Use the word dresses in a sentence

  • Use the word DRESSES in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Zoe was unable to sort all of her mistress’s dresses.

Georges could not decide to leave … the room adjoining… the bathroom, where Nana’s dresses gave off the voluptuous odor of perfume …

Everyone dresses for dinner aboard ship. Oh.

I could use a couple of dresses and a pair of silk stockings right now.

And all this because of a few more dresses the other man can give me.

You told everyone you were travelling to the northern countries, and your tailor told me that you ordered nothing but summer dresses.

So then I wondered: what is she doing with summer dresses at the north pole?

Just yesterday he was wishing he could buy me pretty dresses.

That’s what we get for spoiling her with dresses, hats, gloves, and parasols!

Those dresses — how thrilling!

She dresses that way for laughs.



Tell me, where do you get your hair done… and where do you get all those pretty dresses?

Now lift your dresses up.

Say, speaking of dresses… what do you think of the one Virginia has on?

Like to borrow one of my dresses?

You must help me to pick out the dresses.

What dresses are you going to pack, miss ?

How many dresses have I got?

The gondola that was always tearing up the ladies’ dresses

They can’t last the winter in those dresses.

He always dresses in blue !

Did you bring the dresses and things that I wrote for?

It’s foolish, maybe… but I thought if she saw some of the latest dresses… got the feel of silk, scent of perfume…

Hats, shoes… stockings, dresses… and whatever goes under the dresses.

I think he’d like to give you a beautiful home, lovely dresses to wear, dozens of dolls, and send you to the grandest kind of school and all sorts of nice things like that.

dresses and all the gadgets that go with them.

And he said that he was going to give me a pony cart and lots of pretty dresses.

It’s the way she dresses.

Your dresses are always trim and neat.

Honey, I’ll keep my eye on The dresses you try on

I am a good advertising for the house that dresses me!

As a matter of fact, Mr. Kent’s main idea is to design women’s dresses the way men think they should be.

And pockets in all dresses, especially in the evening ones, so the women can pack their own junk.

John loves to be startled by girls’ dresses.

Well, there are some dresses that men will fall for.

Why, you bought me dresses and pretty things… like I ain’t never see’d before.

But if you draw money from me and buy her jewels, dresses, and things like that… what about your bet?

I’m keeping my money… to buy dresses to look pretty

That Mrs. De Penable, I suppose she’s all right… if you don’t mind your friend collecting commission on the dresses you buy.

I tell you, Mr. Ziegfeld, these dresses are wonderful.

But, Mr. Ziegfeld, I worked over three weeks on these dresses.

If I had the money, …I’d pay my dresses myself, and I would pay yours. Cause now you’re paying mine.

You weren’t even old enough to be out of short dresses.

I’m only interested in her dresses otherwise I don’t care about her at all for me she remains a beast and for me you remain an idiot

Calamity, do you ever wear dresses?

How do you like me in dresses?

Gosh, I wonder if I’ll ever have pretty dresses like those.

Examples of how to use the word “dress” in a sentence. How to connect “dress” with other words to make correct English sentences.

dress (n, v): a piece of clothing for women or girls that covers the top half of the body and hangs down over the legs; to put clothes on yourself or someone else, especially a child

Use “dress” in a sentence

Her dress attracted everyone’s attention at the party.
She is careless about the way she dresses.
I bought a very beautiful and cheap dress yesterday.
Why do you want to dress like that?
Do you think that dress suits her?
She helped her daughter get dressed.
Her dresses are very elegant.

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English Collocation

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Used with adjectives:

«What a beautiful dress.«
(beautiful, elegant, gorgeous, beautiful, fancy, plain, simple)

«She is wearing a knee-length dress.«
(knee-length, long, short, skimpy, shapeless, backless, low-cut, revealing, strapless)

«She wore a skintight dress.«
(skintight, tight, tight-fitting, loose-fitting, flowered, flowery)

«She spilled her drink on her cotton dress.«
(cotton, silk)

«We need to buy a cocktail dress.«
(cocktail, evening, party, prom, wedding, Easter)

«Everyone was in formal dress.«
(formal, casual, informal, evening, modern, traditional, military, civilian)

Used with verbs:

«Can you help me unzip my dress?«
(unzip, zip, zip up, lift, pull up, pull down, smooth, straighten)

«Do these shoes go with this dress?«
(go with, match)

«Try not to rip your dress.«
(rip, ruin, tear)

Used with nouns:

«I bought it in a dress shop.«

«She is a famous dress designer.«

«What is you dress size?«

«What is the dress code?«

«Where is your dress coat?«
(coat, pants, shirt, shoes, suit, uniform)

Used with prepositions:

«She showed up in a fancy dress.«

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Used with adverbs:

«She quickly dressed her baby.«
(quickly, slowly, carefully)

«She dressed beautifully for the occasion.«
(beautifully, elegantly, fashionably, neatly, nicely, smartly, stylishly, well)

«Her neighbor dresses badly.«
(badly, poorly, shabbily)

«Please dress appropriately for the interview.«
(appropriately, suitably, properly, professionally, formally)

«I wish she would dress decently around my parents.«
(decently, modestly, plainly, simply, causally, differently)

«The mother and daughter dress similarly.«
(similarly, identically, alike)

Used with prepositions:

«Please dress professionally for this job.«

«Her child was dressed as a clown.«

«My son likes to dress like a pirate.«

«They are all dressed in black.«

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Sentences ending with dresses

  • Associated with this torture is a peculiar Sunday smell and the faint rustling of silk dresses. [9]
  • Before and behind them other visitors were entering, also talking in low tones and wearing ball dresses. [2]
  • Your factories have not struck work, neither those where they make anything for coats, nor for pants nor for shirts, nor for ladies’ dresses. [7]
  • Davis Avenue is no longer a fashionable promenade, flashing with bright dresses. [9]
  • We cannot help looking at them, studying all the faces and all the dresses. [4]
  • She was no longer in the loose gown she generally wore in the morning, but had on one of her best dresses. [2]
  • There was a large luncheon-party at their house, to which we sat down in our travelling dresses. [6]
  • The lady Berenike had forthwith desired Johanna to pack together all the dead Korinna’s festal dresses. [10]
  • There are a good many other strange things about her: did you ever notice how she dresses? [6]
  • After she had gone, a dressmaker from Madame Suppert-Roguet waited on the Rostovs, and Natasha, very glad of this diversion, having shut herself into a room adjoining the drawing room, occupied herself trying on the new dresses. [2]

More example sentences with the word dresses in them

  • Why many a woman who rides by in her chariot wears dresses and gems to conceal not merely her own limbs, but the poverty-stricken condition of her house. [10]
  • They wore dresses with wide skirts and flounces, and queer low collars and bonnets. [9]
  • Unless you are willing to tell me who this lady is for whom you are buying silk dresses, and what your relationship is to her, I shall leave you. [9]
  • The ladies’ dresses were constantly getting ruined, nevertheless protests and supplications went for nothing. [5]
  • The young ladies were all in dark blue dresses, touched up with a red ribbon here and there, and wore light straw hats. [6]
  • Now she might wear none but white dresses and the least scrap of colored ornament to dress her hair or smarten her robe was strictly forbidden. [10]
  • What these were we need not stop to mention,—only remarking that there were dresses of various patterns, which might afford an agreeable series of changes, and in certain contingencies prove eminently useful. [6]
  • Frequently Paulina received visits from heathen acquaintances in rich dresses and the sight of them always reminded Arsinoe of former days. [10]
  • Strips of dresses, vainly tied around the handles of the doors, signified the contrivance to which feminine despair had resorted as a means of keeping out the murderers. [5]
  • She 173 looked under the chair over which hung her clothes, even behind the dresses and the Indian deerskin cape hanging on the door. [11]
  • They push and trample one another under foot; veils and dresses are torn; ladies faint away in the scrimmage, and only the strongest and most unscrupulous get in. [4]
  • At the stations to-day we see more friars in coarse, woolen dresses, and sandals, and the peasants with wooden sabots. [4]
  • We are inclined to take a medium ground, and aver that woman dresses to please herself, and in obedience to a law of her own nature. [5]
  • It is pleasant to say that the young man, though favored by nature with this rarest of talents, did not forget the humbler duties that Heaven, which dresses few singing-birds in the golden plumes of fortune, had laid upon him. [6]
  • The birches wanted to come too, but being vain, stopped to put on white dresses, to outdo the others. [10]
  • The mirrors on the landing reflected ladies in white, pale-blue, and pink dresses, with diamonds and pearls on their bare necks and arms. [2]
  • The dresses of the ladies were stained and soiled with dust and damp, but otherwise they seemed little the worse for the adventure, save that Mrs. Llyn was shaken, and her face was pale. [11]
  • He drew all the dresses, and made a hundred pictures—there they are at the Cure’s house. [11]
  • I insisted on the dresses being made quite plainly. [14]
  • He dresses better than any of us, I think, and is daintily polite. [5]
  • I have no text except what you furnish me with your handsome faces, and —but I won’t continue that, for I could go on forever about attractive faces, beautiful dresses, and other things. [5]
  • They praised her taste and toilet, and at eleven o’clock, careful of their coiffures and dresses, they settled themselves in their carriages and drove off. [2]
  • A still more striking spectacle was afforded by a voyage made on the Enz by the ladies of the Czarina’s court, attired in airy summer dresses and adorned with a lavish abundance of flowers. [10]
  • Nothing could be soberer than the cut of the dresses which the propriety of the severe household had established as the rule of her costume. [6]
  • Presently the long shell swept into view, with its blooming rowers, who, with their ample dresses, seemed to fill it almost as full as Raphael fills his skiff on the edge of the Lake of Galilee. [6]
  • There was a rustling of dresses, and the standing congregation sat down. [5]
  • Indeed, her mental processes were never clearer than when she settled upon her simple toilet, made as it was in every detail with the sure instinct of a woman who dresses for her lover. [4]
  • But there are others to whom she tells her dreams; not what species or genus her lily belongs to, but what vague thought it has when it dresses in white, or what memory of its birthplace that is which we call its fragrance. [6]
  • Her father had ordered two new dresses for her, beating down the price with the promise of prompt payment, when Mastor came into the steward’s room and informed Keraunus that his master and Gabinius, the curiosity-dealer from Nicaea, wished to speak with him. [10]
  • With the advent of longer dresses that reached to her shoe tops a change had come over her. [9]
  • The funereal rustling of dresses and the low buzz of conversation began to die swiftly down, and presently not the ghost of a sound was left. [5]
  • As in the ‘Oceana’, just so here: everybody dresses for dinner; they make it a sort of pious duty. [5]
  • Moreover, they had no fine elegant dresses either with them, or in the world. [14]
  • She looked at Natasha’s dresses and praised them, as well as a new dress of her own made of «metallic gauze,» which she had received from Paris, and advised Natasha to have one like it. [2]
  • We can find most of the old beliefs alive amongst us to-day, only having changed their dresses and the social spheres in which they thrive. [3]
  • Simple dresses are more difficult, far more difficult to make, and yet become a handsome woman better than rich and gaudy robes. [10]
  • There had been many discussions and preparations for this ball in the Rostov family, many fears that the invitation would not arrive, that the dresses would not be ready, or that something would not be arranged as it should be. [2]
  • I like a man who shaves (next to one who does n’t shave) to satisfy his own conscience, and not for display, and who dresses as neatly at home as he does anywhere. [4]
  • My lord Marcus is there, waiting for his pretty mistress, and has brought her dresses that would make the rose-garment look a rag. [10]
  • Sonya and Natasha, in the light-blue dresses they had worn at the theater, looking pretty and conscious of it, were standing by the clavichord, happy and smiling. [2]
  • Elizabeth left hanging in her wardrobe above three thousand dresses when she was called to take that unseemly voyage down the stream, on which the clown’s brogan jostles the queen’s slipper. [4]
  • If we live in a small way, there are at least new dresses and bonnets and every-day luxuries which we can dispense with. [6]
  • So used had I grown to seeing her in the simple linen dresses she had worn in the country, a costume associated with exclusive possession, that the sight of her travelling suit and hat renewed in me an agony of apprehension. [9]
  • Natasha and Sonya, holding up their dresses, jumped out quickly. [2]
  • Then there is his Excellency the «royal Chamberlain»—a sinecure, for his majesty dresses himself with his own hands, except when he is ruralizing at Waikiki and then he requires no dressing. [5]
  • The tailor begged her to allow her maid to dress her; his assistant would help her because the dresses which were only slightly stitched together for trying on, were cut, not in the Greek but in the Oriental fashion. [10]
  • I beheld Biddy, her dresses tucked above slim little knees, playing in the sand on the beach, her hair flying in the wind and lighted by the sun which gave sparkle to the sea. [9]
  • To fluff out her curls, put on fashionable dresses, and sing romantic songs to fascinate her husband would have seemed as strange as to adorn herself to attract herself. [2]
  • Thence, he took her above ground again, and showed her, high up in the old walls, small galleries, where the nuns had been wont to glide along—dimly seen in their dark dresses so far off—or to pause like gloomy shadows, listening to the prayers. [12]
  • After he had half drunk the diluted contents of the goblet, with many faces of disgust, he said: «Would you like to know what each of your dresses will cost if it is to be in no respect inferior to those of the others? [10]
  • It was a great age for romances and story-telling, and he told stories, old in new dresses, but he was also careful to use contemporary life, which his hearers understood. [4]
  • At first she found it amusing to give away dresses and ribbons to the maids, but when that was done and what was left had still to be packed, she found it dull. [2]
  • Does she dress for her lover as she dresses to receive her lawyer who has come to inform her that she is living beyond her income? [4]
  • Honora’s new trunk—her first—was packed by Aunt Mary’s own hands, the dainty clothes and the dresses folded in tissue paper, while old Catherine stood sniffing by. [9]
  • They wore short dresses, with the upper skirt looped up, and had broad hips and big waists. [4]
  • Selene pulled their dresses straight, and strictly enjoined them not to go near the corridor on account of the strange dog. [10]
  • St. Botolph’s daughter dresses in plainer clothes than her more stately sisters, but she wears an emerald on her right hand and a diamond on her left that Cybele herself need not be ashamed of. [6]
  • A quantity of dresses for the Dionysiac processions are lying in our workshop and in half an hour I will be back with the things. [10]
  • I was so delighted…» came the sounds of animated feminine voices, interrupting one another and mingling with the rustling of dresses and the scraping of chairs. [2]
  • He’s the greatest crony with one of their preachers; he dresses just like a priest, and he says he is a priest. [8]
  • Berg and Vera could not repress their smiles of satisfaction at the sight of all this movement in their drawing room, at the sound of the disconnected talk, the rustling of dresses, and the bowing and scraping. [2]
  • German ladies who could not be induced to commit a sin by any persuasion or compulsion, promptly rip out one of these harmless little words when they tear their dresses or don’t like the soup. [5]
  • Sonya, when he came in, was twirling round and was about to expand her dresses into a balloon and sit down. [2]
  • She was too busy to unpack her wedding dresses for several days after they arrived from Halifax; yet not too busy to think of arrangements by which Miss Wooler’s journey to be present at the marriage could be facilitated. [14]
  • The velvet and brocade dresses belonging to the Baroness de Hierges had fallen to the Eletto. [10]
  • The dresses of both ladies were exceedingly rich, as to material, but as notably modest as to color and ornament. [5]
  • There was a big crowd in the grounds about the building, and the ladies’ dresses took the sun with fine effect. [5]
  • Some dresses hung behind the door. [11]
  • And Myrtle soon began to challenge remark by a certain air she contrived to give her dresses, and the skill with which she blended their colors. [6]
  • And their dresses are strange beyond all description. [5]
  • Our white dresses are still quite good, but a few ells of new light blue ribbon for my hair, and of red for Selene’s, you must buy on the way, at Abibaal, the Phoenician’s. [10]
  • When they finally appeared on the dancing-ground, the singer had already gone—and now, summer and winter, year in and year out, they keep their white dresses on, to be prepared, when Orpheus returns and the lute sounds again. [10]
  • Suppose there weren’t any balls and fine dresses and what you call luxury. [4]
  • Arsinoe was embarrassed and anxious and would far rather have yielded her part to another; still, she was curious about the new dresses. [10]
  • Her dresses were always of the latest fashion. [2]
  • He dresses for all the world like you, only worse, and wears a hat I would not be caught under at Bagnigge Wells, were I so imprudent as to go there. [9]
  • Hither came, to acquire the fashions, make assignations, arrange for the night’s gaming, or shun the bailiff, the gallant, the gamester, the ladies whose dresses were better than their manners, the stale knight, the captain out of service. [4]
  • Sometimes it was a young man and a maiden, handed down to posterity in dresses that would have caused their arrest in the street, sentimentally reclining on a canvas rock. [4]
  • He crumpled dresses a good deal, and he had no particular plan about the work—at first—except to put each article into the trunk it didn’t belong in. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word dresses in a sentence? How do you use dresses in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word dresses?
It contains example sentences with the word dresses, a sentence example for dresses, and dresses in sample sentence.

Table of Contents

  1. What a beautiful dress which kind of sentence is this?
  2. What a beautiful dress it is?
  3. How do you use dress in a sentence?
  4. What’s considered formal wear?
  5. What is the example of attire?
  6. What’s another word for attire?
  7. What is the nearest in meaning of attire?
  8. What are the different types of dress attire?
  9. What is another word for dull?
  10. What does dull mean in English?
  11. What are two synonyms for dull?
  12. Who is a dull person?
  13. Who is the most boring person in the world?
  14. What is a good conversation topic?

Women should wear a formal floor-length evening gown, no exceptions. Men are required to wear a tuxedo with tails, a formal white shirt, white vest and bow tie, white or gray gloves, and formal footwear, such as derby shoes or oxfords.

What a beautiful dress which kind of sentence is this?

It is an Exclamatory Sentence.

What a beautiful dress it is?

Answer: It is a exclamatory sentence as there is sudden reaction of seeing a dress.

Dress sentence example

  1. That dress is really YOU!
  2. He pushed her against the wall, pulling at her dress again.
  3. The dress was too long.
  4. They sparkled like the blue dress and diamonds.
  5. One does not dress or act like a lady.
  6. The kids dress a lot better here.
  1. I hardly think jeans are appropriate attire for a wedding.
  2. All the waiters were dressed in nautical attire.
  3. Her attention was attracted by his peculiar attire.
  4. Guests are requested to wear formal attire.
  5. He glanced uneasily at his own evening attire.
  6. But swimsuits are the attire of the brave and very slim.

What’s considered formal wear?

What is the example of attire?

Attire is defined as clothing. A tuxedo is an example of formal attire. The definition of attire is to wear elegant or expensive clothing. Wearing a fancy dress is an example of to attire.

What’s another word for attire?

Synonyms of attire

  • apparel,
  • clobber.
  • [British slang],
  • clothes,
  • clothing,
  • costumery,
  • dress,
  • duds,

What is the nearest in meaning of attire?

SYNONYMS. clothing, clothes, garments, dress, wear, outfit, turnout, garb, ensemble, costume, array, finery, regalia. wardrobe, accoutrements, trappings. British kit, strip. informal gear, togs, garms, duds, glad rags, get-up.

What are the different types of dress attire?

De-Coding: Dress Codes 101 – Quick Guide To Dress Codes And What They Mean For Him & Her

  • “Casual” Casual is basically a non-dress code, and you can wear comfortable clothing.
  • “Business Casual”
  • “Smart Casual”
  • “Business / Informal”
  • “Semi-Formal”
  • “Formal / Black Tie / Black Tie Optional”

What is another word for dull?

SYNONYMS FOR dull 2 boring, tiresome, dreary, vapid. 3 apathetic, torpid, inactive, inert. 7 unimaginative, unintelligent, stolid.

What does dull mean in English?

1 : tedious, uninteresting dull lectures. 2 : lacking sharpness of edge or point a dull knife. 3a : not resonant or ringing a dull booming sound. b : lacking in force, intensity, or sharpness a dull ache.

What are two synonyms for dull?

other words for dull

  • boring.
  • dim.
  • dumb.
  • simple.
  • slow.
  • sluggish.
  • stupid.
  • tedious.

Who is a dull person?

1 slow to think or understand; stupid. 2 lacking in interest. 3 lacking in perception or the ability to respond; insensitive. 4 lacking sharpness; blunt.

Who is the most boring person in the world?

Drew Ackerman

What is a good conversation topic?

Conversation Starters For Any Situation

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Have you done anything exciting lately?
  • What made you smile today?
  • How did you meet the host?
  • What’s your favorite form of social media?
  • What was the last good book you read?
  • Do you listen to any podcasts?

Synonym: adorn, attire, clothe, decorate, outfit. Antonym: remove, strip, undress. Similar words: dress up, redress, address, dressed, readdress, headdress, addressed, keynote address. Meaning: [dres]  n. 1. a one-piece garment for a woman; has skirt and bodice 2. clothing of a distinctive style or for a particular occasion 3. clothing in general. v. 1. put on clothes 2. provide with clothes or put clothes on 3. put a finish on 4. dress in a certain manner 5. dress or groom with elaborate care 6. kill and prepare for market or consumption 7. arrange in ranks 8. decorate (food), as with parsley or other ornamental foods 9. provide with decoration 10. put a dressing on 11. cultivate, tend, and cut back the growth of 12. cut down rough-hewn (lumber) to standard thickness and width 13. convert into leather 14. apply a bandage or medication to 15. give a neat appearance to 16. arrange attractively. adj. 1. suitable for formal occasions 2. (of an occasion) requiring formal clothes. 

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1. Eat to please thyself, but dress to please others. 

2. Fine words dress ill deeds.

3. Some parents dress their children like miniature adults.

4. Her tight dress inhibited her movements.

5. She cannot afford a new dress.

6. Her dress moulds to her figure.

7. She wore a yellow dress.

8. She felt cold in her flimsy dress.

9. You look really stunning in that dress!

10. He had his dress made by a Paris tailor.

11. I scorched my dress with the iron.

12. Some guests like to dress for supper.

13. I scorched my dress when I was ironing it.

14. The dress fastens at the back.

15. Her silk dress rustled as she moved.

16. The iron’s too hot[], you’ll singe the dress.

17. You won’t be warm enough in that flimsy dress.

18. That dress looks good on you.

19. I felt very extravagant spending £100 on a dress.

20. The dress is patterned upon a Paris model.

21. He doesn’t care much about dress.

22. You look good in that dress.

23. Do you like my dress? Please be honest!

24. She spent £100 on a new dress.

25. This dress fastens up at the back.

25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. I wore a white dress and was barefoot.

27. Singers performing Mozart’s operas often dress in/wear historical costume.

28. You can hook up the dress at the back.

29. She embroidered silver stars on her blue dress.

30. It is only when the mind and character slumber that the dress can be seen. 

More similar words: dress up, redress, address, dressed, readdress, headdress, addressed, keynote address, press, duress, stress, actress, regress, oppress, repress, suppress, express, tigress, tresses, digress, depress, impress, press for, compress, buttress, mattress, pressing, Congress, waitress, restless. 

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