Use the word electricity in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word electricity, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use electricity in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «electricity». In addition, we also show how different variations of electricity can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are electricity—a. If you click on the variation of electricity that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Electricity in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word electricity in a sentence.

  1. The electricity supply began in 1901.

  2. Zinc is a fair conductor of electricity.

  3. In 2014, 20.24 TWh of electricity was generated.

  4. The crash knocked out the electricity and phones.

  5. Throughout the state, 20,000 homes lost electricity.

  6. At least 10,000 people lost electricity in Louisiana.

  7. In the episode, he develops an addiction to electricity.

  8. On a stormy evening, the electricity flickers on and off.

  9. Grand Coulee Dam generates 21 TWh of electricity annually.

  10. She also persuades the authorities to restore the electricity and water supplies.

  11. New Division was the first building to have electricity, with underground wiring.

  12. Strong winds left large portions of Ebeye island without electricity or telephone.

  13. The hospital was also connected to the local 11 kV electricity distribution system.

  14. At the height of the storm, over 500,000 of its residents were without electricity.

  15. Armenia’s southern neighbor Iran also helped Armenia economically by providing power and electricity.

  16. About 93% of the 211,000 power customers in the county were left without electricity after the storm.

  17. It should be borne in mind that electricity production is only part of the overall energy use budget.

  18. In a 100% renewable scenario for 2050, it is estimated that solar PV would provide 7% of electricity.

  19. Mains electricity arrived on Shapinsay in the 1970s, when an underwater cable was laid from Kirkwall.

  20. Only 18% of the population had access to electricity in 2012, though this had risen from 10.8% in 2009.

  21. He now introduced a rural electrification bill designed to subsidize the cost of providing electricity.

  22. The winds left most of island without electricity, though officials worked quickly to restore the power.

  23. Bird wished to free his hands to apply the electricity more exactly to the required part of the patient.

  24. From 1946 to 1965, the proportion of South Australians connected to electricity increased from 70 to 96%.

  25. Many areas lost electricity and telephone service, and there were disruptions to food and water supplies.

  26. As a result, electric companies sought help from as far as Pennsylvania and Maine to restore electricity.

  27. Most tunnels were lit by electricity, accommodated telephone cables and some had trams and water supplies.

  28. Along with lightning, this phenomenon is one of humanity’s earliest recorded experiences with electricity.

  29. Renewables represented 75% of all new electricity generation installed in 2019, nearly all solar and wind.

  30. The locomotive and the railcar were each fitted with a single trolley pole to collect electricity from the overhead wire.

  31. Contrary to what was done in other places, electricity was not shut down in Grand Cayman before arrival of the hurricane.

  32. After placing his client’s feet in a tub of water and attaching wires to her temples, Lim passed electricity through her.

  33. An underwater power cable brought electricity from the mainland and floodlights were placed along the walls of Fort Wood.

  34. Increasing access to electricity and clean cooking with liquefied petroleum gas have been priorities for energy in India.

  35. The electricity was supplied by an electrical substation built by English Electric, inside the tunnel near the lower end.

  36. Three people were killed in the state – a utility worker attempting to restore electricity and two by falling trees.

  37. The dam’s powerhouse began production around the time World War II began, and its electricity was vital to the war effort.

  38. Historic England describes Cragside as the «first (house) in the world to be lit by electricity derived from water power».

  39. Taylor informs him that the house dates back to the American Civil War and is without electricity, running water, or heat.

  40. In 2019, 440 nuclear power reactors produced 2586 TWh (billion kWh) of CO2-free electricity worldwide, more than the global installations of solar and wind power combined.

  41. Most electricity in Scotland is carried through the National Grid, with Scotland’s renewable mix thus contributing to the electricity production of Great Britain as a whole.

  42. Other common nesting localities are earth banks and rocky slopes, and nests have been recorded on the nests of birds of prey, unused buildings, walls, and electricity pylons.

  43. The Kingston Powerhouse, which used to provide the city’s power supply, was converted into the Canberra Glassworks in 2007, 50 years after the electricity generators stopped.

  44. Further drainage improvements were needed in the 19th century, which involved the use of mechanical pumping engines, originally steam powered but later powered by electricity.

Electricity—a in a sentence

Electricity—a is a variation of electricity, below you can find example sentences for electricity—a.

  1. No soap would jettison such gold and electricity—a figure simultaneously furious, ironic, melancholy, and horny.».

Synonyms for electricity

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word electricity has the following synonyms: electrical energy and .

General information about «electricity» example sentences

The example sentences for the word electricity that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «electricity» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «electricity».

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1. Don’t leave the lights on it wastes electricity.

2. Electricity companies pay a premium for renewable energy.

3. Gas-fired electricity is cheaper than coal.

4. Computers account for 5% of the country’scommercial electricity consumption.

5. Words like «bag»,»dog»,»nurse»,»electricity«, and «wood»are all nouns.

6. The electricity industry consumes large amounts of fossil fuels.

7. Lightning is caused by clouds discharging electricity.

8. He was there to read the electricity meter.

9. The electricity supply here is quite erratic.

10. Do you use electricity for cooking?

11. This kind of machine works by electricity.

12. They used electricity from a plug in the garage.

13. Hot water is converted to electricity by a turbine.

14. The machinery is driven by electricity.

15. Electrons are negatively charged with electricity.

16. A man came to read the electricity meter .

17. A dynamo is used to generate electricity.

18. Metal is a good conductor of electricity.

19. Is it electricity that turns the wheel?

20. That was in the days before electricity was available at the flick of a switch .

21. The electricity failed and the whole city was blacked out.

22. Copper conducts electricity well.

23. She wanted to change over from gas to electricity for her cooking.

24. Our electricity bills are higher than we can afford we must start to economize.

25. After the storm we were without electricity for five days.

26. The town is without electricity and the water supply has been cut off.

27. Electricity lines to 30(,000 homes were gradually being restored yesterday.

28. We run the washing machine at night because off-peak electricity is much cheaper.

29. Many people are living in encampments around the city with no electricity or running water.

30. I didn’t find the prospect of a house with no electricity very alluring.

More similar words: electric, electrical, electronic, electronics, electroplating, publicity, elect, select, selected, election, selection, city, deficit, explicit, doctrine, trick, strict, spectrum, district, strictly, restrict, lecture, collect, restriction, collector, celebrity, reflection, collective, collection, telecommunications. 

Somehow it seemed much more real, knowing this body had actually been born under a different sun and he wasn’t some dubious translation from dead flesh to electricity and then back to the flesh of a good friend’s hot-box daughter

Soon a humanoid shape started to appear in the middle of the rain, with arcs of electricity dancing around it until it finally took shape in the form of a man

“I can hear what you’d call the heart beat of the electricity

Limitations: cannot reach all parts of the house, best combined with another type of treatment such as electricity

Limitations: Cannot reach all parts of the house, best combined with another system such as heat or electricity

There is no electricity

At one point, handing Stephen the sugar for his cereal, my hand brushed his and I nearly jumped with the electricity between us

Now — apart from changing fuses and wiring plugs — electricity, I don’t touch

I held my hand out, groping forward through the tears that filled my unbelieving eyes, desperate to feel the electricity of his form and field

«What could be real about getting raised in a jar in outer space by ghosts that live frozen into silicon crystals with electricity?» Desa asked him

«We have the same spiral in our hair as electricity,

Jake, anticipating that this would be needed, had sent Michael earlier that morning to turn on the electricity, and to open the windows to air out the house

Luray had also been told about electricity and might get something of an image of how they could be composed only of electrons

That was the one building I insisted that we leave the electricity on

There was electricity in the air

She reached out and touched him, and a charge of electricity shot thru her

She felt another charge of electricity, light filled the cavern; her clothing fell away in shreds

and electricity out of his blood

When you have a satisfactory seated position rub your palms together vigorously to charge them with electricity and place them over your closed eyes

Terry was convinced that he could hear the air around them crackle and fizz with electricity

There are a few things that do work; we have some electricity, which we obtain as your forefathers no doubt did, thru water energy

The mild jolt of electricity pouring through his body

them crackle and fizz with electricity

Brent ran over and gently picked her up and received a large jolt of electricity for his effort, which knocked him on his ass

To give you an analogy, let’s say your body runs on electricity

powerhouse inside of you to generate al the electricity you need

They are people simulated with electricity in silicon crystals

His body jerked as if shocked with electricity, his muscles contorting into seemingly impossible positions

The crash team repeat the staged, Frankenstein dance of defibrillation on Leona’s pale skin and her body goes into momentary spasm with each fresh jolt of electricity, but the line remains stubbornly horizontal

This was such an abomination, a soul from a world of war and pestilence, living disembodied for half a century while stored as electricity in silicon crystals frozen in outer space

Stopping outside the house, I collect the post from the box on the wall and, as Sam wags her way round my legs, I finger through the half dozen letters … two offering me credit cards I don’t want, something addressed to ‘The occupier’, a bank statement, an electricity bill and a consumer survey

But that body was alive, warm, sweet smelling, not something dead and jolted back to life with electricity

He couldn’t bear to think that the body he was making love to was animated by some electricity from a silicon crystal carrying the ghost of someone long dead at a far off star

with jolts of electricity

That ghoul from outer space was probably planning it when she was still made of electricity, she wasn’t subject to the Instinct then was she? Now he wanted to go after her and have that out with her, but he didn’t dare

The electricity that had filled our table and the whole cafeteria with

Haager had improved the place, by adding electricity, to the method Old Johnny, had used

Haager had come along and updated his method, by adding a conversion plant that produced electricity, how she’d been worried the old pipes would leak, and finally he closed with the decay the place had under gone in the last few years

In spite of the lack of metals, electricity, and energy resources, there were some advanced technologies on the planet

On the third day, she covered the computer and telephone system, along with the satellite dishes and steam extractors, which turned the hot springs into electricity

Briefly, she included the new conversion idea, of Kit’s to have all cars running on battery power charged by their free electricity by spring

At least my electricity has stayed on

«Yes, it may contain impurities and conduct electricity

Your brain waves are electricity

We are copies of biological souls written on silicon and revived with electricity

This was all done under the helmet in some kind of hallucination they are able to induce in silicon crystals with electricity, but this seemed to be the closest these aliens can come to interacting with humans

They are haunted by ghosts made up of electricity in silicon crystals that are still up in those moonlets up by Narrulla

What surprised was me how quickly the water and electricity had come on when I was packing my suitcase so I had a chance to have a quick shower, and I supposed the water noise helped dull the noise of shots being fired

The air around are bodies was charged like electricity and I could see our auras merge to blend together

The bridge between our auras sparked with electricity, while it strengthened

His eyes opened to reveal white sockets, while his chest twitched with electricity that ran along his skin

To dream that the electricity is fried or out indicates your lack of insight and perspective on a situation

The late spiritual guru Sai Baba, used an analogy of electricity to describe our relationship with others

In the above analogy, electricity represents the source of our life

We have electricity because we understand the Law of

These days a home could be isolated from the power grid, relying on self- generated electricity, the solar and wind generators always worked on a reserve, so even in those dark winter days there would be enough, but as a safeguard his car – their car – could sacrifice it’s own power store

Venus’s eyes popped open in shock, anger crossing over her face like a jolt of electricity

«Electricity, power sockets in the floor

convenient electricity board box at waist level

«He needs our electricity, our microchips, our repairmen to fix his computers

came with a neatly-coiled electricity lead and

Electricity — there was another hidden

Down on St Peter’s Street all the electricity cables were buried in

Electricity was nowhere to be seen, apart from in the streetlights, flickering on to show their presence, one by one

The revolution of electricity was

in a similar way to the approaching aircraft, but in time rather than space — the canals, electricity, railways, roads, television, mobile phones, the

slowly getting back on their feet, Islington had electricity, a limited broadcasting service was

Whale oil was used as a lamp fuel and for making candles, as there was no electricity, natural gas, or kerosene for lighting in those days

Frank began to tell him about a scheme the committee were considering to put a huge wind-mill in this wall when the restoration was completed to supply the town with electricity

But it could solve the town’s electricity problems

But of course the Electricity Supply Board are against the idea too

Adrenaline, but more like a surge of electricity

She stepped back, trying to take the electricity out of the air with a little humor

electricity, for he was so alive with it! Never more alive in his life than at this moment

Electricity, the same 60-cycle AC that we had, was

He provided electricity, water, sewers, and concrete sidewalks

Gerrid had nearly completed the sequence to increase power, when a surge of electricity zipped through his body from the access console

The persistent flickers of electricity even then trying to sustain their contact, crackled about her head

As the last crow left it circled the electricity pole twice, cawing its pleasure

Then I dreamed the electricity came back on and I tripped over a cable and disabled the power supply

Glenna, fearing that the conditions would get even worse and possibly that the electricity would trip, suggested we called it a day

In short, hibernation is great if you want to reduce your electricity bills without compromising your productivity

It would also take years before there was once again a network of electricity and gas for heating and cooking

West Africa has an electricity problem and it is not unusual to have power cuts eight times a day which can last for minutes or hours

Note the electricity problems in Nigeria for your server room

“The government puts all kinds of obstacles in the way of wind developments, and shut down guys who tried to use methane from their farms to generate electricity

He had the guys bring down books on plumbing, electricity, architecture, concrete, what have ‘ya, and then pitch in with the work too, but for the most part he completely did it himself with just the help of a crew of spic laborers, and that whole experience was flat-ass cool

Though certain houses in Pilar had electricity because their owners owned private generators, the city had provided electricity since a few years ago, from six in the evening till one in the morning

From December 1st, 2003, the supply of electricity was increased to twelve hours a day

His birthplace was a village in the eastern hills of Nicaragua, far from electricity or telephones, where Mayangna was the only spoken language

The real problem was that batteries and electricity were a bit of a mystery

She could, indeed, feel a soft buzz of electricity on her skin as Raine moved from chakra to chakra

Unbuckling the leather helmet, I pulled it off, feeling my hair stick to it with sweat and static electricity

“What with the electricity being turned off, every thing in there has gone bad

There’s water lines in there, and electricity

A couple of us sat down, read a book on electricity, and then we invented the thing

As it approached kick-off time, the excitement among the young supporters sparked like electricity and it was like being part of a special, once-only gang

It had apparently been converted to electricity since its original installation, and Colling circled, examining the wires that twined down the ornate gilt chain attaching it to the ceiling

Definition of Electricity

the flowing of current that has an electric charge

Examples of Electricity in a sentence

Sheltered by the rain, Kevin risked his life to use the electricity from the outlet in order to watch television on his camping trip.


Lightning struck the power lines of the house causing the electricity to flicker and then go out.


Electricity powered the refrigerator, but the house needed gas to power the stove.


Once the electricity was shut off, it was safe to walk among the downed power lines to reach the car crash victims.


Greg quickly realized that if water comes in contact with electricity it will cause an electric shock.


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Electricity lights our houses and drives our machinery.

Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of modern science.

Mills and factories cannot work without the electricity.

In the modern world, it cannot be supposed that we can do without electricity.

Electricity is supplied through cables and wires.

With the help of electricity, we can light our rooms, run buses and trains, and draw water for irrigation.

Everything in this world is functioning through electricity.

Electricity should be installed in every village.

Now-a-days the trains in big cities run on the track with electricity.

We cannot imagine our lives without electricity.

Solar power plants produce electricity from solar energy.

The South American electric eel can produce sufficient electricity to light up 10 electric bulbs.

Electricity is one of the greatest wonders of modern science.

Air is used to run windmills to generate electricity and to irrigate the fields.

The driver of a car had lost control at a turning and had crashed into an electricity pole.

Solar energy can be converted into electricity without burning fossil fuels.

This house is fitted with electricity.

Without electricity life is difficult.

There is frequent failure of electricity in your area.

There is a serious water and electricity shortage in your locality.

We do many things with electricity nowadays.

It is a matter of great concern that there is no regular supply of electricity.

It is difficult to think of modem life without electricity.

He does not waste water and electricity.

The low voltage and irregular supply of electricity in this area is a routine matter.

The low voltage and frequent tripping of electricity in this area has become almost a daily routine.

A refrigerator operates on electricity.

We cannot imagine a world without electricity.

No household can go on without electricity.

There was no electricity all night.

The new dam will generate 5000 megawatts of electricity.

The machines are idle because there is no electricity.

How does electricity help in the home ?

Today it is difficult to imagine a world without electricity.

Science has bestowed on us the gift of electricity.

From the generator we get electricity.

Roads are lighted by electricity.

The Company has cut off our electricity supply because we haven’t paid our bill.

What has electricity done for us ?

This machine produces electricity for our daily use.

Atomic energy can produce electricity and run factories.

There was no electricity in the village.

The low voltage and irregular supply of electricity in this area is a routine matter.

Will you tell me where the electricity office is?

I do not get my electricity bill regularly.

My electricity meter is out of order.

My electricity meter runs faster.

How does electricity help in the home ?

How does electricity work for us even when we are asleep ?

He had not paid his bill, his electricity was cut off.

He failed to pay his electricity bill.

He didn’t pay his electricity bill.

The electricity was cut off.

Long ago there was no electricity and people used candles.

Often there is no supply of electricity for hours together.

There is frequent failure of electricity in your area.

Without electricity life is difficult.

The electricity failed during the typhoon.

The electricity failed during the storm.

I received the electricity bill today.

Without electricity we can’t live a good life today.

The electricity is off at the moment.

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