Use the word engage in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word engage, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use engage in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «engage».

Engage in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word engage in a sentence.

  1. I cannot engage in a debate with them.

  2. Calves in nurseries engage in playfights.

  3. Ross led 700 riflemen to engage the Union troops.

  4. The two groups engage in battles in the Lion War.

  5. Even the Allied infantry were able to engage them.

  6. Henry made no attempt to engage in combat himself.

  7. The White Order to engage was issued on 25 January.

  8. Dever refused to engage in Thompson’s style of rhetoric.

  9. Campbell, began seeking a way to engage with Santa Anna.

  10. He attempted to engage it on 10 June, but was beaten off.

  11. He decided to engage Philip’s army with the force he had.

  12. James described their choice to engage in a guerrilla campaign to be «premature».

  13. At 10:55, Mecidiye spotted the Greeks, and the fleet turned south to engage them.

  14. British vessels could anchor in those spaces and engage the French without reply.

  15. Birds in a group roost side-by-side in dense cover and engage in mutual preening.

  16. Setting a trap for the hijackers, Johnson and Byrne engage the Covenant in combat.

  17. Because items dropped by fallen enemies rapidly disappear, players must engage foes from close range.

  18. Only after that did he begin to engage in emotional relationships with people his own age or younger.

  19. At 10:55, the Ottoman cruiser Mecidiye spotted the Greeks, and the fleet turned south to engage them.

  20. Elephants can exhibit bouts of aggressive behaviour and engage in destructive actions against humans.

  21. Narrative content was in the forefront of much of Lichtenstein’s work as a means to engage the viewer.

  22. A large force of Italian crossbowmen went forward to engage the English longbowmen in an archery duel.

  23. When players engage in play that members of the opposing team consider unscrupulous, a fight can ensue.

  24. Both boats successfully penetrated the escort screen and split to engage the dreadnoughts individually.

  25. Edward had planned for an early attack, however, and quickly roused his men to engage the Lancastrians.

  26. The cruisers were then to engage with gunfire at a range of 10,000 to 12,000 yards (9,100 to 11,000 m).

  27. In January 1942, the OSRD was empowered to engage in large engineering projects in addition to research.

  28. When males encounter each other, they vocalize and may engage in violent conflict if neither backs down.

  29. On May 27, 1905, Admiral Heihachirō Tōgō of the Mikasa was preparing to engage the Russian Baltic Fleet.

  30. The house also provided the family with the necessary space to engage in the manufacture of woven goods.

  31. The fruits tend to be abundant, so competition is low and individuals may engage in social interactions.

  32. Some species, including frigatebirds, gulls, and skuas, engage in kleptoparasitism, stealing food items from other birds.

  33. This allowed Scharnhorst and Gneisenau to turn back north and get close enough to engage with their secondary 15 cm guns.

  34. But despite a force of 60,000, Kutluskha could do little else than engage in some raids around Syria, and then retreated.

  35. Regardless of which one dominates, the two predators do not engage in any overtly aggressive behavior against each other.

  36. Trooper Donaldson then rejoined his patrol and continued to engage the enemy while remaining exposed to heavy enemy fire.

  37. Simeon, unaware of the threat from the north, rushed to meet Phokas’ forces, but the two armies did not engage in a fight.

  38. Pied currawongs vigorously drive off threats such as ravens, and engage in bill-snapping, dive-bombing and aerial pursuit.

  39. While officials tolerate fighting during hockey games, they impose a variety of penalties on players who engage in fights.

  40. The guns could engage targets out to 12,200 m (40,000 ft), and were supplied with 1,500 rounds of ammunition, 150 per gun.

  41. Gernsback also started other departments to engage the readers, including book reviews, science quizzes, and science news.

  42. On 29 January 1943, Halsey sent five task forces toward the southern Solomons area to cover the relief convoy and to engage any Japanese naval forces that came into range.

  43. British signals intelligence decrypted German wireless transmissions, allowing Jellicoe enough time to deploy the Grand Fleet in an attempt to engage in a decisive battle.

  44. King decided to engage, but Sagittario laid a smoke screen, launched torpedoes and exchanged fire with the British force, trying to lure them away from the convoy position.

  45. Borrowing a Quaker term, Franklin calls on citizens to engage in scrupling, the process of sitting down together to discuss and clarify common moral and political concerns.

  46. They may also engage in play fighting, in which two marmots on their hind legs push each other with their paws; this play fighting is more aggressive between older marmots.

Synonyms for engage

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word engage has the following synonyms: absorb, engross, occupy, betroth, affiance, plight, enlist, hire, employ, , lease, rent, charter, take, mesh, lock, operate, prosecute, pursue and wage.

General information about «engage» example sentences

The example sentences for the word engage that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «engage» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «engage».

Synonym: absorb, agree, busy, employ, engross, entangle, grip, hire, hold, involve, occupy, promise. Antonym: disengage. Similar words: engage in, engaged in, engagement, mortgage, ungainly, as long as, so long as, bring about. Meaning: [ɪn’geɪdʒ]  v. 1. carry out or participate in an activity; be involved in 2. engage or engross wholly 3. engage or hire for work 4. ask to represent; of legal counsel 5. give to in marriage 6. get caught 7. carry on (wars, battles, or campaigns) 8. hire for work or assistance 9. engage for service under a term of contract 10. keep engaged. 

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1 Better master one than engage with ten. 

2 Everyone is free to engage in peaceful political activity.

3 Engage first gear and move off.

4 That is more than I can engage for.

5 Only 10% of American adults engage in regular exercise.

6 I have no time to engage in the debate.

7 Their pleas failed to engage any sympathy.

8 Lecturers engage in teaching and research.

9 I will engage for his behavior should you decide to employ him.

10 The toy didn’t engage her interest for long.

11 We’d be able to engage local people as volunteers.

12 Press the lever until you hear the catch engage.

13 She tried desperately to engage him in conversation.

14 I have no time to engage in gossip.

15 I was unwilling to engage on such terms.

16 I can engage for his honesty.

17 That’s all I can engage for.

18 She has the ability to engage with young minds.

19 It is difficult to engage teachers of quality.

20 Candidates should engage in serious political discourse.

21 Engage the clutch before selecting a gear.

22 She found it hard to engage with office life.

23 They tried to engage him in conversation.

24 I’m unwilling to engage on such terms.

25 She tried to engage him in conversation.

26 Our orders are to engage immediately.

27 Can you engage that all his statements are trustworthy?

28 He tried to engage me in conversation.

29 American forces did not directly engage.

30 I don’t engage myself in such affairs.

More similar words: engage in, engaged in, engagement, mortgage, ungainly, as long as, so long as, bring about, length, engine, engulfed, engineer, at length, passenger, strengthen, challenged, generation gap, engineering, age, rage, cage, page, wage, New Age, agent, eager, image, damage, manage, for ages. 

This view emerged from the assumption that women generally do not enjoy sex, and that they only engage in sex to have children

He tried to engage the elderly politician next to him in conversation

She would engage in her most serious conversations while kneeling over him joined

Wrapped as I was in the cotton wool of solitary confinement, unable as I was to express any of my thoughts in concrete form or to engage in conjecture with another rational human being, nonetheless I spent hours imagining faces and clothes and names to accompany the hollow tapping sounds in the night

I tried to engage them in conversation, desperate for them to reveal some snippet of information in an unguarded moment

you engage in any kind of a relationship with them?

The missile program in South Africa can be used to instruct African nations to defend themselves from incoming missiles and engage in defensive battles

By doing this, not only will a competition gain more followers and more interest, it is also going to elicit more people to want to engage in the contest and to post their own submissions, which are going to help you as the business owner in the end

None tried very hard to engage her in conversation at their duskmeal, Desa and Alan tried to figure out where they might be on the out-of-date and not-to-scale map

Alan didn’t engage him in debate

She and her dragon, Lady Ursula, promised they would not engage in any fighting

Try to engage

She had come here to accuse her of infidelity, and to get him to engage in infidelity

I would rather not have to engage in relations as often

Only the most inventive and talented of her subjects would be able to engage with her grand-daughter on a mutually fulfilling and intellectual level

Despite his apparently uncaring treatment of her the previous day, Annie still firmly believed that her brother loved her and that he would, in time, learn to engage with the world in a more constructive way now that he was the effective head of the household

Consequently, you will engage in a sort of ―tug of

«I don’t engage in homosexual behavior Alan,» he said

to engage with her grand-daughter on a mutually fulfilling and

he would, in time, learn to engage with the world in a more

She was trying to engage in a sleepy conversation, but they had consumed so much yaag that it didn’t progress with a lot of purpose

the men on duty, but did not attempt to engage them in conversation;

reluctant to engage in much conversation, although Tom was not sure

safety, barriers would automatically engage shortly before the

40“At the time of the end the king of the South will engage him in battle,

We have tried to engage their interest in art – but

It would be necessary that almost every man should be a man of business, or engage in some sort of trade

As soon as news arrived of a breach then a century would be dispatched at forced march speed to engage

Eventually, they had to separate, spread out into the Grand Hall along with the Makii, who continued to engage in their own personal vendetta

It’s really important when you launch a product that you engage in testing and

I had skill, but the work did not engage me fully

Nonattachment is a way of living wherein you actively engage in life, but your happiness is not dependent upon the result of what you do

He was not much pleased with the innkeeper’s incessant attempts to be kindly and engage him in conversation

And friendly Corpulus would engage others among the clientele

But due to the changed life styles, most of us do not have to engage in strenuous work

Most of us sit in front of computers all day long or engage in other sedentary works

The meal is served up and Mom and Dad engage the girls in a little conversation by going over the possible agenda for the day

Among the Tartars, even the women have been frequently known to engage in battle

What’s so different now? In any case the ship was due to engage hyperspace within ten minutes

The tenants of the clergy were, like those of the great barons, almost all tenants at will, entirely dependent upon their immediate lords, and, therefore, liable to be called out at pleasure, in order to fight in any quarrel in which the clergy might think proper to engage them

translations (engage or manage) without New

He tried to engage with his wife

She was far too busy arranging time to „work a deal» for Lady Gaga (a muddle-headed entertainer of the transvestite persuasion) to engage in an appearance at Europride, a homosexual-rights festival

It must be asked: Would conservative teachers or District Attorneys engage in the above activities?

A bastard concept that would disarm those attempting to engage in their own defense

Hillary Clinton, presumably not realizing that she»s in completely over her head as Secretary of State, made the following peace-destroying blunder last week: „We believe … that it is in the interests of the United States to engage with all parties that are peaceful and committed to nonviolence, that intend to compete for the Egyptian parliament and presidency

This more liberal administration did not, at least, engage in the heavy-handed restraint of anti-war protests

Not to be confused with Sally Fifth, as it was the command given to the English cavalry to engage the enemy

It was unlikely they would engage in battle against thousands of potentially mad wielders however

He couldn’t allow Tobin’s army to engage the Alit’aren in open warfare

And I can’t take the chance to stop and try to engage them in a friendly chat

I pushed with what might I had left, and felt the tip of the crowbar engage

He mused over the provenance of the message, sent from a future version of his own self, an instruction to engage this ship

“I despise you!” The tall, spindly bookseller pulled out his own sword and moved to engage his closest friend

With the Calamity beginning to list dangerously to starboard, Fysto moved in to engage Longleaf, cutlass to cutlass

Maybe involving him more in the plotting and planning would engage his interest, or at least keep him focused and loyal

It should remain apolitical, amoral, a-everything; that is to say, it should never engage in alliances with any side of a particular issue or (political) contest

Addendum to the above: Counterargument as follows: An individual should neither entertain uncertain designs nor engage in

None of these were particularly planned, they just happened because I sought to engage my sons in things that were of interest to them and to me

Men and women are free to engage in intimate (sex) as it relates to Choice

Teachers have seemingly lost the will and the desire to properly engage their students, that is to say, creating a highly motivated environment conducive to learning

It enables the pilots to break away and not engage if the enemy is vastly superior

Nor do I wish to overly engage the prurient interest of misguided youths

“You look lovely, Elizabeth,” I said, toying with my grub, because the nearby guests were making forays as a good guest should, attempting to engage in conversation with their neighbours

She taunted him, giving him the worst case of blue balls Toronto has ever seen, but refused sexual advances saying that she wasn’t the sort to engage in casual relationships, then batted her eyes in mock surprise when he suggested that he move in with her

La Hacienda became a favored hideaway where she and her most privileged friends would engage in games of pleasure that could last an entire uninterrupted day or two

I reveled in the luxury of being able to stretch, and to move around, with the map in a clip-board off to one side, and with Dawley to engage in conversation if I got bored

“To engage in idle speculation is the mark of a free man,” Brendan said and it merely smiled its inscrutable little smile

If Elizabeth chose to talk about politics, he would respond, but would not engage in any arguments on the subject

He would inevitably have to engage in a wider search than merely browse just by standing in one place

Slowly the idea was brought forth of a champion selected by each side who would engage in a trial by combat

The doctor made another effort to engage in conversation or at least learn some hopefully interesting information about their whereabouts:

but was always gone before Pepols could engage him

Now for the first time Mashu seemed to engage himself, saying the name credibly well as he looked at his host, with only the slightest reddening of his cheeks to reveal how he felt he had done, or was it the quick flashing of other approving eyes from across the circle?

Now, Nimrud sought to engage Mashu in a communication that seemed to imply that the same thing would be of some interest to him also

Thomas stepped back and tried to engage the knight in

Louis was too busy to engage in any of his usually idle chat; he kept filling glasses and mugs with no end in sight

But who “observes” them as they engage their “destiny” in this manner?

Lilly was found to be severely emaciated, and as with all the attempts of the Anders Clinic to engage Adam and Susan in scheduling and maintaining appointments to address the children‘s various medical ailments, their parents failed them

Allerton avoided all attempts by his neighbors to speak to him and turned his head away to avoid having to engage with them

This creates issues with procrastination, lack of creativity, resistance to engage in new projects or developing the existing ones, learning, and loss of energies to the extent that can lead to depression

When we engage in conversation with others, we do not have to evaluate their intentions, because they are transparent

This is not an act of elitism but rather one of practicality: Those who are not intelligent enough to engage in the roles assigned to us—roles that require a considerable mental capacity—are better suited to menial work than to faction work

It was hard to engage my father in conversation, as he was usually lost in thought

We could order any of them confined to quarters should they engage in any drunken or lewd behavior

It is vital to engage an independent party free of vested interest; with consultants remember to

success was to empower all workers to engage in the improvement of processes

If you engage with other customers using

This trip then, while it was partaken on my own and thus seemingly still cocooned in safe isolation, the independence that came with this meant I would have to engage in some of the more practical, at times scary elements of being an older person

that women who engage in weekly sexual activity have higher levels of

Then there is the reality of the sex most of us engage in

By meditating on this point we shall develop the strong determination: ‘I will practice purification and engage only in virtuous actions’

Whenever we engage in any action, the karmic imprint of that action is established in our consciousness

Whenever we choose to engage in someone else’s narrative about being a victim, we enable them to avoid looking honestly at themselves, which is the first step in healing their own karma

· The resolution not to engage in certain non-virtuous actions again is based on faith in karma and understanding the ripening results of one’s karmic actions

Undaunted, the Knights moved to engage the Falcons when the tactical officer called out, “Sir, a Condor class destroyer has just jumped in!”

“Do not break stealth, do not engage

Perhaps if I should reach the safety of America, I can let certain people know of the existence and location of the box; until then, I feel I must engage in this subterfuge

“What I will need your forces to do is to engage their fleet with everything you have

It was almost impossible to engage her in conversation, but she worked hard, almost frantically on the hides as if to escape her thoughts

Continuers prefer to continue with the occupations that kept them engaged in earlier life

’ He said sadly, ‘What’s worse; she’s started going on about us getting engaged

Rose relates a horrifying tale about the bombs which were dropped … some of her family were killed in Bristol in an air raid aimed at one of the factories … and she was also anxious about Wally as they were engaged by then

‘Yes, and on top of that, she was engaged to the local GP

The front doors of the van banged shut and I heard the gears whine as the driver engaged first

Artificially inflating demand was not considered an acceptable business practice in this culture, and people did not patronize merchants who engaged in ‘push’ advertising

He wondered at first what she meant, then knew it was because he hadn’t engaged in sex with her

Dorin and her husband, Ayle, make a great fuss of Gilla, exclaiming with joy when they hear she is engaged to Caderl

By trade the father was a labourer, although through a combination of ill luck and regular run ins with the genie of the bottle, he rarely engaged in his professional calling

She even took up golf to while away the hours when her husband was otherwise engaged with lines, reels and lures

I rang your office but the line was engaged so I thought I’d come down here on the off chance

Fragrance is what the heart needs to remain young and the sundry, intermittent associations that Tom engaged in were based on the satisfying of dull need rather than on the delicate perfume of hope and future expectations

Death certificates were signed and lodged with the appropriate authorities, funeral arrangements planned and paid for, paperwork sorted and solicitors engaged to deal with the minutiae of closing down a life

The Hold Stables housed about thirty of the beautiful Hausa, and while Duncan and Tarak engaged in conversation with the stable master, Rayne went to each offering the tubers from their feedbags

Suddenly it burst open as Warriors and Scathers plowed thru the door engaged in a pitched battle

Elmore engaged in enough magic to have a big shot of a fine bourbon appear on the bar in front of him

I don’t know if you’re aware of his history at all, but he was engaged, oh, it must be about ten years ago now, and she was killed in a car accident

She said something about the war we’re engaged in as being a war between two different substrates, and they are on a different substrate

bottle, he rarely engaged in his professional calling

husband was otherwise engaged with lines, reels and lures

young and the sundry, intermittent associations that Tom engaged

As soon as they were clear of Earth’s Moon, Ship engaged the hyper-drive; the

They rolled to their sides but remained engaged

Meanwhile he had also observed the curious antics in which Harry engaged during each episode following his great-niece’s directions for his accomplishing the otherwise unremarkable chores around the house

At the designated dining hour, Harry dressed nicely and announced to the assembled guests, “If you wish, I shall be most pleased to escort you to your evening’s suppers; those of you not otherwise engaged may follow me

This time it was Belle who interrupted, “Forgive me but, this is a matter of ‘tradition’? That’s what this comes down to? Tradition? Perhaps you have failed to fully appreciate the uniqueness of the situation we are at present engaged

tugged on the levers which engaged the pump itself

Tom was not engaged in the conversations,

Once he had settled for himself their relative personal tastes and positions in society and industry, he listened more attentively to the banter with which the three men were engaged

The others watched as Kaitlyn went to her father’s side and engaged him in a silent meeting

While the gentlemen were engaged in acquiring rail tickets, Harry and the Spelman ladies enjoyed a light brunch

Nigel and I looked at a house down here when we were engaged

Harry was nonplussed and his superiors were otherwise too engaged to notice his brief absence

They sent me an additional questionnaire asking all sorts of personal questions – like how often we write? how often we phone?, do you speak English?, what do my parents think of the idea?, when we got engaged?, and would I be willing to live in Hong Kong? I answered all the questions without telling them it was none of their damn business and I resented our privacy being invaded

He wandered around down here and engaged the cooks and potters around this atrium in some conversation about the residents of Kadak’s service house

What she was able to learn; both from what Tetloan told her as well as from what he obviously and purposely omitted, was that while Whimly, the travelers and her had been engaged with the demons, Tetloan had been hiding within the forest, watching in safety as the humans were massacred

engaged the services of the young shepherd – who knew

Neither party said a single word, but Adros didn’t doubt they were engaged in a furious telepathic conversation

As during their whole lives they are engaged in plans and projects, they have frequently more acuteness of understanding than the greater part of country gentlemen

friend thought I should stay and keep you engaged till she comes

engaged for some safe seconds

of those who are engaged in activities less

She had freely chosen to follow the more traditional path of her gender by hooking up with a steady boyfriend from her high school days, getting formally engaged and then married to Joe shortly after graduating, their buying a house and car and all the stuff you’re supposed to take possession of when you form a conjugal union, and her bearing three children before she reached the age of thirty

engaged in fierce polemic

A merchant, in the same manner, who is engaged in the foreign trade of consumption, when he collects goods for foreign markets, will always be glad, upon equal or nearly equal profits, to sell as great a part of them at home as he can

Intemperate, he hadn’t engaged mercenaries in the city

You can live a life that is fully engaged with the world, and you can have desires, but you are not addicted to that which you desire

Anytime you are engaged in an activity in which you are fully present, your self-conscious self may recede into the background

The loss of the Portugal trade would, no doubt, have occasioned a considerable embarrassment to the merchants at that time engaged in it, who might not, perhaps, have found out, for a year or two, any other equally advantageous method of employing their capitals; and in this would probably have consisted all the inconveniency which England could have suffered from this notable piece of commercial policy

He could see his heart pumping and his lungs engaged in their steady work

The military force has never yet been sufficient for their own defence; and in the different wars in which the mother countries have been engaged, the defence of their colonies has generally occasioned a very considerable distraction of the military force of those countries

creature! once engaged into play they are

She had been divorced three years and during that time had not engaged in fucking

To open the colony trade all at once to all nations, might not only occasion some transitory inconveniency, but a great permanent loss, to the greater part of those whose industry or capital is at present engaged in it

One piece of information Martin found important and that was that Raoul had a sister, Carla, who was engaged to a man in Security

But if the profits of those who deal in such goods are above their proper level, those goods will be sold dearer than they ought to be, or somewhat above their natural price, and all those engaged in the nearer employments will be more or less oppressed by this high price

fire-arms, the smoke, and the invisible death to which every man feels himself every moment exposed, as soon as he comes within cannon-shot, and frequently a long time before the battle can be well said to be engaged, must render it very difficult to maintain any considerable degree of this regularity, order, and prompt obedience, even in the beginning of a modern battle

The Romans, in the meantime, though they had not been altogether at peace, yet they had not, during this period, been engaged in any war of very great consequence; and their military discipline, it is generally said, was a good deal relaxed

The hedgehog was engaged in a fight with another hedgehog, which

There was a brief shudder as the drive engaged

The first trade which they engaged in, was that of supplying the Spanish West Indies with negroes, of which (in consequence of what was called the Assiento Contract granted them by the treaty of Utrecht) they had the exclusive privilege

Zardino appeared lost in thought for a few seconds; Roidon realised this was him engaged in neural communication

There were even pics of supposed group members engaged in lewd acts with their disciples

When her senses returned she became aware of the myriad warnings projected at her: scarlet flashes of status graphics and vehicle’s voice telling her substantial damage had been done to all vital systems, and thus an emergency landing procedure would be engaged

The understandings of those who are engaged in such employments, can seldom grow torpid for want of exercise

“They look like they»re engaged in a drunken dance

He checked the readings on the small screen in the console and then engaged the autopilot system which would handle navigating the tiny craft all the way to the Callisto orbital station

Still the notion tugged at him that this was not his reality, merely a simulation designed to keep him engaged in this world

Princes, however, have frequently engaged in many other mercantile projects, and have been willing, like private persons, to mend their fortunes, by becoming adventurers in the common branches of trade

“Look Bert you and Mabel love each other a blind man could see that and you are old enough and engaged so why shouldn’t you enjoy the fruits of your love I mean that can’t be wrong can it?” He looked at me through blood shot eyes and said

The strictest regards for the rights of neutrals cannot be too sedulously observed; nor should an opportunity be lost in cultivating friendly relations with their naval and merchant services, and of placing the true character of the contest in which we are engaged in its proper light

“I love it Billy Boy but does this mean that we are engaged?” She held it out to me showing which finger it was on and I waited for the smile to come that would show me she was joking but it never came instead I saw a look of hop and love on her beautiful face

“I’m so glad that you and Helen have got engaged I love you both dearly and I was wrong when I told you before that you were both to young

“Oh Billy Boy how I wish it was you and me that were engaged but that wasn’t to be and you and Helen are made for each other and that’s how it should be

It was then I told him about me and Helen getting engaged he thumped me on the back and said

” Just before breakfast I took George to one side and told him about me and Helen getting engaged his face broke into a huge grin and he hugged me to him saying

“I just wanted to tell you Sir that Helen and I have gotten engaged when I was on leave seeing as you are family

Recall that its been only a few years since one adulterer (Jesse Jackson) was engaged in counseling another adulterer (William Jefferson Clinton) in the White House

Affairs engaged in outside the United States

when they were not engaged in working on a captured whale

The other three were Nordics; they glanced up at her for a moment and then returned their focus to the game of mohrthra’daeghal two of them were engaged in, the third watching the game with a look of slight amusement

Snore at full volume, particularly when the Family is engaged in that most favourite of Human pastimes, telly-watching

“We’re not engaged,” she cut him off sharply, “practically or otherwise

“What about him? Are you two engaged?”

How could he have missed it? Then he knew she lied when she said they were practically engaged

Perhaps it was because he’d fought a different war from the one in which she’d engaged

that engaged the bridge

He was engaged once on a very long chase after elephants, and his followers were becoming impatient, when at last they found the home of one of these spiders

Unfortunately, most of the officers were busily engaged preparing for the coast-ward march, as sport in plenty was provided, this grass being full of animals

Casting off by way of a specialised retractable painter that he’d designed himself, Alex engaged the main motors and took the submersible out to sea

The 1st Infantry extended, cutting off retreat to the hills, and a detachment of Cubans engaged the blockhouses on the north, but made a poor showing, having expended their ammunition recklessly before closing in

They were soon heavily engaged, receiving shells also from Cervera’s fleet

older daughters are gathered about the sitting-room hearth, engaged in

The legal consequences of being engaged

You simply cannot in law be engaged to more than one woman at the same time or whilst you are already married

That is the question and bottom-line is that you don’t even need a ring to be engaged to marry

When you ask and she agrees and the two of you are legally able to marry then you are engaged

is covered so quickly, the traveler no longer seems engaged with traveling

How I remember the big red buttons light up when four-wheel drive and diff-lock was engaged! It is worthwhile to buy a Mercedes Gelande Wagen for that reason alone

His jet black curls hung almost in ringlets around his face, and his dark eyes were sharp, engaged in their task

Lets discuss that as a community who actually engages and practices it, because how many Christians will say there is no more dietary law only to stuff their face with prepackaged garbage and high fructose corn syrup?

Another example is a philanthropist, or ―good deed doer‖, who seeks admiration from his or her fellows; who therefore engages in charitable activities in order to enhance his or her reputation or popular credentials as a reliable advocate of worthy causes

This seems to be happening because during the process, the mind engages the brain in a silent huge update, reconstructing a large amount of data, which are my behaviors

Prior engages in very little reward-seeking behavior

that once the client really engages with the possible solution offered in

“Our femininity then engages in contractions that serve to pump your nectar high into our reproductive tracts

Not every man engages in this kind of introduction

ego, and engages for some years a considerable amount of his time and

When the individual engages with self, the gap between personal, and professional bridge

Once embarked upon, the transformational process automatically and simultaneously engages with several other human dynamics

When the mind engages in repeated negative thoughts and/or actions the only way the body knows how to cope is to bring on depression and/or anxiety trying to protect itself

Every year the Roberto Clemente award is given to the player with outstanding skills on the field who personally engages in work in the community

the Jinns, who are the people that are believed to be led by an evil entity called Iblis, a Satanic individual who engages in self-worship, raising himself to the status of God, therefore creating a false idol, false prophet, and false god out of himself

keep all the commandments of God, for no one that engages in

And all of the activities a mosquito engages in is orchestrated by a brain about the size of the period at the end of this sentence

He engages in

Maybe we’re hoping to find the item that engages our

Another effective motivational strategy is to join a group that engages in some kind of

She is true to herself and stands proud Humble is she as she engages with others She is quite the remarkable young mother Her long dark glowing hair

engages that thing all by himself

The mech engages but the

The words that those who “practice” such things – is that possibly referring to a Christian who engages in adulterous behavior on a regular and frequent basis, with no remorse, and no intentions on confessing this sin out before the Lord for His mercy and forgiveness?

They’re able to come into relationship with God in such a way that God engages them and listens to them

She enjoys writing poems, humorous ar-ticles, and engages in other creative endeavors

The expansion of the gas causes the cylinder 8 to move down until the butt tooth coupling 6 engages with the tooth coupling 5 and thus rotates by means of the large-pitch thread the spacer 4 and the shield 12 at 180°

and delving into it with commitment and study engages the mind and becomes

fetters of action if he does not desire its fruits and engages in it selflessly, but without any weakening of his dedication to its performance

and engages in the war with faith, is perfectly liberated from the bond-

achieved yog who engages in the one action that is worthy of doing with

man of action, engages in action just because he knows that it has to be

But it is possible to know this only when, as it was said in the first verse of the chapter, one engages in yog with total resignation to God, and never before this

the worshipper when he engages in the task of single-minded contem-

earnest devotee engages in the task of worship in association with a sage

verse 1 of chapter 17, ‘‘What would be the fate of a person who engages

This is why the heart does not say good or bad, but rather engages the day with joy, play and love, whatever the day, for it does not need to earn the praise of good or the condemnation bad – it is

The individual body evolutionarily alters as it engages in, adapts to, and is comformicated by the real and virtual physical distribution of social functions

Taming seems most appropriately used when one of the subject-object-systems is unable to enter into a mutually beneficial cooperative with the other, even, and especially, when one engages one’s self-evolution as a subject-686

you tell me about any behaviors that he engages in before he goes to bed?”

Love makes true the events it engages in

Unlike your Miss Cheriton, who gently waves you aside and engages herself without the least difficulty to a duke, Vicki is a marked person, and will be avoided by our careful and calculating young men

He makes mistakes sometimes in the men he engages, just as I used to when I did the engaging, and he had one poor young man as apprentice who very soon, like the first of my three meek gardeners, went mad

Once the tension and self-absorption slip away, the true self engages with others and knows the exhilaration of simply “being”

• Scribd engages very little with their fans on Facebook and response times are very poor

At first, desire appears as attraction and engages the intent of mind

Love does not engage your mind and ego – it engages your very ‘you-ness’, your center, your ‘self’

The resonance of the mantra operates as a total energy system that engages with all levels of an individual’s being

Whatever is the most difficult and the most challenging for you… whatever you fear most, whatever is the most painful and demanding, whatever engages all of your human potential, all of your creativity, all of your love, courage, and honesty: that is the healing path you should take

Transformative learning engages us in the questioning of unquestioned meaning perspectives

One of the ideas that has helped me feel compassion universally and unconditionally came when I recognized that anyone who does anything unpleasant to me engages in that sort of behavior and much worse within that person

The Self’s desire and will thus engages the brain’s neurotransmitters into action, which send electrical impulses and signals to the muscles, which in turn operate the hand, or any other part of the body, making it behave and operate in any way we wish it to, controlled by the confines of our ‘physical’ ability of course

see that this passage from Zechariah is talking about a religion that engages in the practice of

engages with the world all week

the group that engages will have a better chance of succeeding

When one engages in body detoxification, it is expected that the blood will be cleansed through the elimination of impurities in the liver, in the kidneys, in the lungs and in the intestines as well as in the skin and in the lymph

The chase is the emblem of war; it has stratagems, wiles, and crafty devices for overcoming the enemy in safety; in it extreme cold and intolerable heat have to be borne, indolence and sleep are despised, the bodily powers are invigorated, the limbs of him who engages in it are made supple, and, in a word, it is a pursuit which may be followed without injury to anyone and with enjoyment to many; and the best of it is, it is not for everybody, as field-sports of other sorts are, except hawking, which also is only for kings and great lords

kind nature engages infants at the breasts, by the pleasure they find in the

When he had fixed his piercing look on this modern Babylon, which equally engages the contemplation of the religious enthusiast, the materialist, and the

I feel a jolt of panic at being left alone with these people without him, but Kara engages me in conversation now that we can see each other without Luke between us

Resuming then the action afresh, without dislodging, or giving me the trouble of parting from my sweet tenant, we played over again the same opera, with the same harmony and concert: our ardours, like our love, knew no remission; and all the tide serving my lover, lavish of his stores, and pleasure-milked, he over-flowed me once more from the fulness of his oval reservoirs of the genial emulsion: whilst, on my side, a convulsive grasp, in the instant of my giving down the liquid contribution, rendered me sweetly subservient at once to the increase of joy, and to its effusions: moving me so, as to make me exert all those springs of the compressive exsuction, with which the sensitive mechanism of that part thirstily draws and drains the nipple of Love; with much such an instinctive eagerness and attachment, as to compare great with less, kind nature engages infants at the breasts, by the pleasure they find in the motion of their little mouths and cheeks, to extract the milky stream prepared for their nourishment

You’d want to build something that engages the scammer on the other side, pulls him in a bit

There’s a single rev, the throttle engages, and with a shriek that can be heard all up and down Tenth Avenue, the sheet metal is folding and tearing like the wings of a pinned moth, and then sparking on the street where the rider drags it along

There is something about physically drawing lines that engages a different part of the brain than looking at a screen does

Many people find that the act of setting pencil to paper engages a type of thought—perhaps a part of the brain—that is different from the experience of typing

Great Goddess! Can this be happening to me? I hate this Woman’s Soul and yet I love her Breasts—and O her Spirit quite engages me!

“Would you agree that in exchange for a fee, a prostitute engages in sexual relations with any number of men?”

This chapter has hopefully brought into focus how someone with such immense experience as an investor engages the market with his own methods in a manner that is simultaneously fluid and decisive

However, the deferred tax payable account can never be worth as much as tax paid retained earnings (part of net worth) because the tax may someday become payable, especially if the company engages in resource conversion activity, such as being acquired in a change of control transaction

Another trick in learning whether the business engages in aggressive or conservative accounting methods is to check the difference between the tax paid to the IRS (current taxes) and GAAP taxes (income tax provisions)

The presence of a vessel of war in a port has something about it which attracts and engages a crowd

A person who engages in arbitrage is called an arbitrageur

He cites Seven Oaks International as a company that engages in a boring business

Two forked sticks hold down a cross-bar which engages with a baited notched upright (attached to a line in tension), which holds it in place and carries the snares

His feelings are forever on the stretch; and when he begins to sink into repose, he finds himself obliged to quit that on which he rests in pleasure for something new, which again engages his attention, and which also he forsakes for other novelties

Any other man would have fainted away, but no temperature is too high for him; he engages the services of a rubber for a kopeck, but after a few moments the latter is unable to continue, throws away his bunch of twigs, and runs to inundate himself with cold water

The individual who corresponds thus with Evgenie Pavlovitch, and who engages so much of his attention and respect, is Vera Lebedeff

The emperor engages them and they begin to sew at them, but they explain that the clothes have the extraordinary property of remaining invisible to anyone who is unfit for his position

The theme and plot are more or less familiar, but the author has, with an unusual subtlety and power, imparted to them a vitality that not merely engages the attention, but actually involves the reader as an active participant

He who does otherwise engages in the contest at a great disadvantage, and will seldom come out the victor

«In short, Congress engages to oppose itself to that one of the belligerent powers which shall refuse to acknowledge the rights of neutrals

In short, Congress engages to oppose itself to that one of the belligerent powers which should refuse to acknowledge the rights of neutrals

—A Contractor Engages in Profit-Sharing with his Workmen

In the Fabulæ of Hyginus (CXXXIV), and in Pseudo-Apollodorus, 85 Dionysos engages passage with the Tyrrhenians

Avoid arousing activities before bedtime like working, paying bills, engaging in competitive games or family problem solving

Possibility of engaging in hobbies, preferably those that may result in some tangible output

and engaging Billie Tuke-Hastings, but the direct line of this once numerous family of

He had always met her in company and just missed engaging, somehow, for the whole 9 months of his study term

The boy was a fine specimen, vigorous and young, and engaging in his own sweet and innocent way

She was cheerful, engaging, offering her help with a myriad of things

Engaging in adventurous activity can have the affect of

excitement of engaging in a new activity coupled with the closeness that you gain from spending

After another engaging but ultimately unsuccessful foray into the beating heart of Saturday night, Tom spent a quiet Sunday afternoon lazing in the summer sun in a local park

At the evening meal she was jovial and engaging telling Mistress Sera all about her plans with the young Hausa

Engaging the conscious mind in the process is useful,

The window was open, the sounds of the bullring were distant, the grunts, moans and sighs of others engaging in pleasure was detectable in the still night air

protecting the crossing or engaging in trade with Lyndesfarne

They were in their initial crush and engaging in lots of petting

‘ Oh yeah, he knew it was all done with moving floors and glass floors and projectors, but the experience had been very engaging while he was as stoned as he was

Typically, one donned a phase shield if they planned on engaging in a brief, but bloody battle

As for the the hole in the wall, it was to remain open, for they meant to take the battle to the base of the Rift; engaging the enemy with a series of strategic withdrawals

Top 10 lists are engaging

Your headline must attract the attention of the reader with an engaging

As they disappeared, he turned back toward the machine engaging the young DRAFT

As the two Bretons charged back into battle, heading to their respective corners and engaging DRAFTChapter 12 233

Nonattachment, discussed in Chapter 12, is a way of actively engaging in life without your happiness depending upon the result of what you do in life

Unlike my work as an artist, my work in finance and writing has never stopped engaging me fully

students will be engaging in practice with themselves

Prior to engaging in negotiations it is wise to consider one’s own «bottom-line»

The Priest had a way of calming someone with just a word, and there was a trust in him that was quite engaging

Engaging in professional talk, Waddell stated what he had witnessed on the banks of the Peiho

It seems to me that being a millionaire»s son, and having elections bought for you while engaging in an endless series of extra-marital affairs, does indeed indicate a lack of class, no matter the wealth of the protagonists

To which I say: Try building a bridge without engaging in linear, logical thinking

There is a wall of separation between church and state, even to the extent of prohibiting students from engaging in silent prayer prior to their high school football games

The third part is about engaging with others

The third factor (of having charisma) is engaging

This is not just about engaging with other people

He was just the opposite, very outgoing and engaging

This is the message Republicans should be sending; rather than engaging in awkward, half-hearted overtures that are oftentimes perceived as transparent and insincere

Engaging in irrational behavior in an environment that has ceased to be rational or ―normal‖ is considered rational whenever such behavioral patterns either conform or comply with the (otherwise) irrational standards of that environment

Many need to step outside their virtual environment and interact more with other children their own age; engaging in recreational activities and ―doing‖ rather than ―watching

otherwise it fulfilled its (dual) purpose of recharging our nutritional batteries while engaging family members in casual mealtime conversations that brought the family (closer) together as a unit

Young boys coming into their own, especially during their formative years, should not be discouraged from engaging in physical activities; that is to say, the type of ―horse play‖ or ―rough housing‖, common among growing boys, that gives vent to their masculinity; that is to say, gender characteristics underlying decidedly masculine attitudes inherent in the male species

An individual should utilize proper discretion (whenever possible) when engaging in (public) conversation; especially when that individual‘s perceived style or manner (of speech) or ―problematical expressions‖ might be ―misinterpreted‖ or considered offensive to certain members of his or her audience

How else does one explain his abysmal record on Immigration, lack of Social Security and Energy reform, reckless spending, expanding deficits (despite enjoying majorities in both Houses of Congress) while engaging the nation in a politically correct war that has clearly lost its momentum?

Were he truly committed to rectifying social ―injustices‖, perhaps he might consider resigning from the newspaper, thereby enabling an equally qualified journalist of color, otherwise prevented from engaging in his or her chosen profession because of ―institutionalized racism‖, to assume his present position as sports writer

This involves engaging in meaningful dialogue without fear of censorship

A small smile and soft but full voice also were disconcertingly warm and engaging, as was the rumbling chuckle of this cuddly gentle giant you felt you could trust with your life

More serious charges of engaging in hostilities and assault on occupation forces had been dropped

Morris’ rather clinical description of the higher primates engaging in sexual intercourse, was the chapter that did it

from engaging in a shouting match

It would appear that indulgences were given to those who had previously engaged in less than holy actions, in order to sanctify them before engaging in the pope’s Holy War of reprisal

Some of these ‘dangerous items’ may be current in our daily life, so they will be constantly engaging your survival system in a totally unnecessary and highly crippling defense process

The movie was engaging enough that the chatter and text messaging during the beginning soon faded

Loyal Opposition (on the Battle for Iraq, that some call “the Iraq War”) —a palatable-sounding term for some ex-presidents, ex–vice presidents, ex–first ladies, and members of the party that opposes engaging the Battle of Iraq

I feel somewhat ridiculous engaging in all these precautionary measures, and constantly covering my tracks, although I tell myself it is necessary to do so

They lived in peace with their neighbors engaging in some trading

Traveling across the country, engaging in life and death battles with Obake, but I suppose someone has to do it

ing to the Amarillo community and engaging

“That is a copy sir; we are engaging this threat now, with caution

the black man in her trap, doing what she’s told, servicing his every whim and engaging

You are, without realising it, engaging in the Red Queen’s race, which you cannot win

You only have 160 characters to impress potential followers by describing what you and your brand are all about in a way that is friendly, engaging and shows some personality

It looks at a variety of factors including the number of followers, power of those followers, and the level to which you are engaging the community

· What type of content is resonating with your followers? What are they engaging with? These types of insights will give you the knowledge you need to produce similar content around those topics

Your aim on Twitter is to build relationships and you can start by engaging in conversations with your industry peers and thought leaders in your niche by commenting on something they have tweeted about

Generally speaking, if you are able to produce the type of original and engaging content that is not freely available on the internet and captures the passion you have for your industry, it will be very effective for you

Since you are engaging with visitors from a social venue, you can adopt a lighter tone that acknowledges the fact that they have clicked through from Twitter

First of all, buying followers or using any software to grow your Twitter account is contrary to the Twitter rules, and engaging in these kinds of strategies could see your Twitter account shut down

If you have thousands of followers but they aren’t responding to you or engaging with you, then it doesn’t do you much good, especially when it comes to trying to market your business, product or service on the platform

A major part of engaging with your audience is being open and authentic

The friendlier and more engaging you are, the more successful you will be on the platform

Your aim is to develop meaningful, long-term relationships, and you can only do that by showing your personality and actively engaging with your audience

The results can provide you valuable insights as to how your competitors are engaging with their customers and prospects on Twitter

Number of influencers you are engaging with

thoughts, attitudes, and emotions about engaging in sex for the first time

As fast as my heels touch the ground, I sense his dazzling presence over me, full of authority, but surprisingly engaging

skills, hours putting together a lively, informative and engaging

He was also something of a publicity seeker who had broken all precedents in conduct of Supreme Court justices by engaging in partisan debate outside the court

Being committed to one thing, means exactly that, engaging in one activity to the exclusion of all else

I rented a local historic skipjack – a kind of boat that had been used on the Chesapeake Bay for over 100 years by waterman engaging in hunting for oysters, and wrote a blog post about it being one of the events happening at the conference

Engaging time as C

The Healers spent the meal engaging in specialized conversation, most of it completely unintelligible to the rest

They are those who wished to continue cheating on their taxes, or to continue engaging in drunken brawls, or seeking power through bribery and corruption

You will train as warriors by engaging in war

pledge and foretaste of a new creation within its time and place, engaging with the

thirty seconds and consisted of the oddbots engaging in

Most of all, they are engaging and keep the attendant’s attention

“As you sneak around the ship, take no unnecessary risks, refrain from engaging the enemy, and follow the commands of your Special Forces escort

But those kids were engaging and friendly and I followed them

The Virtual Chain Reaction is an emerging dynamic perpetuated by more and more people engaging in social media

engaging those people? What questions are you asking them?

Not engaging means that you do not care what the customer has to say

The benefits to applying a “catchball mentality” is that by engaging community leaders and influencers in the process of strategizing “social initiatives,” you begin to develop a learning organization and your brand benefits from the ideas and opinions of the community of influencers

What makes the topic complex is that brand engagement is partly created by institutions and organizations, but is equally created by the perceptions, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors of those with whom these institutions and organizations are communicating or engaging

Conversations about your company, your products and services, your employee’s satisfaction and your market’s wishes are everywhere and engaging everyone

Engaging in the conversations and learning what needs to change

They’re creating corporate blogs, podcasts, and vblogs; engaging in communication channels like Twitter; building collaborative pages via wikis and Facebook

Engaging and collaborating with customers

The man had a look of dread and fear on his face so I though I’d set him at ease by engaging him in a conversation

If you have created engaging content that gives readers a reason to share, that content or message has the potential to become viral

Definition of Engage

to become involved or participate in

Examples of Engage in a sentence

If you engage in criminal activity, you could end up in a jail cell.


Walter refused to engage in a fight and walked away from the bully instead.


As a way to engage with visitors, the museum staff set up a question and answer station.


Many people engage in gambling activities and become addicted to betting.


During science class, the teacher tries to engage students in hands-on projects.


Other words in the Interest category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

  • Use the word ENGAGE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

He describes these provocative spheres… as his aquaria and directs me to engage psychically any aquarium for which I feel empathy.

«I’ll engage both of you now, starting tomorrow.»

They are unwilling to engage them in battle…»


What do I engage you for?

I’ll engage him in conversation.

I’ll engage a private secretary.

For some reason, the artists I engage don’t last very long.

I’m going to engage a new night nurse.

But you didn’t engage me, sir.

Who did engage you then, if Ididn’t?

That’s very nice of Mrs. Smith to engage me a valet.

To engage in a brawl, a cheap common brawl in my own home.

If you’re not back, it will be necessary to engage someone else.

Mr. Kent will be delighted to engage you.

May I engage you for this dance, Miss March?

If you happen to run into him again, just engage him in conversation… and don’t let on that you know he’s crazy.

Today, your Uncle Jeff took it on himself to engage the Pinkertons to locate him.

It occurred to me that on my recommendation she might engage you… as director of the show.

Why should I chuck all these and engage you?

Well, perhaps you’d like to engage a good chauffeur at your service?

I shall expect you at my office in the New Amsterdam tomorrow as I want to engage you for the Follies.

I didn’t engage Miss Brice as a showgirl.

What have I done to the Lord that people constantly solicit me to engage in crime.

«If you do not come «Or if you endeavor to engage the support of the police,

Mrs. Ross would like to engage you as her social secretary.

I in fact managed to engage a star directly from the Adelphi Theater.

engage rooms at St. Francis Hotel.

When I was a little girl, my father used to engage Chaliapin to come often to our house.

But didn’t you engage Mr. Stevens, Professor?

Left arm, cut and parry, engage!

Right arm, cut and parry, engage!

Since this evening when the marechal was kind enough to engage me.

«…to never, under any circumstances, engage in any activity connected, however remotely, with Spain». I’m a music lover.

Would you like to engage in a little game of Cut?

That’s the way the blue army’s coming up to engage our outfit.

They’re comin’, but they’ll never engage nobody.


When the girl comes down here, you engage her in conversation.

Mr. Taylor wants to engage you.

You want to engage with me?

But I do not love you, and I do not engage unless I love.

Why did he engage a high pressure editor like Connell?

So the next day, the villagers gathered to see the valiant knight engage the bloodthirsty Dragon in a battle to the finish.

Well, Marine or civilian unbecoming for a West Point cadet to engage in fisticuffs on a public street.

You engage them, rake and scuttle them.

«The court finds that the accused, Flying officer Brian MacLean number C-1969 of No. 1 Bombing and Gunnery school, Jarvis, ontario did neglect to obey Station Standing orders. For when on active service on the 12th day of April, 1941 he, when a flying officer in the vicinity of Number 4 bombing target did engage in unauthorized low flying.

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  • Use the word employment in a sentence
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  • Use the word employee in a sentence