Use the word enhance in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word enhance, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use enhance in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «enhance».

Enhance in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word enhance in a sentence.

  1. This did not enhance performance to the extent of No.

  2. In 1891, the Columbia was dredged to enhance shipping.

  3. A hand-held camera was used to enhance the frenetic pace.

  4. To enhance the teaching, the text employs sarcasm and irony.

  5. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to enhance flight safety.

  6. The dark mask may also reduce glare and thus enhance night vision.

  7. Hagen also stated that Angelou «fictionalizes, to enhance interest».

  8. Hagen also states that Angelou «fictionalizes, to enhance interest».

  9. It has large eyes and a tapetum lucidum to enhance its vision at night.

  10. The RS-25 engines had several improvements to enhance reliability and power.

  11. Sapphires from these three sites are routinely heat-treated to enhance color.

  12. Keyboard instruments are sometimes used to enhance the fullness of the sound.

  13. With each battle, players can enhance statistics such as strength and defense.

  14. If all you’re going to do is enhance the system, you should make it an add-on.

  15. Megadeth hired fashion photographer Richard Avedon to enhance the band’s image.

  16. Small amounts of oxidizers like sodium nitrate are added to enhance the reaction.

  17. There are several other resonances and interactions that enhance Pluto’s stability.

  18. To enhance their standing, the team arranged to join the South Wales League in 1907.

  19. The writing also uses contemporary slang to enhance the immersive viewing experience.

  20. Ambient noise such as the buzz of bridge controls were added to enhance certain scenes.

  21. He devised a number of imaginative features to enhance the six week camp program that summer.

  22. Virtual sets built within digital environments were created to enhance the use of miniatures.

  23. This occurs when the pinnae are still, and the animal can enhance the effect by flapping them.

  24. Pavlovich hoped that the original score would enhance the licensed music use, not detract from it.

  25. Porpora said that the tradition began in order to raise money and enhance the profile of the church.

  26. Animators added the beams emanating from Janosz, including particulate matter to enhance the realism.

  27. Amphetamine also has a slight analgesic effect and can enhance the pain relieving effects of opioids.

  28. Pictures of Angelou, Baxter, and members of their family appear through the book and enhance the text.

  29. At the time, 95 percent of all the world’s sapphires were being heated to enhance their natural color.

  30. The film clips are a motif used to enhance the theme of the desire to find meaning or detect patterns.

  31. He promised to use patronage to create a qualified staff, not to enhance his own standing in government.

  32. He hoped that by promoting the idea of a grande ethnie bangala he could enhance his political prospects.

  33. Quinolones are artificial broad-spectrum antibiotics that are often fluorinated to enhance their effects.

  34. RNAi will prove its potential for inhibition of photorespiration to enhance the productivity of C3 plants.

  35. The majority of the first season’s footage was digitally inked and painted to enhance background elements.

  36. He initially worked aboard steamships before transferring to sailing ships to enhance his career prospects.

  37. A titanium «drip shield» could also be installed over containers of other types to enhance their longevity.

  38. Another way the developers wished to enhance the player’s Batman experience was through the larger game world.

  39. Typically used in small group community settings, they enhance group cohesion and reaffirm traditional values.

  40. Others change or enhance the graphical aspects of the game, such as lighting, 3D models, colors, and textures.

  41. These skeptics saw the proposal as a ploy to enhance Prussian power rather than a progressive agenda of reform.

  42. The vivid contrasts of darkness and light enhance the almost unnatural beauty and Gothic elegance of the model.

  43. The writer wanted Ganino and Stillwell to enhance Guinan’s role and to find another character arc for Tasha Yar.

  44. Alternative pathways might, therefore, enhance an organisms’ resistance to injury, by reducing oxidative stress.

  45. Pictures of Baxter, Angelou, and their family and close friends appear throughout the book and enhance the text.

  46. Men’s parkas usually had straight-cut bottom hems with slits and loose shoulders to enhance mobility when hunting.

  47. The band sought to record the album in an unconventional setting, believing it would enhance their creative output.

  48. DNAzymes can enhance catalytic rate of chemical reactions up to 100,000,000,000-fold over the uncatalyzed reaction.

  49. He cultivated a love of hockey in his sons and provided them with a backyard rink and drills to enhance their skills.

  50. PC Gamer reported that the re-creation was mostly accurate, although certain landmarks were moved to enhance gameplay.

Synonyms for enhance

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word enhance has the following synonyms: , heighten and raise.

General information about «enhance» example sentences

The example sentences for the word enhance that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «enhance» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «enhance».

Synonym: better, enrich, improve, uplift. Similar words: chance, by chance, take a chance, hand in hand, on hand, in hand, cancel, cancer. Meaning: [ɪn’hɑːns]  v. 1. increase 2. make better or more attractive. 

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1 Because friendships enhance our lives,it is important to cultivate them. 

2 Good lighting will enhance any room.

3 The king wanted to enhance his prestige through war.

4 These scandals will not enhance the organization’s reputation/image.

5 It aims to enhance teachers’professionalism.

6 People believe that computer skills will enhance their job opportunities or promotion opportunities.

7 Her sparing use of make-up only seemed to enhance her classically beautiful features.

8 Good secretarial skills should enhance your chances of getting a job.

9 This is an opportunity to enhance the reputation of the company.

10 Sound engineers utilize a range of techniques to enhance the quality of the recordings.

11 The company is trying to enhance its cash flow.

12 Those clothes do nothing to enhance her appearance.

13 They’ll be keen to enhance their reputation abroad.

14 This face powder will enhance your natural colouring.

15 Probiotics have been reported to enhance digestion.

16 BBC backing for the scheme will enhance its credibility.

17 Getting the right qualifications will enhance your employment prospects.

18 The addition of networking facilities will greatly enhance the system.

19 Food is there to keep you healthy and enhance your enjoyment of life.

20 A garnish helps to enhance the appearance of any dish.

21 They hoped that the exhibition would enhance the cultural life of the nation.

22 The computer can enhance the quality of photographs transmitted from space.

23 Painting is a relatively inexpensive way to enhance your home.

24 These clothes will get you noticed and enhance your image.

25 Passing the English examination should enhance your chances of getting the post.

26 Large paintings can enhance the feeling of space in small rooms.

27 The publicity has done little to enhance his reputation .

28 We’re using technology to enhance our levels of service.

29 This would enhance efficiency and slow product proliferation.

30 We are currently developing a number of best practices to enhance network security.

More similar words: chance, by chance, take a chance, hand in hand, on hand, in hand, cancel, cancer, dancer, stance, glance, romance, penance, alliance, finance, ancestor, advanced, substance, guidance, instance, entrance, balanced, parlance, pittance, distance, insurance, in advance, balance of, compliance, arrogance. 

She had put the money into the business account to enhance the publicity campaign and was quietly content about her unreasonable artwork profits for the year

I love this stuff! Agri-Gro is not an NPK fertilizer but it works to enhance the relationships between soil and plant

«If we decide to enhance the individual, as has been the dominant theme on this planet for twenty centuries now, we will not evolve in that direction

embroidery, to carefully add elements to the skin that would enhance her beauty, and

Before reaching for that bag of nitrates or other chemical fertilizers, the conscious homeowner or farmer should stop for a moment to consider what needs to be put back in the soil to enhance its life-giving properties

‘Apart from that, he thinks it would enhance their studies into things like the war

She pressed comfortably on him, he didn’t remember her being this well turned and wondered if she’d taken something to enhance her figure a bit

South Africa could develop better relationships with its neighbors by training them with know how to build missile programs to enhance security from forces outside of Africa

At the extreme points of the twisting movement you can exert a slight pressure to enhance the value of this limbering exercise

enhance the benefits of the getaway

A good photo is going to enhance your

Bringing more of this into your life wil greatly enhance it

I’m very sure she took the shonggot to try and enhance her learning at a year’s seminar she was attending

and enhance your reputation

with this circumstance, necessarily enhance still further the price of their labour

Anon’s blood had granted him great power, and now he used it to enhance his speed to its fullest

But as that coin will not be allowed to lie idle, it must, in one shape or another, be sent abroad, in order to find that profitable employment which it cannot find at home; and this continual exportation of gold and silver, by enhancing the difficulty, must necessarily enhance still farther the expense of the bank, in finding new gold and silver in order to replenish those coffers, which empty themselves so very rapidly

enhance his experience of your product and increase the joy in his life, or will

We can send waves of mindfulness, compassion peace to create interference and enhance the energy of everyone

In this chapter, we’ll explore approaches to work and school that can enhance happiness

Its immediate purposes are to enhance health, flexibility, and relaxation

For people with pitt prakruti, spicy food will enhance their problem

enhance their lives, protecting themselves and those that they love as well

Doris nearly had an orgasm, probably from the sheer exasperation of it all, for exasperation of a certain kind, if not too much, can sometimes serve to enhance the sexual act

Our gravitation to a higher dimension is essentially a merging with more light energy that will amongst other things help enhance our healing and communication abilities

others can use to enhance their related product offers

of the value, than to redeem this long annuity at five-and-twenty or thirty years purchase, which would enhance the price at least five-and-twenty or thirty per cent

longer lasting deck that will not only enhance the beauty of your home, but provide you with a

Power from the sword and Arawn could have filled him to enhance his ability by ten, though he did not draw that much yet as he did not want to waste his Battle Angel’s reserves of ki’mera

Last time he checked the monitor AI it was only able to run checks of its own caretaker systems; certainly there was no sign any ability for outward communication – unless one of the programmers had found a way to enhance its evolutionary rate

protected area to restore and enhance the biological and

Resting Point: Enchanted weapons or artefacts and relics in which the Great Angels or Battle Angels reside; these Resting Points provide a storage area for ki’mera orbs that can be used to further enhance the powers of a Battle Angel or an enchanted item or the wielder of the item or Battle Angel

One of the best ways to enhance any Affiliate product recommendation is to add special bonus offers to the package

The health benefits of lavender essential oil include its ability to remove nervous tension, relieve pain, disinfect scalp and skin, enhance blood circulation and treat respiratory problems

Hawthorn is generally considered to be a very safe herb for animals, however, should be avoided in cases where conventional cardiac drug treatment is in place as it may enhance the effects of these drugs and increase their effects

feature in the back yard would enhance the buyer’s lifestyle

Inter racial and ethnic marriages in recent years, however, have gradually erased such distinctions or genetic dispositions and environmental influences, by blending hereditary characteristics and socio/cultural factors that may otherwise enhance or (diminish) performance

That poverty may diminish Character is questionable as well as counter arguments that material abundance is likely to enhance it

Another example is a philanthropist, or ―good deed doer‖, who seeks admiration from his or her fellows; who therefore engages in charitable activities in order to enhance his or her reputation or popular credentials as a reliable advocate of worthy causes

choices…that others who would diminish their value(s)… not to enhance however… discredit its reputation…whose parity lies

Although society‘s ultimate goal should be, wherever possible, the rehabilitation of its hardened citizens; and allowing that a rehabilitated, productive citizen must necessarily accrue to the mutual advantage of that society and that polite and polished manners otherwise enhance the quality of life or, if not for humane reasons only, its immediate objective should be maintaining the safety and security of its law-abiding citizens by keeping them out of harm‘s way

Conscience is understood as an (internalized) set of morals and values whose critical references, in whatever manner obtained and (assimilated), must necessarily enhance or diminish an individual‘s sense of guilt or other such feelings and emotions proceeding from that individual‘s private understanding of right and wrong or good and evil; that is to say, how that individual observes (external) events and assimilates the information that it receives

the puppy feel safe and protected, how to create and enhance that puppy’s feelings

His position at Battalion headquarters permitted him to be the first to greet new arrivals with a suggestion that tailored uniform shirts might enhance their appearance and impress their sergeants and officers

He believed that possessing the Golden Fleece would enhance their leader’s right to rule over all nations

The corruption of leadership, as they were tempted to bend the Word to enhance their individual condition above that of those whom they had governance over

Washington spent $126 million in 2009 to enhance the Kennedy family

This ability, while in theory might be seen to enhance their viability and survivability, for obvious reasons breeds authoritarian opposition

god will enhance our ability to hear

There had to be names! Everything had to have a name to enhance its identity! An essence, a spirit, a god of the named force would have to carry the name of the force, until a better arrangement could be found

All through this, I would enhance the limited abilities of those who chose to follow Me, while leaving simplified examples to challenge their mental acuity

Understanding the forces that influence this turbulence could lead to design changes that would discourage turbulence, and would greatly enhance the “efficiency of movement” of fluids and gasses

est channel to enhance our ability to hear god and discern His leading

It is understood that learning English will enhance a person’s ability to succeed financially in the United States, which should be a goal

She could put on several frills and invent a few artistic details to enhance the horror

purchase to enhance your website if you like, but there is a lot of free stuff that is professional

Here’s a tip a woman gave me that I found most useful to enhance

can enhance or reduce both arousal and sperm production

Those who transmute sex energy and enhance their sex life admit that

pleasure and those trying to enhance their sexual capability will

Not only does a man enhance his

who are only interested in using this concept to enhance and prolong

mission is to enhance the lives of youth by

To enhance the quality of life in the

ty organizations to enhance the effectiveness

Time would only have served to prolong and enhance Zacchaeus’ misery and pain as they grew into adolescents

It’s supposed to greatly enhance sexual pleasure

Write a call to enhance the income from

The use of hypnosis to enhance recall

process to enhance HGH production in the long term

And these worldviews can richly enhance our lives: these alternative worldviews can give truer accounts of the world than scientific studies

Our failure will please them, even though our failure will neither enhance their lives nor improve their standard of living—a classic case of schadenfreude

So besides taming the masses, it was also hoped that the picodust would enhance our collective intelligence—which would help us crack the problem of why anything at all exists

Retweets can help to spread your message, enhance your visibility and brand awareness, and increase visits to your website because your tweet is seen by followers of people who have retweeted your message to their followers

holds all the positive energy you need to enhance your mood

enhance the connections you already have with others

Sex is an opportunity to enhance intimacy and connection with your partner

the current Educational System is designed to enhance the status of teachers, therefore, grades and ratings are padded and diplomas are given to the undeserving to protect this image of a broken system

means to enhance the level of relaxation a person can attain or to

synchronicities that enhance their life results significantly

form of meditation which has been used widely to enhance the

To enhance the ambiance of the meditation many will surround the

enhance the favorable points over the negative points

Churchmen rushed to find ways to enhance its prestige so that it could be worthy of its new position and to justify greater power for the ruler so that he could preserve Orthodoxy from further harm

Each has talents, traits and gifts that can enhance and strengthen the partnership, but once a partner thinks he is better or can do without the other, the partnership is doomed and with it the business

And I will enhance your coloring a bit

Almost every arrow will be magically accurate, and carry spells that enhance their effectiveness

Moshe’s peace of mind rested solely on the hope that they would somehow enhance her chances of surviving this slow careful run for freedom

He wore simple black leather trousers and shirt that were soft and supple of material and cut to enhance the virility of his build, and thick black cavalry boots

We do everything we can to enhance that knowledge and the growth that comes with it

He had chosen to address them from horseback to enhance his message

of mind rested solely on the hope that they would somehow enhance her chances of surviving

He said becoming a Lord of Light had done nothing to enhance his self-concept

Coast Guard Commandants and Navy Chiefs of Naval Operations have worked together to enhance the National Fleet concept “in which both services maintain their cultures and capabilities but

In 1999 the Foundation for Coast Guard History (FCGH) was created to assist the Historian of the Coast Guard, encourage Coast Guard historical research and studies, and enhance public education in USCG history, concepts and issues (Thorsen, “

To enhance port security skills and operations, Coast Guard personnel have trained at Army and Marine bases and Navy diving schools

“It’s a degree that is going to enhance their job skills and obviously apply to what they do in their careers,” says McCleary

Many of these images are highly retouched and enhanced

From the passageway the digitally enhanced voice of

completed may have been enhanced by the use of spiritual gifts imparted to members by the

From the passageway the digitally enhanced voice of Citizen Marat burst into life once more, corroding the moment of doubt into a thousand flakes of brittle rust

Each rider and dragon is enhanced to his or her full potential

Spending your time on the things you value most will see your life enhanced

She was changed too! She was larger than Tabs & Ash; she had been enhanced like Sally!

Cure your backache and your chest complaints are eased, your temper improved, and your looks enhanced

She’s an enhanced kitten, but still a kitten

And Emily’s falcon, Lancelot, was also enhanced at the hatching; he tripled his size and often enjoyed flying night patrol with the dragons

She has been enhanced by many of them; think of this alone! The woman stands 6 feet tall, and the White says she reminds him of the Amazon women of past

Jake turned to face John, if you do accept this task and agree to go John, you will have to be enhanced

22 dragons have enhanced this woman

She’s also enhanced; happened when Lady Sally and Rah bonded at the hatching

All our animals have been enhanced along with their masters

“His name is Lancelot, he’s a Peregrine falcon who has been enhanced; it quadrupled his size

The snowflakes and other bodies were enhanced in the image as shown by their detectors, the stars shown at nearly their natural levels

Enhanced by this deeply relaxed and receptive state, your immune system becomes strengthened through two powerful energy healing methods

first to introduce a bill that would add enhanced

They drift through chemically enhanced conversations until their drug of choice carries them away

This she both encouraged and enhanced, so that while each must rely on the other in an activity they could not perform individually, neither required the constant assistance of the other to accomplish those tasks which were just within the capability of one

” Althart told her, no doubt using the enhanced data storage in his brain once again

at first, and only enhanced the impression of malevolence

As with all knowledge, when used and made practical, understanding is increased and a person’s own being is enhanced

In the native implementation, the network was designed to be contained within the human mind as a resource, sort of like an enhanced memory

The One Elf’s staff began to take on a bluish hue as Tetloan leapt forward, his strength, speed and agility enhanced to their utmost by the Singularity

The merit of their beauty is greatly enhanced by their scarcity

In their eyes, the merit of an object, which is in any degree either useful or beautiful, is greatly enhanced by its scarcity, or by the great labour which it requires to collect any considerable quantity of it; a labour which nobody can afford to pay but themselves

The scarcity which prevailed in England, from 1693 to 1699, both inclusive, though no doubt principally owing to the badness of the seasons, and, therefore, extending through a considerable part of Europe, must have been somewhat enhanced by the bounty

She enhanced her speed then maneuvered through

Even for his Plague enhanced vision, the ground below was as dark as the starless night above

However, he possessed a raw elemental energy that he somehow enhanced by channeling it into his crystalline hammer

She not only flaunted her perfection, but enhanced it with the Oneness, ensuring that it was impossible for all who neared her to take note of her stunning beauty

Choose whole grains hat have not been enhanced

The close-up only enhanced her beauty

Being an elf, he was naturally fast, but after Brontes enhanced his speed he was nearly invisible

This is further enhanced by the use of the pure white template

But this was just a part of Mother Nature’s way of assisting her children so they could flourish and emerge into stronger, wiser, and more enhanced beings

Supposing, however, in the mean time, that they have this effect, and they have it undoubtedly, this general enhancement of the price of all commodities, in consequence of that labour, is a case which differs in the two following respects from that of a particular commodity, of which the price was enhanced by a particular tax immediately imposed upon it

They appeared, to her Lascorii enhanced eyes, to be a girl of maybe twenty-something and a guy of the same age

only enhanced his legend throughout the

of my book that will soon be enhanced to

produces an enhanced ability to perform; but it is the

your conception of who you really are enhanced as well?

The great change introduced into the art of war by the invention of fire-arms, has enhanced still further both the expense of exercising and disciplining any particular number of soldiers in time of peace, and that of employing them in time of war

The unavoidable effects of the natural progress of improvement have, in this respect, been a good deal enhanced by a great revolution in the art of war, to which a mere accident, the invention of gunpowder, seems to have given occasion

The lack of light and the condensation streams from their breathing only enhanced the effect

It was difficult – even with his enhanced visual aid – to perceive it as a fixed object, but instead it blurred in an intense vibrational state

The present duties upon malt, beer, and ale, do not affect the profits of the dealers in those commodities, who all get back the tax with an additional profit, in the enhanced price of their goods

sovereign, who is altogether unaccountable, has in many countries assumed to himself the administration of those duties; and though he has in most cases enhanced very much the duty, he has in many entirely neglected the application

Condition that has enhanced civilization through the ages, and is in dauntingly short supply in contemporary American civilization

enhanced features, primarily geared for the leisure of those using them

A nonsense concept that says, in effect, that college or high school classroom learning will be enhanced, provided only that those of mixed races and cultural heritages will be in the same room

was to join forces with General Johnston and together they could take on both Grant and Sherman, and with the enhanced force of

“Daughter of Thor, throw down your sword and your spear,” Lydia said in her melodic voice, her words also enhanced by the Power

So much elegance and grace, enhanced by the lightning quick flashes of power as she attacked

Both weapons had been enhanced with some of the ki’mera orbs stored from the most recent battle against Nymloc and Jacoulra

His voice was being enhanced by the Power! But whether it was he who could wield or it was a trick of one of his Alit’aren, Adem could not sense

In just a few years the worst effects of global warming had been sent into a rapid reverse now that the excess CO2 had been scrubbed from the atmosphere, and reflective cloud mass artificially enhanced

The simplicity of the ceremony enhanced the love and happiness between Liam and Patty – so deeply in love with each other as they stood before God asking His blessings on their union

He was small-boned and short, and I was sure he wore contact lenses on his black eyes which enhanced his head of grey hair

Its ―unintended‖ result(s) that inevitably enhanced the moral character of our nation is what concerns us here

2 million acre sanctuary enhanced with high peaks, a volcanic tableland, rivers and lakes of crystalline waters, boisterous and thundering waterfalls, basins of erupting geysers, hot springs, fumaroles and sulfuric mudpots that smell like rotten eggs, luxuriant valleys, spectacular scenery of flora and fauna… and all that, in a huge ensemble of panoramic vistas and, at times, truly dazzling landscapes

The sheer perfection of the girl’s face startled her: but it was a perfection enhanced by the expressiveness common to those with the soul of an artiste, a thinker

That only enhanced the theory that they still had ways of moving back and forth, and that there was still a very real and valid reason for the Normal Bureau to exist

The computer enhanced the dim images as best it could, but the brighter the picture got, the grainier

The kid had darkened her quarters, but the computer visually enhanced the scene

It enhanced it, it magnified its significance, it gave men purpose; it gave them a hard background of impossibilities against which they could measure themselves and the world around them

It helped him though being constantly unsure of her; it enhanced his feelings of being distraught and wary at the same time, because Nicole probably thought he was acting weird as a result of Andy’s death

She tried to shake it off, but merely enhanced it

Gary had missed all the economic and political discussions but he had inferred, correctly, that I thought that those discussions had enhanced Charles’ overall credibility

Because of hominid’s small size and the “tooth and talon” marked fossils, this indicated that Man’s Precursor had been more preyed upon than predator for the majority of his existence and that his increasingly enhanced rapid-thinking and social skills had come well before Man’s appearance

This compromise has led to hierarchies of allowed behavior allotted to certain members that seems to have enhanced the security, as well as the opportunity to learn, for all

Many within nature’s variety seem to have been consigned to this behavioral groove while a lucky few (us?) apparently have learned to rise above it where good behavior elicited an enhanced fitness for all, at puzzlingly, at least the partial, near-term expense of the individual

In human societies, rewards such as increased status within the group that increased choices in food resources, enhanced sexual choices, and eventually, long-term remembrance would offer an understandable incentive to strive toward providing for the common good

They saw it in each other’s eyes and the emotion was almost physically between them, enhanced a hundred times, as it was the same

A new peace is now enhanced at every step

In a few others communication is enhanced

enhanced sex pleasure, would they still continue to waste their sex

instead of retaining it; if only he knew that he could have enhanced

One can have an enhanced sex life, provided one has understood the

arousal is enhanced, they control it at the point of orgasm by

after an enhanced sexual experience and then transmuting it into

have enhanced sex, some may have more spiritual intentions, but that

Aria: There are other titans whose power enhanced during the war

In addition to community events enjoyed by residents and visitors, the everyday lifestyle and quality of life in Amarillo is enhanced by the amenities offered in the way of city services

enhanced by the caliber of their trial attorneys,

ness was enhanced by older mentors in the

enhanced lives around the world

She was pretty, with bleached blonde hair, and huge, obviously enhanced breasts

have found this enhanced recall increases both the client’s level of certainty of accuracy in their

Her black negligee enhanced her rarely seen natural beauty

The cruise the Fernández family took through the Caribbean was different from previous ones in that it exalted a family celebration and enhanced a flight to fantasy

To enter the Lord’s Glory in a child-like state enhanced

«You mentioned earlier that the picodust either enhanced or exterminated native life

o Would the introduction of enhanced service levels better your

o Would the introduction of enhanced service levels better your cause (or a fall

imagery in meditation is an enhanced ability to focus only on the

greatly enhances the benefits of this valuable posture

But when you offer something that adds value and enhances the original

Con-536 sider how SM factors in and enhances your marketing

The law, contrary to all the ordinary principles of justice, first creates the temptation, and then punishes those who yield to it; and it commonly enhances the punishment, too, in proportion to the very circumstance which ought certainly to alleviate it, the temptation to commit the crime

Though this was a standard training rule amongst the wielders, in truth, a strong Alit’aren could block thirty Ael Tarael from wielding with the aid of a Battle Angel or an enchanted device that enhances their ability, and vice versa

Wealth does not advance Self-Esteem (per se) but enhances, rather, Self-Esteem in the manner (that) Wealth was acquired

As such sentiments relate to the latter, the perception that financial support hasn‘t been freely offered but ‖coerced‖, rather, enhances some of the passions indicated above

and enhances all levels of life

Others would see a still-young woman in her forties trying to look pretty, wearing a grey-green dress that enhances my hazel eyes and wavy, red-gold hair

We’ll know more tomorrow when he enhances it with his software

Hades: She does not just create power, she enhances it too

If anything, the rubble enhances the rustic charm of the maze city

Learning accurate and true history then enhances and balances rational thinking

population enhances the migrating trend causing people to move away from their habitation

Deconceptualisation reduces ‘useful information’ and enhances quantum coherence, allowing the meditator to be in a superposed state for long periods of time

exploits others, but endowed with creative power that enhances one’s own and

Some women report that they can’t have sex without it; that it boosts their desire, enhances enjoyment of sensual touch, helps them feel closer to their partner, and adds to overall sexual pleasure and satisfaction

Religion is valid only when it reveals the fatherhood of God and enhances the brotherhood of men

This willingness to travel enhances your career

Involvement with spiritual organizations and spiritual-type people enhances the bottom line

The happiness of others is another form of self-interest and enhances our own interests

The new Moon of the 1st occurs very near the Love Planet and enhances the love and social life

Your good professional reputation enhances earnings or leads to earning opportunities

Friendship enhances the joys and glorifies the triumphs of life

The presence of a friend enhances all beauty and exalts every goodness

Such a home life enhances religion, and genuine religion always glorifies the home

a girl or a woman’s fearfulness enhances the masculinity

Aside from that, it also enhances the shine of your hair, which would make it more attractive

Developing your triceps adds to the handsome appearance of your arms and enhances your over-all arm strength

The triceps dip enhances the mass and strength of your triceps while developing your chest at the same time

the creatine enhances the ability of the muscle to maintain power

Yoga enhances the mind/body connection so you don’t eat when you aren’t

It enhances our being

1 Bromelain also enhances the absorption of Quercetin

Sustainable community improvement that strengthens and enhances what’s already here rather than changing everything

Several clinical trials have found that acetyl-L-Carnitine supplementation delays the progression of Alzheimer’s disease, improves memory, and enhances overall

For instance oatmeal with little milk enhances its nutritional properties

Enhances the sweetness of your meats

This type of filtration enhances the biological filtration in the filter

When we add it to our food, it enhances the flavour

It … enhances his

It also enhances the production of stomach acids, helping to digest and absorb the vital

that not only promotes sexual desire, but also enhances the sperm quality

toxins accumulating in the liver and enhances the liver function in

as well as improving kidney yin and yang that enhances the chance of

enhances the particle ingestion capacity of white blood cells, leading to

It is said that stinging nettle not only helps to increase the production of red blood cells by stimulating the function of bone marrow, but it also enhances

system, which enhances the performance and functionality of the

In fact it enhances it

life that creates, sustains, enhances, and gives

� Intrinsic learning enhances our being way of life and our search for and connection with our becoming self

� The becoming self deals with and enhances the inner world of our being, an essential part of our lives, our inner self

� Each one exists for a purpose and operates in a way that enhances our chances for our survival on the three levels of the body, mind, and spirit

� If we buy and use the right thing, it enhances our identity to others, a powerful point about such interactions

The intercutting between Andy’s growing religious conviction and Pritam’s sexual awakening enhances the excitement which they are both experiencing as well as increasing the pace and tension as the action builds towards Andy and Calum’s confrontation

Where elaborate style enhances, use it, but where it merely fulfills your vanity, forget it

and enhances it each time he or she sits on the chip in a contemplative mood

ing one of his natural functions, a person accumulates and enhances a

Studies of Rhodiola Rosea show that it stimulates neurotransmitters and enhances their effects on the brain

Beta carotene when converted into vitamin A enhances the healthiness of the scalp and provides protection for the hair

All research shows that speech development actually enhances savant abilities

One of the reasons I like BHP Billiton is that it offers economies of scale, meaning large-scale exposure to various sectors of the supply chain, which enhances its pricing capabilities

“Shin told me that the EDA spent decades engineering a special strain of weed that helps people focus and enhances their ability to play videogames! Once they had it perfected, that was when the government finally started legalizing it in the States

Debt in the capital structure enhances returns, but there are limits

The sheep milk* enhances the whiteness of the root and helps lift the sweetness

Salt enhances the cocoa flavor in chocolate, lifts flavors of caramel and nuts, and balances out acid

The use of striping on the data drives enhances I/O performance, just as in RAID 0, and using one drive in the array for parity information adds fault tolerance

Yurek DM, Lu W, Hipkens S, Wiegand SJ (1996) BDNF enhances the functional reinnervation of

used models that nonvolitional drug treatment enhances the positive subjective and/

Its software enhances the learning experience by allowing students to interact with teachers, classmates, and course materials outside of the traditional classroom environment

The presence of indecisive signals at pivot points enhances the odds for some trades

Presenting data on arithmetic means (which do not penalize for volatility) or gross returns (rather than net), as is often done, further enhances the sector’s apparent attractiveness

Such a feature enhances the reliability of the criteria effectiveness analysis

But even granting the charge in question to be true; what disordered slippery decks of a whale-ship are comparable to the unspeakable carrion of those battle-fields from which so many soldiers return to drink in all ladies’ plaudits? And if the idea of peril so much enhances the popular conceit of the soldier’s profession; let me assure ye that many a veteran who has freely marched up to a battery, would quickly recoil at the apparition of the sperm whale’s vast tail, fanning into eddies the air over his head

Though in many natural objects, whiteness refiningly enhances beauty, as if imparting some special virtue of its own, as in marbles, japonicas, and pearls; and though various nations have in some way recognised a certain royal preeminence in this hue; even the barbaric, grand old kings of Pegu placing the title «Lord of the White Elephants» above all their other magniloquent ascriptions of dominion; and the modern kings of Siam unfurling the same snow-white quadruped in the royal standard; and the Hanoverian flag bearing the one figure of a snow-white charger; and the great Austrian Empire, Caesarian, heir to overlording Rome, having for the imperial colour the same imperial hue; and though this pre-eminence in it applies to the human race itself, giving the white man ideal mastership over every dusky tribe; and though, besides, all this, whiteness has been even made significant of gladness, for among the Romans a white stone marked a joyful day; and though in other mortal sympathies and symbolizings, this same hue is made the emblem of many touching, noble things—the innocence of brides, the benignity of age; though among the Red Men of America the giving of the white belt of wampum was the deepest pledge of honour; though in many climes, whiteness typifies the majesty of Justice in the ermine of the Judge, and contributes to the daily state of kings and queens drawn by milk-white steeds; though even in the higher mysteries of the most august religions it has been made the symbol of the divine spotlessness and power; by the Persian fire worshippers, the white forked flame being held the holiest on the altar; and in the Greek mythologies, Great Jove himself being made incarnate in a snow-white bull; and though to the noble Iroquois, the midwinter sacrifice of the sacred White Dog was by far the holiest festival of their theology, that spotless, faithful creature being held the purest envoy they could send to the Great Spirit with the annual tidings of their own fidelity; and though directly from the Latin word for white, all Christian priests derive the name of one part of their sacred vesture, the alb or tunic, worn beneath the cassock; and though among the holy pomps of the Romish faith, white is specially employed in the celebration of the Passion of our Lord; though in the Vision of St

The price of all stocks, and every kind of produce and species of property must suffer a great depression, for a scarcity of money enhances its value, and consequently depresses the value of every other species of property

He continued on, enhancing his speed to catch up with the elves, all the while doing his best to pretend he hadn’t almost crashed into the Elder Goddess, Dona’Cora

Ome paused, waiting, enhancing his halo after nothing happened

And among them, the Magi came as well, enhancing their speed with the Oneness just to keep up with Adros and the others

But as that coin will not be allowed to lie idle, it must, in one shape or another, be sent abroad, in order to find that profitable employment which it cannot find at home; and this continual exportation of gold and silver, by enhancing the difficulty, must necessarily enhance still farther the expense of the bank, in finding new gold and silver in order to replenish those coffers, which empty themselves so very rapidly

This revived Adem’s strength, providing new levels of endurance and enhancing his ability to wield

Only, where were the overstressed executives, the over-debited, the poor? Maybe the Idaho sun had some mood enhancing property when combined with the scenery

Enhancing the software tools you with new features or a module from the

Studies have shown that meditative techniques which shift conscious attention to the area around the heart are beneficial for reducing stress, anxiety and depression; enhancing cognitive performance; and decreasing muscle tension, headaches and all forms of pain caused by tension

enhancing the body’s sexual pleasure and sexual rate till it reaches the

person who pursues his professional activities according to his aptitudes and passions is more likely to be happy and satisfied with his life thus enhancing his productivity which again will benefit the society and the nation

This is our world: diminish the individual and his experiences, while enhancing the collective and its so-called scientific knowledge

Enhancing the Role of Aboriginal Communities in Federal Corrections

The Occidental State has no interest in the flourishing of its social and natural environments or in advancing peace and stability; rather, the State cares only about enhancing the power and wealth of a politically entitled few

Not only was James intent upon enhancing the position of

Coordinated with shipboard radar, small seagoing craft and airplanes could be detected by the device at a distance of over 50 miles, enhancing the Service»s ability to detect drug smugglers and sea craft (Dunnigan and Nofi, 1990, p

“Our students and alumni felt that they could benefit from enhancing their MBA experience with the choice and richness from more than 40 electives that are available to full-time students,” says Anuj Mehrotra, vice dean for graduate business programs at the University of Miami School of Business Administration

Collins has been credited with enhancing the morale and cohesion of Team Coast Guard, and upgrading the technology, facilities, and air and water platforms of the service

Black magic, boosted by the enhancing effects of a Quarter Day

If you have photos that need enhancing you might find this link

8 Jesus portrayed to all the worlds of his vast universe the folly of creating artificial situations for the purpose of exhibiting arbitrary authority or of indulging exceptional power for the purpose of enhancing moral values or accelerating spiritual progress

In other words, eating carbohydrates can often lead to feelings of calmness, peace, and satisfaction by enhancing the production of serotonin in the brain

valuable in enhancing the quality of our

Since enhancing their partner’s income and position tends to strengthen their relationship, Librans choose to do so

James first set about enhancing security in his home having already experienced one onslaught by the Hu Lyang camp

Enhancing your knowledge about pregnancy can be done by asking your friends as well as professionals in the field

The use of Aloe Vera is one of the most popular methods of enhancing the health and growth of hair

Mixing two cinnamon sticks, four cloves of garlic, and a red onion that is cut in half can help when it comes to enhancing the health of your hair

from those that are enhancing or that can connect the client to herself and to other

By doing that, you are not just enhancing the beautiful features of your face, but, it can also improve the condition of your skin

Enhancing the looks of your lips

Stealing my sperm, enhancing my genes, cloning me, and all because the future human generation went sterile and couldn’t reproduce

The first amount may have only been two dollars, but the checkout clerk could pocket this amount and continue his thievery with more orders in the same manner, thus enhancing his wallet at the end of the day and ripping off the consumer

Stumbling through the placement of the pieces, I eventually concluded that the boring repetition of one’s self-esteem consists of constantly expanding and espousing one’s personal history, thereby upholding and enhancing their sense of self-importance, while they’re living as if someone else should clean up after them, and as if they will never die

You can tie all of what I’m about to say to the existence of the momentum inherent in the design of your destiny, and your awareness of it enhancing it immeasurably

The purpose of this paper is to present a concept of a national voting scheme that is much less vulnerable to fraudulent human behavior than the current system, while preserving or enhancing anonymity (or secret ballot)

He found that the music had a profound enhancing effect on the quality of the patients’ analgesia and they just loved it

She wore a tight pair of trendy, ankle length jeans, with patches in them, and a brief, lacy white top, tantalisingly concealing her small, bare breasts and enhancing her dark, sun tanned complexion

have felt that they were enhancing its wisdom and few believed they were being

enhancing syrup, then the syrup is fermented simply by adding

A few of the firms were found to use their sites for customer support and liaison, enhancing their corporate image

Then several years back, he organized an archeological expedition to the fifth computer planet for the supposititious purpose of enhancing the archaehistory of Galactus Five

He could have developed better relations with the outsiders, thereby enhancing trade with them

enhancing the health and well-being of self? More importantly, I

enhancing the well-being and health of self?

enhancing the fecal excretion of sodium absorbed in the intestinal tract

reached, additional surplus funds should be put into enhancing resilience and

Since strategic value is coupled to an asset or capability, enhancing the

Feeling stuck in a job without hope of enhancing your

activate the energies contained within our personal crystal skulls but, that on some level it is setting up or enhancing the vibrational frequency within our planet to prepare for the arrival of other ancient crystal skulls that are currently being hidden for their protection

Those locals unable to see themselves as budding rocks stars, despite enhancing libation, simply boogied, lap danced and shimmied enthusiastically around the Yo-Yo’s dance floor whilst their mates giggled at the vain local singers reliving their youth

This is what gives me the fundamental principle of morality, namely that good consists in maintaining, promoting and enhancing life, and that destroying, injuring and limiting life is evil’

enabling and enhancing the interaction with another person

Besides enhancing their self-worth, the creed of Allah promised them a certain heaven that Hinduism denied them any way

Reiterate the importance proper Talent Management will have on the organization ultimately, while also simultaneously enhancing the employee experience

This herb stimulates the immune system in several different ways, including enhancing macrophage function and increasing T-cell response

competitions without the aid of performance enhancing drugs of any kind

Some researchers have speculated that joint manipulation affects pain by enhancing the

Very similar to insulin, if you eat first thing in the morning you are enhancing that high cortisol and blunting the fat burning effect your body will have during a fasting

We luv The Game so much we are willing to pay the servants a little more, raise their standard of living a pittance each year, even ease up on the lash by letting them take thirty minute naps in a company controlled, performance enhancing sleep room, just to ease our consciences so we can enjoy it, The Game, even more, by purchasing and practicing its NUest version, The Game of Giving: Father Snitchmas and Real Warehouse Wives of Undercover Charity – Bored Billionaires edition

Conversely, the avoidance of pain is the first and principle pleasure, underlying or enhancing all pleasures by its absence or minimization

construct an energy field that surrounds the client enhancing

A decade had slackened the tanned skin around his jaw, somehow enhancing the overall effect, and although his hair might have been closer to white compared to the straw blonde of old, the colour change made him look distinguished

enhancing the credibility of the products and services you offer is an

Gum Tree, and also enhancing their own careers pages on their website

She reasoned that if the comely perfection of Aphrodite needed enhancing, it would be bound to help an imperfect human such as she perceived herself to be

The moonlight served as a spotlight, enhancing every black vein, rotting flesh chunk, and seeping, oozing, smelly wound the zombie had endured

Enhancing a child’s self-esteem is the first step to ensuring his or her right to

The confidence of having the druids’ spells enhancing her combat abilities waned

Although I quietly believed that enhancing tourism earnings and

enhancing medication that help to restore hormonal imbalance in the reproductive system

resulting in enhancing the production of stomach acid that is necessary for women with

HMG besides enhancing ovulation, it also acts directly to the ovarian in

organs and enhancing the chance of fertility

White willow is considered as a fertility enhancing herb by many herbalist

enhancing the chance of fertility

It is one of kidney enhancing herb

including the reproductive organs, thereby enhancing fertility

men and enhancing the function of reproductive organs in women

the risk of sexual dysfunction in men and enhancing the function of

reproductive organ, leasing to enhancing the chance of fertility

This man without any notes went through all the points given in the book, leaving not the slightest detail out, enhancing the text with his own commentary which made you wonder at his fantastic erudition and culture

� The truth, when spoken freely, feels life enhancing and self enhancing

� The invitation to question and critically reflect may feel like a threat, but it’s also an invitation to something life enhancing and even life saving

� If the media chose to serve our ends, the media could provide us with life and self enhancing ideas and images, but it rarely does so

Which potentially produces a heightened sense of satisfaction through personal achievement from the synergy created from the personal choice to express and exhibit positive and constructive behaviours and speech thus enhancing intra and interpersonal relations and subsequently spiritual and psychological well-being for Self and others

Enhancing the capacity of KJD members to implement Bakpri

Enhancing the capacity of KJD members to implement Bakmas

most effective creativity and focus enhancing

It is beneficial to your garden by providing nutrients for the plants, enhancing the soil’s water retention capacity by locking in moisture, enhancing the appearance of your vegetable beds, suppressing weeds, protecting plants during cold weather and helping with plant culture

One of the common community drug prevention measure is the promotion of engagement in sports activities, which is considered as a healthier and socially enhancing alternative to drugs

Sailing can be very enhancing and educational for a kid

Same software they use for enhancing spy satellite imagery

A number of them soon found that attending to his erotic desires, despite his dwarfish stature and misshapen physique, went a long way toward enhancing their career prospects

Leverage is a double-edged sword, possibly enhancing your returns on the way up, but ushering in potential catastrophe on the way down

He encouraged her to read The Daily Trading Coach, Enhancing Trader Performance, Trading in the Zone, and, “Oh yeah, there’s this new one, Market Mind Games, by one of Bella’s friends

This free cash flow is the well from which all returns are drawn, whether they are dividends, stock buybacks, or investments capable of enhancing future returns

  • Use the word ENHANCE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

enhance our purest feelings! — Cute!


A beauty that only death can enhance.

But the brain who wrote this The kind of beauty that only death can enhance.

Your criminal has the same hallucinations A beauty that only death can enhance

But to kill Don Juan would make a martyr of him and we would not care to enhance his already legendary reputation.

It will enhance any collection of fine art.

Compliments enhance performance.

Lord Ptolemy wishes to enhance his welcome by a gift of some importance.

Correct? So, if we agree, we remain friends, and I take you along in Taormina, to watch the premiere, and then we go skinny dipping in the sea of Ulysses, to enhance your culture.

We must offer similar help to the population of Bavaria and Eastern Prussia, and send elite troops there to enhance the local breed of the population.»

enhance surveillance! Keep everyone from going out!

It is only used to furnish and enhance the basses.

I want to just hear them to enhance the bass.

There’s not much to me, I admit, but I do draw attention… to beauty like yours, and doubly enhance it… as many a lady has found.

A very special item that would enhance this office and give it what it cries out for: prestige.

Do you think it would enhance my filthiness?

Ch-Charles, look, I fear, I fear that she may be using this marriage… merely to enhance her social position.

It doesn’t enhance you, you know.

In the present situation, a rational management of irrigation systems is crucial to enhance agricultural production.

However, that does not enhance my cool.

Victorius Truth will enhance His renown

Sister-in-law, are you trying to enhance brother’s fame by teaching him cowardice?

Any appearance of danger is simply a device to enhance your experience.

It’s clear you wrote it for yourself, not to enhance your image as a writer.

He also made use of the rebound force — to enhance his own power

Can you enhance the signal? — (Man’s voice, indistinct)

Did Dr Wilker get a chance to enhance that transmission?

-Do you believe sincerely that these electric shocks will enhance Mr. Rivoli’s memory?

The environment selects the occasional mutations which enhance survival.

We have a choice: We can enhance life and come to know the universe that made us or we can squander our 15 billion-year heritage in meaningless self-destruction.

We’re his chorus, his hula girls, his fiends We enhance his show with our passion with our suffering

But through an access of high spirit and the love of the moment and the wish to belong and enhance it.

Yes, that is true. But that would guarantee you didn’t get the Feldon crystals, and that wouldn’t enhance your reputation with the Federation, would it?

Not defeat my brother, enhance.

Some older cologne to brace, my lord And musk to enhance the chase, my lord

Drink deep, my hero… to enhance the thousand pleasures I will give you.

Sheaths that are designed not only to protect… but also to enhance the stimulation of sexual congress.

michael, computers can save lives, enhance communication.

This will enhance your ride.

My honorable colleague demonstrates on purpose the so-callled harmfulness of both males in order to enhance the prestige of her service and get additional fundings for her suspicious «experiments».

It won’t enhance your reputation at the U.N.

So should you decide that his participation… would enhance your chances at the basketball championship, please feel free to use him.

Definition of Enhance

to bring out positive features

Examples of Enhance in a sentence

The saleswoman told me the blue dress would enhance my lovely blue eyes.


When Jane paints her bedroom yellow, she is going to really enhance the room and make it appear brighter.


One of the best ways to enhance your vocabulary is by reading and discovering new words.


If the picture does not enhance the look of your office, you should take it off the wall.


Ian uses a combination of herbs and spices to enhance the taste of his baked ham.


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