it just wasn’t as enjoyable as it used to be

Q: Unless a thing is knowable and enjoyable, it is of no use to

Sex with Shana was enjoyable

What appeared in the rear view mirror to be enjoyable exercise

Life is enjoyable as it is and I see

It embodies a blend of enjoyable colonial charm and a cosmopolitan touch of old buildings that relate the history of the city as well as of the island

It was a very cordial and enjoyable two-hour meeting during which ideas and gifts were exchanged in a relaxed and informal atmosphere

Unquestionably, the tour through China was educational, enjoyable and memorable

Naturally, once in Vancouver, it was logical for Roger and Lucille to board a boat and make the scenic and enjoyable one hour and a half trip to cross the bay and go to Victoria

The journey proved to be enjoyable and relaxing

It could not have been easy or enjoyable

Again, we must do our best to make these activities fun and healthy and enjoyable! Hold them as contests, in a sporting and festive atmosphere, and award prizes for the best responses and performances by individuals, neighborhoods, and cities

“You’ve accomplished far more today than we could have hoped, and most of the day was quite enjoyable

“I also had many enjoyable breakfasts and lunches with him in Ithaca as we discussed a number of business subjects over the years

was intense, enjoyable, and the greatest thing that ever happened

He said he was ready to do some more inner searching and I suggested he go to the hallway of doors and let Spirit guide him to an experience that would be enlightening, enjoyable and helpful

“I thought it would be easier, and more enjoyable for him

The journey was thoroughly enjoyable and Lorna only had to look with interest at something, whether it was an old building or a lovely scene, for Rick to turn off the road to enable her to have a closer look

They spent an enjoyable evening watching television in the study

” So I did, which began my successful and very enjoyable career in the fabulous field of sales

It had been too long since he’d been in such enjoyable company and seeing her take interest in him—though a part of him wondered if it was all a façade—felt good

The trip was deadly, but enjoyable

wanting to poke her eyes out, which she swore would have been more enjoyable than having

I could hardly wait to begin the day and soon became aware that it was the most enjoyable job I’d ever had

the raw power of the Sprug so enjoyable, and a big

It will be one of the most enjoyable trips you ever take

more productive and enjoyable experience

It would have been enjoyable if it weren’t

enjoyable, at least for me

He loved his wife, and this had been no more than a most enjoyable business transaction! I had the wit to grin and say I was only kidding

It’s difficult to imagine anything less like the light-hearted fun and pleasure of amateur dramatic clubs, where rehearsals get bogged down in laughter and silly games, and acting is just a pastime – an enjoyable way to spend a night with friends of similar bent

cleaner more enjoyable connection with this

Quite the contrary, they found each other’s company highly enjoyable

Enjoyable as it was living there, Angela’s presence intruded

The society that she was bought up in may have made sex less than enjoyable, she could have had religious training, for example, that told her similar things

It shocked and frightened the children and brought an abrupt end to what was otherwise an enjoyable day

Coke was great, most enjoyable, as was the sex they had shared under its influence

“This one was most enjoyable,” Ruth thought to herself glancing over at Chris

Matthew, in the course of a very enjoyable evening, overheard Ellen and Maeve

The reception was most enjoyable and warm and as on such occasions sad times are left outside the door

But it was in all a very pleasant and enjoyable evening

that a smoke would be enjoyable, instead of a means to keep from suffering?

Jupiter moving through your 12th house shows that this is both an enjoyable and successful area of life

It is not only enjoyable – the creative flow is euphoric – but educational as well

This will not only make the act more enjoyable but will improve the health

previously felt to be an enjoyable experience

If you have created well during this past period of independence, life is comfortable and enjoyable

What I like here is that the career path seems enjoyable

This secret pleasure is often more enjoyable than sex and alw ays more shameful

If she could just live in the moment, the way they say dogs do, until she was discovered and freed, she had plenty of ways to entertain herself, all much more enjoyable than teaching here

Although the hotel is modern clean and tidy, it lacks many things that make your stay comfortable and enjoyable.


We would like to make sure your stay at The Culane Guest House Hotel as comfortable as possible as we would like you to recommend us to your friends and family, therefore if there is anything at all we can do to make your stay more enjoyable please contact us and let us know.


The combat section is easily the most enjoyable read of this entire guide and is very well written.


At the heart of so many of these excuses is this one: Exercise isn’t enjoyable.


It’s an impressively directed film (Alejandro Iñárritu), with a brilliant first half and a perfectly enjoyable but less striking second half.


The built in Intermix Acoustic 2.0 sound system with compatible music port will make your workout more enjoyable.


Your recipes make my Weight Watchers journey downright easy… and enjoyable!


The 1.3 GHz MTK quad core processor within isn’t built for serious multitasking so do please know that this tablet is mainly for media consumption only (Reading on this tablet is quite enjoyable).


It’s an enjoyable car to drive, sporty and exhilarating.


Yet, with winter about to make an appearance, I can’t help but think how much more enjoyable it would be to scoot around snowy streets in the TLX than most like-priced and like-sized crossovers.


All those factors combine well in this pretty enjoyable piece.


MOTORSPORTS EDITOR MAC MORRISON: This car is by far the best and most enjoyable Lexus to date, and my first impression is that it’s right up there with German performance sedans.


Dating is full of nerves and anticipation, highs and lows, joy and despair; and that’s what makes it so thoroughly enjoyable!


Surprisingly, it’s Ant-Man’s sillier powers that yield the most enjoyable scenes.


I can see a significant difference on her, makes her days more enjoyable.


Windlands is highly enjoyable to play, it does take a while to get used to the swinging mechanic but once you do the sensation of flying from tree branch to tree branch and scaling even higher is a great feeling and only one which a VR experience can achieve, its just after an hour you may wish to remove the headset and have a lie down to recover from it all.


The below article gives us a few tips on things to do if you spend a lot of time in your car to make it more enjoyable for the whole family.


I am in no doubt that this blog has not only touched me good but also all the users, it’s really enjoyable article!


All in all, it was and enjoyable read and I would read more by this author.


Each fighter is enjoyable to experiment with and when you factor in the Infinity Stone system, you’re looking at quite a lot of variables that may give you the upper-hand in battle.


The spoken words are sprinkled with songs that present the importance of healthy eating in a tasty, playful and enjoyable way.


With some preparation, and a lot of thinking ahead, even travel with an infant and a breast-pump can be an enjoyable experience.


They described it as a long and not very enjoyable drive: three to four hours for 35 miles!


Also optional are Ford SYNC plus SYNC with MyFord Touch that help keep you connected with life on the road in ways that are both enjoyable and productive.


Okay, so maybe it’s just what the world of graphic designers has been clamoring for, but Type: Rider, published by BulkyPix and developed by Ex Nihilo in collaboration with Arte, is enjoyable for anyone who appreciates a unique puzzle platformer with great graphics, music and design.


I actually bought this book for josh but spent a lot of time reading it myself and its very enjoyable remind you about all the little good things in life and about what really matters.


Calafant Cardboard Toys are a custom toy, imaginative craft, and enjoyable family project all in one.


Mel Brooks» granddaughter Samantha, 19, steals the show in slinky velvet gown as she supports him at opening night of West End musical Young Frankenstein Liam Scarlett is a talented abstract, neoclassical choreographer, but his Frankenstein is the least enjoyable full-evening work I have ever seen the Royal


This is an enjoyable film that will appeal to Sci Fi fans as well as Horror fans.


Final Verdict: Ratchet and Clank remains a clever, enjoyable gaming experience, boasting a vibrant map with intelligence bursting from every corner.


Sure, it’s dated, but in the enjoyable way.


Dealing with my service advisor, Dudley Barnum, has always been an enjoyable experience.


Breast or bottle, whichever you choose, you can trust Vital Baby products to help you make feeding a relaxed and enjoyable experience every time.


For life to be enjoyable we all need challenges that we feel we can cope with.


primarily establishes itself as an enjoyable and mindlessly entertaining romp that’s certainly a whole lot better than one had any right to expect (and it’s impossible not to admire the gusto with which actor David Walton attacks his almost ludicrously jerky character).


Dr. Strange role, amongst the other heroes, is far more enjoyable than his solo endeavor.


Cake with coffee becomes so much more enjoyable in winters.


You will find a variety of features that will make your journeys comfortable and enjoyable, from daily commute to family road trip!


I’ve found the game moderately enjoyable.


From Hewlett-Packard (HPQ), Proctor & Gamble (PG), and the FBI to Al Qaeda, the Samoan government, and textile factories in India, they take readers on an enjoyable and informative romp, packed with rich anecdotes, meaty bits of social science, and all sorts of surprising factoids.


You might as well make the experience enjoyable!


With the integration of these new features, we want the game to be enjoyable by both LA-MULANA fans as well as retro action game fans.


While this book was enjoyable, it felt very rushed.


It’s a new entry in the series and quite enjoyable.


The new maps are all pretty enjoyable, but I especially enjoyed Widows Court and The Timekeeper, the latter of which is the Sony exclusive map.


Puppy-hood can be one of the most enjoyable times in your dogs life, but it will also be trying as well.


A clean & comfortable motel, off street boat / trailer parking available, in-room continental breakfast available, gluten free menu available, all units are ground floor with individual balconies, free WiFi and free use of DVD library, an enjoyable 10 minute walk or 2 minute drive to shops, cafes, hotels and Inlet beach.


It also rides surprisingly well and is an enjoyable car to play with.


*** This is a fully loaded scheme of work that is an enjoyable, engaging, active and fun introduction to drama.


It is also easy to lead children to sing simple songs for the chief purpose of having fun, to the extent that they get whipped up in a frenzy of enjoyable emotion, which we teach them (even if only inadvertently so) is the mark of true worship.


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