Use the word draw in a sentence

Synonym: attract, design, drag, equal, haul, interest, lure, magnetize, match, picture, portray, pull, sketch, tie. Similar words: draw up, draw out, draw in, drawer, draw on, drawing, withdraw, draw back. Meaning: [drɔː]  n. 1. a gully that is shallower than a ravine 2. an entertainer who attracts large audiences 3. the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided 4. anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random 5. a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack 6. a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer 7. (American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage 8. poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer 9. the act of drawing or hauling something. v. 1. cause to move by pulling 2. get or derive 3. make a mark or lines on a surface 4. make, formulate, or derive in the mind 5. bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover 6. represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface 7. take liquid out of a container or well 8. give a description of 9. select or take in from a given group or region 10. elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc. 11. suck in or take (air) 12. move or go steadily or gradually 13. remove (a commodity) from (a supply source) 14. choose at random 15. earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher 16. bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition 17. cause to flow 18. write a legal document or paper 19. engage in drawing 20. move or pull so as to cover or uncover something 21. allow a draft 22. require a specified depth for floating 23. pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him 24. cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense 25. take in, also metaphorically 26. direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes 27. thread on or as if on a string 28. pull back the sling of (a bow) 29. guide or pass over something 30. finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc. 31. contract 32. reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die 33. steep; pass through a strainer 34. remove the entrails of 35. flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching 36. cause to localize at one point. 

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1. Draw not your bow till your arrow is fixed. 

2. Draw water with a sieve.

3. One must draw the line somewhere. 

4. Do you mind if I draw up the blinds?

5. They seem to draw down ridicule on us.

6. Draw a circle 10cm in diameter.

7. Draw a pair of parallel lines.

8. It’s important to draw out a child’s potential capacities.

9. The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.

10. Draw a line with a ruler.

11. They managed an honourable 22 draw.

12. The debater was quick on the draw.

13. The debater was fast on the draw.

14. The game ended in a draw.

15. Draw a circle six centimetres in diameter.

16. They agreed to draw up a formal agreement.

17. Draw up a chair, and join the conversation.

18. Win a car in our grand prize draw!

19. Draw a line joining all the crosses.

20. His novels draw heavily on his childhood.

21. Can you draw the curtains apart?

22. The game ended in a two-all draw.

23. The two ships draw level.

24. I’ve been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.

25. The club secretary will now draw the raffle.

26. In the end, a draw was a fair result.

27. I can’t draw any conclusions from what she said.

28. Years to draw a circle we call years.

29. Put two halfpennies [pennies] in a purse,[] and they will draw together. 

30. To mourn a mischief that is past and gone is the next way to draw new mischief on. 

More similar words: draw up, draw out, draw in, drawer, draw on, drawing, withdraw, draw back, withdrawal, raw, crawl, drag, drama, drain, draft, clear away, drag in, drag on, dramatic, after a while, dramatically, carbohydrate. 

Examples of how to use the word “draw” in a sentence. How to connect “draw” with other words to make correct English sentences.

draw (v): to make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen

Use “draw” in a sentence

Would you like me draw you a diagram of the system?
He drew a map.
Could you draw a map for me?
The band always draws a large crowd.

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All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«My brother can draw people’s faces accurately.«
(accurately, beautifully, well)

«He carefully drew a picture of his wife.«
(carefully, clearly)

«She quickly drew a sketch of the suspect.«
(quickly, roughly)

«Please draw back the curtains.«
(back, aside)

«She was immediately drawn to him.«
(immediately, irresistibly, increasingly)

Used with prepositions:

«He drew me onto the dance floor.«

«What drew you to this line of work?«
(to, towards)

«She drew attention from people walking by.«

Used with nouns:

«He draws pictures.«
(pictures, cartoons, comics, sketches)

«Draw the blinds.«
(blinds, curtains, drapes)

«Her performance drew attention.«
(attention, applause, interest, admiration, inspiration, laughter)

Moreover, it is safer to draw it in a language familiar to the testator

· And, what happens if you fail to draw up a will? Then the religious law will take over

The muscles that are stretched are used in such a manner as to draw the flesh closer to the bone

Draw near to God and He will draw near to you

Draw near to God so that you can be saturated with Him to the bot-

The way to get healed is to draw nearer

They draw pistols from shoulder harnesses, point them toward Russ and John

He used a thick stubby finger to draw down his shirt collar and reveal the Chinese character tattooed onto his own neck

draw nourishment from His Word

Smith could draw like an eighteen month old infant

little story to draw being in this hell for many years

This was a dream state, a nightmare scenario, where I was falling through space, watching the ground draw closer, and yet I knew that I would never actually splinter on the dead earth

So, I draw a card at random for the category I need each time, I develop the respective item into one or more paragraphs, and I gradually form a full story

Though a pistol cannot kill in the afterlife, the pain is still as bad and all the members of the Council of Faith and Doctrine were quick to draw theirs, Moamar quicker than any

Betty’s memories are of her older sister getting dressed up to go out with some of the Poles who were stationed in Bristol and how Betty had to draw dark lines up the back of her sister’s legs as they didn’t have any stockings

He loved children, wherever we went he’d draw a crowd of them, a bit like Fred does

He didn’t draw back

Is the description being given to draw us to understanding the first statement by antonyms? This can’t be

Wait a second… we can draw near to God? He isn’t distant? We can have relation with Him? We don’t have to continue to give these offerings and sacrifices without hearing whether or not He accepts them?

a wellspring of energy that continues to draw to you more

Before the man could draw his sword, Son tackled him

the speed that Son moved with and found it pointless to draw his sword

In effect Smith could draw like an eighteen month old infant

In those glorious days any will draw strength

on splintered boards, is counted upon the draw

He busied himself loosening her boots, lifting one foot at a time to draw them off, all the time casting glances at her face as if measuring and assessing her state of mind

«I see, you’ll have to draw a picture sometime, I couldn’t see it in the dark

’ Joris answered before Berndt can draw breath

The other one still drew blood from her, and the tentacle continued to draw her in

that we draw of ourselves, and in the ripple of waves

The last thing I wanted was to draw attention to myself in front of all these athletic beach people and the noisy kids playing in the water as though they were born there

Ideally all Yoga asanas should be performed in the open air in order to draw into the lungs the maximum amount of fresh air

Lmore assured them that the recipes were as authentic as you’d find in this basin and this place would be considered a little touristy but would still draw plenty of business in Trenst itself

You could keep it in your pocket during the day and at night slip it into the toe of an old stocking and draw the other end over your hand so that the potato does not roll away from you while you sleep

‘Possibly – your tawstones would draw it to the boat but if you were not in view, the bird would perch as close as it could until you appeared

Not that I was a regular swimmer but here was such an idyllic stretch of unblemished sand, and the sea was such a peaceful blue that it seemed to draw me towards it

in the fire’s draw, crackling,

Draw up your knees slightly so that you can place your palms over your eyes without bending your head at all

From a distance, trees look healthy but as we draw closer, it becomes obvious that this is an illusion

He also kept moving in such a way as to draw her out of the water, presumably so he could get a good look at the rest of her

As we draw nearer to the gate, he reaches into his bag and draws out a paper

Remember what Collin said about the Bull, ‘…he has a special hatred for you, Jake…’ remember, John? The main intent is to draw Jake away from his camp, and then destroy it

‘I believe there’s a small stream not far ahead where we can draw some water — both for us and the ggs, Lintze

We studied our glasses of lemonade or beer while he was trying to draw attention and impress

There are many weekend romantic adventure ideas that can draw a couple closer together

As we draw level with the barge in question, I see a man about to untie the ropes holding the gangplank to the quay

Reassured by his aides and aware that the world’s press was waiting with baited breath, the great politician himself now wanted to read the document, even though there were still some relevant facts to include and a few final conclusions to draw

A glare of sunlight catches my attention and I watch puzzled as we draw nearer to the cause of this brightness … astonished, I see a vast greenhouse complex

By flirting, you will draw attention and hopefully attract the one that you want

He stared so intently into her jet-black sunglasses that he completely missed the amazing comeback by his team’s opponents that resulted in the match ending in a five-all draw

We wouldn’t want to draw unnecessary attention

He adjusted his ascot, he allowed himself enough magic that he could draw it into position on his mirror and not have to have his hands fumble with it

He noticed that Thom was careful to draw out every step on the way to the podium

‘Pray for a draw

With a draw there is hope of sales

‘If this match is a draw, I will treat you all to dinner

While we were praying only for a draw two

draw done and over with,’ I said

draw, but that is not how Australians play

‘A draw is fine

I’ll try to draw you an outline of how it is set out before I finish this e-mail

for you will draw yourself closer to that very source

His hold on me tightens; I draw strength from that

I still participate now and then, but I don’t draw the tribute I used to

She relayed that information, it was obvious Yellelle had to elaborate, even had to draw a crude map of the world and point out where Virginia was

I’ve got quite a list of questions on my pad by the time I draw up outside the sheltered housing complex where Bert Redfield lives

include and a few final conclusions to draw

Use them to quickly draw 8 sigil

match ending in a five-all draw

You are free within your self (to think, to conceive, to draw in,

own destruction! Draw out what others would have taken from you

“I’ve seen drooling vegetables draw more than

He could draw the yandrille in it from memory

before the evil days come, and the years draw near,

and a tree-moss poultice to draw out any infection

After a few minutes, the trainees were instructed to draw up in ranks,

’ The Inspector looked at the papers again as though trying to draw inspiration from their contents

that it was probably a draw on who would be completely mobile first

The cottage is built very much on traditional lines – as a child would draw a house, with a door in the middle and windows either side of the door, except that I have put a conservatory on the front to shield the front door from the elements and to catch the sun

There’s the building that used to be the public library – I wonder if it still is? – I turn left into Meyrick Road and draw into the drive of the second block on the right

He’s waiting outside the station with his baggage, but leaps into my car as soon as I draw up

’ I said while he stops for a moment to draw breath, ‘Unfortunately, the news is not good

“That could be, but we’ll draw the conclusions when we have a lot more data

Hoping to draw on its strength, before she’d responded to his comment

He couldn’t draw on the investigative

‘Yes,’ admitted Jean, still not able to draw his gaze

He could hardly draw

‘I draw the jurors’ attention to the fact that I was

It was only a brief glimmer, but was enough to draw his attention

Whoever derives his revenue from a fund which is his own, must draw it either from his labour, from his stock, or from his land

draw the prizes ought to gain all that is lost by those who draw the blanks

this purpose, which draw many more people into those trades than could otherwise pretend to

Mostly, the Garden was filled with the disabled, the elderly, or with children, hardly any of which could lift a bow, let alone draw an arrow

«Run, damn you,» Alec shouted at them, knowing the plan was to draw out the Living Dead so the Magi could have at them, but he wanted to take them out himself

To his credit, the soldier managed to draw his blade before the flesh began rotting from his face

He just prayed the others could find something more to draw on as well

They were a working-class band here in the city, but would have been a major draw in Lastriss and dominated Hazorpean alongside Dundorada and Pongi

“No fairs fair, it was a draw, however I propose my boy Clipear to take on the goat boys cousin

She raced in the living room where mermaid’s were drawing on Grandpa’s face with markers

Their clan’s chieftain, a hoary monster named Vald, responded by drawing his ancestral blade

Instinctively, I reach out as though to take it … drawing my hand back swiftly as I realise what I am doing, and clasping it with my other hand as though it had been burned

Ask for their favorite comic strip, a school paper that they are proud of, or a drawing from their trip to the park

Rain water harvesting, cleaning of small tanks before rainy season, closing of running taps, not allowing drawing of water directly from mains through electric motor, recycling water for WCs etc are some of the areas where we can generate awareness and guide others to act


In testate: When an individual passes away without drawing up his will

For Dan and Jen, the evening was drawing towards its inevitable close and

every room bar the well kept drawing room, and with the preliminary inspection

The carriage clock in the drawing room ticked away, drawing the dull hands of

’ She said drawing a massive breath

public drama out of the long drawing down of a cancer, or the slow meander of a mild

Theo considered drawing his weapon and putting it to the old ladies head

’ She said drawing Stephen into the lounge

Rising, Stephen goes over to the window, drawing back the gauzes hanging there

Chief Horcheese’s head hung back on the command chair and she stared up through the dome at the jagged rivers of raw electrons and plasma burning in the atmo as those crackling tendrils whipped at them from all directions, drawing line after line from the clouds to Tipperary’s ring-shaped bow

‘It’s that feminine streak I have,’ he said, drawing me towards him and kissing me

Back in the house, I calmly unpack the shopping and put it all away, the blue box sitting on the table drawing my eyes as I put tins away in the cupboard and packets on the shelf where they belong

Bathing and dressing took a little longer than usual; the simple act of drawing a comb through her long dark hair more troublesome and the plaiting more fiddly

She spun webs of silver thread through the evening air, always making direct eye contact, always drawing him in towards her desperate need for love on this particular night

None of it’s dramatic, not in your way…I mean, how do you make a public drama out of the long drawing down of a cancer, or the slow meander of a mild epidemic, or that fatal nudge into oncoming traffic? Oh, I do things with a flourish sometimes, I suppose, the knife and the psychosis, but no, my book is made up of dark matter, whereas yours lists the stars that shine for bright, sparkling mortality

begin intuitively drawing out another approach? Calling in a

I don’t personally believe that the Antichrist is Satan in the flesh, but I do see the parallel that others are drawing

what it was drawing to you on your behalf

From drawing images on a canvas, to creating a whole new world with a few different colored markers, most of the images that are posted on the company’s feed use a variety of colors, show images popping up off the screen and show some form of creativity flowing off the page

them amused without drawing attention to yourself” said Joe

This weather, this drawing out of days

“Look at Charlton Heston in ‘Planet of the Apes’; that was a hit because of him and his box office drawing ability

in my wake, drawing near the point

by the drawing down of water from their

With great care he took hold of my hands and walked backwards into the water, drawing me after him until the freezing sea was above my knees, ‘There

‘Then we have to do the legal bit, drawing up a contract and signing it in the presence of an official witness … one of the High Guild, for example

He drew the cross section of how that was mounted into the tower now, it was just a sketch, the detailed drawing was in his head, this was a backup recording

‘Here, Lintze, what do you think of this one?’ he said, drawing me towards a far too intelligent looking gg

‘You have your tawstones?’ Berndt said quietly, drawing me over to one side of the clearing

Every muscle, every tendon, every bit of Jake in his full majesty was shown; the fierceness of Daniel and the flames erupting from him was captured perfectly; it was so real that it felt as if the drawing itself was alive

drawing the couple closer together

Turning to face us both, drawing us into a circle with him, he gazes earnestly at both of us without speaking for some minutes

Simon is standing in the door, this tragedy outside his sphere … I glance up at him and smile at him through my tears, drawing him into our circle

and his treatment was drawing to a close

She continued on about the Hold, thru the kitchens, the drawing rooms and so on

battle to preserve his or her stature by drawing in and maintaining members

She felt the instruments reading the state changes in the condensate chamber as a gentle current drawing her in

them al that hurts and burdens them, drawing this then into your own

The bishop turned to Ava and said, “I would ask you if it was drawing a soul’s resources from your system

With her free hand she snatched it off and lay down on him, drawing the quilt over them

’ Dave said, drawing me into the room

The fingers of the bouncer’s right hand are reaching for the lapel of Alex’s jacket and his left hand, balled into a fist, is drawing back to deliver a blow to the midriff

After eating, Tom lay back, warmed by the sun and drawing his

Tentatively at first, she delves into her memory, drawing on the comfort of the room around her, a shield against the hurt and horror

He can feel the good doctor’s body heat, can feel his presence drawing closer

The sound of a car drawing up beside me, wakes me out of my reverie … Alastair

Corrente stood from behind the desk, drawing himself to

I spend the next couple of hours drawing up a timetable for the move scheduled for a Friday

you, but that we are indisposed,’ said Corrente, drawing

intelligence was talking about,” Theresa said, drawing her hand close to one of the

‘It’s very interesting, really,’ said Claude, drawing

» then drawing a deep breath she pulled loose and headed for the car

Before dinner, as they divested their luggage of the presents prepared for the upcoming occasions, they each found opportunity to secretly sneak them beneath the lovely decorated tree in the Drawing Room

Chloe added her own presents to the gathering hill of wrapped gifts beneath the little tree in the Drawing Room and the trio took a turn or two up and down the Long Gallery fronting the modest great house

The summer of the Bessamer’s announcement to relocate to San Francisco and the Spelman’s extended visit in Tahoe City was rapidly drawing toward September before any one realized the air was growing nippier

Drawing a deep breath, he slowly raised his head to look into her frightened black eyes, streaked with her own tears

Can’t I just simply have a nice conversation with this lovely lady, without drawing you out of the wood work?»

Lawrence and Harold remained in the Drawing Room with aperitifs and a smoke

Drawing a deep breath (at least as deep as the dress would allow) She took her first step, and then another, soon she’d reached the mid-way point of the case

Harry was honored that the souvenir photograph of his graduation was prominent on the wall of the Drawing Room near the Christmas Tree

The Dining Room was well appointed, as was the Drawing Room

“I regret to tell you that we’re drawing your part of the mission to a close

turned to her husband, who was drawing the shutters

evident in his fidgety feet drawing circles on the fieldhouse floor and in his

» she wasn’t going to hear of it, although she did reach for his hand to finish drawing herself to a standing position

on twenty years? You’re drawing a long bow there, I

How the CO2 was released in areas where housing growth was to be speeded up, how the condensing and drawing off of byproducts at their temperatures was used to keep the draft going

There was no photo but there was a decent drawing of it including its PSL number

Drawing her hair back so he could see some of her face he said, «I think you have told me you are not allowed to plead your own case

About the last to condense out was the water vapor, and there was plenty of that, so the chimneys had big balloon condensers at the peak looking like a child’s drawing of the smoke puffing off the volcano

The housing developments continued to spread over the mountain, drawing even more workers – more families

When she felt that her end was drawing near, she called her only daughter to her bedside and said, «Dear child, remain good, and then our dear God will always protect you, and I will look down on you from heaven and be near you

drawing many to Himself through these preachers

But where had the flying thing come from? There was a pretty good drawing of it (also by Luray) and it was nothing like any floater that he had ever heard of from any time

Lang’s Making of Religion was heavily influenced by the 18th century idea of the «noble savage»: in it, he maintained the existence of high spiritual ideas among so-called «savage» races, drawing parallels with the contemporary interest in occult phenomena in England

Right now he was disassembling, cleaning, numbering and drawing parts

He came out of his daydream and drawing of knitting machine parts when he heard someone in the area

There was, however, an ancient hand pump that was capable of drawing water up and into a small water tower

approached, he was in the process of drawing water from

“Miss Pringle saw a notice wobbling about the council office window, it had a drawing on it showing the route passing straight as an arrow from Mesapit, through Oakleigh woods across Mr

Luray was already coming down the ladder that was drawing closer to the dock

With the words, Alec was reminded of the horde groaning behind him, and the fact that the mindless beings were drawing closer

Meanwhile, his own hand was drawing nearer, as were the many wolf helmed soldiers

Drawing an arrow, Alec joined Bri Lynn’s side

The Dort Championship in Golf was an annual event where last years champions were challenged by another team selected by drawing from a hat whose hat didn’t really matter, generally it was from Mr

«You’re just like her,» the man said, his naked form drawing nearer — his own pain transparent in his voice

That the silver mines of Spanish America, like all other mines, become gradually more expensive in the working, on account of the greater depths at which it is necessary to carry on the works, and of the greater expense of drawing out the water, and of supplying them with fresh air at those depths, is acknowledged by everybody who has inquired into the state of those mines

In coal works, and mines of every kind, the machinery necessary, both for drawing out the water, and for other purposes, is frequently still more expensive

He heard the others drawing near

When those correspondents afterwards drew upon them for the payment of this sum, together with the interest and commission, some of those banks, from the distress into which their excessive circulation had thrown them, had sometimes no other means of satisfying this draught, but by drawing a second set of bills, either upon the same, or upon some other correspondents in London; and the same sum, or rather bills for the same sum, would in this manner make sometimes more than

; of the capital which the undertaker of a mine employs in sinking his shafts, in erecting engines for drawing out the water, in making roads and waggon-ways, etc

A bank, indeed, which lends its money without the expense of stamped paper, or of attorneys’ fees for drawing bonds and mortgages, and which accepts of repayment upon the easy terms of the banking companies of Scotland, would, no doubt, be a very convenient creditor to such traders and undertakers

There was some hand drawn street map in a foreign language in with it, and a faded old map of Gengee with some of that language on it

The blinds are always drawn

Rather than warding them off, the zombies seemed drawn by the gunfire

Mindless of his feet in the snow, he was drawn down the path to the edge of the bluff, drawn to where he could get the best possible view of the end of the world

The note was signed with her signature teddy bear face, this time a tear drawn below its little doll eye

I’ve not seen him quite as drawn in as this before

She wanted to come and hold your hand, but that would only have drawn attention to her, and I’m sure you wouldn’t have wanted that

Whatever it was, her fire must have drawn it

A lot of changes would entail a new will being drawn up

We possess a great deal of knowledge, mental power, and capacities, which have never been drawn forth from the realm of the subconscious into objective usefulness; anyone who has watched the effect of Meditation upon the beginner will substantiate this statement

The ethnic groups in the Gengee were always Elf and Troll, and doostEr was familiar with the legends from the times when the lines between them were drawn in blood and blade

Abdullah sits beside them with his pistol drawn

room through a gap in the drawn curtains

With the curtains drawn across the large glass

all the lack of faith in this world my soul had drawn sustenance from what

There was a tiger, a 6 pointed star, a badly drawn Chinese tattoo meaning ‘insane’ although not the ‘crazy’ type of insane, rather just plain medically insane

armor-plated silver Mercedes limo at the lead of the column as dozens of soldiers jump out of jeeps and APCs with weapons drawn

Demons are drawn to the spirit of

the narrow opening in the arrow-slit high above him, its outline drawn in pitch

Moses has defied all odds and drawn nothing but strength from the violence and fear around him

The technician who had drawn the Haadij’s effects duty today was paying attention

So no serious planning could be done till a map was drawn

Perversely, this time became a moment of calm reassurance in the long drawn out days of my future imprisonment

distinction has to be drawn between a serious relationship and a casual relationship

Through it all, through each and every one of these long drawn out days, I let a sense of self-pity wash through me

» Ernesto had them drawn in on his map

The dust was drawn to the ship by its own gravity

There were lines of ships and rafts anchored off every lock entry, ropes being paddled in and out, barges being drawn both ways in a complex ballet who’s rhythm wasn’t obvious at first

The closer we walk according to the Spirit, and the less we allow ourselves the opportunity to walk according to the flesh, the closer we are drawn into the light – which is to say into God’s presence

Her eyes busily scanned the people in the vicinity, on the lookout for anything that might be threatening while Angie referred to the little map Iain had drawn for them

This obedience would have actually drawn the Father’s face closer instead of further

whose knees are drawn up to his chin

She had always been drawn to his eyes; they were grayish in color, and could bore thru a person

to the core drawn, came man

He was in the center of a thicket, his legs drawn up, his back against the clump of thick reeds that was one of the trunks of this clump

drawn down through lips that are framed

these long drawn years for the footstep,

and drawn down with her, pay the penance of her poison

of deep drawn airs

Even now, in these long drawn out adult years,

Everyone was heading for the sea, drawn by the power and the roar

It was inevitable that they would be drawn to each other

Susie and Darla were drawn to Roger and Ben, brothers 16 months apart

I looked behind into a doorway then I heard a squeak and she materialised in a nearby archway, smiling and mumbling into the headscarf drawn across her toothless mouth

As she gazed on her former life for the last time she found her eyes drawn to the tallest glass tower on the city skyline, on the windows of which the brilliant afternoon sun was conducting a symphony of light

But the afternoon came to a standstill when my attention was drawn to the vision of a lady completely dressed in white

The roadway is busy here at the entry to what must count as docks … wagons piled high with all sorts of goods trundle heavily along, drawn by much sturdier ggs than my elegant Sefir

Tentative battle plans were drawn that would be put into play when they arrived

that perfect someone, as this process cuts down on the long, drawn out process of meeting and

He found himself being drawn to the beautiful woman

The young man looked at his mother quizzically and let slip one of those long drawn out sighs that is the trademark of every thirty-something man who still lives at home with his dear old ma

He found himself strongly drawn to her and trying to understand why

She withdrew from her mother and no matter how desperate the look in her mother’s alcohol skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her mother’s awful love, which is why, as the days passed and the new song hit the headlines and the airwaves, the only person who knew anything of it or enjoyed its strange and comforting melodies was Lucy, who saw no reason to share her comfort with anyone else

Ken, shocked and concerned about the strange way in which his wife had been behaving lately, carried her back up to the bedroom, where he made sure that the curtains were drawn and that the windows were safely closed and locked, taking the key with him to ensure Helen’s safety

Duncan had them all laughing at numerous adventures; and as he continued with other tales he found himself being drawn to Naria

” She paced again, “I find myself drawn to this world in a way I don’t understand

“So you admit that you are drawn to me,” he said smiling down at her

She comes and sits in the kitchen while Jake and Katie make the most of the extra time; we chat about nothing in particular as mothers do when drawn together by their children

She smiled at him with genuine emotion and Alexei suddenly felt himself drawn to her

More mortals have died there than on Earth and they do not employ another substrate and have not drawn the wrath of god

She noticed the word ‘wooo’ drawn out meant the same in this language as it did in English

“We will wait here for the second lift,” Kai and Tarak had their swords drawn; “it would be wiser to have more men in case we run into any trouble

when and whether or not he or she wants focus drawn to them

A slight movement by Naria and blood was drawn

‘So, when she contacted you about the conversion, had she got plans or anything drawn up?’ I asked, making a note to check up on Mr Gosling or whatever his name was

Matai leapt off his falling Hausa with his sword drawn, looking around wildly

The lines between his dream, (held for so many years), and reality were clearly drawn; and somewhere in between Lord Boras lost his hold on either

of those long drawn out sighs that is the trademark of every thirty-

The wicked have drawn out the sword, and have bent their bow, to cast down the poor

skewed eyes, she would not be drawn back into the bosom of her

drawn and that the windows were safely closed and locked, taking

drawn wagons representing the bulk of the traffic

“It’s almost as if there’s a line drawn in the sky across the

harvesting machines, drawn by tractors

One of the curtains is drawn to keep the brightness of the late morning sun off the television screen

Suddenly she feels as though she has iron filings running through her veins and as if drawn by a magnet she can’t help but look into the far forbidden corner of the room

More than that he was not to be drawn into saying, it seemed

The room is in half light, protected from the outside world by shabby brown curtains that are almost drawn together

oblivious to the weather, heavy cloaks and drawn

Billy is drawn back from the performance starting in his head by the sound of Carol’s voice

Belle not only encouraged this behavior but had them make reports, synopses and essays over the information, concepts and conclusions drawn from their readings

In the aftermath, the only conclusion that could be drawn was that

Her eyes drawn lazily to her forearms, she spots some specks of apricot paint and concentrates on picking them off, checking her hands and giving them the same treatment

Just because Ava had admitted it to him, how could he be sure that Tdeshi hadn’t woken up from the overdose with fabulous dreams of outer space? The science of virtual humans in silicon and transferring personalities via helmet is something he had to either believe or not, but either way, he knew he was drawn to the soul that was in that body now, however she got there

Billy is drawn towards the cameras

The curtains in the room were drawn, the room lit by the faint illumination coming through the fabric

The other drinkers in the bar, mostly solitary males, are all drawn to the stranger entering their domain

presence had drawn her to the attention of the Warden

Mind you, people like Sally, with all the maternal responsibilities of any era yet none of the perks, so to speak, do seem to have drawn the short straw

d was go to the Kassikan and study Yingolian crystals for a career? After finding that she could master the technology of gas piping, she might have been drawn deeper into science

She was fascinated by the approaching starship, she might have been drawn to it because of that also

” Sharni overheard their conversation and was drawn into it

He was Elmore’s deputy, and had drawn the duty because of it

The illusive dream that had drawn her to every sunrise since she’d originally dreamt it, now seemed possible

the Cardinal, drawn his sword, and was holding it firmly

“Are you guys okay??” Monica asked the others as she came running up, quickly joined by Julia, who had a big black moustache drawn on her face

This kid had walked into the room knowing that, once she had drawn out the letters it was more like, ‘thanks, that’s just what I needed to know’

She stepped to the door in order to close it, but instead she found herself drawn out in to the brisk morning air

to get a better view, his attention was drawn to the

The city is not on Beghtik dam, but draws water power thru the cut into the last canal of the interconnects

He comes back to the bed, draws back the covers and helps me to my feet

The end of the month draws near

«The beauty is one thing that draws me back

that draws the skin of land toward blue hazed skies

containing buried remains that draws the wistful,

When Israel falls, Jesus told us to look up, for our redemption draws near

It draws men to covetousness

She tiptoed in and opened her dresser draws and got a change of clothes for herself

according to the hand that draws serpents,

He draws me out of the stables with a final command to his son to ensure that Adamant is fed

As we draw nearer to the gate, he reaches into his bag and draws out a paper

As she draws level with us, she greets Simon

In Practice: know what draws that something and

’ I replied, as he draws back from me

The combination of fat wage packets and all day drinking in town centre pubs makes Boutport Street particularly hairy as the day draws down

He pours and takes the mug with him into the bathroom, where he draws a shallow bath

Trade? How the hell should he know? He draws strands of thought together and tries to make them coalesce into something coherent

The car draws level with Billy’s Vauxhall and the driver and his passenger peer in through Billy’s window

He looks so intense and there is something in his eyes, something in the soothing way that his voice modulates, that draws her in

He cups her chin with his left hand and draws her face to his

So, this morning I stand there as usual and the train draws into the station

The windscreen draws level with the sign at the end; I start the engine and move off – as the sign says

Claire comes back into the office after lunch and, seeing the smile on my face, draws her own conclusions

draws the sap and concentrates it into the leaves

As the end of things draws near, we are exhorted to

«Not one of the ancient crypts ever found actually contained more than a skeleton and artifacts, so there’s no reason, other than the fact that it draws movie audiences, to think a viable hibernation vault will be found

He wrote literary and mythological essays in which he draws parallels between Greek myths and other mythologies

It is the produce of land which draws the fish from the waters ; and it is the produce of the surface of the earth which extracts the minerals from its bowels

The trader A in Edinburgh, we shall suppose, draws a bill upon B in London, payable two months after date

B accordingly, before the expiration of the first two months, redraws this bill upon A in Edinburgh ; who, again before the expiration of the second two months, draws a second bill upon B in London, payable likewise two months after date; and before the expiration of the third two months, B in London redraws upon A in Edinburgh another bill payable also two months after date

mistaken me for the chap who draws the chalk-lines

however, draws our attention that none of those

then, but the idealism of the fifties is what draws them in

Notice the Jewish apostle Peter draws this same conclusion

And though goods do not always draw money so readily as money draws goods, in the long-run they draw it more necessarily than even it draws them

The channel of circulation necessarily draws to itself a sum sufficient to fill it, and never admits any more

The world you see will appear different to you because as you change what you care about, you change what draws your attention

The monopoly of the colony trade, on the contrary, by excluding the competition of other nations, and thereby raising the rate of profit, both in the new market and in the new employment, draws produce from the old market, and capital from the old employment

In new colonies, agriculture either draws hands from all other employments, or keeps them from going to any other employment

Whatever, therefore, raises the rate of mercantile profit, either lessens the superiority, or increases the inferiority of the profit of improvement : and, in the one case, hinders capital from going to improvement, and in the other draws capital from it; but by discouraging improvement, the monopoly necessarily retards the natural increase of another great original source of revenue, the rent of land

draws hydrogen molecules together to form stars and

It is passion that draws others to you to

draws the dragon’s attention and it turns and heads in that direction

Secondly, by giving a sort of monopoly of the home market to its own merchants, artificers, and manufacturers, it raises the rate of mercantile and manufacturing profit, in proportion to that of agricultural profit; and, consequently, either draws from agriculture a part of the capital which had before been employed in it, or hinders from going to it a part of what would otherwise have gone to it

It is thus that Holland draws a great part of its subsistence from other countries; live cattle from Holstein and Jutland, and corn from almost all the different countries of Europe

Where church benefices, on the contrary, are many of them very considerable, the church naturally draws from the universities the greater part of their eminent men of letters; who generally find some patron, who does himself honour by procuring them church preferment

This once again shows how certain aspects were mentioned in the Bible, long before they happen and draws these connections long before these zones inside the Earth were named by modern day scientists

This aggressive behaviour draws a great deal of attention from other Humans when performed in a crowded area

Her breath came in long, lung-emptying draws as reality finally began to sink in

As My hand draws back, blood pours down

My face draws near to this earth!

And who shall prevent it as it draws near,

Blind and hard sheep! I know what you say within yourselves, I hear your hearts saying, “Where is the promise of His coming? The year draws to a close and no one is gathered”

It‘s a necessary diversion that draws our attention away from the stressful anxieties associated with our everyday lives

A doubter of the integrity of casinos, he maintained as part of his personal faith that a pretty woman, whose excitement at winning draws a crowd to a table, has an unusual tendency towards long streaks of good fortune

Evil is any influence that draws the individual away from serving the urgent needs of community

We have seen that by integrating heavens and earth he attempts to cover everything, all that exist; and that by mentioning heavens and earth again at the end, he draws our attention to the purely human and earthly perspective of the narrator

He draws himself into a train car as it passes with bewildering ease and pulls me in after him

The moment his gun is no longer pointed at Tobias’s head, Tobias draws his gun and fires at Eric’s friend’s leg

He draws it out again and it clatters to the ground and I should hope that he is dead but I’m selfish so I can’t

But she draws herself up taller and says, “Is that all?”

Tobias locks the door and draws the curtains closed, and everyone sits on their cots

It’s her name, not my lingering attachment to him, that draws me after him when he starts to walk away

He puts his hand on the back of my neck and draws my mouth toward his

Can you see that cremation was in existence from the earliest times? Can you see that it is a whoredom in Gods eyes? Can you see that it draws God’s wrath? Can you see that God uses this abomination only as severe punishment for his enemies, the condemned, who gravely sinned against Him?

22 Yes, his soul draws near to the grave and his life to the destroyers

9 He lies in wait secretly as a lion in his den; he lies in wait to catch the poor; he does catch the poor when he draws him into his net

3 For my soul is full of troubles, and my life draws near to the grave

This not only teaches the individual soul about love of oneself, but draws in family and friends

Like as a woman with child, that draws near the time of her delivery, is in pain, and cries out in her pangs; so have we been in your

now given me the way, I will proceed to speak before you, for our mother, of whom you have told me that she is young, draws now

The Lord the draws the fact that the creator is immeasurably greater than that He

the Holy Spirit, and He draws the sinner to Jesus as Saviour

are prepared by the Holy Spirit, and He draws the sinner to Jesus

These believers who, by the renewing of their minds, He draws from glory to glory

The driver gets out and draws a circle and tells her to stand in it

For when the lightning lightens, the thunder utters its voice, and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal, and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand, and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle, and turned back by the power of the spirit, and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong, and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein, and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel, and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it, and that which ascends from it is like smoke, and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers, but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness, and in winter and in summer, and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven, and is connected with the chambers of the rain, and its course is in winter and summer, and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected, and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber, the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out, and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain, and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: ‘These two monsters, prepared conformably to the greatness of God, shall feed

2 So again it goes down to the western gates, and draws away its light, the greatness of its brightness, under the Earth; for since the crown of its shining is in Heaven with the Lord, and guarded by four hundred angels, while the sun goes round on wheel under the Earth, and stands seven great hours in night, and spends half its course under the Earth, when it comes to the eastern approach in the eighth hour of the night, it brings its lights, and the crown of shining, and the sun flames out more than fire

Second, when our final breath draws

with you the mind draws its picture of the world

Your new breath draws profiles for towns that wish to flourish

A contest that draws in too many people who have no interest in your business, products or services will be of little effect when it comes to lead generation

As the pain subsides, sleep draws the curtains of my eyes, and slowly I give in

As David turns, asking Mother about a safari painting hanging on the wall, Sean draws nearer and whispers into my ear

” He draws the chair to stand

Focused and unhurried, his face draws closer to mine, our noses touch, and we both exhale heavily

From the other end of the table, Zachary draws attention to himself

Minutes later, he wipes the corner of his mouth with a napkin, draws his chair back as if to prepare to stand and turns to stare toward the elevator

I gasp quietly, wary of the strength his touch draws out of me

Mother clears her throat and draws my attention

The pastel-colored box of cupcakes draws my attention, but only for a second

We don’t know the day or hour, but we know it draws close

11 When men strive together one with another and the wife of the one draws near for to deliver her husband out of the hand of him who hit him, and put out her hand, and takes him by the secret parts:

Receptivity is in some sense an absence that draws in intentional directedness, whereas attentional mass is a presence that draws in attentional

For when the lightning lightens the thunder utters its voice and the spirit enforces a pause during the peal and divides equally between them; for the treasury of their peals is like the sand and each one of them as it peals is held in with a bridle and turned back by the power of the spirit and pushed forward according to the many quarters of the Earth; And the spirit of the sea is masculine and strong and according to the might of his strength he draws it back with a rein and in like manner it is driven forward and disperses amid all the mountains of the Earth; And the spirit of the hoar-frost is his own angel and the spirit of the hail is a good angel; And the spirit of the snow has forsaken his chambers on account of his strength -There is a special spirit in it and that which ascends from it is like smoke and its name is frost; And the spirit of the mist is not united with them in their chambers but it has a special chamber; for its course is glorious both in light and in darkness and in winter and in summer and in its chamber is an angel; And the spirit of the dew has its dwelling at the ends of the Heaven and is connected with the chambers of the rain and its course is in winter and summer and its clouds and the clouds of the mist are connected and the one gives to the other; And when the spirit of the rain goes out from its chamber the angels come and open the chamber and lead it out and when it is diffused over the whole Earth it unites with the water on the Earth; And whenever it unites with the water on the Earth; For the waters are for those who dwell on the Earth; for they are nourishment for the Earth from the Most High who is in Heaven; therefore there is a measure for the rain and the angels take it in charge; And these things I saw towards the Garden of the Righteous; And the angel of peace who was with me said to me: ‘These two monsters prepared conformably to the greatness of God shall feed

When the world lacks holiness, the Shekhinah draws away from the world

» Ennil’s head drew back a few inches, «Ava told me their dimensions, they are miles long

«And you drew all over his face! What is wrong with you?»

The anticipation of that tryst was what drew Tdeshi’s hormones on this folly in the first place wasn’t it? Maybe it was what Jorma taught her about Tdeshi that had made it so exciting

He zoomed in and out, cycled through the floors of the building and drew X’s and lines through different rooms

She drew a copper against her royalties at a financial house, had a nice late Noonmeal with her cabin mate on one of Gengee City’s most stylish towers, then gave up some of Noonsleep to visit an eye room and see if Kulai got her message already

With some digging in some financial back doors he knew thru the merchant’s committee, he was able to find that she drew royalties on ‘photovoltaic devices’ which meant Yingolian crystals

The smell drew Estwig from his lair

» There were about 200 Euro The man snatched at the bills but Theo drew back

slowed his pace, drew close, pressing his body into hers and as the music faded he

He raised the bat and drew back behind his shoulder, aiming at my right kneecap

stopped her circling and drew close to Johnny, taking both his hands in her own soft

«Using the AmpliMagineer user interface paradigm, you just create this location translation pane here,» she drew the boundaries of the magic carpet on an image of her home’s foyer, «bundle it with this location,» she outlined the magic carpet as it sat there over the beach, «and snap it into this site’s continuous instance list here

soon as I drew nearer to Him

God drew me close to Him

Their soul abhorred all manner of food, And they drew near to

» Betsy drew up a chair and sat down next to Theo

Ava drew a deep breath, «When Moses fled from Pharaoh in the second book of the old testament, this software was two thousand years old

As the sequence drew closer around the planet and built up more integrations and matches against data files, a better match on that shuttlecraft was building up

I knew that because I was the one who drew it up

Smith drew a metaphorical line in the cosmic sand

And he came apace, and drew near

She drew a long breath

Bahkmar wondered how long it would be before he risked open defiance as the day drew near

I drew that scene the day before, on 20th May

There was no energy to run a pump here, in fact a wind-wheel drew their water, so the pool could hold nothing but some ornamental fish and plants to provide their oxygen

I drew back my arm, screaming at him all the while

Menachem told me later that as I pounced on Robbie, that as I drew back my fist to smash it into his face, The Man had simply turned and aimed his next kick at my head, sending me spinning into the corner of the room

After about an hour the van drew to a halt and one by one the guards forced us to leave the van and kneel down in cold, damp mud

his punches drew blood to her face and lips,

Could she have just kept up this caterwauling even then and claimed he just drew some blurry pictures? It looked like he had the choice of using force on her or giving this up and he had to make this decision while she was bellowing about how savage Alan said they were and how they would use force to take him back

As he chattered on about how much he was enjoying himself exploring Abery, how welcome Issa and Remos had made him and a hundred and other little things, Kara drew on every resource available not to fall apart

He drew a deep breath and decided he had to share this fear sooner or later, so why not get it over with

The nearer the barge drew to London, the lighter Kara’s heart became

The landscape was becoming more built up as is drew nearer to the City … more farmsteads along the river, many with wharves selling produce, more large barn-like constructions doubtless used for craft activities, and, as they drew nearer to the city, glass houses covering vast areas of land, growing produce to be shipped to markets of London

That thing drew your blood and infected you with its poison

’ The woman said, envy tinging her voice, as she drew near to the table, reaching out a finger to touch the blue stones

She locked in on that, saw where that must have gone, made sure there was nothing else in the area, and drew an arrow sighted toward that area

The other one still drew blood from her, and the tentacle continued to draw her in

I remember the late summer clouds and us sitting on the shoreline picking out the best ones when he drew my attention to the water, ‘See how the light from the sky colours the sea? The clouds are making the water grey, like slate

He took a wand and drew a curve representing the bottom of the globe, then drew the bundle off of it

He drew the cross section of how that was mounted into the tower now, it was just a sketch, the detailed drawing was in his head, this was a backup recording

He drew the range of motion he could get in the bundle

Her simple presence drew respect from the whole room

Alan drew a deep breath

Outside several brick-heads straggled past, making crying noises until they drew level then howled a juvenile howl to their friends inside who promptly got up, paid their bill and left

The black drew up his last reserves of energy and used it in one final assault with a blast so intense he hoped to destroy Collin

But on the afternoon of the get-together Virgenia’s drew people from all over the village and they sat and chatted and played with the children and the children thought it was just like a holiday

The temple was ancient and drew in

A commotion near the entrance to the Hold drew her attention; she could see two rows of warriors lined up facing fifteen to twenty Scathers

Alexis drew me over to the mill and the extent of what had been developing was evident once the entrance was open

‘ He pointed to a space between the rocks and as we drew closer we could see it had been a woman

Altera said swordplay would do and drew her sword, taking a stance

On those occasions when the music filtered through the vapours that she drew around herself, she sunk her long, splintered fingernails into the woodchip wallpaper, ripping huge tears in the outer fabric of her bedroom walls

Ish pulled Ali’s arm and drew him into his lap

and as she drew closer to the turmoil she recognised the grin of the

Rhett and Drew are fraternal twins,

Drew and His Traumatic Deliver y

At four years old, Drew still wasn’t

Psychological testing showed that Drew had a high

explanation for what was going on with Drew

Drew might have trapped emotions, not realizing that

home when they were a couple of days old but Drew

listen helplessly as Drew screamed in terror while they

were amazed by what Drew had perceived as an infant,

As he closed the panel, she turned around and leaned back on him and drew his hands around her

She lead him over to his couch, she stood by the back of it and drew him close, he followed like a lamb to slaughter, still sweating in fear of that tungsten

She leaned back over the back of the couch and drew his hands to her once again

As the day drew closer she told Myra she did not want to leave her; she feared for her safety

«Ah, so it’s working,» he said, and probed her til she drew her legs up

She hung her head and started to crawl back to her position by the mast, but Patass’ arm went around her waist and drew her up to sit on his lap

‘I’d like the patient to sleep for six hours,’ the doctor told me as he drew the curtains

But it was what came next that drew the most noise from the crowd, the bulls

The results drew his eye and from then on he looked at Rayne with new respect

His second run was a perfectly done simple vault with a grandstanding one-handed pat on the bull’s rump as he sailed over that drew more catcalls and hoisted flaggons from his buddies

I drew by impression out of the

homeland and drew in sympathy

«What we understand in common,» he said and drew an oval on the board

48Which, when it was full, they drew to shore, and sat down, and gathered the good

25Now his elder son was in the field: and as he came and drew nigh to the house, he

34And when the time of the fruit drew near, he sent his servants to the husbandmen,

filtered through the vapours that she drew around herself, she sunk

She drew it out and palmed it

” She drew a breath and continued, “You know what this sounds like to me?” she asked

their packs and drew out water bottles and cigarette packets

disappeared as the horse drew close

Inspiration striking, he drew closer to the other two and asked,

companions drew closer to the centre of the hamlet

hSkaiya’s head even drew back, though she remained silent

And that dark harbor too, maybe not AS bad, but it is a deserted and derelict place that she drew, I’m afraid she was feeling that inside

Kassim drew on the pipe, inhaled, and blew it out in

He reached into his pocket and drew out the phone – a text message

As the winter drew on, Tom found himself spending more and

‘Never touch me again, is that clear?’ he drew back

” Kulai drew a deep breath, “So now, the key

The troop drew up again, and the Major addressed them

His head drew back, but he answered her honestly, “Athnu,” he said

Buttworst drew equations on the board

which, as he drew closer, he could see was a map of the area

as Bram drew back his hood and said, “Hello, old friend

He drew up a chair and sat down by the bed

  • Use the word Draw in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I draw the court’s attention to the unwearied vigilance… of the mortal enemies of these rats:

And sharing it with people — win, lose, or draw.

We also have climate control equipment like these curtains that draw across underneath the glazing at night when its very cold so we have an extra insulating layer for accomplishing that.

Russia got draw with Turks.

Gizella, if you would permit me to draw you it would be a miracle of art

It meant he»d given us the word to draw men out of the dark sea into the light.

I allow myself to draw your attention to the fact that Countess Told is also in the house!

Then I discovered that vampires draw their shadowy power from the cursed ground in which they are buried.

He was ready to draw his sword and show them. But one look at Namie’s tears and he lost all force.

«Verily, I say unto you: the days of which the Apocalypse speaks draw nigh!»

Verily, I say unto you: the days of which the Apocalypse speaks draw nigh…!

«Take that out o’ here — before you draw the police!»

We draw crisscross hearts.

«The shorter, you lose, the longer, you win… We must to draw thrice, ok?

Now, please, draw a rough map for me showing your positions, brigade numbers, disposition, hour of attack, purpose, number of men.

# Every day I could draw money, # a thousand francs from the bank, # and live like the Shah of Persia, # all my life long.

# Every day I could draw money, # a thousand francs from the bank, # and live like the Shah of Persia # my whole life long.

If I draw high, the debt’s canceled.

I’ll discuss the simultaneously produced Spanish-language versi├│n, also included on this special edition, and will draw extensively from Stoker’s original novel, from the stage adaptations, from Universal’s final shooting script, and earlier scripts and treatments,

I’ll draw the police to the north side.

We can draw up our will now.

But we must draw a firm line between ourselves and this man they’re looking for!

However, it’s difficult for you to draw this landscape.

You’d better to draw this.

Archer didn’t have time to draw.

Someone to draw your bath, lay out your clothes help to dress you.

I’ll draw on my imagination, I suppose.

Did Conrad draw on his imagination?

I’ll play you poker, stud or draw, Clobyosh, rummy, high or low pinochle, I’ll even cut your high cards.

Well, I can’t bet in to a one-card draw.

draw another cup of java.

Everybody’s coming in to draw their money out.

We’ll draw up an option on your stock.

You didn’t see me draw my money out, did you?

it’s to draw out the wine.

It’s to draw out the salt.

Say, you want to draw another paycheck, don’t you?

Whenever I see her, I’m scared she’ll draw a gun.

I draw decorative designs for them.

You could draw a bucket from the well and stick your head in it.

They met in the street, high noon, and waited to draw.

You draw up the papers and I’ll get it signed.

Did you ever draw a big heart on the sidewalk with an arrow through it?

 Meanings and Examples of DRAW


 v.  pull or direct something in a particular direction

 v.  make a picture of something or someone with a pencil or pen

 v.  attract attention or interest

Classic Sentence: (210 in 15 pages)

1  Ethan, glaring at his face in the glass, threw his head back to draw the razor from ear to chin.

2  The cat had sprung to Zeena’s rocking-chair, and the heat of the fire was beginning to draw out the faint sharp scent of the geraniums.

3  The clumps of trees in the snow seemed to draw together in ruffled lumps, like birds with their heads under their wings; and the sky, as it paled, rose higher, leaving the earth more alone.

4  She tried to draw deep breaths but Mammy’s lacings were too tight.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VI

5  The insult had occurred on a day when Pitty wished to draw five hundred dollars from her estate, of which he was trustee, to invest in a non-existent gold mine.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER VIII

6  «I have nothing more to say to you, Captain Butler,» she said as formally as she could, trying to draw the rags of her dignity about her.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER IX

7  His lips traveled to her wrist and she knew he must feel the leap of her pulse as her heart quickened and she tried to draw back her hand.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XIX

8  She did not draw rein but as she galloped madly toward them, she waved her arm back in the direction from which she had come.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXVII

9  But if I tried to draw a draft on it, the Yankees would be on me like a duck on a June bug and then neither of us would get it.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXIV

10  She lay relaxed for a moment, trying to summon anger to her aid, trying to draw on her strength.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XXXIV

11  He never once had to draw a pistol or even lay his hand on his belt.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLII

12  Just as she was beginning to draw a breath of relief, her heart rose in her throat with sudden fright, for a huge negro slipped silently from behind a large oak tree.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLIV

13  There was a sense of leashed power straining beneath his calm that made her draw back, a little frightened.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLVII

14  The two thousand dollars was right there waiting for her whenever she cared to draw against it.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LII

15  «Ah, darling,» she said coming forward, hoping he would put out his arms and draw her to his knees.

Gone With The Wind By Margaret Mitche
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER LXIII

Example Sentence: (139 in 10 pages)

16  I’ll draw you a map of how to get to my house.

17  The draw for the raffle takes place on Saturday.

18  The debater was quick on the draw.

19  The debater was fast on the draw.

20  The game ended in a draw.

21  The reader is left to draw his or her own conclusions.

22  Our car broke down and we had to draw it to a garage.

23  The interviewers have to draw up a shortlist of five or six people.

24  They had been dueling for hours and finally called a draw.

25  He let down a bucket into the well to draw water.

26  His novels draw heavily on his childhood.

27  I’ve been asked to draw up the cleaning rota.

28  The club secretary will now draw the raffle.

29  You would not want for a friend as long as I draw breath.

30  In the end, a draw was a fair result.

  • noun object

    — a gully that is shallower than a ravine

  • verb contact

    — cause to move by pulling

    draw a wagon

  • verb possession

    — get or derive

  • noun person

    — an entertainer who attracts large audiences

    he was the biggest drawing card they had

  • verb contact

    — make a mark or lines on a surface

    draw a line

  • noun event

    — the finish of a contest in which the score is tied and the winner is undecided

    the game ended in a draw

  • noun artifact

    — anything (straws or pebbles etc.) taken or chosen at random

    the luck of the draw

  • verb cognition

    — make, formulate, or derive in the mind

    I draw a line here

  • noun artifact

    — a playing card or cards dealt or taken from the pack

    he got a pair of kings in the draw

  • verb motion

    — bring, take, or pull out of a container or from under a cover

    draw a weapon

  • verb creation

    — represent by making a drawing of, as with a pencil, chalk, etc. on a surface

  • noun act

    — a golf shot that curves to the left for a right-handed golfer

  • noun act

    — (American football) the quarterback moves back as if to pass and then hands the ball to the fullback who is running toward the line of scrimmage

  • verb motion

    — take liquid out of a container or well

  • verb communication

    — give a description of

  • noun act

    — poker in which a player can discard cards and receive substitutes from the dealer

    he played only draw and stud

  • verb cognition

    — select or take in from a given group or region

    The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population

  • noun act

    — the act of drawing or hauling something

  • verb emotion

    — elicit responses, such as objections, criticism, applause, etc.

  • verb consumption

    — suck in or take (air)

    draw a deep breath

  • verb motion

    — move or go steadily or gradually

  • verb possession

    — remove (a commodity) from (a supply source)

  • verb competition

    — choose at random

    draw a card

  • verb creation

    — earn or achieve a base by being walked by the pitcher

  • verb change

    — bring or lead someone to a certain action or condition

    She was drawn to despair

  • verb motion

    — to obtain a liquid from somewhere

  • verb creation

    — write a legal document or paper

    The deed was drawn in the lawyer’s office

  • verb creation

    — engage in drawing

    He spent the day drawing in the garden

  • verb contact

    — move or pull so as to cover or uncover something

    draw the shades

  • verb stative

    — allow a draft

    This chimney draws very well

  • verb stative

    — require a specified depth for floating

    This boat draws 70 inches

  • verb social

    — pull (a person) apart with four horses tied to his extremities, so as to execute him

    in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes

  • verb motion

    — cause to move in a certain direction by exerting a force upon, either physically or in an abstract sense

  • verb contact

    — take in, also metaphorically

  • verb contact

    — direct toward itself or oneself by means of some psychological power or physical attributes

  • verb contact

    — thread on or as if on a string

  • verb contact

    — stretch back a bowstring (on an archer’s bow)

    The archers were drawing their bows

  • verb contact

    — pass over, across, or through

  • verb competition

    — finish a game with an equal number of points, goals, etc.

  • verb change

    — shrink

  • verb change

    — reduce the diameter of (a wire or metal rod) by pulling it through a die

    draw wire

  • verb change

    — steep; pass through a strainer

    draw pulp from the fruit

  • verb change

    — remove the entrails of

    draw a chicken

  • verb change

    — flatten, stretch, or mold metal or glass, by rolling or by pulling it through a die or by stretching

    draw steel

  • verb body

    — cause to localize at one point

    Draw blood and pus

  • Sentences for draw. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use draw in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for draw.

    • But I cannot draw back. (10)
    • The wrist I draw corks with. (8)
    • Draw your chair nearer, my dear. (4)
    • You must draw the line somewhere. (8)
    • Nesta did not draw back her hand. (10)
    • And she still had the power to draw him. (8)
    • He heard her draw her breath in sharply. (8)
    • What is more sacred than each breath we draw? (8)
    • Why did she draw back and look so grave at me? (4)
    • She tried to touch him, to draw him to a chair. (10)
    • She tried to touch him, to draw him to a chair. (22)
    • The remaining five were now to draw their cards. (4)
    • It seemed to draw all the flies from far and near. (5)
    • You are the fountainhead at which we draw and drink. (8)
    • Get your own lawyer to draw it up and make him trustee. (8)
    • A mocking laugh caused him to draw it back as if stung. (10)
    • Who would not wish his picture to draw a crowd about it? (9)
    • No, Sir; I meant to draw his attention to it in the morning. (8)
    • You draw out a board and lodge in your carriage as in a bed. (10)
    • You can draw your revolver as you did the other day and fire. (12)
    • And your activity is the interest you draw from it to live on. (10)
    • Soames hated sunshine, and he at once got up, to draw the blind. (8)
    • Mrs. Bellew did not kiss him, neither did she draw back her face. (8)
    • He left it at once to draw the cork of a pint-bottle of champagne. (8)
    • He does not draw his sabre; his right hand hangs easily at his side. (1)
    • I may give that impression, but you must not draw false inferences. (12)
    • Under his father he learned to draw pleasure-pigs and other animals. (8)
    • She felt, and shuddered to feel, that she could draw from dark stores. (10)
    • The name of Cecil caused her to draw in her shoulders in a half-shudder. (10)
    • Frances Freeland seemed to draw her smile more resolutely across her face. (8)
    • His valet passed across the room to shut the window and draw the curtains. (8)
    • You wish to say that you think me betrayed, and therefore I may draw back? (10)
    • He could only draw down the corners of his mouth hard, and glance up queerly. (10)
    • She went on smiling, and seeming to draw closer to him and throw down defences. (10)
    • He could not recall one single little thing that she had done to draw him to her. (8)
    • Not only his blossoms withered, his being seemed to draw in its shoots and twigs. (10)
    • He turned away from that scented darkness, and began to draw the corks of winebottles. (8)
    • To draw and expend the interest should be a privilege reserved to me and my successors. (12)
    • It was like watching a starved plant draw up water, to see her drink in his companionship. (8)
    • They draw together, as people do, discussing the misfortunes of members of their families. (8)
    • Mrs. Pendyce had begun to draw her needle in and out with a half-startled look on her face. (8)
    • I recognized our Fallow field host, and thinking to draw him out, I told our mutual histories. (10)
    • We had to draw lots who should keep by Catman out of twenty-seven; fifteen blanks were marked. (10)
    • He was suffering, and by being brutal he expected to draw balm on himself; nor was he deceived. (10)
    • He refused to draw the reins till they had reached the village, where one of the horses dropped. (10)
    • He distrusted from the bottom of his soul those who had such manifest power to draw things from you. (8)
    • The last office of the four carriage-horses was to draw Sir Walter, Miss Elliot, and Mrs Clay to Bath. (4)
    • Besides, a Queen of Blondes would not draw the hearts out of men in England, as in Italy and in Spain. (10)
    • Like a thing aroused from sleep the forgotten creature started and began to draw the cabman away from us. (8)
    • He forced her to swallow the calumny, and draw away with her family against herself through strong disgust. (10)
    • Lilies, swimming on the mere, In the castle shadow, Under draw their heads, and Fear Walks the misty meadow. (10)
    • Nesta had seen it, and had taken her impressions; she, too, shrank from it; the more when impelled to draw near it. (10)
    • He thought of writing to the Times the next morning, to draw the attention of the Editor to the condition of our parks. (8)
    • I saw him draw back surprised, and I was sorry that Mrs. Rushworth should resent any former supposed slight to Miss Bertram. (4)
    • They were opposites, but she counted a good deal upon that very difference in their temperaments to draw them to each other. (9)
    • I have been such a perpetual dish of vinegar under his nose for the last month, that the poor fellow sniffs when I draw near. (10)
    • Mrs. March felt that all this was weakening her moral fibre; but she tried to draw the line at letting Burnamy keep the group. (9)
    • Dahlia, seeing that every one moved away from her, whispering with satisfied noddings, wished to draw her in among the groups. (10)
    • An architect has it in his power to draw his specifications in such a manner that only a few favored contractors will dare to bid. (13)
    • The metropolis supplies the Sunday reading of the American people, largely because it has the resources of Grub Street to draw upon. (16)
    • So vigorously replied the ramparts that Phips was obliged to draw off for a while, not renewing his bombardment until the next morning. (19)
    • These are so substantially built, and often so artistic in conception, that they have become common models from which to draw inspiration. (17)
    • This fever seems to attack the membranes of the stomach, and if you apply external applications, you draw the congestion from the vital spot. (18)
    • Sometime, I believe, the artist and his public will draw nearer together in a mutual understanding, though perhaps not in our present conditions. (9)
    • It grew dark, but she did not draw the curtains; the sight of the windy moonlit garden and the leaves driving across brought a melancholy distraction. (8)
    • He calls for less scrutiny of the character of the allies the anti-slavery people draw to themselves, and more political forethought and practical sense. (14)

    Also see sentences for: allure, attract, drag, draught, engage, haul, induce.

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