Use the word effort in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word effort, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use effort in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «effort».

Effort in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word effort in a sentence.

  1. Standish gave up the effort.

  2. I thought it was a great effort.

  3. The subsequent effort by the U.S.

  4. There was not effort in his play.

  5. This effort was led by Charles E.

  6. A local paper praised their effort.

  7. It is always a collaborative effort.

  8. I’m proud of his attitude and effort.

  9. Much of his squadron died in the effort.

  10. It directed an intensive research effort.

  11. Heavy German mortar fire put a stop to this effort.

  12. We’ve made a strong effort, but it’s not working.».

  13. Learning of the Japanese reinforcement effort, U.S.

  14. Project Puffin is an effort initiated in 1973 by Dr.

  15. His best effort were scores of 61 and 86 at Barbados.

  16. The Daily Telegraph called Agnew and Murphy’s effort, «new heights of ingenuity».

  17. By August 3, Colonel Warren concluded the entire effort was futile and dangerous.

  18. The two South Carolinian sloops split up in an effort to bracket the Royal James.

  19. They were helped in that effort when Democratic Massachusetts Congressman John F.

  20. Despite the effort, McCotter did not meet the polling threshold and was excluded.

  21. Soon afterwards, he participated in the Battle for No.3 Post, an effort to capture a Turkish outpost.

  22. One Western ambassador thought that the raids signaled «the end of the gallant American effort here».

  23. This effort predated the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 that established a nationwide minimum wage.

  24. It endorsed a stronger effort, but did not address the design or manufacture of a bomb in any detail.

  25. The event was a fundraiser for the war effort: over $3 million was collected in Winnipeg on that day.

  26. In an effort to raise money for the war effort, the Victory Loan campaign organized «If Day» in 1942.

  27. Davis insisted on a strategy of trying to defend all Southern territory with ostensibly equal effort.

  28. After the fall of Calais, factors outside of Edward’s control forced him to wind down the war effort.

  29. John led an expedition to Ireland in 1210 in an effort to bring the Anglo-Norman barons under control.

  30. By the mid-1970s, Pei tried proposing a new design, but the library’s opponents resisted every effort.

  31. Thompson often conversed with players as part of an effort to learn about the players he was watching.

  32. Although this effort failed, the efforts to establish such a society increased tensions in Birmingham.

  33. An accelerated effort was called for to design and build the implosion-type weapon, codenamed Fat Man.

  34. With the outbreak of World War I in August 1914, Chamberlain became deeply involved in the war effort.

  35. He followed this effort by starting (but never finishing) three novels: Sténie, Falthurne, and Corsino.

  36. In four days of intense effort, the supplies were moved from the landing beach into dispersed dumps within the perimeter.

  37. XXI Bomber Command mounted a maximum effort, and on the afternoon of 9 March 346 B-29s left the Marianas bound for Tokyo.

  38. Because of the air trapped in the insulation, this effort failed, and the canister was destroyed with plastic explosives.

  39. Nonetheless, peasant volunteers assisted the government war effort, manning roadblocks and donating supplies to the army.

  40. In an effort to free up space for Hendrix’s lead vocals, further reduction mixing was completed for «Are You Experienced?

  41. Oka’s troops put heavy fire on the Marines at the beach in effort to keep them from successfully evacuating, and the U.S.

  42. After the garrison of Nevesinje had been relieved, Laxa directed his main effort towards the Gacko and Avtovac districts.

  43. As the clock continued to tick down, Cincinnati began to use its timeouts in an effort to stop the clock after each play.

  44. This tactic failed; Oxford remained true to the Lancastrian crown and participated in Warwick’s effort to dethrone Edward.

  45. During this period, Mondlane urged further expansion of the war effort, but also sought to retain the small strike groups.

  46. She was the founding chair of Save America’s Treasures, a nationwide effort matching federal funds with private donations to preserve and restore historic items and sites.

  47. The game’s localization effort was criticized by reviewers as poorly written, being rife with grammatical mistakes that almost stopped players from enjoying the storyline.

  48. Sadler spent years observing the sleeping man in an effort to explain the phenomenon, and eventually decided the man had no mental illness and that his words were genuine.

  49. The effort failed—Churchill regarded it as the worst mistake of his life—but some lightweight sovereigns were melted and restruck dated 1925, and were released only later.

  50. The action consisted of combined air and sea engagements over four days, most near Guadalcanal and all related to a Japanese effort to reinforce land forces on the island.

Synonyms for effort

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word effort has the following synonyms: attempt, endeavor, endeavour, try, campaign, cause, crusade, drive, movement, deed, feat, exploit, elbow grease, exertion, travail and sweat.

General information about «effort» example sentences

The example sentences for the word effort that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «effort» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «effort».

Examples of how to use the word “effort” in a sentence. How to connect “effort” with other words to make correct English sentences.

effort (n): physical or mental activity needed to achieve something

Use “effort” in a sentence

He must put more effort into his work.
I wonder if my efforts will pay off.
Success depends mostly on effort.
Success depends mostly on effort.
He received a lot of praise for his efforts.
You deserve a reward for your efforts.
It seems that all my efforts are useless.

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effort — перевод на русский


I made a gigantic effort… to keep it away from the damn 0.

Я прилагал гигантские усилия воли держать шарик подальше от проклятого зеро.

And do not doubt that our efforts so far have not struck fear and panic into The cesspool of official and near-official corruption.

Думаю, наши усилия уже вселили страх и панику в души продажных чиновников и их приспешников.

All my efforts are useless.

Все мои усилия бесполезны.

This calls for a little extra effort.

Все это стоит небольшого усилия. (акцент на «стоит»)

My efforts have been too late.

Мои усилия были предприняты слишком поздно.

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All efforts to appoint this paramount…

Все попытки определить это первостепенное…

Despite my efforts to save you, you have invaded the Body, and you are causing great harm.

Несмотря не мои попытки спасти вас, вы вторглись в Тело и причинили большой вред.

Any efforts to resist us or to escape will be severely punished.

Любые попытки сопротивления или побега будут строго наказаны.

I conceived this project, I fought for government backing, and I shall carry it through to success in spite of all your efforts to stop me.

Я задумал этот проект, я боролся за поддержку государства, и я доведу его до успеха несмотря на ваши попытки остановить меня.

All correctional efforts failed.

Все попытки перевоспитания провалились.

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Nevertheless I’d be glad if our efforts were for someone less stupid.

И все же я был бы рад, если бы мы старались для кого-нибудь поумнее.

They put us into a deep sleep that gives the appearance of death, and yet they’ve never made any actual effort to destroy us. We both have healthy recollections of them returning from time to time to our ship to actually feed us.

Они погружают нас в глубокий сон, и это создает видимость смерти, но они никогда не старались уничтожить нас.

«We made efforts to create some kind of ordinary life.

«Мы старались наладить какое-то подобие нормальной жизни.»

For the past several days, we’ve been making every effort to recruit members into an alliance, but it hasn’t been easy.

Последние несколько дней мы старались, как могли, чтобы привлечь членов в наш альянс, но это оказалось не просто.

Well, sir, our efforts earned gushing praise.

Предположение ошибочно, мы старались изо всех сил.

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I don’t know if your efforts are enough to put you back in your position.

Вряд ли ваши старания помогут вернуть беглеца.

Small favor in return for our good efforts on your behalf.

Небольшая услуга за наши старания ради вас.

Now, all my efforts will be rewarded!

А теперь, все мои старания будут вознаграждены!

I’m proud of the work I do and I know that one day Chief O’Brien will recognize my efforts and reward me with a position of respect and responsibility, and why?

Я горжусь тем, что делаю, и знаю, что однажды шеф О’Брайен заметит мои старания и наградит меня местом с уважением и ответственностью, и всё почему?

All that effort, all that expense…

Все эти старания, все затраты…

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Though, I must admit that judging from the casualties, the efforts of your regiment must have been considerable.

Кстати, судя по количеству раненых, ваш полк дрался изо всех сил.

But, sir…. she’s making an effort.

Господин… она старается изо всех сил.

It’s to bar the way, comrades, to such an alternative that the French Communist Party will pursue its efforts for the true victory of the Left.

Этого не должно произойти. Таким образом, коммунисты будут продолжать работать для победы Левых сил.

Spare no effort to make it beautiful on the outside, too.

Не жалей сил, чтобы сделать ее красивой изнутри тоже.

It will require much skill and effort.

Она потребует от Вас много умения и сил.

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Look, I’ll help you but you must make an effort.

Слушай, я помогу тебе, но ты должна постараться.

…shifts to stand by for greater efforts during working hours.

… смене придется постараться в течение рабочих часов.

-Well, then, we must make the effort.

— Ну, тогда нам надо постараться.

I’d better step up my efforts then.

В будущем мне нужно будет как следует постараться.

See how good things happen… if you make a little effort?

Видишь, хорошее случается, если только немного постараться.

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The film was produced with an unbelievable effort (two real palm trees) partly in Egypt,(a chalk quarry by Ruedesordorf).

Фильм, в котором были задействованы пара настоящих пальм и египетская пустыня, снятая в известняковом карьере Рудерсдорфа, Дался с большим трудом.

Poor creature! Such astonishing literary effort..

Бедняга, он с таким трудом написал свой опус!

This year they accepted only one of her stories, after a great effort.

В этом году только один ее рассказ напечатали, и то с трудом.

Great effort has kept him on the straight and narrow…

Я с трудом удерживал его на праведном пути.

Due to his tireless effort, he has personally raised over $22,000.

Своим неустанным трудом он лично собрал более 22 тысяч долларов.

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But my pity does not extend so far as to her putting a man’s life at stake, which she has done in an effort to get rid of her own guilt.

Но моя жалость… не распространяется так далеко… чтобы поставить под угрозу жизнь человека, как сделала она, пытаясь избавиться от собственного чувства вины.

With the imperial fleet spread throughout the galaxy… in a vain effort to engage us… it is relatively unprotected.

Так как имперский флот рассеян по всей галактике… безуспешно пытаясь нас отыскать… то он относительно уязвим.

In his effort to tell a more compelling story the reporter, Max Brackett, may have increased the danger in an already critical situation.

Пытаясь снять как можно более захватывающий сюжет репортер, Макс Брекет, усугубил и без того критическую ситуацию.

In an effort to determine whether the Touchstone was being used, I measured the Doppler shift for gravitational and radiation emissions.

Пытаясь определить, был ли использован Пробный Камень на Земле, я придумала способ измерять Доплерово смещение для гравитационной и радиационной эмиссий.

Sorry? I showed you that tape in an effort to clear my name, not as an admission of guilt.

Я очивидно показал вам эту видеозапись, пытаясь вернуть себе доброе имя, а не как признание вины.

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A good effort.

Отличная работа.

This is a pioneering effort.

Это только новаторская работа.

Stop: Danger zone — cerebral effort

Стой: опасная зона — работа мозга

It’s a team effort.

Ёто командна€ работа.

You told me this was a local effort.

Ты говорил, что это была работа местных.

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Put some effort in it.

Приложите усилия. Улыбнитесь.

She tries to hide it. She’s difficult. But if you make an effort, she’s worth it.

Она пытается скрывать это Она сложна но если вы приложите усилия, она оценит это

All I asked was that you make a sincere effort, but you weren’t even willing to try.

Всё, что я от тебя требовала: приложить усилия, но ты даже не захотел попытаться.

Then you should make an effort.

— Тогда тебе нужно приложить усилия.

The owners and myself are making every effort to get the factory back to normal working order.

Мы с хозяином приложим все усилия, чтобы вернуть фабрику к работе в обычном режиме.

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Examples of effort in a Sentence We need to expend more effort. The job will require a great deal of time and effort. Our success is due to the combined efforts of many people. Her efforts were rewarded with a new contract.

How do you use best effort in a sentence?

best efforts in a sentence

  1. I showed up ready to play and gave it my best effort.
  2. Their best effort that day lasted 59 seconds and covered 852 feet.
  3. But we made the best effort we could of a sad situation.
  4. You want to put out your best effort when you get there.
  5. It was his best effort in the last five years or so.

What is the meaning of best effort?

“Best efforts” means taking, in good faith, all reasonable steps to achieve the objective, carrying the process to its logical conclusion and leaving no stone unturned. “Best efforts” includes doing everything known to be usual, necessary and proper for ensuring the success of the endeavour.

What does reasonable mean legally?

Just, rational, appropriate, ordinary

What is the good faith effort law?

n. honest intent to act without taking an unfair advantage over another person or to fulfill a promise to act, even when some legal technicality is not fulfilled. The term is applied to all kinds of transactions.

What is a best-effort agreement?

The term best efforts refers to an agreement made by a service provider to do whatever it takes to fulfill the requirements of a contract. In finance, an underwriter makes a best efforts or good faith promise to the issuer to sell as much of their securities offering as possible.

What is the difference between an investment banker providing an underwriting function and a best efforts offering?

With an underwriting, the investment banker guarantees the selling firm that he will purchase the securities at a fixed price for resale. Under a “best efforts” offering, the issuing firm assumes the risk and simply takes back any securities not sold after a fixed period of time.

How is best-effort different from private placement?

Best-efforts private placements offer other benefits to companies and their investors as well. One is that under a best-efforts private placement, underwriters only receive a flat fee, meaning companies have a chance to receive a higher return on their securities.

What is a firm commitment underwriting?

In a firm commitment underwriting, the underwriter guarantees to purchase all the securities offered for sale by the issuer regardless of whether they can sell them to investors. In a firm commitment, the underwriter puts its own money at risk if it can’t sell the securities to investors.

What is the most common form of underwriting?

The following types of underwriting contracts are most common:

  • In the firm commitment contract the underwriter guarantees the sale of the issued stock at the agreed-upon price.
  • In the best efforts contract the underwriter agrees to sell as many shares as possible at the agreed-upon price.

What do you mean by firm underwriting?

2) Firm underwriting – where an underwriter agrees to buy a certain number of shares/debentures in addition to the shares he has to take under the underwriting agreement. Even if the issue is oversubscribed, underwriters are responsible to take up the agreed number of shares in case of firm underwriting.

What does underwriting a deal mean?

Underwriting is the process through which an individual or institution takes on financial risk for a fee. Underwriting helps to set fair borrowing rates for loans, establish appropriate premiums, and create a market for securities by accurately pricing investment risk.

Why would an underwriter deny a loan?

Your loan is never fully approved until the underwriter confirms that you are able to pay back the loan. Some of these problems that might arise and have your underwriting denied are insufficient cash reserves, a low credit score, or high debt ratios.

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