Use the word due to in a sentence

Before getting to know grammar rules of “due to”, we must first know what kind of speech it is. “Due to” is an adjective and modifies a noun, pronoun or noun phrase. Therefore, according to the grammar rules, “due to” can only be used to modify nouns, pronouns and noun phrases. Below are three examples of using “due to.”

1. The road closure was due to an accident.

2. The voting period extension was due to malfunctioning voting machines.

3. The broken basket was due to carrying too many eggs.

One easy shortcut to knowing the proper “due to” grammar usage is to substitute it with the words “caused by.” If “due to” cannot be substituted by “caused by,” then “due to” is being improperly used. For example:

1. The wet blanket was due to the sprinkler turning on.

    =The wet blanket was caused by the sprinkler turning on.

2. The good grade was due to extra studying.

    =The good grade was caused by extra studying.

3. The lost battle was due to interference by the king in pre-battle planning.

    =The lost battle was caused by interference by the king in pre-battle planning.

Due to or Because of?

Based on this shortcut, “due to” is being properly used if “caused by” can be properly substituted. Now, let’s see one more example:

1. The game was lost due to bad officiating.

    —The game was lost caused by bad officiating.

The substitution of “caused by” does not work here. Therefore, “due to” should not be used. The correct sentence would be:

   —The game was lost because of bad officiating.

This begs the question, do “due to” and “because of” mean different things? The answer is that “because of” modifies an entire clause. The use of “because of” requires a situation where a reason is given for a given action in a clause. As a result, neither “due to” nor “because of” are interchangeable with each other. Let’s look at three examples:

1. The clock was unreliable because of the drastic temperature changes in the room.

Explain: “Due to” will not work here, because it can only modify a noun. Here, it is trying to modify the clause “clock was unreliable.” Had the sentence began with “the unreliable clock,” “due to” could be used since it would be modifying the noun “clock,” rather than an entire clause.

2. The game was lost because of poor play-calling by the coach.

Explain: “Due to” will not work here because it would be trying to modify the clause, “game was lost,” instead of a noun.

3. The soup was cold because of the inattentive chef.

Explain: So as the sentences we have talked above. Besides, “due to” will not work here because it cannot be substituted by the words “caused by.”

Synonym: ascribable, due to, imputable, referable. Similar words: banquet, in due course, get on, let out, see to, let off, get off, get out. Meaning: adj. (usually followed by `to’) able to be assigned or credited to. 

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(1) What I have done is due to patient thought. 

(2) Our thanks are due to him.

(3) The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.

(4) It’s due to open in the spring.

(5) The problem may be due to poor workmanship.

(6) Your headaches are due to stress.

(7) His success was due to his industry.

(8) Have they been paid the money due to them?

(9) You have not given what is due to me.

(10) The team’s success was largely due to her efforts.

(11) He is due to speak this evening.

(12) Ten dollars is due to you.

(13) Our thanks are due to everyone.

(14) Most of the problems were due to human error.

(15) His success was largely due to his diligence.

(16) He was forced to resign due to ill health.

(17) Her illness was due to bad food.

(18) He had to retire due to ill health.

(19) Due to staff shortages(Sentence dictionary), we are unable to offer a full buffet service on this train.

(20) Her disappointing exam results are entirely due to her inattention in class.

(21) After a try-out in Bath, the play is due to open in Edinburgh next month.

(22) The event has been postponed indefinitely due to lack of interest.

(23) The rise in crime is mainly due to social and economic factors.

(24) The parliamentary session is due to end on May 27th.

(25) She’s due to arrive on Thursday. Meanwhile, what do we do?

(26) No.103 trolleybus was rerouted due to the renovation of Chang’an Street.

(27) The rocket is due to lift off at noon on Friday.

(28) The city centre suffered some disruption due to a bomb scare.

(29) He is due to face a court-martial on drugs charges.

(30) Where unemployment and crime are high, it can be assumed that the latter is due to the former.

More similar words: banquet, in due course, get on, let out, see to, let off, get off, get out, set off, come to, set out, take to, get over, get out of, have to, agree to, be able to, adhere to, rhetoric, get on with, come to life, set fire to, piece together, give rise to, contribute to, have to do with, come to terms with, from time to time, face to face. 

Do to is never the correct option. I can’t think of a single instance where do to would be right, so this lesson is pretty easy. The correct answer is, DUE TO, if you are trying to show that something is CAUSED by something else.


  • 1 Which is correct due to or do to?
  • 2 Is due to grammatically correct?
  • 3 How do you use due to in a sentence?
  • 4 Will have to do or due?
  • 5 Do to work or due to work?
  • 6 Is it hair do or due?
  • 7 Is there a comma after due to?
  • 8 What is difference between because of and due to?
  • 9 Do you need a comma for due to?
  • 10 What part of speech is due to?
  • 11 Is due to an adverb?
  • 12 Do you make due or make do?
  • 13 Would have to make do?
  • 14 Do out with meaning?
  • 15 What can I say instead of due to the fact?
  • 16 Will have to do meaning?
  • 17 Do this VS does this?
  • 18 Do Vs due vs Dew?
  • 19 Will not do meaning?
  • 20 Is due to be meaning?

Which is correct due to or do to?

One of the more common phrases about which people ask questions is the phrase due to and it’s longer form due to the fact. Is this phrase due to or do to? This phrase is always spelled due to; it should never appear in your writing as do to.

Is due to grammatically correct?

Use ‘due to’ only to modify nouns. Usage of ‘due to’ is correct, if the sentence makes sense when ‘due to’ is replaced with ’caused by’. Use ‘because of’ to modify verbs. ‘Due to’ & ‘because of’ are not interchangeable.

How do you use due to in a sentence?

For example: ‘My fitness is due to regular exercise. ‘ In this sentence, ‘my fitness’ is the noun and ‘due to’ follows ‘is’, a form of the verb ‘to be’.

Will have to do or due?

In conclusion, make do is a two-word verb phrase that is acceptable in modern English of today’s world. It means to make the best use of whatever is provided in the unsuitable situation. Make due means the same however it is just an old version of the word that is no longer accepted.

Do to work or due to work?

Should I use do or due?

  1. Do is always a verb. It can be a main verb, meaning to complete or perform a task or a helping verb used to form questions or negative statements.
  2. Due can act as an adjective, noun, or adverb that means owed at a certain time, something which is owed, or directly.

Is it hair do or due?

noun, plural hair·dos. the style in which a person’s hair is cut, arranged, and worn; coiffure. the hair itself, especially when newly or elaborately arranged.

Is there a comma after due to?

(This sentence begins with “due to” and is followed by a noun and a comma. It explains why the bird can’t fly.) His weight problem is due to overeating. (You may use gerunds after “due to.” The word “overeating” in this example is a gerund.

What is difference between because of and due to?

Due to is an adjective, which indicates it can only modify pronouns and nouns. Because of is an adverb, which implies it can modify verbs, adjectives and clauses, but not nouns and pronouns.

Do you need a comma for due to?

When is a comma necessary before the phrase “due to?” A comma before the prepositional phrase “due to” is necessary when it introduces parenthetical, nonrestrictive information or when it appears either after a parenthesis or an introductory expression.

What part of speech is due to?

“Because of” grew up as an adverb; “due to” grew up as an adjective.To be more precise, with their attendant words, “due to” and “because of” operate as adjectival and adverbial prepositional phrases.

Is due to an adverb?

“Due to” is an adjective, which means it can only modify pronouns and nouns according to the purest English grammar rules. “Because of” is an adverb, which means it can only modify verbs, adjectives and clauses, but not nouns and pronouns.

Do you make due or make do?

Make is a verb meaning to begin or to cause to happen. Due is an adjective meaning owed or having reached a date.Do is a verb meaning to bring about, perform, or execute. Thus, make do is the proper usage.

Would have to make do?

Make do is an idiom. Grammatically, it is a verb phrase, and it means to use what one has on hand or to persevere through non-ideal circumstances.“We’ve lost a lot of supplies, but we’ll make do with what we have,” said the Sherpa. The team will have to make do without its star player while he recovers from an injury.

Do out with meaning?

to decorate something: They did the room out with balloons and streamers ready for the party.

What can I say instead of due to the fact?

What is another word for due to the fact?

therefore thus
hence consequently
accordingly so
as a result because of this
due to this ergo

Will have to do meaning?

In this context, “will have to do” means “will have to be acceptable, since we have no other choice“. When someone says this, it implies that this outcome might be imperfect; however, other factors constrain a better outcome.

Do this VS does this?

When the question is with a third person singular pronoun, the word “does” is used.While the verb “do” is used when referring to more than one person or thing, the word “does” is used in sentences that refer to a single person or thing. For example: “It does look nice on you. They do look nice together.”

Do Vs due vs Dew?

Dew is often associated with the morning, and the word dew is often used figuratively to mean freshness, youth, innocence.Do is a verb, related words are does, did, done, doing. Due means required or expected at a certain time. Due may also mean what someone deserves, dues may refer to expected fees.

Will not do meaning?

(especially British English) used to say that a situation is not satisfactory and should be changed or improved: He’s spending every afternoon in the park with his friends instead of going to school, and that just won’t do! ♢ I feel very upset but it would never do to show it.

Is due to be meaning?

Be due to is used to talk about things that are expected or planned to happen at a certain time.

due to vs because pf

The phrases due to and because of both show a cause-and-effect relationship. However, they are not grammatically equivalent in the English language.

So what exactly is the difference between these two phrases, and why can’t you use them interchangeably?

The short answer is that the phrases because of and due to are different parts of speech, even though they’re both prepositional phrases.

Because of functions as an adverb, which we use to modify verbs, so it should only come after a verb. Due to functions as an adjective, which we use to modify nouns, so it should only come after a noun.

This article will explain the full difference between due to vs because of and help you remember when to use each phrase.

What’s the Difference Between Due to vs Because of?

Both due to and because of present reasons for something to be true. The real difference is that due to should be used to present a reason for a noun, while the phrase because of should be used to present a reason for a verb or an adjective.

due to vs because of definition

You must decide whether you are modifying a noun, verb, or adjective to determine which phrase to use. In the following example, it is the noun growth that’s being modified:

  • The tree’s growth is due to nutrient-rich soil.

We can restructure the sentence to use a verb phrase. In the following example, it is the verb grows that’s being modified:

  • The tree grows because of the nutrients in the soil.

Because growth is a noun and grows is a verb, the first sentence needs to use due to while the other needs to use because of.

To understand why this difference exists, we need to take a closer look at the grammatical role each of these phrases plays in a sentence.

Is Because of a Preposition?

The phrase because of is an adverbial prepositional phrase. In other words, because of functions as an adverb in a sentence, and it should be used to modify verbs or adjectives.

Think of some common adverbs you know, like quickly or really. These words are used to provide extra information about a verb or adjective.

For example, you might say “She left quickly” or “He was really handsome.” In these examples, left and handsome are the words being modified.

You can use because of after a verb or verb phrase, just like quickly and really. For example, you might say “She left because of her early curfew” or “He was handsome because of his great skincare routine.”

Is Due to a Preposition?

Due to is a prepositional phrase, just like because of. However, it’s an adjectival prepositional phrase, not an adverbial prepositional phrase. In other words, due to functions like an adjective in a sentence.

Think of some common adjectives you know, like annoying or long. These words are used to provide extra information about a person, place, or thing—in other words, to provide information about a noun entity. For example, you might say “The traffic jam is annoying” or “The delay was long.”

You can use due to after a noun or noun phrase, just like annoying or long. For example, you might say “The traffic jam is due to construction work” or “The delay was due to a miscommunication between the two teams.”

How to Use Due to (with Examples)

Whenever you want to explain the reason for something, and you’ve phrased that thing as a noun, you can use due to between the noun and the reason behind it.

For example, consider the sentence: “My success is due to hard work and perseverance.” In this case, “success” is the noun, and “hard work and perseverance” are the reasons that explain that success.

When an adjective comes after the noun it modifies, you usually need a linking verb, like was or is, between the noun and the adjective. That’s why you’ll often see due to used immediately after a to be verb.

Here are some other examples of how to use due to in a sentence:

  • The restaurant’s failure was due to poor money management.
  • The smoke in the air was due to a wildfire in the nearby forest.
  • The bright yellow color of my homemade soup is due to the turmeric that I add to the recipe.

How to Use Because of (with Examples)

Because of functions the same way as due to, except it should come after a verb or an adjective, instead of a noun.

For example, consider the sentence: “I succeeded because of hard work and perseverance.” In this case, “succeeded” is the verb, and “hard work and perseverance” are the reasons that explain that verb.

Alternatively, you can also use this sentence: “I am successful because of hard work and perseverance.” In this example, “successful” is an adjective being modified.


Here are some other examples of how to use because of in a sentence:

  • The restaurant failed because of poor money management.
  • The air was smoky because of a wildfire in the nearby forest.
  • My homemade soup looks bright yellow because of the turmeric that I add to the recipe.

Can You Start a Sentence with Because of or Due to?

You may have heard the myth that you shouldn’t begin a sentence with a preposition. However, there’s no rule against starting a sentence with a preposition.

As a result, it’s perfectly okay to start a sentence with because of. Just invert the structure of a sentence that has because of in the middle. For example, we can easily invert the examples above:

  • Because of poor money management, the restaurant failed.
  • Because of a wildfire in the nearby forest, smoke filled the air.
  • Because of the turmeric that I add to the recipe, my homemade soup looks bright yellow.

how to start a sentence with because of

Starting a sentence with due to is much less common, since it needs a noun or pronoun to modify. These sentences sound much more awkward in an inverted form, and require you to phrase them in an unnecessarily wordy way.

If we try to invert our first example from the previous section, we get: “Due to poor money management, the restaurant’s failure was.” This sentence is not technically incorrect, but unless you want to sound like Yoda from Star Wars, it’s safer to avoid using due to at the beginning of a sentence.

Conclusion on the Difference Between Due to vs Because of

Now you know the difference between due to and because of!

These two expressions are often used interchangeably in conversational English, so don’t worry too much about incorrect usage when you’re speaking. And as long as you know whether you’re writing about a noun or a verb, you’ll be able to choose the right words in your writing.

If you’re not sure which one to use, you can always run your writing through ProWritingAid’s Grammar Check, which will ensure that all your sentences are using the correct parts of speech.

Have you tried  ProWritingAid  yet? What are you waiting for? It’s the best tool for making sure your copy is strong, clear, and error-free!

A 4 min read

Due to and Because of are the two phrases tested against each other quite frequently in the Sentence Correction section of the Verbal portion of the GMAT. In day-to-day written and conversational English, these two terms are used interchangeably. But in GMAT SC, the two phrases have very specific usages and are NOT used interchangeably. Hence, it is imperative to know about their specific usages.

due to vs because of - GMAT

This phrase is used to modify the nouns. In other words, due to is used to present the reason for a noun.

Simple Example 1: The traffic jam was due to a terrible accident at the intersection.

In the above-mentioned sentence, the phrase due to has been used to present the reason for the noun traffic jam. The reason for traffic jam, grammatically a noun entity, is a terrible accident. Hence, usage of due to correct in this sentence.

Official Sentence 1: Unlike the premiums for auto insurance, the premiums for personal property coverage are not affected by the frequency of claims, but if the insurance company is able to prove excessive loss due to owner negligence, it may decline to renew the policy. (OG VR 2020#312, SC11934)

Although the usage of due to is not tested in the above-mentioned correct official sentence, it is a good example to understand the usage of due to in GMAT SC. So, let’s begin from the beginning – the meaning analysis of the sentence.

The sentence presents a contrast between the premiums for auto insurance and those for personal coverage. The two types of premiums are different because the latter is not influenced by the frequency of claims. However, if the insurance company can prove that negligence by owner led to huge loss, the insurance company may refuse to renew the policy.

In this sentence, use of due to is correct because it has been used to present the reason for the noun excessive loss. Per this sentence, what causes excessive loss (a noun entity)? Owner negligence. Hence, use of due to is correct in this sentence.

Here are 5 Strategies that GMAT uses to distort meaning. 

Learn how Rhea used the meaning based approach to score a 760 with a V41.

Because of

This phrase is used to modify the actions. In other words, because of is used to present the reason for an action.

Simple Example 2: The traffic jam happened because of a terrible accident at the intersection.

In the above-mentioned sentence, the phrase because of has been used to present the reason for the action happened. The reason why the traffic jam took place is that there was a terrible accident. Hence, usage of because of is correct in this sentence.

Official Sentence 2: Because of the erratic pattern of sales increases this year, retailers and analysts hesitate to predict five-year trends in retail sales during the months that have historically been the most profitable. (OG VR 2020#248, SC71061.01)

Let’s first understand the meaning of this correct official sentence.  The sentence says retailers and analysts do not predict 5-year trends in retail sales during a particular span of time. The reason for this action (hesitate to predict) is the inconsistent way of rise in sales this year.

Since this sentence presents the reason for an action as mentioned above, the use of because of is correct in this sentence.

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Official Sentence 3: Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined that there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and thus the leopards are many times as rare as China’s giant pandas. (OG VR 2020#243, SC99250.01)

Choice A: Due to poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, researchers have determined that there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and thus the leopards are many times as rare as

Choice E: Researchers have determined that, because of poaching and increased cultivation in their native habitats, there are fewer than 100 Arabian leopards left in the wild, and thus the leopards are many times more rare than

If we analyze the above-mentioned two answer choices for the correct usage of due to Vs. because of, we can very easily reject Choice A for the incorrect usage of due to for presenting the reason for the action – have determined. Choice E correctly uses the phrase because of to do so.

GMAT verbal tips from V40+ test takers

What are the Key Take-Away Messages | Due to vs because of

  1. Use ‘due to’ only to modify nouns.
  2. Usage of ‘due to’ is correct, if the sentence makes sense when ‘due to’ is replaced with ’caused by’.
  3. Use ‘because of’ to modify verbs.
  4. ‘Due to’ & ‘because of’ are not interchangeable.

Q: Can ‘due to’ and ‘because of’ be used interchangeably?

A: No. ‘due to’ is used to modify nouns only. ‘Because of’ is used to modify verbs. Thus, these two expressions cannot be used interchangeably.

In simple example sentence 1, the verb before due to is is while in simple example sentence 2, because of is preceded by the verb happened. Please note that ‘is’ presents the state of the subject, and happened denotes an action. Paying attention to the verb in the clause these phrases associate with can help determine whether the sentence must use due to or because of.

Phrase Function Simple Examples
Due to Presents reason for a noun The traffic jam was due to a terrible accident at the intersection.
Because of Presents reason for an action The traffic jam happened because of a terrible accident at the intersection.

To learn the usage of other idioms covered in the e-GMAT SC course, click here.

Definition of Due to

caused by

Examples of Due to in a sentence

Due to the heavy rain, some streets were flooded.


The field trip was cancelled due to the snow storm.


Some students may not be able to graduate on time due to cancelled classes.


Due to the economic downturn, the housing market is starting to weaken.


The wedding was called off due to the fact the bride had a terrible migraine.


Due to the high price of gas, the Jones family had no choice but to travel everywhere by bike.


Nearly half of Americans report lying awake at night due to stress.


My adult son has challenges at his workplace due to his learning disability.


The company issued a recall for their signature cookie dough due to the possible presence of rubber pieces.


Due to expected rain late tonight, baseball and softball games are scheduled to begin two hours earlier.


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due to — перевод на русский

/djuː tuː/

We’re delighted to invite our passengers to spend the night in Copenhagen due to a problem with the motor.

Мы рады пригласить наших пассажиров провести ночь в Копенгагене в связи с неполадками с двигателем у самолета.

Due to serious setbacks to our troops in Guantanamo and Santiago my position in Cuba is untenable.

В связи с неудачами наших войск в Гуантанамо и Сантьяго моя позиция на Кубе стала несостоятельной.

— Why? Due to the misdelivery.

В связи с ошибкой доставки.

47 Poppa, due to adverse weather we’re cancelling all flights.

47-й связи с неблагоприятными условиями рейсы отменяются.

— Dr. Wilkins said yesterday what due to the ignorance of the poisons less common for the doctors, there are countless cases of murder what passed unnoticed.

Доктор Уилкинс вчера сказал, что в связи с незнанием медиками большинства необычных ядов о многих убийствах даже не подозревают.

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Once again the main jetty at Orly, in the middle of this warm pre-war Sunday afternoon where he could not stay, he though in a confused way that the child he had been was due to be there too, watching the planes.

Еще раз, главная площадка в Орли, полдень этого теплого предвоенного воскресенья, в котором ему нельзя было остаться, он все-таки не мог точно понять действительно ли ребенком он тоже должен был быть там, смотреть на самолеты.

The Mir rescue ship is due to arrive.

Спасательный корабль Мир должен прибыть.

You’re going to find troubles — perhaps A ship that’s due to sail on a Thursday Will have boiler trouble, or need a new crew, Perhaps engine repairs, waiting for cargo,

Неприятности будут, если у корабля, который должен идти в четверг, возникнут проблемы с котлом или новой командой, или с починкой двигателя, или с ожиданием груза.

Due to retire this year.

Должен уйти на пенсию в этом году.

When is he due to return to Centauri Prime?

Когда он должен вернуться на Центавр Прайм?

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Could also be an aneurysm due to trauma.

Возможно, это аневризма, вызванная травмой.

Asphyxia due to inhalation of hot oil

Асфиксия, вызванная вдыханием горячего масла.

Kidney failure due to severe bleeding caused by ruptured spleen…

вызванная разрывом селезёнки…

Cause of death is exsanguination due to multiple sharp force injuries severing the external iliac artery.

Причина смерти — потеря крови, вызванная многочисленными колотыми ранами, повредившими внешнюю повздошную артерию.

In the circumstances, I am prepared to accept that your conduct was in part due to a mental instability.

При данных обстоятельствах, я готов принять объяснение, что ваше поведение вызвано, в частности, нарушением душевного равновесия.

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That it’s not the case today is due to progress.

Все бесполезное, приносимое сегодняшними знаниями, связано с прогрессом.

I think our recent dip in the ratings is due to a lack of advertising.

Я думаю, недавнее падение рейтинга связано с отсутствием рекламы.

This is due to staff shortages.

Это связано с нехваткой персонала.

Well, many of our residents have trouble interfacing digitally due to their mental deficiencies.

Многим нашим пациентам проблематично работать пальцами, это связано с их умственной неполноценностью.

Maybe this is due to unconscious Dilema between the desire to obey his father and the inability to obey him.

Может быть, это связано с бессознательной дилемой между желанием подчиниться отцу и невозможностью ему подчиниться.

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Due to the overwhelming interest in this luncheon, I propose adding another place to the table.

По причине огромного интереса к этому обеду предлагаю добавить ещё одно место за столом.

Due to this conflict of interest, his vote has been nullified.

По причине конфликта интересов его голос был аннулирован.

Due to electrical storms, all outbound flights are canceled.

По причине электробури все дальние рейсы отменены.

Allison Marsh, the one who briefed you, was absent last night due to a family emergency.

Элисон Марш, которая проинформировала тебя, отсутствовала прошлой ночью по причине неотложной семейной проблемы.

Due to tragic circumstances, Dr. Newton’s no longer running this meeting.

По причине трагических обстоятельств, доктор Ньютон больше не ведет это собрание.

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They’re due to flaws, stresses, tiny fissures in the mantle. Probably the result of many years of underground atomic testing.

Это происходит в результате выхода энергии и возникновения напряженности, обусловленных трещинами в земной коре, которые, вероятнее всего, возникли в результате многочисленных атомных подземных взрывов.

Due to the malfunction of the ship’s transporter, an unexplained duplicate of myself definitely exists.

В результате неисправности корабельного транспортера, непонятным образом появился мой двойник.

Groups of unemployed workers, who have grown in number due to the tax reforms enacted by the former Prime Minister, are rioting all across the country.

Группы безработных, которые возросли в результате налоговых реформ проведенных старым премьер-министром, устраивают восстания по всей стране.

Ladies and gentlemen, I am more than satisfied that Paul Deroulard’s death, though a tragedy, of course, was due to heart failure,

Дамы и господа! У правосудия нет никаких сомнений в том, что смерть Пола Дерула, хотя и явилась трагедией, наступила в результате остановки сердца.

Due to a hospital error, Sam has been given an overdose of medication, which has placed him in extreme clinical danger.

В результате врачебной ошибки, Сэм получил слишком большую дозу лекарства, И оказался в крайне опасном критическом состоянии.

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By the way, speaking of American values, aren’t we about due to start bombing some small country that only has a marginally effective air force?

Кстати говоря об американских ценностях, разве мы уже не должны начать бомбить какую-нибудь маленькую страну у которой есть только минимально эффективные воздушные силы?

All the rulers of the other kingdoms are due to attend my coronation.

Все правители королевств должны присутствовать на моей коронации.

We’re due to rendezvous with a transport ship in a few hours.

Мы должны встретиться с транспортником через несколько часов.

We have a very special treat for you this afternoon. All due to the very hard work of our own Jennifer Barrett.

Сегодня к нам пришёл удивительный гость, …а благодарить за это мы должны Дженнифер Барретт.

They’re due to resume in about 20 minutes.

Они должны возобновиться через 20 минут.

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When’s your Labrador due to whelp?

— Когда ваша собака должна ощениться?

He said that now the mistress was eating the beans that should have been due to them.

Он сказал, что сейчас хозяйка ест фасоль, которая должна была быть их.

Has it occurred to you that this crew is due to stand down in three months?

Вы выбрали нас потому, что команда должна смениться через 3 месяца?

The funeral service is due to begin in a few minutes, Jadzia but I need to talk to you one last time.

Джадзия, панихида должна вот-вот начаться, но мне надо поговорить с тобой последний раз.

11.30 this morning, Maria was due to set off on a ten-day tour of the Far East.

В 11:30 сегодня Мария должна была отправиться на 10 дней на Дальний Восток и вчера я пригласил ее на ланч.

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«Due to the fact that the mother is a prostitute…

«Учитывая, что ее мать — проститутка…

The fine is doubled due to the incredibly young age of the child.

Вы заплатите штраф в двойном размере, учитывая очень юный возраст ребёнка.

And due to the severity of the crime and the physical evidence against the suspect, the county requests no bail. — Your honor, the District Attorney’s office has been made aware of an exculpatory witness

И учитывая тяжесть преступления и вещественные доказательства против подозреваемого, округ просит не назначать залог.

Michael John Myshkin, due to the seriousness of the accusation, your case will be referred to the Crown Court.

Майкл Джон Мышкин, учитывая серьезность обвинения, ваше дело будет рассматривать Суд короны.

Now, due to the popularity of the victim…

Так, учитывая популярность жертвы…

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Soenji’s success is due to you.

Успех Соэндзи — это ваша заслуга.

And our newfound glory is all due to these wonderful boys.

И вновь обретённая слава — заслуга этих замечательных мальчиков.

It was all due to you, you are a beautiful girl and full of integrity.

Это все ваша заслуга, вы красивая девушка и очень порядочная.

And it’s all due to Dr. Cawley.

И это заслуга доктора Коули.

The neighbor’s hanged himself due to lack of recognition.

Сосед повесился, потому что его заслуги не признавали. Так что…

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The expression “due to”, which numerous references claim means ‘caused by’, refers back to a noun or a pronoun, i.e. the antecedent.

  1. The improvement in your English is due to me.
  2. The improvement in your English is caused by me.

The Chicago Manual of Style says that we use “due to” in place of “attributable to,” but not if it can be replaced with “because of.”

  1. The improvement in your English is attributable to me (Yes)
  2. The improvement in your English is due to me. (Yes)

Daily Writing Tips says “Because of” is an adverb, which means it can only modify verbs, adjectives and clauses, but not nouns and pronouns.

  1. You can improve your English because of me. (Yes)
  2. You can improve your English due to me. (No)

The two-word preposition “because of” can be substituted with “as a result of”

  1. Your English improved because of me. (Yes)
  2. Your English improved as a result of me. (Yes)

In a passive construction, I’d suggest using the preposition by

Your English can be improved by me.

The OP can rewrite the original statement, using the present simple or future simple tense, as

  1. You can improve your English with my help/assistance.
  2. With my help/assistance your English will improve.

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