Use the word dozens in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word dozens, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use dozens in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «dozens».

Dozens in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word dozens in a sentence.

  1. The park contains dozens of other granite domes.

  2. Omar destroyed dozens of businesses on the island.

  3. He owned dozens of slaves in Fort Hill, South Carolina.

  4. By this time, dozens of specimens had been referred to S.

  5. Their smuggling of medical supplies saved dozens of lives.

  6. A woman walks past dozens of wrapped bodies awaiting burial.

  7. As of 2020 Minneapolis is home to dozens of theater companies.

  8. Sheridan employed dozens of children, including Grimaldi, as extras at Drury Lane.

  9. Like dozens that had preceded it, the 1997 Qayen event was of significant magnitude.

  10. She played dozens of similar roles while contracted with Fox Film from 1915 to 1919.

  11. Many dozens of warheads would need to arrive at the same time to overwhelm the system.

  12. Her choices filled at least eleven top-level positions and dozens more lower-level ones.

  13. The atmosphere was made more tense by unrest in Mexico City before the Games, which left dozens dead.

  14. Gorgosaurus is the best-represented tyrannosaurid in the fossil record, known from dozens of specimens.

  15. High waves along the coast damaged lobster traps and dozens of boats, many of which were driven ashore.

  16. Billboards and signs were also destroyed, and dozens of vehicles were crushed by trees and other debris.

  17. This was one of dozens of mass protest meetings held in 1819, until the Six Acts put an end to protests.

  18. As well as their four main aspects, the Bakabs had dozens of other aspects that are not well understood.

  19. Tarbosaurus is represented by dozens of fossil specimens, including several complete skulls and skeletons.

  20. In Columbia County, dozens of buildings suffered near or total destruction, while nine people were killed.

  21. On the day of the rehearsal, Xuxa carried a suitcase with dozens of wigs that were used in the photo essay.

  22. In addition to Spaniards, the invasion force probably included dozens of armed African slaves and freedmen.

  23. These operations captured dozens of ships and caused panic and disruption to French strategy in the region.

  24. By the 19th century, series such as Hiroshige’s Fifty-three Stations of the Tōkaidō ran to dozens of prints.

  25. By the evening of the 29th, red flags of revolution flew from the masts of dozens of warships in the harbor.

  26. Ma-Ma orders Dredd and Anderson killed, forcing the Judges to fight their way through dozens of armed thugs.

  27. These families have been documented in dozens of different protein and protein family databases such as Pfam.

  28. As a single ICBM could carry as many as a dozen warheads, dozens of defense missiles were required per attacking missile.

  29. Brackets can range from only a single row of a few caps, to dozens of rows of caps that can weigh several hundred pounds.

  30. Enormous encyclopedic volumes were compiled, such as works of historiography and dozens of treatises on technical subjects.

  31. From the 1850s, the Parsi theatre tradition in India transformed Hamlet into folk performances, with dozens of songs added.

  32. By the mid-1950s, dozens of the ministers associated with Branham and his campaigns had launched similar healing campaigns.

  33. Ruth, Gehrig, DiMaggio, Mantle, Mattingly, Jeter, and dozens of other players impossible to forget have worn their uniform.

  34. Cope’s journey took the expedition through rugged country only Hayden had surveyed, and he discovered dozens of new species.

  35. An abundance of fossil leaves found at dozens of different sites indicates that the area was largely forested by small trees.

  36. He discovered, described, and named more than 1,000 vertebrate species, including hundreds of fishes and dozens of dinosaurs.

  37. The club dredged Melville Cove, added a «marine railway», and created a large marina, at which dozens of boats are now docked.

  38. Even proof coins—with mintages in the dozens or low hundreds—sold on the secondary market at a slight increase from face value, and probably many were spent in hard times.

  39. Today there are dozens of sites with substantial temple remains, although many more once existed, and none of the major temples in Lower or Middle Egypt are well preserved.

  40. Up to 4 ft (1.2 m) of water from the Pungo River flooded most of the city of Belhaven, and similar flooding occurred in Washington, entering dozens of buildings and houses.

  41. The label’s aggressive marketing of 1975’s Fleetwood Mac, in which links with dozens of FM and AM radio stations were formed across America, aided the promotion of Rumours.

  42. Perfect scores of 1,000 in events are recorded regularly, and there have been cases of dozens of medal winners for a single event because of perfect and near-perfect scores.

Synonyms for dozens

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word dozens has the following synonyms: tons, heaps, lots, mountain, piles, scores, stacks, loads, rafts, slews, wads, oodles, gobs, scads and lashings.

General information about «dozens» example sentences

The example sentences for the word dozens that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «dozens» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «dozens».

There was an entry that said in addition to the dozens of irons and nickels melting out of a piece of Brazilian dinnerware, there would be one or two chromiums or a vanadium, sometimes even a titanium or even tungsten

There were dozens of them and he had to go thru pictures, but he found the right one

armor-plated silver Mercedes limo at the lead of the column as dozens of soldiers jump out of jeeps and APCs with weapons drawn

That snowflake would have left one of the larger of the dozens of pinholes thru the soft aluminum framework of any large structural member of the Lula

There were too many Gnomes on the streets, reminding you that the cellars go down dozens of floors in that area, damp with seepage from the great canals above

» He immediately launched into a recitation of many biblical passages exhorting one to speak the truth to the master like 1 Kings 22:16 and all those in Proverbs all the way to Zachariah 8:16, dozens of passages in all

The trouble is for every vase that appears on the market, there could have been dozens more that get damaged or abandoned

of the house had an elaborate rangoli, dozens of lamps and fresh flowers

“He was an amateur historian,” Yellelle said, “not an interior designer, there were dozens of professional interior designers at work in the temple at any one time

There were more luxury towers on the great cliffs and dozens of elevators whisking people from the outer harbors to the heights

Dozens of hangers shuttled by in each direction over them while they waited in that traffic

“We each have no more than one neuron in each body, dozens to trillions of souls each have a neuron in each body

Each soul is spread over billions of bodies, anywhere from dozens to billions of souls share each dark body

It had been the first of dozens of short relationships of only a few years each, and close enough to Herndon to call it a rebound

had stirred up, how much trouble could she be in? She thought of the movie they had seen the previous evening and was reminded of the fact that dozens of councilmen at the Kassikan could cause more trouble for her than the owner of any fashion house

Sitting there at looms were dozens of fairy ladies, who turned to stare at him, then whispered to each other excitedly

The discovery of an unknown basin with dangerous inhabitants was much too big an event, a young ventriloquist practicing his act alone is much more probable, happens dozens of times all over the world every year

There were dozens of little pegs and hoses sticking out of it

He was still asleep halfway back in the balcony with dozens of other dozers and semi-dozers

Dozens of giant stone slabs arose from the ground

Currently he had dozens of mages, some of which actually had rankings within the Order, and now the Red Mage spent a great deal of his time training those he found, hoping to hone their skills and prepare them to face the coming onslaught of undead

dozens of fleeing monks during his ascent, but they’d all

«And if we would really show our God the devotion he is really due, we are here today with dozen’s of Sodoms and dozens more Gomorrahs spread below us

away there were several dozens of individuals

several hours, during which they sing dozens of

She still had dozens more cached on the hillside

As far as I know, it could have happened a month ago, and each day holds dozens of names in its columns

Through many tales, you heard me say that I’ve slain dozens who

Reia chuckled, “We’ve been on dozens of these sorts of missions

Inside the walls of the house were dozens of shiny metallic structures interlaced at odd angles

“I’d bet that they launched dozens and dozens of these things to cover most of the planet surface

“We’ve opened our Temples to you, lost dozens of our Guardians trying to protect you, and it’s still not enough

Sebastian hated walking in the open, the dozens of tunnels in the walls feeling like eyes watching their every move

During the day when the Welsh had gone there was lots to do around the trenches stacking ammunition and flares, rations and the there was sentry duty and observation duty as well as dozens of other things

he could see dozens of fish meandering gently between the fronds

” That brought a wave of shocked murmurs from dozens of nearby soldiers, including the Immortal Kings and Torin and Kailus

Tanriel still hovered at the peak of the clouds, and dozens of red spears flew from her hands to punch through vampire flesh, setting them to flames

It must have been nearly two hours after Adem and the kings had left that lightning flared in the night sky, roaring thunder and dozens of thick blue bolts falling in the distance

Of course, he would be able to afford dozens more pairs of breeding dogs like these with the gold he was promised

And oh, by the way, North Korea failed to make the list, published not so very long after their navy attacked a South Korean warship, killing dozens

himself there were dozens of things he should be doing, but when he dwelt on the matter he could

I remember an accident where a bus had overturned and dozens of people had been killed

When Amaranthe leaned over the railing, her light reflected off exposed ice, mimicking dozens of yellow eyes staring at her

» Poor Hetty had not the dozens of books you have, and these were treasures

Light blue had crept into the eastern sky, but trees and bushes created shadows and offered dozens of hiding spots on either side of the trail

Dozens of soldiers streamed here and there

Better a bit of politicking than dozens of hangings

Thus dozens of towns practically came under Cuban administration

Out of the many dozens of people who actually tried to kill a celebrity or public official not a single one made a threat to do so beforehand

He also owned dozens of slaves, but called for ending slavery

I was very far behind in a huge truck that transported the field hospital with dozens of beds, mobile operating rooms, an assortment of devices and stretchers

We returned to our makeshift camp where a tent hospital had been erected and dozens of wounded were lying on stretchers awaiting treatment

I went through the lists and dozens of notes and tried to find the notes that I had left, but the board had expanded and got so full that my notes had simply disappeared

These were my sister Lilka’s albums and they contained dozens of family pictures

Thus by any reasonable standard, Obama has caused far more murders than Bush, by a factor of dozens more

) Once Kerry was defeated, demonstrations that once attracted tens of thousands now had hundreds, even dozens

Even before that, the Confederacy had already attacked the US dozens of times, by its takeover of federal forts, customs houses, courthouses, and other federal buildings

While most sovereign citizens prefer paper terrorism, there are also dozens of incidents of violence committed by them

Furthermore, they branded the approaching war as “unilateral”, notwithstanding the fact that dozens of nations kept enlisting in support of the military effort led by the United States

Dozens of people crisscrossed the room, men in sharp black suits threading their way among various tradesmen

I have never witnessed such chaos at any airport, including London’s where I had previously stopped dozens of times

Was this guy totally whacked out, just trying to impress her with a fancy line of crap – or what? He certainly had some astonishing bullshit! Dozens of questions sprang to mind yet, with a knowing smile, she feigned having familiarity with it all and, to allow herself pause to think, began rolling a joint

) Private armies of Americans invaded dozens of countries before the Civil War

) As the US recovered from the Civil War and those with memories of it died off, starting in the 1890s the US military invaded Latin American nations dozens of times, at times occupying countries for decades

Caroline took her time, considering dozens of schemes searching for the most wicked, before deciding to inform on him for drug trafficking

jagged menace that dozens of seagulls on the rock took flight

There seemed to be dozens of these huge constructs in regular intervals, as if an architect blessed with godly sight had deemed to place them all over the landscape which in itself was another peculiarity: as far as the eye could see the horizon was covered in shades of greenery, spotted in parts by yellow and red patches

I played with him, watched movies with him, and read him dozens of books, which at his request included the Bible

Dozens more arrived from through-out Germany and Western Europe each week, and it seemed that the population of Camp 146 would never be reduced to zero

You can see the trees now, can’t you? We’re not that far off, just a few more dozens of steps

He heard the murmur of dozens of simultaneous conversations echoing through corridors of time and, rising above them, the baritone voice of Raul: “Well, you look like shit, cousin

As the pair sat in the restaurant’s dim yet ruddy glow, the result of dozens of oil lamps in wall-mounted sconces, reflecting back from the deeply-grained mahogany paneling, glowing with its fine polish, he marveled at the physical perfection that were her shoulders, her dimples, revealed whenever she smiled, giggled or even pouted impishly

and his companions could see dozens of different

Fandango had rocked out dozens of air flares and halos but for whatever reason, he never did straight up head spins

A strip of land juts out into the marsh, and rising from it is a giant white wheel with dozens of red passenger cars dangling from it at regular intervals

For a moment, the room is silent, and then fists pound against my window, not just two or four or six, but dozens of fists with dozens of fingers, slamming into the glass

There are dozens of them, each one showing a different part of the city

of Corporations and dozens of other identifications

Dozens of fans positioned around the room serve only to blow the hot air around, so I am already sweating

She had been asked by her mother dozens of times, why she never liked Ash and in truth, Selena never had a reasonable response for that question

Selena had taken down dozens of them by herself before

There were dozens of them

around him; Jeremiah took out dozens at a time with one fist; Wynne put to use

Throughout the UK (and abroad) we have dozens of mastermind groups, who meet in

dozens that are useless

The following pages are just a few of the dozens of success stories I receive from thrilled users of the program who achieving investing:

Dozens of shanty homes and shacks similar to those of

dozens of new cash paying members each week

You’ll have dozens of emotional response ad headlines and copy, ready for you to customize and use

Dozens of “insider only” tricks and secrets that add incredible pulling power to your

There were dozens of them, marching from the bowels of the castle out through the courtyard

Dozens of scrolls were signed by individuals who vowed they were tortured to give their fortune to the future king on Earth

to the dozens of bottles whizzing past at speed, it seemed to them that he was the Supersuds version of George Hamilton but in

Author and social theorist George Gilder, and editor and publisher Richard Vigilante, observe in a joint article on the subject that there are dozens of computer models, and none of them is the same as any other

That included making dozens of “midnight appointments” to fill as many administrative and judicial posts in the government as possible with Federalist sympathizers before the Republicans took over

Inside of the double horns is a clear protective area where dozens of small, black, reflective eyes sit

There are dozens of brown scallop shells that resemble lasagna ruffles on the floor

The alien scallops have dozens of glowing eyes all across its shell

There are dozens of red snakes with little legs and hard, narrow, glowing shells on their backs

dozens — перевод на русский

— I’ve amputated a dozen legs today.

— Я сегодня ампутировал дюжину ног!

I phoned your house a dozen times.

я звонил тебе домой дюжину раз.

Listen, I’m taking along a dozen pair of scissors with me to write you with.

ѕослушай, € возьму с собой дюжину ножниц, чтобы писать тебе.

— I could eat a half dozen right now.

Селедку ешь? — Могу съесть дюжину.

I believe you’re sorry, because you’re not marrying some oaf, who’d father on you a dozen snivelling, dirty-nosed brats.

Думаю, вам грустно, что вы не выходите замуж за какого–нибудь растяпу, который наплодит вам дюжину сопливых детишек.

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I’ve had dozens of horses shoot out from under me.

И десятки лошадей меня сбрасывали.

Dozens of the prettiest little homes you ever saw, 90% owned by suckers who used to pay rent to you. Your Potter’s Field, my dear Mr. Employer, is becoming just that.

Десятки прекрасных домов, и 90% из них принадлежит этим бездарям, которые раньше платили вам.

I’ve killed dozens of people, in pictures.

Я убил десятки людей в кино.

I saw her in and out of this building a dozen times, day and night.

Я видела ее десятки раз выходящей отсюда днем и ночью.

But we have dozens of these assignments tonight.

Однако этой ночью у нас десятки таких заданий

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Bring a half a dozen new decks of cards.

Принеси полдюжины новых колод.

Go downstairs and get a half a dozen new decks.

Спустись и купи полдюжины новых колод.

Imagine! Half a dozen princesses taking a bath.

Представь себе, полдюжины купающихся принцесс.

Someone, you, Davis, get me some blankets and a half a dozen sheets, anywhere here in the neighborhood, and be quick.

Кто-нибудь, Дэвис, найдите несколько одеял и полдюжины простыней, где-нибудь здесь, в округе, и побыстрее.

This and a half a dozen other spots are owned by a very nice guy named Mel Phillips.

Это и полдюжины других мест, принадлежат милому парню Мелу Филлипсу.

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Dozen of everything.

множество вещиц.

I’ve had a couple of dozen phone calls tonight…

Я уже получил множество звонков за сегодняшний вечер …

As for white convertibles, there are dozens of them in this city.

Что касается белой машины, то таких в городе множество.

ln recent days, dozens of attacks have taken place in the city.

В последние дни совершено множество нападений по всему городу.

Trinia, like dozens of other planets, was conquered by my forces, its human population driven underground to mine the crystals, allowing me to reprogram thousands of your mining robots into soldiers.

Триния, как и множество других планет, была завоёвана моими войсками, её человеческое население, загнанное под землю, добывает кристаллы, что позволило мне перепрограммировать тысячи роботов-рудокопов в солдат.

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They got a dozen counts against them.

Против них много обвинений.

Girls are a dime a dozen.

Девушек так много вокруг.

I have dozens of things to do.

У меня много дел.

I’ve met dozens of girls who have done it.

Я знаю много девушек, которые сделали это.

There’re Ludmillas by the dozens here.

Их здесь много.

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Why, man, he’s got a dozen charges against him.

На нем висит куча преступлений.

With all the clowns who come in here, there’ll be dozens.

После этих клоунов их там куча.

He’s got a dozen lawsuits pending.

У него уже куча процессов за спиной.

I’ve got half a dozen people out here thinking I’m making a phone call to my next of kin.

Вокруг меня куча народа, и они считают, что я звоню ближайшему родственнику.

I’ve got half a dozen people out here…

Вокруг меня куча народа…

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I’ve gone over these cables half a dozen times.

Я уже шесть раз проверил кабели.

Have a half dozen squadrons break formation and go after them.

Пусть шесть эскадр сломают строй и выступят против штурмовиков.

It’s been a week of round-the-clock flights involving efforts of half a dozen Northeast air rescue stations.

Целую неделю круглосуточно не прекращались поиски были задействованы шесть спасательных станций.

And the second our cloak failed, half a dozen Annari warships came after us-— one little medical transport.

И второе — когда маскировка отказала, шесть военных кораблей аннари пришло за нами, за одним маленьким медицинским транспортом.

I’ve left you, like, half a dozen messages.

Я оставил тебе на автоответчике шесть сообщений.

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Myself I could have saved a dozen times. But not at that boy’s expense.

Я мог спастись десять раз, но не за счет этого парня.

I took it out of my desk a dozen times,but I couldn’t sign it.

Десять раз перечитывал, но не подписал.

They could have destroyed us dozens of times.

Ну, они могли уничтожить нас, раз десять.

I don’t care if it’s dozens!

А хоть бы и десять!

If you want, punch him a dozen times.

Если хочешь, ударь его раз десять.

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In fact, we knocked over half a dozen machine gun nests.

Мы захватили двенадцать пулеметных гнезд.

I called that Miss Fern on the telephone a dozen times.

Я звонила этой мисс Ферн раз двенадцать.

It is a business of some heat. Galleys sent a dozen sequent messengers this very night at one another’s heels.

гонцов двенадцать Один вслед за другим пришли с галер Сегодня ночью;

A dozen eggs, ma»am.

Двенадцать яиц, мадам.

Tomorrow at daybreak two-thirds of Milton’s horses will be movin’ out toward Abilene with only a dozen of Mendez’s men riding’ herd on them.

— Завтра на рассвете табунщики Милтона погонят стадо в Абилин. Их будет всего двенадцать человек.

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Look outside. There are two dozen cars waiting for their owners.

Посмотрите во двор и увидите там их штук двадцать,и все ждут хозяина.

I’m talking, like, five dozen eggs and a whole pig a day.

Серьёзно, штук по 50 яиц и по целой свинье в день.

Man, I must have checked three dozen motels, empty buildings, warehouses.

Черт, я обшарил штук сорок мотелей, заброшенных домов и складов.

You mind if I take a few dozen home?

Можно я возьму домой несколько штук?

— Two dozen.

Штук двадцать.

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1. Dozens of villages have been razed.

2. He’s got dozens of suits but not one of them is presentable.

3. Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.

4. Most office buildings have dozens of air ducts and vents.

5. They arrived in dozens .

6. Eggs are still sold in half dozens.

7. They potted dozens of rabbits.

8. Dozens of people were queueing up to get tickets.

9. Dozens of people were injured as fighting flared up.

10. The gang members committed dozens of armed robberies.

11. Dozens of servants had catered to his every whim.

12. Dozens of photographers were gathered outside Jagger’s villa.

13. There are dozens of different dyes to choose from.

13. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

14. Dozens of well-qualified teachers applied for the headship.

15. There were dozens of people there.

16. They had lifted dozens of CDs from the store.

17. She’s got dozens of boy-friends.

18. Dozens of police descended on the building.

19. Dozens of reporters camped out on her doorstep.

20. I had to plough through dozens of legal documents.

21. I’ve been there dozens of times.

22. Dozens of flats had been completely destroyed.

23. She’s had dozens of boyfriends.

24. Dozens of doctors and nurses have been working day and night for weeks.

25. Dozens of people milled around Charing Cross Road and Denmark Street.

26. We collected dozens and dozens of shells on the beach.

27. Violent storms wreaked havoc on the French Riviera, leaving three people dead and dozens injured.

28. There are all sorts of rumours in the air that dozens of people were dead in the fire.

29. There are all sorts of rumors in the air that dozens of people were dead in the fire.

30. The number of miners killed in the accident runs into dozens.

More similar words: dozen, doze, doze off, bulldoze, bulldozer, cozen, frozen, lozenge, frozen assets, citizenship, zen, ooze, booze, froze, boozer, brazen, zenith, snooze, bedizen, wizened, denizen, citizen, schmooze, brazenly, mao zedong, brazenness, senior citizen, lens, men’s, tense. 

  • Use the word DOZENS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

«The dozens of times I’ve said I won’t have clothes drying in here!»

They’ve got dozens of airplanes to our one, and tanks that’ll go over anything.

He appeared in the opening sequence of Tod Browning’s Freaks in 1932, and in dozens of colourful cameos in major productions such as Morocco, Anna Karenina, and Camille.

News got around among the boys, they’ll be coming by the dozens.

The men I know… and I’ve known dozens of them… they’re so nice… so polished, so considerate.

No doubt, he’s had dozens of aunts.

I’ve only missed out on a couple, and I’ve had dozens.

Listen, there are dozens of girls in this town that are in more danger than they are with me.

Yet other women go there, dozens of them!

Have I tried? dozens of times, my dear benefactor.

Twenty times a day dozens of very passionate lords Offer a queen’s lifetime to deliver them to me.

20 times per day dozens of very passionate lords offer me a lifetime of being a queen if I surrender to them.

I think he’d like to give you a beautiful home, lovely dresses to wear, dozens of dolls, and send you to the grandest kind of school and all sorts of nice things like that.

I don’t like Mr. Lorry sending dozens of people to look after us we don’t want.

I know, Miss Clayton. But in the past few weeks I’ve tried dozens of firms.

His ordinary soldiers are deserting by the dozens for the lack of rice.

I’ve attended dozens of cases like this.

dozens of boats-Why did you have to take this one?

A real king ought to have dozens of beautiful females… lying around on cushions… and offering him drinks.

dozens of people have come here to do something worthwhile There’s no use of you standing there looking middle aged and bleeding about safety…

You know dozens of men who’d turn handsprings to take you out.

I’ll bet you run into dozens of people who knew us before the divorce.

If I can’t dance with one Linda, I’ll dance with dozens.

I’ve had dozens of cigarette lighters, but they never work.

Knows dozens of them- the sure mark of a fool.

He had women by the dozens and he swore they was his cousins

Does she have cut-glass chandeliers, plush curtains and dozens of mirrors?

We’d have kids, dozens of them…

As for you, baby, Ive known dozens like you sappy kids with a heart like a cur-dog, that answers whistles and figures theyre having a good time.

I see dozens of them each year

Well, there must be dozens.

We’ve tried dozens of metals, lead, copper, iron, aluminum, tin.

And I suppose you didn’t say nice things to me and pay me dozens of compliments and try your best to please me.

I’ve talked to dozens of influential people in London, old friends of whom I’ve never asked a favor before.

The only people who come to the house these days… are tradesmen with unpaid billsÔÇö shoemakers, tailors, dozens of others.

You know, I have dozens of these.

I’ve just got dozens and dozens of invitations.

I met dozens of people last night.

No, it isn’t, I’ve been there dozens of times!

Now, listen, I’ve been lost dozens of times.

You turn men down by the dozens.

No dress was good enough, even though she has dozens.

There are dozens of men with my qualifications.

All right, it’ll be four dozens of these.

Four dozens of these. Mrs. Lewis Dodd, 200 Grosvenor Square.

Dozens of people were killed.

Десятки людей были убиты.

Eggs are still sold in half dozens.

Яйца по-прежнему продаются по шесть штук.

The decision was protested by dozens of people.

Десятки людей выразили своё несогласие с этим решением.

Dozens of houses were flattened by the tornado.

Ураган сравнял с землёй десятки домов.

Some previous reader had covered the pages with dozens of marks.

Кто-то из предыдущих читателей покрыл страницы книги десятками пометок.

The box dropped and dozens of marbles clattered across the floor.

Коробка упала, и десятки стеклянных шариков со стуком рассыпались по полу.

Dozens of people were trapped in the rubble when the building collapsed.

После обрушения здания десятки людей оказались под завалами.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

She’s had dozens of boyfriends.  

They had lifted dozens of CDs from the store.  

The show includes dozens of interesting exhibits.  

…a dozen magnets clinging to the refrigerator…  

She somehow manages to juggle a dozen tasks at once.  

…the prolific penman of dozens of horror stories…  

We collected dozens and dozens of shells on the beach.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Предложения со словом «Dozens»

I researched the dozens of experiments that have been conducted all over the globe, and it didn’t take long before I stumbled upon a story of a town that had done it — had actually eradicated poverty.

Я изучил десятки экспериментов, которые проводились по всему миру, и прошло не так много времени, как я наткнулся на историю городка, в котором это смогли сделать… по — настоящему искоренить нищету.

And if, despite all of this, you are someday diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, there are three lessons I’ve learned from my grandmother and the dozens of people I’ve come to know living with this disease.

И если несмотря на всё это вам поставят диагноз болезни Альцгеймера, вот три урока, которые я усвоила от своей бабушки и дюжины знакомых мне людей с этим заболеванием.

This is just one example of dozens I discovered in researching a book on the relationships between government and industry.

Это всего лишь один из десятков примеров, с которыми я столкнулся, изучая взаимоотношения между правительством и производственной сферой.

Although it varies from asteroid to asteroid, the paths of most asteroids can be predicted for dozens of years.

Хотя они и меняются, траектории большинства можно спрогнозировать на десятки лет вперёд.

We interviewed dozens of industry insiders and asked them about directors.

Были опрошены десятки работников отрасли, мы спрашивали их о режиссёрах.

So we instrumented it with dozens of sensors, put a world-class driver behind the wheel, took it out to the desert and drove the hell out of it for a week.

То есть мы снабдили её десятками датчиков, за руль посадили первоклассного гонщика, пригнали её в пустыню и всю неделю гоняли её с бешеной скоростью.

You can see this before and after, you see dozens of looting pits.

Вы видите, как было до и после, вы видите десятки разграбленных ям.

And it’s really important, because there have been dozens of accidents involving nuclear weapons, and I bet most of us have never heard anything about them.

Это действительно важно, потому что происходят десятки несчастных случаев с участием ядерного оружия, и, могу поспорить, большинство из нас о них даже не догадываются.

Decades later and dozens of countries from all around the world have launched thousands of more satellites into orbit, and the frequency of launches is only going to increase in the future, especially if you consider things like the possibility of 900-plus satellite constellations being launched.

Несколько десятилетий спустя десятки стран по всему миру запустили более тысячи спутников на орбиту, и количество запусков будет только продолжать расти, особенно если учесть возможность запуска целых группировок из более чем 900 спутников.

It included community advocates who were used to fighting against things, but found the Atlanta BeltLine as something that they could fight for, developers who saw the opportunity to take advantage of a lot of new growth in the city, and dozens of nonprofit partners who saw their mission at least partly accomplished by the shared vision.

Куда вошли и общественные активисты, вечно чему — то противостоящие, но готовые поддержать Atlanta BeltLine, и застройщики, увидевшие возможность извлечь выгоду из таких масштабных преобразований города, и десятки некоммерческих организаций, которые сочли, что наши миссии совпадают хотя бы частично, благодаря общим взглядам.

I’ve done this exercise dozens of times around the country.

Я десятки раз называла эти имена по всей стране.

You cost dozens of good, honest people their jobs.

Ты стоил десяткам добрых, честных людей их работы.

He admits responsibility for dozens of attacks on Cardassian targets.

Он признал свою ответственность за многие атаки на кардассианские цели.

With dozens of disappearances and a history of animal attacks.

С десятками исчезновений и историями нападения зверей

There are dozens of engineers that could be doing that.

Есть множество инженеров, которые могли бы этим заняться.

I’d estimate that his victims number in the dozens.

Я предполагаю, что число его жертв измеряется дюжинами.

Very small in area city has managed to accommodate dozens of architectural sights, historical monuments, beautiful parks and squares.

Весьма маленький по площади город сумел вместить в себе десятки архитектурных достопримечательностей, исторических монументов, красивых парков и площадей.

In Minsk there are 6 theaters, concert halls, a circus, dozens of cinemas, many places of culture, libraries, clubs.

В Минске есть 6 театров, концертные залы, цирк, множества кино, много мест культуры, библиотек, клубов.

In Minsk there are 6 theatres, a number of concert halls, a circus, dozens of cinemas, many palaces of culture, libraries and clubs.

В Минске есть 6 театров, множество концертных залов, цирк, множества кино, много дворцов культуры, библиотек и клубов.

There were dozens of tiny scratches amidst the more serious cuts, scratches set into lined patterns.

Кроме глубоких порезов на теле было множество мелких царапин, ряды однотипных линий.

Gunnery Sergeant Wooten has led dozens of Marine Corps Martial Arts training programs in Quantico.

Сержант артилерии Вутн ведет дюжину программ по боевому искусству для морпехов в Квантико.

He was a con artist who treated dozens of mental patients without any actual medical training.

Он был мошенником, который лечил десятки больных пациентов без какого — либо медицинского образования.

There were dozens of files that contained only a single newspaper story and some notes jotted on the file flap.

Во множестве файлов хранились газетные статьи и листки с заметками.

Dozens of extremely potent subversive orders were operating within the Diocca starscraper’s neural strata, virtually isolating it from Rubra’s consciousness.

В нейронных слоях звездоскреба орудовали десятки исключительно мощных троянцев, практически отрезавших здание от сознания Рубры.

We bought dozens of horses, mules, goats, sheep, cows, pigs, chickens, and other domestic animals.

Мы купили десятки лошадей, мулов, коз, овец, коров, свиней, кур и прочей домашней живности.

I still have dozens of deployment orders left to sign.

Мне всё ещё кучу приказов на развёртывание нужно подписать.

This extreme exposure of covert operations could mean the lives of dozens of operatives.

Это экстремальное разоблачение тайных операций может стоить десятков жизней оперативников.

The blossoms released a heavy perfume that had attracted dozens of similarly colored butterflies.

Цветы источали сильный удушливый аромат, привлекавший десятки бабочек, расцветкой напоминающих чашечки с нектаром.

We’ve hanged dozens of outlaws, but the leaders still elude us.

Мы вешаем разбойников дюжинами, но главари до сих пор ускользают от нас.

There are dozens of railroad crossings you have to blow the whistle for.

Есть куча переездов, на которых ты должна давать свисток.

Dozens of people who got off that plane are starting to receive alerts that their credit cards have been frozen.

Десятки людей, вышедших из этого самолёта, начали получать уведомления о замораживании их кредиток.

I pounded my fist on the table inside the tent, where dozens of sketches and blueprints lay in disarray.

Я грохнул кулаком по столу, на котором в беспорядке валялись десятки набросков и чертежей.

The product of dozens, hundreds of eruptions over thousands of years constantly transforming the chemical and mineral makeup of that soil.

Продукт десятков, сотен извержений за тысячелетия, менявших химический и минеральный состав почвы.

An old friend of mine decorated her house with dozens of chianti bottles with candles in various stages of melting.

Моя давняя подруга декорировала свой дом Дюжинами бутылок со свечами различной степени плавления.

I saw dozens of beings from multiple dimensions carrying on conversations with personal-sized crystal balls.

Я видел десятки существ из разных миров, которые вели беседы с хрустальными шарами индивидуального дизайна.

I had received dozens of offers of partnership in speculative and commercial ventures.

Я получил десятки предложений о сотрудничестве и участии в спекулятивных и коммерческих предприятиях.

I noted several different translations of the Bible and dozens of ledgers with dates written on the spines.

Я заметила несколько переводов Библии и дюжину тетрадок с помеченными на них датами.

For thinking that I could succeed where dozens of doctors had failed.

За то, что расчитывала преуспеть там, где многие доктора провалились.

His torso was pin-pricked with splinters, and dozens of tiny wounds bled down his heaving bulk.

На его торсе, проколотом множеством заноз, зияли окровавленные раны.

Any one of the beta nodes in Bogey Three’s after impeller ring massed dozens of times more than the attacking pinnace did.

Любой из бета — узлов кормового импеллерного кольца Бандита Три весил в десятки раз больше атаковавшего бота.

A little beyond the narrow, irregular arc of space shielded by the table pillars, dozens of deep gouges scored the pavement.

Узкая неровная дуга, закрытая опорами, чуть дальше пол испещрен десятками глубоких дыр.

They were buzzing hives of life unto themselves; their elaborately constructed walls pierced with dozens of windows, from which light poured.

В тщательно отшлифованных стенах были пробиты окна, из которых лился яркий свет.

Dozens of green and gold dragonflies darted along their path, offering delicate flashes of color amid the deepening gloom.

Десятки зеленых и золотистых стрекоз мелькали вдоль их тропинки легкими цветными вспышками среди сгущавшейся темноты.

His fur vest was open, revealing dozens of jewel-studded gold chains hanging from his bull neck.

Под распахнутой меховой безрукавкой на груди виднелись полдюжины золотых цепочек, висящих на бычьей шее.

You didn’t notice dozens of young women in sashes and tiaras down in the lobby?

Ты не заметил десятки девушек в лентах и диадемах?

Four femurs, 12 phalanges, dozens of teeth, 12 canines.

4 бедра, 12 фаланг, дюжина зубов, 12 клыков.

After a pause, the Pleiades blossomed with dozens of shooting stars, tinkling like a celestial wind chime.

Через минуту в Плеядах с перезвоном небесных колоколов вспыхнул десяток метеоров.

There are dozens of other programs and earmarks and special interests all taking money from ordinary taxpaying citizens.

Есть множество других программ и ассигнований и занятий, существующих на деньги простых налогоплательщиков.

I’ve rebuilt dozens of these units, but I’ve never seen this configuration before.

Я перебрал дюжины этих блоков, но я никогда не видел такой конфигурации.

It sat in the center of a large lot with dozens of heavy oaks around it.

Он стоял в углу большого участка в окружении десятка старых дубов.

She scanned dozens of feet up along the rise of stone, picking out here and there the same dark patches.

На десятки футов на стене тут и там попадались одни и те же темные участки.

One indiscretion compared to the dozens of whores you have supported.

Одна неосторожность по сравнению с десятками шлюх, которых ты держал.

There were the public cases, but Marjorie was also involved in dozens of private consultations over the years.

Есть случаи, которые известны публике, но Марджори также дала дюжину частных консультаций.

The room was filled with dozens of ornate and strangely shaped mirrors.

Комната была заполнена множеством украшений и зеркалами странной формы.

Saturn has one tremendous satellite, eight sizeable ones, and dozens of splinter worlds.

У Сатурна один гигантский спутник весьма солидных размеров и множество осколочных сателлитов.

He was another of the dozens of Tervola banished to Eastern Army.

Он был одним из дюжины тервола, сосланных в Восточную Армию.

Because I just saw dozens of corpses infected with a weaponized variant of the disease.

Потому что я видела дюжины тел, пострадавших от усиленного варианта заболевания.

Tormond employed dozens of couriers to maintain contact with Sir Eardale Dunn and Count Raymone.

Герцог нанял дюжину гонцов для поддержки связи с сэром Эрдалом Данном и графом Рэймоном.

There are dozens of causes of the present state of things, and people are always trying to tie it to one.

Сегодняшнее положение создалось в результате многих причин, а люди всегда стремятся все объяснить одной.

One of dozens of possible scenarios that all play out the same way.

Один из дюжины возможных сценариев, каждый из которых развивается одинаково.

On this page, there are 20 sentence examples for dozens.
They are all from high-quality sources and constantly processed by lengusa’s machine learning

  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is stacks
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is piles
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is loads
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is slews
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is heaps
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is oodles
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is tons
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is wads
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is scores
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is scads
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is lots
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is gobs
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is rafts
  • • Relevant word or phrase for dozens is lashings
  • Examples of how to use the word “dozen” in a sentence. How to connect “dozen” with other words to make correct English sentences.

    dozen (ndet): twelve;

    Use “dozen” in a sentence

    Dozens of students gathered there.
    I have a dozen reports to read.
    She went to the supermarket and bought a dozen of eggs.

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