Use the word enforce in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word enforce, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use enforce in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «enforce».

Enforce in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word enforce in a sentence.

  1. These laws were difficult to enforce.

  2. Navy could not enforce such a measure.

  3. The Senate had no army to enforce their resolutions.

  4. Board of Education as the law of the land and promised to enforce it.

  5. It may observe and investigate but it could only advise, not enforce.

  6. In order to enforce this social structure, a united state was needed.

  7. He also claimed Ball’s estate made it difficult to enforce discipline.

  8. Domestically he relied upon his diplomatic skills to enforce his will.

  9. Atangana’s major role was simple: to enforce the dictats of French rule.

  10. Breckinridge to prosecute four local officials for failure to enforce the laws.

  11. The election laws remained in effect, but the funds to enforce them were cut off.

  12. Sparta was to be the guardian of the peace, with the power to enforce its clauses.

  13. The election laws remained in effect, but the funds to enforce them were curtailed.

  14. Some Protestants tried to enforce the law themselves by apprehending these priests.

  15. To enforce those orders, they summoned the chief commanders, but these did not obey.

  16. The Supreme Court has allowed private plaintiffs to sue to enforce these prohibitions.

  17. Most competitions enforce mandatory suspensions for players who are sent off in a game.

  18. The growth of the automobile spurred calls to develop roads and to enforce traffic laws.

  19. However, the Spanish government was at that time in disarray and did not enforce the law.

  20. In June 1975 Lihau refused to enforce a harsh sentence levied against student protesters.

  21. The empire was willing, Paranhos stated bluntly, to go to war to enforce the 1856 treaty.

  22. With inadequate resources, however, Boston’s authorities were powerless to enforce the Act.

  23. To enforce the Reconstruction Amendments, Congress passed the Enforcement Acts in the 1870s.

  24. The business of the commissioner is to interpret the rules of baseball, and to enforce them.

  25. Alfonso was reluctant to enforce the last point and did not move against the Banu Ashqilula.

  26. They were further angered by his attempts to enforce customs laws which had been largely ignored.

  27. She then went to Borneo to enforce German demands for financial compensation for a German company.

  28. The council ordered mass arrests and executions to enforce Spanish rule and suppress Protestantism.

  29. Catherine decided to launch a drive to enforce the Edict of Amboise and revive loyalty to the crown.

  30. He tried to enforce strict impartiality in its pages and a reasoned assessment of various ideologies.

  31. Although the Mexican government issued a warrant for his arrest, local authorities did not enforce it.

  32. The United States Attorney for Washington then filed a suit to enforce the treaty rights of the tribe.

  33. The election laws remained in effect, but the funds to enforce them were curtailed for the time being.

  34. In this position, he tried to enforce Kentucky’s neutrality policy in the early days of the Civil War.

  35. The lawyer for Mahwah Strong urged the council to enforce the law by requiring the takedown of the eruv.

  36. This lowered their taxes as they tried to enforce the purchasing agreement at the Supreme Court of Canada.

  37. A Soviet-led Allied Control Commission was installed to enforce and monitor the peace agreement in Finland.

  38. Pericles wanted to stabilize Athens’ dominance over its alliance and to enforce its pre-eminence in Greece.

  39. Their robust attempts to enforce fines and collect debts generated much unpopularity among the lower classes.

  40. The console does not enforce game rules or keep track of score for the games; that is left up to the players.

  41. The Stampede altered its policies in 2010 to enforce the rules of the Canadian Professional Rodeo Association.

  42. To enforce his own authority, he executed half of al-Amir’s bodyguard and formed a private army, the Yānisiyya.

  43. Its first warden, Paul Kroegel, joined forces with Bradley to enforce the illegality of bird-hunting in Florida.

  44. Blamey took the position that it was the job of the police to enforce the laws, even if they did not support them.

  45. Thus, suggests Ormrod, they had to enforce a solution favourable to Mortimer and the Queen, by any means they could.

  46. Army was undermanned and the territory involved was vast, requiring great numbers of soldiers to enforce the treaty.

  47. Jackson asked Congress to pass a «Force Bill» explicitly authorizing the use of military force to enforce the tariff.

  48. Records show that he enrolled recognizances and contracts, and also issued writs commanding a sheriff to enforce them.

  49. Mosby proposed to enforce the law against local opposition, Foraker wired to Mosby the support of the state government.

  50. A considerable labor struggle and compulsion were necessary for the PPR to claim the factories and enforce its own rules.

Synonyms for enforce

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word enforce has the following synonyms: implement, apply and impose.

General information about «enforce» example sentences

The example sentences for the word enforce that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «enforce» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «enforce».

Once the captain let him out, he realized that if Ava was missing, there was no one who could actually enforce his sentence

Much of the technology was used for ghastly weapons and those who had bent some people to their dominance would send them to their deaths trying to enforce their dominance on ever larger groups

There was no way to enforce a law, there was no way to enforce a tax collection

everything is under His feet, but it is up to us to enforce that

Admission was a penny a person, two for a keda, since it was impossible to fence the boundary well enough to enforce a high price

When the law does not enforce the performance of contracts, it puts all borrowers nearly upon the same footing with bankrupts, or people of doubtful credit, in better regulated countries

adding, ‘You won’t need to rely on the Cure to enforce

proceeded to enforce the collection of tithes and the

The customs of merchants, which were established when the barbarous laws of Europe did not enforce the performance of their contracts, and which, during the course of the two last centuries, have been adopted into the laws of all European nations, have given such extraordinary privileges to bills of exchange, that money is more readily advanced upon them than upon any other species of obligation; especially when they are made payable within so short a period as two or three months after their date

Another more important point is the likelihood that one day, laws will enforce

All he wanted was to enforce the law and bring punishment to those who deserved it, and as a result he had lost his best and only friend, and was denied of all justice, for there could be none of that in Alataria

Most countries have allowed the UN to monitor and enforce water disputes

The court of chancery, as a court of conscience, first took upon it to enforce the specific performance of agreements

But worse than that, the Government have despatched a naval fleet to investigate the attack and enforce the evacuation

From the outset of the Civil War, the United States Navy did the best it could to protect American commerce and enforce the

Now let him enforce it

When an authority of any sort attempts to enforce such a code rather to allow it to be freely chosen, it is travesty, not morality

The most corrupt and ineffective Cabinet Secretary of the Obama Administration, with the possible exception of Attorney General Eric Holder, who really doesn»t understand the laws he has been instructed to enforce, which misunderstanding has much to do, perhaps, with his race getting into the way of his law enforcement responsibilities

“We rely too heavily on the Guardians to enforce such a law

that the Mexican government wouldn’t enforce its own regulations

No one will have this desire as all of the races still covet their own way of life as the only way and will try to enforce their ways on others

I thought that we should take a look at some of the Apartheid laws to demonstrate what we learned at College, and the effect they on the populations and those of us who had to enforce them

Legally the SAP had been created by parliament in 1913 with the sole purpose to enforce the laws of parliament

The Nationalists could afford their arrogance because the SAP was there to enforce all of their laws

To summarise: the SAP stepped up to enforce parliaments’ laws as it was compelled to do by law

The very reason for its existence was to enforce the laws of the country since it was the National Police

They can plan their operations how they want! Laws on what to enforce govern the Police

The Nationalists, in effect, forced the SAP to self-destruct by either refusing to enforce the laws constructed by its political masters (legally impossible), or to enforce the shameful laws and thereby lose the respect of the vulnerable which it should be protecting

What can someone do when they have to legally enforce laws so unjust that they caused a civil war? I know the answer today now that I’m middle-aged and have worked as a lawyer at the most famous Human Rights law firm in Africa

I say that the white kids who stayed and were indoctrinated into the Army and SAP to enforce the Nationalist’s racist laws are also a lost generation

” Yeah this version is totally illegal, and was usually followed up with a few punches and kicks to enforce the point

Unfortunately, the Police Stations did not enforce these same weight policies vigorously enough so some policemen became really overweight—a huge embarrassment to themselves and the SAP

They are natural leaders and have no inhibition to shout orders or fatherly enforce their orders if needs be

Grandfathering laws or conveniently making legal what was once illegal, should raise legitimate concerns over any nation‘s ability to properly enforce its own laws to begin with

Why not simply enforce existing gun laws (already) on the books rather than proposing newer ones whose questionable impact on reducing gun related crimes are likely to produce diminishing results? Such political grandstanding, I suppose, plays well among certain audiences given to theoretical assumptions to critical questions that otherwise require practical solutions

I believe that many of us are losing sight of the bigger picture by focusing our attention exclusively on inanimate objects while paying scant attention to the causal factors that have contributed to higher crime rates in our nation as compared, for example, with other industrialized nations that enforce stricter gun-control laws

Since US troops were in the south trying to prevent violence, firing Stanton was firing the highest federal official trying to stop lynchings and enforce civil rights

The size of the US coast and small US Navy made the ban difficult to enforce

When Grant did enforce the law for a time, KKK violence dropped dramatically

The Compromise included an agreement to no longer enforce Black civil rights and withdraw US troops from the south

In exchange for Republicans selling out Blacks in the southern states and agreeing to no longer try to enforce civil rights

Then they would enforce the Law and the divine will of the Ministry with unflinching loyalty, following the credo that All is Law

litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the FCRA

pursuing litigation in this matter to enforce my rights under the

provides for funds for those wishing to file legal suits to enforce the Act

administration’s reluctance to enforce immigration policies

This is why I enforce the mindset that money should never be your

Such moves result in demands for the police or military to enforce the laws more rigorously

them of what the rules and laws of today enforce

But, it is still partly up to us to help the Lord enforce this seal, and we can do this by

Christian believers, some of the Jews wanted to enforce circumcisions on all new male converts, but

Though the origin of the term “politically correct” is not clear, it is usually associated with authoritarian societies, and is used in some form or another in Marxist societies to enforce “correct” speech or thought

The requirement to be “politically correct” was adopted as the Second Commandment of the Civil War rebels to enforce their contempt for the concept of free speech

It is surprising that we have so far been able to sustain and enforce what’s left of criminal law

To institute and enforce law requires a judgment—yes, a judgment of (sorry, this just won’t go away) right and wrong

This leaves the insurgents free to enforce the dictates of the Second Commandment—Be Politically Correct—to do our judging for us

We refuse to establish and enforce rules and laws that will begin to set a standard for the men to deal with truth

obligation to investigate and enforce the law decided that their duty was

The record shows he is succeeding — fertility is viewed as a hindrance not a blessing, men and women are viewed as the same, the government has now established a powerful tool to enforce contraception, and the role of the father is being marginalized

Not a very effective way to enforce rules

than gives the responsibility of enforcing the laws that they have pass to some Department to enforce

This person falsely represented to DOC and to me that he had a 2 BR apartment and that he would be home every night and would strictly enforce a “no drinking, no drugs, lights out at 10 PM” policy

murder, not only failed to enforce the Act but actively sabotaged it

that the government will finally enforce their animal protection acts

“Once we’re all completely militarized to face the demons, the only difference will be the methods used to enforce discipline and social order

waters and enforce a pollution control zone of 200 miles

territorial waters from 12 to 24 nautical miles to give federal authorities more area in which to enforce immigration, customs and environmental laws

Most illegal immigrants from Latin America do not have the money to hire experienced smugglers with high speed boats, and depend on unseaworthy rafts which require the Coast Guard to chase them down to enforce immigration law, and carry out what often turns into search and rescue missions

Coast Guard, dating to 1790 when Treasury Secretary Alexander Hamilton created the sea service to enforce customs laws, engage in search and rescue at sea, and serve as a military naval service

Its function was to enforce the collection of tariff revenue

The states filed court briefs that supported the intent of conservation and environmental groups to force the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Coast Guard to enforce ballast discharge regulations in coastal and inland waters (Meersman, “Great Lakes States File Suit,” 2004)

The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) inspects foreign vessels, crews, and manifests to enforce compliance with U

Local, state and federal public safety agencies cooperated with Canadian maritime security officials to enforce area restrictions (“Super Bowl…,” 2006)

Coast Guard cutter (USCGC) Chase was ordered to the Persian Gulf to enforce the United Nations Iraqi oil embargo

No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws

My proposal of the health care “Bank» would then enforce the concept that

However, you will want to find a practitioner with very good recommendations, as not all areas enforce strict controls on chiropractic practitioners

commonwealth and enforce them, and the minutes

kill to enforce his edict

to shoot to kill to enforce his edict

else to enforce the requirement that they not

How perversely did people enforce it! How they suspended their powers of

commons” to pressure for collective measures that would enforce policies of sustainability on all

Spanking is the easy way to enforce our power over a child, but all it really teaches is that the biggest, strongest one wins

“Yes, it was decided then to enforce another Loss

I move that we set camp and allow these new arrivals to Gaea time to join with us and enforce our respective causes in one fell swoop

God is not limited to super powers to enforce his

you to listen to what he is saying and obey his laws or Enforcers will be sent to enforce what God

It was chilly outside, typical of mid-December weather, and a strong wind blew to help enforce it

One hundred messengers were immediately dispatched to convey and enforce this decree

to enforce sex role-stereotyped behavior and conformity more than do mothers

Much as same-sex peers enforce the emphasis on physical

Manual (DSM) in 1952 as an attempt to categorize and enforce the medical perspective

He expects perfection in these standards and, if a mother is present, expects her to enforce and reinforce them

She wondered if that was big enough that this could be in a corner of it? He enforced ‘God’s reality’ on all visitors in his universe, but at least he allowed med panels and sysinfo, and a ^C should still work to get her out of it

She saw them as even more removed from the real universe than her own universe, even though they seemed to all be living in enforced three-d reality

feelings of boredom and uselessness that his enforced inaction had

been enforced by the support of those whom he had

One thing she did know, it was within this room that LeCynic had enforced his horrors on them, and that whatever he had done, it had damned them for eternity, forcing them to live lusting for life and lusting for vengeance, cravings which could never be satiated

Noblat; and third, the enforced rest had given his body an

Why is there breakfast? It is only so the ‘family’ can be together at an enforced time isn’t it? But he had the freedom to dial anything he wanted in the kitchenette didn’t he? Of course, he could just access his medical panel and dial hunger out of his life altogether

To have enforced payment of a small debt within the lands of a great proprietor, where all the inhabitants were armed, and accustomed to stand by one another, would have cost the king, had he attempted it by his own authority, almost the same effort as to extinguish a civil war

the rules of their freedom and enforced

In the course of exploring my new surroundings, I found sources of food and water that would make my enforced stay on the island

Given that they were already facing the enforced evacuation of all the Jovian moons, they all had two critical interests in common – none of them wanted to be evicted from their lives here and, more importantly, none of them wanted to be forced to go back to Earth

This was a rule strictly enforced by the Confederate officials in England in order to

It was then decided that they would make camp then and there; they had moved over five miles from the battlefield which wasn’t far enough, but Carl enforced his wishes to protect these people

I consider you worthy of addressing me, though I would ask that you try to remain civil, or else my edict will be enforced

This was more frightening than any willfully enforced punishment

Accordingly the Nationalists knew they could create any law with the secure knowledge that they would be enforced by a superbly trained police force subjected to its political masters

The military authorities punctiliously enforced trivialities to the letter, and it was surprising to see the laxity and consequent disorder in more important matters

At the elite units these regulations were vigorously enforced, and if a man had a weight issue he was send to the border or to another training unit, where they were sure to shed the extra pounds

It cannot be enforced which is why it is seldom used and you cannot have penalty clauses in this type of contract like for instance stating if you don’t marry me by next week Wednesday you pay me 100 dollars a day penalty

It took the people three days to reach the supposed Mecca, which then turned out to be a nothing but a plague spot of yellow fever, quarantine enforced, with no shelter or rest for their weary bodies

The accumulated offal of ages has been removed from the towns and cities, and sanitary regulations enforced for the first time in history

Today Cuban obedience is enforced by a power too strong to be resisted but any form of enforcement ultimately creates resentment

Laws that are improperly enforced are vapid and unmanly and should be unceremoniously repealed!

Not at all! After a few hours of making new friends they all got into the swing of things, and decided somewhere some terrorist is going to regret the enforced absence

I am not sure that this tactic helped a lot for it could not be enforced except in limited reservist type operations and many died who were not terrorists

His successor Millard Fillmore, though not a slave owner, strongly supported and enforced the Fugitive Slave Act, requiring all Americans to return runaway slaves to their owners

If, when the soldiers have become attached to you, punishments are not enforced, they will still be unless

Had the ban been vigorously enforced, it could have stopped the enslavement of perhaps 150,000 Africans and the deaths of as many as 450,000 more

Neither would have enforced the fraudulent Treaties of the Dancing Rabbit or New Echota

She had to re-teach him how to behave and she enforced household rules

enforced can treats be properly valued as a reward

It was the UN that voted these sanctions, and a mixed military force that enforced them

prohibition wasn’t being enforced

He had plenty of time to watch TV during his enforced layoff, and watched plenty of news programming

My guess is that on Monday, we engaged a bundle of behaviors that enforced your codependency

And rules needed to be enforced

have sex — in most places this would be enforced by the death sentence

What it prohibits is the establishment by Congress of a single nation wide religion sponsored, subsidized, or enforced by law

Use of the term in America nearly always signifies enforced conformity contrary to the freedom of speech the American Constitution provides

“diversity” leads, instead, to enforced sameness, regimentation, and intolerance is not to be spoken

” The new morality of enforced political judgments works to drive the capacity for individual judgment to its grave

For instance, we need informal conventions guiding language and communication, and formal enforced conventions regulating law and order, trade and property

I also endured the enforced nine months of unemployment before the Attorney General, of all people, hired me to try child abuse cases

That was until three years ago when the EPA‘s regulations designed to protect the three-inch Delta smelt were enforced

called was that he knew he’d have to live through a year of enforced

So he began an enforced hour a day

In order to strike at the root of Jewish resistance, Hadrian prohibited the practice of the Jewish religion—an order which was for some time strictly enforced in Galilee but which seems to have remained a dead letter elsewhere

forced segregation and no special laws enforced against Jews as a community

A new vision is enforced on the company, new rules, new expectations, new plans and new targets, all because of a loss of vision

I will not experience imprisonment, or enforced solitude and monotony

welfare act indeed, but that it is not enforced, however, that in reality «penalties»

Popular recreation areas were patrolled by mobile boarding teams which inspected boats, enforced safety regulations, conducted boating safety classes and policed public boating events and water shows

The Revenue Marine rescued imperiled mariners, enforced maritime law, and monitored aids to navigation and lighthouses

The Coast Guard developed shipboard firefighting and prevention strategies, enforced legal sanctions and imposed fines on polluters

Gebers said the boating-while-intoxicated law would be strictly enforced in coordination with Wisconsin and Minnesota law enforcement agencies

The Coast Guard has not enforced every maritime regulation with equal enthusiasm

A strict security zone on land and offshore from the Perry nuclear power plant has been enforced by the Coast Guard patrol boats, private security, and other law enforcement agencies since 200l

After the men had been assigned to their new groups and his changes to the order of battle had been enforced, the men’s whingeing managed to carry within earshot of command tent

It was almost like a drug habit, she could remember this sensation from the enforced missions during her days in slavery — the familiar rush of adrenaline that she would feel, she had never been able to fully kick the habit

The fantasy looked achievable this year, and that belief together with the knowledge that for once she might spend some money on her baby girl—make up, to an extent, for earlier enforced miserliness—made her look forward with childish anticipation to the magical season

Therefore, it is a law enforced through the violence inherent in the

Although curfew was strictly enforced at dusk, during daytime relatively few soldiers were on the streets, and then only with a carbine slung over their shoulders or sometimes even entirely without arms

at the limits it is often enforced by laws or regulations

It was enforced with brutal ferocity

The Roman legions were the extension of the Emperor and his will were enforced without mercy, wherever there was the slightest hint of rebellion

Flattered by his praises, the more because they were spoken in front of Leonardo, I focused my attention exclusively on his person, and to his sugary poet phrases I reciprocated with the enforced courtesy of my deference

The enforced silence in the sauna helps Tres to empty his mind of all trivial matters and fill his thoughts with the essence of Master until Master becomes all there is: The greater good in the unity that is Master, the constant winning battle of good against evil that is Master

The worship of these two gods to the exclusion of all others is now compulsory for all citizens—although this is not enforced on Aristocrats

Both are enforced and

through adolescence, when it is taught and enforced by complex social forces including

«Regulations are strictly enforced

enforced according to the corresponding

animals or animal by-products should be enforced and respected

” Refuse to patronize existing tracks, work to ensure that racing regulations are reformed and enforced, lobby against the construction of new tracks, and educate your friends and family members about the tragic lives that racehorses lead

enforced the social order

conveyed to officers of the law and enforced when needed

still on the books but couldn‘t be enforced

Whereas in Ephesians 4:11 Jesus gives gifted biblical leadership to the Church without regard to race, white and black churches maintain the racial discrimination that whites originally implemented and enforced

Unfortunately, many students threw out some godly moral standards that the missionaries had strictly enforced

Lynching prevented retaliation and enforced other Jim Crow injustices

Remember that this is only a convention and is not enforced by Python (except

and $200, and 30 days to 2 years jail time, but can’t be considered a deterrent if not enforced

Whether the Bush-meat trade is in Africa or Southeast Asia, if laws against this industry are never, or are seldom enforced, it will encourage others, especially the poor, to follow suit

Nearly everywhere else he had hit a wall of officially enforced silence and fabricated stories for close to four months

enforced at the time of creating the computations

On the other hand, too many laws mean that they won’t be able to be enforced and the result is noncompliance or rebellion

stern warning on the sign was true and would be enforced,

That is not because I crave political power, gentlemen: it is because I, as The Hand of The One, want to see the words of The One enforced and obeyed

In some ways it was worse before his enforced fanatical anti-booze trip, anti social trip, anti everything trip

Susan hadn’t the strength to face them in their enforced mid-week alcoholic jollity after the encounter with her mother

A number of newly imposed and enforced

He had correctly read the tea-leaves in Kampala and had decamped to London well before the enforced exodus of Asians from Uganda many years later

enforced via high tech electronic means rather than papers and

Even though Banks enforced the law, Ellis was a higher

However, it is not widely enforced and not 100%

He said that the current war situation between the West and the Muslim nations was primarily about oil and enforced diplomatic relationships, in the interest of the development of The New World Order

The clause in a mortgage or deed of trust that can be enforced to

«That virus is the mechanism that enforces the individual sovereignty policy by which the Kassikan rules mankind on this entire planet

wine the strongest, that enforces to do so? And when he had so spoken, he held his peace

For when the lightning lightens, the thunder utters its voice, and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal, and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand, and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle, and turned back by the power of the spirit, and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong, and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein, and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel, and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it, and that which ascends from it is like smoke, and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers, but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness, and in winter and in summer, and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven, and is connected with the chambers of the rain, and its course is in winter and summer, and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected, and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber, the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out, and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain, and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: ‘These two monsters, prepared conformably to the greatness of God, shall feed

For when the lightning lightens the thunder utters its voice and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle and turned back by the power of the spirit and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it and that which ascends from it is like smoke and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness and in winter and in summer and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven and is connected with the chambers of the rain and its course is in winter and summer and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: ‘These two monsters prepared conformably to the greatness of God shall feed

24 O you men is not wine the strongest that enforces to do so? And when he had so spoken he held his peace

enforces the group‘s ground rules when they are violated

that will be asked by God to come to Earth and enforces his laws on mankind

Ask the other teachers what the school enforces and if they «back up» their teachers

I don’t know about your own personal opinions on the subject, Admiral, but I find the fact that the United States still practices and enforces racial segregation truly abhorrent

well as investigate companies for violations of laws the agency enforces

Artificiality forcibly attempts to change things according to its own conception and enforces

enforces the taking of this Mark and the eternal consequences for any

Still holding onto Enzo, TK enforces his clutch

And if the law is the one who protects, enforces, and decides who owns what, then they can always decide it is no longer you who owns it, but somebody else, or, most likely, themselves – The State

When power creates, negates, and enforces the law, there is no justice, but only privilege, prejudice, and inequality

If it wasn’t for the treaty and the fence that is money, and the law and the gun that enforces the treaty and protects the fence, then everyone would steal from each other, assault each other, and plunge the world into prehistoric disorganization

When the mood strikes you to practice yoga, it enforces you to make a connection with

the maximum amount of withdrawal, but hardly any bank enforces these

With any accumulation of people, no social harmony can prevail unless some central body artificially enforces it

� It works as the language of the dominator model and the conformity that model enforces of those within its sway

important to understand that the universe enforces the Golden Rule, which states; Do to others as you would have done to you

important to understand that the universe enforces the Golden Rule, which states; Do to others as

“No she isn’t! She something of much more value than just a mere house cat! She is in a trap, one of her own making, that only she enforces and you are the only one that can unlock her from it!”

Our Lord then enforces His idea of life by recurring, after this lofty reference, to His

1-16), does not exclude, but rather involves and enforces that physical resurrection, that re-construction of the dissolved humanity in corporal immortality, which is the destined portion of every Christian—so the moral idea of eternal life in Christ does not exclude, but imply, the under-lying fact of an eternal existence, depending on union with Him as the ‘life-giving Spirit

A perfectly logical materialism which, denying a spiritual basis of mind in man, denies it also in the universe, and enforces the result in a speculative positivism and atheism, may under certain circumstances become a real danger to society

The FAA oversees and enforces civil aviation regulations and air safety

One of a group of immortals who reside in Dublin, many of them at Chester’s nightclub, and is their recognized leader, although Ryodan issues and enforces most of Barrons’s orders

President, when we inflict death for the support of institutions Congress had no right to create, and for the violation of laws the constitution prohibits that body from enacting—(and under the denomination of each of the political sects into which this country is divided, agreeable to the principles now contended for by gentlemen, such laws have been passed)—are not the Executive which sanctions, the Congress which passed, and the whole body of our Judiciary, both of the General and State Governments, which enforces such unconstitutional measures, and under their surreptitious authority inflicts death upon our citizens, worse than usurpers? Are they not murderers? Yes, Mr

That is not enforcing a boundary

The court of exchequer, instituted for the levying of the king’s revenue, and for enforcing the payment of such debts only as were due to the king, took cognizance of all other contract debts ; the plantiff alleging that he could not pay the king, because the defendant would not pay him

supported by law ; and in which the authority of the state is not supposed to be regularly employed in enforcing the payment of debts from all those who are able to pay

It is confined to enforcing the law for its operations, while the Army is limited only to the laws of war when conducting their campaigns

Johnson could no longer fire officials for enforcing the nation’s laws

Union generals, instead of being fired by Johnson for enforcing the law, would have more successfully arrested racist terrorists

But in the long term, the combination of continuing American troops in the south enforcing the law and groups of former Union veterans organized to fight the Klan and other terrorists means that ex-Confederate racists cannot win

But I can’t really see why passage of a law enforcing the mechanism would be necessary, if verifiable, nonpartisan auditing procedures are put in place and agreed upon

“The Amity will have trouble enforcing that policy,” says Marcus

“A few centuries ago, the government of this country became interested in enforcing certain desirable behaviors in its citizens

Jefferson and Lincoln warned of the danger posed by an irresponsible Supreme Court more interested in inventing and imposing its own arbitrary sense of “justice” than in enforcing the rule of law legitimately enacted

As Administrators who plan and micromanage every aspect of the individual and society, we must perfect the science of creating and enforcing conventions

The Environmental Protection Agency is the government department that has been given the responsibility for enforcing all of the environmental bills passed by Congress

local governments from enforcing gay-rights laws

than gives the responsibility of enforcing the laws that they have pass to some Department to enforce

Congress is failing in its oversight functions, not only in enforcing the Civil Rights Act’s prohibition against quotas, but also in making certain that the money it appropriates is used for authorized purposes

The authorities responsible with the monitoring, control, enforcing the animal

Though he was angry at the perpetrators and their peers who didn’t silence them, he was more angry at the military for not setting and enforcing higher accredi�tation standards as well as giving their briefers meatless baloney to hand out

Since Revenue Service days, the Coast Guard has had the multiple responsibilities of being a military service and having jurisdiction over civilians while enforcing national and international law

He was too tall to pass anonymously through the streets, but his unique presence had always proved of worth for enforcing the sorcerers’ demands in the past, especially when a rough hand was needed

The Germans were enforcing the curfew, but Stavros found that if he acted dumb, sometimes the soldiers wouldn’t pick on him

Amos would have much trouble enforcing his rule anymore

doing the enforcing? That is the central ‘ I’, now exercising its strength to be in

Although the IWC doesn’t have direct enforcing powers, many

Nancy Laplante is perfectly content where she is, enforcing the rules on time travel and protecting our society

As in other sports, these melees could easily be eliminated by enforcing the rules

The commander of the 7th Infantry Division, for utterly failing to keep control of his units and for enforcing piss-poor rear area security, is also relieved of command

Past that grace period, the base security police will start enforcing the blackout and will report the violations to me

Wa wished that he could return to the peaceful days of simply enforcing custom regulations and dealing with space claim jumpers, but he was now stuck in a war that had to be fought to the finish

All law enforcing agencies of government completely failed in all circumstances

Using strong electronic media Muslims nation was dubbed in a wrong way despite the fact that Muslims has always been peaceful and peace loving and they had always stood by peace enforcing powers

Now instead of Noriega we have independent free-lancers rising up as powerful drug cartels, in direct competition of our own low-handed government, which continues the charade of enforcing anti-drug laws and eradicating illicit trade, while all the time, raking in billions of dollars in their own illegal trafficking endeavors

enforcing openness in regards the negative reply to credit application

For enforcing the role of Ahimsa, the heart is to be kept purified

Money is not required, except where The Law limits access to actual necessities by fencing them off with ownership and enforcing those boundaries with contracts, guns, and those so enslaved

North Africa and Arab states suddenly liberate themselves and become emblems of democratic desires, while post-industrial western nations march out legions of austerity propagandists to terrorize dream-starved populaces with tyrannies of corporate malfeasance enforcing social penury for slaveholder’s benefit

“Yes, the Iggers, first called ziggers, or zombie niggers, created the infrastructure for the Ims by doing the techno-creating jobs and enforcing GovCorp’s law of gun-money

He could not put up any resistance under the justified lashing being dealt to him at the hands of Officer Mohammad Amin who was enforcing his need to bring about justice, and which caused him to forget his own strength

enforcing the minimum age requirement and to allow children of all ages to use

“I apologise if this has been an unpleasant experience but everyone you have encountered this evening has only been doing their job, working to make our borders secure and enforcing the laws of the United States

In addition, the issues regarding the information itself need supporting mechanisms, such as establishing and enforcing standards, utilizing the contribution of knowledge workers, and managing the overall process

They are considered human to an extent, but the laws covering them are far more lenient when it comes to enforcing the law

a cause of not enforcing proper actions in the interests of

bank: the delivery of the goods is consideration for enforcing the underlying

«Yeah, as you’ll see in the big chapter Enforcing

If the United States government found anyone enforcing slave labor now that the slave trade was illegal, whether it be against an Indian or a black person, the punishment usually meant death in one way or another

Prove the attraction Newton said was enforcing gravity that is pulling by mass and is gathering

They are an attempt to control a large population by enforcing conformity of behavior

You can start anywhere; and civilization can be systematically improved… even by enforcing one simple Law… without any complicated legality

They are only enforcing the law; they are only following company policy, obeying the law, obeying regulations, they are only following one linear train of thought, one linear set of rationalizations, and one linear model

The result was Europe’s reactionary descent into martial law and military occupation and control that lasted for over 70 years, until Europe became a bunch of police states nakedly enforcing their oppression by martial might; with army barracks in every town and village and patrols and armed soldiers guarding every main road, every bridge and every border crossing,

Civilization is based upon the irresponsible wealthy and powerful enforcing responsibility upon the powerless and the poor

Uncle had made it very clear that such losses of control were not acceptable, and he had ways of enforcing both his will and his displeasure

� She/he would take full responsibility for her/his actions with or without the presence and thus threat of the police and the tickets they distribute in aid of forcing and enforcing order

The collation and collaboration of these frightening verses, are obviously calculated to inflict the inducement of maximum fear on the believer, enforcing strict adherence and obedience to the rules and laws of these particular religious faiths

own power base by enforcing a monopoly upon certain skills and knowledge

is massive fraud involved in the writing, evangelizing and enforcing of the New Testament

Despite the order of the United States District Court for the District of Massachusetts enforcing that intention, Mandelbaum shared his accommodations

On the one hand, there was the infantry—soldiers armed with kickshellacs marching from town to town, enforcing the ideals of a new order

Gain respect from your clients by weeding out the ones that don’t want to be there, and enforcing the rules with the ones that do

Ferrars and Fanny still more, did not see the necessity of enforcing it by any farther assertion; and Marianne, when called on for hers, offended them all, by declaring that she had no opinion to give, as she had never thought about it

Please be sure that we are enforcing the regulation that invitations to the press for White House Church Services are on a totally controlled basis and handled by invitation

The executive branch, which consists of the president of the United States, the vice president of the United States, the Executive Office of the President, and all of the cabinet departments, is tasked with enforcing those laws

I ponder the irony that she denounced her mafia parents years ago to escape this very fate, yet now sits with us making barbarous laws in a barbarous time, enforcing them without mercy

On the contrary, this festival was the occasion of much cursing and blaspheming on the part of those whose penniless, poverty-stricken condition it helped to aggravate by enforcing unprofitable idleness which they lacked the means to enjoy

troops were enforcing no-fly zones in the north and south

He is connected with the Mafia, which, as you know, is a secret political society, enforcing its decrees by murder

The rest were indifferent, enforcing the rules with blows but at least behaving predictably

And we call on the Department of Justice (and state Attorneys General) to get involved in enforcing such disclosures and transparency, since their investigations and consent decrees now often take the place of traditional regulation

I’ll bet the credit card company sold the judgment to the collection company for pennies on the dollar, and now it’s enforcing an outdated court order

It succeeded in enforcing submission from the jaded man this morning: his empoisoned system at this moment quailed before Bulstrode’s cold, resolute bearing, and he was taken off quietly in the carriage before the family breakfast time

Here was a bankruptcy in which the equity was not wiped out—and no one expected it to be wiped out—whereas Graham and Dodd had argued that bondholders would be best off not enforcing their rights to the hilt because “receivership” (to say nothing of “bankruptcy”) was so dreaded a word on Wall Street that “its advent means ordinarily a drastic shrinkage in the price of all the company’s securities, including the bonds for the ‘benefit’ of which the receivership was instituted

But we do know that, if and when trouble should come, the owner of foreign obligations has no legal or other means of enforcing his claim

By defining a set of policies and enforcing them, you can control what elements of the operating system your users are able to access, what applications they can run, and the appearance of the desktop

Sir Thomas saw all the impropriety of such a scheme among such a party, and at such a time, as strongly as his son had ever supposed he must; he felt it too much, indeed, for many words; and having shaken hands with Edmund, meant to try to lose the disagreeable impression, and forget how much he had been forgotten himself as soon as he could, after the house had been cleared of every object enforcing the remembrance, and restored to its proper state

“These are the guards on the frontier, enforcing the revenue laws

The torturing of the peasants with rods for the purpose of enforcing the decision of the authorities, although corporal punishment was abolished by law thirty years ago, has of late been applied more and more freely in Russia

) Whence, sir, do you get the right, whence do you derive the powers to erect custom-houses in the maritime districts of the United States? To attach to them ten, fifteen, or twenty custom-house officers; and clothe these men with authority to invade the domicile, to break into the dwelling-house of perhaps an innocent citizen? Whence do you get it, sir, except as an implied power resulting from the authority given in the constitution «to lay and collect taxes, duties, imposts, and excises?» If, under this authority, you can erect these custom-houses and create this municipal, fiscal, inquisitorial gens d’armerie, with liberty to violate the rights of the citizen, to break into his castle at midnight, without even a form of warrant, on a plausible appearance of probability, or probable cause of suspicion of his secreting smuggled goods, which the event may prove to be unfounded—and it will be recollected that a majority of Congress voted for the grant of this power in its most offensive form, when two years since they voted for the act enforcing the embargo—I say, sir, if under this general power to collect duties, you can erect the establishment and give the offensive power just mentioned, can you not, with the concurrence even of the citizens, adopt another more mild and useful mode, and create an establishment for the collection and safe-keeping of the revenue, and place it under the direction of ten or twelve directors, and christen it an office of discount and deposit, or of collection and payment, as you like best? And can you not, when you have thus created it, give to the directors a power, which perhaps they would have without your grant, to receive and keep the cash of those who choose to place it with them and to loan them money at the legal rate of interest, and in some places, as at New York, at nearly fifteen per cent

Suffice it to say, that for safe-keeping, for transmission and payment of the funds to any part of the nation, and for enforcing the punctual payment by the debtors to the customs, by addressing to those debtors the arguments to the sense of honor and shame, and also to their interest, to wit: by denying them credit in the bank on failure in punctuality—all these have been afforded to the Government without its incurring therefor one cent’s expense

The gentleman will find laws and decisions in abundance, regulating the effect of endorsements and other collateral circumstances, and prescribing the manner of enforcing the payment of promissory notes, but he will never find a law giving the right to execute the promissory note

Trescott, who compels admiration by his fine, straightforward course, takes his wife to a small Missouri town, where Southern prejudice is still rife and laws are lax, and where feeling is bitter against the uncle of Constance, the absentee landowner, who has sent Trescott to represent him in enforcing evictions from a tract of land to which he claims ownership

The bill for enforcing the non-intercourse system was reported with that limited provision

And if ever the Duke of Cadore shall condescend, which it is probable he never will, to reason with our Government on the subject, he may tell them that they knew that the French Emperor had issued those decrees, upon the pledge that they were to continue until the British abandoned their maritime principles; that he told us, over, and over, and over again, that previous revocation by the British was absolutely required; that for the purpose of putting to trial the sincerity of the British, he had indeed declared that the French decrees «are revoked,» on the first day of November ensuing; but then it was on the expressed condition that in consequence of that declaration, not of the revocation, but of that declaration, the British were to revoke, and, if they did not, the «understanding» was not realized; and his rights of enforcing his system remained to him

We have restricted ourselves in the full enjoyment of our rights, lest by strictly enforcing them, we might produce a collision with any nation, however little her conduct might be guided by the principles of equity

If they cannot obtain their pay by your votes, they will collect it by their own bayonets; and they will not rigidly observe any air-lines or water-lines in enforcing their necessary levies; nor be stayed by abstract speculation concerning right, or learned constitutional difficulties

Thus, sir, believing the French decrees to be repealed, we departed from our neutral stand by enforcing the non-intercourse law against Great Britain

«That it is inexpedient to prosecute the war, because we have no means of coercing our enemy or enforcing our claims

Definition of Enforce

to compel or require

Examples of Enforce in a sentence

Police officers will enforce the law by arresting people for committing crimes and handing out citations for breaking the rules.


After the man killed an innocent young woman, the judge felt the need to enforce justice by sending the man to prison for the rest of his life.


Many middle schools will enforce a dress code by making the students wear clothing that is not too short, tight or revealing.


Since there are so many other violations in the major city, many police officers will not enforce the jaywalking law since they have so many other problems to deal with.


Due to the increase in terrorist attacks around the world, many major public events will enforce the rule that all bags and purses will be thoroughly checked for weapons.


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Synonym: compel, drive, execute, force, make, oblige. Similar words: enforcement, in force, reinforce, force, by force, for certain, schadenfreude, porch. Meaning: [ɪn’fɔːs]  v. 1. ensure observance of laws and rules 2. compel to behave in a certain way. 

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1. Governments make laws and the police enforce them.

2. In some countries the police enforce the laws.

3. The legislation will be difficult to enforce.

4. Have you any facts that would enforce your argument?

5. The police are there to enforce the law.

6. It isn’t always easy for the police to enforce speed limits.

7. It’s the job of the police to enforce the law.

8. The police enforce the law.

9. You can’t enforce cooperation between the players.

10. Desegregation may be harder to enforce in rural areas.

11. Local inspectors helped enforce presidential decrees.

12. Have you any statistics that would enforce your argument?

13. The army was/were called out to enforce the curfew.

14. They tried to enforce agreement with their plans.

15. It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.

16. Fighter planes are being sent to enforce the UN no-fly zone.

17. Rules are rules and it’s my duty to enforce them.

18. Aircraft will enforce the no-fly zone to protect UN forces on the ground.

19. The new teacher had failed to enforce any sort of discipline.

20. Game wardens were appointed to enforce hunting laws in New Hampshire.

21. The government may take steps to enforce compliance with the new measures.

22. Today most planning authorities enforce fairly strict guidelines on new houses.

23. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce them.

24. Match officials should not tolerate such behaviour but instead enforce the laws of the game.

25. The new law about safety belts in cars was difficult to enforce at first.

26. The White House has noted his promise to support any attack that was designed to enforce the UN

27. The agreement will give the UN some muscle to enforce human rights.

28. The changes to the tax system proved impracticable as they were impossible to enforce.

29. Clearly, the police cannot break the law in order to enforce it.

30. He’d been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.

More similar words: enforcement, in force, reinforce, force, by force, for certain, schadenfreude, porch, unfold, inform, on foot, go in for, source, informal, design for, per cent, fierce, perceive, resource, in return for, information, perceived, perception, percentage. 

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