Use the word enjoy in a sentence

Synonym: appreciate, like, relish, savor. Antonym: deplore. Similar words: enjoyable, enjoyment, enjoin, banjo, joy, joyous, joyful, joyfully. Meaning: [ɪn’dʒɔɪ]  v. 1. derive or receive pleasure from; get enjoyment from; take pleasure in 2. have benefit from 3. get pleasure from 4. have for one’s benefit 5. take delight in. 

1. So much is mine as I enjoy

2. Goods are theirs that enjoy them. 

3. You will never enjoy the world aright, till he sea itself floweth in your vein, till you are clothed with the heavens, and crowned with the stars. 

4. If there were no clouds, we should not enjoy the sun. 

5. She does not enjoy the details of housekeeping.

6. I always enjoy my evening meal alnoe.

7. I enjoy playing tennis and squash.

8. I hope you enjoy your stay with us.

9. Did you enjoy your travels in Europe?

10. They were light-hearted and prepared to enjoy life.

11. I enjoy going to church and worshipping God.

12. The officers enjoy special services.

13. Did you enjoy yourselves in your holiday?

14. They enjoy a cult following in the UK.

15. Just relax and enjoy the movie.

16. Take time to enjoy the simple things in life.

17. I enjoy shopping for clothes and shoes.

18. He welcomed you to enjoy his hospitality.

19. She wanted to enjoy her moment of glory.

20. I enjoy your company,( but your brother bores me.

21. They are entitled to enjoy many advantages and privileges.

22. I really enjoy talking to you.

23. Did you enjoy your holiday?—Anything but.

24. His sole aim in life is to enjoy himself.

26. She had come to enjoy Roberto’s luxurious life-style.

27. I enjoy having time to myself.

28. Did you enjoy your trip to Disneyland?

29. Did they enjoy themselves at the theatre?

30. In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy. William Blake 

Examples of how to use the word “enjoy” in a sentence. How to connect “enjoy” with other words to make correct English sentences.

enjoy (v): to get pleasure from something

Use “enjoy” in a sentence

I enjoy the fresh atmosphere in the countryside.
I enjoy being with you.
Do you enjoy walking on the beach?
Did you enjoy the movie?

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Asked by: Shanel Bode

Score: 4.1/5
(37 votes)

Enjoy sentence example

  1. They would have some time to enjoy a late Christmas at home when they returned. …
  2. I hope you enjoy the lecture. …
  3. You’re beginning to enjoy it, aren’t you? …
  4. I enjoy traveling, especially to very different places. …
  5. I know I’ll enjoy being with my family – no matter where we go.

How do you use enjoyed?

enjoyed in a sentence

  1. I enjoyed my stay with my friends.
  2. Our ancestors enjoyed that ‘happiness’ which we today fail to find.
  3. Kids enjoyed kite flying in the company of their fathers.
  4. The Mughal rulers enjoyed drinking openly with their nobles.
  5. I enjoyed a nap for some time.
  6. I hope you enjoyed your stay here.

Will enjoy in a sentence?

Sentence examples for i will enjoy it from inspiring English sources. «I will enjoy it, definitely,» he said. I will enjoy it at home in my bed». I enjoyed it when I was at Brentford and I will enjoy it now».

When to Use enjoy or enjoys?

I enjoy ….» But for the sentence as written person is third person, so «enjoys» is the correct form.

Where do we use enjoy?

  1. I enjoyed at the party.
  2. Thanks. I really enjoyed it. Thanks. I really enjoyed.
  3. I enjoy playing basketball. I enjoy to play basketball.
  4. I enjoy reading very much. I enjoy very much reading.
  5. I hope you enjoy your trip. I hope you enjoy with your trip.

32 related questions found

How do you write about enjoy?

5 Useful Tips To Enjoy Writing

  1. Don’t worry about anything else while writing. …
  2. Write exactly what you love. …
  3. Have a reward system in place when you complete your goals. …
  4. Put on music of your choice. …
  5. Take a few moments to enter a reflective mindset.

What can I say instead of enjoy?


  • adore,
  • delight (in),
  • dig,
  • fancy,
  • get off (on),
  • groove (on),
  • like,
  • love,

What is the adverb of enjoy?

Derived forms of enjoy

enjoyable, adjectiveenjoyableness, nounenjoyably, adverbenjoyer, noun.

What is the same meaning of enjoy?

like, love, be fond of, be entertained by, be amused by, be pleased by, find pleasure in, take pleasure in, be keen on, delight in, appreciate, rejoice in, relish, revel in, adore, lap up, savour, luxuriate in, bask in, wallow in, glory in.

How do you say you really enjoy something?

7 Ways to Say You Like Something in English

  1. I enjoy it. This verb means to “take delight or pleasure in” something. …
  2. I love it. …
  3. I am passionate about it. …
  4. I am fond of it. …
  5. I am a fan of it. …
  6. I am interested in it. …
  7. I am into it.

Is it correct to say Im enjoying?

Yes, you can say «I am enjoying the film a lot.» It means that you are enjoying the film that you are watching at that moment.

What are assertive sentences?

An assertive sentence is a sentence that states a fact. Such sentences are simple statements. They state, assert, or declare something. They are also called declarative sentences. Assertive sentences usually end with a period or full stop.

What is a sentence for had given?

Rose kept the promise that she had given to Charles last year. then in this case had given rather than gave would be the better choice (with the usual caveat of location affecting how people speak).

What is the sentence of famous?

«He visited a famous landmark on his trip.» «A famous scholar is visiting our school this week.» «There are many famous people in town this week.» «She recognized the famous song.»

How do you use obey?

Obey sentence example

  1. He has raised me to obey … to be good. …
  2. Agree to obey the laws that I shall make for you. …
  3. The king had sent them there to make the people obey his unjust laws. …
  4. My rules are simple; obey me and you will be rewarded. …
  5. «They refused to obey me,» the madman said at last.

What is the adjective for appear?

Appearly is the adjective form of appear.

What is the adverb for rare?

Not occurring at a regular interval; seldom; not often.

Is very a adverb?

Very can be used in the following ways: as an adverb (before adjectives and adverbs): It had been a long day and he was very tired. I always walk very quickly. She writes very well.

What is a big word for beautiful?

admirable, adorable, alluring, angelic, appealing, beauteous, bewitching, captivating, charming, classy, comely, cute, dazzling, delicate, delightful, divine, elegant, enthralling, enticing, excellent, exquisite, fair, fascinating, fetching, fine, foxy, good-looking, gorgeous, graceful, grand, handsome, ideal, inviting …

How do you say enjoy yourself?

synonyms for enjoying oneself

  1. amused.
  2. charmed.
  3. delighted.
  4. engrossed.
  5. exhilarated.
  6. pleased.
  7. relaxed.
  8. tickled.

How do you say enjoy reading?

Senior Member. You could also say «Happy reading» (which is more general), but «enjoy the book» is probably better if it refers to a book. («Happy reading» might sound better if there is more than one book, said for example by a librarian to someone checking out a huge stack of books.)

How do I know if I am a writer?

If you write for life, you’ll work hard; you’ll do what’s honest, not what pays. You know you are a writer when you write because you are compelled, driven and unable to to do otherwise.

How do you write creative?

Top tips for creative writing

  1. 1 Write about what you know. Beginning writers always get told ‘write what you know’, but it’s good advice. …
  2. 2 Write about what you don’t know. …
  3. 3 Read widely and well. …
  4. 4 Hook your readers. …
  5. 5 Get your characters talking. …
  6. 6 Show rather than tell. …
  7. 7 Get it right first time. …
  8. 8 Keep polishing.

What is enjoy in grammar?

Grammar > Verbs > Using verbs > Enjoy. from English Grammar Today. The regular verb enjoy means ‘get pleasure from something’. It usually has an object: We enjoyed the movie so much.

Sentences using the word enjoy. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use enjoy in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for enjoy.

  • I enjoy it. (8)
  • Enjoy himself! (8)
  • Enjoy your fancy! (8)
  • She does not enjoy it. (10)
  • Old Tom did enjoy this. (10)
  • I like young people to enjoy. (8)
  • Altogether he could enjoy his fall. (10)
  • I do like people to enjoy themselves! (8)
  • Aminta will enjoy the switch of steel. (10)
  • Julia seems to enjoy London exceedingly. (4)
  • If I live to fight, I live also to enjoy. (10)
  • He is not unlikely to enjoy my conversation. (10)
  • Enjoy yourself, mademoiselle; drink it all in! (8)
  • And he can enjoy his repast; a very good sign. (10)
  • Anthony began to enjoy the repose of the room. (22)
  • I should enjoy replying to him, if I had time. (10)
  • We fancy you do not greatly enjoy dining there. (10)
  • I enjoy every minute of it, and grow stronger on it. (9)
  • I enjoy it, to be sure, but it is rather wearisome. (14)
  • Harry also began to enjoy the look and smell of land. (10)
  • Something, more to inflict than enjoy, was due to him. (10)
  • I never expected to enjoy myself so much again in the world. (9)
  • All life is a lesson that we live to enjoy but in the spirit. (10)
  • The battle they enjoy is the battle that goes for the majority. (10)
  • You did not enjoy them as I did; you appeared tired the whole time. (4)
  • She could not find it in her to enjoy the irony of this coincidence. (8)
  • The higher the Comedy, the more prominent the part they enjoy in it. (10)
  • He would enjoy her liveliness and she has talents to value his powers. (4)
  • Rosamund murmured of her gladness that he should be able to enjoy them. (10)
  • If I had been a man to enjoy vengeance, the rope would have swung for him. (10)
  • She and Adrian likewise strolled forth to enjoy the air of the Summer night. (10)
  • It is, therefore, without reason which I can allege that I enjoy Goldoni more. (9)
  • Ripton did not enjoy his introduction to the caged bird of beauty that night. (10)
  • The long-suffering Fates permitted her for a term to enjoy the generous delusion. (10)
  • He was immensely fond of society, which he could enjoy without detriment to his work. (3)
  • Where that sensation of the intoxication of life and of his own power to enjoy it all? (8)
  • I do not know anybody who seems more to enjoy the power of doing what he likes than Mr. (4)
  • Why was he not just an ordinary animal of a man that could enjoy what the gods had sent? (8)
  • They cannot enjoy the sense of security for their love unless they fence away the world. (10)
  • How could he enjoy himself with the thought of Sylvia in her room, made ill by his brutality! (8)
  • A longing for beauty, and a dark sense of an incapacity to thoroughly enjoy it, tormented him. (10)
  • It may be best figured by supposing yourself to get dead drunk, and yet keep sober to enjoy it. (2)
  • As for Mr. Allen, he repaired directly to the card-room, and left them to enjoy a mob by themselves. (4)
  • The house would please her she would enjoy messing about with the decoration, she was very artistic! (8)
  • He had barely five weeks left to enjoy the new interest which had come into what remained of his life. (8)
  • He had always been afraid to enjoy to-day for fear he might not enjoy tomorrow so much. (8)
  • He left me his fortune, for Van Diemen Smith to enjoy life, as he never did, poor fellow, when he was alive. (10)
  • She did not enjoy her great possession as she would have done, had but one other shared the knowledge of it. (12)
  • Now have I but four days of my month of happiness remaining, and my request to you is, leave me to enjoy them. (10)
  • Drummond laughed at his extreme earnestness in cautioning him, and appeared to enjoy his dread of the Countess. (10)
  • We enjoy superb, sub-arctic sunsets, with the profile of the city stamped in indigo upon a sky of luminous green. (2)
  • Here he gave himself up to those pleasures which he could enjoy but sparingly when he was in the official harness. (14)
  • A wild bee settled on her arm, and she held it up between her and the sun, so that she might enjoy its dusky glamour. (8)
  • She will enjoy the scheme, I am sure; and I do not know a properer person for shewing us how to do away difficulties. (4)
  • Mr. Rhodes with his travelling bag was packed off to Copsley, to enjoy a change of scene after his run of the gauntlet. (10)
  • I know no one more entitled, by unpretending merit, or better prepared by habitual suffering, to receive and enjoy felicity. (4)
  • Mrs. Cavely was her chaperon at the ball, and he was not permitted to enjoy a lengthened conversation sitting with Annette. (10)
  • She was given back to us for five years, and for the last two of them was hopeful enough about her health to enjoy her life. (14)
  • Then he looked unhappy, for Colonel Woodburn did not seem to enjoy his reassuring words; but Miss Woodburn came to his rescue. (9)
  • She was indebted to him for that splendid luxury of indecision, which so few of the maids of earth enjoy for a lengthened term. (10)
  • Tom Bakewell also received his priming, and, to judge by his chuckles and grins, rather appeared to enjoy the work cut out for him. (10)
  • Right sure was spokesman that Squire Pole was the friend of the poor man, and liked nothing better than to see him enjoy his holiday. (10)
  • Luckily he had taken the organs for blue-bottles in his last years, which had been a comfort, and they had been able to enjoy the tunes. (8)
  • She had too many vexations to endure: she was an insufficient schemer, and was too frequently thwarted to enjoy that ulterior prospect. (10)
  • The mighty breakfast had given Braintop intolerable desire to stretch his limbs by the sounding shore, and enjoy life in semi-oblivion. (10)
  • It is only a traveller, hurrying by like a person from another planet, who can rightly enjoy the peace and beauty of the great ascetic feast. (2)
  • How, for instance, could people who had once known the simple verity, the refined perfection of Miss Austere, enjoy, anything less refined and less perfect? (9)

Also see sentences for: enjoyable, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyment, enjoys.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for enjoy. Now that you’ve seen how to use enjoy in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Sentence Examples

Well… hey! Sorry. I was just beginning to enjoy myself, now everything’s going to be bitter and beastly with mother in that mood.

Do you think I enjoy having sex with you in that stupid room at this old woman’s house?

We have to drive outside city limits to enjoy ourselves.

Please stay and enjoy yourselves.

I hope you really enjoy eating it… and that you feel a sense of longing whenever you eat another bowl of udon.

I suggest you don’t worry about this sort of thing… and just enjoy yourself.

enjoy your stay on the moon.

So, we’ll spend some time together, and enjoy some healthy competition.

Ren├® and Suzanne de Romigui├¿res enjoy a delightful honeymoon.

If your Jeannecita nothing remains, enjoy it the same.

Don’t you want to enjoy yourself?

Yes .. enjoy life … soon you will be on the street.

I spent ten years in Lima, but after my beloved daughter Rosa lost her sight, she could not enjoy my beautiful ranch.

It never seems to occur to you gentlemen that there might possibly be some men… who would enjoy being my husband even if I were not a queen.

Why we enjoy our work more?

I think Mrs. Sterling would enjoy it more if the top were down.

Go back to the others and enjoy yourself.

I would enjoy driving it.

You guys… did that… — Well, enjoy your lunch. And your necklace.

We’d all enjoy a few words from Mr. Chandler, who will tell us something of Beaugard’s life and work.

How did you enjoy the opera?

I hope you’ll enjoy your supper, children.

Well, enjoy them while you may.

It’s always a pleasure to see the young enjoy themselves.

Mmm. Your wife will enjoy that.

enjoy your meal, Captain.

Look around, enjoy yourself.

If we can’t get funds to support the wives of those members who currently enjoy room and board at state expense, I don’t know where we’ll find the money to carry out our plans.

He has more women than you can shake a stick at, if you enjoy that.

Let them enjoy themselves today

Maybe I can enjoy myself for once without having to worry about you and what you’re going to do.

I want to enjoy things, and you can’t do that when everybody’s on the hate.

Please relax and enjoy each other’s company like in your student days.

Friends, let us enjoy our idleness

No, just run along and enjoy yourself.

The women aren’t bad, you can enjoy yourself.

No, you know how much I enjoy your presence.

Certainly, that’s my aim in life, but I’d like to keep out of the bughouse to enjoy it.

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