Use the word employed in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word employed, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use employed in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «employed».

Employed in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word employed in a sentence.

  1. For this he employed three strategies.

  2. Soothing balms were sometimes employed.

  3. Rhodes also employed engineers Ulrich A.

  4. The plant employed 8,500 workers in 1941.

  5. He employed the butterfly style of goaltending.

  6. Challenge dances usually employed three judges.

  7. At its peak the project employed 13,000 persons.

  8. Standish was employed as their military adviser.

  9. There are two versions of how TA48 was employed.

  10. While employed there, he applied to be an attorney.

  11. Mattoo instead employed Narayan as a sarangi player.

  12. Shepard also employed a private chef for his family.

  13. He was also employed in a law firm for a few months.

  14. In June, Herriman was employed by the New York World.

  15. A farmworker or agricultural worker is someone employed for labor in agriculture.

  16. A year later the USFS employed men to guard the cave and to serve as tour guides.

  17. Like its predecessor, Modern Times employed sound effects but almost no speaking.

  18. For some time before the robbery, Helfeld was employed at the Schnurmann factory.

  19. The tests there were much the same as those employed to select the Mercury Seven.

  20. The game employed dynamic music, and altered pre-rendered backgrounds in response to gameplay events.

  21. Kaiser Barbarossa was thereafter employed as a floating prison for prisoners of war in Wilhelmshaven.

  22. He then employed a close friend, Cyril Fox, to take on the vacated position of Keeper of Archaeology.

  23. Almost every possible means of vocal expression is employed separately or in combination with others.

  24. Conditions were poor; the mill employed child labour bought from workhouses in Birmingham and London.

  25. As the 18th century dawned, Sicilian architects were employed to create the new palazzi and churches.

  26. Hamilcar employed combined arms tactics in a Fabian strategy from his base at Eryx, north of Drepana.

  27. The Liberators were employed on anti-submarine patrol off Cape Leeuwin later that month, owing to No.

  28. Minimal digital plug-ins were employed for the mix as Castellon preferred the sound of outboard gear.

  29. After repairs, Bellerophon was employed blockading the enemy fleets in the Channel and the North Sea.

  30. By the turn of the century, the mines employed about 150 men and produced 300 tonnes of coal each day.

  31. Garran was the first, and for a time the only, public servant employed by the Government of Australia.

  32. She employed two private hairdressers, who would style her hair on a regular basis in the White House.

  33. After the war, Berg was occasionally employed by the OSS’s successor, the Central Intelligence Agency.

  34. A large temple also owned sizable tracts of land and employed thousands of laymen to supply its needs.

  35. Burnell was employed in Gascony during the late 1280s, helping to administer that duchy and to reorganise its government.

  36. There is, however, evidence that in the new naval bases in Palestine shipwrights from Persia and Iraq were also employed.

  37. Sometimes, pressure switches are employed to designate deficient pressure to ensure that the required flow is maintained.

  38. Hoyt had been employed by United Airlines since 1937, and had 9,763 flying hours experience, 549 of which were in a DC-6.

  39. Of the 588 residents employed age 16 and over, private-sector wage and salary workers accounted for 457 of them or 77.7%.

  40. If ships were damaged, the Chinese of the 11th century employed drydocks to repair them while suspended out of the water.

  41. He was a seasoned actor and had been employed by Charles Kean in his theatre company at the Princess’s Theatre in London.

  42. After his playing career at Yale ended in 1882, Camp was employed by the New Haven Clock Company until his death in 1925.

  43. He employed excellent artists who each produced high-quality work at a pace of two or three hand-coloured prints per day.

  44. Torpor has a short duration; when torpor is employed consistently for days, weeks, or months, it is known as hibernation.

  45. During the advance from the Seine, the Second Army employed only six of its eight infantry divisions, so the transport of two could be used to help maintain the other six.

  46. Sōryū’s aircraft were employed in operations during the Second Sino-Japanese War in the late 1930s and supported the Japanese invasion of French Indochina in mid-1940.

  47. During these battles the Song navy employed swift paddle wheel driven naval vessels armed with traction trebuchet catapults aboard the decks that launched gunpowder bombs.

  48. In June 1944, the Manhattan Project employed some 129,000 workers, of whom 84,500 were construction workers, 40,500 were plant operators and 1,800 were military personnel.

  49. The builder of West Wycombe, Sir Francis Dashwood, 2nd Baronet, employed at least three architects and two landscape architects in the design of the house and its grounds.

Synonyms for employed

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word employed has the following synonyms: engaged, hired, working, on the job, busy, made use of and exploited.

General information about «employed» example sentences

The example sentences for the word employed that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «employed» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «employed».

employed — перевод на русский

Why should this man be in the building… unless he is employed here, or at least known?

О чего бы ему находиться в здании, если он здесь не работает или не бывает регулярно?

She’s not employed. She helps me.

Она у меня не работает, она оказывает услугу.

Is it true that a Miss Gerda Böttcher is employed as a maid in your house?

Правда ли, что фройлен Герда Батхер работает горничной в вашем доме?

Not employed;

Не работает;

Otherwise the problem is that… — Your sister is employed, isn’t it?

Твоя сестра тоже не работает, да?

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I employ them.

Я их нанял.

— My son employs a manservant?

Мой сын нанял слугу?

Mr. Parker is the first wildlife commissioner to employ the locals and split the profits with them.

Мистер Паркер — первый коммисионер, который нанял местных жителей и разделил с ними полученную прибыль.

— And in what capacity does he employ you, Monsieur Graves?

И в качестве кого он нанял Вас?

It employed me for nursemaid of Violet, his daughter of the partner.

Он нанял меня в качестве няни для Виолетты.

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Draim employs telepaths to scan everyone who works for him.

Дрейм нанимает телепатов, чтобы сканировать всех, кто на него работает.

She walked in and said, «I’m sorry we no longer employ male attorneys,» then fired me.

Она зашла в мой кабинет и сказала, «Прошу прощения эта юридическая фирма больше не нанимает адвокатов-мужчин» и потом уволила меня.

If he can’t get his ideology through in some media, he fires the board and employs all his friends.

Если он не может получить своего через медиа, он увольняет свой совет и нанимает всех своих друзей.

She employs coloured menservants…

Она нанимает цветных слуг…

You were answering phones for a cab company That employs illegal drivers, weren’t you?

Вы отвечали на звонки фирмы такси, которая нанимает нелегальных водителей, не так ли?

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Dr. Weeks took it upon himself to employ a wholly experimental method in surgery.

Доктор Викс взял на себя смелость использовать полностью экспериментальный метод в хирургии.

Just the sort of people the Draconians would employ.

Люди, которых могли бы использовать драконианцы.

You also recommended to employ Yomi who was released on parole.

Вы также посоветовали использовать Йоми, который был досрочно освобожден.

Then, in the final days of fighting the higher-ups decided to employ State Alchemists.

В последние годы войны… командование решило использовать в войне государственных алхимиков.

I’ll begin with criminal law, maybe get a union to employ me.

Начну с криминального права, может, разрешу Союзу использовать меня.

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Don Nacio Delator does not employ fugitives from the law.

Дон Нас и о Дэлатор не предлагает работу тем, кто скрывается от закона.

Yes, and at the same time, give him a rocket for employing the twerp in the first place.

Да, и к тому же, всыпь ему сперва как следует за то, что он принял на работу этого идиота.

Well, we started at the same time We graduated the same year from the same school We were employed together by the hospital

Ну, мы начали в одно время, мы закончили в один год одну и ту же школу, нас вместе приняли на работу в больницу, у меня, как и у него, не было никаких связей в нашем городе.

This temporary housekeeper had only been recently employed for the family stay at Hunter’s Lodge.

Экономку взяли на временную работу, чтобы она обслуживала семью, пока семья будет находиться в охотничьем доме.

I mean, between you and Leo, and Prue, the new, hot Wicca woman, and me, soon to be employed, things are looking up.

Вы с Лео вместе, Прю — горячая ведьма, а я скоро найду работу. Похоже, всё к лучшему.

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would you like to come under our employ?

не хотите поступить на службу?

It means there is no Lord anywhere who would be able to employ you.

который принял бы тебя на службу!

We are sorry that we are so unnaturally employ’d in such an unkind office.

Нам очень жаль, что мы должны нести такую службу Что подобает более врагам, нежели братьям.

Who left my employ about two years ago?

Кто оставил мою службу около двух лет назад?

I’m pleased to tell you the Brothers Jones will be leaving your employ.

Рад сообщить вам, что братья Джонсы покидают службу.

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«and his crew is morally and legally entitled… «to employ forceful means in wresting his command from him.»

В этом случае экипаж имеет право применить силу, чтобы отстранить его от командования.

Doctor, do you feel any way may be found to employ Medusan navigators on starships?

Доктор, думаете, вы бы смогли найти способ применить медузианские навигаторы на наших кораблях?

I suggest you employ it.

Советую тебе применить её.

So I decided to employ operant conditioning techniques,

Поэтому я решил применить технику оперантного научения,

But if you want to find out who she is, where she’s from, and what she’s doing in that damn house, I might have to employ some methods just a little bit unorthodox.

Но если ты хочешь узнать, что она такая, откуда она, и что она делает в том проклятом доме, мне, может быть, придётся применить чуть-чуть нестандартные методы.

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No, it is I who am blessed to have you in my employ.

Это мне повезло с таким сотрудником как ты.

Dean is employed by First Defense.

Дин является её сотрудником.

The gunman, Gavin Bryant, was gainfully employed as a corporate headhunter.

Человек с пистолетом, Гевин Брайант, был наемным сотрудником по поиску персонала.

And tammy linnata. They swear they They only had sexual relations once In his office, and she was never in the employ

Они клянутся, что у них… у них лишь однажды были сексуальные отношения в его кабинете, и она никогда не была сотрудником Локхарт/Гарднер, поэтому она не была подчиненной.

I was never employed there.

Я не являлся их сотрудником.

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There is violence in Chicago, but not by me and not by anybody I employ.

онечно, в «икаго есть насилие, но не € его источник… » ни один из моих работников.

Our companies employ over half a million people.

У нас более полумиллиона работников.

I don’t know if anyone called you, but we’re looking for someone in your employ,

Не знаю, звонил ли кто тебе, но мы ищем одного из твоих работников,

Higher, in fact, than any other person currently employed by NCIS.

На деле даже выше, чем у других работников морской полиции.

Mr Crowder, I have many men in my employ.

Мистер Краудер, у меня большой штат работников.

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Well… he’s employed here.

Ну, по крайней мере, он здесь нанят.

From his rap sheet, I’m guessing he was employed as security.

Судя по отчётам, он был нанят как охранник.

A police officer that worked with the Pirate Bay investigation was employed by a film studio shortly after the investigation.

Офицер полиции, который занимался расследованием дела The Pirate Bay, был нанят киностудией, сразу же после расследования.

Jace, I’m employed by the Defense Department.

Джейсон, я был нанят Министерством Обороны.

They were employed by politicians.

Они наняты политиками.

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He had a native woman, he employed natives in a manner they were familiar with

According to the information, he was employed at a local school teaching music having graduated two years earlier, though there was a note that he was on intermittent sick leave due to the serious and debilitating form of migraine from which he suffered

He became so good at sitting and watching and waiting that a local farmer who lived like a feudal lord in one of the bigger mountain villages employed him as a geriatric shepherd boy

‘I was employed by her parents, who were justifiably terrified for the girl

This is Gonzar, she shares his cabin but isn’t employed by the ship

That he is no longer in direct control of the levers of power is a shame, but in his time of greatness he employed a whole army of secretaries and assistants, whose sole job it was to document every fact and every detail of every case and policy so that he could remain true to his principles

Safe and sound on the outside and aided by the proceeds from Danny’s own bank account, together with funds received from an unwitting, Canadian ice hockey player, Annie and her great-aunt employed the services of a very expensive legal practice in the heart of Manchester’s business district

deeds and he employed the cleverest scholars to write true accounts

the technology employed by the prince

Given the obvious levels of security employed

‘I think I’d better gather up this woman and all her clutter and remove her from your offices, Gary, especially as she is no longer employed here

“Yeah, the temple employed the most expert vintners in the Isles in these days,” Yellelle told her

time of greatness he employed a whole army of secretaries and

employed both men at a very competitive salary and asked them to

alleviated when the Emotion Code is employed

employed the services of a very expensive legal practice in the

It wasn’t until I overheard her talking to Millie, our daughter, just before her wedding, that I realised the tactics she’d employed all these years

The business was shipping but most of his warehouse space was actually used as residences by the poor he employed

Ozzie concentrated on his meal, staring into space whenever not employed in filling his mouth

dragon was on the ground, they employed weighted ropes and nets to

When he was little, Harry learned quickly the techniques his father employed in fashioning cane rods

To the untrained man, to the casually aggressive, violence is a blunt instrument wielded on a whim and a skin full, but to Alex it is a tool employed with the loving care of a master craftsman

He was employed on account of that peculiarity of his nature; as the substance of his dealings was more in the arena of corporate reconnaissance, rather than ‘over the counter’ business

‘But I thought you were employed by the Bishop?’ he

and dad employed three men that worked for him year-round

All male children exempted according to an approved criteria, or beyond school age up to the age of eighteen years, not currently apprenticed or otherwise gainfully employed, shall henceforward be required to provide bi-annual proof of employment to this Council at the commencement of Autumn school term and at the end of Spring school term

Lawrence Spelman had begun the arduous process of the disposition of properties no longer deemed useful to themselves, or which might be better employed in the use of others

The Flower employed

He intended to build a proper school house for the town in lieu of the poorly renovated burnt out building provisionally employed for the purpose

employed in its construction, as well as some of his more

He employed more interesting building details for the facade and added a bell tower of sorts, nothing ostentatious just well adapted to the balance and symmetry of the structure

Before I left for Hong Kong in 1977 I was employed as an office clerk in a private business firm and by that time the minimum salary was only 300 pesos a month +50 pesos allowance which was really can’t cope on the cost-of-living

He had been working as casual labour in the winter of 2013 employed in the vicinity of Coonabarabran sorting grain

Henri had, indeed, employed someone new this year, and

For several days she had to read manuals on the arcane symbologies employed in the source code for memory recall

These I set up to dry within my circle or hedge, and when they were fit for use I carried them to my cave; and here, during the next season, I employed myself in making, as well as I could, a great many baskets… (‘The life and strange surpising adventures of Robinson Crusoe,’ Daniel Defoe – 1719 – Heirs of Anderson, pub

In this state of things, the whole produce of labour belongs to the labourer; and the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, is the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity of labour which it ought commonly to purchase, command, or exchange

They are regulated altogether by the value of the stock employed, and are greater or smaller in proportion to the extent of this stock

there are two different manufactures, in each of which twenty workmen are employed, at the rate of fifteen pounds a year each, or at the expense of three hundred a-year in each manufactory

The capital annually employed in the one will, in this case, amount only to one thousand pounds; whereas that employed in the other will amount to seven thousand three hundred pounds

Neither is the quantity of labour commonly employed in acquiring or producing any commodity, the only circumstance which can regulate the quantity which it ought commonly to purchase, command or exchange for

In the price of corn, for example, one part pays the rent of the landlord, another pays the wages or maintenance of the labourers and labouring cattle employed in producing it, and the third pays the profit of the farmer

In the price of sea-fish, for example, one part pays the labour of the fisherman, and the other the profits of the capital employed in the fishery

What remains of the crop, after paying the rent, therefore, should not only replace to them their stock employed in cultivation, together with its ordinary profits, but pay them the wages which are due to them, both as labourers and overseers

As in a civilized country there are but few commodities of which the exchangeable value arises from labour only, rent and profit contributing largely to that of the far greater part of them, so the annual produce of its labour will always be sufficient to purchase or command a much greater quantity of labour than what was employed in raising, preparing, and bringing that produce to market

But there is no country in which the whole annual produce is employed in maintaining the industrious

When the price of any commodity is neither more nor less than what is sufficient to pay the rent of the land, the wages of the labour, and the profits of the stock employed in raising, preparing, and bringing it to market, according to their natural rates, the commodity is then sold for what may be called its natural price

The whole quantity of industry annually employed in order to bring any commodity to market, naturally suits itself in this manner to the effectual demand

It sinks, too, the wages of the workmen employed in preparing such commodities, for which all demand is stopped for six months, perhaps for a twelvemonth

The whole quantity brought to market, therefore, may be disposed of to those who are willing to give more than what is sufficient to pay the rent of the land which produced them, together with the wages of the labour and the profits of the stock which were employed in preparing and bringing them to market, according to their natural rates

The wages of the labour, and the profits of the stock employed in bringing such commodities to market, on the contrary, are seldom out of their natural proportion to those of the other employments of labour and stock in their neighbourhood

Whatever part of it was paid below the natural rate, the persons whose interest it affected would immediately feel the loss, and would immediately withdraw either so much land or no much labour, or so much stock, from being employed about it, that the quantity brought to market would soon be no more than sufficient to supply the effectual demand

His rent makes the first deduction from the produce of the labour which is employed upon land

This profit makes a second deduction from the produce of the labour which is employed upon land

When in any country the demand for those who live by wages, labourers, journeymen, servants of every kind, is continually increasing; when every year furnishes employment for a greater number than had been employed the year before, the workmen have no occasion to combine in order to raise their wages

The funds destined for the payment of wages, the revenue and stock of its inhabitants, may be of the greatest extent; but if they have continued for several centuries of the same, or very nearly of the same extent, the number of labourers employed every year could easily supply, and even more than supply, the number wanted the following year

We do not reckon our soldiers the most industrious set of people among us; yet when soldiers have been employed in some particular sorts of work, and liberally paid by the piece, their officers have frequently been obliged to stipulate with the undertaker, that they should not be allowed to earn above a certain sum every day, according to the rate at which they were paid

In a year of sudden and extraordinary plenty, there are funds in the hands of many of the employers of industry, sufficient to maintain and employ a greater number of industrious people than had been employed the year before ; and this extraordinary number cannot always be had

The great stocks employed in every branch of trade, and the number of rich competitors, generally reduce the rate of profit in the former below what it is in the latter

When profit diminishes, merchants are very apt to complain that trade decays, though the diminution of profit is the natural effect of its prosperity, or of a greater stock being employed in it than before

Stock employed in the purchase and improvement of such lands, must yield a very large profit, and, consequently, afford to pay a very large interest

When the most fertile and best situated lands have been all occupied, less profit can be made by the cultivation of what is inferior both in soil and situation, and less interest can be afforded for the stock which is so employed

Part of what had before been employed in other trades, is necessarily withdrawn from them, and turned into some of the new and more profitable ones

So great an accession of new business to be carried on by the old stock, must necessarily have diminished the quantity employed in a great number of particular branches, in which the competition being less, the profits must have been greater

By the wages of labour being lowered, the owners of what stock remains in the society can bring their goods at less expense to market than before ; and less stock being employed in supplying the market than before, they can sell them dearer

In a country, too, where, though the rich, or the owners of large capitals, enjoy a good deal of security, the poor, or the owners of small capitals, enjoy scarce any, but are liable, under the pretence of justice, to be pillaged and plundered at any time by the inferior mandarins, the quantity of stock employed in all the different branches of business transacted within it, can never be equal to what the nature and extent of that business might admit

In a country which had acquired its full complement of riches, where, in every particular branch of business, there was the greatest quantity of stock that could be employed in it, as the ordinary rate of clear profit would be very small, so the usual market rate of interest which could be afforded out of it would be so low as to render it impossible for any but the very wealthiest people to live upon the interest of their money

As it is ridiculous not to dress, so is it, in some measure, not to be employed like other people

employed about the easier, learns the more difficult parts of his business, and his own labour

trade in which it is employed

All the different ways in which stock is commonly employed in

of a well employed lawyer or physician, is evidently much greater than that between the

can be employed in the grocery trade, the wages of the grocer’s labour must be a very trifling

The profits of stock vary with the price of the commodities in which it is employed

part of the stock that is employed in bringing it to market, rise above their proper level, and as

industry, the quantity of industry annually employed is necessarily regulated by the annual

The operations of the speculative merchant are principally employed about

nearer to those of manufacturing labour, and the profits of stock employed in agriculture to

stocks accumulated in them come in time to be so great, that it can no longer be employed

then spreads itself, if I my say so, over the face of the land, and, by being employed in

labourer’s, therefore, supposing them to have been constantly employed, were much superior

that of stock likewise; the quantity of stock which can be employed in any branch of business

depending very much upon that of the labour which can be employed in it

Such parts only of the produce of land can commonly be brought to market, of which the ordinary price is sufficient to replace the stock which must be employed in bringing them thither, together with its ordinary profits

The surplus, too, is always more than sufficient to replace the stock which employed that labour, together with its profits

A great part of the cultivated lands must be employed in rearing and fattening cattle ; of which the price, therefore, must be sufficient to pay, not only the labour necessary for tending them, but the rent which the landlord, and the profit which the farmer, could have drawn from such land employed in tillage

Their lands, therefore, have been principally employed in the production of grass, the more bulky commodity, and which cannot be so easily brought from a great distance; and corn, the food of the great body of the people, has been chiefly imported from foreign countries

It is convenient for the maintenance of the cattle employed in the cultivation of the corn; and its high rent is, in this case, not so properly paid from the value of its own produce, as from that of the corn lands which are cultivated by means of it

The numerous hands employed in the one species of cultivation necessarily encourage the other, by affording a ready market for its produce

The greater part of the cultivated lands in Cochin China are employed in producing corn and rice, the food of the great body of the people

Should this root ever become in any part of Europe, like rice in some rice countries, the common and favourite vegetable food of the people, so as to occupy the same proportion of the lands in tillage, which wheat and other sorts of grain for human food do at present, the same quantity of cultivated land would maintain a much greater number of people ; and the labourers being generally fed with potatoes, a greater surplus would remain after replacing all the stock, and maintaining all the labour employed in cultivation

The other half, therefore, or at least the greater part of them, can be employed in providing other things, or in satisfying the other wants and fancies of mankind

After replacing the stock employed in working those different mines, together with its ordinary profits, the residue which remains to the proprietor is greater, it seems, in the coarse, than in the precious metal

The stock which must commonly be employed, the food, clothes, and lodging, which must commonly be consumed in

This value was antecedent to, and independent of their being employed as coin, and was the quality which fitted them for that employment

That employment, however, by occasioning a new demand, and by diminishing the quantity which could be employed in any other way, may have afterwards contributed to keep up or increase their value

And despite his protests, he knew that it wouldn’t be long before that weapon was employed once more

The tonnage, accordingly, of all the European shipping employed in the East India trade, at any one time during the last century, was not, perhaps, much greater than that of the English East India company before the late reduction of their shipping

In the manufactures of Birmingham alone, the quantity of gold and silver annually employed in gilding and plating, and thereby disqualified from ever afterwards appearing in the shape of those metals, is said to amount to more than fifty thousand pounds sterling

Some part is sent annually by the Acapulco ships to Manilla; some part is employed in a contraband trade, which the Spanish colonies carry on with those of other European nations; and some part, no doubt, remains in the country

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1 Lose not time; be always employed in something useful; cut off all unnecessary actions. 

2 She was employed in a bank.

3 We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.

4 He employed himself in English grammar.

5 The ranch employed ten or twelve cowboys.

6 He was employed to chuck out any troublemakers.

7 They employed the girl for that job.

8 He employed a detective to shadow his wife.

9 A number of people have been employed to deal with the backlog of work.

10 I have been employed at this job for five years.

11 He employed a scorched-earth policy, destroying villages and burning crops.

12 Male nurses are often employed in hospitals for the mentally ill.

13 By 1960 the arms industry in America directly employed 3.5 million people.

14 You will be employed to assist in the development of new equipment.

15 For the past three years he has been employed as a firefighter.

16 The woman secretaries should be employed for their ability not for their looks.

17 She is employed by the president in an advisory capacity.

18 You would be better employed tidying your room.

19 He’s employed on the oil rigs.

20 The methods employed are old-fashioned and uneconomical.

21 Kelly is employed as a mechanic.

22 Instead of wasting time, she employed herself in reading.

23 He employed himself for teaching English.

24 He was busily employed in lacing up his shoes.

25 He employed his knife as a lever.

26 Those not gainfully employed are dependent on their savings.

27 They employed me as an adviser.

28 The ivory industry employed about a thousand carvers.

29 It’s impossible to evaluate these results without knowing more about the research methods employed.

30 Only those who constantly retool themselves stand a chance of staying employed in the years ahead.

More similar words: unemployed, self-employed, underemployed, return on capital employed, employee, employer, employee compensation, employ, employment, employable, unemployment, unemployment rate, employment agency, unemployment compensation, annoyed, destroyed, overjoyed, ploy, deploy, deployment, implode, implore, implosion, imploring, temple, imploringly, template, exemplar, exemplary, exemplify. 

  • Use the word EMPLOYED in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Do you know how hard it was for me to get you employed here with the help of Yoon.

Around the same time, the Bisson Brothers employed 25 porters to haul their equipment up the face of Mont Blanc, processing fragile, glass plate negatives in a dark room tent thousands of feet above sea level.

You knocked me up in the back of a station wagon on my wedding day, got me to leave the only semi-stable, employed man I’ve met in my life and convinced me that we might work together.

Was employed as a stoker in Padang on October 10, 1920.

While employed as a moving picture operator is a small town… theater he was also studying to be a detective.

«We are investigating the case of a girl who says she’s employed here -» «- she — she — there’s a baby.»

Just now I’m employed by Whiting-Small, a mail-order house.

I’m extremely sorry to have to say that your daughter-in-law, before her marriage, was in the habit of being employed as such a woman.

Dawker… that my agent happens to know the firm who in the old days employed your wife.

And now, for his sake … we no longer know where we are employed.

Perhaps you know her. Her name is Oshige, she was employed at the brewery.


Jack and I were employed to help him.




I’ve employed hundreds of girls in my shows and all sorts of things happen to them.

She was employed as governess in my home.

You’re employed by the Morita clan?

On the afternoon and evening of the day in question you were employed in your capacity as a couturier in the home of Frederick Garrett in Strand, were you not? — I was.

If the state’s evidence was as breathtaking as its sarcasm which I suggest is being employed to hide from the jury the failure of its own witnesses to back up its hollow case…

Miss Bennett, are you employed by the Morning Mail?

Are you employed by the Morning Mail?

Again, are you employed by the Morning Mail?

Prior to that time, were you employed by the Morning Mail?

Before I say it, I need to know I could be employed.

I’m little hungry, but it is all right I could be almost employed.

Since employed as bartender in Vichy and Monte Carlo.

Now, Miss Baggart, at the time Mr. Krayler was murdered… and at the same time, naturally, when Mrs. Bartlett told the butler… that she was Mr. Krayler’s new secretary, by whom were you employed?

Miss Baggart, you say that at the time of Mr. Krayler’s death, you were officially employed as his private secretary?

You were employed by these munitions people.

Mr. Novak is employed at your travel bureau.

Are you employed anywhere?

He very shrewdly employed… a group of sailors who have since disappeared, so that he alone knows the hiding place.

I hereby certify that Mademoiselle Henriette Deluzy was employed in my household as governess against the unheeded pleadings of me, their mother.

Easy for you to say! You’re not employed here, you don’t run any risks!

You arrest two mechanics employed by Fenton to sabotage planes?

This gentleman has been employed in our Buenos Aires office.

As an officer employed by the railroad, naturally IÔÇö

So, Your Honor, and ladies and gentlemen of the jury the prosecution will prove that Joe Fabrini by means of duress and threats, employed the wife of the murdered man as ruthlessly as ever a man employed a dagger or gun, to commit for profit a cold-blooded, brutal, preconceived murder.

There are still some troublemakers employed in this store we have not as yet ferreted out. But we shall.

Of course, we wouldn’t want our aircraft delivered by way of Berlin, since they are to be employed in that vicinity eventually anyhow.

I’ve never seen such observation, so much skill employed, only to make… a mistake.

You are employed at castle now?

«Judge Geary, here, is the director of the bank in which I’m employed

He was burned at the stake. The methods employed then were very primitive.

I was employed, but had to leave my job or they would have noticed.

Are you employed at present?

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