Use the word drop in a sentence

Examples of how to use the word “drop” in a sentence. How to connect “drop” with other words to make correct English sentences.

drop (v, n): to fall or to allow something to fall; to fall or to allow something to fall; a small round-shaped amount of liquid

Use “drop” in a sentence

He dropped out of the competition.
I dropped her off at the airport.
Do you really want to drop out of school?
Excuse me, I dropped my chopsticks.
Why don’t you drop her a line?
Drop your weapons!

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«She accidentally dropped her cup.«

«She will instantly drop whatever she is doing to help others.«
(instantly, promptly)

«Gently drop your arms to your sides.«
(gently, lightly)

«You will drop weight immediately if you follow my diet plan.«
(immediately, instantly, quickly, fast, rapidly, slowly)

«Drop down to the ground when there is a fire.«

«Housing prices are dropping slightly in this area.«
(slightly, sharply, steadily, considerably, dramatically, drastically, significantly, substantially)

«She suddenly dropped the issue.«
(suddenly, quietly, immediately, quickly)

«Let’s drop it altogether.«

Used with prepositions:

«I dropped my wallet in the trash can.«
(in, into)

«I accidentally dropped my book onto the balcony below.«

«The thermostat will drop below freezing.«
(below, to)

«The cost can drop by 20%.«

«The parachute dropped into a corn field.«
(into, towards, toward)

«They plan to drop her from the team.«

Used with nouns:

«Prices are dropping.«
(prices, profits, numbers, temperatures, rates, stocks)

«Attendance is dropping.«
(attendance, income, productivity, revenue)

«He dropped weight.«

«Drop your arms.«
(arms, hands, head, shoulders, gun, weapon)

«Can you drop the issue?«
(issue, price, subject)

«She dropped a bombshell.«
(hint, bombshell)

«The child dropped crumbs on the floor.«
(crumbs, wrappers)

Sentences using the word drop. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use drop in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for drop.

  • This ghastly gum drop! (8)
  • I drop him. (10)
  • Can I drop you? (8)
  • Do drop it, Stephen! (8)
  • Let the matter drop. (10)
  • We will let it drop. (10)
  • Drop it, please, mother. (8)
  • Drop your civilian swank! (8)
  • You want a drop of brandy. (8)
  • Lucy had come to drop them. (10)
  • My friend, drop your hands. (10)
  • Drop it, I say, you blooming teck. (8)
  • He lifted his hand, and let it drop. (8)
  • I think I drop something on the road. (9)
  • Let me drop, never mind how low I go. (10)
  • He passed away in shrieks for one drop. (10)
  • Why not, as Stephen had suggested, drop it? (8)
  • Pull yourself together and drop exaggeration! (8)
  • No drop of blood seemed left beneath his skin. (12)
  • Lavender had succeeded in absorbing more than a drop. (8)
  • She had borne so much that this new drop was poison. (10)
  • The stark horror simply caused his lower jaw to drop. (12)
  • Then the diviner mood passes, and they drop to earth. (10)
  • Her whims Bid her demand the flower, which I let drop. (10)
  • So, she not being a match for Matey, they let her drop. (10)
  • She was beginning to drop her eyelids in front of Tresten. (10)
  • I have filled the phial with water and a drop of aromatic myrrh. (5)
  • They passed along the wharf; they seemed to drop into the river. (8)
  • Just one drop of milk and I wonder if Betty put on enough sugar? (18)
  • True, a single rifle-shot might drop him and be no great disclosure. (1)
  • Fleetwood had a skimming sense of a drop upon a funny, whirly world. (10)
  • A drop of the paternal blood must have found its way into the mixture. (5)
  • It wanted but that one drop to make a recurrence to the work impossible. (10)
  • James and Roger followed immediately after; they also would drop in to lunch. (8)
  • The people mount and drop, mount and drop; I see them laugh. (10)
  • And absently he stroked the dripping cat, while a drop of wet ran off his nose. (8)
  • They go stewing over books of adventure and drop into frights about awful man. (10)
  • So she plucked a feather from Koorookh and laid the quill downward, letting it drop. (10)
  • Winifred saw a drop of blood ooze out of his lip, and the sight stirred her profoundly. (8)
  • He drank a drop or two of self-pity like a poison, repelling the assaults of public pity. (10)
  • She came back with her hands full of the little pinks, spread her fingers and let them drop. (8)
  • An unaccountable movement of tenderness to Emilia made her drop a few kisses on her forehead. (10)
  • Put it in a packet, tie it round with string, seal it up, drop it in a drawer, lock the drawer! (8)
  • A question that caused her mistress to drop the gaze of a moan on Emma, with patience trembling. (10)
  • Her grip tightened convulsively; suddenly she dragged it to her lips, kissed it, and let it drop. (8)
  • No doubt the wine coloured it to him, as a drop or two will do in any cup: still her fault was grave. (10)
  • I ventured once more, and with the desperation of a madman I threw down the hot liquid to its last drop. (6)
  • You feel yourself strangely diminishing in those sweet mirrors, till at last they drop on you complacently level. (10)
  • He let his arms drop forward, and his helpless hands hang over his knees; his gaze fell from her face to the floor. (9)
  • He was glad to have him go, though he pressed him to drop in soon again, and said they would take in a play together. (9)
  • Drop by drop it passed over his palate mild, very old, old as himself, coloured like sunlight, fragrant. (8)
  • Watching her face with idle malice, he saw it change, grow so pale that he thought she would drop, then flame out crimson. (8)
  • But the mother let drop, in apology for their calling almost at nightfall, that the coachman had not known the way exactly. (9)
  • The effect of weathering on such roofs is to chip off pieces of slate and to rust the nails, so that whole units drop off. (17)
  • He had been obliged to drop out before the struggle was quite over, and had gone somewhere else to finish his medical work. (13)
  • Barlow let his hand drop from the piazza post, and slouched in-doors; but he came out again as if pricked by conscience to return. (9)
  • Even if it should achieve the miracle of arousing the reader to a high pitch of excitement, it would let him drop again next day. (16)
  • How desolate, sacrilegious, wasteful to throw love away; to turn from the most precious of all gifts; to drop and break that vase! (8)
  • Every drop of blood left her glowing cheeks, and the knees which never trembled on the rope shook as she descended the narrow steps. (5)
  • She saw her father drop the sheet of paper; she saw his face, all pink and silver, stooping after it; and remorse visited her anger. (8)
  • Horse, cook, wardrobe, blacksmith, barber and the other tents spread over the lot drop to earth, are quickly rolled up and packed away. (21)
  • Now, if only we were born old and grew younger year by year, we should understand how things happen, and drop all our cursed intolerance. (8)
  • These are moments when the faces we are observing drop their charm, showing us our perversion internal, if we could but reflect, to see it. (10)
  • One of the scraps of practical wisdom gained by hardened sufferers is, to keep from spying at horizons when they drop into a pleasant dingle. (10)
  • The disappointed ox put the question in a wavering drop of the cheers of the villagers at the sight of the carriage without their bleeding hero. (10)
  • The lady gazed softly over his head, letting her eyes drop a quiet recognition in passing; one or two of the younger gentlemen stared mockingly. (10)
  • The lady gazed softly over his head, letting her eyes drop a quiet recognition in passing; one or two of the younger gentlemen stared mockingly. (22)

Also see sentences for: cast, descend, droop, faint, fall, fling, founder.

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A significant drop in the production of the hormone estrogen brings on menopause

Add 10 drops Superseaweed or 1/4 cup seaweed powder per gallon and 1 drop natural soap and a dash of Tabasco sauce or any other of the hot sauces mentioned in this book

Usually the eggs are laid on the hosts that then drop to the ground

Just drop me off there and I’ll catch a coach

She could catch a lakerunner from wherever the coach would drop her on the north shore

It was forty two hours till daylight and the temperature would probably drop sixty degrees from its current seventy one or so

But while doing so, don’t just jump into action at the drop of a hat

The main requirements are that we should sit erect, with the spine in a straight line; that we should sit relaxed (without slumping) so that there is no tenseness anywhere in the body, and that we should drop the chin somewhat, so as to release any tension in the back of the neck

At the point where the temp starts to drop that is the time to turn the pile over again

Once they got back on the main avenue Tahlmute asked that he drop him at the nearest eye-room and doostEr took the back way home without further incident

Here it comes; the wind –up, the pitch, sure enough a fastball, straight at Stewey’s head! Stewey ducked but forgot to drop his bat

and I relax and feel my shoulders drop as the

Since all souls personifications had to be evaluated to supply the eyestream of the first, Bahkmar was forced to drop the eye-stream by another clock, and when it gets two clocks behind, souls begin to notice that the universe they see and the universe they feel are out of phase

Until then, they would drop a second clock behind

But Bahkmar did understand that the only power input to the female side of Paradis on Al-Harron would carry, with a drop of thirty percent, eighty three milliamps at best

He could guess plenty of techs that had the skills to get the drop on him, but not one who would use the religious symbolism

He decided not to drop to his virtual death, undoubtedly painful, right away

I believed then that he was trying to drop bricks into the ponds of my mind

He took all of the due punishment for sin and when He turned over that cup of God’s wrath, there was not one drop left to drink

or a Master Manifestor in the real world, drop me an email

He’d even got as far as starting to turn out his belongings, sorting a great heap of garments, knickknacks and furnishings into black plastic bags already heaped in his car so he could drop them at the charity shop near his office during his lunch hour

summer flowers stand tall on the steppes and drop

Through half open, tear-filled eyes, she could see his blurry compassionate face … his hand held hers fast … a drop of wetness fell on their joined hands … he was weeping with her

Stars drop from the clear spaces above these passing hours,

allowed the lens to drop

Clothes drop to the floor, a rumpled hill of cotton and wool,

Says I, hearing the pin drop,

Despite anticipating that the sound of the water flowing past my head as I sleep in the cabin bed allotted to me would awaken memories that would prevent me sleeping, I do manage to drop off and woke to find myself in a different world; the flat lowlands have been replaced by rolling hills which, even though the plants and animals show the ubiquitous signs of malaise I have seen elsewhere, is lovely to behold

don’t mind me while I drop out of the conversation

Can I get to a stage where I can drop these actions?

‘Lintze … a drop more?’

They couldn’t last and had to drop to a walk

He places the platter on my lap and stands ready to catch it if I should drop it

each and every one of them, alone, is a drop of piss in the wind

Again, I see Joris standing tall and proud on the rail, laughing at us and bowing … then I drop my head as the tears come

You will find that your feet will leave the ground easily but they will also drop back equally easily

While I told you in stage 4 not to attempt anything beyond getting your toes to leave the ground for a brief instant, in this stage I would like you to increase the effort which you put into the whole movement until very gradually your body becomes less likely to drop back immediately

To my surprise, the cabin is tidy … I had expected Joris to be one of those men who leave things wherever they drop, but I was wrong

a drop of heaven

Here, give me that glass before you drop it

With a cry, I drop the brush and fly into his arms, half crying with sheer joy

The drink was the best I had tasted and far too soon we had drained the last drop

I’ve arranged for someone to drop them in of a morning”

I drop through and tumble over and over and over through the void

The sound swells, becomes more complex and, as the non-Gottesmen drop out, transforms gradually into a peaceful, lyrical hymn casting a blessing over the assembled throng

She was already low enough to drop to the ground

Attached to the messenger’s leg is a tube – trying not to drop the bird, I detach it and hand it to Berndt, while I tentatively stroke the creature

James took the shot glass and downed it quickly, taking a deep breath he began; “Ten months ago we thought we had the drop on the nasty bastards that had been hitting us for months

He wondered if somehow he had managed to get the drop on her? Thom had learned more of Ava’s world than he let on, but Alan didn’t think it was anywhere near enough to encapsulate her

At the end of the meal the two men said their goodbyes to the landlord and headed for the car park, the businessman promising to drop his friend a line shortly to confirm the details discussed

My breathing slows, gradually the pills take the edge off the pain and I drop off to sleep

I could either fall down on the spot and die, or I could leap over the balcony and drop into the sea far below

Since we can’t bring the positioning coils on the attractor into cal, we could drop that again

It would have been so easy to jump, or was that exactly what they wanted? I could drop into the void, a sheer drop without any fear of flying

Nikos would drop us off at the bay of Palatia then go back and organise the other two fishing boats to ferry up the volunteers in the morning

In the middle of the room on an elegantly proportioned drop leaf table her great-aunt had set a Royal Worcester tea service, with one of those lacy three tiered cake stands at the centre of the display

Don’t want to appear to be an overprotective mother, Sally, better drop her at the end of the road by the cinema’

They don’t need to turn over and burn us with drivewash, all they have to do is drop a screw when they cross our path and our point will vaporize

They could drop a sofa and it wouldn’t hurt us

“I think that is a good idea,” Kelvin said, “If nothing else it will prevent them from getting in our path where they could drop something on us

drop of poison is placed into that same aquarium, the

to the pedestal of one of the lions and proceeded to drop one pebble

that he was full of chicken curry and couldn’t eat a drop of it

The one in the back eyed her all the harder, she hoped she wasn’t seeing a drop of drool run down his chin

She could not understand how anyone would ever touch another drop of it again, but then realized that those who don’t go to Alan’s universe don’t have a choice

Nice of him to drop in like that

After all, it makes more sense if you have it now rather than having to wait until I drop dead

businessman promising to drop his friend a line shortly to confirm

“Woah, that’s a longer drop that I thought, but the roof held

When he persisted, I asked him to drop it

He let his arm drop

There are a few things that drop out

It has evolved so that its tissues drop boulders on silicates that compete with it for souls

As long as he can sit comfortably with it on, and it has it’s own leg he can drop, so he can sit comfortably wherever he wants

Ted will drop in at the club tonight and see if he can find an angle

It was still a bit chilly and she was still wrapped in fur, but the lemon drop tea that she was holding would warm her

As she came in sight of the cliff, she saw that a gap had been ripped in the hedge of bushes which bordered the drop to sea level

He lets the bouncer drop his full weight onto his front foot and as the man lifts his trailing leg to make the final step towards his prey, Alex moves

‘I c’n drop you at the bus station in town

The nurse’s shoulders drop slightly

me to drop him outside the pub and then wait in the car

Harry accepted the pouch and tucked it under his arm as he had noticed the older man had carried it and didn’t give it another thought, except not to inadvertently drop it

Ava paused a bit, “What I think is most likely, is something a lot like this: A guy who would be standing by on the boat crew that night is saying to one his of friends, ‘you know, a lot of good things could happen to me if just one drop of this was to fall into Teshi’s glass at Hargor’s party next week while I was on duty

’ So then his good friend does see that a drop falls into her glass because what he suspects is that his friend hungers for a sample of Teshi’s body, since anyone would have noticed all Hyondahi had done to keep her as his sex pet

whatever bombshell the other man was about to drop

That comment alone made my jaw drop … crazy man … he’d resigned himself to being friends but when I started backing off it was more than he could bear

From what she’s let drop, it seems her ex-husband deceived her, lied to her and, having driven her to attempting suicide, lied to her psychiatrist as well, trying to convince both of them that she was crazy

I decide to drop it round to her when I’ve had something to eat

worse, tasting every drop on the way down

“Let me have your eye address, I’ll make a note on it to drop you a message with what I find out

in excess of one hundred miles an hour, power-braking at the drop of a dime,

A drop of shonggot could be put into his water skin

The railing saved him from the four-story drop

“I sold her a drop in an ampule, but it was concentrate

‘I’ll drop you off by the bus station, girls

It was just one drop of last dilute, only a few thousand doses, they made little over an aluminum off it and didn’t dare spend it now because their finances would be watched

drop in a mist that covered the room

“And if you hadn’t snagged that drop of concentrate we wouldn’t have had that aluminum to send him off with

Therefore, she allowed the conversation to drop

Roman still had his flannel on, standing next to me without a drop of sweat

She dropped her burdens on the way by, then jumped into Herndon’s arms with a shout

» She dropped to a walk and took his hand

He dropped to his knees, pleading for his lost cigarettes

It was at that point that Millie dropped the phone

“You dropped this,” she said as she held up the Chip for Johnny to see

“You must have dropped it while the gravity was shifting back to normal,” Johnny commented, putting the Chip back in his pocket

“Hey dad,” he called as he dropped his backpack onto the floor and started digging around in the fridge for something to eat

While they were on the way back to the boat she picked up a news magazine because of the headline ‘Killer Asteroid on the Way?’ and found that «One of Cynd’s larger asteroids was knocked out of orbit by an unobserved collision forty years ago and dropped into the gravitational well of the brown dwarf

She took the first bite and dropped the fruit as if it were poison

“Yes, thank you, I was looking for this,” Ackers said as he took the paper out of the paper boy’s hands and then dropped it to the ground

Stephen’s comment in the car about my job being on the line is coming back to me now … on the floor I can see a letter with the school crest on it lying where I dropped the post

2: The Humus levels have dropped below optimum

The connection was dropped and Nancy found herself alone again

nearly dropped his perfect girl while negotiating kerbs, and he cursed the fates that

Then the penny dropped

She turned, and dropped the ball

(= She went round and dropped the ball

» The smile dropped from his face like it had never existed

FBI dropped by to arrest me the

mattress was far too soft and the sheets somewhat threadbare, Johnny soon dropped

She flared, and dropped from twenty five thousand miles per hour to stationary in six tenths of a second

No, as Angels they could give themselves the ability to breath underwater so they dropped down into a brightly lit grotto in the reef blow them that was sending up the rhythm of quite a party beat

‘Emma and Adrian … they dropped me at the house … Barney waved to me as they drove off …

‘Stephen, what day is it?’ I asked suddenly wondering how much time has passed since Emma dropped me at the house in Bridgwater

Rose relates a horrifying tale about the bombs which were dropped … some of her family were killed in Bristol in an air raid aimed at one of the factories … and she was also anxious about Wally as they were engaged by then

No doubt whoever had him in this box saw what he was going to do, because after he had climbed another hour and worked his way up another fifteen feet, he dropped the rope

«Give you what honey?» her mom said as she dropped into her chair

Well this time the dockmaster was mesmerized as Vatreel aimed the rack toward the shoremen’s idle ones, then lifted the whole rack as they glided by and stepped with it, matching his walk along the deck to the drift of the river, til the whole row of bales rolled across and lay resting on their rack while the docksman’s chins dropped and he walked half the edge of the deck

the leaves of the tree rustling and he dropped from the branch just in time to

She went back to the city for awhile, and when she returned, Knume dropped what he was doing and pursued her full time

Son picked up the dagger that the soldier had dropped and stabbed the

Son dropped to his knees and raised the sword above his head

The soldiers dropped their weapons and held their hands over their neck

dropped to his knees and checked his wound

The bus trundled steadily along the country lanes and eventually dropped them in the High Street

Son watched in horror as the soldier dropped the sword and filled his

dodged the venom and picked up the sword that the soldier had dropped

That’s how we met, he was pretty much dropped off on my deck with a sign on his forehead reading ‘Hazorpean’

She immediately knew what terror it held for them when it’s jaw dropped, slowly and with an ominous hiss

She quietly entered the cave, dropped the food off on a dresser, and checked Daniel

Daniel was moving his legs and he raised his right arm a bit and flinched and dropped it to his side

“I dropped it when that man grabbed us

that were gorged on and dropped

Back in the kitchen, she was turning on the oven when a rather loud crack of thunder sounded and she jumped and dropped the pizza cutter

that were gorged on and dropped by

She jumped and dropped an ear of corn

Then he began to love her again, and she dropped all of her arguments quickly

He would not be the one who dropped to a walk this time

He dropped his sandwich and slowly rose; he had a silly-looking grin on his face

She dropped his hand and skipped off, beckoning the guys with the crate to come along

Rah literally dropped him on the mesa where Big John and Steve waited

Anxiously, I watch him make his way along the deck towards the steps, his shoulders and head are bowed – it’s as if the weight of ages have suddenly dropped on him

My aunt bore it all as best she could but in the moment she dropped some soil onto the lid, she sank to her knees beside the shallow grave and buried her face in her hands, trembling and shaking, overwhelmed with grief

Ten more devils dropped out of the sky and attacked them; Ichor destroyed them within minutes

They were flying in a tight figure eight and flaming dragons as they went through their formation when a large black dragon dropped down out of nowhere and flamed at Jake

All I want is my mobile phone, which I dropped the last time I was down there»

When it was built, the brook ran to the edge of the patio stones, so it had dropped at least three feet in the three and a half thousand years this house had stood here

It was still twenty feet from the ground, but dropping toward the front patio rapidly when the hatch dropped

When you stood up, it would have looked as though you had dropped it

They all burst out with applause and shouts of ‘bravo!’ She turned beet red, and dropped her scouring pad, and stood with her mouth open

He almost dropped his camera

’ Her eyes flashed up to my face as though checking my reaction … then dropped to the unwanted food on her plate again

This was because he wanted people to understand that it was real, and like being dropped on your head, it sometimes hurt those who participated in it

After that, she lost interest in her art and her tutors fired their criticisms but she never dropped out

Ah, Pantelis, my dear, dear, father, I dropped the baton and let you down

“Duncan,” she dropped to her knees by his side, “you damn fool, you know better than to try to face one of these monsters?” Fear for him, and anger at his attempt showed in Rayne’s voice, “this is my work, Duncan

«Why would they have dropped their shields now?» Heymon asked in response

Thus he was here watching it with him when a signal level dropped away

number thirty-seven and as Jack dropped pebble number thirty-

When Karen dropped her bombshell the other month, it was like a dream come true

Glayet dropped off the line, but as the connection broke he could hear her yelling at Alan

Poorly trained, they were dropped on the planet two weeks later and told to fight or they would die horrible deaths

Omi dropped three cards

Ish dropped the bat on the

Then he dropped his hand and turned away

some liquid has been dropped on it and smudged the word slightly

He got one, missed the other and dropped toward that horn

The girl yelled, the man screamed, the bull dropped and turned his head, twisting his horn out of the way of the man’s neck scant milliseconds before disaster

They dropped out of the trees and as Kai went thru the front door, Rayne and Sonia broke the window and dove in

The fourth was choking and grabbing his throat, a goblet lying on the floor where he had dropped it

We dropped in to visit with some friends at their home

jugglers who dropped their balls and by contortionists whose

Without Yellelle supporting him he immediately dropped to the floor behind the couch with his pants down

She dropped to her knees

He picked her up and dropped her over the edge of a cloud

He had dropped about a shift in his waking hours, but hadn’t entertained a new social agenda this week

She dropped the knit on the bench

that intermittently separated the fairground from the road, dropped

Brian entered his house, dropped a package on the counter and turned around the refrigerator

He groaned to himself and screwed the lid back on, dropped the bottle inside and closed the drawer

She prepared herself and when he neared her, she dropped from the tree and swung the piece of rail car air hose that Brownie had given her

Petr’s tears dropped from his cheeks and splashed

She dropped the subject and looked out at the waves again, surrendering the onus of making conversation

outside when the net was dropped

The jade bear extended his arm and dropped Joseph to the ground

Deprived of their focal point, her eyes dropped to the shingle by her feet, idly scanning the ground up rocks littering the shore

She’d wrung its neck hastily, not wanting to hear any more, and had dropped the corpse on the mud, brushing the bits of feather off her hands almost frantically

I saw from the daily reports that you and Dave dropped in on them yesterday

Belle mentioned his abilities and interest to Mandy, so Mandy dropped round to James at the livery one afternoon

Nobody can avoid all stress without completely dropping out of society and becoming a monk

Vinnie stifled a yell and grabbed his ear in pain, dropping the unused boomerang

Don’t panic when the market is dropping and don’t become greedy when prices are rising

He spots Hassan, one of the layabouts, sitting with a cigarette dropping form his lips, a bare foot resting on a coffee table pitted with cigarette burns

She looks across at me, then, dropping boxes on the floor, quickly comes over to where I am standing

«I have his place archived if you’d like,» Ava said, dropping to the sand beside her

’ He said, dropping the subject

wait, if they’re dropping rocks, what am I doing here?»

Using Fred’s suggestion, we are packing the barrel with damp sand to hold the tree upright and in the hope that the dampness will stop it dropping quite as fast as they generally do; this, naturally, means we need a sheet of plastic to protect the floor … oh it just gets more complicated by the second! But between us we get it all sorted out

«Only as a last resort, if he declares himself Ayatholla and the crew follow him in dropping the hammer

In a corner, Citizen Marat’s severed head, trailing veins and cables, ground out one last phrase on behalf of the revolutionary committee of the brotherhood of new men before dropping its eyelids and falling permanently silent

The storm stayed out in the desert, but the temperature kept dropping

The temperature is dropping rapidly

Grinning broadly, the man leaps off his gg and dropping the reins, throws his arms around Gilla, swinging her off her feet as he kisses her soundly

«I’m dropping this,» Alan said of the pack, «If we live I can come back for it, with it I’ll never live

’ He said, dropping his eyes to the plate

’ I said, dropping the soiled bandage in the basin and throwing the bloodstained gauze away

She waves her delight before dropping her arm suddenly as she realises that Black Hoffnarr has no rider

True to their word, they did have them dropping like flies

It was still twenty feet from the ground, but dropping toward the front patio rapidly when the hatch dropped

All they will succeed in doing is dropping another metal devise to the earth; and we will pick it up and put it with all the others in the lava pit

The boulders turned to rocks and it wasn’t long before we were in our stride, ever dropping down and down through that slit in the land, like kids on a school trip chattering about all the nonsense in our lives, down and down toward the little chapel on the beach

She is dropping a year now to prepare for the medical

She could feel the temperature dropping; the bitter cold against her skin told her she didn’t have much time

’ She comes in and gives me a hug before dropping into a chair

I can play the doting partner dropping off the executive at the station …’

’ Dave said, gratefully accepting my dropping the subject

I ate and watched the sun dropping into the western sky

‘No, I know that, you idiot!’ he said dropping a kiss on my head as he makes his way over to the table balancing the very hot toast between his fingers

day that Brad proposed to Lizzie, here in this very room, dropping to

Automatically leaving her boots by the door, she trod along the hallway to her bedroom and picked up her washing things, dropping the clothes on the bed

He considered dropping the idea completely – just cutting their losses and going home

With their feet just wider than shoulder width apart, they raised the lever poles of the diggers, straightening their arms above their heads and in a single motion: both lowered their hands and with straight backs, lowered themselves by dropping into a very controlled near squat, almost a horse stance

Arnold liked dropping by the store and sometimes made the walk when he had nothing else to do

Okay, so calling Tracey would be unpleasant … she’d probably be less than forgiving, but with a bit of luck he could talk her into dropping charges … he even contemplated the possibility that she might take him back … settling down with a baby wasn’t his idea of the perfect life, but it would be somewhere to go

the habit of dropping into the mess on odd occasions

Concentrating on not dropping the tray he was holding, the uniformed policeman kicked the door gently with one foot while he balanced on the other and manipulated the tray through the doorway, protruding tongue demonstrating precisely how much effort it was taking him

Maggie shrugs her shoulders and fills two mugs with boiling water, dropping a tea bag in each mug in turn

‘You’re very good,’ he said, dropping some coins into a

He raised the tool aligned above the target hole and with his back held straight, dropped the digger’s blades into the soil with force while simultaneously dropping into a semi-squat, with his feet more than shoulder width apart

“Are you all right?” She asked, dropping the pan on the hearth and springing to help him toward the stool

«Besides-» he added dropping to his knees, to look her squarely in the face

of the car by one arm, dropping him in the snow and walking toward the wood

When one was eliminated, dropping to the dirt, another simply stepped

» She dropped her head, hoping to hid the tears that had swelled to over flowing, dropping his head on to her leg, he said, stroking her hand

his butt down, or a hitter to quit dropping his hands

He gently stroked the edge of her chin, then dropping her face – he turned and walked to the window

Dropping to her knees, she clutched it to her face, allowing the scent of him to fill her total being

‘Shit,’ said Henri, dropping to his haunches and

He’d pulled the box from its hiding spot and was dropping it in front of her

Other than gaining attention by dropping rocks, Gordon’s Lamp was a gnat to this civilization and would probably never be noticed in day-to-day life

But now Brodin had a stone on each shoulder and was dropping them in pairs, hurling them as fast as his massive arms could lift them

Fred immediately rose and dropping his mug rushed to where the sheep stood munching

Conrad turned back to Janice, dropping his trousers once again

Helpless, and likely to do the mages more harm than good, Alec shook his head and moved on, dropping to his hands and knees as he came to the next makeshift bridge

It was Ort, the time of the year when leaves begin to loose their vigour and colour red or yellow before finally dropping

“That was me dropping the key out in the hallway

If you are a whole milk drinker, consider dropping down to 2%

” He squeezed her hand while she cried, her tears dropping on his arm and rolling onto the sheet

attachments dropping everything from the mind that is holding you back

He becomes entangled and falls, dropping his doughnuts and fracturing his shin

Dena tossed the rock to him, he caught it greedily in both hands, dropping his blaster

He saw it then and dropping his football, walked to it just as it came open

Grabbing another match, I lit a few more pieces of cloth on fire before dropping it in the pile

Blew six of those dead-brains away without even pausing, and stabbed the other three in the neck, dropping them all

Outside, I had promised them help but that help could mean dropping off what supplies I had left in my truck and hitting the road

One possible choice was to take the Northern Trail which stayed above the old Mason Dixon Line before dropping straight down along the Will’s Creek Trail into Cumberland

” said Chris, dropping his rucksack off his shoulders and wincing from the pain in his right arm

” said Chris firmly, dropping his own rucksack next to Fletcher and heaving the one containing the fusion heater off the ground

Probably been there for years,” she said, dropping her load of logs by the pile Kurt had built next to the fireplace

On top of that they were all becoming acutely aware of how their food stocks were dropping

” she replied, dropping to her knees and then sitting back on her heels

Everyone hurried through after her, Kate and Amanda struggling a little to drag Melissa through without dropping her

4 Celsius, and currently dropping a degree every two minutes

“Shit!” he screamed, dropping the gun and frantically going for the one he had retrieved from Lucy whilst she was unconscious

It was a gap not much more than a metre square, clearly looking quite artificial, cutting down into the rock at about 45 degrees and apparently dropping down some four to five metres into the ground

Now, in early May, at six pm, the temperature was 32 Celsius and dropping only fractionally

One of her straps from her bra had fallen off of her shoulder, and he slipped his hands up her arms, pulling the bra down where he could reach, unhooking it and dropping it to the floor

Micro-gravity meant there was no need to physically rest against something but somehow Tony missed the relaxing sensation of dropping into a soft chair

followed his example, dropping the barrier that

It was now that we walked into a storm of shrapnel and machine gun bullets I could see mates of mine dropping on all sides and we hadn’t gone more than a few yards over the ground in front of us and we were already being decimated

However to us who were used to the trenches it was no hardship for we had a knack of dropping off anywhere and sleeping sitting up suited us fine

“Because of Helen of course he has never gotten over her dropping him and he never will he loves her with a demented evil love and he will never forgive you because she loves you so much”, she coughed again but it soon subsided

Frightened by the sound of my voice and by Ozzie’s disciplinary assault, my son jumped, dropping the paper clip harmlessly onto the floor

When we knew we had been out there long enough we cut some pieces of wire and then hightailed it back to our lines dropping back into our trench and then sitting down as the tension left our bodies and cigarettes were shoved into our mouths and lit

I think they were considering putting them all in a gunnysack and dropping them into the river

Mom preferred for Dad to feed Bob and began dropping hints that he should be looking for another home for the big cat

Shortly after dropping anchor, a

But it was after I checked into his fiancé Helen that the really jaw dropping part of this whole story came home to roost and the most fantastic part of this was that the same Helen that Billy Boy loved was my great grandma

Dropping to the ground, she plucked a piece of grass and tucked it between her lips as she leaned back against the old apple tree

In minutes they would be dropping shift, coming out of T’Ching into

What I usually recommend for an active recovery week is dropping the load by 40-50% and dropping the volume by 40-50%

in the center of a sun or a planet, we’ll still be dropping into uncharted territory

” Manna agreed, dropping his pack against a wall and collapsing against it, closing his eyes

dropping me off, but suggested that we had other items on the agenda tonight

He turned to look at Felicity, who fired her gun again, dropping him to the ground, a

The sun was dropping behind the heights of El Cobre, and shed a golden radiance over the peaceful scene

She picked out a nice pair of jeans and a bright tee-shirt, dropping her towel on the bed as she stepped into her underwear

Because it was so early in the morning Dawn went back to bed, turning things over in her mind before finally dropping into a fitful doze

Heat seared her fingers, but she managed to get it to the nearest counter before dropping it

This solution is created by adding one cup of warm water, along with the bait pack, and 2 drops of natural soap

Think of using at drops per gallon

Add 10 drops Superseaweed or 1/4 cup seaweed powder per gallon and 1 drop natural soap and a dash of Tabasco sauce or any other of the hot sauces mentioned in this book

Use not more than 10 drops per gallon of the extract, depending on the pest

Use only a few drops per gallon

But if someone were to nurture her and make her feel wanted again… Evan’s cigarette drops from his slack mouth

Add a few drops to soap and water

Use a few drops with a dash of soap and water

Add 20 drops soap

still-upset Clarisse close to him, gently takes the knife away from her, drops it onto the balcony

John can’t finish the sentence, drops his hand

He drops the Rolex in a trash can by his bed

Dave baits a line, drops it over the side

Beyond this, a low stone wall and beyond that, the bluff drops dramatically to the blue sea

Russ drops his mic on the floor

That soldier freaks, drops his weapon, holds up his hands

He let a few drops fall from his mouth

Nick drops in a couple of evenings a week to see his grandparents, and frequently calls in at my place for a coffee on his way home

I’d not realised just how close the lane is to the ridge of the hill, but now we’re the other side of the hedge, I can see that the land drops down quite steeply to the road below

Moreover, she is always trying to sabotage me in various stupid ways: She steals my back up floppy discs and accuses me of losing them, yet I see them as soon as she opens her drawer; she refuses to show me some useful things on the computer; she gives me to type the wrong texts and then she says I am the one who doesn’t work right; she drops hints I am illiterate and I don’t know the computer program, and so on

He has two other people in the car but drops me last; I ask him in for a coffee

Fred drops in just after half eleven – he’s been round to see his lady friends and doesn’t comment at all about them being ill, so I can assume they haven’t had any adverse reaction to the food

He let a few drops fall from his mouth onto the kerchief and, rather than wiping away the dust on his face and lips, he just managed to smear it across his jaw and nose a little more vividly

drops it into the dolly-paunched stove,

and drops its curve,

Kara touched a rose, sending a shower of drops to the ground

There is a clunk, a handbrake drops, gears mesh

At the pub, beneath the horse chestnut that drops

he drops tears to salt the soil,

«They keep after you til whatever one of us it’s fixed on drops

Berndt drops behind me and we move ever onward in line across the endless fields …

‘But I …’ I began, stopping abruptly as she drops what she is holding into my outstretched hand

Eventually, the temperature drops too low and I reluctantly decide that I should call it a day

The land gradually drops away as we near the coast and it is not long before we are on the outskirts of Caernarfon and driving down the coast road towards Clynnog-fawr

It helps in the winter when the tourist trade drops off

The ground drops away dramatically in front of us and, there laid out before us, are all the lights of Bath

The level in the bottle slowly drops as we sit at the table, talking

Jane casually drops into the conversation that the cake will be delivered on Tuesday morning – I’d completely forgotten about a wedding cake … how could I have forgotten that! Peter and Jane insist that they will foot the bill for the alcohol and although Simon does his best to shout them down, they are adamant and refuse to budge

A few drops in her water each morning should do the trick, he thought with a smile

maybe the drops on the letter are tears

He changes his footwear and puts the boots into a plastic carrier bag, which he drops into the rear passenger foot well

Maggie starts to reply but the line drops

The smile drops away

He drops a gear on the hill rising out of the village and points the car in the general direction of Bideford, but the innocence of his journey is fading

Ken drops ice cubes into a half pint glass and pours two bottles of fruit juice into it, holding both bottles by the neck with one hand

drops were so heavy and so close together that it was like standing

pissed in it, and I don’t mean a couple of drops either

Jameson felt the first few timid drops of rain, “Well it’s here now

As the tyres grip and the engine drops its guts, Helen’s body slides down into the passenger seat foot well

He has to think for a second before the penny drops

It’s fascinating watching the water drops being chased down the window by the hot air

On my left the ground drops away steeply and the view runs for miles towards the misty horizon – rolling green hills with patchwork fields and tiny villages dotted with copses of trees

She wrapped her long brown hair in a matching towel; drops of

He climbed, rather than walked over huge roots and dead trunks, falling into drops under overgrown piles of dead branches and sliding on the dead leaves and damp rocks

Who fathers the drops of dew?

When a storm drops six inches in an hour, it’s a storm to be reckoned with

The first drops of rain splattered against the window as

her face and water drops all over her dress

The drops of tears

There are drops of tears

I could hear the beginning drops of

When the girl returned, some hours later, she carried a tray, with a cup of fragrant tea steaming on it; and a plate piled up with very hot buttered toast, cut thick, very brown on both sides, with the butter running through the holes in it in great golden drops, like honey from the honeycomb

Her plump cheeks speckled with tiny drops of orange

Ossloa lived in a clan house quite a ways up on one of the Yornakite Pinnacles, another two hour walk with no streetcar change and a long climb up one of the toilsome drops in that huge industrial chimney

If I don’t disperse it in small drops, then it will come in a flood

The first few drops of rain began to fall

drops of rains began to fall

should have been no more than drops failing soothingly into a

Uses the hand that holds them to sweep the desk clear then drops the bouquet on the desk

They eye each other a beat then Patrice drops her head into her hands

She drops to her knees in tears

Mark drops to his knees in the water

Mark catches her as she drops to her knees in the sand

The Fixer drops a bottle of weed killer, drenching

A slab of granite pressing down on her prostrate form, with more rocks added slowly, until the last few drops of blood oozed from her pores… Vines twisted tight around her throat, then released each time light left her eyes… A stake skewered through her body from one end to the other

But in the rare event that none of these hazards come to pass, a good year simply means that all the granaries are full and then the price drops very low

Small drops of sweat formed under Zarko’s hairline as the sun beat down

The rain had not been harsh, rather falling in intermittent drops carried on a light wind

It was all quite beautiful and she did not even mind the icy drops on her face as she shivered

The metal sliced into the scaly flesh as it passed by, spraying drops of blood onto the grass and rocks and her skin

Eventually they caught a small rat and they both smelt faintly of fresh blood, a few drops of which still clung to Ben’s snout

His cock became even harder, if that were possible, and a few drops of fluid

They row out to the middle of the lake and he drops the anchor overboard, the anchor that is nothing more than a large stone with rope tied around it, rope tied around it like ribbon tied around a Christmas present

He then removes the fish from the net, removes the hook from the fish, shows her her fish, and then drops it into the bucket

along the surface of the wall, finds what he is looking for, drops down into it, pulls the shield in front of himself, and

He drops down onto it and, fairly exhausted, is soon asleep

As he released the tresses, they fell against my back like drops from a waterfall settles on wayside bushes

The air smelled fresher and cleaner, though we»d had only a few drops of the precious fluid

Only a few drops occasionally hit our cowl-covered heads as the clouds veered farther toward the south

We finished our meal with a few precious drops of the wine Ruth gave us

Sebastian and the others watched as little glimmering drops of blood, spilled out, hovering in the air

She moved her hands gently and the drops landed on the circles

and cracked it sharply, dew drops flying off

A Halfling of my means can’t be choosy, especially when one drops a tidy pile of silver coins on my counter

More drops filtered down

each other, he shed a few drops of water on them from it, and their

*Note: To test for firm-ball stage, spoon a few drops of the hot caramel mixture into a cup of very cold (but not icy) water

Using your fingers, form the drops into a ball

If it is too stiff, add a few drops hot water

The drop is an approximated unit of measure of volume, the amount dispensed as one drop from a dropper or drip chamber. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If I’m feeling particularly hyper I’ll add a few drops of valerian.


Info Edge (India) Ltd on Thursday reported a 44 per cent drop in quarterly net profit, as earnings from its core recruitment…


Commentary: «The recent drop in oil prices and related declines in equity markets have been unsettling to investors.


While a recent drop in stocks may have been fueled by concerns tied to the 10-year yield approaching 3 percent, many strategists have said they felt equities could continue to rise until reaching 3.5 percent or 4 percent.


With drop shipping, you can choose a theme of products for your store, list them on the website, and, when you receive an order, purchase them wholesale and then have them shipped directly to your customer from the manufacturer.


Nationally, Una Osili, professor of economics and associate dean for research and international programs at the Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, predicted at least a $ 13 billion drop in charitable giving to The Washington Post.


3esi helps oil and gas exploration and production firms squeeze every last drop of efficiency out of their internal operations.


That nation, where the Bank of Japan has an aggressive plan to try to end its long period of deflation and stagnant growth, has seen extreme stock market drops of 7.3 percent and 6.4 percent on separate days over the last month.


But this was another drop — by 3.6 percent — from last year.


The combination of coconut cream, vanilla drops and caramel sauce make this drink rich and insanely creamy.


Chaikin said that three factors — none of which by and large are in place — tend to precede a bear market, which is commonly defined as a 20 % or more drop in multiple indexes.


The only event that will save Glencore is a massive helicopter drop of more printed money and I doubt even that will move the needle on commodity prices (except gold and silver, of course) other than a brief knee-jerk bounce.


When using Cocokind’s The Colors range, I start with the green primer drops.


There is one great thing about the recent drop in temperatures… soup season is back!


Owning bonds can help stabilize portfolios because bond prices tend to rise when stocks drop.


Stir some into agave syrup, maple syrup or honey for a luscious raw chocolate syrup, or make a remarkably rich pudding by combining a tablespoon of raw cacao butter, two tablespoons of cocoa power, a medium avocado and a few drops of vanilla extract in a food processor.


That big drop in the exchange rate pass-through in the latter 1990s coincides with the Asian financial crisis, which led to a sharp downshift in pricing by Asian exporters, notably China.


Crude oil prices are shaking off the stock market turmoil and now focusing on a surprise drop in weekly supply, as reported by the American Petroleum Institute (API).


COOK»S NOTES: after step 4 my dough looked a little dry so I added the last drop of wet ingredients that was left in the bowl and this was enough for it to come together.


The complication arises from what might drive another drop in the pound.


I’m waiting for a big drop to deploy it.


Those families who have benefited the least from the big increase in stock prices over the last few years have the most to gain, proportionately, from the drop in oil and gas prices.


I always serve it with crusty bread for dunking and a salad and can tell you that not only is the presentation beautiful, but there has never been a drop left at the end of any meal!


According to Jellinek, this drop was the result of the greater inaccessibility of liquor during the years 1915-19 during which more and more states introduced prohibition, and the per capita rate of alcohol consumption dropped by twenty-two percent compared with the period 1910-14.


The first concern is dispelled when comparing the timing of the recent oil price drop to the increase in the firm’s profits.


I served them with fresh fruit, and just a drop of maple syrup.


I’ve also made a lotion with c.o., cocoa butter and a few drops of essential oils which I love.


Finishing top at May would be easier if both drop points.


1 tbsp IMO syrup (see Note 1 below) 1/2 tbsp coconut flour 2 tbsp vanilla whey protein powder (I used this one by MyProtein) 3-4 drops of natural food coloring (see Note 2 below for more on this)


If you don’t have sriracha sauce in your pantry, season the miso coating with a few drops of your favorite hot sauce.


For each cookie, drop about 2 1/2 tablespoons of the dough onto the prepared baking sheet.


Back-up options Mikel Arteta and Mathieu Flamini are both past it and if Coquelin were to suffer an injury or a drop in form then Arsenal would be in trouble.


The company has long struggled to overcome two big challenges: the industrywide drop in display advertising that has traditionally been its primary revenue source and the distraction inherent in trying to excel at many different things, from news and fantasy sports to web searches and email.


About 30 seconds before the rice is ready, drop in the frozen peas.


Twenty-four hours after Ed Balls» Today statement he was on breakfast television admitting that he was «worried» by the failure of the Government’s strategy to reach its target of a 50 per cent drop in teenage pregnancies over the last 12 years.


Take a tray lined with greaseproof paper and drop spoonfuls of the mixture and shape it to desired cookie size with a spoon.


Filed Under: Anjana’s Recipes, Chicken, Chinese, Egg, Fall & Winter, Soups & Salads Tagged With: broth, carrots, chicken stock, egg drop soup, green beans


Add few drops yellow food coloring to intensify the color of the filling.


A $ 40 drop is nothing to be proud of, and many are pointing the finger at Chinese lawmakers, who may be initiating plans to limit bitcoin trading.


Usually, crude oil stocks rise as product stocks drop, and vice-versa, reflecting swings in refinery utilization, which simultaneously increase the demand for crude and output of petroleum products, and vice-versa.


At the end I added some Bisquick drop dumplings.


• You could, we suspect, have heard a pin drop.


Add a little more coconut oil to your pan, and drop dollops of the mixture in the pan on medium-low heat.


In fact, the notion that a drop around the halfway point in a four-year term is only natural might be a case of Canadian discourse being clouded by American experience.


After a sharp drop, bitcoin has surged into record territory again, hitting $ 385 in early Tuesday trading on Mt. Gox — one of the many exchanges for the digital currency.


Analysts say the drop could be more related to Amazon.


Most of the time I just say no thank you — I don’t need to try your new straw, or artificial sweetener that you only need to use a drop to sweeten a whole batch of muffins.


Man, you need every flower your plants can produce because of possible flower drop when the weather gets hot.


However, the drop is insignificant, and wine prices in general have been going up not down, which means, for end consumers, the benefit is perhaps limited.


There had been fears changing one of the three venues might deter some youth groups from coming but organisers reported only a «small» drop in ticket sales.


Definition of Drop

to allow something to fall

Examples of Drop in a sentence

The clumsy waitress continued to drop things from her tray while she worked.


If you drop the egg on the kitchen floor, it will probably crack.


As he struggled to keep the ball, the football player felt it drop from his hands.


The dealer tried to drop the drugs in the bushes so he wouldn’t be caught with them.


Gas prices continue to drop, falling lower and lower.


Other words in the Direction category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

How to use drop in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «drop» and check conjugation/comparative form for «drop«. Mastering all the usages of «drop» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Maureen Dowd WASHINGTON — Jaws drop and drop and drop.
Drop it, drop it low GorlDrop it, drop it low GorlDrop it, drop it low Gorl pic.twitter.
Once they’re locked in, their wages drop and drop and drop.
«My main concern was: Don’t drop it, don’t drop it, don’t drop it,» he said.
If the plug is not coming through, your next option is to name drop, name drop, name drop!
JP Morgan expects a 14% drop, Goldman expects a 24% drop and Morgan Stanley expects a 30% drop.
Dead … / Drop … Dead BEAT / Drop BOX BEAT BOX 42A.
And a drop in investment means a drop in profit.
These bad boys will protect your phone drop after drop.
Drop out’s not the right word, drop out of that.
You’ll see IQ drop and motivation will drop across time.
For more information on drop bears and how to survive drop bear attacks, visit the offical Drop Bear Protection Agency website here.
But that would mean a drop in revenue which could mean a drop in stock price when Apple announces the drop in revenue.
It’s bigger than the 44 percent relative drop in grocery spending, 20133 percent drop at general stores and 40 percent drop on gas.
«We said ‘DROP THE ALBUM’ not drop a baby…….» read another.
The crew were practicing air drop procedures during Operation Christmas Drop.
Its okay, if you fall you fall, if you drop you drop.
A 6 percent drop in refinance volume was behind the weekly drop.
On Tuesday, One Drop introduced One Drop Chrome, an FDA-approved blood glucose monitoring system that sends blood glucose data to the One Drop app.
They literally just drop these kids, they just drop them on the ground.
Red Robin cited a 4.1 percent drop in guests for the sales drop.
Are you looking at … You’re looking at the drop, the gross, the drop.
Imports were forecast to drop 22.2%, following a 22.5% drop the previous month.
Shop wine at The Drop Wine hereThis canned wine company might be called The Drop, but don’t worry if you actually drop your red, white, or ros
That represents a 35% drop from February and a 63% drop from March 2016.
It was the biggest drop since an 8.2 percent drop in early November 2011.
A drop in the bucket, yes, but a pretty big drop by most standards.
They even proposed to drop the charges if Reuters agreed to drop the story.
«It’s fun and festival-y, so just let it drop where it wants to drop
Premiums drop because sick people who need coverage more would drop out of the marketplace.
No one will be eager to drop him until every last drop has been wrung.
That represented a 35% drop from this February and a 63% drop from March 2016.
The drop comes after a larger-than-expected drop in closed home sales in April.
That would be catastrophic — a dramatic drop in morale, resulting in a drop in retention.
Where you just buy a, remember the drop the crates from PUBG that would drop?
To them, a drop of blood spilled in ritual combat becomes a drop of rain.
If it stays up drop after drop, then the bed has great motion transfer isolation.
North Dakota experienced an 11.8% drop in spud harvests while Oregon had a 16% drop.
The second weekend drop down to $45.1 million represents a 39 percent drop in viewers.
But a $15-$20 bbl drop doesn’t compare to some historical declines ($111 bbl drop from the high in 2008) and the more than 50 percent drop of 2014-2015.
The drop comes just days after an earlier drop of Unix-focused exploits on April 8th.
A drop in demand for iPhones would lead to a drop in manufacturing demand from Foxconn.
The drop in oil products inventory was led by a drop in diesel stocks, Xinhua said.
A drop to, say, 1,799 would represent a 10.7 percent drop for the S&P 500.
The 22019 May-June drop is almost identical to a 17.5 percent drop in June 2016.
The 7.3 percent drop is its worst since an 8.4 percent drop on April 20, 2009.
The drop in oil prices on Monday was the biggest one-day percentage drop since Jan.
These are the jams I’ll be drop it drop it low girling to all szn long.
A 13% drop in RBC’s capital markets business’ profit led to a drop in overall earnings.
It was the worst drop for the stock since a 9.9 percent drop in April 2016.
A 12% drop in RBC’s capital markets business’s profit led to a drop in overall earnings.
The materials sector has recorded the biggest drop in expected earnings growth, nosediving from a 3.2% drop in the beginning of this quarter to a 16.2% drop this week, according to FactSet.
Although slicked with sweat and visibly exhausted, they don’t dance until they drop, because they never drop.
Just a 1 degree Fahrenheit drop in body temperature can produce a 7 percent drop in RMR.
Gap reported a 4% drop in same-store sales, wider than the 1.1% drop that was expected.
There was a 6-point drop in Democratic support and a 10-point drop in black support.
By the centuries-old «one-drop rule,» one drop of black blood made us 21969 percent Negro.
From those observations was born Drop, which is named for the bass drop common in EDM music.
If you live there, you can drop your ballot in the mail or at a drop box.
A drop to $24.20 would be another 19 percent drop from where the ETF traded on Friday.
Pickle drop — Dillsburg, Pennsylvania Yes, there are two towns that drop pickles on New Years Eve. 10.
So its 42% drop in piracy represents a huge drop in the raw number of illegal downloaders.
Washington’s supporters pressured the Guardian’s printer to drop the paper, and Trotter’s business partner to drop him.
When earnings drop, loan payments drop immediately, allowing borrowers to devote their reduced budgets to essential needs.
Instead, drop that gift card off when you drop off your donations at a food bank. 3.
Pro Tip: Alexa drop in works only between contacts who have given each other drop in permission.
The drop in employment levels probably won’t match the drop in capacity at most airlines, he said.
The Dow’s 28.3,013-point drop was also the biggest-ever point drop for the 30-stock average.
The first six episodes will drop on Wednesday, and the later six will drop on Dec. 18.
If they drop their horrific barriers & tariffs on U.S. products going in, we will likewise drop ours.
Add one drop of pink food coloring to one and one drop of orange to the the other.
Off-camera, they have better ways of drinking than doing it drop-by-drop, but astronauts are showoffs.
Tiffany did see same-store sales drop by two percent, but that was only half the expected drop.
Tiffany did see same-store sales drop by 2 percent, but that was only half the expected drop.
«I had to drop, and I happened to drop on Robin Williams’ feet,» Marie recalls with a chuckle.
It sunk into the depths of his skull, pulling out the fluid in his brain, drop-by-drop.
Logitech — Logitech reported a 1.5 percent drop in operating profit, as demand for computer accessories continued to drop.
«The decision to drop this particular case, and to drop other cases, was a bad call,» Davis said.
But iOS developers launched just 755,00 new apps — a 29 percent drop and the largest drop since 2008.
«We estimate a demand drop of 44,000 bpd for every 1 percent drop in global trade,» BoAML said.
Sturm Ruger & Co. (RGR) reported a 21% drop in sales in 2017, and another 5% drop last year.
Monday’s drop would be the biggest one-day point drop for the 30-stock benchmark since Feb. 2018.
Capsule at the drop tower Photo: ZARM Drop Tower Operation and Service Company»It was amazing that they could create the hydrogen from water,» Thorben Könemann, the drop tower operator at ZARM, told Gizmodo.
If a Trump win will indeed lead to the drop in stocks, the drop in the dollar and the drop in yields outlined above, the stage would certainly be set for gold to rally.
Twitter was the biggest loser, with a 4.5 percent drop, while Facebook was the fourth-biggest decliner, with a 1.9 percent drop, and Alphabet saw the seventh-biggest loss, with a 1.6 percent drop.
Following that, a 6-foot drop onto its edge and a 6-foot drop on its face onto concrete caused a few more cracks, as did a 4.33-foot drop into a water-filled toilet.
The drop in mining output from the previous month, and a 2.4% drop over the year, was driven primarily by a drop in copper ore levels and iron production, the government statistics agency INE said.
The drop is credited largely to significant reductions in several of America’s largest cities, including a 2628 percent decrease in Detroit, a 28503 percent drop in Houston and a 22019 percent drop in New York.
That comment led to a 333-point drop on the Dow, its biggest one-day drop since May 31.
Peach Drop — Atlanta, Georgia Since 1989, the peach state has rung in the new year with a peach drop.
To call that a drop in the bucket is a massive understatement; it’s a drop in the fucking ocean.
Break open that piñata, watch the would-be providers scramble, watch rates drop, scarcity drop, and options will increase.
He chose to drop his ball 8003 yards from the hole; he was not in the designated drop area.
«I would never do what other people say – somebody ought to drop out or not drop out,» he said.
He chose to drop his ball 80 yards from the hole; he was not in the designated drop area.
Only a hint from the Federal Reserve that interest rates might drop saved the market from a broader drop.
WTI was on track for a weekly drop of about 24%, its steepest drop since the 2008 financial crisis.
Sergeant Barry drew his pistol and ordered her to «drop it, drop the bat please, ma’am,» Officer Rosario said.
«One of my gripes with beat-driven music is that it’s intro, build, drop, build, drop, outro,» he says.
On my way home I drop by my parents’ house to drop off my freezer composting into their bin.
«We’re going to see those refinery runs drop next week and they’ll continue to drop into March,» he said.
That includes a drop of 203,220 bpd to 2000 million bpd from Saudi Arabia, the largest weekly drop since September.
In test markets, it saw a 4 percent drop in abuse reports from search, and 3 percent drop from comments.
Iran says its oil exports will not drop to zero, although its officials are bracing for a drop in shipments.
Reserves fell by $12.3 billion in January to $71.2923 trillion, compared with a drop of $41 billion drop in December.
She would drop mixtapes and her parents would drop her off and pick her up from her live guest appearances.
It was considered «the official unofficial food drop of New Orleans,» and was the only food drop that wasn’t robbed.
The roughly 216 percent drop in U.S. indexes yesterday was only half as bad as the daily drop on Oct.
Tesla’s big drop: Shares in Tesla (TSLA) plunged 26% in extended trading after the company reported a massive sales drop.
Chip equipment makers slid, led by a 5.3 percent drop in ASML Holding and a 463 percent drop in Entegris.
«This drop in demand has been unprecedented — a 50% drop in global travel in less than a week,» said Hentschel.
That represents a roughly 19 percent drop in units and a 22 percent drop in revenue from a year ago.
Nicki: He says he’s going to drop his new mixtape the day you drop ViewsDrake: hahaha who gives a shit!?
So a word like ‘furniture,’ a lot of people who drop their R’s wouldn’t drop them there, but she did.
It can’t defend itself — it’s built so random people in Bulgaria can drop in at the drop of a hat.
While you wait for the EP to drop, read up on how Flume’s signature drop became SoundCloud’s most annoying trend.
Drop let you leave geofenced messages for friends and followers Drop let you leave geofenced messages for friends and followers Drop won TechCrunch’s 2013 Boston pitch competition, and you can see an interview with the team below.
A drop spreader, which will drop grass seed directly onto the lawn beneath the spreader, is typically recommended for small lawns.
«They don’t and can’t allocate funds drop by drop, if they aim to invest hundreds of millions a year,» Farley explained.
North American same-store sales were down 4 percent, a bigger drop than the 13 percent drop that analysts had expected.
These surface tension gradients cause convection inside the drop and carry red blood cells toward the outer portion of the drop.
«He (officer) ordered that individual to drop his gun, the individual did not drop his gun,» Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett said.
The precipitous drop is reminiscent in timing, duration and magnitude of the steep drop during the 10-day period in 2011.
That was a bigger drop than any economist had forecast in the Reuters poll, which had pointed to a 1.8% drop.
Drug companies usually drop prices because the increased volume of better consumer access makes up for the drop in sticker price.
The Berlin Wall may have come down quickly, but the legacy of State Plan 14.25 played out slowly, drop by drop.
What you say, how you say it can be the difference between a 100-point drop and a 1,000-point drop.
It also compared with a 1.3% drop seen by economists in a Reuters poll and a sharp 6.13% drop in May.
A rise in services prices offset a slight drop in prices for goods, including a 20.2 percent drop in gasoline prices.
The company reported an 13 pct drop in revenue and a 9 pct drop in recurring EBITDA for the first quarter.
The drop in net imports was smaller at about 360,000 tonnes due to a sharp 35 percent drop fall in exports.
You can now return products to Kohl’s Drop Off locations, for example, or drop them off at a nearby Amazon Locker.
With the processor running, gradually add 103 tablespoon of the oil, drop by drop, to establish the base for the emulsion.
That represented around a 19 percent drop in units sold, and a 22 percent drop in revenue from the year prior.
EPA’s research and science budget — including national labs — would drop by 40 percent, and grants to states would drop 45 percent.
That’s less than Democrats — who reported a 20-point drop, from 51 percent to 31 percent — but still a significant drop.
The Dow’s Monday loss was it’s steepest drop by points and its second-steepest drop by percentage in the index’s history.
That was a bigger drop than any economist had forecast in the Reuters poll, which had pointed to a 1.8% drop.
The Kromski Drop Spindle kit contains everything your recipient needs to get started, including a drop spindle, merino wool and instructions.
The next morning, they will see where to drop off scooters and are incentivized to drop them off before 7 am.
Here are our picks for the best dining tables you can buy:Best dining table overall: Origami Drop Leaf Rectangular Dining TableBest budget drop leaf dining table: Threshold 40-inch Square Drop Leaf Rustic Dining TableBest budget dining table: Coaster Home Furnishings Country Farmhouse Dining TableBest dining table for small spaces: Round Weathered Gray Wood Jozy Drop Leaf Table
A 4-foot drop on its edge onto concrete caused a minor crack and scratching along the bottom, which grew larger with a face drop from 4 feet onto concrete and an edge drop from 6 feet onto concrete.
Called Outriders, it’s «set in an original dark and desperate sci-fi universe,» and features drop-in, drop-out co-op play.
Hopefully, we get our voters turnout and historically and the drop off of the election there&aposs a 30 percent drop off.
However, in Italy, however, the drop in household interest earnings has slid over twice as much as the drop in interest payments.
Yet the drop-off in China and Asia comes amid a very different context than the drop-off in the United States.
WordPress Aliexpress Drop Shipping Master Class For the uninitiated: drop shipping is the process of selling products without holding any inventory whatsoever.
Employers discriminate against women because they are likely to drop out; but they drop out partly because they are so poorly treated.
It’s meant to be a strong narrative game with drop-in-drop-out multiplayer, but as they aren’t showing any gameplay yet.
Cross-border IPO activity fell particularly hard, with a 16% drop in volume and a 55% drop in value compared to 2018.
Following that, a 3493-foot drop onto its edge caused a bit more damage, as did a face drop from that height.
While we look forward to every «new arrivals» drop, the winter and holiday collections are always the best drop of the year.
Then there was New Year’s Eve, which saw New York City drop to ten degrees—the second-coldest ball drop ever, apparently.
Like I would drop a little drop of it on my wound and it would go «whoosh» and it would magically heal.
It is polling at around 8 percent as infighting and a drop in migrant arrivals have led to a drop in support.
It uses a pour-over method to brew double-strength coffee hot directly over ice, instantly cooling it down drop by drop.
So maybe just have your parents swing by and drop off a bottle at the same time when they drop you off.
Company-funded studies would need to prove to the agency that the smaller drop was just as effective as a larger drop.
A 20 percent drop into bear territory is not out of the question, but any serious drop in stocks should be bought.
Crude officially entered a bear market with Tuesday’s drop, and one technical strategist is seeing another 30 percent drop in the commodity.
And I say this having lived through five excruciating minutes during which coffee was brewed drop by drop atop a digital scale.
Another sharp drop in UK car buying had also dampened the mood though analysts said the pound’s drop might only be temporary.
In terms of consumption, the U.S. saw an 8.8 percent drop – equivalent to 33 mtoe – while China recorded a 1.6 percent drop.
Some of them we drop a whole step, some we drop a half step, and some are still in the original keys.
No, we’re not about to tell you to drop a grand on a new mattress — we’re only telling you to drop $400.
It’s been drop-tested from heights of up to 11 feet, which is one of the higher drop ranges that I’ve seen.
The market continued its drop on Tuesday after the S&P 500 fell 3.4% on Monday, its biggest drop in two years.
The drop was likely linked to a drop in pregnancies, since there were fewer births over the same time period, it said.
This is hardly what Americans envision when they drop off glitchy laptops or broken printers at their local recycling drop-off center.
New York has had this truly spectacular crime drop — sharper than the national crime drop — over the last two decades or more.
Sequencing costs are likely to drop in the future, so a Nebula Token could also drop in value as the price goes down.
Episode 4, «Drop by Drop» Gordie performs an autopsy on Cassandra, while some of the stronger boys dig a grave for her outside.
It doesn’t help that when the kids drop some bars for their mom to hear, they drop a bunch of f-bombs, too.
The volume may have been making up for a big drop two weeks ago, or reacting to a slight drop in interest rates.
Sebastian Bergne’s Drop carafe If you’re after a water receptacle you can truly be smug about, designer Sebastian Bergne’s Drop carafe is it.
It also says while you can drop in on other rooms in your home, users can decide who can drop in on them.
It was the second-worst single-day point drop in history, beaten only by the record set after this Monday’s 21997,175-point drop.
The drop put U.S. crude in a bear market, traditionally defined as a drop of more than 20 percent from a recent high.
«The joy of being a drop in the ocean is that you can choose your drop in the ocean,» jokes one foreign veteran.
That represents a drop in prenatal services of nearly 2,000 from 2016 and a drop of nearly 10,85003 from the 2014-2015 period.
» Markell makes a similar point: «A lot of kids who drop out of high school — they don’t drop out because they’re not intelligent.
In highly selective institutions, only 2202% of students drop out after the first year, while 2628% drop out of the least selective institutions.
It allows voters to mark their ballots at their leisure and either mail it back or drop it in a ballot drop box.
There’s a good possibility the Dow could drop under 20,000 and the S&P drop down to 2,500 before we see a turnaround.
«Our new forecasts anticipate a 16% drop in EPS and a 15% drop in price for the year as a whole,» she wrote.
On average, the value of companies he writes about drop 10 percent in a year, and some drop as much as 95 percent.
«He was getting a cough drop from [his wife] Laura and I looked over and said, ‘Hand me a cough drop,'» Obama explained.
As reported, AccuWeather predicts a 5.3% drop in corn yield and a 7.9% drop in soybean yield this year when compared to 2018.
You might «Drop a line?» to someone by writing to them, but you can also drop a line when you are FISHing. 260A.
Those changes, alongside better emissions controls, led to an 80 percent drop in sulfur dioxide and a 60 percent drop in nitrogen oxides.
It was the first quarter-to-quarter drop in sales at Tesla (TSLA) in nearly two years and the single largest drop ever.
«Many teachers asked me where to drop water so I asked them: Can you be a drop-off point?» van der Heever said.
The Nasdaq Composite was on track for its biggest daily percentage drop this month, weighed down by a 9.5-percent drop in Nvidia.
What’s more, Blakemore claims we’ll never see a price drop for it, aside from the current 10 percent drop for its Steam launch.
A 4-foot drop on its edge onto concrete similarly did little damage, but a 4-foot face drop, followed by a 43-foot edge drop onto concrete, caused some pretty big cracks in the OnePlus 5T, including in front of its camera.
The Fox News poll also found that Warren’s support has dropped since late October — there was a 13-point drop in her support among those with a college degree; a 12% drop among voters over 45; and an 11-point drop among women.
Rival FedEx is building out a network of drop-off locations to reduce residential delivery costs, which are higher than drop-offs to businesses.
The drop in the middle-class share measured 6 percentage points or more in 53 metro areas, compared with a four-point drop nationally.
United Continental (UAL) reported a 6.5 to 6.75 percent drop in passenger unit revenue in the recently concluded quarter, a smaller than expected drop.
With military-grade performance, this device can withstand dust, water, extreme weather, and the occasional drop (but do your best not to drop it).
The software giant announced the price drop on Twitter today, simply revealing that Xbox One S consoles and bundles will drop by $113 tomorrow.
It’s unclear, however, whether the drop in arrests will hold in the coming months when temperatures drop and migrant flows usually tick up again.
Sales of iPads were 13.1 million this quarter, a 19 percent drop in units and 22 percent drop in revenue from the year prior.
Micro-g circumstances can be created basically in seven ways: drop tubes,drop towers,parabolic flights,underwater training,sounding rockets,recoverable satellites,stratospheric balloons.
In a livestreamed address, Sanders didn’t drop out or endorse Hillary Clinton, but he didn’t not drop out or not endorse Hillary Clinton either.
Since then, automakers have reported a drop in vehicle dales for March, which along with the drop in iPhone sales, have added to nerves.
He said suspects should choose to «drop the drugs or drop dead», but suggested that was merely an expression, not an instruction to kill.
Both Mongolia and Australia have seen volumes supplied drop in the first quarter at a rate just below the overall drop of 28 percent.
Since then automakers have reported a drop in vehicle dales for March, which along with the drop in iPhone sales, have added to nerves.
There was, however, a notable drop in gasoline stocks, which were fell 4.2 million barrels, compared with analysts’ expectations for a 171,000-barrel drop.
The biggest declines came in 1988, when farmers saw a 29.4 percent drop in corn yields and a 20.4 percent drop in soybean yields.
The new loot drop treats the weapon skins are standard loot — meaning they’re the more common drop — and the glove skins are special loot.
That’s a 32 percent drop from the previous quarter, which saw 77.3 million iPhone sales, though there’s always a drop-off from the holiday.
While the focus has been on drop administration and ensuring patients can get refills, he said, the industry should be looking at drop size.
Specifically, his ban on trans fats caused a drop in heart attacks, and his smoking ban helped create a 33 percent drop in smoking.
Facebook, Amazon, Netflix and Alphabet shares all fell during the market decline Tuesday, ranging from a 3.7 percent drop to a 4.8 percent drop.
The Dow dropped 800.49 points or 3.05% to 2,5479.42, its worst percentage drop of the year and fourth-largest point drop of all time.
While the default option is to pick up and drop off at the same location, you can also choose a different drop-off location.
But a drop in shares of Sun Life Financial Inc restrained overall market gains after the insurer reported a drop in quarterly underlying profit.
No one on my team asked me to drop out of the race and I have no plans to drop out of the race.
Monday’s drop was the S&P’s third-biggest daily percentage drop, beaten only by the 1987 rout and the Great Depression crash in 1929.
On a percentage basis, the steepest drop among tech companies was IT services company DXC, which sank 18%, followed by Western Digital’s 13% drop.
NIGERIAN DROP OPEC’s largest production drop of 80,000 bpd was in Nigeria, which exported less crude according to ship-tracking data and loading schedules.
Emirates NBD on Monday reported a 15% drop in quarterly net profit, while Abu Dhabi Commercial Bank reported a 16% drop in net profit.
The has gone 14 months without a 5 percent drop and 19 months since the last full-blown correction, or drop of 10 percent.
He also reads them, in voice-over—word after careful word, as if the lines were being squeezed out of him drop by drop.
The group’s estimate for new auto sales in Brazil slid to a 19 percent drop from an earlier forecast for a 1673 percent drop.
Revenue beat forecasts, but a comparable-store sales drop of 11.5 percent was larger than the Thomson Reuters consensus for a 7.1 percent drop.
Breaking up the sequence of dropdrop-place like that was illuminating to Lincicome: «I didn’t even know that was a thing,» she said.
«We designed specific drop‐off locations for each type of cargo: if the type matches, the drop‐off location will signal the robot to release the cargo; otherwise the robot will continue to walk around and search for another drop‐off location,» explained Qian.
There’s been no explanation for the sudden and precipitous drop in bitcoin’s value, but it isn’t the only blockchain-based currency to see prices drop.
The steep drop in the estimate comes in the wake of the Federal Reserve’s dovish tilt and the subsequent drop in 210.2-year Treasury yields.
The steep drop in the estimate comes in the wake of the Federal Reserve’s dovish tilt and the subsequent drop in 10-year Treasury yields.
They project that spending on coverage provisions would drop by about $275 billion in that timespan, while revenues would also drop by about $100 billion.
SHARP DROP IN PENALTIES     Last year, Georgetown’s Velikonja documented a sharp drop in total penalties assessed by the commission after Clayton took over as chairman.
The Nasdaq registered its biggest daily drop since June 24, 2016, hurt by technology stocks which had their biggest one-day drop since August 2011.
Shares of Chinese beer giant Tsingtao Brewery Co Ltd fell 2.2 percent, after posting a drop in 2015 profits, the first earnings drop since 1999.
The company did forecast yet another drop in device revenue for the current quarter, though, as Surface sales won’t offset another drop in phone sales.
The drop in miscellaneous sales, Statscan said, was led by an 11.1% decline in the agricultural supplies industry, the largest drop seen since June 2018.
The seasonal drop off in fourth-quarter FICC revenue may not be as severe as the 21% sequential drop in the fourth quarter of 2212.
People with trash to drop waited until they reached our yard to drop it, figuring the high grass would cover whatever they needed to discard.
He has, in his words, «been waiting to drop» this summer’s playlist, and here it is: Been waiting to drop this: summer playlist, the encore.
But the state incarceration rate began to fall before the federal government’s: The state drop began around 2008, while the federal drop began around 2011.
Trump 341Cruz 189Rubio 119Kasich 27Carson 16OTHERS = 351 The «you drop out, no you drop out» talk is as useless now as it was 2wks ago.
Croock’s Fibrehoods touts a 231 percent drop in crime for the Dunkeld suburb, while Vumacam’s managing director Ashleigh Parry claims an 2000 percent drop there.
Warren’s drop in the polls could simply reflect the travails of a frontrunner whose numbers drop in the face of scrutiny, but then bounce back.
In Mr. Trump’s first three years, that trend has accelerated, from a 4.5 percent drop in 2017 to a nearly 7 percent drop last year.
Yellen ascribed the inflation drop to «a few unusual reductions in certain categories of prices» and said it would eventually drop out of the calculation.
We’d expect a drop in turnout from a presidential to midterm election, but Texas’s drop was less than the average state with a Senate race.
That’s largely been driven by a 32-point drop among Democrats and 163-point drop among independents over the past month, the Gallup poll found.
This isn’t the first time a big drop in children and families arriving in the US has led to a big drop in total apprehensions.
Here are our picks for the best dining tables you can buy:Best dining table overall: Origami Drop Leaf Rectangular Dining TableBest budget drop leaf dining table: Threshold 40-inch Square Drop Leaf Rustic Dining TableBest budget dining table: Coaster Home Furnishings Country Farmhouse Dining TableBest glass dining table: Brace Dining TableBest dining table for small spaces: Round Weathered Gray Wood Jozy Drop Leaf Table 
A drop in TC/RCs signals that smelters have been forced to drop their rates to attract feed, an indication of a scarcity of mine supply.
QVC — QVC reported a six percent drop in U.S. sales for its third quarter, its first year-over-year drop in the U.S. in seven years.
While Diana wore the pieces both as double drop earrings and studs, Kate has customized the sapphire and diamond stunners to a modern single drop design.
The drop is the second-steepest this year for Facebook, following a 19 percent drop on July 26 after an earnings report warning of slowing sales.
Rather than drop the first atomic bomb on Japan, the team behind the project prepare to drop it on Berlin, and change the course of history.
Same-store sales, on an owned plus licensed basis, are expected to drop 0.5% during the fourth quarter, and drop 0.7% for fiscal 2019, Macy’s said.
«I drove to school once to drop the bigs off and back again a little later to drop off the stuff the bigs forgot,» she wrote.
United Continental — The airline reported a 6.5 percent to 6.75 percent drop in passenger unit revenue in the recently concluded quarter, a smaller than expected drop.
Zombie rail shooter Drop Dead pushes the motion controls a step further by having you drop your «gun» downward to reload, which is clever and effective.
Through the organization&aposs website , families can search for a drop-off site nearby, and interested local businesses can register to be a drop-off site.
If drop towers and tubes are not enough, an alternative method is to use stratospheric balloons from which researchers can drop a container carrying the experiments.
This drop in support is particularly high among Republicans with an almost 10 percent drop in strongly favorable views of the president among GOP likely voters.
For its standalone Medicare prescription drugs unit, Humana expects a drop of 2.23,000 to 800,000 members in 2019, compared with a drop of 500,000 estimated earlier.
A few years back you didn’t have to formulate the kind of «fake drop» which you hear today, because people were so ready for that drop.
Last week, the S&P 21 suffered its biggest weekly percentage drop since August 523, while the Dow had its biggest weekly drop since October 252.
Volkswagen — The automaker posted its 16th monthly sales drop in 18 months, although the pace of the drop slowed to 2.7 percent from February’s 4.7 percent.
And to be alive when you first drop it and nothing explodes that you drop it a second time to ensure that the thing will blow.
«The S&P 500 could easily drop to 1,600 because earnings could drop to $75 a share the next time we have a recession,» Stockman warned.
It leaves out the drop in others, like New York City, which saw a 1503 percent drop in homicides in the first three months of 2016.
German peer Continental AG slipped 1.6% after reporting a 20% drop in quarterly operating profit and flagged a drop in production of cars and light trucks.
This was down 22015 percent from a year ago, which looks like a big drop versus a 224 percent drop in crude oil over the period.
But most of the drop was caused by a sharp decline in imports, which fell 28500 percent to $6900 billion — the biggest drop since February 2628.
In New York, there was an 22020 percent drop in new diagnoses among Hispanics in 43, and a seven percent drop in new cases among blacks.
That’s a 2208 percent drop in the number of deals and a 22015 percent drop in their dollar volume compared with the same period last year.
As big of a drop as DiMaggio had against non-Browns pitching, though, it was nothing compared to Torres’s drop-off when facing non-Orioles pitching.
The drop marked the largest single-day point drop in history and brought the total point loss for the week to 3,225.77 points, or 11.1 percent.
Our sleep is so synced with nature that, in the same way temperatures outside drop at night, our body temperature also wants to drop at night.
Another policeman came up and threw his gun on me and told me to drop the billy or he’d drop me, so I dropped the billy.
However, the 19.5 percent drop, to $5.55 billion, in the three months ended March 27, was less than the nearly 23 percent drop analysts were expecting.
The Dow also lost its October gains with Friday’s drop, although Boeing (BA) was responsible for about two-thirds of the Dow’s nearly 256 point drop.
The Hong Kong Retail Management Association has estimated a 3-4 percent drop in retail sales in 2017, narrowing from an 8.1 percent drop in 2016.
In «Pressure Drop» (2018), what are we to make of the blue drop emerging from the corner where two walls of creamy off-white slats meet?
Last week, the S&P 25 suffered its biggest weekly percentage drop since August 23.56, while the Dow had its biggest weekly drop since October 21.
The Aston Martin Vanquish has been around in its current form since 2012, and the drop-dead gorgeous, drop top, Volante version is just a year younger.
The trains will hit 47 mph, last three minutes, travel 2,755 feet in track, hold 28 passengers, and drop riders from 66 feet at its gnarliest drop.
South Korea expects a 20 percent drop in major shipbuilders’ capacity and a 30 percent drop in their workforce by 2018 from 2015, after the restructuring process.
And he said the procedures helped lead, last year, to a 30 percent drop in assaults on officers and a 40 percent drop in shootings by police.
Germany saw a two percent drop in the number of small businesses founded in 2017 after a 10 percent drop the previous year, Statistics Office figures show.
There was a 10 percent drop in job postings in the finance sector across England and a 13.6 percent drop in London, the IPPR said on Friday.
It holds three world records for wooden coasters: Biggest drop (180 feet), steepest drop (85 degrees — nearly a right angle!), and fastest speed (72 miles per hour
But Maryland’s drop in the number of violent crimes reported also coincided with a national drop in violent crime reported by the FBI in the same period.
The reserves fell by $28.57 billion in February, easing from a $99.5 billion drop in January and $107.9 billion in December, the biggest monthly drop on record.
Year-over-year sales of mobiles have registered a 6.5 percent drop in North America and have had an even more dramatic 2503 percent drop in Europe.
Cornet floated another forehand drop shot, this one brushing the net, to break for 5-1, and fittingly closed it out with a drop-shot pass combination.
A glaring weak spot in the report was Kate Spade’s larger-than-expected drop in same-store sales of 6%, while analysts expected a drop of 1.39%.
But if they’re telling him to drop it and he doesn’t drop it, that’s really going to worry the cops and elevate their perception of the threat.
RRC Team 3 jumped into Tillman Drop Zone in southeast Afghanistan on July 3, 2004, to deploy tactical equipment in a combat military free-fall parachute drop.
According to Reuters, China is pushing the US to drop tariffs on smartphones, laptops, and toys, and also to drop plans to impose further tariffs in December.
I would never take any of my cards off the table… MATTHEWS: Where would we drop  —  where would we drop a nuclear weapon in the Middle East?
The Times also announced Thursday a 20.4% print advertising revenue drop in 2016, which largely drove the 20153 percent drop in total advertising revenue for the year.
I would never take any of my cards off the table… MATTHEWS: Where would we drop  —  where would we drop a nuclear weapon in the Middle East?
Georges St. Pierre’s superman jab, which became a staple of his offence, was an application of the drop shift with a leap instead of the drop step.
There’s a 10-story, 90-degree vertical drop straight down out of the starting gate; the tallest drop is 100 feet down the side of a ravine.
During the NCAA tournament, the agency predicts that TBS’ household total day ratings will drop 20% while truTV will drop 18% and CBS viewership will decline 9%.
Qatari stocks were down 0.5 percent, weighed down by a 0.7 percent drop in market heavyweight Industries Qatar and a 1.4 percent drop in Qatar Insurance Co. .
Alex Trebek might not ever drop a mixtape in this lifetime, but thankfully we don’t have to to wait for that miracle to hear him drop bars.
«Drop your weapon, drop your weapon sir, put your weapon on the ground,» one store employee told investigators she heard the officer say before he shot Bradford.
The Sports Business Journal reported TNT saw a 23% drop in ratings to start the season, with ESPN, the NBA’s other national partner, suffering a 20% drop.
I would never take any of my cards off the table… MATTHEWS: Where would we drop  — where would we drop a nuclear weapon in the Middle East?
Pharrell Williams Towkio Towkio — Tear Drop Towkio — .
Then I was back behind the wheel: Pick up, drop-off, pick up, drop-off, maybe a bathroom break or McDonald’s, pick up, drop-off, sunrise, sunset, three days on the road, seven days on the road, 15 prisoners on the van by this point, always on the road.
Later today, what is likely to be the last Yahoo earnings release ever will drop just after 1 pm PT. Drop is exactly the way to put it.
This «regional nuclear war» would subsequently trigger a nuclear autumn, causing a one-degree Celsius temperature drop and a 225 to 25 percent drop in global food production.
The CBOE Volatility index, dubbed Wall Street’s «fear gauge», reversed course to drop 252 percent, after having notched its biggest one-day drop since late June on Monday.
My boss took offense to the Mic Drop animation and assumed that I didn’t reply to her because I thought her input was petty (hence the Mic Drop).
Goldman’s traditional rival, Morgan Stanley, reported on Monday a 54 percent drop in adjusted revenue from fixed income and commodities trading and a similar drop in net profit.
Newmont’s shares have gained 39 percent in the past five years, compared to a 26 percent drop for Barrick’s stock and a 3 percent drop in gold prices.
The yuan has gained just over 3 percent against the dollar so far this year, following a 6.5 percent drop in 2016 – the biggest annual drop since 33.
Staples were hit by Philip Morris’s 152 percent drop and Altria’s 2 percent drop after brokerage Jefferies flagged concerns that the two tobacco companies could lose market share.
The grocery chain saw comparable-store sales drop 2.6 percent, more than expected, and is on track for its first yearly drop in same-store sales since 2009.
A brutal cold, coupled with weak consumer spending, resulted in a 1.2 percent drop in Canadian retail sales in April, the largest drop in more than two years.
This makes Microsoft’s 2 percent drop less severe, relatively speaking, and therefore Najarian believes that like other tech stocks, Microsoft’s drop was due to overreaction about Trump’s victory.
A 0.6-point drop may not seem like a huge deal, until you realize that this was Gallup’s biggest reported drop since 2008, the start of the recession.
Fintiklis wanted to drop the Trump name from the building and argued in court documents that the Trump Organization’s mismanagement caused occupancy levels to drop while expenses rose.
The Appery app builder includes a visual editor using drag and drop components to build the UI. Appery auto-generates the code for any components you drop in.
Britain’s Barclays slipped after reporting a 10 percent drop in the quarterly profit, as tough market conditions caused a drop in earnings at its under-pressure investment bank.
It made more left-wing members willing to drop dreams of a big new public program and more centrist members willing to drop hostility to expansion of Medicaid.
St. Louis Fed President James Bullard said the continuing drop in oil had caused a «worrisome» drop in inflation that may make further rate hikes hard to justify.
Shafir said he expects M&A volumes to drop roughly 10 percent this year, and if certain risk factors worsen, they could drop as much as 20 percent.
Perhaps when you wear drop-dead gorgeous dresses every single day of the week, one flub, even one of this magnitude, is just another drop in the bucket.
That confounded forecasters who had predicted a drop of 225 million barrels, especially a day after preliminary data from the American Petroleum Institute indicated an even bigger drop.
The slight decline in goods prices was the first since May 2017, led by a 0.8 percent drop in energy prices and a 0.6 percent drop in food.
February 6: Mirror-image drop and gain The Dow plunges 5003 points at the open, briefly sinking into correction territory — a drop of 10% from its record high.
Oil prices surged on Thursday morning with a larger-than-expected 6.3 million barrel drop in US stockpiles, but later pared those gains after a two percent drop.
The CBOE Volatility index, dubbed Wall Street’s «fear gauge», reversed course to drop 4.5 percent, after having notched its biggest one-day drop since late June on Monday.
The slight decline in goods prices was the first since May, 2017, led by a 0.8 percent drop in energy prices and a 0.6 percent drop in food.
Of 870 American drivers surveyed last week, Gridwise found an 8-percent drop in rides to airports, with an almost 18-percent drop to Los Angeles International Airport.
Month by month, year by year, I shed my Russianness; as Chekhov once said about his serf parentage, I squeezed my Russianness out of myself drop by drop.
The 85033-point drop in consumer confidence was the largest since December 2012, when concerns about going over a «fiscal cliff» led to a 9.8 drop in sentiment.
Two Republicans familiar with the plan expect the top income rate will drop to 35% from 39.6%, and the top corporate rate will drop to 20% from 35%.
Like, it’s just so easy now for a kid to drop a comment, for a person to drop a comment that they would never say in real life.
«But, you know, he is my leader, and if he decides to drop the swamp and the alligator, I will drop the swamp and the alligator,» he said.
In 100 trials, bees were rewarded with a drop of sugar water for the correct choice and punished for the wrong choice with a drop of quinine solution.
The LA Times also reports that divorced women over 50 experienced a 45% drop in their standard of living, compared to a 21% drop for men over 50.
The TSX’s moves were in contrast to U.S. stocks, which saw its largest drop in two months, triggered in part by a sharp drop in U.S. home resales.
The 2.1% drop in transactions in the second quarter comes after a 1.6% drop in the first quarter and a 0.8% decline in the fourth quarter of 2015.
LG: He doesn’t drop … [laughter] DF: I did drop a knife the other day, but I was wearing protective shoes so … WM: Have you ever dropped a baby?
But the main reasons for the gradual drop in arrivals are down to factors beyond Germany’s control, including a drop in the level of violence in Syria and Iraq.
The drop in cases could partly reflect a drop in staff working on enforcement, where more than 700 people have left the agency in the last year, said Schaeffer.
DTAC reported a 5% drop in service revenue, as its non-voice revenue growth of 10% was not enough to compensate for a 15% drop in its voice revenue.
The decision by the Democratic mayor follows a 103 percent drop in the city’s overall crime rate over three years, and an even larger drop in the inmate population.
It was the biggest annual drop since February 2013, when prices fell by the same margin, and exceeded the 0.4 percent drop projected by analysts in a Reuters poll.
And they have a verbal deal and they&aposre going to now drop the tariffs on nonindustrial goods, they&aposre going to drop the tariffs on liquefied natural gas.
A supply glut is to blame for a predicted price drop in Singapore while Brazilian and South African property prices will drop in line with a weakening economic picture.
A handful of states will see average price reductions for silver plans: Alaska, a 22 percent drop; Arizona, a 6 percent reduction; and North Dakota, a 4 percent drop.
Overnight stateside, the Dow Jones Industrial Average plunged 800.49 points to close at 25,479.42 — its worst percentage drop of the year and fourth-largest point drop of all time.
The impact on refined copper imports was a cumulative 533,000 drop over the January-June period, or a 453,000-tonne drop in net terms due to slightly lower exports.
These changes were not reflected in the 2017 pay scheme, which saw overall executive earnings drop 4.3 percent and bank-wide bonuses drop 3.4 percent to 3.2 billion francs.
In other words, we don’t know how much trading would drop as a result of the tax, and the more transactions drop, the less revenue there is to raise.
Other items drop literally anywhere in the game, so there’s never really a reason to go to, say, Nessus, when that same item might also drop on the Moon.
Mr. Robayo argued that ECU-911 had been responsible for a major drop in murders and an almost 13 percent drop in crime in 2018 from the previous year.
The Dow plummeted by 6900,2628 points Monday for a loss of 28503 percent, the steepest drop by points and its second-steepest drop by percentage in the index’s history.
The campaign cites a 50% drop in murders in New York City during Bloomberg’s tenure, a fall in police shootings, and a drop in incarceration rates in the city.
«Not only is my son the only chocolate drop in his class, he was the only chocolate drop in his grade for three and a half years,» Anderson said.
Mr. Sanders has leapt five points since the last Monmouth poll of the state, Mr. Buttigieg experienced a five-point drop, and Ms. Warren experienced a three-point drop.
The drop in refining activity has helped contribute to the build in oil inventories despite the drop in net imports, said Matt Smith, director of commodity research at ClipperData.
I mean, it’s okay to drop some food, but if you have anything heavy, you want to make sure that you don’t drop it and it’s tethered to you.
»     «The VIX markets are essentially discounting the drop.
This was a drop in mortality of more than 23 percent — far higher than the overall state drop in overdose deaths during the same time period of about 12 percent.
Traditional practices such as FGM and child marriage often force adolescent girls to drop out of school, they said, and schools banning hijabs could lead to higher drop-out rates.
The steep drop in the estimate comes in the wake of the Federal Reserve’s plan to suspend interest rate hikes this year and a drop in 10-year Treasury yields.
Wall Street expects adjusted earnings per share to drop 14 percent to $2.00 and revenue to drop 10 percent to $52.0 billion, according to Thomson Reuters I/B/E/S.
RON WOLK Warwick, R.I. To the Editor: Nicholas Kristof suggests that the left drop the sanctimony and the right drop the obstructionism in moving toward intelligent approaches to gun violence.
During any 17-year period, he calculates, the stock market typically will suffer at least three corrections (considered a drop of 10%) and one bear market (a drop of 20%).
But if he lived in Providence, the same plan that costs him $259 per month now would drop to $224 per month next year, a more than 13 percent drop.
Car production in April fell 24% on the month, the biggest drop since records began in 1995, and the broader category of ‘transport equipment’ showed its largest drop since 1974.
I’ve been chronicling the slow demise of B&N for years now, watching the company bleed out, drop by drop, until it has become a shell of its former value.
«Without spilling a drop of American blood, not one drop of American blood, we’ve all agreed on a pause, or a ceasefire, in the border region of Syria,» Trump said.
These are features that One Drop could have developed on its own, says One Drop CEO Jeff Dachis, but CareKit provided a simple and elegant framework with which to work.
Saudi British Bank posted a 35 percent drop in fourth-quarter net profit, Banque Saudi Fransi reported a 61 percent drop, and Samba Financial Group reported a 12 percent fall.
Bitcoin currently trades at $9,162, a 1.09 percent drop in the last 24 hours, while Ethereum trades at $691, a 1.57 percent drop in the same period, according to CoinMarketCap. 
In the couple dozen crates I’ve managed to earn, I’ve only seen a handful of level two cards drop, and have yet to have a single third level card drop.
Meanwhile, 58 percent said Kasich should drop out now, while another 26 percent said he should stay in the race until Cleveland and 15 percent said drop out next month.
«I think their next plan of attack is to drop exports to the U.S. so they can manufacture a drop in the EIA report,» said John Kilduff of Again Capital.
A 30 percent tariff would likely result in a 40 percent drop in U.S. soybean exports, resulting in a 5 percent price drop over a few years, the analysis said.
You can literally deck your ears with «bows» of holly with these gold gift bow Holly Drop Earrings or spread holiday cheer with these colorful crystal Christmas Wreath Drop Earrings.
Oil fell over 221 percent on Tuesday and officially entered bear market territory, a drop that has trader Todd Gordon betting on a bigger drop for the embattled energy sector.
The word «drop» is a hint that these hats will be Down entries, and it turns out that they drop at the gray square in each of the theme entries.
SPX plunged 20.5 percent on Black Monday, equal to a drop of over 520 points today, and the Nasdaq dropped 11.4 percent, comparable to a drop of about 750 points.
The coronavirus outbreak is expected to result in a drop in global oil demand over the first three months of 2020, the first quarterly drop in more than 0003 years.
«»But when you drop gas or bombs or barrel bombs — they have these massive barrels with dynamite and they drop them right in the middle of a group of people.
The Dow has fallen roughly 85033 percent since trading began Monday, followed by a 6.4 percent drop in the Nasdaq and a 6.3 percent drop in the S&P index.
If a regular line holder cannot swap or drop a trip to China and does not want to fly there, the chief pilot office will drop the trip without pay.
Consumers can either put their LOL packaging and toys in a box and ship it to TerraCycle or drop off the items at one of Terracycle’s public drop-off locations.
Warren and Sanders were the closest in that measure, each receiving 10 percent, though the findings represent a 10-point drop for Warren and a 4-point drop for Sanders.
Car production in April fell 24% on the month, the biggest drop since records began in 1995, and the broader category of «transport equipment» showed its largest drop since 1974.
Practice: Even if it seems silly, perform drop, cover and hold on drills: drop down on all fours, cover your head and neck, and crawl under a sturdy desk or table.
Wall Street traditionally defines a correction as a drop of 10 percent or more from recent highs, while a bear market is defined as a drop of 20 percent or more.
European shares fell 5.3 percent for the week, their biggest weekly drop since January 2016, and an index of world stocks also suffered its largest weekly percentage drop since January 133.
NEA leads $21m round for Drop, a rewards app for millennials When we last caught up with CEO and founder Derrick Fung, Drop had recently raised its Series A from NEA.
Dow futures fell, with the implied opening signaling a 150-point drop, while S&P 500 futures pointed to a 21-point decline and NASDAQ futures indicated a 43-point drop.
Pupils who fail those tests are in turn four times likelier to drop out of high school, and those who drop out are eight times likelier to end up in jail.
In Brazil, the American «one-drop rule» works in reverse, meaning that one drop of «white blood» in your heritage lets you self-identify as white, dark brown or light brown.
As with the Galaxy S9, an edge drop from 6 feet didn&apost do much more damage, but a face drop from that height caused half the screen to go white.
I drop off four of my kids at school every morning and an off-duty police officer brings the cars in for the drop off but then leaves when school starts.
The Spaniard scrambled in to feather a sliced drop-shot over the net, raising premature cheers but Djokovic simply swooped on it and sent an even cleverer drop-shot cross-court.
It arrives too late to help you beat the heat this summer, but it will certainly be appreciated when temperatures drop as winter gets closer—if they ever do drop.[Dyson]
Houseparty lets you quickly jump into «parties» of up to 8 people simultaneously, creating drop-in-drop-out style video chats between any friends who are online at the same time.
«What we don’t want is the top line increase to drop down, you know, to require hiring a lot more people so it doesn’t drop to the bottom line,» Hungate said.
» Energy Transfer Equity: «I think the parent company is no nearly as good as owning the drop down [ETP] because the drop down offered a bigger distribution the last time around.
Volkswagen (VLKAY), stung by the diesel rigging scandal, posted its 16th monthly sales drop in 18 months, although the pace of the drop slowed to 2.7 percent from February’s 4.7 percent.
Trudeau’s drop in popularity was matched by a drop in voter satisfaction on a broad range of issues, including the economy, foreign policy, healthcare and public security, according to the poll.
Imports are seen down 10 percent in February, a improvement from a January’s 19 percent drop, while exports are seen declining by 12.5 percent following an 11.2 percent drop in January.
A drop to around 2,300 would put the S&P 500 on the cusp of a bear market, a level marked by a 20 percent drop from a 52-week high.
Slightly fewer, 36 percent, said he should drop out now, while 23 percent said he should drop out next month if he’s running behind at the end of the primary season.
The drop in durable goods orders last month was led by a 27.1 percent plunge in civilian aircraft orders, which contributed to a 6.2 percent drop in bookings for transportation equipment.
Police union: Victim refused order to drop weapon Delke gave Hambrick «repeated commands» to drop his weapon — which was a 9mm Beretta — Nashville Fraternal Order of Police President James Smallwood said.
The composite dropped to 99.96% on Monday, before experiencing a 16bp drop on Tuesday, the biggest single daily drop since June 2016 following the Brexit vote, according to Thomson Reuters LPC.
These factors outweighed the benefits of a drop in feedstock costs, an increase in overall sales volume and a drop in marketing fees from SABIC, it said, without providing sales figures.
Making TATP typically requires meticulous, time-consuming work, adding the catalyst, drop by drop, to a mixture that must be stirred and kept cool, often with a large quantity of ice.
The numbers: The Dow plummeted by 2,997 points Monday for a loss of 2023 percent, the steepest drop by points and its second-steepest drop by percentage in the index’s history.
In the Registry Editor, click on the drop-down which reads «HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE,» then click on «SOFTWARE,» and then the drop-down menu that reads «Policies,» and then another that reads «Microsoft.» 
You guys announced relatively recently, I don’t know when we’ll drop drop this, but relatively recently you raised $70 million and I think people knew you were out looking for money.
The Australian study found that buying back 3,500 guns per 100,000 people correlated with up to a 50 percent drop in firearm homicides and a 74 percent drop in gun suicides.
Graphic: National Beverage stock crushed by sales drop — tmsnrt.
Check out the pics … and let your jaw drop.
Growth continues dominance over value ** Financials drop 2.7 pct.
John Kasich — to drop out of the 2016 race.
You bring that girl to him — mic drop moment.
Watermelon Drop — Vincennes, Indiana Seventeen, to be precise. 3.
The euro’s modest drop helped put the dollar index .
» Police, guns drawn, asked the student to «drop it.
In 2015, it was 458 — a 250 percent drop.
SÃO PAULO, Brazil — Call it the ultimate mike drop.
Despite the sharp drop in sterling, the dollar index .
Some want to add Turkish — and perhaps drop English.
» He didn’t say «Drop this investigation now, or else.
» Trump also described Wednesday’s market drop as «a correction.
So … just a drop in the bucket for AB.
The weak factory orders data was flagged by a report last month showing a drop in demand for long-lasting manufactured goods in April, as well as a drop in manufacturing production.
It remains the best performing precious metal this quarter, with a drop of just 8 percent, compared with a 14 percent drop in gold prices and an 11 percent retreat in platinum.
Now, Uber won’t give riders a drop-off spot when they request a Pool ride, but will instead recalculate the drop-off spot every few seconds as the car nears the destination.
To help at drop-off, they suggested that Kyle bring her to school all this week and do curbside drop-off with her teacher to avoid the parent-child doorway-threshold drama.
They found a 17 percent drop in the number of gun homicides, and a 6 percent drop in gun suicides in each state that started waiting periods because of the Brady Act.
Tech21 drop test all their cases 20 times in a bespoke impact testing machine, capturing up to 90,000 raw data points and carrying out up to 1.5 million calculations for each drop.
But that optimism faded on Tuesday and, along with a drop in longer-dated U.S Treasury yields, sent the S&P to its biggest single-day percentage drop in about two months.
The drop-off in construction jobs last month was steep — employment at construction sites saw the biggest drop since December 2013 (though many economist chalk that up to colder temperatures in February).
They report a 17 percent drop in gun-related homicides nationwide during that period—just like the results from their 45-year analysis—and a six percent drop in gun-related suicides.
» Referencing his integral role at Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s wedding, he added, «If you’re at the wedding, don’t drop the rings, and if you’re at the baptism, don’t drop the baby.
Analysts said the drop was due to maintenance work at the LNG terminals and the pipelines feeding them, and fog, which forced several vessels to drop anchor in the Gulf of Mexico.
On Wednesday, the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 373 points, the biggest single drop of the year and the worst day since September, while the Nasdaq had its biggest drop since June.
«The rise in refined product inventories more than offsets the crude oil inventory drop, and there was a notable, if not spectacular, drop in implied gasoline demand on the week,» said Kilduff.
Britain’s FTSE 100 fell 0.5% as uncertainty over a looming general election compounded a 25% drop in shares of BP after the oil major posted a sharp drop in third quarter profit.
But sales of the device have slowed and last month the company reported its first quarterly drop ever in iPhone sales, along with its first drop in overall revenue in 13 years.
Analysts said the drop was due to maintenance work at the LNG terminals and pipelines feeding them, and fog, which had forced several vessels to drop anchor in the Gulf of Mexico.
Forty percent say Sanders should drop out after the final primaries; 30 percent say he should drop out now; and 28 percent say he should stay in the race through the convention.
February’s year-on-year drop was driven by a 7.1 percent decline in manufacturing activity, a 6.7 percent drop in mining activity and a 4.9 percent decrease in wholesale and retail commerce.
But Samsung’s semiconductor business saw sales drop 15% YoY, with an even bigger 34% drop in its memory segment, which has been a massive driver of revenue and profit in recent years.
In Colorado, for example, a similar program led to a 42 percent drop in the teen abortion rate, and a 40 percent drop in the teen birth rate between 2009 and 2013.
Well, the NBA is not letting this drop during All-Star weekend, picking up on the media’s jaw-drop wonder at Kyrie’s rejection of empirical truth, and having some fun with it.
King of the mic drop, Obama has made so many legendary speeches and performances during his time as president that it reached a point where he literally decided to drop the mic.
Imagine Bungie making it so the Lost Pacific gear set and randomly-rolled Arcology weapons only drop on Titan, but they drop from any activity set there as frequently as players wanted.
During any 17-year period, he calculates, the stock market typically will suffer at least three corrections (considered a drop of 10%) and at least one bear market (a drop of 20%).
Three of the phrases drop the O from the first part of the phrase, and two drop it from the last part, which is fine because there is no odd man out.
I change into clothes for my Pilates/barre/yoga class, pack up the two packages I’m returning and drop them at the UPS drop box in our building, and walk to class.
BANGKOK, May 7 (Reuters) — The world’s largest canned tuna producer Thai Union Group Pcl reported a 39 percent drop in quarterly profit due to falling sales and a drop in tuna prices.
Travelers Co was down 1.9 percent after a 5 percent drop last week and Progressive Corp was down 2.0 percent after last week’s 5.7 percent drop, while Chubb Ltd fell 1 percent.
Britain’s FTSE 100 fell 0.5% as uncertainty over a looming general election compounded a 2.6% drop in shares of BP after the oil major posted a sharp drop in third quarter profit.
Delke said he saw Hambrick holding a gun and asked him to drop it as both men were running, the warrant states, adding that Delke said Hambrick did not drop his weapon.
The study found that following such a drop, stocks tended to fall further, with a median decline of 25 percent one week later and a drop of 23 percent two weeks later.
The nastiest mechanism (which I preferred, of course), would clue it simply as [Drop knuckleheads behind] where the clues for LAG [Drop behind] and PEABRAINS [knuckleheads] are interleaved, just like the answer.
Of the prior 22019 occurrences, the oil drop overlapped eight times with what Ned Davis Research defines as a cyclical bear market — a 226.2 percent drop in the Dow Jones Industrial Average .
There was a sharp drop in emissions in 2008 due to the recession; it would be wrong to attribute that drop to the tax, which only went into effect in July 2008.
«I know the difficulties confronting museums today, between a drop in attendance, particularly linked to the drop in tourism, and a rise in security expenses,» Azoulay said, according to the Art Newspaper.
FNAC shares hit their lowest since July on Friday and are on track for a 13-percent drop for their weakest week in 5-1/2 years, Carrefour is set for a 7.6 percent drop this week, its worst since July, and Air France has fallen 10 percent so far, its biggest weekly drop since August.
FNAC shares hit their lowest since July on Friday and are on track for a 16-percent drop for their weakest week in 13-1/2 years, Carrefour is set for a 7.6 percent drop this week, its worst since July, and Air France has fallen 10 percent so far, its biggest weekly drop since August.
Whatever the larger fate of our climate research, if you assume a safe deployment for Grace-FO, the twins might circle Earth together for two billion miles or so, measuring the subtle gravitational tug of our water much as their predecessors have, until their orbits drop and drop and then drop so much that both burn up and vanish.
One at a time, each team member must waddle across the room with the potato between their legs and drop it into the bucket, like you would drop a deuce in the toilet.
It’s that time of year when kids around the world begin waiting with baited breath for Santa Claus, hoping he’ll drop by their home, squeeze down the chimney, and drop off some gifts.
The output drop highlighted the deep pain spreading through the second-largest oil producing state, with the more than 50 percent drop in crude prices since late 2014 fueling spending cuts and layoffs.
MariaDB, the company behind the eponymous MySQL drop-in replacement database, today announced that it has acquired Clustrix, which itself is a MySQL drop-in replacement database, but with a focus on scalability.
That is such a monumental goal that Biosphere 2 is only a drop in the bucket of everything that must be understood, but Biosphere 2 is a very important drop in that bucket.
Southwest Airlines — The airline expects third quarter revenue per available seat mile to drop 3.5 percent to 4.5 percent, with about a half point of that drop resulting from July’s computer system disruption.
As the drop quickly cools, its outer layer experiences a temperature drop faster than its interior, which results in extreme compressive forces on the outside, but strong tensile (pulling) stresses on the inside.
You can specify who can Drop In on you, and you can disable the feature for a specific device if, say, you don’t ever want anyone to Drop In on your bedroom activities.
Like other insurers, Allianz’s property and casualty business was hit hard by European floods and storms in the second quarter, contributing to a 37 percent drop in operating profit drop in that business.
People using the drop-boxes can manage their laundry via the Tide Cleaners app, submitting cleaning instructions and their drop-box number, before they are notified when their washing is ready for collection.
Border apprehensions drop Also in the hearing, Kelly touted an «absolutely amazing» drop in the number of apprehensions at the Southern border on Wednesday as evidence that Trump’s executive orders are already working.
Gasoline stocks fell 4.5 million barrels, the largest weekly drop in almost two years and more than three times larger than the 1.4 million-barrel drop expected by analysts in a Reuters poll.
Looking under the hood of the data, the drop in prices was in large part due to a drop in food inflation, which printed at 3.7% in February, compared to 4.2% in January.
But Lee warns that over the past two years, there has been a 9 percent drop in enrollment, and an even higher 40 percent drop among people signing up for the first time.
Only 2628 percent said he should drop out after the last votes are cast on June 28500 in the final Democratic primary in Washington, D.C. Sixteen percent said Sanders should drop out now.
That put the shares on pace for a 12.3 percent drop for the week, just shy of a 12.8 percent weekly drop in October that was the largest such decline since March 2009.
The outbreak has been viewed as an apparent factor in a major drop in the stock market that also happened on Monday, with the Dow Jones Industrial having its largest drop since 2008.
The drop of the stock market on Wednesday puts the S&P 500 down 14.5 percent from its recent peak — a drop of 20 percent would put stocks in a new bear market.
They then dissolved the rock in chemicals that eat away any material that was not organic, leaving pollen samples behind in a black goop which the team could search through, drop by drop.
Although there was a drop in Chinese and Italian tourists visiting South Coast Plaza because of travel restrictions, Downing said that drop has been offset by its «local domestic and other international shoppers.»
Those gains come after the Dow plummeted around 600 points on Friday — its worst day since August — while the S&P 500’s 1.8% drop was its biggest one-day drop since October.
Our data shows that if you don’t meet people at the requisite frequencies, you’ll drop down through the layers until eventually you drop out of the 150 and become ‘somebody you once knew.
Researchers at Johns Hopkins found that when Connecticut established a licensing law in 1995, it was associated with a 40 percent drop in gun homicides and a 15 percent drop in gun suicides.
«Overall the volumes will not drop within Europe,» Scowsill said.
By Tuesday, the temperature is expected to drop below 40C.
It’s now worth about $24.5 million, marking a 97% drop.
They’re clearly gearing up to drop some big, weird news.
Analysts said the drop to the lowest level since Feb.
With Wednesday’s drop, Pivotal shares are down 33% this year.
It was the largest drop for the index since September.
But the details prompted a drop in prices below $33.
The online radio service blamed a drop in active listeners.
Could a coalition government drop Brexit on the same grounds?
I had to drop out of college for a while.
Expect to drop another $500 to $1,000 for a lens.
Oil prices and the world’s financial markets continue to drop.
The rupee fell 1.6%, its biggest drop since early December.
That’s about a 2261 percent drop in the OIA total.
It included a larger 3.0 percent drop in energy stocks.
The gains partly made up for Friday’s 7.7 percent drop.
Waymo decided to drop its claims on U.S. Patent Nos.
Last month’s surge in new home sales unwound April’s drop.
After church, I drop the kids off and head home.
Taxis, Ubers, and Lyfts pick up and drop off riders.
After I’ve released a few episodes, I’ll drop my project.
By 2065, it’s expected to drop to just 733 million.
» «I once wore drop crotch harem pants because they’re comfortable.
It’s expected to drop even more, according to Gartner’s predictions.
For about a year, I watched my principal drop dramatically.
That’s also after you drop $100 on the camera itself.
It is currently a 27 percent drop away from $250.
This sharp drop coincides with a surge in interest rates.
No big whoop, another drop in the bucket of rumors.
«The pier appeared to drop straight down,» said one witness.
According to authorities, deputies ordered Mouhib to drop the knife.
A drop to $28 would mark an 11 percent decline.
For women especially, bone density may drop after age 30.
Obamacare supporters have blamed the drop in enrollment on HealthCare.
Some artists, like Beyoncé, just drop albums unexpectedly on us.
The ride does exist and is called the Gyro Drop.
That is because of the drop in mortgage interest rates.
I hope that Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie drop out.
DHS touts drop in border crossings  amid ‘zero tolerance’ push.
They were all people forced to drop out of rehabilitation.
Patiently waiting for this Kendrick to drop on Spotify pic.twitter.
Kilduff noted that a drop in exports has been expected.
His condition deteriorated and he eventually had to drop out.
The biggest difference is now you can drag and drop.
MILAN (Reuters) — The biggest one-day drop in AstraZeneca (AZN.
Kate Spade New York crystal AB drop earrings, $64; amazon.
Technology stocks were lower, led by Intel’s 1.8 percent drop.
Consider what is helpful to you — and drop the rest.
Apparel prices tumbled 1.6 percent, the biggest drop since 1949.
Ten days since they last received a drop of water.
Ahead, check out the inaugural drop of this size extension.
Conspiracy theorists and mystics drop in colloidal silver and crystals.
And even so, this is a drop in the bucket.
Well, HBO did drop a trailer on Sunday, February 24.
This drop in pressure causes bubbles to form and bam!
If not, expect most of them to drop out soon.
But Tesla recently posted its biggest drop in sales ever.
And not a drop of corn syrup to be seen!
Caterpillar’s 13 percent drop weighed the most on the index.
During the flight, temperatures outside an airplane also drop dramatically.
Knowing where I tend to drop the ball on things.
The Dow is set to drop 50 points, or 0.2%.
But drop towers offer only a few seconds of microgravity.
Before they jump, a pararescueman jumpmaster monitors the drop zone.
Till You Drop is a polemic with a simple thesis.
Meanwhile, the music video for «GTFO» will drop on Friday.
We hope Silas continues to push Timberlake to drop hits.
I don’t understand rappers who drop one CD a year.
The 30 percent drop in share prices might seem overdone.
And ultimately, the two companies decided to drop their application.
A swing to 2,100 would be a 19 percent drop.
Reid wanted to drop it to a simple majority (250).
Get in touch with us via email or Secure Drop.
Betting on a market drop has been a total loser.
Caterpillar’s 523 percent drop weighed the most on the Dow.
That drop in battery life reduces the phone’s thickness, too.
Analysts surveyed by Reuters had forecast a drop to 51.3.
It’s not impossible to drop 30 pounds in a month.
Sunday’s decline was the sharpest one day drop since Nov.
Drop the gift idea and go for a subscription box.
So drop what you’re doing and shop it right now!
We all got new shit together that’s gonna drop soon.
But Haddish just couldn’t ‘drop it,’ as Lawson would say.
Alexa can also drop in on home from the car.
I suggest we get a round a lemon drop shots.
On a second ballot, I think he’ll drop a lot.
Additionally, you can now drag and drop photos between apps.
This drop hardly helps companies, but it isn’t ruinous either.
«It wasn’t anything they wanted to drop,» the source added.
She accessorized with diamond drop earrings and a beaded clutch.
US jets drop napalm on Viet Cong positions in 1962.
Instead, users drag and drop content through the Mighty app.
Illumina’s expecting that to drop further to 30% this year.
Shop ’til You Drop is something much better, much deeper.
Its successor, the newly announced R2, can drop the vestigia.
Today, the inaugural drop hits shelves at Saks Fifth Avenue.
Whenever I felt my energy drop, I’d take another bump.
Stay golden, Troye — and drop another album already, will ya?!
They go down there or up there to drop help.
Overall, this was Apple’s first quarterly sales drop since 2003.
«I mean, I loved making Drop Dead Gorgeous,» Dunst said.
This is basically Netflix’s equivalent of a surprise album drop.
Both candidates now say their party opponents should drop out.
But is there going to be another shoe to drop?
Today Spitzer will formally drop all charges against the couple.
Not a drop of blue dye anywhere in this advert.
Analysts were calling for a drop of 1.3% this quarter.
The club offered a prime view of the ball drop.
When the houses get clogged, the animals just drop them.
A drop in U.S. oil production this week supported prices.
In return, I drop him at work on my way.
If you don’t keep people engaged, then people drop out.
He doesn’t normally drop the child off at the daycare.
Just be careful not to drop too many crumbs, Pig.
Students often drop out of school to enter the workforce.
It was also helped by a dramatic drop in crime.
He also has a tear drop under his right eye.
It would need to drop 62% to reach that level.
That worry was specifically behind the drop Thursday in Apple.
Clinton’s polling began to drop, but he controlled the damage.
But that alone does not explain such a steep drop.
But don’t expect to see the price drop by much.
«A vending machine will just drop things out,» he said.
A child’s lead levels usually drop quickly after exposure ends.
Windchills were forecast to drop as low as –50 degrees.
This year’s figures, published in August, showed yet another drop.
The whole staff had to drop everything to do it.
Polish government bond yields tracked a drop in Bund yields.
A drop in vaccination rates is behind many measles outbreaks.
She fired back with a mic drop of her own.
Oliver’s gesture, though, is only a drop in the bucket.
This calmer, clearer combination actually allows temperatures to drop faster.
Does the thought of public speaking make your stomach drop?
Meanwhile, China will drop the foreign ownership cap on banks.
There’s nary a drop in sight on any of it.
Please tune in to the puzzle, but don’t drop out!
Some even asked for a PayPal link to drop donations.
Google has no choice but to drop the offending restrictions.
Contrast that with health care, which saw almost no drop.
Contrast that with health care, which saw almost no drop.
» She adds, «After I drop off the kids, I exercise.
A drop in fertility doesn’t change climate forecasts very much.
They make sure we don’t drop an important phone call.
Harrison really likes the look of the new Drop Shades.
Wondering which ones I used to the very last drop?
And as more people do this, Target’s fulfillment costs drop.
A slight drop in the participation rate was a negative.
I think that could be the next shoe to drop.
It was a 44% drop from the previous film’s opening.
Continues to warn that ad growth will drop in 2017.
Drop down to comments for my answer to this question!
Electromuse will drop on vinyl and digital on October 28.
Turkey can ill afford a similar drop in German arrivals.
A sharp drop in China iron ore futures hit miners.
She could drop to the ground, stiffen all her legs.
It’s almost inevitable it will drop off at some point.
Kylie Jenner continues to drop subtle hints about her pregnancy.
You can totally drop the nukes on other people’s bases.
At Tuesday’s levels, the presumed drop was closer to 7%.
Parents would drop kids off, let them roam the mall.
SPX notching a 5 percent drop so far this month.
Feel free to drop a comment about anything we missed.
«It’s literally just a drop in the bucket,» Boom said.
No. It’s been too long to just drop out now.
The average drop for the Nasdaq was negative 11.5 percent.
Her new album is set to drop in the fall.
That is the real world power of the drop kick.
Ted Cruz to drop out of the election race. 217.
A lot of them drop out of physical rehabilitation programs.
Traders said a sharp drop could weigh on the pound.
Again, most Snapchat loyalists probably won’t drop it all together.
Another 1 percent drop would take it down to 2,700.
So, for me, that was sort of a mic drop.
«My jaw dropped when I saw [Drop In],» Frankel said.
Simply drag and drop your image into the app’s window.
The album was originally expected to drop on Jan. 13.
Go deeper: Retail spending sees biggest monthly drop since 2009
Yet the dowry market has not seen any discernible drop.
«A lot of that drop happened pretty recently,» Twenge commented.
Rosenhaus is the second agent to drop Manziel this year.
The company expects the price to drop as it scales.
Drop in thin cucumber slices, lemon wedges, or raspberries. 3.
The U.S. economy is healthy but other shoes could drop.
Nonetheless, a 40% drop in luminosity indicates a serious recession.
A few friends stop by and drop off our chainsaw.
Fan engagement dictates if and when new issues will drop.
They can then drop their bags and proceed to security.
Prices notched their biggest daily percentage drop since February 2016.
The tax credit will drop to $1,875 after June 30.
After the appointment, we drop the car at the garage.
Trading data now suggest the Dow could drop 630 points.
Stock futures fell Monday, implying a 480 point drop Tuesday.
My boyfriend offers to drop me off after the fair.
Until 2015, when the number saw its first recorded drop.
Levi also reported a 17% drop in quarterly adjusted profit.
What do we gain when we drop the safety behaviors?
And then it will peak, and that number will drop.
«You can clap now,» he says, miming a mic drop.
«I think her bodyguards should drop all weapons,» he said.
The drop in the suicide rate was even more significant.
There are specific places to drop electronics, for a reason.
Losses mounted anew in November with a 6 percent drop.
This quarter earnings overall are expected to drop by 2.3%.
Imported food prices tumbled 1.63%, the second straight monthly drop.
The Nasdaq Composite saw its largest daily drop since Jun.
As such, last week’s drop likely exaggerates labor market strength.
Drop sites are currently located in Illinois, Indiana, and California.
U.S. business schools are seeing a major drop in applications.
Friday’s market drop was preceded by plenty of bad news.
That’s a significant drop from the normal price of £4,199.99.
Insurance becomes even more unaffordable, so more people drop it.
The president was unfazed by the drop in his ratings.
But I’m also very picky about my cough drop flavors.
There is ample room for Venezuela’s output to drop further.
The officers repeatedly ordered Mr. DeJesus to drop the knife.
That had been its biggest daily drop since August 2015.
So if you’re reading this, Tony, drop me a line.
You just drop your line, hit the bottom, and jig.
After the article, advertisers begin to drop the O’Reilly Factor.
This quarter notably saw an iPhone price drop in China.
Brice experienced a significant drop in velocity during spring training.
Drop any acts, share your heart, and be yourself, Pisces!
Doing helo drop tests in next few weeks to solve.
A text alert notifies shoppers when a drop is happening.
Just drop it, let the situation end, and move on.

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