Use the word dropped in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dropped, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dropped in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dropped».

Dropped in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dropped in a sentence.

  1. The plan was then dropped.

  2. The toll dropped to $1 in 1988.

  3. This was dropped from the reissue.

  4. Solos and dropped tunings are rare.

  5. Two bower anchors were also dropped.

  6. The defeat dropped the Gamecocks to No.

  7. Both were soon dropped by their labels.

  8. The relaunched Eagle was dropped in 1994.

  9. Occasionally personnel were also dropped.

  10. Mintage dropped by 90% the following year.

  11. Chaff was dropped by Lancaster bombers from the No.

  12. He was dropped on two and escaped a stumping on 25.

  13. Springfield, Minnesota dropped out on May 31, 2007.

  14. At 1515, two B-17s dropped 192 boxes of ammunition.

  15. Cedeno later dropped the suit and received nothing.

  16. They were incorporated into the Little Boy bomb dropped on Hiroshima on 6 August.

  17. Six defendants subsequently had their cases dropped and one was found not guilty.

  18. In the Bahamas, outer rainbands from Henri dropped around 1 inch (25 mm) of rain.

  19. Spy and Super Tennis, but were eventually dropped due to their small memory size.

  20. Riders were belted into a two-person canvas seat, lifted to the top, and dropped.

  21. Because items dropped by fallen enemies rapidly disappear, players must engage foes from close range.

  22. On their second trip, the salvors dropped the whisky before entering port and had it picked up later.

  23. The Lancastrian was on 78 when he again hooked Lindwall to long leg and was again dropped by Hassett.

  24. Mayfield dropped to third place as Kenseth and Vickers moved into first and second places on lap 257.

  25. It dropped out of my head imperceptibly, but she and I shall always have a kindness for each other.».

  26. In subsequent weeks, Bonanza’s ratings dropped sharply and NBC cancelled the series in November 1972.

  27. Coming into the stretch, Secretariat overtook Riva Ridge, while the other early leaders dropped back.

  28. On 23 August, an aircraft dropped rations, medical supplies, two 3-inch mortars and 120 mortar bombs.

  29. The storm dropped light to moderate amounts of rainfall peaking at 3.5 inches (89 mm) in Sabine Pass.

  30. The depression crossed the Yucatán Peninsula and dropped rainfall, reaching 2.8 in (71 mm) in Cancún.

  31. Although he dropped most of his inherited names, he retained Arafat due to its significance in Islam.

  32. It dropped again to 144 with the June 1949 issue, but rose to 160 from September 1949 to August 1950.

  33. The selectors dropped the captain, Arthur Carr, and replaced him with the inexperienced Percy Chapman.

  34. His first IPS start was the Freedom 100, where dropped out with a broken suspension and finished 17th.

  35. Over Georgia, the storm dropped heavy rainfall of 10 inches (255 mm) in 24 hours in various locations.

  36. The odometer was described as a cart with a gear mechanism that dropped a ball into a container after each mile traveled.

  37. A subsequent Senate subcommittee hearing led to a backlash against comics, and the publishers dropped titles in response.

  38. When the format changed, at the start of 1959, Margulies dropped the policy of having a full-length novel in every issue.

  39. Willa dropped heavy rainfall in western Mexico, peaking at 15.39 in (391 mm) in San Andrés Milpillas in northern Nayarit.

  40. His team dropped two games to Yale and one to Army, but managed to defeat former Triangular Football League opponent MIT.

  41. He jerked his left hand upward, lifting the upper beryllium hemisphere, and dropped it to the floor, ending the reaction.

  42. Both Hannes Delcroix (injury) and Thorgan Hazard (unfit) dropped out in the following days, still before the first match.

  43. The second bomb, likely dropped by Best, landed at the aft edge of the middle elevator and detonated in the upper hangar.

  44. The sixth edition was published by Murray on 19 February 1872 as The Origin of Species, with «On» dropped from the title.

  45. The page count also dropped, to 164 pages with the fourth issue, then to 132 pages with the eighth issue, September 1954.

  46. In June, Typhoon Chataan dropped heavy rainfall in the Federated States of Micronesia, killing 48 people and becoming the deadliest natural disaster in the state of Chuuk.

  47. His most noteworthy Test contribution in his early career was a match-winning ten wicket haul at Headingley in 1909, before being dropped in the 1910–11 Australian season.

  48. Marge’s warnings quickly became a burden to write, particularly because as she herself noted they were mostly ignored, so after «Treehouse of Horror V», they were dropped.

  49. The home side scored 601, England dropped 12 catches and, with the key players Evans and Compton injured, lost by an innings; the press blamed Hutton for choosing to bowl.

  50. The brigade actually dropped nine minutes earlier than scheduled, but successfully landed in drop zone A, while facing significant small-arms and 20 mm anti-aircraft fire.

Synonyms for dropped

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dropped has the following synonyms: born.

General information about «dropped» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dropped that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dropped» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dropped».

She dropped her burdens on the way by, then jumped into Herndon’s arms with a shout

» She dropped to a walk and took his hand

He dropped to his knees, pleading for his lost cigarettes

It was at that point that Millie dropped the phone

“You dropped this,” she said as she held up the Chip for Johnny to see

“You must have dropped it while the gravity was shifting back to normal,” Johnny commented, putting the Chip back in his pocket

“Hey dad,” he called as he dropped his backpack onto the floor and started digging around in the fridge for something to eat

While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline ‘Killer Asteroid on the Way?’ and found that «One of Cynd’s larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

She took the first bite and dropped the fruit as if it were poison

“Yes, thank you, I was looking for this,” Ackers said as he took the paper out of the paper boy’s hands and then dropped it to the ground

Stephen’s comment in the car about my job being on the line is coming back to me now … on the floor I can see a letter with the school crest on it lying where I dropped the post

2: The Humus levels have dropped below optimum

The connection was dropped and Nancy found herself alone again

nearly dropped his perfect girl while negotiating kerbs, and he cursed the fates that

Then the penny dropped

She turned, and dropped the ball

(= She went round and dropped the ball

» The smile dropped from his face like it had never existed

FBI dropped by to arrest me the

mattress was far too soft and the sheets somewhat threadbare, Johnny soon dropped

She flared, and dropped from twenty five thousand miles per hour to stationary in six tenths of a second

No, as Angels they could give themselves the ability to breath underwater so they dropped down into a brightly lit grotto in the reef blow them that was sending up the rhythm of quite a party beat

‘Emma and Adrian … they dropped me at the house … Barney waved to me as they drove off …

‘Stephen, what day is it?’ I asked suddenly wondering how much time has passed since Emma dropped me at the house in Bridgwater

Rose relates a horrifying tale about the bombs which were dropped … some of her family were killed in Bristol in an air raid aimed at one of the factories … and she was also anxious about Wally as they were engaged by then

No doubt whoever had him in this box saw what he was going to do, because after he had climbed another hour and worked his way up another fifteen feet, he dropped the rope

«Give you what honey?» her mom said as she dropped into her chair

Well this time the dockmaster was mesmerized as Vatreel aimed the rack toward the shoremen’s idle ones, then lifted the whole rack as they glided by and stepped with it, matching his walk along the deck to the drift of the river, til the whole row of bales rolled across and lay resting on their rack while the docksman’s chins dropped and he walked half the edge of the deck

the leaves of the tree rustling and he dropped from the branch just in time to

She went back to the city for awhile, and when she returned, Knume dropped what he was doing and pursued her full time

Son picked up the dagger that the soldier had dropped and stabbed the

Son dropped to his knees and raised the sword above his head

The soldiers dropped their weapons and held their hands over their neck

dropped to his knees and checked his wound

The bus trundled steadily along the country lanes and eventually dropped them in the High Street

Son watched in horror as the soldier dropped the sword and filled his

dodged the venom and picked up the sword that the soldier had dropped

That’s how we met, he was pretty much dropped off on my deck with a sign on his forehead reading ‘Hazorpean’

She immediately knew what terror it held for them when it’s jaw dropped, slowly and with an ominous hiss

She quietly entered the cave, dropped the food off on a dresser, and checked Daniel

Daniel was moving his legs and he raised his right arm a bit and flinched and dropped it to his side

“I dropped it when that man grabbed us

that were gorged on and dropped

Back in the kitchen, she was turning on the oven when a rather loud crack of thunder sounded and she jumped and dropped the pizza cutter

that were gorged on and dropped by

She jumped and dropped an ear of corn

Then he began to love her again, and she dropped all of her arguments quickly

He would not be the one who dropped to a walk this time

He dropped his sandwich and slowly rose; he had a silly-looking grin on his face

She dropped his hand and skipped off, beckoning the guys with the crate to come along

Rah literally dropped him on the mesa where Big John and Steve waited

Anxiously, I watch him make his way along the deck towards the steps, his shoulders and head are bowed – it’s as if the weight of ages have suddenly dropped on him

My aunt bore it all as best she could but in the moment she dropped some soil onto the lid, she sank to her knees beside the shallow grave and buried her face in her hands, trembling and shaking, overwhelmed with grief

Ten more devils dropped out of the sky and attacked them; Ichor destroyed them within minutes

They were flying in a tight figure eight and flaming dragons as they went through their formation when a large black dragon dropped down out of nowhere and flamed at Jake

All I want is my mobile phone, which I dropped the last time I was down there»

When it was built, the brook ran to the edge of the patio stones, so it had dropped at least three feet in the three and a half thousand years this house had stood here

It was still twenty feet from the ground, but dropping toward the front patio rapidly when the hatch dropped

When you stood up, it would have looked as though you had dropped it

They all burst out with applause and shouts of ‘bravo!’ She turned beet red, and dropped her scouring pad, and stood with her mouth open

He almost dropped his camera

’ Her eyes flashed up to my face as though checking my reaction … then dropped to the unwanted food on her plate again

This was because he wanted people to understand that it was real, and like being dropped on your head, it sometimes hurt those who participated in it

After that, she lost interest in her art and her tutors fired their criticisms but she never dropped out

Ah, Pantelis, my dear, dear, father, I dropped the baton and let you down

“Duncan,” she dropped to her knees by his side, “you damn fool, you know better than to try to face one of these monsters?” Fear for him, and anger at his attempt showed in Rayne’s voice, “this is my work, Duncan

«Why would they have dropped their shields now?» Heymon asked in response

Thus he was here watching it with him when a signal level dropped away

number thirty-seven and as Jack dropped pebble number thirty-

When Karen dropped her bombshell the other month, it was like a dream come true

Glayet dropped off the line, but as the connection broke he could hear her yelling at Alan

Poorly trained, they were dropped on the planet two weeks later and told to fight or they would die horrible deaths

Omi dropped three cards

Ish dropped the bat on the

Then he dropped his hand and turned away

some liquid has been dropped on it and smudged the word slightly

He got one, missed the other and dropped toward that horn

The girl yelled, the man screamed, the bull dropped and turned his head, twisting his horn out of the way of the man’s neck scant milliseconds before disaster

They dropped out of the trees and as Kai went thru the front door, Rayne and Sonia broke the window and dove in

The fourth was choking and grabbing his throat, a goblet lying on the floor where he had dropped it

We dropped in to visit with some friends at their home

jugglers who dropped their balls and by contortionists whose

Without Yellelle supporting him he immediately dropped to the floor behind the couch with his pants down

She dropped to her knees

He picked her up and dropped her over the edge of a cloud

He had dropped about a shift in his waking hours, but hadn’t entertained a new social agenda this week

She dropped the knit on the bench

that intermittently separated the fairground from the road, dropped

Brian entered his house, dropped a package on the counter and turned around the refrigerator

He groaned to himself and screwed the lid back on, dropped the bottle inside and closed the drawer

She prepared herself and when he neared her, she dropped from the tree and swung the piece of rail car air hose that Brownie had given her

Petr’s tears dropped from his cheeks and splashed

She dropped the subject and looked out at the waves again, surrendering the onus of making conversation

outside when the net was dropped

The jade bear extended his arm and dropped Joseph to the ground

Deprived of their focal point, her eyes dropped to the shingle by her feet, idly scanning the ground up rocks littering the shore

She’d wrung its neck hastily, not wanting to hear any more, and had dropped the corpse on the mud, brushing the bits of feather off her hands almost frantically

I saw from the daily reports that you and Dave dropped in on them yesterday

Belle mentioned his abilities and interest to Mandy, so Mandy dropped round to James at the livery one afternoon

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(1) He was hipped when he dropped from the tree.

(2) A dropped cigarette is being blamed for the fire.

(3) Dropped kerbs make wheelchair access easier.

(4) Prices dropped to the lowest point in a year.

(5) She dropped the book back on the shelf.

(6) He dropped his briefcase on a chair.

(7) I must have dropped off to sleep .

(8) Hundreds of bombs were dropped on the city.

(9) He fumbled the ball and then dropped it.

(10) He dropped his trousers in a rude gesture.

(11) The climber slipped and dropped to his death.

(12) The temperature suddenly dropped to zero.

(13) I dropped across a friend at the ballroom.

(14) In her hurry, she dropped the books.

(15) In her hurry she dropped the eggs.

(16) His voice dropped at the end of the sentence.

(17) Gordon dropped the cup and it broke.

(18) I dropped the bucket, and water sloppedout .

(19) The vase cracked when dropped.

(20) Viewing figures for the series have dropped dramatically.

(21) The sun dropped behind the hilltop.

(22) But in Paris he dropped his medical studies.

(23) The book dropped from his hand.

(24) I think you dropped this.

(25) The ground dropped away sheer at our feet.

(26) Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the city.

(27) The glass shattered when I dropped it.

(28) The roof of the theatre dropped in on them.

(29) She dropped the plate and it broke into pieces.

(30) My mother scolded me when I dropped the plates.

More similar words: cropped, eavesdropper, dropping, eavesdropping, popper, copper, poppet, tapped, capped, tipped, drop, clodhopper, trapped, stepped, whipped, wrapped, drops, grasshopper, equipped, strapped, drop by, droplet, drop out, drop off, drop-off, snow-capped, drop down, worshipped, backdrop, drop a line. 

  • Use the word dropped in a sentences

Sentence Examples

When we told her how expensive it was she almost dropped it and broke it from the shock of hearing that.

You see, a couple of hours before her body was dropped into the pool, somebody drowned her and somebody dressed her.

Good thing I dropped in when I did!

«Pardon me, you dropped something.»

When I dropped to the ground, I fell softly on moss, thorns shunned me as well as sharp stones.

* You dropped Your Pocketbook. *

Tomorrow morning at the caf├® after you’ve dropped him at school.

Paula says her father felled one of the trees on that pinnacle so that it dropped across the chasm and made a bridge.

Heizaburo dropped the sword and was finally captured.

» I have to goin’ blind … fired three shots and only dropped two of ’em.»

I dropped by to tell Mr. Katayama that we┬┤re back.

-She probably just dropped off quietly.

And when I come back, they’d all dropped out.

They’ve dropped the plowshare for the sword.

Just dropped in to see the old folks.

What was dinner before you dropped it, Jymes?

That’s what I dropped in for.

We just would have dropped in at the Carlton.

If only she’d dropped something, I — I could pick it up:

And when it burned so brightly I just dropped onto the bed all drunk.

If it wasn’t for your money, I’d have dropped you like a hot potato.

Remember the time you had a party and I dropped spaghetti on the floor and I served it to them anyway?

He just dropped by to give us a great opening for the third act.

The old dame dropped her potatoes and she wouldn’t take cover until we pick them up.

You dropped your lipstick, Josephine.

You dropped your little hat.

I just had time to jump out of bed as he dropped in on me.

Well, I dropped in at the morgue.

I found this dropped here.

I am glad you dropped in.

Oh, nothing, I just dropped in.

I thought dad would have dropped it.

Ah, I’m so glad you dropped in.

I’ll say it was. We put it in the water and the bottom dropped out.

Thats why I dropped in on you.

You know, this jug broke when we dropped it.

Well, I picked him up and I dropped him in my first port of call.

Well, I rescued him at sea and dropped him off at my first port of call.

I dropped some cargo there.

Definition of Dropped

let something slip from the hands

Examples of Dropped in a sentence

The fumbling football player dropped the wet ball, letting it slowly slip through his hands.


While tripping over her own feet, the clumsy waitress dropped several plates, and a few cups hit the ground as well.


The mailman dropped the letter into the mailbox and placed a package inside too.




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Sentences ending with dropped

  • On seeing the young master, the elder one with frightened look clutched her younger companion by the hand and hid with her behind a birch tree, not stopping to pick up some green plums they had dropped. [2]
  • After sunset the wind had dropped. [2]
  • He heard the whistle of bullets above him unceasingly and to right and left of him soldiers continually groaned and dropped. [2]
  • But her lashes were dropped. [9]
  • The farther Katuti went in the lamentably incorrect epistle—which she could only decipher with difficulty—which her darling had written to her, the paler grew her face, which she several times covered with her trembling hands, from which the letter dropped. [10]
  • Jim said he was green not to take the money; he’d go and look for it now, if he would tell him about where it dropped. [4]
  • For an instant the sorrowful face lighted, the square chin trembled, and the hands thrust out towards Lawless, but suddenly dropped. [11]
  • I must sweep the hundred and eighty miles between these places as one would sweep a chamber where a precious pearl had been dropped. [6]
  • In an instant the gaskets were off and the bunt dropped. [5]
  • But suddenly a storm came on, chromatic scales and diminished sevenths were heard in the orchestra, everyone ran off, again dragging one of their number away, and the curtain dropped. [2]

Short sentences using dropped

  • It dropped upon the man. [11]
  • The Orderly dropped the knife. [11]
  • Las’ one dropped something. [5]
  • He dropped his own. [11]
  • And he dropped his cigar. [9]
  • The Mistress dropped her teaspoon. [6]
  • The subject was dropped. [5]
  • Perhaps Krool had dropped it. [11]
  • That cry has been dropped. [7]
  • The men dropped back. [11]

Sentences containing dropped two or more times

  • As he dropped on his knee beside her, she smiled and raised her hand as if to touch him, but the hand dropped and the head fell forward on his breast. [11]
  • Higbie dropped his oars to hurrah—I dropped mine to help—the sea gave the boat a twist, and over she went! [5]
  • I seized the bell-rope; dropped it, ashamed; seized it again; dropped it once more; clutched it tremblingly one again, and pulled it so feebly that I could hardly hear the stroke myself. [5]

More example sentences with the word dropped in them

  • I do hope you have not dropped the classics and gone in for the modern notion of being real and practical. [4]
  • After all these years have you dropped from the weight of a blow? [9]
  • He said he would watch out, and if they tried to come any such game on him he knowed of a place six or seven mile off to stow me in, where they might hunt till they dropped and they couldn’t find me. [5]
  • Nadel thought he would take hold of it at one time, but he dropped it again. [8]
  • I believed it would never be cleared up—in this life—so I dropped it out of my mind. [5]
  • But many thoughts worth gathering are dropped along these pages. [6]
  • She dropped a word or two of grief over the precious time that must be lost, then began at once to issue commands for the march back. [5]
  • The thrilling, mysterious word had been dropped into a woman’s heart. [4]
  • He gave a wondering cry, and almost dropped the lantern. [11]
  • We dropped anchor within half a mile of the village. [5]
  • Once in line with the Kismet’s counter, he eased off the painter rapidly, and now dropped towards the stern of the wreck. [11]
  • His recent interview with the Doctor, certain remarks which had been dropped in his hearing, but above all an unaccountable impression upon his spirits, all combined to fill his mind with a foreboding conviction that he was very near some overshadowing danger. [6]
  • Inside the house, with the bearskin blind dropped at the window again, and the fire blazing high, Loisette sat with the Governor’s reprieve in her hand. [11]
  • Withered laurel-wreaths, tied with long ribbons, fluttered over the mantel-piece; one had fallen, dropped over the bald head of Julius Caesar, and rested on the breast. [10]
  • But she stood with her lips parted and her hands dropped, staring at my companion. [9]
  • He advanced hesitatingly, with head bowed and bare, and dropped upon one knee in front of Tom. [5]
  • The adversary explained with enthusiasm, and the other raven dropped everything and came. [5]
  • The paddles dropped with agreeable precision, and no boatswain’s rattan was needed to keep my fellows to their task. [11]
  • Suddenly Byng said with a voice of almost guttural anger: «You dropped that letter on my bedroom floor—that letter, you understand? [11]
  • Higgins dropped in with a double-barreled shotgun early in the forenoon. [5]
  • There was no wind, apparently no breath of air, yet the leaves of the trees moved, the weather-vanes turned slightly, the animals in the byres roused themselves, and slumbering folk opening their eyes, turned over in their beds, and dropped into a troubled doze again. [11]
  • A golden dolphin, which had been suspended from a beam, and on which the eye of every charioteer was fixed, dropped to the ground, a blast on the ‘salpinx’, or war-trumpet, was sounded, and forty-eight horses flew forth as though thrown forward by one impulsion. [10]
  • And the boom, which had been acting uneasily, finally decided to gybe, and swept majestically over, carrying two of the Four in front of it, and all but dropped them into the water. [9]
  • I dropped pap’s whetstone there too, so as to look like it had been done by accident. [5]
  • Late one afternoon, when he dropped in at Mr. Bentley’s house, he was informed by Sam that a lady was awaiting Mr. Bentley in the library. [9]
  • Mrs. Townley guessed what was really at the bottom of Marion’s occasional bitterness, and, piecing together many little things dropped casually by her friend, had come to the conclusion that the happiness of two people was at stake. [11]
  • Duvarney and I were thus alone for a moment, and he straightway dropped a hand upon my shoulder. [11]
  • At last they were still, her eyelids fell, her hands dropped the crucifix, a slight shiver ran through her limbs, which then relaxed, and she opened her mouth as though to draw a deeper breath. [10]
  • As the papers were handed over, a photograph dropped from among them and fell to the floor face upward. [11]
  • Therefore the «establishment» went along with her to Rivervale, and the shy, modest little woman, who had dropped down into the country simplicity that she so dearly loved, greatly enjoyed the sensation that her coming produced. [4]
  • One of our wealthy citizens said, on hearing that a friend had dropped off from apoplexy, that it made his mouth water to hear of such a case. [6]
  • By Jackson, when we got a sight of him, we ‘most dropped the trays! [5]
  • She dropped the water treatment and everything else, and pinned her faith to Pain-killer. [5]
  • The dark shadow was Princess Mary, who had come up to the cot with noiseless steps, lifted the curtain, and dropped it again behind her. [2]
  • Among his hearers was Mr. Lowell, who says of it that «every word seemed to have just dropped down to him from the clouds. [6]
  • The College Pharmacopoeia was loaded with the most absurd compound mixtures, one of the most complex of which (the same which the Reverend Mr. Harward, «Lecturer at the Royal Chappel in Boston,» tried to simplify), was not dropped until the year 1801. [3]
  • When the sermon was finished, Judge Thatcher’s wife dropped alongside of Mrs. Harper as she moved down the aisle with the crowd and said: «Is my Becky going to sleep all day? [5]
  • I thought it was dropped with the Second Empire; but you have started a new dispensation—evidemment, evidemment. [11]
  • Pretty soon he was all tired out, and dropped down with his back against the door, and said he would rest a minute and then kill me. [5]
  • Suddenly, as Oshondonto was about to speak, Silver Tassel sprang to his feet, seized in his arms a lad of twelve who was standing near, and running to the bank, dropped him into the swift current. [11]
  • Oh, don’t stare—it was a slip, and no crime; customs of a life-time can’t be dropped in a second. [5]
  • Tom and Weldon walked ahead, driving the two horses, followed by Cutcheon, his head dropped between his shoulders. [9]
  • Comyn dropped his voice still lower. [9]
  • Joan dropped her voice a little, and said: «But indeed I would rather spin with my poor mother, for this is not my calling; but I must go and do it, for it is my Lord’s will. [5]
  • Suddenly he dropped Virginia’s hand and ran westward down the hill. [9]
  • At eleven, Monsieur Vigo and I were talking «philosophe» over a wonderful breakfast under the awning, as we dropped down between the forest-lined shores of the Ohio. [9]
  • Yet have certain verses of the Scripture, or some wise and verily right noble maxim from the writings of the Greeks or Latins dropped on my soul now and again as it were a grain of good seed. [10]
  • She dropped her veil, and for a long space was silent while they rapidly threaded the traffic, and at length turned into upper Fifth Avenue, skirting the Park. [9]
  • The three dropped upon their knees, and Elizabeth waved without the pages and the gentleman-in-waiting. [11]
  • The hammer dropped upon the anvil, and, in a moment, she stood in the doorway of his room. [11]
  • As we climbed up and stepped out on this eminence, the Gold Hill lights dropped out of sight at our backs, and the night closed down gloomy and dismal. [5]
  • It was not until nine o’clock in the evening that we returned and the bottom suddenly dropped out of things. [9]
  • Artemus dropped an unimportant remark or two, and then assumed a look of superhuman earnestness, and made the following astounding speech. [5]
  • And in this unhopeful frame of mind he dropped off in sleep. [4]
  • The pirate, unconfused, undismayed, with his wide blue asking eyes, came forward and dropped upon his knees. [11]
  • Unable to speak, unable to stand, Jane dropped on her knees. [13]
  • This I repeated two or three times; and then I dropped it, without saying anything more on the subject for weeks—perhaps a month. [7]
  • The horse suddenly turned straight towards her, came over slowly, and, with arched neck, dropped his head on her shoulder. [11]
  • People who had tried to get acquainted with him had regretted it and dropped him. [5]
  • Then a floating tree suddenly lunged up and struck him, so that he dropped upon a knee; but again he was up, and strained for the pier. [11]
  • His eyes dropped towards the spot of ink at the point of the pen the Duke held. [11]
  • At the door Tom dropped back a step and accosted a Sunday-dressed comrade: «Say, Billy, got a yaller ticket? [5]
  • Macavoy drew back to the wall, dropped the musk-ox skin to the ground, and stripped himself to the waist. [11]
  • The hatchet dropped to the ground. [11]
  • Arrived, he dropped to the ground, and saluted Dyck. [11]
  • Pierre’s eyes dropped to the floor. [11]
  • The candle dropped to the floor and went out. [11]
  • Elizabeth seemed about to speak, then dropped her eyes upon the papers, and glanced hastily at their contents. [11]
  • Just dropped in to see how I be, since his son was interested. [9]
  • I must beg to move that they be dropped at once, and that we elect a chairman of the meeting and proper officers to assist him, and then we can go on with the business before us understandingly. [5]
  • Monsieur’s hand dropped to his sword, but in a moment he gave a short, sharp laugh, and opened up the packet. [11]
  • She went up to him and with a swift, flexible, youthful movement dropped on her knees. [2]
  • Bess shrank closer to him and closer, found his hands, and pressed them tightly over her ears, and dropped her face upon his shoulder, and hid her eyes. [13]
  • It dropped suddenly to a tone of persuasiveness and conciliation, and declaring that the bill would be merely vicious where it meant to be virtuous, ended with the question: «Shall we burn the house to roast the pig? [11]
  • Now I come to a sentence in the admiral’s report which he dropped carelessly from his pen, no doubt, and never gave the matter a second thought. [5]
  • His voice dropped to a low intensity. [9]
  • Before he had time to speak or to sit up, she had dropped a hand on his shoulder. [11]
  • Once upon a time I went to a public meeting where the oratory of a charitable worker so worked on my feelings that, in common with others, I would have dropped something substantial in the hat—if it had come round at that moment. [5]
  • These dreams grew, till they were broken by a hand placed on my shoulder, and I saw that one of the passengers, Clovelly, an English novelist, had dropped out from the promenade to talk with me. [11]
  • Her head was thrown back against the seat of the chair off which she had slipped, and her pale face was lifeless and horrible to look at, with its half-closed eyes and dropped jaw. [10]
  • Round the room three times he went, and then he dropped on a divan. [11]
  • I suppose they thought that I would hand it over to them, and dropped reporting while I was giving it, but afterward went away without getting it from me. [7]
  • It is as though the leaves from the tree of my life had all dropped on the ground—nay, as though my own guilty hand had torn them from the stem. [10]
  • In this way those articles of the Materia Medica which had nothing but loathsomeness to recommend them have been gradually dropped, and are not like to obtain any general favor again with civilized communities. [3]
  • It was at this moment the note came from Carnac telling of Barouche’s death, and it dropped from her hand to the floor. [11]
  • But that one thing she came to know, partly by instinct, partly by something he accidentally dropped, partly from something Jacques once said to him. [11]
  • I wonder if they would find the seven-branched golden candlestick brought from Jerusalem by Titus, and said to have been dropped from the Milvian bridge. [6]
  • For a while they stood in silence under the spell of the scene’s enchantment, and then Victoria seated herself on the rock, and he dropped to a place at her side. [9]
  • One after another they all three dropped away, objects of kindly attention to the good people round, leaving little or almost nothing, and nobody to inherit it. [6]
  • It seems idle, therefore, for the moralist to indulge in a homily about annual good intentions, and habits that ought to be dropped or acquired, on the first of January. [4]
  • But just then there whistled through the larrup of sound a clear voice callin’, gentle and coaxin’, yet commandin’ too; and the spears dropped, and the pounding of horsehoofs ceased, and then the army marched away; far away; iver so far away, into—» «Into Heaven! [11]
  • I dropped in there while Marco, the son of Marco, was haggling with a shopkeeper over a quarter of a pound of salt, and asked for change for a twenty-dollar gold piece. [5]
  • Tom’s first movement there was to reach for a cup of water; but a silk-and-velvet servitor seized it, dropped upon one knee, and offered it to him on a golden salver. [5]
  • I was joined there by a stranger, who dropped into conversation with me—a brisk young fellow, who said he was born in a town in the interior of Wisconsin, and had never seen a steamboat until a week before. [5]
  • Everybody dropped in there after five o’clock, when the duties of the day were over, with the latest news, and to catch breath before rushing into the program of the evening. [4]
  • She thanked him, then suddenly dropped her fingers on his shoulder, and murmured with infinite gentleness and pride: «You will miss me; you ought to! [11]
  • Her eyes dropped, then raised frankly to his. [11]
  • She knew, by their uncertain yelping up and down the opposite bank, that she had a little respite: she used it, however, to push on until the baying was faint in her ears; and then she dropped, exhausted, upon the ground. [4]
  • Wouldn’t it assist the work if you dropped out of harness and routine for a day or two and have that sort of revivification which comes of a holiday-forgetfulness of the work-shop? [5]
  • But at last the word «circumstance,» casually dropped, in the course of conversation, attracted his attention and brought an eager look into his countenance. [5]

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On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for dropped.
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  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is pearl
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is bead
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drib
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is driblet
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is dip
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is free fall
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is fall
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drop-off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is cliff
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is sink
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drop down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is knock off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drop cloth
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drop curtain
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is put down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is discharge
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drop off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is unload
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is set down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is strike down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is cut down
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is fell
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is spend
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is expend
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is flatten
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is dangle
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is swing
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is dismiss
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is send packing
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is send away
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is dribble
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is drip
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is throw off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is cast off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is cast
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is throw
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is shake off
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is throw away
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is shed
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is miss
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is overlook
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is overleap
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is neglect
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is leave out
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is pretermit
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is omit
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is deteriorate
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is devolve
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dropped is degenerate
  • dropped — перевод на русский

    Kozhukh, there’s not a drop of vodka in paradise for you.

    Кожух, в раю горилки не дадут ни капли.

    Not a drop left.

    Ни капли нет.

    There’s not a drop of Van Ryn blood in any of us.

    В наших жилах нет ни капли крови ван Райнов.

    And, uh, then you’ll see that by the addition of just one single drop of this liquid —

    Сейчас вы увидите, как при добавлении всего одной капли этой жидкости…

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    Drop it, Spade.

    Брось это, Дюк.

    Connie, drop the suit, will you?

    Конни, брось это дело?

    Drop that bottle.

    Брось бутылку.

    Drop that gun!

    Брось пушку!

    You heard me, drop it!

    Ты слышал, брось!

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    I dropped my hat.

    Уронил шляпу.

    — What am I dropping?

    — Я что-то уронил?

    Here, Pop, you dropped something.

    Пап, ты что-то уронил.

    You dropped your bunny rabbit.

    Ты уронил зайчика.

    You dropped it?

    Уронил его?

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    -l suppose you know why I dropped in.

    — Ты же знаешь, зачем я зашёл?

    So, I dropped in and he asked me to sit down.

    Так я зашел, и он попросил меня присесть.

    Dropped in for a chat.

    — Я же друг семьи, зашёл поболтать.

    I dropped over to the butcher shop like you told me to.

    Я зашел к мяснику, как ты просила.

    I’m glad you dropped in.

    Я рад, что ты зашел

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    Come on, drop it.

    Давай, бросай.

    Go on. Drop ’em.

    Бросай их и выходи на сцену.

    Drop your reins and get off the box!

    Бросай вожжи и слезай!

    Drop that gun, Curly.

    — Курчавый, бросай револьвер.

    Drop your gun.

    Бросай оружие.

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    The biggest scoop of the year just dropped in my lap.

    Самая большая сенсация года просто упала мне на колени.

    I get out the window, drop to the ground below… and I hide myself in the deep weeds beyond the first orchard.

    Я выбралась в окно и упала на землю… И спряталась в густых зарослях за садом.

    Low enough to drop the bomb directly into the lava.

    Достаточно, чтобы бомба упала непосредственно в лаву.

    And he started upward, he flew upward, upward, but soon the heat ofthe sun burnt his wings, and he dropped down to the bottom of a very deep canyon.

    Она стала подниматься все выше и выше, но очень скоро обожгла себе крылья и упала на самое дно ущелья.

    Doctor, look. Since this thing dropped, this, this rude thing, this, um… (lMlTATES explosion)

    ƒоктор. — тех пор как эта вещь упала, это, эта груба€ вещь, это, гм… («ћ»»»–»≈» ¬»–џ¬)

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    So Jerry’s dropping a new secret weapon, is he?

    Значит, немцы сбросили новое секретное оружие, так?

    So secret… we don’t know what it is… or whether he is dropping it or not.

    Настолько секретное, что нам неизвестно даже, что это такое и действительно ли его сбросили.

    You are dropping among the viets !

    Вы сбросили к вьетам!

    They have dropped paratroopers only a few kilometers from here.

    Они сбросили десант.

    Well, things were going swimmingly until that… Well, until they dropped the, well now, you know…

    ¬се шло без помех до этого… пока они не сбросили, ну, вы знаете…

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    It’s not dropping off.

    Оно не падает.

    Pressure drops.

    Давление падает.

    His breathing rate is dropping, doctor.

    Его частота дыхания падает, доктор.

    Doctor, the K-2 factor is dropping.

    Доктор, фактор К2 падает.

    Blood pressure 90/40, dropping.

    Давление 90/40 и падает.

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    Could you drop me off at, uh…

    Ты не мог бы высадить меня.. Ну..

    You can drop me anywhere.

    Можешь высадить меня где-угодно.

    — Well, I should drop you off here.

    — Я должен вас здесь высадить.

    I’m sorry, I will drop you off.

    Извините, месье, мне придётся высадить Вас.

    Mr. Chekov, how late will we arrive for the ceremonies if we increase speed to maximum and divert to Vulcan just long enough to drop off Mr. Spock?

    М-р Чехов, с каким опозданием мы прибудем на церемонию, если пойдем с максимальной скоростью на Вулкан, чтобы высадить м-ра Спока?

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    I’m awfully glad you dropped in.

    Очень рад, что вы заглянули.

    Dropped in to see if you could use fliers.

    Заглянули узнать, нужны ли вам летчики.

    We dropped in for a book.

    Мы заглянули за книгой.

    We, uh, just dropped in to see if there was anything new.

    Мы заглянули, чтобы узнать — нет ли чего нового.

    In fact, I’m glad you dropped in.

    Собственно, я очень рад, что вы заглянули.

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