Use the word employee in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “employee” in a sentence. How to connect “employee” with other words to make correct English sentences.

employee (n): someone who is paid to work for someone else

Use “employee” in a sentence

He treats his employees generously.
Do you have any employees who speak French?
Yesterday they fired seven employees.
Two thirds of the employees of this company are engineers.
He treats his employees generously.
Treat your employees properly, they are your greatest assets.
Employees are required to wear uniforms.

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1. The employee was dismissed as incompetent.

2. The general manager downgraded the employee.

3. A disgruntled former employee is being blamed for the explosion.

4. One of the main themes of TQM is employee involvement.

5. There is a substantial payback in terms of employee and union relations.

6. The police want to interview every employee about the theft.

7. I’m a government employee.

8. On a good day, each employee will shuck 3,500 oysters.

9. The electricity company will send an employee to read your meter.

10. How should I know? I’m just a lowly employee.

11. The photos were probably swiped by an employee.

12. Few homeworkers doing piecework in manufacturing enjoy employee status.

13. The company is suing a former employee.

14. Their longest-serving employee is threatening to quit over pay.

15. He extended his hand to the new employee.

16. The boss dismissed the employee.

17. He is an employee of Fuji Bank.

18. He told off the employee severely.

19. The EU should set minimum standards of employee rights.

19. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

20. Each employee received a like bonus.

21. He brought around a new employee this afternoon.

22. This employee has penetrated his boss’ s meaning.

23. She’s a former council employee/employee of the council.

24. He had been termed a temporary employee.

25. An employee sold him on the notion that cable was the medium of the future.

26. According to one employee, who wishes to remain anonymous , the company engaged in illegal activities.

27. If he suspected an employee of dishonesty, he was not above wire-tapping.

28. The changes may result in a greater reduction in employee numbers than we had previously expected.

29. In addition to a competitive salary, the company offers attractive employee benefits.

30. Common sense and creativity are some of the intangibles we’re looking for in an employee.

More similar words: employer, employ, employment, unemployment, deploy, temple, contemplate, loyal, plot, empire, aplomb, emphasis, preempt, exploit, explode, explore, emphasize, diplomat, explosion, exempt from, comply, imply, diplomatic, contretemps, complex, sample, simply, exploration, contemporary, complaint. 

When she got back to her, Yorthops was standing in front of the honor wall in the front hallway where Kulai commended his employee of the year

started out as a full-time employee at Trico

Before she could answer Mirielle stepped in front of her star employee and gave a frosty glare to the reporter

«I know my uncle owns this place but really, who else could they put in charge? Draper? Hah!» Benji Draper was the oldest employee in the office

Judge Al Nafa whispers behind his hand to a court employee, smiles, then turns his attention to John

He addresses John from a prepared text the employee handed to him, his voice dripping with venom

Then, full of arrogance, she claims it is very easy for a travelling salesman to earn as much as 600,000 drachmas per month, whereas the basic salary of an office employee is no more than 140,000 drachmas

Almost a third of them were associated with the Kassikan in some way, counting those in close association with a Kassikan employee or contractor’s employee

One or two go off and shout at the nearest rail employee they can find … not sure what they hope to achieve by this or what they expect him to do, but they do it all the same

The large man behind the desk was both warm and good-natured, and treated Harry not as a courier but as a capable employee of a prestigious Architecture firm

employee to tell me to leave and that

But because my auntie keep on writing to my sister and even my employer herself wrote to me also and sent the employee meant contract to sign my signature, they tried to convince me to accept it

“And you nine, and were promoted to Purser four years ago after you got the employee of the year award in 2006

From there she branched in to the areas she knew the most about, Sales, bookkeeping, employee record keeping, tax records, and balancing the two sides with the middle

what had been suggested by the federal employee

«He was also an employee of ours,» the man answered

two hours of actual productivity per employee

for purposes of planning the annual Christmas employee party

To dream that you have a new employee indicates that you are discovering a new aspect of yourself

Markus: I am a loyal employee, and I believe that it is in the best of both of our interests to have this conflict resolved

For example, an employer may offer a promotion and an employee may trust that the new salary will be reflected on the next paycheque

Emigration rules were strict for anyone, especially an Anglo employee

Employee rights may be included

Martin explained to him that he was fairly certain his employee had left the area and did he know where he had gone

Martin knew how tough Columbia’s security was on transit visas, especially for a citizen and employee of Atlantica

“If you will listen to me for a minute, I’ll explain that the water system you just spoke of may be in danger of being compromised by an Anglo employee of Alleghenia, who has left without a Security passport,” Martin said firmly

Employee #1: It’s not often that we’re asked to work this late

Employee #2: It’s not often that the hotel gets a special request like this

After all, I am an employee of the Administration and I’ve just left without notice,”

“Well, I said before that Security was looking for me because I’m an employee who left his position without an explanation

And now, here he was running errands like an apprentice employee who’d just been given some real responsibility … and a true sense of purpose

That had also been stressful as, even though the commander was a direct government employee, he knew she was going to face the brunt of the upset the government’s evacuation plan was going to cause

employee, accidentally killed in the fire

What has it done for us so far? Well, according to recent reports, it has indeed created a few hundred thousand more jobs, primarily, of course for teachers unions and other public employee unions, and at the miniscule cost of around $278,000

Public Employee Unions, n

The relationship between the national Democrat party and the public employee unions, especially the National Federation of Teachers, and the Public Service Employees Union

The chosen operative, of course, complied with the rules of the Temporal Directive: he was not from the time of Earth’s crisis, and his role did not allow him to effect a [noticeable] change in the predicted time-line; his apparent mission was merely to assist a captive (Gerrid Lytum, former employee of the Darangi via the Nine committee) who had been subjugated within an artificial reality of his own creation by an oppressive Artificial Intelligence

Louie collected the money and paid me the same as if I was an employee that was working for hourly wages, when I thought we were partners in this project

Although I firmly agree that professionalism is a function of character rather than appearance, I am equally inclined to support the notion that many individuals (including yours truly) require (some) structure in their lives and that the degree an employee adopts a more casual approach to his or her personal appearance, he or she will likely to adopt similar (laid-back) attitudes as they relate to work; that is to say, that the one arguably feeds off the other

This is likely to change, however, as higher paying positions and job security in the Private Sector are becoming less certain while the alternative prospects for longer term employment in the Public Sector coupled with generous employee benefits, equal or higher salaries and lucrative retirement packages are gradually attracting a broader cross section of recent college graduates including those counted among the ―better‖ educated

As she was not merely an employee but a director and a member of the Board, they were eager for her to regain her health and return to work

Prevention is always better than cure but this Guide assumes the worst case scenario – your employee travelling in Africa is kidnapped

How close could she get? This was a hard thing to discuss with an employee

Also if rescued the employee may be kept in that country as a witness afterwards

Remember you are a Corporate, not a Government, and as such are fully entitled to negotiate the release of your employee

One of the absurdities of this type of insurance is that those who have it are often not aware of it as it is believed that an employee may conspire in his own kidnapping if he is aware of it

Also the type of employee kidnapped is mostly senior men who should be trusted

We were involved in the release of a Super Sport employee in 2010 and a substantial amount was paid for him

“Each employee has a personal stake in the discussion, and they know what their options are

He stepped from the building’s back door and went down the steps leading to the employee parking lot

At the entrance to the back rooms, an employee distributed condoms, towels, soap, body lotions – and crack

Anderson in his scheme returned with a wave of grief: she had trusted him and been his most dedicated and loyal employee

Truman picked up the phone, dialed the OIJ in San José and asked if they had any information regarding a missing Nicaraguan embassy employee, Raul Herrera

A police spokesman speculated that the death of the Nicaraguan embassy employee represented the killing of a murderer within the notorious Tweety-Bird gang – and, through it all, Gordon Edward was portrayed as virtually a national hero

“When I looked at the identity card of the Nicaraguan embassy employee, I began to ask myself if perhaps sharing a surname might not be more than mere coincidence

You, your two friends, the two police officers, Vargas and Segovia, and the Nicaraguan embassy employee were all members of the Tweety-Bird gang

The employee gave an imitation wave, which was something unknown in its own cultural sub-context, turned and went back towards the building with the vehicles parked in front

The pension application process turned out to be kind of mean and arbitrary as well, with every government employee, charged with the responsibility of administering those pensions, taking great delight in conspiring to deny those benefits to anyone that actually needed them

replace the injured employee and the loss of production from the accident

Since the employee is now responsible for the initial costs of his health the results have

2% from the employee and 6

2% and each employee is given credit

When it is President Obama and he prejudges police officers and a governmental employee, Shackly, (who his system fired) it is faulty common sense

Therefore, the employee stops receiving for the rendered service and the organization stays without the Validation of its Process for its customer

Wilson was a Bush-hater, a liar, and a schemer, what and who then was his wife? His wife was Valerie Plame, a looker and an employee of the CIA

yourself in the same way as you would consider yourself a service employee to a law firm, such

gross to the franchiser forever, has all kinds of rules he has to follow, overhead to worry about, employee headaches, and

A Workers Comp claim for a business with one full-time employee would skyrocket my rates

It included the idea that both parties to a labor agreement, the individual employee and the owner of a business, a mine, or a factory, had the same liberty to bargain for the wage paid to the worker

My father was a government employee and after his retirement, the only asset he could acquire was a decent one bedroom flat

Kennedy made with the public employee unions nearly half a century ago

The Democrats are in a state of panic because the loss of their filibuster proof Senate majority means they may no longer be allowed by a Tea Party aroused public to pay off the public employee unions as their part of JFK’s Faustian bargain

She was a great employee and, over time,

nate any employee whose register was off by more than five dollars

employee who told him that a lady from the drive-thru needed to speak

We also have hospitalization paid for in total by the company, not only for the employee, but his or her dependents

applicants where he has actually had the prospective employee get angry with him regarding the manner in which he asked questions

Whenever he had the confidence in an employee, he did show or try to impress on the individual the fact that he

Some employers never express any attitude about performance of an employee

very bright, but would be a dedicated employee

Bill was a very dedicated employee

publicly because, as a government employee, he was effectively gagged

This kind of attack is akin to stealing the building master keys from the building janitor: the perpetrator accesses the system as if they were an entrusted employee

improper personal relationship with a female civilian employee at the United

This is because fans generally want to feel they are interacting with the brand, not an employee

• Do the proper checks and balances exist so that one employee does not have an undue

What is the true cost of an employee?

to clients, or high level executive positions the true cost of an employee can be much, much

For software consultants, law firms, engineering and architect firms the fully loaded employee

“high”, once you compare that to the year round cost of an employee you may find it is a

Observe the signs: It’s a cliché that the devoted employee who never takes a vacation is

delegated to a low level accounting employee, but it can be outsourced at minimal cost to a

an hour employee – or for that matter your $250 an hour executive who really should be

buyouts, employee shares, private equity purchases and taking the steps now to position the

One young employee, with an almost hysterical giggle, was

civilian employee he had never seen, or even heard of, someone’s receiving the F job that OOL dished out to me

Luckily, the chairman who was also an EB salaried employee gave me the EAP Director’s name and phone number on the back of a raffle ticket

For many years he was a blue collar federal government employee at Hill AFB and several arsenals

Learn how to use employee in a sentence and make better sentences with `employee` by reading employee sentence examples.

  • The owner and his employee were super nice.
  • Employee passion for their work is critical to insuring that your business will grow and succeed.
  • The employee taking orders did not speak English.
  • Maybe come summer they’ll put my preferred stuff back on the menu, although one employee had doubts.
  • I felt compelled to write a review for this chain because of the sweet employee who helped me.
  • He is a great employee, hard working unlike most people.
  • I once witnesses her yelling at the only employee she had working with her.
  • Grievances are caused due to the differences between employee expectations and management practices.
  • The cold brew tasted watered down and the employee was ridiculously passive aggressive.
  • Then the line helper talked to the only employee behind a counter.
  • I asked the employee what the green thai tea taste like and she gave me a sample of it.
  • In the process, the employee to be becomes frustrated before even starting the first day of work.
  • Right as I pulled in I was greeted with a warm and friendly employee.
  • Or just a fellow employee pretending.
  • Thank you Capriotti’s for treating me right as a former employee and now a capaddict.
  • The employee who took my order was friendly and helpful.
  • Employee training is a vital part of any business, most especially in the health care industry.
  • She informed me she was extremely uncomfortable with how your employee spoke to her.
  • But, when an employee absents himself or herself this is definitely not going to be the case.
  • Over 200 units and he was the only handy employee.
  • One employee was getting dropped off for work, so it was obvious there was a paying customer.
  • Every employee was eager to help and I never saw the bottom of my drink.
  • I stated exactly what is was i needed and the employee said yes for sure they had it.
  • Each employee here assured me that the coiled UV light they sold would be more than sufficient.
  • I watched a male employee walk in with a rolled cigarette burning and go sit in the office.
  • Then you bring the post it outside and tell the employee what you want.
  • I have the utmost sympathy for coffee employees as I’m a former Second Cup and Starbucks employee.
  • Remember how I said we had asked another employee for more veggies and dips.
  • I showed my coupon to the employee that greeted me outside.
  • Really wish this employee would suffer some type of disciplinary actions.
  • Tell the store employee what you’re interested but emphasize that you don’t have a designer.
  • Sept ’17 and this place is still left with a single employee on a Sunday.
  • There was not a single employee in the building.
  • Called and spoke with a very helpful and kind employee about a arcade repair reference.
  • Having to deal with poor employee performance is not a favorite management task.
  • Employee looked at me and acted like it was MY fault that my order was wrong.
  • What a wonderful and caring employee.
  • So I went inside and asked the employee about the party tray.
  • But I guess with any large company, you always have a bad employee or two.
  • I walked in and the employee behind the counter was doing a FREE water test.
  • If you are a regular employee, you would have heard about the quick payday loans.
  • I vividly remember an employee of the mansion suggesting that I should step away from the piano.
  • The employee Ed Knox was rude.
  • Thank you for your honest employee and such a wonderful experience.
  • Likewise they keep employee personal items away from the cash registers.
  • Imagine you are a company, you are hiring an employee, the painter.
  • How does a facility lose track of an employee and children that many times for this this happen.
  • They had a total of 3 employees working and only one employee was actually busy helping a couple.
  • No manager should treat their employee like that especially when you make a scene out of it.
  • Not always the best customer service but I can deal with the occasional rude employee.
  • The ideal payroll software helps companies to easily process employee payrolls.
  • O e employee was sitting down, on a laptop watch Hulu.
  • He was also training a new employee, Chris C.
  • They are employee theft, shoplifting, vendor theft and paperwork errors.
  • Employee benefits are a crucial piece of getting quality employees to work for your small business.
  • Employee was talking crude and loud on the phone and completely ignored us.
  • They seriously need training employee customer service.
  • The only reason I didn’t give them a 5 is because of one employee in particular.
  • The employee talked to us like we were 3.
  • So after walking my 12 pack of PBR through the store i found an employee and asked.
  • So not really the employee’s fault.
  • Walked in and looked around and not one employee said hello or offered any help.
  • The new employee mixed in the card note with special handling instructions.
  • Every employee was super helpful.
  • Kudos to this great employee on your staff.
  • Also would like to give kudos to rental employee, Allison.
  • To me business ethics is about balancing the needs of the employer, employee, and the customer.
  • The employee Kevin was rude and unprofessional.
  • The first situation arises when, as an employer, your employee creates a particular work for you.
  • As a SSW employee, I am so tired of eating Qdoba, Subway, and Pita Pit.
  • Every MacDonalds employee is more professional than this guy.
  • I witnessed his employee jumping over our gated wall, the day i fired him.
  • Imagine what your organization could accomplish with a simple mix shift in employee type.
  • But one employee really stood out.
  • As a business owner or employee six sigma is a unique and often used business strategy.
  • Called over to employee 2, who went in the back and brought out 4 of everything.
  • I’ll call the employee ‘Miss B’, a young Afro American female at early 20’s or maybe late teens.
  • No wonder this store has horrible reviews and high rate of employee turn over.
  • In either case, it is up to you to hire the perfect employee.
  • The best employee is susceptible to this disease, but there is a vaccination available.
  • Perhaps he is an inexperienced employee or a family member.
  • An extra stamp doesn’t matter but a friendly employee makes the difference in any company.
  • Thankfully a male employee stepped up to assist.
  • 8 thousand self checkouts with only one employee assisting at any given time.
  • That requires continuous employee training on customer relations.
  • She hands my food while talking to an employee and doesn’t even say thank you or looks at me.
  • An employee named Larry said that a room would be available for us at noon.
  • He hooks that lady up with another employee and takes me to get my car.
  • My favorite employee is Anna.
  • But here in a home business you are the boss and the employee.
  • I would be interested in knowing the employee longevity for this company.
  • These rights include rights as a person, employee and your rights to privacy.
  • She’s a wonderful sales employee and the whole store was great.
  • Many organizations feel that most any employee will do in most any role.
  • Most importantly, they had an employee ready to make you a personalized omelet.
  • In fact, every employee looked as though they were engaged in forced labor.
  • Went back up to desk and finally a few minutes later an employee took it from us.
  • This is most important in employee hiring situations.
  • The employee then proceeded to watch while someone else started her clients manicure.
  • This review is more about employee behavior.

Similar words: Empty Space, Empty Stomached, Emphasised, Emptory, Emptores, Empodia, Employee Motivation, Emphasize A Word, Empyreuma, Employee Handbook, Employer Owned, Empedocles, Employment Rate, Empowered, Empoli, Empty Chair, Empty Armed, Emphasized, Empurple, Empathise

  • Use the word EMPLOYEE in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Tonight’s story tells about a business tycoon… and will give you something to ponder if you have ever given an employee the sack. Or if you intend to.

Every employee in this room and their partner has until tomorrow night to scour through the obits, do whatever you have to do to raise $100,000 of auction material.

He is the shiniest employee we have.

In my eyes… you’re an employee at the risk of getting fired for your strange behaviors.

The woman that Tae Gong Shil went after earlier is the employee at the Dahlia shop.

To stick himself out there to take his employee‘s side like that.

Is that young lady your employee?

A friend of Hector’s, a bank employee

Bank employee suspected of murder.

We have just learned that a bank employee, Egon Stirner was arrested for the murder of Lia Leid while preparing his escape.

Albert, another employee.

For credit to the employee

Creo that has understood, therefore, I offer to him an employee position.

She’s his boss, he’s the employee. That’s final.

And I keep telling him, you silly boy, I’m telling him, if you love her, you can be her employee a thousand times, you simply have to tell her!

I’m just a faithful employee.

Why? You’re a senior employee with a pension starting next year.

You’re just an employee yourself! Mind your own business!

Can the director and an employee be together?




Am I the only employee invited?

Silence. I will dismiss, discharge and disqualify any employee who gets familiar with the guests.

An employee of mine with this loathsome, cowardly habit.

Eiko Takamatsu Yuriko, employee

There is an employee named Yuriko among them.

Serves me right for trying to treat an employee as an equal!

But I’ll have my employee kick you out.

Every Friday, the cashier takes a certain route with the employee payroll.

Now, I know you won’t believe me… but I’m more than just an employee. I’m the best friend you’ve got on earth.

There isn’t an employee in the hospital wouldn’t lay down his life for you and Joyce… just as they would have for the doctor.

May I suggest that we inform the press that he is an employee of the Malloy Company?

Mr. Driftwood is an employee of the Opera Company.

Well. I’m not an employee of the mill.

And the tram employee who had his Leg cut off.

Well, the doctor says it’s appendicitis, and in 20 minutes he’s going to take this employee of yours, and put him under ether.

You had an employee called uh…

But it was written by your employee.

In order that I may learn what happened to a certain employee of mine.

I do not permit any such criticism of my behavior from a hotel employee.

Every employee with whom Mr Victor Albert comes into contact must create the proper atmosphere.

Herr Werther, excuse me. It’s just a court employee.

He’s in the second row, a little hidden, since he isn’t an employee, but my nephew and he’s been singing in the choir for 10 years now.

Well, an employee of yours, a young woman, left a baby with us today.

You see, when I found out that they wanted to take you on as an employee I spoke to the husband of the niece of the sister of an employee who’s friends with the Assistant Manager, who’s close to the Managing Director.

This young man, this minor employee of yours, has just won the $25,000 Maxford House New Slogan contest.


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