Use the word eaten in a sentence

Table of Contents

  1. What is the present perfect tense of ATE?
  2. What is the past tense of I am eating?
  3. Is eaten correct grammar?
  4. Is eated a Scrabble word?
  5. What does elated mean?
  6. What is Readed?
  7. What is the v3 form of eat?
  8. What is the 2nd and 3rd form of eat?
  9. What does V2 mean in English?
  10. What does V1 V2 V3 mean in ECG?
  11. What are leads V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 and V6 known as?
  12. Why is V1 and V2 negative in ECG?
  13. What is V3 and V4?

Eaten Sentence Examples

What is the present perfect tense of ATE?

Perfect tenses

present perfect
I have eaten
you have eaten
he, she, it has eaten
we have eaten

What is the past tense of I am eating?

Therefore the past simple tense is ‘ate’ and the past participle is ‘eaten’. E.g. I ate dinner with my friends yesterday (past simple tense).

Is eaten correct grammar?

In standard English, the past participle form of eat is always eaten. Ate is the simple past form. In the perfect tenses, which are indicated by has, had and have, you will always use eaten, even in questions where has, had or have has moved to the front of the sentence away from the verb: I eat, we eat, Jeff eats.

  1. We have just eaten our breakfast.
  2. He’d eaten neither lunch nor dinner.
  3. I haven’t eaten real food in weeks.
  4. She felt as if she hadn’t just eaten a large breakfast.
  5. Haven’t eaten real food in weeks.

Is eated a Scrabble word?

No, eated is not in the scrabble dictionary.

What does elated mean?

: marked by high spirits : exultant.

What is Readed?

[ verb ] look at, interpret, and say out loud something that is written or printed. Examples. “The King will read the proclamation at noon”

What is the v3 form of eat?

Conjugation of verb ‘Eat’

Base Form (Infinitive): To Eat
Past Simple: Ate
Past Participle: Eaten
3rd Person Singular: Eats
Present Participle/Gerund: Eating

What is the 2nd and 3rd form of eat?

Verb Forms of Eat

(Base) 1st (Past) 2nd (Past Participle) 3rd
Eat Ate Eaten
Get list of more Verb Forms.

What does V2 mean in English?


What does V1 V2 V3 mean in ECG?

The areas represented on the ECG are summarized below: V1, V2 = RV. V3, V4 = septum. V5, V6 = L side of the heart. Lead I = L side of the heart.

What are leads V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 and V6 known as?

The precordial chest leads can be divided into groups which view specific areas of the heart. Leads V1, V2, V3, and V4 as a group effectively view the anterior portion of the heart and are called the anterior leads. Leads V5 and V6 collectively look at the lateral wall of the left ventricle.

Why is V1 and V2 negative in ECG?

In right chest leads V1 and V2, the QRS complexes are predominantly negative with small R waves and relatively deep S waves because the more muscular left ventricle produces depolarization current flowing away from these leads. In V1 the QRS are positive with tall R waves.

What is V3 and V4?

APIv4 is broadly similar to APIv3. Both are designed for reading and writing data. Both use entities, actions, and parameters. However, APIv4 is specifically a breaking-change which aims to reduce ambiguity and improve flexibility and consistency.

The two forms of “eat”, which are “eaten” and “ate”, are often confused or misused by English learners. Therefore, this page informs when you should use the simple past “ate” vs when you should use the past participle “eaten.”

The term “ate” is the simple past for “eat”, e.g. “She ate the whole cake by herself.” The term “eaten” is the past participle used in past, present, and future perfect tenses, e.g. “The whole cake was eaten by her alone.”

eaten or ate

The simple past refers to events or periods that are finished and have no connection to the present. Consequently, the word “ate” can only be used in one tense, simple past active. In simple past passive sentences, you must use “eaten” rather than “ate.”

Here are some examples of simple past active and passive sentences:

  • She ate the whole cake by herself. (Active)
  • The whole cake was eaten by her alone. (Passive)
  • We ate a lot of food at the buffet last night. (Active)
  • A lot of food was eaten by us at the buffet last night. (Passive)

Furthermore, as well as being used in passive sentences, the word “eaten” is used in past, present, and future perfect sentences.

Here are some examples of each tense:

  • We have eaten already, so we are not coming with you for dinner. – Present perfect
  • He had eaten two pizzas before he started on his third. – Past perfect
  • We will have eaten everything before they arrive unless we slow down. – Future perfect
  • Pizza is eaten every day by him. – Present simple passive
  • The pizza will be eaten by him sooner or later. – Future simple passive


The word “eaten” is the past participle of the verb “eat”, and it is used in all non-continuous perfect tenses and in non-continuous passive sentences.

Sometimes there is some cross-over between “ate” and “eaten”, for example, when referring to what you ate “this morning.” Some people may use simple past because the morning is over, whilst others may use present perfect because it is still today and the morning belongs to today.

So you may hear the same thing being asked in several ways: 

  • Have you already eaten? (today)
  • Have you eaten breakfast yet? (today)
  • What did you eat for breakfast? (morning)
  • Did you already eat breakfast? (morning)

Then in the replies, you may hear people switch between “ate” and “eaten.”

For example:

  • Yes, I have already eaten today. I ate scrambled eggs.
  • No, I haven’t eaten yet today.
  • Yes, I ate scrambled eggs.
  • No, I didn’t eat breakfast today because I was in a rush.

Here are some examples of eaten in other tenses:

  • Have you eaten sushi before? – Present perfect
  • Had you eaten sushi before you tried it last week? – Past perfect
  • You will have eaten eight biscuits if you have another. I would stop if I were you. – Future perfect


The word “ate” is the simple past form of the verb “eat” and is only used in simple past active sentences.

The word “ate” cannot be combined with any form of the verb “have” and should always refer to events or periods that are finished with no connection to the present.

Here are some examples:

  • I ate so much last night that I felt a little nauseous this morning.
  • We ate the whole meal without saying a single word to each other.
  • He ate at 7 am this morning but hasn’t eaten anything since.
  • He ate up his dinner in record time because he was so hungry.


The word “ate” is the simple past form of “eat” and should only be used in active simple past sentences. The word “eaten” is the past participle of “eat” and can be used in past, present, and future perfect tenses.

Furthermore, “eaten” is used in all passive sentences that are not in continuous tenses, including simple past passive.

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Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

Sentences ending with eaten

  • Slowly, heavily, he went to his study, where his breakfast was always eaten. [11]
  • Its business is to live a brief chicken life, lay, and be eaten. [4]
  • It came with shining scales glistening in the light and settled on the land acre upon acre, morgen upon morgen; and when it rose again the fields, ready for the harvest, were like a desert—the fields which the locust had eaten. [11]
  • The news spread over the ship; the starboard watch trooped up with their dinners half eaten. [9]
  • It was the only plain English document, undarkened by ciphers and mysteries, and responsibly signed and authenticated, which squarely implicated the Reformers in the raid, and it was not to Mr. Rhodes’s interest that it should be eaten. [5]
  • And am I no longer old Doris whom you have even joked with, and whose food you have eaten? [10]
  • When the dishes had been removed and the replete feasters had washed and dried their hands, they filled their cups out of a jar of mixed wine, of which the dimensions answered worthily to the meal they had eaten. [10]
  • There were first courses of three sorts of cold meat, accompanied with two sorts of salad; the one, a composite, with a potato basis, of all imaginable things that are eaten. [4]
  • But there the carrier refused her a seat without the money which she had promised him, and the landlord demanded payment for her night’s lodging and the bit of food she had eaten. [10]
  • That valiant chieftain came fearlessly on at the head of a phalanx of oyster-fed Pavonians and a corps de reserve of the Van Arsdales and Van Bummels, who had remained behind to digest the enormous dinner they had eaten. [4]

Short sentences using eaten

  • We were eaten up? [5]
  • Probably eaten. [5]

Sentences containing eaten two or more times

  • The Genuine Mexican Plug had eaten a ton of the article, and the man said he would have eaten a hundred if he had let him. [5]
  • For instance, many of their friends had been devoured by sharks; the sharks, in their turn, were caught and eaten by other men; later, these men were captured in war, and eaten by the enemy. [5]

More example sentences with the word eaten in them

  • They had served with Nicholls in Spain, but not having eaten King Louis’s bread, eyed all Frenchmen askance, and were not needlessly courteous to Iberville, whose achievements they could scarce appreciate, having done no Indian fighting. [11]
  • It is they who have eaten up the $14,000 I left with you in such a brief time, no doubt. [5]
  • We found many who had eaten the dorian, and they all spoke of it with a sort of rapture. [5]
  • In Florence he was so annoyed by beggars that he pretends to have seized and eaten one in a frantic spirit of revenge. [5]
  • When the supper was over he hardly knew whether he had eaten any of it or not, and he certainly hadn’t heard any of the conversation. [5]
  • How quiet it was inside when her light supper was eaten, bread and beans and pea-soup—she had got this from her French mother. [11]
  • I said I was innocent, then, for I had not eaten any chestnuts. [5]
  • When the dessert was finally eaten, and after sunset, in the brilliant light of the lamps and candles, greater attention was paid to the mixing vessels, all remained silent to listen to his fervid speech. [10]
  • In winter breakfast was eaten by the light of a rococo metal lamp set in the centre of the table. [9]
  • The rascal fell upon me, and killed my dog and—by my Osirian father!—the crocodiles would long since have eaten him if a woman had not come between us, and made herself known to me as Bent-Anat, the daughter of Rameses. [10]
  • It was said up in Quebec, your excellency, that such men have eaten at your table. [11]
  • It is sweet to the taste; horses and cattle are fond of it, and when they have once eaten it they prefer it to anything else, and often refuse other food. [4]
  • It is easy to recall the names of brilliant men whose fine talents have been eaten away by this habit of unveracity. [4]
  • So I had to keep still several hours day after day, though I confess, to my shame, that I remember nothing about the sittings except having eaten some particularly good candied fruit. [10]
  • It was not till long after that I learned with surprise that he is a rodent mammal, of the species Arctomys monax, is called at the West a ground-hog, and is eaten by people of color with great relish. [4]
  • There are the three layers again and the solid earth between—and, besides, there were only eight in Noah’s family, and they could not have eaten all these oysters in the two or three months they staid on top of that mountain. [5]
  • Comfortably bestowed in this mountain tavern, after they had toasted and eaten their venison and lit their pipes, they drew about the fire. [11]
  • The answer to this is that the hostility was exhibited by the captivity and the intimation that Smith was being fatted to be eaten, and this was permitted to stand. [4]
  • The name of this god was Pua; its body was made of a bird, now eaten by the Hawaiians, and called in their language alae. [5]
  • All through breakfast they went waltzing through my brain; and when, at last, I rolled up my napkin, I could not tell whether I had eaten anything or not. [5]
  • It was little they could have eaten in any case; it was less than little they had to eat. [5]
  • By this time the young men will have eaten, and you will call them to your assistance. [5]
  • Alas, alas, in the years to come we shall have to bite deep into the flesh, till the blood flows, if we wish to escape being eaten up ourselves! [10]
  • The rest of the page was resolved into a filmy floating substance, no more tangible than the ashy skeleton on which writing still lives when the paper itself has been eaten by flame, and the flame swallowed by the air. [11]
  • We’ve eaten all the mules and rats and sugar cane in town. [9]
  • She thought of the meal he had eaten, of the coffee he had drunk. [11]
  • In Old England the daughter would have eaten the bitter bread of a governess in some rich family. [6]
  • The melon and the date have gone bitter to the taste, The weevil, it has eaten at the core The core of my heart, the mildew findeth it. [11]
  • Can’t you see that it has eaten into his soul? [9]
  • I convinced him that his practical inference was hasty and illogical, but in the mean time he had eaten the peaches. [6]
  • She also learned that he had eaten very little, and that he had sent a man into Vilray for something or other. [11]
  • No man may tell his dreams fasting; but as soon as I had eaten my first mouthful she would bid me tell her all, to the veriest trifle, and would solemnly seek the interpretation of every vision. [10]
  • He ate his supper to-night with his usual appetite, which had always been sparing; and he would have eaten the same amount if the Northeastern Railroads had been going into the hands of a receiver the next day. [9]
  • Breakfast in Fillmore Street, never a lively meal, was more dismal than usual that morning, eaten to the accompaniment of slopping water from the roofs on the pavement of the passage. [9]
  • They treated us splendidly—aided us, and carried us up the bank, and brought us water, poi, bananas, and green coconuts; but the white men took care of us and prevented those who would have eaten too much from doing so. [5]
  • Simnel = a sort of biscuit, cup-shaped, supposed to represent unleavened bread, specially eaten at Easter. [11]
  • To think—she was sitting here, talking easily to a man who had eaten at kings’ tables—with the king! [11]
  • You’ve eaten nothing since sunset, two days ago. [11]
  • Yet all day, since he had eaten the sacred bread, there had been ringing in his ears the words: «Holy bread, I take thee; If I die suddenly, Serve me as a sacrament. [11]
  • It was because she had given the man the porridge long ago and he had already eaten it all up. [5]
  • She intended to set out a good meal, and she had the true housewife’s desire that it should be eaten, that there should be enough of it, and that the guests should like it. [4]
  • They had often seized their food from the kettles and eaten it at the next stopping-place, but all was cheerfully done; the light-heartedness of youth did not vanish from their enthusiastic hearts. [10]
  • The prisoner had searched them out and eaten them. [5]
  • It seems that Rosette had got into the street and eaten something horrible out of the kennel. [9]
  • But you are right as usual, Herse, as usual, only—here am I battening like a senator while you—I lay a wager you have drunk nothing but milk all day and eaten nothing but bread and radishes. [10]
  • This was Old Phelps, whose appetite had failed the day before,—his imagination being in better working order than his stomach: he had eaten little that day, and his legs became so groggy that he was obliged to rest at short intervals. [4]
  • Are you lost or have the wolves eaten you? [2]
  • He had been on his feet a good part of a day and a night (for it was now two or three o’clock in the morning), and had eaten nothing meantime. [5]
  • There was no offending magnanimity, no lofty compassion in his blameless eyes, but a human something which took no account of the years that the locust had eaten, the old mad, bad years, the wrong and the shame of them. [11]
  • Hast thou eaten of the tree whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? [11]
  • Mr. Price told of the rage Topham Beauclerk had got Dr. Johnson into, by setting down a mark for each oyster the sage had eaten, and showing him the count. [9]
  • Mrs. Brice thought of the dark and stately high-ceiled dining-room she had known throughout her married days: of the board from which a royal governor of Massachusetts Colony had eaten, and some governors of the Commonwealth since. [9]
  • Denisov was out of sorts both because of the rain and also from hunger (none of them had eaten anything since morning), and yet more because he still had no news from Dolokhov and the man sent to capture a «tongue» had not returned. [2]
  • In the presence of people, Tracy showed a tranquil outside, but his heart was being eaten out of him by distress and despair. [5]
  • The wild sin of our youth has eaten into the soul of my life. [11]
  • She had eaten nothing since her breakfast, and she now tried to drink the milk, but it had curdled and was not fit to use; a small bit of bread and a few dates quite satisfied her. [10]
  • Mr. Hopper did not have indigestion after taking it, but Colonel Carvel would sooner have eaten, gooseberry pie, which he had never tasted but once. [9]
  • Why had he not come to her, Why had he not eaten the breakfast which still lay untouched on the table of his study? [11]
  • All the bread need not be French rolls, all the shoes need not be patent leather ones; but the bread must be something that can be eaten, and the shoes must be something that can be worn. [3]
  • What would be my wife’s mortification when the news was brought that her husband had been eaten by a bear! [4]
  • The tigers ate my house, paying no attention when I ordered them to desist, and they would have eaten me if I had stayed —which I didn’t, but went away in much haste. [5]
  • The tigers ate my horse, paying no attention when I ordered them to desist, and they would even have eaten me if I had stayed—which I didn’t, but went away in much haste…. [5]
  • At the moment Mr. Thackeray presented himself, I was thoroughly faint from inanition, having eaten nothing since a very slight breakfast, and it was then seven o’clock in the evening. [14]
  • Thus in the morning—especially if she had eaten anything rich the day before—she felt a need of being angry and would choose as the handiest pretext Belova’s deafness. [2]
  • He used many metaphors as to the virtue of the bed, crowning them with the statement that you slept in it dreaming as delicious dreams as though you had eaten poppy, or mandragora, or—He stopped short, said, «By jingo, that’s it! [11]
  • Let us cease looking at him through Honora’s eyes and taking him like daily bread, to be eaten and not thought about. [9]
  • But the word locoed has come to have a wider application than to the poor shepherds or the horses and cattle that have eaten the loco. [4]
  • I must look like a crocodile that has eaten a whole hippopotamus, or one of the sacred snakes after it has swallowed a rabbit. [10]
  • For four years I’ve eaten the bread of prison, and it’s soured my mouth and galled my belly. [11]
  • I knew what it meant—Eve had eaten that fruit, and death was come into the world…. [5]
  • I knew what it meant —Eve had eaten that fruit, and death was come into the world. [5]
  • And however natural it is to desire a lion for one’s friend, to be eaten is both uncomfortable and inglorious. [9]
  • He accepted her invitation, for he had eaten nothing since the previous evening. [10]
  • The mistake was in not forbidding the serpent; then he would have eaten the serpent. [5]
  • The doctor asked if he had eaten anything, and how much. [4]
  • At noon, when I relieved Mr. Stacey of the deck, the sun had eaten up the fog, and the shores of England stood out boldly. [9]
  • The tomatoes which I left slender plants, eaten of bugs and debating whether they would go backward or forward, had become stout and lusty, with thick stems and dark leaves, and some of them had blossomed. [4]
  • Only think when I had eaten my own bread I found yours between my teeth—quite unexpectedly—but now—» Klea, thus addressed, glanced at the empty platter and interrupted her sister with a low-toned exclamation. [10]
  • What were a hundred dynasties beside that precious life, eaten by shame and sorrow? [11]
  • The religion of his ancestors would have pronounced him defiled, had he eaten at the same table with men of another nation. [10]
  • Whereupon we go heavily to hard beds of despair, having eaten the cake we bought, and now must pay for unto Penalty, the dark inordinate creditor. [11]
  • The straw it had eaten, so many ages gone by, was still in its body, undigested—and even in its legs. [5]
  • When the guests had eaten sufficiently they again washed their hands; the plates and dishes were removed, the floor cleansed, and wine and water poured into the bowl. [10]
  • Neither of them had eaten since morning, nor had they even thought of hunger. [9]
  • Fondness for the ground comes back to a man after he has run the round of pleasure and business, eaten dirt, and sown wild-oats, drifted about the world, and taken the wind of all its moods. [4]
  • But she never gave it up until the Spanish soldiers had eaten up all the cats. [5]
  • When Smith returned from his expedition for food in the winter of 1609, he found that all the provision except what he had gathered was so rotted from the rain, and eaten by rats and worms, that the hogs would scarcely eat it. [4]
  • Having eaten the friendless orphan—having driven away his comrades —having grown calm and reflective at length—I now feel in a kindlier mood. [5]
  • We are not fools, no, we will not lie down and be eaten like lambs for any law. [9]
  • And then I fell to musing on how many life-histories these grey walls had sheltered for a fitful hour, how many stumbling wayfarers had eaten and drunken in this Hotel of Refuge. [11]
  • Natasha ate of everything and thought she had never seen or eaten such buttermilk cakes, such aromatic jam, such honey-and-nut sweets, or such a chicken anywhere. [2]
  • The onion was equally divided into eight parts, and eaten with deep thanksgivings. [5]
  • This will be enough to last the year, but not more than enough, because hundreds of bees are drowned every day, and other hundreds are eaten by birds, and it is the queen’s business to keep the population up to standard—say, fifty thousand. [5]
  • John was hungry enough to have eaten the New England Primer. [4]
  • I could have eaten with the hogs if I had had birth approaching my lofty official rank; but I hadn’t, and so accepted the unavoidable slight and made no complaint. [5]
  • When Paula had eaten with Rufinus and his family after the funeral ceremonies, she went into the garden with Pul and the old man—it had been impossible to induce Perpetua to sit at the same table with her mistress. [10]
  • Our dinner was eaten together at the «Krone» with the most jovial of hosts, old Betmann, whose card bore the pictures of a bed and a man. [10]
  • If he had eaten the green apples, he would have died of them, probably; so that his example is a difficult one to follow. [4]
  • We are being eaten out of house and home by his like, and I have said I would endure it no more, and will keep my word. [5]
  • As we had eaten nothing since sunrise, we did not waste time in cooking our supper or in eating it, either. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word eaten in a sentence? How do you use eaten in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word eaten?
It contains example sentences with the word eaten, a sentence example for eaten, and eaten in sample sentence.

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a past participle of eat.



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half-eaten, adjectiveun·eat·en, adjective

Words nearby eaten

eatage, eat and run, eat away at, eat crow, Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die, eaten, eatery, eath, eat high off the hog, eat humble pie, eat in Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to eaten

How to use eaten in a sentence

  • But the medical examiner reported that Brinsley had eaten nothing at all.

  • They had hoped the autopsy would show Brinsley had eaten something that would point them in the right direction.

  • It was forbidden to be eaten, and seen as having powers that beat back “demons and sorcerers” as well as “misfortune.”

  • “I happened upon yak butter tea, a traditional high-energy food eaten by Tibetans,” Asprey says.

  • By nightfall, I had showered, eaten some soup that a friend brought me, and I slept in my room for 12 solid hours.

  • He silenced her with a gesture, and, leaving a piece of toast half-eaten on his plate, he got up and went into his study.

  • He ate as many as he wanted and then, as he always felt sleepy after he had eaten, he thought he would lie down and have a nap.

  • They were eaten too quickly, in long gulps of four-and-twenty hours at a time.

  • Here Mr. Samuel Weller, who had silently eaten his oysters with tranquil smiles, cried “Hear!”

  • Clarence’s papa said the candy had better be eaten by monkeys than by boys; but I doubt whether Clarence was of that opinion.

British Dictionary definitions for eaten


the past participle of eat

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Don’t let confusion around the difference between eaten and ate eat you up inside.

In this article, we’ll explain when and how to correctly use ate and eaten, explain what makes eat an irregular verb, and provide examples of how the different forms of eat are used in sentences.

Quick summary

Ate and eaten are forms of the irregular verb eat. Ate is the past tense form, as in I ate macaroni last night. Eaten is the past participle form and is used to form the perfect verb tenses, as in She has eaten every flavor of ice cream they offer (present perfect tense) and She had eaten every ice cream flavor before they added five new ones (past perfect tense). Eaten is also used in passive constructions, as in Ice cream should be eaten slowly to avoid brain freeze.

eaten vs. ate

Ate and eaten are two forms of the irregular verb eat. Ate is the past tense form and eaten is the past participle form.

For example:

  • I ate lunch at the park today.
  • She had eaten three pieces of cake before anyone else even finished one.

Verbs are typically considered to be irregular verbs if their past tense form and/or past participle are not formed by adding -ed or -d to the end of their root form. This is the case with eat (as neither the past tense nor the past participle are eated).

For many, the main point of confusion is which form of eat should be used in the perfect verb tenses. Since the perfect tenses always use the past participle, the correct choice is eaten, as in I have eaten too much (not I have ate too much).

For example:

  • Present perfect: I have eaten at this restaurant.
  • Past perfect: I had eaten at this restaurant twice before tonight.
  • Future perfect: After tonight, I will have eaten at this restaurant three times.

As with other past participles, eaten is the form used when using eat in the passive voice. When used this way, eaten is accompanied by one of the forms of the helping verb be (is, was, are, etc.). The form of be that you use is determined by the subject and/or a modal verb.

For example:

  • The almonds were eaten by a bunch of squirrels.
  • He recommended that the decadent truffle be eaten for a special occasion.

Don’t let verbs make you tense. Review all the verb tenses here.

Similar verbs

The pattern of ate and eaten is similar to the forms used for the verb give, in which the past tense is gave and the past participle is given. The past participles of a number of other irregular verbs also end in -en.

For example:

  • beat: beaten
  • drive: driven
  • take: taken
  • rise: risen
  • write: written
  • choose: chosen

Examples of eaten and ate used in a sentence

Hopefully, you still have a little room left for some word dessert—here’s a heaping helping of examples of how to use ate and eaten in sentences.

  • I got sick after I ate that moldy bread.
  • She told me she has eaten 20 different kinds of apples.
  • Dan had already eaten breakfast by the time the sun came up.
  • We discovered that the cat had eaten the cheese, but we don’t know what happened to the crackers.
  • You ate at my uncle’s restaurant, but you still have never eaten his world-famous lasagna.

See how much you have learned with our quiz

Satisfied with what you’ve read about these past tense forms? If so, you can take our quiz on these forms of the verb eat. You may surprise yourself with what you’ve learned!

My soul was read into this empty brain, there was never an atom in this body that didn’t come from food this body ate here on the planet Kassidor

A huge study that tracked thousands of nurses found that those who ate just an ounce of nuts or peanut butter five times a week lowered their risk of Type 2 diabetes by at least 20%

The fantastic creatures in Maya carvings that could only have come from serious drug abuse ate you in the wilds on this planet

His tow truck driver took him into town, and he ate some fairly average food at the diner

Then he stayed in the town’s only hotel and ate at the same diner as before, which seemed to be the only restaurant in town

He ate snack food and watched an ’80s sci-fi marathon

It was lunch time before they finally moved off, but they ate fruit and bread as they moved out into open country

Adam said we would die if we ate from it

weak during that time; slept a lot, ate almost nothing, the amount of

and keep him company while he ate

While he ate and drank his wine, of which she accepted one small glass to be

before he ate the bread and cheese

He was more than eighty years old, ate appallingly, still

I ate regularly and began to feel stronger I began to reassert some order and clarity in my thinking

Before I ate I went down to the bathroom, washed and sluiced, and tried to rub my teeth clean with my fingers

I ate for The Kid but not for Smiler

I ate my meals with relish

I ate and drank with a butterfly stomach

We drank our sweet drinks and ate our cake, turning to toast the guards and offer them our thanks for this moment

She declined his offer of dinner, saying that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay and keep him company while he ate

While he ate and drank his wine, of which she accepted one small glass to be sociable, she talked of her home in the mountains, of how it had all been sold and how she roamed the world now, stateless but always with a casket of earth from her own land by her side as a reminder of home and her beloved family

He ate meat and used the fur from the wolf to stay warm through that

He crossed himself once before he ate the bread and cheese

He was more than eighty years old, ate appallingly, still communed with the stars and as a consequence he still drank too much, but nevertheless here he was

Son ate with the man and then made him a member of his royal court

Son ate a snake to lessen

I ate their meagre meals in the

In the mid-60’s, a group of archeologists discovered a storage room for Herod’s dates and figs, and they undid the jars and ate them… and then visited the royal bathroom (the bathroom thing is a joke; didn’t really happen)

«I wonder if that naked woman was right and the predator that ate Alan was too cold-blooded to have an infrared signature?»

You have examples in the Bible of such: Jesus ate with tax collectors and sinners

They ate at the bar

‘The condemned men ate a hearty breakfast … is that the sort of thing?’

The tarrids were now almost ripe and there were so many that they ate some of those

The Alderfolk, Joe and Fred stayed silent whilst they ate

They greeted each other cheerfully and all ate breakfast together

They ate a late lunch of really weird stuff, like all these different tidbits sear-fried in vedn-egg batter

He always ate without hurry and even closed his eyes to savour every taste

The ladies on the wall ate with frightening enthusiasm, enjoying every scrap, and then they ordered more which they slipped into carrier bags standing by their knees

He didn’t realize how hungry he was and ate two big steaming platefuls

Daniel kept him entertained while he ate with stories about Dragons Hill

‘You guys ate all the biscuits?’ Omi came to us as he finished his exercise

The family ate supper in tired silence, after which Helen washed up, Ken accompanied Lucy to the main road and Alan lay down on his bed with a motorbike magazine and the latest hard-ass bass lines thumping through his stereo headphones

Jane served up a meal of chicken casserole for us and we ate it at the kitchen table – Peter had to dash off after the meal to carry out some parish visiting, and mentioned that he’s off to see Sally about the memorial service

There was once a little girl who ate gristle and vegetable soup

The Australians mainly ate meat dishes

‘You got to do more protein,’ Michael said, his biceps flexing, as he ate

We ate in one of the many cafes on the streets

She ate only in the afternoon and evening when they anchored at one small island or another

They ate for taste only and reset their nutritional requirements thru their med panel

While they ate, Buduani went on about Yellelle

They ate with questions interspaced between bites

The family ate supper in tired

I ate and watched the sun dropping into the western sky

As they ate their bread and cheese,

watching them as they ate

The members of the party ate their breakfast, a sullen silence replacing the bad tempered, early morning repartee which usually accompanied this meal

But Chrissie noticed that, like Ozzie, he ate very little, fidgeting with the toast on his plate more than anything

Musing over this, she ate her way steadily through the food on her plate

‘No idea, looks as though she ate something

‘The other woman ate something which disagreed with her – she died

Seeing this the tiger was very gleeful, ‘Such a big thing as you can do so little!’ With a roar he pounced on the donkey and ate it up

Once again Tania and Poly ate their morsels for lunch and were then instructed in their task: lift the designated stacks of planking above their heads and deliver it to George and Harry for installation between each set of posts

” They might never even find the body before the wevn ate it in fact, but Jorma had a dark enough view of the Kassikan already and didn’t need to know everything that happened in the Gnome levels

The Morningday sun was already bright on the plaza by the canal where they ate their lunch, and before they were done, Kulai was afraid the whole deal was going to fall apart because of the beer

Her father ate at a good pace

‘One was an accident … the other ate something

They ate, talked, played and read aloud, cooked, cleaned, washed and mended, paced, hummed, sang and told stories always with the twins in someone’s arms, lap, or perched on a hip

sort of casserole … and there were veg … I remember Ozzie picking out the carrots and leaving the turnip – he said he never ate turnip

ate the slices out of Roman’s hand wagging his stub of a tail

Roman ate a mouthful of salad and said nothing

He just ate

We ate at

Soft music played as we ate in the candlelight

Delurna backed off and ate his seafood cake for a few seconds

Heather was sitting next to Roman looking at him as he ate

Instead he let another of his cases take over and stopped at a cook stand and watched his supplies and suppliers for a few minutes while he ate

Roman ate supper at Carl’s that night—the dirty carp we caught

I ate anyway

which were dirty but not hard, ate my supper, and then it was off to a book and to

They ate the remainder of the food, looking into one another’s eyes the

Principal Hartman ate as he drove to his castle, seeing the same skeleton

“You ate their food?” he asked when he came back

“Not a sight or a rumor, I ate as much as I could of our Noonmeal, then waddled up to bed

His father ate

Heather probably ate better for a midnight snack

Olorhleng went to his bathroom and pulled out a large box of pills, and ate the lot, then proceeded to return to his lounge chair, put his feet up with a newspaper, and relax

middle-aged table where my parents ate, and then our table—the table reserved for

everybody ate at least a little of it, but all that was just show, a way for the old-

“You ate at your camp when there’s a town here? When you could have helped me eat these?” She had the tumuf-hide handle of the pan back in her hand again and shook it over the low flames

Maybe they were out in the pass itself? Maybe he hardly ever ate anything that wasn’t scrounged from inglethor? “That must make life pretty hard,” was all she could think to say about it

McLocherty’s Apple Pie, and ate it in one big gulp

It was full of Abel Berries, which they quickly ate

While they ate Desa couldn’t help noticing that Alan was acting like he’d never had thesh rolls before

Emma often wondered if she could’ve digested the food from it before she ate breakfast

Another ate swords

Maybe the animals thought if they ate the men on

Alan seemed happy and dreamy as they ate, like he already had a buzz on

my teeth and the juice squirted down my throat, like I just ate a cooked grape

Roman ate a mouthful of spinach

There was a nice student union that we ate at occasionally but it was nice to get away and go places

There is a famous proverb that I believe to be of Chinese origin – “You are what you eat

We heard that some psycho had tried to eat his face off

I certainly understand that you have obligations and needs that eat into your time

Kids love to stop at McDonald’s and eat that stuff but you don’t have to stop there and, if you do, you don’t have to get yourself something to eat there

There was nothing that he could eat, but he was used to that

influence what happens to you and your family and what they eat

Always be sure you have a snack handy or that you eat before leaving the house so you are not tempted by the fast food restaurants while you are out

Micah was highly malnourished and the guards said he would not eat anything

What to Eat and What Not to Eat

Additionally, because of lifestyle changes and a lower metabolism, it is important to consider how we eat as well as what we eat

· Eat slowly and chew food thoroughly to increase saliva production

“I didn’t think you were supposed to eat it

Whenever I feel it vibrate, I race over to see if I caught something to eat, but then it’s always him just putzing around

Frogs actually eat up a great deal of insects and should always be welcomed in the garden

Moyo doesn’t know why his brother, Fumai, gets to eat every day

Ackers turned to look at them with a stoic face, “Do you think I should have called her Don’t Eat?”

“Birds eat many different types of insects year round

Some are flesh eaters, while others eat only insects

For the Birds: Birds eat many different types of insects year round

Most insects will not eat this plant or have anything to do with it! I suggest getting an extract

They will eat are malnutrition and under watered

‘Inspector, it is nearly three thirty and my client has had nothing to eat

If the cops come, Teek will just eat the blunt

“Yeah, but he didn’t eat the whole blunt! Is the wrap even edible?”

“If you can smoke it, you can eat it,” he had shrugged then, as if those word were the only truth in the world

I’d sat with him for several evenings while he drank himself silly and even cooked food for him, egging him on to eat when his appetite failed

“Hey dad,” he called as he dropped his backpack onto the floor and started digging around in the fridge for something to eat

Do you know the story of Haques, the greatest hunter of all? In the peak of hunting season, Haques would kill more animals each day than the village could eat

His boat was eating pennies parked there but not as much as it would eat in irons of fuel once under way

“Bats love to eat flies and other insects

Typical bloody Dan Sadler! Wanting to have his cake and eat it …

have you had anything to eat, Liz?’

‘Hmmm … I still think you ought to have something to eat, Liz

Family members can take turns visiting with a relative, taking them out to eat, going shopping, or doing other activities they enjoy

“You know, that saying doesn’t mean that the more apples you eat, the healthier you are

Now that you got the minerals you will need the enzymes to eat it!

the meanest cup of water or to eat even the most frugal morsel

Barney grins at me, banging his spoon on the table as his father tries to encourage him to eat his lunch … I can’t help feeling that Barney is far more interested in me than his food

Keda’s eat mainly with their spoon-like lower teeth

His description of the food was extremely accurate … he has got an extensive selection of food … we’ll never eat all that

«As long as the garden’s still produce, we’ll eat

John tries to eat the raw fish, gags on it

They all grabbed rolls because they could eat them while under way

eat anything, but only prayed all the time, the line between this world and

When the wicked came against me To eat up my flesh, y enemies and

And what about Herbert the Hyena? Has he threatened to eat your children? Or Rudolf the Rhino? He wants his money back too does he?»

As I had predicted, we resorted to getting a take-away but even so, we didn’t eat until nearly ten forty-five – a silent meal — after which, by tacit agreement, we all went to bed

look at it with the intent to eat it

houses, he might not stand out, where he might just sit and eat and while away some

threads of her invisible web, a subtly delicious hour of play as she watched him eat,

that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay

these creatures eat, something sordidly gratifying about the way that little dribbles of

«Jesus Theo, what else are you going to tell me? Does he eat children as well?»

Though I could kill for something to eat

‘I meant to ask you – is there anything they don’t eat? I’m doing chicken with salad and new potatoes with ice cream for afters … nothing controversial, but I meant to ask you before and forgot

We will eat then find her and carry out the exchange

That’s €30 for the ride and you can eat all you want in there

He noticed her watching him eat

shepherds feed the flocks? Ye eat the fat, and ye clothe you with the wool, ye kill them that are fed: but ye feed not the flock

‘Jenny, here will sit with you while you eat, Mrs Wynell

‘But you should have got yourself something to eat

“It’s best if you eat,” he said softly

You can leave the bottle of water, but I’m not going to eat

I refused to eat

Refusing to eat, refusing to cry out when Smiler dug his elbow into my side as we walked down the corridor, was the sum total of my defiance

Needs to eat something maybe

You going to eat today?”

that he approached the woman rather than the man to tempt her to eat of the forbidden fruit

How many potatoes has she done? Heavens, we’ll never eat all those!

Eat the chicken

’ He said deliberately seriously understating the case, ‘In the summer, I tend to get my breakfast and bring it up to eat in bed, and, on the odd occasion when I’ve been ill, it has been a great comfort to be able to see that lot from the bed

In the midships mess, once Parker was gone, he had to eat with the railgun loaders

Especially at noon, when I was hungry and I wanted to go to a restaurant and eat something decent, Helen screamed that restaurants are too expensive, that we ought to eat nothing more than a souvlaki in hand, and that “certain people are like pigs, all they care about is food, food, food!”

I eat breakfast slowly and sit still for twenty minutes in the hope it will stop the dreadful sickness

Once I get inside the house, despair takes over … I sit and stare into space for hour after hour, forcing myself to eat something, yet not caring what it is … and the tears never stop

I shudder with horror as I see the hungry disinterring the dead in order to eat them

Trying to put the impending meeting with the residents out of my head, I go and make myself a sandwich, forcing myself to eat it despite the churning which is going on in my stomach – not morning sickness this time thank goodness – but just plain nerves

There was nothing to eat but dates, grass seed and bugs, he hadn’t seen so much as a gecko or salamander

Most people who had a comfortable place to sleep and enough to eat, considered themselves well off

«Dad, if it’s food, I’ll eat it

She was serious and industrious by native standards, meaning she would strive for more than enough to eat to get to tomorrow

One would then run some thongga to clean up what the karga wouldn’t eat, or, if you had a fence, lentosaur, a better tasting animal but slow and soft and vulnerable to predators on the open prairie

The average native family had between one and three acres in this society and planted most of it with most of their diet, most of the remainder of their diet being varmints trapped while trying to eat it

A grin comes across her face as she tries to put him at ease, «Just eat the food, Nephilim

If they are adamant I eat their food

When He chose to eat, God had at that point placed in effect the cosmic redemption of all things

God knew what would happen if Adam chose to not eat that fruit

There would be a little moment of thrill when she stretched her legs out on the threads of her invisible web, a subtly delicious hour of play as she watched him eat, and then there would be the ultimate liaison dangereux

She declined his offer of dinner, saying that she would eat later, that she had not long finished a late lunch, but she would stay and keep him company while he ate

There was something fascinating about watching these creatures eat, something sordidly gratifying about the way that little dribbles of sauce might run down their chins

Melon: If you see melons, you will have health problems; if you eat them, you will do something wrong and you will feel sorry about it

If you eat them, you will tackle a serious problem

If you eat them, you will have to fight hard in order to resist certain temptations

jungle and he let his horse eat any vegetation because his horse needed

He had grown too fond of his horse to eat it, so

All the children in our village knew they could call in any time and find a drink or something to eat …’

and protein than others and depending on how you eat them; raw, fried or roasted makes a huge difference in the long run

Finally, Ideal for those with low thyroid function, Brazils are a good they’re rich in omega-3, so they’re a great alternative if you source of the mineral selenium, which we need to produce don’t eat oily fish

God I’m hungry! Better go now before he wakes and get something to eat

that eat the heat of summer days

They had eaten all they could of the trap mix over vedn toast by the time Venna finally stirred

DE is totally harmless to mammals if eaten and is recommended to be given to your animals as part of their diet

The city was full of life, animal and vegetable, but anything harmful was eaten by the orange-furred, stingless scorpions with five eyes and three fangs

“That’d be weird to be eaten alive, though

Moyo hasn’t eaten since yesterday

Acid is best used as a mixture that is eaten by the cockroaches (see Cockroach Inns)

cause damage to the lawn by leaving yellow or brown patches (roots of lawns are eaten)

It’s filled with women’s clothes, some of which appear moth eaten

to sort it out, but I know for certain that my body was practically eaten

What had she eaten?

There was a half eaten chicken burger with large fries and curry sauce beside it

Stephen makes a fuss about the fact that she hasn’t eaten anything, but I step hard on him, what this girl needs is sleep – food can wait until tomorrow

Once they are satisfied that I have eaten enough, we move into the lounge

Yet how many evangelists’ stomachs look as though they have eaten plenty – whether clean or not? This is an issue that we need to note and understand

been eaten by predators

and readily eaten back in the 60’s

skeleton of a 14-year-old girl show that her flesh and each other’s hands and ran together, then sat together brain were removed, presumably to be eaten by the enjoying their treats

They would probably consider it pointless because he was likely to be eaten by something before daylight anyway

He didn’t notice them getting hurt at first, but they could have been thrown and trampled, or eaten by a theirops, or even found by the Angels

It looked like some of them had been eaten or maybe just smashed for some reason

What was out there on the plains in front of her? What were their lives like? Most of them were thongas, there lives are all in trying to be near the center of the herd where they are less likely to get eaten

‘We’ve eaten all the bacon and eggs

That bag is not heavy now – we’ve eaten all the food and drunk the ale

you’ve not eaten yet

The kids said they had already eaten but there was plenty left if she wanted some proper food for a change

“Yes, I would like that; it’s been several days since I’ve eaten a meal

He continued to stand there dumbly, his mouth flapping open and shut like a goldfish trying to remember what it had eaten for breakfast

But the positive thing is that it would probably be safe for me to eat something now … I’ve not eaten since breakfast after all … bread and jam

‘Have you eaten anything today?’ I shake my head

In fact, they were often at pains to explain to old Ted that as good as he was with their little garden they had often seen flowers or eaten fruit on their travels that surpassed the specimens he grew for them at home

Where once a stout Edwardian family had warmed themselves by the great living room fire and eaten roast meats on Sundays in the capacious dining room, there now existed within these walls a selection of small private worlds inhabited by transparent people who warmed themselves next to two-bar electric fires, who shared bathrooms and cooked tinned meals on single ring electric cookers

After a nice cup of tea, and having eaten a whole packet of

She really did think the wolf had eaten her grandchild and

they had already eaten but there was plenty left if she wanted some

‘Do you know, Jo,’ Anna said, sitting back in her chair, ‘I think that is probably the first time I have eaten in this house

what it had eaten for breakfast

he was with their little garden they had often seen flowers or eaten

I pick up my dressing gown from the chair by the window and struggle into it, I’m shivering with cold … probably because I’ve not eaten … firmly tying the belt, I wobble through the hallway into the kitchen and, leaning against the work surface, I contemplate my options

Once you’ve eaten something you’ll feel better, you know that

26Then shall ye begin to say, we have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast

themselves by the great living room fire and eaten roast meats on

He had almost finished his fish while she talked, she had eaten little of hers while she narrated

In the evening, when the farm work was done and they had eaten

“It was very good,” Alistair nodded, “I’ve not eaten coney for

Tom was not sure he had ever eaten rabbit before, stewed or

Coffee and toast eaten late on a Saturday morning

The meal she had eaten with Billy still fresh in her memory; she didn’t feel at all hungry

As arranged, after they departed the dock the next day and had eaten their little lunch, George put posthole diggers in their hands, gave them a brief demonstration of how he wished them to use the tools and went back to the house

Half eaten plates of food lay abandoned on some of

I would have never eaten that

Alan thought it was even better than what he had eaten at Kartha’s and definitely better than anything that ever came out of the fabricator on the ship

“I’ve eaten it three times so far and each time has been the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life

been eaten alive by the starving dogs four months before

He was undoubtedly dead, eaten by a carnivore after Alfred’s stupid stunt with the shuttlecraft scared him off into the wilds

Hansel, however, had not eaten his bread, and as he walked through the trees, he left a trail of crumbs behind him to mark the way

When they saw him, they flew along behind and in no time at all, had eaten all the crumbs

`No, I’ll look first,’ she said, `and see whether it’s marked «poison» or not’; for she had read several nice little histories about children who had got burnt, and eaten up by wild beasts and other unpleasant things, all because they WOULD not remember the simple rules their friends had taught them: such as, that a red-hot poker will burn you if your hold it too long; and that if you cut your finger VERY deeply with a knife, it usually bleeds; and she had never forgotten that, if you drink much from a bottle marked `poison,’ it is almost certain to disagree with you, sooner or later

He hadn’t eaten since that little roll on the run the day before, and he had to return home and rummage all thru the house to find enough change for anything at all

«Moth eaten means worn out for those who don’t know» Grandpa glared at Flitter, «Anyhow the bank has foreclosed as Todd had difficulty in meeting the new contract

«And in exchange,» her voice was rising a little, «you forced him to leave me out there alone where I could have been eaten by a theirops

Eaten away by the poison of that deed

After everyone had eaten their full, except for father O’Hara who was wolfing down a fourth bowl of stew, the travelers put together a group consisting of a fiddle, a flute and Cajon wooden drum and started to play

The marine contemplated missing dinner as the smell of the turnips was turning his stomach but he hadn’t eaten since that morning so he figured that he had better try to get something into his belly while he had the chance

I happen to know the Onoskolon’s already eaten five children at the

It was a far cry from the simple food she’d eaten all her life

Had I not run for it, I must either have lain there for long enough in torments among the ghastly corpses, or have been eaten alive with spears until I had no more strength left in me

Like others in her village, Nerissa’s family had eaten meals from rounds of bread that Mother baked

lunch comes around that they eat like they’ve never eaten before

 Keep a bowl of fruits ready to be eaten out on the table or kitchen counter

and I found out that I had eaten «pulaki»

nearly eaten alive soon after the crossroads

It merely took a frenzied make out session to erase the emotional decay that had eaten at me earlier

Chances are, left at this level your business will be eaten by

To eat or to be eaten

She’d eaten nothing since that heel of bread

I meditate early in the morning, about an hour after I get up and have eaten breakfast, had a cup of coffee, and read the news

He had just implanted the feeling of having eaten a whole bucket-full of chips and mayonnaise

1) The food is well-cooked and eaten warm/hot

I was ready to make this jackass wish the freaks had eaten him

I was barely able to grab a bowl before I started throwing up everything I’d ever eaten and then some

They’d doused him with some old fuel and he was being eaten alive by the flames

Oh, she has grown and eaten her own vegetables before, but this is different

After they had eaten a meagre meal of high-energy rations and drunk a small ration of unpleasant tasting water, Chris got everyone organised in taking down the tent and stowing the components into their rucksacks

“Maybe I will be eaten by a tiger

I had never eaten a turtle before, but I had heard stories of people eating turtles, and I guess this was enough to whet my appetite for these neighbors of mine

I hadn’t eaten a turtle since Rachel’s arrival on Martindale Island, so she didn’t know that I had ever eaten a turtle

At first I assumed it was just down to something I’d eaten, or maybe stress, work’s been pretty full on for the last few weeks, but the dreams have an odd consistency to them and somehow leave me with the impression that I am not dreaming

“Jesus and I have already eaten,” he told me

“We have eaten, but since it»s late and if it»s all right with Mary, we will wait

“I know you said you had eaten

We put Jesus to bed after he had eaten, and he was again asleep almost before we had him covered

When asked if they had eaten, Mother nodded

She hadn’t eaten since last night at the institute, and could barely even remember the type of food

The train rattled on through the night and I tried to sleep but I couldn’t I had already eaten my sandwiches which had seemed to stick in my throat at every bite

Bert remarked “This is a bag of shit cooped up in these wagons going nowhere fast and now we have to put up with being eaten alive

Bert shouted “Bloody hell I’m being eaten alive in here the more I kill the more come to their bloody funerals for the wake

District as eaten by Madonna and at a mere twelve pounds thank

How about what you are eating

Levels of digestive enzymes may be lowered as a result of taking various medication, poor eating habits or ageing

If you find yourself eating fast food a lot, be aware that there are healthier food options out there

Tom screams, paralyzed, as one just stares at him, not eating him

Obstacles in Eating Habits due to Aging

What obstacles require seniors to pay special attention to healthy eating?

To manage our weight and maintain optimum health, we have to focus on eating efficiently

· Don’t drink water or other beverages while eating, as this can dilute the digestive juices in the stomach

Snails are prone to grow during the early spring, during which it would be unwise to plant anything unprotected that you did not mind the snails eating

Eating breakfast also stimulates the metabolism, which may slow down overnight

He was eating Cheerios and he had milk on his chin

This is like the alcoholic version of eating all the Skittles at once

It was developed to help reduce inflammation, promote healthy circulation and healing, and alleviate pain and because of its strong odors will repel most insects as well as keep them from eating your plants

Clove stops most insects from eating

When the locals are happy and celebrate, one can barely hear the Krummling eating

Wash off all fruits and vegetables before eating!

Teas: Many teas contain tannic acid that deters insects from eating

She should be eating this shit up

Keep yourself healthy by eating and exercising

Borax laundry soap works great for this purpose because it has a fragrance with it that prevents animals from eating it

They also sample food stuffs before eating can be used with great success in controlling roaches

His boat was eating pennies parked there but not as much as it would eat in irons of fuel once under way

Boric acid can be painted on to the wood as a form of protection against termites eating into it

These often turned into fleeing patterns while larger fish enacted their eating patterns before continuing their mating patterns once again

I hand him a plate and some eating irons and we sit down at the table

John looks quizzically at Russ — What the hell is he up to? Russ presses on, grinning, eating, enjoying himself

In true Tonya style, they bring a basket of food and, within ten minutes of their arrival, Tonya is cajoling me into eating something

It was heaven eating it … good quality for hospital food too

Slowly, and with considerable revision, I formulated my response to the inevitable questions that would come when I stopped eating

“I’m not eating anything

Maybe it was the continual switch between eating and hunger

I sat at the table surrounded by guards, all of whom were armed with M-16 carbines and pistols, eating cake and drinking hot, sweet, milky tea

I found out at the beginning of January, I was sick on New Year’s day but put it down to eating something, then when it happened again the day after, I started wondering …’

I considered a return to my hunger strike, but a combination of lethargy and Menachem’s cajoling kept me eating

I’m still not going to fall for it, Apollo thinks to himself as he lies back down on the bed, trying to stifle his appetite that’s suddenly eating away at his determination

Garlic: If you are eating it, secrets will be revealed and you will have a bad row

Son survived by eating rats that came into the treasure chamber, and

also great for balancing one’s health given the kind of eating Most runs have their watering stations at every 5-km mark

Things family members so inspired by the OAU when he visited Africa in April and did in my youth; like eating collard greens and cornbread May, 1964, founded the Organization of Afro-American with our bare hands, or big Sunday dinners so plentiful they Unity (OAAU) in America

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

I can still see the picture in my mind of sitting on the shore of that little pond, eating breakfast and looking up at those peaks watching over it from all sides

She was pleased to see that Iain was happily eating

After they finished eating, she asked Sam if he had any soup

eating the heat of summer days

might hear us chew, and know that we’re eating

«The leaves, with enthora you can eat the stems too but lon stems are too skinny, it’s like eating twine

They finished eating, and watched the rest of the movie

He was eating his corn, fingers dripping with butter when she reached under the table and gave him a loving squeeze

They wandered around the grove where they would camp for a long time eating them as the light ended

Umm… this is so good, and the honey and biscuits are fantastic!” Kate returned with his tea, “Thank you so much,” he drank half and continued eating

Joe and Fred are eating with the

«If you cut off both tentacles it would still keep eating you and grow new ones later and not even notice

You might eventually kill it if you cut enough pieces out of it, but it will be eating on you all the while

value of proper eating and living a healthy lifestyle in order to stay in shape and to be

Eating foods that are rich in vitamin A is important in maintaining a healthy skin

Therefore, it is important to reproduce vitamin C by eating foods that re rich in vitamin C

Hence, people should be more aware of what they are eating because it will surely reflect

Even so, the fifty mile hike thru the pressure tunnel to reach the observatory was always a barrier and he spent years at a time eating dried food up there where the Kassikan’s greatest telescopes had a clear view of the stars

They figured the place must have been one of the cattle towns on the ancient map, seeing as the main businesses are what they are, but most residents were eating from their plot and helping the others out now and then for some cash

With a sigh, he sets about eating the bread and cheese

I watch him as he begins eating

They finished eating and headed to the top of the mountain

wanted poison? Is she eating glass for a laugh?

I do not suggest that you try drastically to alter your eating habits as soon as you read this book

Practice Yoga as a complete science, and very slowly adjust your eating habits according to your state of mind

And I am not asking you at this stage to become a vegetarian but merely making various practical suggestions as to how it can be done in the event of your gradually turning against the eating of flesh foods for the reasons I have already outlined

When I say avoid eating white flour products, white sugar products, and polished rice you will ask why

What is wrong with eating raw sugar, whole wheat flour products, and unpolished rice? They may prove somewhat dearer but who in his right mind would try to economize on good food? And in the case of raw sugar be careful that you are not buying refined sugar that has simply been coloured brown

When eating fruit do not throw away the peel

Sufferers from all stomach and internal complaints would do well to practice the art of clean eating

‘What is the plan for the day?’ I asked, eating quickly and ignoring this comment

He saved every penny he could by washing his own clothes, eating in burger bars and buying cheap plonk from the local off-licence

Alexis and I sat in the doorway of the tool shed sipping thick black coffee, eating lemon cake and watching the waves through the open back gate

The great Chazza! He had been a teenage prodigy, a master of the beautiful game, who, in the prime of his career, had spiralled out of control in a whirlwind of drink, binge eating and late night brawls in discotheques

‘No, no,’ Omi said, horrified at the idea of eating in a Muslim home

All the teachers stopped eating

Ali and Omi stopped eating as they saw the forms on the table

entrails were eating themselves and he felt nothing but emptiness

vying for her favor; she has them eating out of her hand

after not eating for a week

every penny he could by washing his own clothes, eating in burger

He was having difficulty eating, sleeping,

eating normally, and was once again happy and

‘Where are we eating this?’

eating, and most of the other tables were now occupied

Chrissie’s stomach churned at the thought of sitting down and eating with the rest of the group

‘What sort of bird is that?’ she asked as soon as the first mouthful of lasagne had been swallowed – no problems eating this delicious food!

’ He replied, pausing in his eating and smiling at her

around a crackling fire, eating cold rations

Taking a sausage from the nearly empty plate in the middle of the table, Chrissie busied herself making it look as though she was eating

His watch caught his attention … it was only eleven fifteen … only hours ago they had all been sitting here eating … and now Chas was dead

Her gaze paused as she watched him going through the motions of eating his breakfast

Almost too tired to lift the spoon, he set to eating the hot food, his energy returning slowly as he worked his way through the serving in front of him

After eating, Tom lay back, warmed by the sun and drawing his

“What?” Roman replied eating his applesauce

There’d been the odd case of idiots being carted off to hospital having been stupid enough to try eating the plants up there on the Ness, but none had died before

while you’re snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn and watching When a Man

Blapak stayed with them til they finished eating

explain, and even though I was sure that Roman would fit in eating lunch at

Instead of eating them, Roman placed the worms one by one in

~ Research studies have also shown that the human body tends to accumulate more fat when a person eats fewer, larger meals than when the same number of calories was consumed in smaller, more frequent meals

The larvae eats aphids, mealybugs, scales, thrips, mites, spider mites and whiteflies

Once it tastes a hint of it, the beast goes into a bloodlust and eats up the earth faster than before

cause it eats up your soul n the same way as cancer eats up the body

After he eats, he sits on the bed wishing he still had the book his father gave him

He eats a mouthful of his food before going on

The family eats the fish and the lon from this pool, just enough to keep it in a steady state, as with the cattle of the land

Unless you’re travelling somewhere or, like me, live alone and can’t be bothered to cook something, everyone eats at home with the family or whatever group they share their home with

When Kortrax Eats the Sky

To eat flesh is to take vegetable food secondhand from another animal, and here it is interesting to note that man eats mainly the flesh of vegetarian animals such as cows, pigs, sheep, and poultry, deer, and rabbits

“If she does, she’ll be late, and she’ll keep one hand on the fence gate while she eats and watches over her shoulder

what profit does he have who labors for the wind? 17 All his days he also eats in

that he desires, yet God gives him no power to eat of it, but an alien eats it

As he eats he looks at Ted’s scrawled notes and the map of connections in Alex’s notebook

“Yeah, because it eats away your taste buds,” I said

She seems to appreciate it and eats some toast when he coaxes her

She ate a little bit, and said anxiously to herself, `Which way? Which way?’, holding her hand on the top of her head to feel which way it was growing, and she was quite surprised to find that she remained the same size: to be sure, this generally happens when one eats cake, but Alice had got so much into the way of expecting nothing but out-of-the-way things to happen, that it seemed quite dull and stupid for life to go on in the common way

In the greater part of the silver mines of Peru, the tax of the king of Spain, amounting to a tenth of the gross produce, eats up, it has already been observed, the whole rent of the land

of code that eats up the memory in the server that results in your website

Moly has a very pungent flavor, but I’m used to it since my family eats it often

and rearranges furniture, eats the plastic food, uses the

To dream that someone has cancer indicates that you need to change your negative way of thinking before it eats away at you

They had brought along some eats and drinks for lunch

The groom and bride would notify their parents and selected friends, who would then all meet at the girl’s parents’ home for some eats and drinks and maybe a word or two from the couple’s fathers or one of their city elders

The bounty is given in order to make up this loss, and to encourage him to continue, or, perhaps, to begin a trade, of which the expense is supposed to be greater than the returns, of which every operation eats up a part of the capital employed in it, and which is of such a nature, that if all other trades resembled it, there would soon be no capital left in the country

Indeed, that is what an Elif eats — planets

She eats in the cafeteria with the students

“Apparently, he eats only locusts and wild honey

It’s because he eats a lot of takeaways

As Dad eats breakfast, Hubert sits on the table by his cereal bowl, but only if Mom is still on her treadmill

“We will never try to eats you again, Floppity-doo, sir

As the swarm eats up the field and every green thing,

The eye eats first before the mouth

(él / ella) come he / she / it eats / is eating

She EATS it up

5 Whose harvest the hungry eats up, and takes it even from the thorns, and the robber swallows up their substance

25 And another dies in the bitterness of his soul, and never eats with pleasure

When I realised this I knew at once that hate like this poisons you and eats away your insides, piece by piece

As Universe eats much of a usual cosmic thing

5 The fool folds his hands together, and eats his own flesh

him not power to eat of it, but a stranger eats it: this is vanity, and it is an evil disease

flower, and as the hasty fruit before the summer; which when he who looks on it sees, while it is yet in his hand he eats it up

8 It shall even be as when a hungry man dreams and sees it, he eats it; but he awakes, and his soul is empty: or as when a

16 He burns part of it in the fire; with part of it he eats flesh; he roasts the roast and is satisfied:

eggs, and weave the spider’s web: he who eats of their eggs dies, and that which is crushed breaks out into a viper

eats the sour grape, his teeth shall be set on edge

And the king said to Daniel, will you also say that this is of brass? Note, he lives, he eats and drinks; you cannot say that he is not the

Revelations 10: 9, the prophet eats the word of God,

armies obey him: furthermore he lies down, he eats and drinks, and takes his rest: 11 And these keep watch round about him, neither

the angel said, the dragon is he 6 who eats the bodies of those who spend their life wickedly, and he is nourished by them; And this is

While he eats pizza, I tease my fingers through his spiked brown hair and finger the new stud in his ear

Q: The realized man eats, drinks and sleeps

The shark eats a few fish, but most of the fish arrive in a very lively state

The real advantage is that you don’t have a lot of inventory that eats up your

It’s so nice your family still gets together and eats a couple of times a month

and eats and rests, and goes for a stroll and returns, blesses all

30 And they said to each other, This can only be that he eats and drinks, for no man can bear starvation for so many days or live as this man has, without even his countenance changing; and three men concealed themselves in a place where the poor man was stationed, to know who it was that brought him bread to eat

“In Hansel and Gretel, there’s a witch who eats kids who are lured into her gingerbread house

19 Seven days shall there be no leaven found in your houses: for whoever eats that which is leavened, even that soul shall be cut off from the congregation of Israel, whether he be a stranger, or born in the land

Zachary eats but not as much as I do

18 And if any of the flesh of the sacrifice of his peace offerings be eaten at all on the third day, it shall not be accepted, neither shall it be imputed to him who offers it: it shall be an abomination, and the soul who eats of it shall bear his iniquity

40 And he that eats from the carcase of it shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the evening: he also who carries the carcase of it shall wash his clothes, and be unclean until the even

47 And he who lies in the house shall wash his clothes; and he who eats in the house shall wash his clothes

14 For it is the life of all flesh; the blood of it is for the life thereof: therefore I said to the children of Israel, you shall eat the blood of no manner of flesh: for the life of all flesh is the blood thereof: whoever eats it shall be cut off

15 And every soul who eats that which died by itself, or that which was torn with beasts, whether it be one of your own country, or a stranger, he shall both wash his clothes, and bathe himself in water, and be unclean until the evening, then shall he be clean

8 Therefore everyone who eats it shall bear his iniquity, because he has profaned the hallowed thing of the Lord: and that soul shall be cut off from among his people

32 And they brought up an evil report of the land which they had searched to the children of Israel, saying, The land, through which we have gone to search it, is a land that eats up the inhabitants of it; and all the people that we saw in it are men of a great stature

That thing sure eats gas

One corpse being raped by another, until the sun eats the world

Here is the thing about evil: it eats your mind and your heart and

30 And they said to each other This can only be that he eats and drinks for no man can bear starvation for so many days or live as this man has without even his countenance changing; and three men concealed themselves in a place where the poor man was stationed to know who it was that brought him bread to eat

10 So all his people and his armies obey him: furthermore he lies down he eats and drinks and takes his rest: 11 And these keep watch round about him neither may any one depart and do his own business neither disobey they him in any thing

Just as the storm reaches its height, Prudence eats the gift he has brought her from the wood

The wrenching sadness that eats into your soul can only begin to be relieved by the happiness a new puppy can bring

4 And he showed me Hades and its appearance was dark and abominable; and I said 5 who is this dragon and who is this monster around him? And the angel said the dragon is he 6 who eats the bodies of those who spend their life wickedly and he is nourished by them; And this is Hades which itself also closely resembles him in that it also drinks about a cubit from 7 the sea which does not sink at all

Their scribes and the Pharisees murmured against His disciples saying «Why do you eat and drink with the tax collectors and sinners?» The scribes and the Pharisees when they saw that He was eating with the sinners and tax collectors said to His disciples «Why is it that He your Teacher eats and drinks with tax collectors and sinners?»

He who eats this Bread will live forever

2 The Pharisees and the Scribes murmured saying «This Man welcomes sinners and eats with them

I know whom I have chosen; But that the scripture may be fulfilled ‘He who eats bread with Me has lifted up his heel against Me

As they sat and were eating Jesus said «Most certainly I tell you one of you will betray Me?he who eats with Me

whoever eats of my body and drinks of my blood has eternal life; and I will raise him up in the last day

My body truly is meat and my blood truly is drink; whoever eats my body and drinks my blood abides in me and I in him as the living Father sent me and I am alive because of the Father; and whoever eats me he also shall live because of me

This is the bread which came down from heaven and not according as your fathers ate the manna and died: whoever eats of this bread shall live forever

2 And there came to him publicans and sinners to hear his word; And the scribes and the Pharisees murmured and said This man receives sinners and 3 eats with them; And Jesus when he beheld their murmuring spoke to them 4 this parable: What man of you having an hundred sheep if one of them were lost would not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness and go and seek the straying one 5 till he found ite Truely I say to you When he finds it he will rejoice over it 6 more than over the ninety-nine that went not astray; and bear it on his shoulders and bring it to his house and call his friends and neighbours and say to them 7 Rejoice with me since I have found my straying sheep

My saying this is not for all of you for I know whom I have chosen but so that the scripture might be fulfilled he who eats bread with me lifted his heel against me; From now on I say to you before it come to pass that when it comes to pass you may believe that I am he

44 Jesus said that and was agitated s in his spirit and testified and said Truely truely I say to you One of you he who eats with me shall betray me; And they were very sorrowful; and they began to say to him one after another of them Can it be Lord? He answered and said to them One of the twelve he who dips his hand with me in the dish will betray me; And the hand of him who betrays me is on the table; And the Son of man goes as it is written of him: woe then to that man by whose hand the Son of man is betrayed! for it would have been better for that man had he not been born; And the disciples looked one on another for they knew not to whom he referred; and they began to search among themselves who that might be who was to do this

However, when B eats guacamole he gets a

3 He spoke of the pigs with this meaning: You shall not cleave he means to men of this sort who are likened to pigs for when they become lustful they forget their Lord but when they are in need they think on the Lord; even like the pigs when it eats knowing not its lord but when it is hungry it cries and when it has received it is again is silent

10 And what he says afterwards? There was a river flowing on the right and there grew up on its banks fair trees and whosoever eats of them shall live for ever

who eats only 4 tablespoons of something?

Those reporters scrape up dirt on nearly everyone they think is news worthy, and the public eats it up

An adult will ration out his jar of candy because he knows that too much candy is harmful to health, and he also reasons that he can enjoy the candy better if he eats only one each day

He eats poorly and drinks to excess every night

eat: (that) eats me

eat: (that) eats of this bread

Sāttvic – person eats nutritious food that increases life and strength and promotes purity of thoughts

3. Use the words to make up sentences in the Present Perfect Tense
1. Tom / do / his/ homework
2.1 eat a lot of / candy floss
3. He/ shake hands / with/ Mickey
4.They/ read/ this/ book

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UNIT 113. Although/ though/ even though

In spite of/ despite


Study this example situation:

Last year Paul and Sarah had a
holiday by the sea. It rained a lot, but they enjoyed it. You can say:

Although it rained
lot, they enjoyed it. (= It rained a lot, but they … )


After although we
use a subject+ verb:

it rained

a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.

I didn’t get the job although I had the necessary

Compare the meaning of although
and because:

We went out although it was raining

We didn’t go out because it was raining


After in spite of or
we use a noun, a pronoun (this/that/what
etc.) or ing

spite of the rain
, we enjoyed our holiday.

I didn’t get the job in spite of having the
necessary qualifications.

She wasn’t well, but in spite of this she
continued working.

spite of what

I said yesterday, I still love you.

Despite is the same
as in spite of. We say in spite of, but despite (without of):

She wasn’t well, but despite
she continued working. (not despite of this)

You can say in spite of
the fact (that)
… and despite the fact (that) … :

Compare in spite of and
because of:

We went out in spite of the rain. (ordespite the rain.)

We didn’t go out because of the rain.


Compare although and
in spite of /despite:


Though is the same
as although:

I didn’t get the job though
I had the necessary qualifications.

In spoken English we often use
though at the end of a sentence:

The house isn’t so nice. I like
the garden though. (=but I like the garden)

I see them every day. I’ve never
spoken to them though. (= but
I’ve never spoken to them)

Even though (but not ‘even’ alone)
is a stronger form of although:

Even though I was really
tired, I couldn’t sleep. (not Even I was really tired … )



Complete the sentences. Use although
+ a sentence from the box.


_____Although he has a very important job_______, he isn’t
particularly well-paid.


I recognised her from a photograph.

She wasn’t wearing a coat __________________________________.

We thought we’d better invite
them to the party __________________________________.

I managed to make myself understood.





the room wasn’t warm.

I didn’t recognise her __________________________________.

We’re not very good friends __________________________________.




Complete the sentences with although
/in spite of /because /because of


______ Although_____  1t rained
a lot, we enjoyed our holiday.


a. __________________ all our
careful plans, a lot of things went wrong.

b. __________________ we’d
planned everything carefully, a lot of things went wrong.


a. I went home early __________________
I was feeling unwell.

b. I went to work the next day
__________________ I was still feeling unwell.


a. She only accepted the job __________________
the salary, which was very high.

b. She accepted the job __________________
the salary, which was rather low.


a. I managed to get to sleep __________________
there was a lot of noise.

b. I couldn’t get to sleep __________________
the noise.

Use your own ideas to complete the following


a. He passed the exam although

b. He passed the exam because __________________.


a. I didn’t eat anything
although __________________.

b. I didn’t eat anything in
spite of __________________.


Make one sentence from two. Use the
word(s) in brackets in your sentences.


I couldn’t sleep. I was very
tired. (despite)

_____ I couldn’t sleep despite being very tired. ___________


They have very little money.
They are happy. (in spite of)

In spite _______________________________________________


My foot was injured. I managed
to walk home. (although)



I enjoyed the film. The story
was silly. (in spite of)



We live in the same street. We
hardly ever see each other. (despite)



I got very wet in the rain. I
was only out for five minutes. (even though)



Use the words in brackets to make a
sentence with though at the end.


The house isn’t very nice.
(like I garden) _____ I like the
garden though _______.


It’s warm today. (very windy) ______________________.

We didn’t like the food. (ate)

Liz is very nice. (don’t like /husband)
I ______________________.




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  • Use the word fashionable in a sentence
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  • Use the word during in a sentence
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