Use the word duty in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word duty, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use duty in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «duty».

Duty in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word duty in a sentence.

  1. Reporting for duty with No.

  2. Do your duty or be despised ..

  3. José is left behind on guard duty.

  4. Bride wrote later: «I did my duty.

  5. In early 1862, Ross returned to duty.

  6. José is arrested for dereliction of duty.

  7. Wilder-Neligan returned to duty on 7 July.

  8. Menzies then restored Blamey to active duty.

  9. Afterward she resumed guard duty in the Bight.

  10. For conspicuous gallantry and devotion to duty.

  11. Moved to Triune March 6, and duty there until June.

  12. Midwives were restricted from smoking while on duty.

  13. This was followed by duty on the Navy General Board.

  14. This duty lasted from 10 October to 17 February 1945.

  15. Hatch’s main duty was to kill rats on board the ship.

  16. I wouldn’t do duty on one of these for anything in the world—you can have them.».

  17. In late 1916, he was engaged in convoy protection, a duty he regarded as mundane.

  18. The RCN performed about 40 percent of the war’s transatlantic Allied escort duty.

  19. Garrison duty and land blockades were the most common operations for both armies.

  20. Mitchell was convicted, and sentenced to a five-year suspension from active duty.

  21. These lands, often given to heroes who perished in the line of duty were called bilavritti or kalnad.

  22. Despite sustaining heavy damage, Voyager escapes, and Captain Kathryn Janeway suspends Kim from duty.

  23. Their month of service there was mundane, consisting of regular drills, inspections and fatigue duty.

  24. Case went north to support the pre-invasion bombardment of Kiska and do patrol duty off Adak, Alaska.

  25. Smith assumed setup duty for the Reds as closer Jeff Brantley was en route to a career-high 44 saves.

  26. At the beginning of the war, Finland had a small air force, with only 114 combat planes fit for duty.

  27. The coroners were to keep, or register, royal pleas, which had previously been a duty of the sheriff.

  28. He can be a Nigger or a Jew, but if he has the stuff and does his duty, he can have anything I’ve got.

  29. Viewed positively, Lewis Warren considers that John discharged «his royal duty of providing justice ..

  30. The plan failed, but Bonville was prevented from carrying out his duty as a collector of a royal loan.

  31. Admiral Nagumo was relieved of command shortly after the battle and reassigned to shore duty in Japan.

  32. It returned to active duty in November and to its carrier escort tasks in time to be hit by a typhoon.

  33. The use of high duty, constant-frequency echolocation aids in distinguishing prey items based on size.

  34. One night, Duran is on guard duty at the castle of Valsena when the Crimson Wizard attacks the castle.

  35. The duty of acting as canopy-bearers was performed in recent coronations by four Knights of the Garter.

  36. Due to a bout with typhoid fever, he never saw active duty, and mustered out as a second lieutenant on February 12, 1899.

  37. Many better kings than I have lost it, and to me it is no more than the weight of a cross which it is my duty to carry.».

  38. They labeled him an unqualified marksman and often caught him napping while on duty and failing to report for bed checks.

  39. At the end of March 1942 she returned to Londonderry and undertook North Sea convoy escort duty for the rest of the year.

  40. A major source of Manuel’s wealth was the kommerkion, a customs duty levied at Constantinople on all imports and exports.

  41. Stearn related that when he reported for duty, Hutchinson was completely unaware of the appointment of his new assistant.

  42. He had hoped to return to combat duty at the end of this assignment, but in March 1944 he was ordered to Washington, D.C.

  43. This regiment had previously formed part of the 3rd Provisional Marine Brigade and was fresh from garrison duty in Samoa.

  44. They have high duty cycles, meaning that when individuals are calling, they are producing sound more than 30% of the time.

  45. His bravery and devotion to duty were noted in several later accounts: the Baltimore Sun called him «a conqueror of death.

  46. Seager denied receiving any such call before his duty stint ended at 11:00 pm, and did not mention the concerns about the missing Darlwyne to Coastguard Beard, his relief.

  47. The chief legal barrier to its removal was the trust created at the Pillar’s inception, the terms of which gave the trustees a duty in perpetuity to preserve the monument.

  48. US military policy was to rotate pilots to stateside duty once they became aces, both so that they could train other pilots and so that they would not be killed in action.

  49. But both here and in the United Kingdom the duty of the Prime Minister is the same in a most important aspect if he cannot get supply he must resign or advise an election.

  50. Tibbets remained on temporary duty with the 3d Bombardment Group, forming an anti-submarine patrol at Pope Army Airfield, North Carolina, with 21 B-18 Bolo medium bombers.

Synonyms for duty

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word duty has the following synonyms: responsibility, obligation, tariff and .

General information about «duty» example sentences

The example sentences for the word duty that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «duty» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «duty».

Examples of how to use the word “duty” in a sentence. How to connect “duty” with other words to make correct English sentences.

duty (n): something that you have to do because it is part of your job, or something that you feel is the right thing to do

Use “duty” in a sentence

It’s my duty to help you.
Is this a duty-free shop?
I’m on duty from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
I’ll take over your duties.
Is this a duty-free shop?

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Synonym: assignment, charge, chore, function, job, obligation, responsibility, tariff, task, tax, toll, work. Similar words: on duty, Dutch, beauty, deputy. Meaning: [‘djuːtɪ]  n. 1. work that you are obliged to perform for moral or legal reasons 2. the social force that binds you to the courses of action demanded by that force 3. a government tax on imports or exports. 

1. Obedience is the first duty of a soldier. 

2. The path of duty is the path of safety. 

3. Only they who fulfill their duty in everday matters will fulfill them on great occasions. 

4. What is a man’s first duty? The answer is brief ; to be himself. 

5. The paramount duty of Congress is to stop deficiencies by the restoration of that protective legislation which has always been the firmst prop of the Treasury. 

6. He was dismissed for inattention to his duty.

7. He failed completely in the performance of his duty.

8. He telephoned the duty officer at regimental headquarters.

8. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find nice sentences for a large number of words.

9. It’s our duty to save water.

10. He deemed that it was his duty to help.

11. Do not forget your duty to your parents.

12. There were over 200 police on duty.

13. It’s your duty to do that.

14. I am on duty today.

15. His sense of duty is very strong.

16. I promise I will do my duty .

17. He was dismissed for neglect of his duty.

18. A physician’s sacred duty is to heal the sick.

19. There will be no court duty solicitor today.

20. He has a strong sense of duty.

21. He should bethink himself of his duty.

22. Local councillors have a duty to serve the community.

23. The director detailed a group for fatigue duty.

24. The Night Duty Officer was ready to clock off.

25. We accused him of having neglected his duty.

26. I will not be off duty until 5 p.m.

27. He pleaded guilty to wilful dereliction of duty.

28. I slept, and dreamt that life was Beauty, I woke, and found that life was Duty

29. When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of,he always declared that it is his duty

30. When stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty

Use the word duty in a sentence. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use duty in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for duty.

  • I did my duty. (12)
  • It was his duty. (4)
  • It was her superior duty. (4)
  • She felt it to be her duty. (12)
  • A plain duty lay in her way. (10)
  • He was asleep at his post of duty. (1)
  • I felt that it was my duty to her. (9)
  • But let that be: I serve duty too. (10)
  • I am sure it is our duty to love it. (10)
  • She never forgot or neglected a duty. (14)
  • Do you not understand duty to parents? (10)
  • Her duty done, she marched from the piano. (10)
  • I have tried to do my duty by that position. (8)
  • Was it her duty to live an incomplete life? (10)
  • I look beyond the day; I owe a duty to my line. (10)
  • It is my duty to put some considerations before you. (8)
  • I have prayed to be shown what her duty is, and mine. (8)
  • Something occurred, however, to give her a different duty. (4)
  • Because she thinks it a duty, we will say; that is juster. (10)
  • That, it appeared, was to be for her when she came off duty. (8)
  • I understood very early that it was my duty to imitate them. (10)
  • He spoke like a man who did always a little more than his duty. (13)
  • What that duty may precisely be, is his most difficult problem. (16)
  • This young woman is a very sword in the hand of her idea of duty. (10)
  • You must allow me to judge where my duty lay, in a very hard case. (8)
  • Both of them divined that the book was there to do duty for Roland. (10)
  • Still, he considered; he had wits alive enough, just to perceive a duty. (10)
  • Ripton tipped his comical nose upward, and was in duty bound to say, Yes! (10)
  • You will suffer too, in your tenderness for her; but you must do your duty. (9)
  • I have studied out what my duty is and I have worked to get ready to go now. (18)
  • The clear duty of a man of any wealth is to serve the people as he best can. (10)
  • Orders were obeyed with mechanical fidelity; no one did any more than his duty. (1)
  • Let your enamoured sensations follow that duty, and with a breezy space between. (10)
  • I thought it my duty as a friend, and older than yourself, to say thus much to you. (4)
  • It is just the instant, granting the catastrophe, to have a woman back to her duty. (10)
  • But dinner unites the idea of pleasure and duty, and brings you gently back to earth. (9)
  • There should be no connection whatever between public duty and the feelings of a man. (8)
  • But the soldiers did their best to perform their painful duty as humanely as they could. (19)
  • But as guardians of morality, often doing good duty in their office, they are persistent. (10)
  • Such were the common exercises of those days when the pupils were kept on duty at the school. (3)
  • To hear her duty as a woman Mrs. Hughs turned; slow vindictiveness gathered on her thin face. (8)
  • I should have considered it as part of my duty, and the exertion would soon have been nothing. (4)
  • She conceived it to be neither sublime nor generous: not even good; merely her peculiar duty. (10)
  • The rest of life is duty; duty to parents, duty to country. (10)
  • She marked a line where the light of duty should not encroach on the light of our human desires. (10)
  • The lady said she would have an interview with Richard, and then write, as it was her duty to do. (10)
  • Eyes, lips, hearts; darts and smarts and sighs; beauty, duty; bosom, blossom; false one, farewell! (10)
  • After an interval, the Fair Persian having done duty by showing herself, was glad to quit the room. (10)
  • He could afford to smile now at his past discomfort, having no longer the sense of duty unfulfilled. (8)
  • I cannot feel it in accordance with my duty to Society to exercise the powers I have in your favour. (8)
  • We will assign him to post duty and recommend giving him West Point, if he declines to take the field. (18)
  • Their course is to do their duty manfully and honestly for the present; posterity can take care of itself. (19)
  • She could fancy that she was protecting him, and through this duty she was better protected against herself. (12)
  • But he, whose duty it was to look after the property of The Blue Pike, would spoil their pleasure in thieving. (5)
  • To speak of his practising neglect or failing in a duty would be unbecoming in me as well as incorrect in fact. (12)
  • Poor duty is done by the simple sense of moral worth, to supplant that absence of feature in the plain flat back. (10)
  • They are very unlike each other, and my duty to the artist requires me to try and look as much like each as I can. (14)
  • Celebrated minstrels were maintained in the royal courts whose duty it was to chant songs in praise of their patrons. (3)
  • He assured her that in future she must; that such was his express desire; that it was her duty to herself and others. (10)
  • The book which you read from a sense of duty, or because for any reason you must, does not commonly make friends with you. (9)
  • They were too busy to be just; he was looked upon as one who had shirked his duty, until forced unwillingly into the field. (1)
  • But the intemperate feeling subsided while she was doing duty before her mirror, and the visionary gulf closed immediately. (10)
  • Your duty is to go forward with stout hearts, firm steps, and kindling eyes; in this way alone shall we defeat our common enemies. (8)
  • But his chief feeling was a bewildered anger that for doing what seemed to him his duty, he should be attacked by his parishioners. (8)
  • She could now look forward to giving him that full and perfect confidence which her disposition was most ready to welcome as a duty. (4)
  • When found so warped, Mr. Pendyce was at a loss, and would walk up and down, earnestly trying to discover what his duty was to them. (8)
  • For three days or more they were, it would seem, to journey together, alone together: the prosecution of his duty imposed it on him. (10)
  • He had not, however, been instructed to apply for an adjournment, and in default of such instruction he conceived it his duty to go on. (8)
  • Italian soldiers seem to think that the army only did its duty, and that, wherever Italians may fight, they will always show equal valour and firmness. (10)
  • By general understanding, the experienced cruiser, or Admiral of the fleet, was expected to do the cooking, and he had made elaborate preparations for this duty. (20)

Also see sentences for: business, charge, custom, employment, function, labor, levy.

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Definition of Duty

a responsibility or obligation

Examples of Duty in a sentence

As an American, it is your duty to vote on Election Day.


The lifeguard’s duty was to keep the swimmers safe.


Although it wasn’t his duty, Officer McDaniel often drove the transportation van.


It was the duty of the security guard to make sure all of the locks were properly secured.


The man had a duty to serve his country when drafted.


Other words in the Jobs, Occupations and Professions category:

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Kira’s emotional ‘computer’ was not flaw-free, and at times appeared to have the calendar set at the year 1850, when honour and duty were still in vogue

She felt Tdeshi’s hormones prompting her to blow off comfortable old Kulai and run off on an adventure with a dashing manly man, but Ava’s sense of duty was going to force Herndon to pay for this junket with his fast boat

You have a duty to Department X above all other duties!” Ackers said in a much quieter voice

It is my duty

Therefore, no neglect of duty is possible to the one-pointed person

’ He said as we show our membership cards to the National Trust personnel on duty and wander off into the great hall of the house

Are you still on duty

«My Dad always said a real detective is always on duty

There were two of them, both heavy duty

The pain in my ribs was searing, worse than anything the loan-shark heavies had done to me but I guessed that I didn’t have the right to medical attention while Garda Thicke was on duty

A real detective is always on duty

Usually I get a night story from the duty officer

He was on duty, his personification in a comfortable office chair, but hard at work behind the scenes

Being able to teach necessarily implies the duty of teaching

As a technician, Bahkmar had suffered thru all that indoctrination, had to salute it, pass tests on it, know his duty, so on and so on

It was the technician’s creed that this was what God meant all along, and it is our holy duty to let the non-technical believe in the words of scripture

The technician who had drawn the Haadij’s effects duty today was paying attention

He wondered who was on that, it was usually easier duty

I remember having to go up to the quarry on fire watch duty sometimes … you can see clear across the village from there … right over to Wales on a good day

Theoretically he was not attending the meeting he was supporting because he was on duty

It wouldn’t effect anyone’s duty or life very much one way or the other, all it did was change the time till they became a growing community once again

When he was not in a meeting, or otherwise on duty, Bahkmar was sometimes allowed to forget the woes of Haad politics and retire to his private quarters

While he was off duty, as opposed to live when he has to be there for active support of an important gathering, he can look at schematics

Of course techs were forbidden to associate with other techs when off duty

Through those repetitions of days with Smiler on duty, I sat on the mattress and watched the world spin away from me as though I were floating above a stage set

Anyway, I came over here to ask about the council meeting, you’re not on duty for this one are you?»

He was called to emergency duty because the bus width for the number of personifications that are interacting within sight of each other was in overload

I usually spend my time in jeans and jumpers or t-shirts, depending on the weather – or smart trousers when I’m on official duty, so to speak

The female tech currently on duty was a blond named Linshere Paundrocop who was probably quite attractive if he could ever see more of her than her eyes and forehead

By the letter of Holy Law they weren’t supposed to be sharing this information but the only person that could know would be another tech tapping into their duty environment

By the time the duty clock said the sabbath was over, Bahkmar had proven to himself beyond all reasonable doubt that there were no real female souls on the ship

There was just enough circuitry to run four different cherubs, one on duty at a time, to simulate the technician’s portal to that universe

The two guards who had been on washing-up duty came over, this time with rolls of duct tape in their hands

This was why the techs were kept apart from each other off duty, so they would not know who was who and could be pitted against each other by their bosses

«Understand this much, in heaven our women are protected,» God rumbled, «their duty is done, they have completed their duties to men

I had a duty to exist because I felt sure that by surviving I would find companionship

He thought someone should notice he hadn’t reported for duty by now

With all the disruption their expedition had faced, he only went out when he was on duty

«Your duty is to keep us safe from other prying eyes and ears

«Not a clue, I haven’t been called for duty since the end of that meeting

«What was your duty

Listening to the night-dead creaking of the building and to the faint strains of a television playing further down the hall in the room where the guards brewed our tea and relaxed when not on duty, I wondered again about this friendship

About one in ten thousand people here carried one, he gave one to every crew chief on duty at the ranch

She was on duty, at least her avatar was, by now that was just about a copy of herself, interrupting her real self for further information now and then

You don’t want to feel guilty anymore, so you do your religious duty in going to church, tithing, repenting, reading your Bible, attending the Bible study, serving, and all the other things that are promoted by the church building that good saints do

This city needed a Helen on duty in this harbor at all times to launch these thousand ships

Nuran began to like playing the ‘space man’ game with Alan and showed off how well she had studied for this trip by taking over duty as his guide

hanging duty and respect on gently vibrating airwaves

and a riot squad that is one off duty policewoman

There came a time in late Morningday in week Zawmathii, their third week out of Shempala when she was on the topdeck because of duty on the middle mast

We carouse with the captain and those crew members not on duty for a couple of hours before Drens, pouring the last of the wine into his glass, tells us to get off to bed

Traffic was heavy on the Lhar by that point, there was a line of ships in each direction so they had to pay attention when on duty

Duty had been vigorous today, but not exhausting, enough to make her pretty tired and ready to get some sleep

She was very depressed and he knew that the only reason she was still alive was out of a sense of duty to him

It was pulse code, the frequency and duty cycle varied over time

It was half a local year since he told Ava about the visit from Elmore and he still saw little of her outside of duty

All of the policemen on crowd duty turned and fled the carnage, but the ordinary people in the crowd started to cheer and whoop with delight, carrying the soldier around on their shoulders and yelling and shouting that they’d never liked bankers at all

It was stuck in three-d reality however and he could not pull it thru to his duty station to check its charge

He didn’t stop however, getting their Systems Administrator back was much more important than any duty he was ever assigned

After the Morningday he spent at the desk eye, he turned in early for Noonsleep and slept right thru Monday’s duty hours

He settled down in the dugout to watch the rest of the match next to his less illustrious team mates, just another mucker doing his duty

Morg used as little magic as possible in everyday life, but while on duty he used what was convenient for the crew and allowed for his rank

If she wasn’t using these condensates as an excuse to end their marriage she would have shortcut her duty to the captain to help him decode these signals

«You should try plotting by burst duty cycle and warp radius,» she said, moving quite close to him when she did

Admirable Aristethes would perform his duty even if it made him wince

Were we mortals I would tell you it is your duty to do your best to satisfy her, especially spiritually, with her need for comfort and affection

As immortals, it is still your duty to satisfy her needs for comfort and affection, you said as much in your vows

«Why does every line in every conversation have to be serious? Can’t we ever be off duty? Look, this seat was built to cuddle up in and you’re sitting there like you’re with your mother

About the only women who’s duty personifications were acceptable were Glenelle, Leslie and Ava

Victoria might even be next, though she was one of the majority who didn’t change their flesh’s rendering when off duty and presented herself as forty seven years of age

Her voice, but without the nasal overtones said, «I use a different personification off duty

She turned to the young warrior, “Your Lord said you were to protect the main house; go and do your duty

She was fun to watch, he should discipline her for the clothing she wore on duty, but it was all perfectly legal

On a Saturday Kelvin didn’t need to appear for duty unless called, but he liked being in space as it appeared around them

She was used to the way he kept his duty space during off-duty hours

Even though we aren’t getting along right now, I think Thom is a good and pious crewman and can carry out his duty in spite of getting a little too carried away with what he’s finding

It was rare that he came down into the bowels of Heymon’s duty section during duty shift, but for the last three weeks he wanted to see what his de-facto science officer was doing about the bogie

«Ava told him all this during duty hours

She could almost always get a location on any member of the crew, but when she was off duty, it was often hard to get a location on her

She appeared at his door in a bit more than ninety seconds, but dressed in the flowing robes she often wore on duty

These were not what his breakfasts used to be, these were special invitation-only and they were not supposed to be related to duty

Of course there would hardly be a soul here who had an interest other than their duty, but here they could talk of it as they wished, carry on ad nauseam and expound their own opinions

Biology did all that was required, but they seldom visited the model of the real study planet in their off duty hours

She appeared in the door by herself, wearing robes very similar to what she wore on duty

That jersey was too thin for duty on Gordon’s Lamp without underwear, but this wasn’t duty hours any more was it?

Alan was still out in the garden, as he had been when she left, where he was for many hours when he was not on duty

Her only means of catching him would be to stay with him every hour he wasn’t on duty

She wondered if she had fallen into some cultural trap like maybe if she asked him to bathe, it was her duty to bathe him

Whichever soldier was nearest the rope that needed hauling got that duty

Poor old Bunty! She’s got a job where she’s valued and respected, a home and life which she enjoys and has to ditch the lot to go home to look after her parents … but it is what she was brought up to see as her duty and, as an unmarried daughter, an automatic process

“I had sex five times with three different guys when I went to your starship, all of it was part of my duty, but most of it I enjoyed

All of the policemen on crowd duty turned and fled the carnage,

Using her as translator, Ava went thru the whole story, the parking garage, how it was planked in, how people argued about bathroom duty, the landfill that the pistolieros busted open and how her father scavenged there

Ava decided that she probably had forgotten to reset her personification to her duty hours figure when she went off to duty the morning of the encapsulation

Deep space probes were continuous with two technicians always on duty monitoring activity

He saw it as his way of showing Kai he was able to return to duty

Sonia had made it her personal duty those many years ago to keep tabs on Matai and Lord Boras

“As you know,” she began once formalities were over, “Tometahin requires utmost concentration to perform his duty

By the time she was ready to call the captain, she was shocked to find out how late it was, duty hours were over already

say, we are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«To uphold laws is our constitutional duty.«
(constitutional, civic, civil)

«Their primary duty is to protect us.«
(primary, general)

«Lawyers have a professional duty to keep things confidential.«
(professional, contractual, legal)

«Military soldiers have a patriotic duty to protect the country.«

«I have a parental duty to keep my children safe.«
(parental, family)

«A judge has an ethical duty to stay impartial.«
(ethical, moral, sworn)

«He needs to finish his combat duty.«
(combat, guard, patrol, peacekeeping, military)

«She has daily duties to perform.«
(daily, regular, routine, administrative)

«It’s a part-time duty.«
(part-time, full-time)

«When is jury duty?«

Used with verbs:

«The police have a duty to protect the community.«

«You need to carry out your daily duties.«
(carry out, do, fulfill, meet, perform, complete, handle, finish)

«She failed in her duty to help us.«
(failed in)

«The lazy worker avoided his duties.«
(avoided, neglected, abandoned)

«He took on the household duties when his wife went back to work.«
(took on, assumed)

«Duty calls!«

«You must report for duty on time.«
(come on, go on, report for)

«What time do you go off duty?«
(go off, come off)

«He will resume his duties in the morning.«
(resume, return to)

«The police officer was relieved of his duty.«
(be + relieved of, be + suspended from)

«The couple shares childcare duties.«
(shares, splits)

Used with prepositions:

«You have a duty to your country.«

«We have a sense of duty to our customers.«

«When are you off duty?«
(off, on)

Used with nouns:

«He was given another duty assignment.«

  • Use the word Duty in a sentences

Sentence Examples

It is my duty to tell you that as such you don’t have to answer any questions about the crime and you have the right to have an attorney with you.

How did you escape sister duty tonight?

TANNOY: ‘duty hygiene assistant to the staff canteen.

duty hygiene assistant to the staff canteen, please.’

The guard Nibet serves his night duty at the prison of Sante, the death row, where was Fantomas.

«Come, it is at least your duty to help that poor O-Take-San!»

I now request permission to return to active duty in my old company with the rank of Private 2nd Class under the orders of Sergeant Francois Laurin.

That night, I was on guard duty on the battlefield.

duty calls my heart / Away from these fair parts.

Instead of doing your duty, ESTs again thinking about that woman.

We»ve got a special duty for you two.

You have a holy duty to fulfill, — you must endow England with an heir to the throne!

It’s my bounden duty to go and expose this woman to the Squire.

I regarded it as my duty to tell you about it…

Charity — to some a duty, to others a joy.

He must perform his forlorn duty. «

I will not shirk my duty.

You have the duty to heal the wounds of your people. They are suffering because of you.

but the reason for her rebellion against her sadness … was it a betrayal of her duty to serve her art?

«There she lies now, and it is our patriotic duty to destroy that ship.»

Heavy and gloomy is the sleep of the off duty.


And «the man» was confused that day on duty

«Alas, poor boy… I did my duty… I kissed him and he died.»

At Lily’s insistence, Solange had agreed to come to the camp to intercede for her fianc├®, since ieutenant Daumel was on duty that night.

Sergeant Dunn reporting for duty, sir.

I still have night duty at the Seamen’s Mission.

You must do the night duty alone tonight.

# I’ve learned that duty in Paris You leave it to me #

«I am only fullfilling my duty as a nurse.»

I forced myself to think of it as you did. A public duty, law and order! But this…this isn’t the same!

Go back and do your duty.

It is a duty we owe the South as well as the North.

Last night I was too hungry to sleep, and tonight, when I get the wrinkles out of my gut, they think up wiring duty.

Of course, you do your duty and you risk your life.

They have gone bravely, nobly, ever forward, realizing there is no other duty now but to save the fatherland. Paul!

The young men thought I was a coward because I told them that… we learn that death is stronger than duty to one’s country.

I was only doing my duty.

I would have known my duty.

I know that your sense of duty has kept you from showing me your real feelings.

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