Use the word drink in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word drink, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use drink in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «drink».

Drink in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word drink in a sentence.

  1. Walt Disney does not drink.

  2. All begin to drink heavily.

  3. He will eat or drink nothing.

  4. The national alcoholic drink is beer.

  5. Although Sadler did drink later in his life.

  6. How did a man drink so much and never get drunk?

  7. Hard cider was seen as a drink of the common man.

  8. Rabbi Mana told Rabbi Haggai to go drink something.

  9. Alboin «invited her to drink merrily with her father».

  10. They drink by dipping to the water surface as they fly.

  11. Marines under 21 are permitted to drink alcohol at U.S.

  12. You could only drink shit like pints of peach schnapps».

  13. He was not a heavy drinker, though he did drink champagne and, occasionally, port.

  14. But the notion that they do not need to drink water at all was shown to be a myth.

  15. He was rather the worse for drink, but not so bad that he could not take his watch».

  16. He claimed that Yeates had made a «flirty comment» and invited him to drink with her.

  17. Some species are also nectarivorous, meaning that they also drink nectar from flowers.

  18. The leaves of the eucalyptus tree have a high water content, so the koala does not need to drink often.

  19. In particular, Yorke was frightened by a woman who became violent after someone spilled a drink on her.

  20. They tried to use water out of the ranch wells, but found the water so alkaline they could not drink it.

  21. The drink is said to cause hallucinations of giraffes, believed to be the giraffes’ ghosts, by the Humr.

  22. ABC regulations permit a bar owner or employee to give away a free drink as long as it is not advertised.

  23. On another occasion Stanley, who had too much to drink, vomited in front of the audience as Morrow spoke.

  24. City officials scheduled a public celebration with free food and drink for the testing of the recast bell.

  25. Milk, particularly in a fermented yoghurt form called ikivuguto, is a common drink throughout the country.

  26. The sovereign would then drink to the champion from a gold cup, which he would then present to the latter.

  27. Old Jack never had a drink and never smoked a cigarette in his life and nobody walked so tall as that man.

  28. The income from these lands was used to pay for an annual dole of food and drink to the poor every Easter.

  29. During one of the official toasts, Skelton grabbed Roosevelt’s glass, saying, «Careful what you drink, Mr.

  30. I had to drink every conceivable Chinese wine that was ever made, and to eat foods unheard of in Australia!

  31. At the end of the day’s play, Washbrook purchased a drink for Hassett in gratitude for the dropped catches.

  32. Terns normally drink in flight, usually taking seawater in preference to freshwater, if both are available.

  33. Grévy’s zebras can survive almost a week without water but will drink daily when it is plentiful and conserve water well.

  34. Both are names for a drink made by adding hot water to the toasted rice left sticking to the interior of its cooking pot.

  35. Noisy miners drink together at the edge of lakes and dams, and from cattle troughs, often perching on a submerged branch.

  36. Festivals during the inundation therefore incorporated drink, music, and dance as a way to appease the returning goddess.

  37. Trade goods carried included cacao, obsidian, ceramics, textiles, food and drink for the crew, and copper bells and axes.

  38. She did not usually drink, but got drunk before the dress rehearsal to «cut off any emotional reaction» to the «disaster».

  39. During the fiesta the characters drink, eat, watch the running of the bulls, attend bullfights, and bicker with each other.

  40. The nectar of Banksia menziesii was used in a drink by the Beeloo Whadjug Nyoongar, who were also called the Mungyt people.

  41. The British team had no support; Simpson and his friend Albert Beurick obtained food and drink by stealing from other teams.

  42. As a tie-in for the film’s release, Paramount announced it would market the energy drink known in the film as «Booty Sweat».

  43. In turn, ale or beer was classified as «strong» or «small», the latter less intoxicating, regarded as a drink of temperate people, and suitable for consumption by children.

  44. Revoredo further argues this drink served as the predecessor of the Californian pisco punch, invented by Duncan Nicol in the Bank Exchange Bar of San Francisco, California.

  45. The preparation consists of cutting down the oak sapling to be used as the badnjak, taking it to the church yard, and preparing drink and food for the assembled parishioners.

  46. Richard later recalled, «There were other guys in my high school with as much ability as I had, but instead of working at a job, they wanted to drink wine on Saturday nights.

  47. Punch magazine claimed that any wine produced would be so unpleasant that «it would take four men to drink it—two to hold the victim and one to pour the wine down his throat».

Synonyms for drink

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word drink has the following synonyms: beverage, drinkable, potable, , drinking, boozing, drunkenness, crapulence, swallow, deglutition, booze, fuddle, drink in, imbibe, drink up, drink down, toast, pledge, salute, wassail and tope.

General information about «drink» example sentences

The example sentences for the word drink that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «drink» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «drink».

Examples of how to use the word “drink” in a sentence. How to connect “drink” with other words to make correct English sentences.

drink (n, v): (an amount of) liquid that is taken into the body through the mouth; to take liquid into the body through the mouth

Use “drink” in a sentence

The doctor advised him to cut down on drinking.
He finds it difficult to stop drinking.
Let me buy you a drink.
What would you like to drink?
She advised him not to drink too much.
Our host offered us a drink.
Would you like something hot to drink?
The average person must drink at least a liter of water every day.
Let’s meet for a drink after work.
Milk is my favorite drink.
He neither smokes nor drinks.
I neither smoke nor drink.

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Synonym: guzzle, sip, swallow. Similar words: drink to, drink up, drink down, brink, shrink, wrinkle, sprinkle, wrinkled. Meaning: [drɪŋk]  n. 1. a single serving of a beverage 2. the act of drinking alcoholic beverages to excess 3. any liquid suitable for drinking 4. any large deep body of water 5. the act of swallowing. v. 1. take in liquids 2. consume alcohol 3. propose a toast to 4. be fascinated or spell-bound by; pay close attention to 5. drink excessive amounts of alcohol; be an alcoholic. 

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1 One must drink as one brews. 

2 Walk groundly; talk profoundly; drink roundly; sleep soundly. 

3 Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 

4 Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die. 

5 As you brew, so must you drink

6 When ale (or drink or wine) is in wit is out. 

7 A man cannot whistle and drink at he same time. 

8 Those who eat best and drink best often do worst. 

9 Old wood best to burn, old wine to drink, old friends to trust, and old authors to read. 

10 Dilute the juice before you drink it.

11 Thanks a lot for the drink.

12 She began to harp us to drink after dinner.

13 Isn’t there any drink in the house?

14 I don’t drink and I’ve never played cards.

15 We cannot survive for long without food and drink.

16 These plants just drink the water in.

17 Can I have something to drink?

18 I like a hot milky drink at bedtime.

19 I took a little sip of my drink.

20 I owe you a drink for helping me move.

21 Would you like to have a drink after work?

22 Let’s go to the pub for a drink.

23 I always drink gallons of water.

24 The doctor advised him not to drink excessively.

25 No doubt you would like a drink.

26 You can take a horse to the water,[] but you cannot make him drink

27 You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink

28 To suppose, as we all suppose, that we could be rich and not behave as the rich behave, is like supposing that we could drink all day and keep absolute sober. 

29 When a dog is drowning, every one offers him drink

30 A man may lead a horse to the water, but he cannot make him drink

More similar words: drink to, drink up, drink down, brink, shrink, wrinkle, sprinkle, wrinkled, sprinkling, ink, drill, drift, drive, dried, link, pink, sink, driven, driver, drivel, adrift, think, blink, drive out, drive off, drizzly, driveway, drive up, drizzle, dribble. 

  • Use the word Drink in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Now Pachamama shall drink your blood and grant me the power to save my people.

Pawn this old mansion for a drink.

When he saw some old beldame deep in drink, how he cozened her.

I drink to your health with cheerfulness, Mrs. Corney.

Let us drink, liebchen mein In the moonlight benign To the joy

frottage… Do you want another drink?

No, I want to drink this.

I’ll teach you how to eat samkyupsal and drink soju.

Whatever may be the drink, do not splash water on your fellow human beings, you wouldn’t do it at home.

Because you like to drink beer too much!

You gonna find another place to drink?

How many sisters have to die before a man can get a drink around here?

Here, why don’t you drink this?

Gong Ri, you know I can’t drink. There’s going to trouble if I lose grip on my mentality.

Since Ms.Tae Gong Shil can’t drink, how about a soda for you instead?

Non-alcoholic. — Everyone grab a drink, and cheers! — Cheers!

I didn’t have anything to drink.

I’m too scared to drink. Because I become a whole different person when I get drunk.

If you’ll come out for a drink with me right now I’ll just say that you’re my personal bodyguard.

I didn’t pour that drink just so you can dump it into that cheap blabbermouth of yours.

If it’s only six beers, we can either drink them all tonight or if there are still some left…

If it’s okay with you, can I join you for a drink?

Would you like to have a drink with me?

I was just, uh… getting a drink.

Was it really too much to ask for me and you just to go for a drink?

That’s how we drink it in Belgium.

You can start by buying me a drink.

You and I are gonna get some beers, and we’re gonna drink ’em, and who knows, we might even… talk about our feelings.

Right. In the living room, having a drink.

Chub and his godparent set out to drink vodka, but the moon was stolen

«I happened, however, to hear three men talking and one said, ‘drink, my brother, Sir Arne’s treasure is not yet gone.'»

We were senseless with drink.

That evening Michel invited Van Groot to Kruydewier’s, for a drink.

«We will now drink to the health of the bridal couple and wish them a long and happy life.»

I drink the health of my dear Hamlet!

And if you do not strike him, he shall drink death from my hand!

As if I had drunk wine, heavy and mixed with enchanting herbs, or that strange drink, brewed with the blood from the heart of a love-stricken virgin!

«A drop of this in a man’s drink will soften his heart at once.»



Get ready to indulge in the ultimate caramel celebration as we dive into the world of National Caramel Day. Plus, learn about the history and fun facts behind this beloved confectionery delight.

National Caramel Day is a food holiday celebrated annually on April 5th in the United States. It is a day dedicated to the sweet and sticky confection known as caramel, which is made by heating sugar until it melts and turns a deep golden color. Caramel is a popular ingredient in many desserts, such as cakes, cookies, and candies, and is also often used as a topping for ice cream or as a flavoring for coffee or hot chocolate. On National Caramel Day, people may celebrate by indulging in their favorite caramel treats or by trying new caramel recipes.

History of National Caramel Day

The origin of National Caramel Day is unclear, but it is believed to have been created by food enthusiasts or candy manufacturers in the United States as a way to celebrate and promote the delicious and versatile confection. The holiday has gained popularity in recent years, with many people sharing their love for caramel on social media and participating in caramel-themed events and activities.

Caramel has a long and rich history, dating back to ancient times when honey was used to sweeten foods. The modern form of caramel, made by heating sugar until it melts and caramelizes, was first created in the 17th century in France. Caramel quickly became popular around the world and is now used in a wide variety of culinary applications.

In the United States, caramel has a special place in the hearts of many, with classic treats like caramel apples, caramel corn, and caramel candy being enjoyed by generations of Americans. National Caramel Day provides a fun and delicious way for people to celebrate this beloved confection and to explore new ways of incorporating caramel into their favorite dishes and desserts.

National Caramel Day

National Caramel Day Timeline

While there is no exact timeline for the creation and celebration of National Caramel Day, here are some notable events related to the history and popularity of caramel:

  • 17th century: Caramel is invented in France, made by heating sugar until it melts and turns a deep golden color.
  • 1880s: The first caramel candy is made in the United States by the Lancaster Caramel Company.
  • Early 20th century: Caramel popcorn becomes a popular snack food in the United States.
  • 1950s: Caramel apples are introduced as a popular fall treat in the United States.
  • 1970s: Caramel macchiatos become a popular coffee drink at Starbucks.
  • 2010: The Food Network airs a show called “The Best Thing I Ever Ate” featuring a segment on the best caramel desserts.
  • April 5, 2012: National Caramel Day is first mentioned on the internet, according to the National Day Calendar website.
  • April 5, 2018: National Caramel Day is celebrated on social media with the hashtag #NationalCaramelDay, with people sharing photos and recipes of their favorite caramel treats.
  • April 5, 2020: Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, National Caramel Day is celebrated mostly online with virtual events and caramel-related content.

Today, National Caramel Day remains a popular food holiday in the United States, with people enjoying caramel in all its forms and celebrating its deliciousness and versatility.

How to Celebrate National Caramel Day

There are many ways to celebrate National Caramel Day, here are a few ideas:

  1. Indulge in your favorite caramel treats – whether it’s a caramel candy bar, caramel popcorn, caramel apples, or a caramel latte, treat yourself to something sweet and delicious.
  2. Make your own caramel treats – try making your own caramel sauce, caramel candies, or caramel popcorn at home. There are many recipes available online to try.
  3. Visit a candy store or bakery – check out a local candy store or bakery and try their selection of caramel treats. Many places offer special deals or discounts on National Caramel Day.
  4. Have a caramel tasting party – invite friends and family over and set up a tasting table with different types of caramel treats. Have everyone try a little bit of each and rate them based on taste and texture.
  5. Share your love for caramel on social media – use the hashtag #NationalCaramelDay and share photos of your favorite caramel treats or recipes.
  6. Explore new ways to use caramel – try using caramel as a flavoring in other desserts or dishes, such as adding it to oatmeal or drizzling it over pancakes or waffles.

No matter how you choose to celebrate, National Caramel Day is a great excuse to indulge in this delicious and beloved confection.

When is National Caramel Day?

National Caramel Day is celebrated annually on April 5th

What is caramel made of?

Caramel is typically made from heating granulated sugar or sugar syrup until it melts and caramelizes, resulting in a golden-brown color and a sweet, nutty flavor. Other ingredients can be added to caramel for different flavors and textures, such as butter, cream, salt, or vanilla extract. The addition of these ingredients can also change the consistency of caramel, with some recipes resulting in a soft, chewy texture, while others create a harder, brittle texture.

How to pronounce caramel?

The pronunciation of caramel can vary depending on where you are from, but the most common pronunciations are:

  1. “KAR-uh-mel” with three syllables, stressing the first syllable. This is the most common pronunciation in the United States.
  2. “KARR-uh-mel” with three syllables, stressing the second syllable. This is the most common pronunciation in the United Kingdom and other parts of the world.

Both pronunciations are considered correct and widely accepted.

National Caramel Day

Fun Facts About Caramel

Here are some fun facts about caramel:

  1. The word “caramel” comes from the Latin word “cannamellis,” which means “sugar cane” and “honey.”
  2. The first caramel candy was made in the late 1800s by the American company, Goetze’s Candy.
  3. Caramel is used in many popular candies, including Snickers, Milky Way, and Twix.
  4. Caramel popcorn was created in the early 1900s by Cracker Jack, which is still popular today.
  5. Caramel apples became a popular treat in the 1950s and are especially popular during the fall season.
  6. Caramel sauce is a popular topping for ice cream and desserts.
  7. Caramel can be made from a variety of sugars, including white sugar, brown sugar, and corn syrup.
  8. The color and flavor of caramel can vary depending on the cooking time and temperature, with longer cooking times resulting in a darker, richer flavor.
  9. Caramel is used in many popular coffee drinks, including caramel lattes and caramel macchiatos.
  10. Caramel is also used in savory dishes, such as caramelized onions and caramel-glazed meats.

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He drank graciously

I’d sat with him for several evenings while he drank himself silly and even cooked food for him, egging him on to eat when his appetite failed

They all drank and celebrated for a day

He drank every night to forget his shame

While he ate and drank his wine, of which she accepted one small glass to be

the last of the rough, dry red wine and drank

communed with the stars and as a consequence he still drank too much, but

I drank water from the bottle left at breakfast

I ate and drank with a butterfly stomach

We drank our sweet drinks and ate our cake, turning to toast the guards and offer them our thanks for this moment

While he ate and drank his wine, of which she accepted one small glass to be sociable, she talked of her home in the mountains, of how it had all been sold and how she roamed the world now, stateless but always with a casket of earth from her own land by her side as a reminder of home and her beloved family

he drank so much firewater, he fell asleep before he could tell Lyla that she

He leaned his sword by his chair and drank the firewater slowly

He fished out a small jug, the last of the rough, dry red wine and drank

He was more than eighty years old, ate appallingly, still communed with the stars and as a consequence he still drank too much, but nevertheless here he was

The old hunter led Son to a river and Son drank

the pain of hunger, and drank from a cactus to quench his thirst

Both Cosmicblasto and Catwhiskers drank their hot tead, the

No one drank that

Umm… this is so good, and the honey and biscuits are fantastic!” Kate returned with his tea, “Thank you so much,” he drank half and continued eating

drank the seas of Venus dry,

He took extra care whenever his small hands brushed one of the empty cans of strong lager that his mother drank in the afternoons before going down the pub

«I don’t see why any of us should, we aren’t the ones who drank the booze or poured it down her throat

I drank hot fresh tea and felt great

The more he drank, the less he stammered

” He drank down the glass of water

We drank three each

He drank a glass of water

of strong lager that his mother drank in the afternoons before going

Her head did not want this to happen, reminding her once again that she’d never drank without her med panel before

She came out a few minutes later and poured herself a glass of water, drank and sat in one of her lounge chairs

They drank like they weren’t twenty one yet

You have a spice called Tyra; all who drank from the vat will have to chew one of the cloves to purify their bodies of this poison

The older man drank

The old hunter drank deeply from his pint and then settled back in

The two men thanked her in a heartfelt manner as they drank their

They drank the yaag and had a very nice inglethor basket

She died because she drank too much water

Ged drank deeply, smacking his lips appreciatively

“That his name? I forgot, we drank stupid this noon

We drank whatever we wanted even

I don’t think he drank to excess or anything like that, from what I’ve seen he was a little slow with his cup, but he was always joking around and playing for the women

more she drank, the better it started to taste, or maybe her taste buds just adjusted

He turned down the radio and drank again

I drank the first

I drank it slower which might have been

himself, but drank little of the wine

I drank the first sip slower this time and looked over at Roman

Carl drank because he liked to drink, not because he had to

importantly he drank because he could

‘We were friends – drank together in the Cheval Noir

drank the rest of the tea

Instead, she simply laid her face on his chest, and drank in the comfort he was offering

‘I went to the tavern where he drank, and the

“You got stoned when you drank it didn’t you?” she asked like he was being a rather slow student on this subject

She melted into his arms and drank of the sweet wine he offered

He turned it on and swirled the wine around in his glass and drank it

This, when it was brought to him, he drank slowly, like a connoisseur, lingering on the taste and still looking about him at the cliffs and up at our signboard

Here they lay, drank the remainder of that yaag and played games with the clouds that piled up in a couple places over the hill

Though not exactly the type of drink he had in mind, Alec drank the liquid with greed while Nathalia began recounting the morning’s events

Klowa told him about Tuggot’s tailing of the basinites and the fact that they never ate, drank or used the bathroom

He just sat, drank his tea and was silent

Whilst Lemoss drank the soup the others fetched spades and forks, trowels and various other things which seemed to all fit neatly into his cart

Nathaniel held the bottle to her lips again and she drank greedily

Janice opened one of the water bottles and drank deeply from it

She drank almost half of the bottle before her thirst was slaked

Sam could hardly refuse and drank the odious combination of carrot, cauliflower and spring onion with crushed cloves and garlic

The animals drank from the brackish

The two men drank each other’s health into the

guests ate well, but drank in moderation

Nerissa drank it

She drank her fill

at all!” and this scene took a heavy toll on me! I drank two

By now, my uncles drank with deep thirst, too

I’d astonished them with my Iliad, they feted me with the best wine I ever drank

He drank from it and only then did he find that his larynx

Tipping his head back, Homer drank a sip

Then he drank from a container twice the size of an ordinary wineskin

drink, they’d each drank a large bowl of excellent wine during the meal

Some part even of the French wine drank in Great Britain, is

I grabbed a second and drank over half of that one before I was satiated

He squirted a little into her mouth and she drank it in eagerly

One recent study shows that children with asthma who drank apple juice on a daily basis suffered from less wheezing than children who drank apple juice only once per month

Between them they drank what was left

One valve allowed the user to drink the liquid inside, the second to let air in to it while they drank

Awakened by shouts of men moving the caravan into position for traveling, we hastily collected our possessions, drank water and ate our food as we moved along in the shadowy lights of daybreak

“I don»t think I would have believed it either, except that»s what we drank from at every meal

As we drank and smoked the Sergeants and Corporals were calling everyone round all apart for the sentries who were on watch for a Turkish attack

I was so hungry by this time though that I drank the hot bully even though it was like swallowing vomit complete with lumps

We ate our meager rations and drank water from the oasis where we stopped, conserving our water in the goatskins as much as possible

Climbing over her, he licked and lapped his way to her mouth, where they drank greedily of each other

That was enough for us because we had drank gallons from the well and the thought of a body in it particularly a child’s was enough to have people throwing up where they stood

Standing near the manger, I drank the soup Ruth prepared

” Gasper picked up his chalice and drank, the pearls in his bracelet shining

We drank as much water as we needed to replace the moisture lost in sweat, then ate bread, cheese and dried grapes

We struggled through heat-seared noontime, watching that each of the party drank enough water to remain well

As I stood outside the door holding Jesus, I drank in the clean odor of cedar

In a way she did, it was a grimy old industrial city where there was nothing to do but drink and fuck and has-been old music still pneumatically amplified

“Vera, did Toby get a drink yet?”

«And I drink too much,» Ava said

· Don’t drink alcohol late in the evening

He does a lot of odd jobs around the bar but he mostly just hangs around here to drink

Everyone stares at their drink, a sort of collective moment of silence for lost loved ones

She turns to Theo, who’s pouring a drink behind the bar

· Don’t drink water or other beverages while eating, as this can dilute the digestive juices in the stomach

· Drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration, which places added strain on the kidneys and can impair mental function

· Slowly drink a glass of cold water

Raising the cup to my lips, I drink my coffee, the hot liquid hitting me hard, while the Inspector outlines what happened last Monday evening

I sip the froth off my drink and try really hard to think about sucking on tits

‘Sit you down, Stephen, and drink this

I’ll drink to that …

into the kitchen to get a refreshing drink of cold water

He was in her kitchen and she was making him a drink, which was all

a drink in his hand once the sun was over the yard arm, and the sun was always over

Russ reaches back, takes a bottle from one of the boxes, opens it and pours himself a drink

He sits back in his chair, smiling and as relaxed as can be, sips from his drink

Russ ignores it all, keeps sipping from his drink

«Do you usually drink this much of this native elixer?» Glenelle asked

The plane bounces and shakes through some bad turbulence as Russ snores while holding a drink in one hand

I don’t drink with him or have him over to the house but I’ve known him for years

«And not just the formula for that drink

would drink elsewhere of Crete tonight

Awad runs to the window, dumps out his drink

I prefer to get a taxi, then I can drink without having to worry about it

‘Some of us had rather a lot to drink and what started out as a race across the lake transmogrified into more of a ‘see who can knock who out of the boat’ challenge

‘Jeremy, get the man a stiff drink

She efficiently helps me drink some more water and tidies the bed

The night was long and we were young and this was an occasion for a special bottle or two, for the saved and revered whisky, a drink that I had slowly grown accustomed to during my residence, and one that always left me feeling as though I had spent the night with my head next to a camel’s rump

‘She didn’t want to come for a drink tonight, but that could be because she’s genuinely tired

I really have had too much to drink and the passion on top has completely wiped my head out

I was seduced into revealing many things about myself and he made so bold as to suggest our going to his house “for a drink, as friends”

“And a drink

It is very soothing having Janet in charge; she mothers me while I drink the herbal tea she brings

You couldn’t read it until after you drink some of it

He took all of the due punishment for sin and when He turned over that cup of God’s wrath, there was not one drop left to drink

After taking his first alleviating drink, he lets out a long sigh, trying to mock whoever may be listening

Each child, when they reached puberty, took their first drink of life from the parent, a fatal drink, laced with power and death for ever more

She would drink elsewhere of Crete tonight

I gave the dungeon guard a drink that contained a sleeping

Vinegar: It bodes nothing good; if it is red, someone will abuse you; if it is white, a friend of yours will have an accident; if you drink vinegar, you will have a bad quarrel with a family member or a colleague at work

There were a couple kegs aboard, owned by Yarnay on mast six, and she was able to mooch a cup or two a day out of them, but that was what Luray used to drink with lunch

He could simply sit, talk to the stars, drink, and maybe catch a word or two from that bloody moon

All the children in our village knew they could call in any time and find a drink or something to eat …’

‘I think we should drink to this good news

Yet again, Kara felt the impact of the massive divide between her culture and that of Earth – something the exploration of the seaside resort had highlighted; the sheer volume of … words failed her … stuff that was on sale in the shops … most of it completely superfluous … badly made, cheap (in every meaning of the word) ornaments of no practical use whatsoever and precious little artistic merit, deliberately manufactured to clutter up somebody’s home … and then there was the food and drink on offer! Everywhere she’d looked there had been foodstuffs on sale and people eating … battered fish, hot savoury smelling sausages, the tart scent of vinegar on chips fresh from the fryers … and ices of every conceivable flavour … and those unbelievable sweets in all shapes and sizes … and, according to Iain, this particular seaside resort was a relatively small one … by the time Iain turned off the motorway at the Taunton interchange, she had concluded that although it had been fun visiting, really, when it came down to it, she preferred her own world

want a drink, hungry, need something,

He commanded that the calf be ground to powder and that the Israelites would drink it

Apparently there was something about the demeanor of Moses that would cause for the Israelites to not even question that demand, but to obey and drink their shame

There’s a leese wallow about a quarter mile back, but I don’t want to have to drink the water out of that even with these steriskins

I hardly rcognised him — he has put on a little weight but he knew me at once and we went for a drink in the wayhouse to celebrate

I knew I would be able to rest here safely and find some food and drink

had stopped juggling and started to drink his Tead

Oh and what do you drink” asked Fred

“Thanks, but Lardyme and I don’t drink

“Whoa, you are priceless, I just may keep you around!” he took a long drink

‘I suggest you have some more of that drink

’ The woman said, taking the glass and helping me drink it

‘ In fact I would probably be screaming that at you about the way I screamed at Valla at the logging party, even though we have nothing to drink but the stream

They both had a drink of a little stronger brew

in his guineas, would sup and drink to his freedom

At the kahtmaster’s house, the kahtmaster’s wife happily invites us to seat ourselves in the sun and plies us with a very pleasant lemon flavoured drink

«When you drink as much as I did for as long as I did, there are permanent changes in the brain, or at least long-term changes

who turns you to drink to deal with the stress,

We had decided yesterday that we don’t need to take very much with us – just a small amount of food and drink and a first aid kit – or what passes as one here on Errd – along with a few other bits and pieces

‘Can I have something to drink, please?’ Berndt asked plaintively, smiling at me weakly, then wincing as Joris touches his shoulder

As well as stuffing themselves with food and drink, they had to introduce themselves since there were no strangers among the dozen and a half people here

There were a few herdsmen passing thru on their way in or out stopped by for a drink and/or

He is silent while I drink

Two young men came to investigate and even through my apologies they insisted I join their little group for a drink to celebrate the finishing touches to their new sandwich and wine bar

For good measure, while you are on the potato cure, you should drink potato water, which is one of the very best alkalizing drinks and helps the system to eliminate the impurities which are to blame for your complaint

To prepare this drink, and it need not be unpalatable if you flavour it well, wash four or five fairly large potatoes but do not peel them

Drink the water first thing in the morning, at least once or twice during the day, and just before you slip your hand into that stocking with the potato in it before you hop into bed at night

So with Captain Dimitris in the wheelhouse keeping a weather eye on the horizon, and me sipping the concentrated aniseed drink, I began humming the one sea shanty in my repertoire, Liverpool Lou and it wasn’t long before the Princess of Stephanos was gliding over the waves along her way

Thank you for the drink

And then, in complete contrast to our whispers, he raised his voice and with a stumpy finger that had lost its tip, he pointed to the sky and sang, ‘We make this drink from the sun and once you taste the fire, you will never leave

«The price of this drink is,» he said, «you stay with us til it’s gone

The children were taken away and given a hot drink in the office at the back of the station

Kate, with Michael and Steve’s help had taken Sam and Big John and about four dragons with her to the town warehouse and stocked up on food and drink and ammo

‘Hey boss — I can call you boss, can’t I? — let’s have a cold drink

I will make that cold drink for you

To avoid gallstones drink plenty of pure, fresh water, at least nine or ten glasses a day

Take it hot if you wish, with flavouring added, but never, never drink it ice cold

The drink was the best I had tasted and far too soon we had drained the last drop

I could only drink liquids and I developed an overactive bladder from physical stress

‘Here – have a drink of water

Do you want me to tell you what will happen? OK, so drink your coffee but don’t interrupt

I closed my eyes and swilled the merry textures with my drink

Now it was, of course, very presumptuous of him to dare to say to her: “Fancy a drink on Friday?”, but he dared, for he had a good job, was full of the confidence of youth and he knew deep in his bones that there was many a young lady who would be glad to join him for a drink

Later that day, and as before, the girls assembled outside the shop and one of Tiffany’s friends was sent inside to ask, “She says you can have two kisses and she’ll think about a drink

Once again, surrounded by her giggling friends, Tiffany went into the shop, kissed the young man ten times, and said that she would definitely think about a drink but could he wait until next week as she already had plans for Saturday night

Try to limit the amount of alcohol that you drink

Daniel fixed him another drink and waited

The boring banter continued and the evening staggered on with Mercouri bragging about how much beer and raki he could drink

He demanded our attention when with three screw tops of drink between the fingers of one hand he trickled the contents into his mouth and over his chin and onto his shirt

‘Let’s rest here for a minute, drink some water and close our eyes

He wondered how she could drink it, tried not to make too disgusted a face

The great Chazza! He had been a teenage prodigy, a master of the beautiful game, who, in the prime of his career, had spiralled out of control in a whirlwind of drink, binge eating and late night brawls in discotheques

Ruthie is drinking tea, but she looks like she needs to be knocking back some shots of Crown Royal instead

Another two guys were drinking, too, and a third was manning the charcoal barbecue they had set up for the occasion

Most of these people would look and feel much better by simply walking as little as two miles a day and drinking an ounce of water for each kg of body weight on a daily basis!

He sold his gun and I haven’t once seen him drunk or drinking

Then again, Kevin was so inebriated, he would have hit on a mama polar bear if she were drinking next to him

We cannot survive a moment without clean AIR, drinking WATER and EARTH to grow food for us

He reached over and grabbed a glass of water, drinking it all down in one large gulp and letting half of it spill out and run down his shirt

He had always thought he had a good singing voice, but he had only ever sung while he was drinking and making merry

He sits up slowly, finds Dave sitting in an armchair next to him, watching TV, drinking Jack Daniels from a bottle

There is a stone patio next to the building overlooking the pounding waves and a couple of local men sit drinking a beer at a plastic table and talking

They hadn’t been drinking THAT much

We are partners now because you know everything I know about this mission and the contents of that crate and besides that, we’re drinking together

It did look like Tahlmute had been drinking a bit more than doostEr but he hadn’t noticed him filling his cup more often

fought the Turk and the Christian, drinking their blood in his fury after battle, they,

The drinking water level didn’t want to be ignored and she had to make some brutal hacks under the tutelage of another Brazilian on the ground

I sat at the table surrounded by guards, all of whom were armed with M-16 carbines and pistols, eating cake and drinking hot, sweet, milky tea

In all my time in London, drinking whiskey and beer, I do not think I was ever as happy or as drunk

Son spent the night drinking with the lord of the land in celebration until

drinking water that dripped from the chamber ceiling when it rained

It was true that some of the change was due to the fact that she was drinking a lot less yaag on this voyage

After drinking, Son and his men made a path through the forest as they

stop the soldier from drinking the water of immortality

and drinking that takes place in our generation

«She says she was drinking too much, that’s why you weren’t as close

’ He said, drinking more of his coffee with every sign of enjoyment

«I’ll be drinking to the day my captain told off a starship captain til the last keg runs dry,» was what someone said later that night, «And I’ll never give a shit if anyone ever believes it

warming the pot and drinking tea

‘Here we are sitting in the sunshine in this very pleasant Spanish town drinking some not at all unpleasant wine

his thorny head and drinking from her

I’ve never been interested in drinking for drinking‘s sake but that liquid was nectar to my parched throat

It was a good size jug with a glass stopper and its contents smelled a lot tastier than what the kids were drinking, even putting off a little trace of fume

He has a somberness she thinks she needs as punishment for drinking too much

I kept drinking little Dixie cups of water then crushing them in my hand and kung-fu kicking them across the room

He sat at our table, uninvited, respecting no one, pitching his opinions and drinking his beer

I began to wonder if all the tourist bus drivers spent the empty hours drinking in the bars

Oh it is lovely out here in the darkness just drinking in the noises of the night

‘They were completely out of water, Aunt Sally, when I put their water bottle back, they went crackers drinking

Helen also knew that Ken would be uncomfortable with the idea of accompanying his son because of the inconvenience of age, for although the landlord sometimes turned a blind eye to underage drinking, he always kept Sunday evening as a child free haven for the exhausted parents of the parish

‘I shouldn’t have hit him,’ he said after drinking half a glass

So full of fear and loathing for the thing was she that she locked herself away in her bedroom whenever her family was at home, drinking vodka by the bottle and smoking anything up to one hundred cigarettes a day

however, for whom the prospect of one more day drinking thin

I’m not in the habit of drinking quite as much as this at a sitting; I’m sadly out of practice!’

I wouldn’t say I have a hangover but there is a definite feeling that I wasn’t drinking water last night

To what was obviously a bawdy drinking song, Patass lead her off to the spare room, and she had to be lead because when she got out of that tub she found that she had no legs

drinking, he always kept Sunday evening as a child free haven for

at home, drinking vodka by the bottle and smoking anything up to

He’s not hurting anyone else, or is he? Did you know that the only time he abuses me is when he’s drunk? Did you know he had a drinking problem? Or is that something a man can shut off at the front door of the office?

At least a third of the passengers were still there, lounging at tables, drinking, chatting and watching projected video

You’re the one concerned about me drinking

“When she was young she would have never lived in a neighborhood or house with so much drinking,” Jorma said

He still wasn’t sure he could write with what they’d been drinking today

The combination of fat wage packets and all day drinking in town centre pubs makes Boutport Street particularly hairy as the day draws down

After a few silent minutes of drinking and savoring what little fume this brew put off, she was staring into a dimension of space-time that Jorma’s math couldn’t quite find

Is there a faint burr on her voice? Drinking? «Yeah, very funny

Tom was listening intently, drinking in the story

The drinking areas downstairs are divided by metal grates and there is hardly any furniture

Uniformed police officers are drinking stale coffee from a vending machine as they too watch the latest episode of real life casualty unfold

He acknowledges his impromptu drinking partner

He prefers to stay in the light in these troubled nights of binge drinking chaos and unprovoked menace, although in his head he can still see the hard fist of his youth dealing out a solid and immediate form of justice to the kids in the hood

expected, Oliver the driver was sat there, drinking from a steaming

She had noticed that Yorthops had been drinking during the time she was out

Jack was drinking some high-priced scotch

Helen takes strength from it, drinking deep at the well, and feels safe

That’s why drinking made it more fun

fascination drinking one beer after another

Jewish quarter, a drinking acquaintance, and his local

Public fountains had become his drinking water for the last few days

Was it the beatings or was it the drinking?

“I was drinking lantern fuel,” he said, “but maybe this will help

I imagine Johnny started his drinking career about the same time most kids

Matt licked his lips as the bartender poured the refreshing beverages into the drinking receptacles, and then handed a glass to each of them

drinking in here all the time…well, you hear things

I passed a settlement on the way down here with about six houses and a couple big guys with black beards sitting on a porch drinking

And there was definitely no more drinking beer with

Sure enough, there was a deer, drinking from where the pond ran into the small stream, at the footbridge

He says the planet’s lousy with drinking and drug abuse

They were saying things like ‘let me have a little more separation of the hammer-chord’ and ‘don’t put any plazmoid on the mic, I’ve been drinking too much for this voice as it is’

Actually he was working nearer Gilgandra where he usually spent most Friday evenings drinking at the Railway Hotel

She only touched on the purification plant for the drinking water and the many wells that were used to keep the place looking so green

Carl sat off by himself, drinking out of a

Those cups look like they’re made for country drinking but we’re in the city now

Long-term heavy drinking leads to

I was actually doing some drinking in the cave, it was really pretty cool

«Were you addressing me, sir?» says the doctor; and the captain replied yes, with a curse, «I have only one thing to say to you, sir,» replied the doctor, «that if you keep on drinking rum, you’ll soon be dead!»

but had to content ourselves with drinking, playing

I also have a strong tendency to do what I’m bidden, especially when I’ve been drinking all day

there was a great deal of singing, drinking, and music in

I can’t prove that it isn’t, but I’m not about to believe the world is hollow or wevns arise spontaneously from rotten meat without some evidence stronger than a wild tale told by an ancient mystery lady who hobnobs with eldritch wizards, has a long history of heavy drinking and likes to experiment with the occult

two of resting, eating and drinking, they all began to relax

Though there was much ribaldry and many drinking games after the men finished their

There was over a dozen of them; their flesh covered in festering wounds and winding black veins — their empty, black eyes drinking in their enemies

The pool would be a reliable source of drinking water, good for bathing, too

After drinking deeply from the leather pail, I returned what was left to Polyphemus

He turned back around to continue his solitary drinking and the woman rushed off in a huff to sweep — in between assailing the other male patrons with honeyed words and batted eye-lashes, of course

Drinking plenty of fluids was important in this heat

He knew he had spent the vastly greater portion of the previous evening drinking with the eccentric man, as well as imbibing before and after they simultaneously gulped down full tankards

To dream that you are making or drinking tea represents satisfaction and contentment in your life

“I put in all your scrolls, your favorite stylus, your extra clothes, your drinking bowl, and plenty of new parchment

The soldiers of Code Sanguinary would probably celebrate their great leader’s return tonight, while I’ll be drinking by myself, wondering how much of this is MY fault

I wasn’t planning on having drinks with these two, not if my dad was waiting for me tonight

Similarly for good health, we have to avoid harmful diet, drinks and consumption

So replace those energy drinks with a multi

He picks up his cup and drinks some of the nearly cold tea in it

their table and delivered the drinks with a flourish

John screws up his face after he drinks

John drinks, passes the bottle back

He drinks some of the water he has collected

John looks at the cup dubiously, drinks

Hamo pours drinks for everyone as his driver cruises the narrow, crowded streets of Jedana

Frosty minted drinks of a golden nectar appeared on the glass table at the corner between their seats when they looked for them

He drinks his coffee

As John drinks, Russ tosses a nerf football that bounces off of John’s head

He drinks some more of the wine, obviously savoring it

We drank our sweet drinks and ate our cake, turning to toast the guards and offer them our thanks for this moment

It is during as far as offering fruit and energy drinks in between and in some of the after-run socialising that I get some of the best addition, had cooling points that sprinkled you with cold water advice from strangers that I see on the running trail as they droplets as you ran through a tunnel

While there is nothing wrong with having usually catch up with them at the clubhouse later and their fruit and sipping on energy drinks, skip the water on the first advice has been pretty useful

“Merry Christmas” said Fred as he started to give out drinks

He came back to the table with their drinks, and after sitting down asked “So what do you wish to ask me? And you may call me Jeff, please

While he goes off to order the drinks, I sit and look around myself, enjoying the warm sunshine – it is several degrees warmer here than it was in Sulis Min and the difference is delightful

JOYCE: Is it not true that on your third date, after giving her a number of different mixed drinks you touched her on her breasts, and when she pushed your hand away, you took her hand and placed it on your genitals?

over drinks and dinners, mightier than the sword

For good measure, while you are on the potato cure, you should drink potato water, which is one of the very best alkalizing drinks and helps the system to eliminate the impurities which are to blame for your complaint

Several large platters of food were placed on the table and drinks were brought forward

her lover drinks as he drives home the rut,

The worst offenders in this complaint are animal fats, ice-cold drinks, and ice-cream

Avoid all foods and drinks straight from the refrigerator, avoid all fried food, animal fats, salad cream, and oils

‘ We sipped our drinks

Overnight he turned into a fine looking gentleman and bought drinks for city whiz kids, rich bankers and portly brokers in the hotel bar

There’d be drinks and food and music

Then Mercouri disappeared through the side exit and we all reached for our drinks in silent relief

‘Hey, Niko, some drinks at this table please

I waited until they were all bending over a table loaded with drinks

great once the effect of the drinks wears off

I follow Karen into the room where Alastair is pouring drinks and suddenly the farcical element of the situation hits me … hysterical laughter bubbling up

They were stopped by the arrival of their drinks

Ken was nursing a dull head and an urgent desire for sugary drinks, but lacking the wherewithal to solve either problem he did his best to bury himself in the nutritional information on the back of the cereal packet

Laughing, she rang a small bell on the table and servants appeared out of nowhere and began placing drinks beside each place setting

The mosquitoes were ‘mozzies’, and soft drinks ‘coldies’

‘So, Sarah, what do you do for a living?’ Chris asked as she prepares the drinks

trails, necessitating frequent drinks from the water flasks they had

But whosoever drinks of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water

Alistair used his height to signal for drinks over

He drinks red wine, the bottles coming from a diminishing store under the stairs in the farmhouse

He drinks just enough and then he tucks her up for the night and finishes the last bottle in his own cell

many boots and stained by the spillage of many drinks

She makes a point of greeting a middle aged man in a blue fleece, shows him and the lads to a group of tables in front of the stage and suggests that they give her an order so that she can bring the drinks over

He took several drinks, to calm himself, but stopped before he went too far

“Well, drinks on Bram, then,” Alistair retorted, nudging Tom in

As he walks back to the girls, signalling to the barman to top up their drinks, he wonders whether Ted really has the balls

The caffeine and alcohol mix in the girl’s drinks is kicking in

The girls return the boys’ smiles and accept the offered drinks

Jim does the same and says, «Look, sorry about this, but we can’t afford to buy drinks and drugs

it plain that these were bedtime drinks, clearly hinting that it was time

Nothing much to report, just the usual backhanders in the gentlemen’s lavatory, rounds of drinks and shouts and bravado

Jock drinks and lets the liquid warm its way into his blood stream

Alex buys drinks all round, including a half for Ken, and then decides that orange juice is out of place

Before Harry’s eyes adjusted to the lower light of the foyer, they were divested of their hats and led through a brighter dining area to a private table where two gentlemen already sat with drinks at their elbows and cigars in their hands

Their drinks arrived

Ted can’t tear his gaze away from the young man who has been buying him drinks all night down at the club

The waiter arrived, refurnished their drinks, accepted their dining choices and left

As he is getting the drinks, I idly read through some of the posters on the board by the bar

having to trample over feet, popcorn, and drinks

White Feathers and Jameson with George sat in the rockers, drinks in hand, and listened as Belle and the girls compiled the events variously presented through the three initial documents

Satisfied that they had made all the necessary arrangements for their selected remedy, they adjourned for lunch and drinks

They spent the rest of the day talking about all sorts of things, such as sports, the weather, what they wanted in life, their favorite foods and drinks, and their favorite hats

After they were seated in the restaurant and drinks were served around the table, Harold stood to make an announcement

“All the drinks are drugged?”

but the truth is you’re just an old man that drinks too much and fucks too many

would say—when you factor in the cost of drinks, tips, a movie, and all the painful

Maybe some expert carpenter could build a perfect poker table with indents to put your chips and drinks and stuff but I was I was just happy to have a nice round circular 5 foot poker table

Friends of mine and I used to go to restaurants after church and order drinks

There were nights when he took a deal more rum and water than he needed; and then he would sit and sing his wicked, old, wild sea-songs; or sometimes he would call for drinks all around and force everyone to listen to his stories or listen to his singing

«But, tell him that he’s buying the drinks

Besides, the man was buying him drinks

“Well naturally those of you who filled and kept a bottle of water in your fridge to mix with your drinks will quite possible survive these two days until the end of you holiday

“Ma’am, there are cold drinks and juices and even lassi

There are plenty of other drinks to choose from

It was a long time between drinks otherwise, maybe because time passed quicker for them

state, and community-and drinks his fruit smoothie with a

Ralof genuinely hoped to see the Breton soldier again, in the same innocuous circumstances – not only for the friendly drinks but also to relate what he had recalled

They had brought along some eats and drinks for lunch

They would rather obey and complain to their fellow men later in private when they would be much braver – especially after a couple of drinks

The groom and bride would notify their parents and selected friends, who would then all meet at the girl’s parents’ home for some eats and drinks and maybe a word or two from the couple’s fathers or one of their city elders

The strike shook both tankards, causing the drinks within to only just barely remain contained

remember, we had drinks later on that night

Sweet foods and drinks when properly digested are reduced to saline and the blood becomes alkaline

While cold water, cold drinks, ice cream etc

She would have liked several drinks, it being Friday night, but she didn’t want to spend a long time in the bar for fear of some man wanting to pick her up

They sipped their drinks, both of them shuddering slightly as the whiskey burned its way to their stomachs

of sorts, as he has brought an Igloo cooler filled with soft drinks to the game

The Admiral Benbow served alcoholic beverages too, but there was a difference: At The Benbow, food was the primary product and alcoholic drinks were secondary

“No, you fix a couple more drinks,” she said as she walked into the kitchen area

Entering the room, the odors of food and drinks tantalized our appetites

“There you go my love and here you are Billy Boy”, he placed the drinks on the table and retreated back to the bar were he poured himself a whiskey

“My name is Anne and all your drinks tonight are on the house that’s the way a returning wounded hero should be treated

” When he went back to the bar after serving our drinks Mr Tillman’s face had a bigger scowl on it than usual and so he poured himself another whiskey then polished a glass furiously while his wife drank her sherry and talked to me

I had never seen a bunch of blokes move as fast for they had all spun round faster than a pickpocket could dip a wallet and were now staring into there drinks and never once did they look in our direction

He was about to ask Doc when Roleston arrived back triumphantly with their drinks

«You used me,» he said, and wished he wasn’t to drunk to get that lockbox out her hands

It was years too soon, he thought, but he hadn’t paid enough attention had he? Or was he just too drunk at the time? No one else seemed to think it was imminent, but there was no denying that it was something huge falling from the sky and it looked like it was aimed straight at the camp

He sold his gun and I haven’t once seen him drunk or drinking

» His lips were cracked and dried, like he hadn’t drunk anything in a long time

‘Liz, you are obscenely drunk

«Do dolphins?» she asked, being drunk enough now to get into the act

first stars sparkled into life, he greeted his wife and then got blind drunk

and as he got drunk, he always thought he heard a familiar voice

I was drunk on frustration and self-recriminations

In all my time in London, drinking whiskey and beer, I do not think I was ever as happy or as drunk

I’ve lost one crewman in five centuries on this river and that was to a spheelunge and even then he was too pig-headed drunk to get out of the water when the lookout yelled to him

staring down on the poor drunk souls,

‘Have you drunk all that?’

“Hopefully, whoever does, will think they are still drunk from last

That bag is not heavy now – we’ve eaten all the food and drunk the ale

Full as the place is of the slightly drunk,

The adrenalin rush of the previous evening and the near quarter bottle of Scotch that she had drunk before bed had not mixed well and, when she opened the door to the reporter from the Sun & Mercury, Miss Jones was suffering from the unpalatable effects of her first hangover since her debutante years

In Virgenia’s Jools and Robbie were in good spirits and seemed to think I should accept Mercouri’s apology, make amends and forget it — after all he was just a bit drunk

Bottles of fizz were popped and toasts were drunk

It was drunk affection, but genuine enough

‘Mama, you are drunk

thirty in his drunk state

Considering how much he has drunk, his enunciation’s rather good

A few drunk members of the mob even

Of course if they were all drunk, things were more likely to get ugly weren’t they?

By this time she was certainly drunk enough to go without a fight, but four days at sea in the hot Aegean sun had left him ripe as a mackerel

She was so drunk she wouldn’t have even stayed upright on top of him if he wasn’t holding her by the breasts

of Scotch that she had drunk before bed had not mixed well and,

Was in a nasty accident recently — some drunk driver crashed into him

’ Dave said with a grin, ‘Mike made something of a racket at one point … he always was a noisy drunk

26Then shall ye begin to say, we have eaten and drunk in thy presence, and thou hast

He’s not hurting anyone else, or is he? Did you know that the only time he abuses me is when he’s drunk? Did you know he had a drinking problem? Or is that something a man can shut off at the front door of the office?

“My father did that, when he was drunk or on cocaine

It was quite different from the dark ales they had drunk in the

Chrissie posed, allowing her gaze to wash across the upturned faces in front of her – Sheila, face closed yet unpleasantly appreciative – Mickey and Kev getting into a right going state of excitement – Chas, his eyes stripping off the tiny scraps of fabric clothing her, his hands in his lap, invisible in the shadows – Ozzie, drunk and clapping not quite in time to the music

The half drunk, half

It must be Bex and Leona, probably too drunk to find the keys

Johnny was more drunk than usual because of it

Embarrassed that he fell into the water and was too drunk to swim

He got to his feet, not dizzy but drunk, like

Kev, his face averted, described as briefly as possible how Ozzie had got Chas drunk and then let him loose on Chrissie

My father was drunk on the day I died, on liquor, what folks call gasoline or lantern fuel here

drunk, not even a little tipsy for that matter

She’s too drunk to drive

were both drunk off of our asses and Johnny was calmer than I had seen him in

drunk, but he stayed on the road, between the lines, better than some sober drivers

drunk and ducked at the same time

But surely he would have drunk

you’ve drunk too much of the brew that is

You never feel this bad when you’re drunk

The man never got drunk in the first

He wasn’t drunk, but he’d heard enough warnings about it to know there was something like that going on

I wasn’t drunk when I wrote my last letter, probably just very tired

He was too drunk to realise the impact of what he said

His nose is broken and he has a scar on his forehead he got from falling down drunk when he was 18

Then of course, there were the icy roads to travel, the drunk drivers, crowded stores, muggers – soon it even became too costly to call

was quite drunk, and as they watched Collette dancing

Hoping he is too drunk to seek his “little princess”

I later found out I failed to identify Speedway Road which was one of the three main roads in Tucson, Arizona and was directly north of the University of Arizona campus that’s how drunk I was

The disciples of Jesus were accused of being drunk with wine because the Spirit of God was affecting them so deeply (Acts 2:13)

Nor could anyone leave the inn till he had drunk himself sleepy and gone off to bed

I followed him in, and I remember seeing the difference between the neat, bright doctor, with his powdered wig, as white as snow and his bright, black eyes and pleasant manners, and , with that filthy, heavy, bleared scarecrow of a pirate of ours, sitting, drunk on rum, with his arms on the table

‘No-one pushed him in! He was as drunk as a monk

He looked past Brice, then rubbing his eyes said, «Am I that drunk

Tetloan turned to Alec and sneering at him said, «You were probably too drunk to remember when he beat the snot out of your girlfriend

«I suppose you’re right, apprentice, I would much rather follow a drunk than an assassin

If so, what targets would these men use? Even roaring drunk, Uncle Xolon could knock over a large olpe across

) It is a young drunk girl who fosters the

as was his habit when drunk

always spoke from his heart when drunk

drunk and the rest were on their ways to glory

drunk or, maybe, this is his normal state

They must have drunk at least one other cask before rowing back to shore

I pretended to be drunk like usual, but the moly had blocked the tonic’s power

He was so drunk, he’d stay asleep all day

Yum—and with a big glass of cold whole milk to wash it all down! (Have you ever drunk that watered-down skim or 2% stuff? Man alive, ya might as well just have a slurp of country creek water rather than…)

And good reflexes for a drunk

Though I had a head start, he’s used to riding drunk

Anyway, if she shouted at the top of her lungs, she might wake Tragus from a drunk

Surrounding him was the racket of drunk, sleazy men and young, hormonal girls

A gentleman drunk with ale has scarce ever been seen among us

the truth was she had done it once or twice to her husband but that had been years ago and both of them had been rather drunk

Maybe the man is drunk somewhere

After they had eaten a meagre meal of high-energy rations and drunk a small ration of unpleasant tasting water, Chris got everyone organised in taking down the tent and stowing the components into their rucksacks

With only one k to go she passed couple of men along a quiet lane, who were obviously drunk even though it was only about 3pm

’ His friend, slightly less drunk, called to the other man

Deanna felt her stomach and throat constricting, wishing she’d drunk more of that water

Achh! He was still drunk

If Marjory disapproved she seemed to lodge her protest by dancing on her own and getting drunk or stoned, as she had done at the party and now again to-night

explained that Rex had been hit by a drunk driver at a

When the licence was once purchased, whether the purchaser drunk much or drunk little, his tax would be the same

“The harlots told him he was the offspring of a city whore and a drunk sailor

“Polowski you drunk fuck! I told you already

seriously, the boys got seriously drunk and it was only Jack who

” We then took the girls into our arms and kissed them wishing them a good evening as they told us not to come back to drunk and then we left them chattering away like women do in the front parlour

I knew he was only like this because he was drunk and in his cups so I replied

“Look at the state of you Albert Hall how dare you come back here falling down drunk and crawling along the floor?” Bert had a sloppy grin on his face as she continued

This page provides example sentences of the verb «Drink» in all tenses including active and passive forms, as well as conditional and modal forms.

Base Form drink / Past Simple drank / Past Participle drunk / Gerund drinking

Present Simple

He usually drinks four glasses of water a day.

Present Simple Passive

Water is drunk at meals.

Present Continuous

She is drinking a gin and tonic.

Present Continuous Passive

The new wine is being drunk by customers.

Present Perfect

Peter has drunk three glasses of water this afternoon.

Present Perfect Passive

All the juice has been drunk.

Present Perfect Continuous

I have been drinking juice all morning.

Past Simple

Jack drank a glass of apple juice.

Past Simple Passive

A glass of apple juice was drunk by that customer.

Past Continuous

She was drinking some water when the man bumped into her.

Past Continuous Passive

Water was being drunk when they opened the wine.

Past Perfect

We had drunk all the water before the order arrived.

Past Perfect Passive

All the water had been drunk before the order arrived.

Past Perfect Continuous

We had been drinking our beverages for ten minutes when he finally arrived.

Future (will)

She will drink orange juice.

Future (will) Passive

Wine will be drunk by the customers at table six.

Future (going to)

We are going to drink French wine with our meal.

Future (going to) Passive

French wine is going to be drunk by the customers at table six.

Future Continuous

This time tomorrow we will be drinking a nice cold cocktail.

Future Perfect

He will have drunk three bottles by the end of the evening.

Future Possibility

He might drink juice.

Real Conditional

If he drinks wine, I will drive home.

Unreal Conditional

If he drank wine, I would drive home.

Past Unreal Conditional

If he had drunk wine, I would have driven home.

Present Modal

I should drink some tea.

Past Modal

You should have drunk some milk to calm your stomach.

Quiz: Conjugate With Drink

Use the verb «to drink» to conjugate the following sentences. Quiz answers are below. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

He usually _____ four glasses of water a day.
She _____ a gin and tonic at the moment.
Peter _____ three glasses of water this afternoon.
I _____ juice all morning.
A glass of apple juice _____ by that customer.
We _____ all the water before the order arrived.
She _____ orange juice.
We _____ French wine with our meal.
If he _____ wine, I would drive home.
She _____ some water when the man bumped into her.

Quiz Answers

is drinking
has drunk
have been drinking
was drunk
had drunk
will drink
are going to drink
was drinking

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