Use the word driven in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word driven, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use driven in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «driven».

Driven in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word driven in a sentence.

  1. It was driven to Trinity and back.

  2. Wada was defeated and driven into exile.

  3. Daniel Sickles before being driven back.

  4. The movement was driven by a deep hatred of Serbs.

  5. The other two rods were driven by electric motors.

  6. The relieving column was driven back across the Spreća.

  7. Eventually Shaw was driven to applying for office jobs.

  8. The evolution of moon systems is driven by tidal forces.

  9. Prairie fires, driven by winds, were a risk in dry spells.

  10. They were also later modified to be driven from the turret.

  11. The dehydration reaction is driven thermally, sometimes with a dehydration agent.

  12. In the afternoon protesters headed for the statue, but were driven off by locals.

  13. Many of its inhabitants were slaughtered, and the remainder driven off as slaves.

  14. Once the weaker individual is driven away, the victor bellows and marks the tree.

  15. The quagga, a type of plains zebra, was driven to extinction in the 19th century.

  16. The group toured in an old blue van driven by Holt, and lived on a food allowance of $2 each per day.

  17. The following night, Graham realizes the Tooth Fairy’s murders are driven by a desire for acceptance.

  18. Gradually during millions of years, crustal rocks were folded and fractured and the seas driven away.

  19. The driven, ruthless Barksdale (Wood Harris) was aided by business-minded Stringer Bell (Idris Elba).

  20. The hubristic Archdeacon Brandon is driven to domestic despair, professional defeat and sudden death.

  21. A Bofors 40 mm gun position was captured by the Japanese, who in turn were driven off by the Seabees.

  22. He was driven from power in 695, and took shelter first with the Khazars and then with the Bulgarians.

  23. After 1782, inspired by the rhetoric that had driven the revolution, it became popular to free slaves.

  24. Despite these successes, the Parthians were soon driven out of the Levant by a Roman counteroffensive.

  25. He is driven to Nakatomi Plaza by a limo driver, Argyle, who offers to wait for McClane in the garage.

  26. The song is driven by the 16th note repeated main riff and the continuous eighth note snare drum hits.

  27. He was driven back to his ships by the brothers Edwin, Earl of Mercia and Morcar, Earl of Northumbria.

  28. Each consists of a set of mechanically driven vertical steel roller gates, supported by masonry piers.

  29. Galveston Island was devastated, with nearly every building washed away and most vessels driven ashore.

  30. High waves along the coast damaged lobster traps and dozens of boats, many of which were driven ashore.

  31. Commentators have written that Starship Troopers is not driven by its plot, though it contains scenes of military combat.

  32. After the horsebox was driven away Fitzgerald was told to lie on the floor of a van, and his face was covered with a coat.

  33. It was widely assumed by the Establishment that she was driven by love of money or position rather than love for the King.

  34. In February 1996, heavy warm rains driven by a subtropical jet stream fell on a deep snowpack in the Willamette watershed.

  35. The Jews were transferred to trucks, then driven to a forest in Galicia, near Kolomay, where they were forced to dig pits.

  36. The Poitevin may be ridden, or driven in harness, both in competition and for pleasure; it is suitable for equine therapy.

  37. Teller was one of the first prominent people to raise the danger of climate change, driven by the burning of fossil fuels.

  38. Both in the past and more recently, Prokui had been driven from his lands by the king and his wife had been taken captive.

  39. In the ensuing struggle, Maymun was driven from the city and forced to surrender the Rus’ soldiers, but he returned in 992.

  40. One that has driven him across the world to try and achieve it no matter what lengths he must go to in order to fulfill it.

  41. During these battles the Song navy employed swift paddle wheel driven naval vessels armed with traction trebuchet catapults aboard the decks that launched gunpowder bombs.

  42. Frankish support for Northumbria thus appears to have been driven by a desire to counter Mercian influence in southern Britain, an area with long-standing ties to Francia.

  43. The high asset prices may also have been driven by expectations of a parliamentary decree that contracts could be voided for a small cost, thus lowering the risk to buyers.

  44. It was characteristic for central Caucasian cultures to replace sacred words with substitutes; this lexical replacement was driven by taboos against speaking the true words.

  45. Strong finds the arguments that the husband is driven to suicide by the wife’s screaming to be problematic because the suicide occurs at the moment the screams are silenced.

Synonyms for driven

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word driven has the following synonyms: compulsive, determined, ambitious, goaded, involuntary, nonvoluntary, unvoluntary, impelled and motivated.

General information about «driven» example sentences

The example sentences for the word driven that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «driven» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «driven».

Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1, Devil must be Driven out with devils. 

2, The tape was Driven by a clockwork motor.

3, The Driven part should be geared up.

4, The submarine is Driven by nuclear power.

5, A wooden stake was Driven firmly into the ground.

6, They were Driven back by a police baton charge.

7, The machinery is Driven by electricity.

8, They are Driven by a craving for personal glory.

9, This heavy freighter is Driven by two electric motors.

10, The motor was Driven by a toothed belt.

11, Extreme stress had Driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

12, The pump is actuated by a belt Driven by an electric motor.

13, The two fighters were Driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.

14, He has not Driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year.

15, Eventually, Driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.


Tips to remember how to use «Driven» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Driven».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Driven», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Driven» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!



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Keeping moving, I’d started on the bathroom, dealing with the bath, hand basin and loo in turn and ending up scrubbing the bathroom floor with an energy driven by desperation not to fall apart

«I’m glad you’re not a jealous sister, and be glad you aren’t stuck in a body as driven by its glands as this one

The company was a global financial-industrial monster driven by the

I’d naturally assumed that she’d driven here

like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind

ye brought again that which was driven away, neither have ye sought that which was lost;

They maintained the atmosphere was chaotically driven by the continental contours and their details were unknown

The results were always the same, defeat, destruction or driven from the presence of

After he had driven his black beauty of a car out onto the lane and closed the back gate, she took a tin of something fishy out of the under sink cupboard , sat down in one of her rickety old kitchen chairs, the one next to the gently warming range, and poured herself a thick measure of her favourite Scotch

Other towns seem to be completely driven mad with sexual passions

In the Yakhan some were driven by motors and a ride on one was about an iron per person

He scrambled up as far as he could, his fear of heights driven from his mind by his fear of what burst into the camp below them

in the passage of the bone coach driven on in the round

It was that fact alone that had driven him to seek power, first religious/political power, and when that had not been enough to have them come to him willingly, the biological power of his laboratories

The culture of a city is driven by its residents so visiting a new area is often a chance for you and your partner to enjoy a new adventure together

It was decorated as a corporate officer’s office back in his days on mortal Earth, high on a tower overlooking a smokey city-scape with huge screens that could be levitated around the room, all driven from his phone display

He actually thought Ava was sexier than that cherub someone had driven into his quarters last weekend

Driven by revenge and spite

It’s what’s driven me crazy over the last few years

Ken worked like a Trojan all day long, driven on by the ingratitude of all those he loved, each one of whom left him when it suited them, all that is except the second Mrs

While her husband and daughter found comfort in its reassuring presence, Helen was driven to distraction by even the faintest note

«So it was a driven cherub?» Glayet asked

I have been driven for many years to share this

driven to another laboratory a number of miles away,

«She said she was from Atlantis, but I think she was driven by Alan

«The way that personification acted, it had to be driven by a male

«Any that are any good are probably driven

“You really think I’m that driven?” He asked sarcastically

policewoman who had driven the children home made a note to

They also asked for a chauffeur driven

We had a lovely evening … he’d driven us out to a pub on the outskirts of town

Goodness knows how long we’d have stood there in the car park of the pub if someone hadn’t walked past and giggled … it was probably nothing to do with us, but all the same, we’d very quickly got into his car and he’d driven me home

reassuring presence, Helen was driven to distraction by even the

“You went all the way across henarDee while I slept?” She had driven at least a third of the journey, he’d been bored with it before they got that far

“You seem to have been a very driven student,” he said

It was clear that they were both building the same vision of Tdeshi in their minds, the driven young woman who had to get it done now

It hurt him to think that she would be so driven, but actually she would

If they found teachers Tdeshi had in the past, what would they learn? They would probably learn more about how driven she was and more about how she was withdrawn from society

The young men were collected by a lorry driven by a rather

Yes Tdeshi was driven, but she was also happy and popular

Clouds darkened the sky driven by cold southerly

Far to the south, she could just see the last threads of the clouds disappearing towards the horizon, driven by the fresh breeze

Tdeshi was a very driven individual

Step by reluctant step, she was driven, herded almost, forced back along the corridor to the bedroom where, pushing the door open with blind hands, she had almost fallen backwards into the room

Kev stared out of the window at the little town he had driven through in the dark — just an ordinary, little town with a few shops and a bit of a tourist industry

But her gait was driven erratically by constantly glancing stiffly over one shoulder, then over the other at the aliens behind her

” What if Jorma had something to do with this? What if Jorma was driven mad with jealousy when Tdeshi left him for the city

From what she’s let drop, it seems her ex-husband deceived her, lied to her and, having driven her to attempting suicide, lied to her psychiatrist as well, trying to convince both of them that she was crazy

him, he would be driven to commit the sin of theft

«She was driven off, by old Johnny, himself

She’d driven up the mountain road now for what seemed to be an eternity, Fearful of looking away, fully aware that she might miss the left hand turn in the dark

For himself, Harry enrolled for the Summer Term at Malvern and set his mind to completing his education with that hallowed institution within the shortest time practicable, driven by an imperative which he could not satisfactorily define

Julia tried to be confident, for though she was not sure whether the five of them could stop Justice, she knew she had to fight for liberty, for the creature that called itself Justice was truly nothing more than a monster driven by vengeance and hatred, and she knew that under him there would be no more freedom for any living creature in the universe, and she could simply not abide by that

Let’s face it – Sandini would have driven a Saint to

His anger had driven him, however, and

The very thought that mama was driven to theft

She knew she’d driven him to that, by allowing Jim to flirt the way she had

It’s the year she was driven off the ranch

«What do you mean driven off the ranch?»

to somewhere unlikely, driven by the winds of chance and the pursuit of one Agent

There was a stand beside it with two cups and a bottle, a lantern, which was not yet lit, and a big ceiling-fan sized propeller driven by a little six-legged animal in a round cage that caused it to fly

to reveal to us who we are and our calling in God, the religious driven by the

It is a machine driven by the fear of man

Eventually the car was driven

She was looking for a source of variety who was a little more light-hearted and less driven than Alan

had been driven by an instinct to protect their parking

Many would not he able to find employment even upon these hard terms, but would either starve, or be driven to seek a subsistence, either by begging, or by the perpetration perhaps, of the greatest enormities

The cab had driven up, and I left him

Now, for the first time ever they’ve been driven back into the Black Door

All thoughts of his family had been driven from his

Katrina could speculate on the atrocities LeCynic had inflicted on the elven sisters, atrocities which had driven them to suicide, though she tried not to bring such dark thoughts into her mind

Nobody bid so I thought as I had driven all this way, and not return with anything, I put my hand up, but alas another person also bid, so again I raised my hand and the hammer came down, it was mine! I went to the office to pay and received my invoice and returned to the counter to pick up my purchase

to renew his friendship with Pierre had driven him on

they would battle the dead through the city of Lock Core; street by street, block by block, until they were driven to the Outlands

It wasn’t that relentless Helios had driven feeling from my mind

Its coffers having been filled so very ill, it is said to have been driven to this resource within a very few months after it began to do business

Then there are those who are driven by short-term results

My throat felt tight and I worried that I may have driven her to trust the wrong guy

The way that we driven

Which made sense — instead of causing the ram to attack, that would have only driven him to the pen’s far side

In 1310, nine hundred families were driven out of Lucca, of whom thirty-one retired to Venice, and offered to introduce there the silk manufacture

The man added that he could tell the red-headed Nord would make an excellent recruit and that with more warriors like him, the damned Imperials would be driven back across the Jerall Mountains soon enough

He could appreciate how many of his fellow Nords who deeply revered Talos in all of his otherworldly glory would be driven to their cause – especially if they had suffered their own conflict-tied tragedies

types: the fanatics, the confident and the driven

The rain had long since driven DRAFTChapter 10 175

For all of her enthusiasm in these moments he thought she might have gone mad, driven insane by the earthen and rock walls

For a long time, there had been whisperings of a demented Legionnaire who had been driven mad at the hands of the Thalmor DRAFT

Home is in this manner the centre, if I may say so, round which the capitals of the inhabitants of every country are continually circulating, and towards which they are always tending, though, by particular causes, they may sometimes be driven off and repelled from it towards more distant employments

Before he had a chance to react he felt the needle driven into his arm

He again derided Brynjolf for his eagerness to recruit the young woman — a move no doubt driven by her charisma, a supply of which matched that of the red-headed Nord

Motivation can be driven by belief, expected rewards, fear of punishment, personal need, or anything else

«I fear the animal must have been driven to distraction by your meandering monologues

They are unpredictable, driven by a passion for retribution at any cost

One driven by mutual aspirations and love of success, of finely tuned approaches to enterprise

It is in this manner that the capital of Great Britain, one may justly say, has partly been drawn and partly been driven from the greater part of the different branches of trade of which she has not the monopoly ; from the trade of Europe, in particular, and from that of the countries which lie round the Mediterranean sea

It has partly been driven from them, by the advantage which the high rate of profit established in Great Britain gives to other countries, in all the different branches of trade of which Great Britain has not the monopoly

Not one single car has driven by

My Daddy was as white as the driven snow, a Colonel in the former U

He was a strange man, no question, but Kurt knew he was driven, goal oriented and that this set back would not deter him from his life objectives

1, Devil must be driven out with devils. 

2, The tape was driven by a clockwork motor.

3, The driven part should be geared up.

4, The submarine is driven by nuclear power.

5, A wooden stake was driven firmly into the ground.

6, They were driven back by a police baton charge.

7, The machinery is driven by electricity.

8, They are driven by a craving for personal glory.

9, This heavy freighter is driven by two electric motors.

10, The motor was driven by a toothed belt.

11, Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

12, The pump is actuated by a belt driven by an electric motor.

13, The two fighters were driven off by a barrage of anti-aircraft fire.

14, He has not driven since his near fatal crash earlier this year.

15, Eventually, driven to despair, he threw himself under a train.

16, The novel tells the story of a teenager driven to despair by the hypocrisy of the adult world.

17, Have you driven far?

18, I’ve never driven a car before — I’m a complete novice.

19, We’ve driven a/one hundred miles in the last two hours.

20, He was nearly driven mad by his troubles.

21, She is driven by overweening ambition.

22, They were driven to the hut for shelter.

23, The engine is driven by steam.

24, The car was driven off at speed.

25, They were herded together into trucks and driven away.

26, The sheep were driven to the local abattoir.

27, The children have driven me demented today.

28, They were driven away in a police van.

29, He was driven by necessity to steal.

30, They had driven him to drink .

Use Driven in a sentence. How to use the word Driven in a sentence? Sentence examples with the word Driven. Sentence for Driven.

Use Driven in a Sentence - How to use "Driven" in a sentence

Examples of driven in a sentence

  1. In the autumn, the English king was driven for the third time “house without boot and punished by the weather”.
  2. And for once in my life weak, vulnerable, driven by the market, I abstain.
  3. In the four schools, the specific library study and skills initiatives were born of or driven by the project.
  4. Instead of a pulley, the cord, which was a piece of twine, was passed through a little staple made of wire and driven into the board.
  5. In France it was called the bandalore; there was also an ivory counterpart known as the emigrette, because it was a favorite with emigre nobles driven from Paris during the French Revolution.
  6. M. Passitch, the Servian Premier, in an interview with the Greek Minister at Nish, expressed his profound dismay at the corner into which Servia was driven; much as she resented this proposal, the fact that she was
    entirely dependent on the Entente forced her to give it consideration.
  7. But those best qualified to judge of what was coming, and in a position to frame the corresponding policy, had been driven into reserve by the storm of calumny, whereby their motives were misconstrued, their counsels derided, and their authority undermined; so that in the general uproar their voices were scarcely heard.
  8. Their Consuls were arrested, members of their Legations were assaulted, great numbers of their nationals were led into captivity or driven into exile, their merchant ships were seized, and the Ministers themselves were deprived of all means of communicating with their Governments.
  9. Lastly, a continued bombardment might have driven the Greeks to exasperation and perhaps to a massacre of Entente Ministers and subjects.
  10. Now that he was gone, they brooded over the wrongs which had driven him, a lawful and popular king, into exile.
  11. In order to better develop Dalarnia and get the best use of the resources, lands will be sold to ambitious entrepreneurs that are driven both to make the world a more attractive place for new entrants and to make a fortune for themselves.

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  • Use the word Driven in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This Doctor Gnot has the whole town driven crazy with his silly little radio show.

He was always driven. He was always obsessed.

I felt that the two of you Would be a good challenge for each other in fair grounds Because I chose a song that’s a little more pop-driven,

Have I never driven this car before?

«We had been driven mad by hunger and the cold.

They were driven to a frenzy by Sahak, who wouldn»t kill his man.

They have driven me from hearth and home, from wife and child…»

Irresistable passion has driven him to death’s ancestral door.

You and I would also be driven to confess mysterious talents with the help of such tools.

At the same time, driven by the fatal breath of the vampire, the vessel moved rapidly toward the Baltic.


This obsession with having a baby has driven us crazy.

The runaway, driven by his love had only one thought. Ochio.

It was Gjermund who was driven to this confused action by insane jealousy.

Before the sunset, gather here all the driven-away cattle! ..

driven by hunger from their own land the poor people of Svanetia the farmers and field workers the workers from tangerine orchards carry the salt back to their own land.

The horse is to be driven to death.

Why, a week of it’s nearly driven me crazy. If they want to do the other thing…

Before their first performance, they are driven here like a criminal to the scene of the crime.

120 days earlier, four godless and unprincipled scoundrels had, driven by their depravity, shut themselves away to indulge in the most bestial of orgies

A single week has driven me half crazy!

«They kill him with one blow on a stake driven through his heart.»

Son, don’t you see? My hands are bleeding where the spikes have been driven through.

They’ve driven us miles from anywhere but we’ll leave anyway!


Now, it is my theory that one of us in the past, through dire necessity, was driven to cannibalism.

Ever driven a 6-cylinder?

An iron stake was driven through her heart, nailing her horrid soul to the earth.

Only result is they’re driven crazy from fear of a scandal.

When humanity, subjugated by the terror of crime, has been driven insane by fear and horror,

Yes, Mr. Hanlon. You must’ve driven all night.

You’ve driven me near madness with your peering through the keyholes and gaping through the curtains.

I’ll have you driven quietly back here.

But if walls can be driven back, I can do it.

We must have been driven off our course.


You must’ve driven in a place where you were the only driver.

I’m not going to have my customers driven away.

Himself an ex-carriage driver, and the master driven to his office every morning,

If returning health must bring with it such a sad change of character, I should be driven to wish that you were once more lying helpless on this sofa.

You know nothing of the brutal tyranny of the senses and how even the strongest and best are driven by it to hell.

That’ll give you an idea of what I’ve been driven to.

It’s a wonder that I’m not driven stark-staring mad trying to keep this place clean.

Where are the times when I am driven to madness by a man?

That if you left me it wouId be because I had driven you away myself.

But I haven’t driven you away, and yet you’ve gone.

I wonder if I have driven you away.

The difficult case is a normal person who is driven to crime through passion or need.

If at some future time your nerves get the better of you and you’re driven to some desperate measure… leave a little note behind telling me where the stone is.

Short & Simple Example Sentence For Driven | Driven Sentence

  • He was driven by some fanatical fad about the trees.
  • Were the English driven from France in less than twenty?
  • You’ve driven me to absolute perdition.
  • My feelings driven back upon myself, entered and preyed upon my own heart.
  • It does not follow that we shall be driven catastrophically from India.
  • A Zeppelin warning, a few hours before, had driven the people to their homes.
  • Till we have driven the Briton, Forever, from our shore.
  • If you’d seen me driven about from village to village like a travelling quack!
  • So it was all in vain that he had driven Banfi’s name out of his head.

How To Use Driven In A Sentence?

  • But one day he was driven by the hunters through the forest and across the hills.
  • Wickersham rolled back out of his chair as if the knotted fist under his nose had driven him.
  • Whoever dares to step across my threshold shall be driven out with a broomstick like a cur.
  • When she had driven the geese to the field, she sat down and loosed her golden hair.
  • The propellers are at the ends of the car, driven through 1 set of reduction gear.
  • The firelight played upon her red-gold hair, and surprise had driven the weariness from her face.
  • Dupleix, however, was not driven to despair, but still sought means of renewing the contest.
  • An action, mostly with artillery, followed, and the enemy were defeated and driven from the field.
  • Had his own father driven him, by his cruel threats, to desperation, perhaps to self-destruction?
  • Has driven his own car in races, and is a certificated aerial pilot for Germany.
  • Had I treated you as our laws require, this bullet would have been driven through your brain.
  • They were driven to trek in great numbers to the vicinity of the English fort at Niagara.
  • An instant later anger burned in her heart, for she saw that the car was driven by Rose Stribling.
  • I and my companion were fairly caught by being driven into an ambuscade by a combination of keepers.
  • I allude to the determination to which multitudes of souls have been driven in all ages, to escape the tortures of disgrace.
  • Just then a vehicle rapidly driven was heard in the distance, and the next moment it appeared in sight.
  • If ever she does see life in this way and so completes her experience, the responsibility will not be mine for having driven her to it.
  • The pronged salmon spear is driven into the fleshy shoulders of the fish, when it is hauled out on to the bank.
  • I have seen a score driven from one set of holes, while five or six couples is not at all uncommon.
  • They judged to a nicety the speed at which a hare should be driven to make a snare effective, and acted accordingly.
  • The electric signs were blazing on the roofs of the shops and hotels which had driven the original dwelling houses out of the neighbouring streets.
  • The ninepin alley was deserted, for the premature chilliness of the day had driven the company within doors.
  • The storm had driven the keepers to their cosy hearths, and the prospect was a poacher’s paradise.
  • Bertram was a bird to be pecked to pieces, and driven away from the prosperous community, being no longer prosperous.
  • Had her brother, driven to desperation by his father’s cruelty, really destroyed himself?
  • Commenced heavier than air experiments so long ago as 1879, when he made an aeroplane driven by compressed air.
  • They were trying to find Dumble’s anchorage and were driven in on to that low ridge of rock.
  • The great remuda of over two hundred horses was driven in on the gallop; then the cowboys rounded them up, and each man dropped to the ground.
  • A detail of prisoners, under guard, was made to load the wagons, and a herd of beef cattle was driven down.
  • It must have a strong neck, so that a cork may be driven in without splitting it, and must be formed of a material that is not absorbent.
  • They knew well enough that were she dead, they would drive back the French as sheep are driven by wolves.

Definition of Driven

Obsessed; passionately motivated to achieve goals. | (of snow) Formed into snowdrifts by wind. | past participle of drive

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Driven sentence

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Driven sentence in english

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