Use the word doubt in a sentence

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word doubt, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use doubt in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «doubt».

Doubt in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word doubt in a sentence.

  1. There’s no doubt about that.

  2. It made her «without a doubt, ..

  3. There is really no doubt about it.

  4. Bad captain or no, with no doubt ..

  5. I was over the hill, no doubt about it.

  6. I have no doubt whatever on that point.

  7. Caged Bird made her «without a doubt ..

  8. Takemitsu commented, «There is no doubt ..

  9. There would be doubt, hesitation and pain.

  10. The identity of Boz’s Juba is open to doubt.

  11. In the case of fishing, he was no doubt proficient.

  12. This is the doubt that hangs over many minds, and ..

  13. And this we will prove beyond all reasonable doubt.».

  14. He was my cricket father, no doubt about that at all.

  15. In the mid-20th century this view was cast into doubt.

  16. Profumo had been guilty of an «indiscretion», but no one could doubt his loyalty.

  17. The proposal was met with doubt in South Australia, and it later came to nothing.

  18. Mitchell stayed out of the fray while leaving no doubt of their support for Union.

  19. I’m satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt that Martin had intentionally killed Lowe.

  20. This has caused some commentators to doubt whether he actually visited the island.

  21. The observer there is a careful, reliable man and there is no reason to doubt that the light existed.

  22. Prevelakis goes even further, expressing his doubt that El Greco was ever a practicing Roman Catholic.

  23. The first, original, and truly natural boundaries of states are beyond doubt their internal boundaries.

  24. First, they show that even neutral or hostile parties never show any doubt that Jesus actually existed.

  25. Hayes appeared to have 166, with the 19 votes of Florida, Louisiana, and South Carolina still in doubt.

  26. Of course, I can’t prove this, but I doubt that you can find a single strong player who would disagree.

  27. Unfortunately the date of this epigram is in doubt, so «Caesar» could refer to either Titus or Domitian.

  28. Fifth, bad artists favor «mixed media»: if in doubt, they glue feathers, glitter, or hair to their work.

  29. However the observations of a stellar occultation in January 2017 cast a doubt on all those conclusions.

  30. O’Reilly said it was «without doubt the worst light» under which he had seen a first-class match proceed.

  31. Henry’s son William drowned in the White Ship disaster of 1120, throwing the royal succession into doubt.

  32. With an average viewership of 3.14 million Americans, the show’s future was in doubt at the season’s end.

  33. Many scientists now doubt the identification of the object and the implications of such an identification.

  34. The species is nearly extinct, and I doubt that more than a dozen individuals still exist on the island…

  35. Butler can no doubt be sure of a majority inside the Cabinet, where the main initiative must now be taken.

  36. The noted 20th-century historian Frank Stenton was of the opinion that the language used by Bede «leaves no doubt that ..

  37. There was little doubt as to his skill as a shipwright even before he was called upon for the modifications to the boats.

  38. Before leaving the NOI, Clarence 13X had begun to doubt their teaching that Wallace Fard Muhammad was a divine messenger.

  39. Anybody could see that.» Sims responded that there was reasonable doubt, but Whatman began to swear and call him a cheat.

  40. The existence of Lobengula’s box of sovereigns was never proven either way, and the incident never explained beyond doubt.

  41. However, it is beyond doubt that the promotions of papal relatives to the College of Cardinals were common in 13th century.

  42. To place the matter of the photographs’ authenticity beyond doubt, he returned to Cottingley at the end of July with two W.

  43. After the race Piggott told reporters that he had no doubt that Shergar would win as the horse never struggled in the race.

  44. The chairman of selectors, Plum Warner, later wrote that there was never any doubt from then that Hammond would be captain.

  45. With respect to the works of directors from America, France and Italy for example, I doubt you have the same point of view.

  46. Although there was never any doubt that Kehoe was the perpetrator, the jury was asked to determine if the school board or its employees were guilty of criminal negligence.

  47. A 2005 study reported that previous claims of sexual dimorphism in crocodile chevron anatomy were in error, casting doubt on the existence of similar dimorphism between T.

  48. Peck described the species as Urnula geaster in that year’s Annual Report of the New York State Botanist, although he expressed doubt about its generic placement in Urnula.

  49. Moral doubt about the institution first appeared in 1778 when Washington expressed reluctance to sell some of his enslaved workers at a public venue or split their families.

  50. With Labor’s win beyond doubt even though counting was still underway, McMahon advised the Governor-General, Sir Paul Hasluck, that he was no longer in a position to govern.

Synonyms for doubt

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word doubt has the following synonyms: dubiousness, doubtfulness, question, uncertainty, incertitude, dubiety and .

General information about «doubt» example sentences

The example sentences for the word doubt that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «doubt» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «doubt».

Examples of how to use the word “doubt” in a sentence. How to connect “doubt” with other words to make correct English sentences.

doubt (n, v): (a feeling of) not being certain about something, especially about how good or true it is; to not feel certain or confident about something or to think that something is not probable

Use “doubt” in a sentence

I began to doubt the accuracy of his statement.
I have no doubt that he’s lying.
Why do you doubt me?
I highly doubt that.
Without a shadow of a doubt, he is lying.

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Synonym: challenge, dispute, mistrust, question, suspect. Similar words: no doubt, without doubt, double, double up, double back, subtle, trouble, troubled. Meaning: [daʊt]  n. 1. the state of being unsure of something 2. uncertainty about the truth or factuality of existence of something. v. 1. consider unlikely or have doubts about 2. lack confidence in or have doubts about. 

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(1) Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom. 

(2) When in doubt, play trumps.

(3) Doubt is the key of knowledge. 

(4) If you doubt yourself, then indeed you stand on shaky11 ground. 

(5) No doubt you would like a drink.

(6) Some doubt still subsists in his mind.

(7) There is no doubt that he is guilty.

(8) There’s some doubt about his suitability for the job.

(9) There’s no doubt we will win.

(10) The police established his guilt beyond all doubt.

(11) El Cid’s actual existence is not in doubt.

(12) There is no doubt about his innocence.

(13) There seemed to be no doubt about it.

(14) I doubt the accuracy of his statement.

(15) His religious belief was always hedged with doubt.

(16) There is no room for doubt.

(17) I doubt the truth of this report.

(18) I doubt the accuracy of your statement.

(19) Doubt is the key to knowledge.

(20) I don’t doubt that he will help me.

(21) The evidence can not admit of doubt.

(22) No one could ever doubt her loyalty.

(23) Without the slightest doubt this is a remarkable exhibition.

(24) There is no doubt that Bohr’s influence was immense.

(25) He insinuated his doubt of the reply.

(26) I began to doubt his sanity.

(27) I doubt the wisdom of his conduct.

(28) The guilt of the accused man was in doubt.

(29) No doubt you are wrong.

(30) Better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to speak and remove all doubt

More similar words: no doubt, without doubt, double, double up, double back, subtle, trouble, troubled, dour, do up, dough, hand out, hold out, in and out, weed out, stand out, send out, find out, washed out, spread out, tremendous. 

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Many who experience doubt because they learn troubling information feel betrayed.

Многие из тех, кто испытывает сомнения из-за того, что они узнают информацию, вызывающую беспокойство, чувствуют себя преданными.

Without question, you will feel fear and doubt.

Если вы будете бездействовать, у вас появятся страх и сомнения.

The location without doubt is premier.

Выставка, без сомнения, стала местом премьер.

When we know the nature of doubt and go through the doubt, something starts to wake up within you.

Когда мы познаем природу сомнения, и проходим через сомнение, что-то начинает просыпаться внутри вас.

It is a gift to be able to kill doubt with doubt.

Doubt itself rests only on what is beyond doubt.

I pretty much doubt it was voluntary.

Many doubt whether confidentiality is maintained.

Potential adversaries should not doubt our resolve.

Наши враги, в свою очередь, не должны сомневаться в нашей решимости.

Our enemies should never doubt our resolve.

Наши враги, в свою очередь, не должны сомневаться в нашей решимости.

Never doubt the power you possess.

Я желаю вам не забывать о той силе, которой вы обладаете.

I doubt impeachment will actually happen.

«Но я очень сомневаюсь, что денонсация произойдет на самом деле.

You need never doubt my faithfulness.

Хочу верить в то, что Вы не сомневаетесь в моей искренности .

I guess you could say that I doubt doubt.

And you WILL doubt your actions.

I doubt any of them listened though.

We all doubt, including me.

We all may have moments when we doubt.

У каждого из нас бывают минуты, когда мы сомневаемся

Either way I really doubt their figures.

Впрочем, больших сомнений в их цифрах у меня нет.

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If you doubt any of the figures above, call a reputable

No doubt he was already grumpy because she hadn’t been down to breakfast

No doubt Herndon would want to push on today, if she could keep him from cruising wide open she would be content

“Really? I highly doubt that,” Silence said as she stepped forward, bringing the spinning blades closer to Nancy

«I doubt that either one of them is interested enough in ‘Yingolian crystals’,» they both chuckled over that expression, «to have devices down here

No doubt that was the effect of the poor relations with Jorma and the reaction to his attitude

Jorma went dashing off after him, no doubt more afraid of the ghoul-woman from YingolNeerie than interested in helping them find Venna

But the last thing she was going to do was let anyone see her doubt

She could see no use for herself there, but there was little doubt Herndon would be glad of her company, if for nothing else, someone to spell him driving the boat

‘There’s no doubt in my mind that she’s innocent

He had no doubt that he could probably overpower her

I doubt very much there would be any point in me taking you up on that offer

He says he left for the rehearsal just after seven and that she was alive then … there is no doubt that he stayed in view of someone the whole time he was at the rehearsal and that Joanna was lying in the garden when he returned home

Something Stephen said over breakfast gave me the impression that he has been liaising with Paul pretty closely over the past few days and I have no doubt that Paul has been passing any information he has received to Emma

’ I assured him, taken aback that he should doubt my ability to keep my mouth shut

through the soft snow, and David began to doubt whether he had the strength to make

doubt that the safety deposit box

‘I doubt it …’ he said, clearly thinking the problem through

No doubt the other kedas kidded him for it and said his egg mother was a thonga

«No doubt, I’ve met some who are better than me but somehow I bet Juleel is not one of them and neither were the two we met

from Top Cat and, without doubt, the grinning beast from the Alice stories

doubt, lack of faith, ignorance and everything else that separated me

moved and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but

Or at least his fellow prisoners thought so and I would have no doubt that they are correct

This castle was a clan home no doubt, everyone related by blood and enterprise, many of these clans had patriarchs older than Christ who still sat at the heads of tables in their great and echoing crystal halls

doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for

The size of the rock heading for the planet was six and one half miles, too big for there to be any doubt about the outcome of a collision

removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart,

It is written in the Scripture about those who doubt:

No doubt he will land when no one is looking also, so there is no sense staying up staring at him

Over the years I had learned, often the hard way, not to doubt or oppose her

removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but

«As you can see,” she continued, «I don’t really have a lot of things, and I doubt that any of this stuff is what you’re looking for

There was no doubt that the shuttlecraft was on course to reach Narrulla’s Tear, and could couple with the old lock on the Lula in as little as two hours

A fever struck, the delirium of constant doubt

» That was no doubt a dusty pitted hulk for it was over two and a half centuries old by now, built of bulk aluminum and steel using big bolts

Over those four days of starvation and indiscriminate thuggery, through twelve solitary periods of long stupefaction, I discovered doubt and personal recrimination, emotions about which I had previously known nothing

The enormity of the time-scales hit me like a wall of water, a tsunami of fear and doubt

No doubt Moamar knew as well as the Haadij that the virus would infect any of their seed they set in this ground

No doubt he and the Haadij had already argued about it many times in the fifty years they had been on this expedition together

By the time the duty clock said the sabbath was over, Bahkmar had proven to himself beyond all reasonable doubt that there were no real female souls on the ship

No doubt whoever had him in this box saw what he was going to do, because after he had climbed another hour and worked his way up another fifteen feet, he dropped the rope

No, there was no doubt, this mission was never meant as anything more than a missile

No doubt there were hushed meetings where the trend of its position was noticed even now and debates over who would be first to publish

«I doubt it was quibreaks and lavender ruffle in the landscaping,» Herndon said

No doubt many of them have children already that have never heard of Brasil

No doubt about it now, this person knew about Alan! If this one knew, the teacher, the one he was closer to, undoubtedly did also

«No doubt he wouldn’t,» his teacher friend said

But what should he do with the Theology hearing coming up this Sunday? No doubt it wouldn’t be up to him, this was all recorded, it was in in-boxes already

«No doubt they would, but I think this gives us a more immediate problem

To place trauma upon self by worry, doubt, fear, and lack of hope is antichrist

Beyond a shadow of a doubt, as a

This was the instant of doubt, the point where the prey loses its fear of those mesmerising eyes and runs for dear sanctuary, but in that instant when Lucy felt that she might regain control of her legs and speed back towards the light of town, the wolf slid the hood from his head

I doubt we’ll do anything more in Bneikion than let Fyasin jump ashore

I have primed Wiesse that we are expecting an extra incomer and assume, again from what you wrote, that it is someone with Errdian heritage – unless they are totally unsuitable, and I sincerely doubt you would be sending them across if that were the case, there will be no problem allowing him or her to stay

«No doubt Luray has told you how I love this?» His hands were finding more of her skin

As for JJ, I see what you mean about there being no doubt of his family connection

From the passageway the digitally enhanced voice of Citizen Marat burst into life once more, corroding the moment of doubt into a thousand flakes of brittle rust

‘I doubt Gerisse will have hung around in the Taunton area, Renald, that would be too risky for him

’ Berndt’s influence no doubt

«Actually I doubt he’s still with them

No doubt he wouldn’t be reporting in now

No doubt they wouldn’t be tracking his signal

The resort towns on the north shore of the upper lake would all be gone now, this ‘wild range’ would get wetter and brushier til there was no doubt it was swamp if they went in that direction

When he rides into the yard I’m out in the stable block ostensibly grooming Sefir, though the effectiveness of my so-called grooming would be called into doubt by any half-capable stablehand but Sefir doesn’t seem to mind

Doubt is the killing of the crow,

There could now be no doubt that he was telling the truth about YingolNeerie so he certainly WAS from a different culture

I certainly have no doubt; from what I have seen of Caderl we can trust him – he seems a pretty solid reliable sort of man

She is extremely quiet … no doubt thinking much as I am of the risks which could lie ahead

“I think it was so romantic! My God, how sexy can you get!” said Susan, a rather good looking blonde with an ample figure that left no doubt about its availability

‘Yes, and I doubt even Wiesse could have organised things that finely

Steve looked at Ashley, and she at him, blushing, there was no doubt about the love that passed between them

«I better go in,» he said, «I doubt it’s polite to meet the founders with an erection

There was no doubt as to the leaders of this group

I realise Athens too has its unfair share of insidious tourist traps just like Cornwall and no doubt the traffic is nightmare and yes, it’s a sprawling jumble of concrete and marble, of ancient and modern, of the implausible and the miraculous, but then they say Athens teems with spectacular sights, superb cafes, and much more that you just won’t find in any modern city

That she had saved their lives, there was no doubt

«I see,» Byia said, «No doubt several would

Doubt written all over him, he turns to face me

When they awoke, they all knew without a doubt that they would be sent for within days

I wouldn’t say it is a comfortable experience in any way at all … but it is without doubt effective

She caught her staring at him one day, and there was no doubt about that look

Desa had a yaag problem when she first lived in her house in Dos and no doubt she would have that problem several times again before she was twenty two centuries old

No longer was there any doubt in their minds as to what they could and could not do

This idea just came to me, and having this somewhat of a god-complex going I couldn’t doubt myself

That she loved him there was never any doubt

He never had any reason to doubt her

No doubt they know all about it in the village

All that had been so clear for that vital second was now clouded in the fog of doubt and confusion

But the community chain was fragile, of that there was no doubt, and without successors it would break

Alan had no doubt where his difficulties lay

No doubt because of the impactors

Collin and the White will take care of the Black bull, have no doubt about that

He must not have, no doubt that had been a painful time for him

Another group of pilgrims passes us, their voices commenting on the messenger bird as their eyes show their awe – it is a fine specimen, there’s no doubt about that

Thom was acting overly hostile today, but no doubt Thom now knew who Ava had been with last week

He didn’t doubt that Ava had the power to force-terminate an app like that

There are a few things that do work; we have some electricity, which we obtain as your forefathers no doubt did, thru water energy

“That is the Winter Hold of our Queen; no doubt you will meet soon

‘Well,’ I said slowly, ‘unless the definition of friendship has changed while I wasn’t looking, I don’t think there is any doubt about that!’

It was, without a doubt and despite all that had gone before, the most incredible thing ever seen

Somehow she doubted Venna was that simple however

Few women randomly chose to be single mothers in the Highlands, even here in the Gengee, so he doubted that any of his casual encounters were fertile

Most of the common folk doubted there was any God at all anywhere, just thirst, hunger, heat, cold, mean skinny dogs, hunger and thirst

«They’re gone, then?» Horcheese sounded as if she doubted it

She wondered if they would ever know, she doubted there was a soul on what remained of Gordon’s Lamp that was half as competent with silicon as that avatar was, certainly none that would be able to detect what she had actually done

If he was going to stay in the city he might want something done about that, but he doubted he would be here even a year before starting back toward the observatory

I beg your forgiveness for having ever doubted you in my heart

He doubted those theories had made a comeback in that time

‘ But I could tell she doubted my determination

The archery range, with bows as large as her; swords lined up on a stand with shields that she doubted she could even lift

» That was still seven months away and he doubted that this phenomenon would continue into the Kuiper belt because it was too warm for condensates to form

‘I never doubted it for a second

There were stories circulating around from Lord Tarak’s men about her fighting ability and upon finally seeing her, Altera seriously doubted them

She doubted he noticed, as he seemed to be preoccupied with something

She doubted they heard anything she said as they were staring and smiling only at each other

Most doubted they would be able to do such a thing, but they had learned over the years that being prepared was better than being caught off guard

I doubted my certainty and reason for being with her

’ … and I doubted this man loves me?

He refined his muddled thoughts to the point where he doubted that she was the Yingolian ghost for two reasons

A moment later when his radio went on low in the next room, she doubted he ever made it to town

” Maybe they thought God should have put some corollary into physics or biology that would prevent the organs from functioning unless conception would take place? Or maybe they were advocating some lab cooking up a mod that would remove desire from everyone who didn’t plan on parenthood? Probably some lab had somewhere, but she doubted that it sold very well

Her pink linen business suit, but she doubted Beth would choose it, Beth preferred Blue

She doubted he’d even seen Alex, through the blur that covered both eyes

The doorway could only be opened from the outside, and only by passing a bio-cerebral test that was tuned to the Captain in Transit – which, judging by his current predicament, Rafe very much doubted he would pass

When I first started to hear prophetically there were times when I doubted

That a little more plenty than ordinary may render some workmen idle, cannot be well doubted; but that it should have this effect upon the greater part, or that men in general should work better when they are ill fed, than when they are well fed, when they are disheartened than when they are in good spirits, when they are frequently sick than when they are generally in good health, seems not very probable

If he had spent a year searching, Alec doubted he would be able to find a single split end in the whole bunch

He doubted that they had ever been up here

Somehow Emily doubted those were the words he had originally intended to speak

Even with all her power, focus and training, she doubted even she had what it took to contain it

Should anyone sense his trace, he would likely be imprisoned if not sentenced to death, but he doubted anyone present could sense such fine threads – so many, yet so thin they were almost invisible to even him

Anon doubted that staff would leave his side again for a very long time

Nerissa doubted he’d ever forced himself upon a girl

Besides, if she didn’t, she doubted she could defeat him once fully infected

Queen Arete interrupted several times, requesting greater detail on the battles that I’d seen, but no one doubted my honesty

That the trade and industry of Scotland, however, have increased very considerably during this period, and that the banks have contributed a good deal to this increase, cannot be doubted

I doubted in you, in the Maker

She heard no noise — she doubted Tragus was capable of silence

Again and again, he’d doubted her veracity

“Hey, what did I tell ya, Morty! She is from England and you doubted me about…”

She doubted he’d accept any of her suggestions, but still

That this monopoly of the home market frequently gives great encouragement to that particular species of industry which enjoys it, and frequently turns towards that employment a greater share of both the labour and stock of the society than would otherwise have gone to it, cannot be doubted

He never doubted that she preserved her own secrets, as they all had

Zarko felt bad for having doubted the interpretation, but it did sound somewhat improbable

called upon, and which in reality is continually going from it, and returning to it again, cannot well be doubted

That it was the spirit of monopoly which originally both invented and propagated this doctrine, cannot be doubted and they who first taught it, were by no means such fools as they who believed it

He said that it was necessary to stay away from strangers, but Nerissa doubted this was his chief concern

“Good to have y’all’s company! Never doubted it for a second!”

That those events have done so, however, cannot be doubted

She doubted this very much

‘I doubted it was possible two could exist simultaneously

It wasn’t what he would call love at first sight; he doubted that she felt that way either

If he didn’t go for broke then he doubted there’d be another chance to do this; the Elusivers would see to that

The Rabbi threatened me with death by stoning and Joseph, who should have loved and believed in me, doubted

Palms at intervals gave little shade, and I doubted they would do much to ease the heat

Though it may, perhaps, be more than doubtful whether half a million could by any economy be saved out of the present tolls, it can scarcely be doubted, but that a million might be saved out of them, if they were doubled ; and perhaps two millions, if they were tripled {I have now good reason to believe that all these conjectural sums are by much too large

The fact that he knew me and doubted

That by a more plentiful supply, to the great advantage and conveniency of the public, it must have reduced very much the price of India goods in the English market, cannot well be doubted; but that it should have raised very much their price in the Indian market, seems not very probable, as all the extraordinary demand which that competition could occasion must have been but as a drop of water in the immense ocean of Indian commerce

usually owned up to, but he doubted he could sell any other story to Lewis, so he may as well be

It may indeed be doubted, whether butcher’s meat is any where a necessary of life

If to this saving, which would alone be very considerable, were added the abolition of all bounties upon the exportation of home produce ; in all cases in which those bounties were not in reality drawbacks of some duties of excise which had before been advanced ; it cannot well be doubted, but that the neat revenue of customs might, after an alteration of this kind, be fully equal to what it had ever been before

He doubted the gentility of

Jack doubted this as Tugdual had left Antoinette and his four

Just the thought of another attack made her skin crawl, and she doubted she would get any sleep without the herbs

To think I doubted your commitment,’ he said

Moreover, he doubted any virus could succeed against the Spaceguard protection software without some interference

I doubted therefore that he would find anyone I was the last man left alive that stormed the German front line trench and most of my character witnesses would be either dead or seriously wounded

It hurt more than she had anticipated, and immediately she doubted her actions

He had little faith in his own senses at this time, doubted whether he could trust his eyes for seeing what was really there

If they doubted the trust arrangement I’d explain that I was a lot owner too and that in my opinion the trust was perfectly fair and OK

‘How can this be?’ His voice was still vague with disbelief, he doubted if she was able to hear

worked with him at some time or another? He doubted they’d feel any different from what he

I doubted he would come up with anything this soon,

Doubted it because he had a premonition that part of the mystery would be solved in

She’d been drinking, but he doubted she could be drunk

In the time reloading would take, Sicarius would either run back into the tunnel—she doubted it—or close the distance and tackle her

Besides, she doubted she could best a five-year-old in her present condition

If she couldn’t bring herself to assassinate a murdering assassin, she doubted she could kill anybody else in cold blood either

“Are you really a wizard?” She doubted it but wondered how he had been insinuated

I told him that I doubted I’d ever have more than one call at a time

Somehow she doubted many bounty hunters lurked at the Real Estate Library

He was a quick study, and she doubted Books could have done anything Sicarius hadn’t

She doubted he had intended the statement to do so, but it lightened her mood

While she doubted someone so young would have much of a magic arsenal, if he could identify it being used, that alone would be worth a lot

Wouldn’t it be a shame if it was the Lieutenant or his Sergeant? I was positive that Jocko was clean, and had never really doubted him in any case, but I wasn’t sure he’d believe me if I told him I suspected a dirty cop

” Amaranthe doubted her words would sway anyone at this point, but she had to try

They were so grateful to assist us since they rarely had need to sort out white people in a fatherly way, (besides the longhaired liberals who they doubted were humans to start with, never mind of the white race)

never really believed the story of the chimes, and doubted if they ever

This message he supplemented by a further appeal one hour later, stating that the sure and speedy way to take the city was through the Bay, otherwise he would require 15,000 more men urgently, but doubted if they could be landed, since it was getting stormy

Sheena said that she could go back home to Scotland but Alex doubted that was a good idea

He would have to dig it out, but the slightest movement now caused him so much pain that he doubted he would be able to dig

So the young badger had succeeded after all, but he’d never doubted that he would

Many scientists and investigators doubted the FBI’s conclusions

I doubted it, and it occurred to me belatedly that I should be offended that he had chosen the food for me

At this time of day, she doubted if they were in

No matter how many hallucinogens they fed those kids, Chay doubted that many of them would buy the story

I doubted if Mrs

To be quite honest, he initially doubted the notion of experimenting with our planes and motors

He even doubted things like filtering the fuel, at first

While she soaked in the sun and doubted her own sanity, two local men in tattered shirts and cutoff shorts appeared

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is

I faltered to a stop, suddenly panicking, doubting the outcome of this thinking

“It tastes like black licorice,” she said still doubting the power of the drink

there was no doubting the relief on his face

there was no doubting the position would be a step up from

There was no doubting the Bailli was a good man – but he

There was no doubting that his captor was

She continued on, ignoring the exhaustion and the pain, never once doubting that the blue flame would be there to bind her wounds

was no doubting that the place looked much better from

There was little doubting that there would be a great deal of shake-up, as it were, as part of the inquest

He enjoyed the process of doubting, turning things over in his mind, finding new angles

Then comes Descartes, and his infamous „Discourse on Method» in which he said, among other nonsense things, that he would begin by doubting everything except his own thinking and therefore his own existence

’s mother kept stoically pouring, driven by guilt at questioning and doubting her son

“You’re being chased too?” She accepted the bottle and, doubting he would be impressed if she went and found glasses, took a sip

” No, wait, she had to explain why she was doubting him

There had been no hesitation: she wasn’t doubting him in the slightest

Raul listened with a jaded ear, seriously doubting Truman’s sincerity, while simultaneously praying that there was, at least, some truth to his stated intentions

Truman looked at the man in frustration, doubting that he could remain conscious long enough to provide the answer

After a great organic lunch at Whole Foods, I drive home, processing, doubting, and hoping

But I’ve been doubting our future together, and I don’t think it’s a good sign

money, while doubting the promised reforms

doubting that He is truly God and if He is for you or

Doubting all, refusing all,

the fact that he was doubting

It brainwashes you into doubting yourself, your senses, your mind

” He also reflected, for the doubting lawmakers, that: “The bishop has authority to teach, and he has authority to teach you!” He also recently decried how “this tendency for the government to claim for itself authority over all areas of human experience flows from the secularization of our culture

The title Doubting Thomas, endures till today because of Thomas’ one moment of doubt and unbelief

Anyone doubting the validity of his science might argue, but in the end no one was brave enough (or stupid enough) to

Of your negative doubting moments

I tapped his feet, doubting that it would do anything and

If you start doubting reality and follow that thinking to it’s ultimate expression, you end with the supposition that yours is the only consciousness that exists, and that you are hallucinating everything that you experience, and you do not realize this because you hide that truth from yourself to protect your sanity, or perhaps because you are already insane

It is the thoughtless and doubting that it turns away

He says to me «Put away doubting from you and do not hesitate to ask of the Lord saying to yourself ‘How can I ask of the Lord and receive from Him seeing I have sinned so much against Him?’ Do not thus reason with yourself but with all your heart turn to the Lord and ask of Him without doubting and you will know the multitude of His tender mercies; that He will never leave you but fulfil the request of your soul

For He is not like men who remember evils done against them; but He Himself remembers not evils and has compassion on His own creature Cleanse therefore your heart from all the vanities of this world and from the words already mentioned and ask of the Lord and you will receive all and in none of your requests will you be denied which you make to the Lord without doubting

But those who are perfect in faith ask everything trusting in the Lord; and they obtain because they ask nothing doubting and not being double-souled

Consider this doubting state of mind for it is wicked and senseless and turns many away entirely from the faith even though they be very strong

For this doubting is the daughter of the devil and acts exceedingly wickedly to the servants of God

Despise then doubting and gain the mastery over it in everything; clothing yourself with faith which is strong and powerful

When the doubting man attempts any deed and fails in it on account of his doubt this grief enters into the man and grieves the Holy Spirit and crushes him out

But seeing me altogether agitated and confused he began to speak to me in more gentle tones; and he said: «O feel senseless and doubting do you not perceive how great is the glory of God and how strong and marvellous in that He created the world for the sake of man and subjected all creation to him and gave him power to rule over everything under heaven? If then man is lord of the creatures of God and rules over all is he not able to be lord also of these commandments? For» says he «the man who has the Lord in his heart can also be lord of all and of everyone of these commandments

wasn’t uncertain; he wasn’t questioning or doubting

4 The fruitful earth brings out in due season according to his will abundant nourishment for men and beasts; nothing doubting nor changing in anything from the things that are decreed by him

He told her that if she spent her life doubting everything all

I also accused him of doubting his own dubious theories

There you go again with that doubting stuff, you should know better

Bill: Perhaps I owe Michael a very belated apology for doubting his role in this sordid affair and then again maybe I don’t owe Michael an apology

It’s hard to keep believing in a trading system that hasn’t delivered for some time, and very easy to start doubting everything

It was her mother’s handwriting, there was no doubting that

blame for ever doubting his love

» She gazed at it with approval and I didn»t consider doubting her word

‘He’s right, you two, so stop doubting yourselves

There is nothing wrong with doubting your world, doubting

’ Stephen said nervously, already doubting the wisdom of accepting Zeno’s invitation

Ceder kept her chin down as she labored, doubting whether her tired effort helped at all

The voice still offered the same higher pitched tone that Gaspar had heard in Wizards’ Hall, but there was no doubting now that the speaker was female

He expressed himself as doubting that he would ever enter the marriage state; he said that all such things must await «my hour,» the time when «my Father’s work must begin

Such a God-knowing soul casts no shadow of doubting evil when functioning on such a high spirit level of divine goodness

Would it be consistent with «the Father’s will» for the divine mind to make this concession to the doubting nature of the human mind? Jesus decided that it would not and cited the presence of the Personalized Adjuster as sufficient proof of divinity in partnership with humanity

His great weakness was his suspicious doubting, which he never fully overcame throughout his whole lifetime in the flesh

For a while he succumbed to his doubting depression but eventually rallied his faith and courage

Then said Jesus to all those who stood before him: «O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I bear with you? How long shall I be with you? How long ere you learn that the works of faith come not forth at the bidding of doubting unbelief?» And then, pointing to the bewildered father, Jesus said, «Bring hither your son

Dedicate your life to the great work of showing how the critical material mind of man can triumph over the inertia of intellectual doubting when faced by the demonstration of the manifestation of living truth as it operates in the experience of spirit-born men and women who yield the fruits of the spirit in their lives, and who love one another, even as I have loved you

4 As Mary lingered after Peter and John had gone, the Master again appeared to her, saying: «Be not doubting; have the courage to believe what you have seen and heard

Peter had believed at first but, when he failed to find the Master, fell into grave doubting

James had always inclined to believe in his eldest brother’s mission on earth, but he had long since lost contact with Jesus’ work and had drifted into grave doubting regarding the later claims of the apostles that Jesus was the Messiah

7 They all wanted to rush off to the city to tell the doubting apostles about what had happened, but James restrained them

‖ Motioning them down and kneeling in one motion, never doubting their compliance, the wary Indian fixed his eyes on the cabin; someone was in his shack

“Excuse me, young lady?” Angela said with the angry doubting tones of a parent

“Really?” Feltus said with a raised eyebrow as if doubting the answer

“Of course not,” Feltus assured her, doubting she would make the connection between the window and the murderer’s entrance

� If he was doubting her story, he was not letting it show up

there is no doubting that it is hugely powerful

“God visits the soul in a way that prevents it doubting when it comes to itself that it has been in God and God in it and so firmly is it convinced of this truth

‘’Without wanting to insult you by doubting your word, miss, could we have copies of those recordings?’’ Asked one of Misawa’s officers, a tall African woman

though the doctor was doubting his sexual credibility

But I told myself to quit doubting

All manifestations will assume a hostile character and we will rebel bitterly against our fate, bemoaning our luck, to the point of doubting the very value of life

I would have expected it of Doubting Thomas, of course, but not of him

Halfshaft started doubting the

When he was finished, we sat back up on our chairs and he said, as soon as he sat down, “I guess I am your Doubting Thomas!”

seconds, but there was no doubting what we saw

Now he’s doubting the revelation he got

“Of course, but isn’t that too obvious?” I asked, doubting that is the place where she would be, especially after school hours

” I said, doubting her claim

” I said doubting her intentions

I am afraid there are myriads of true Christians in this condition, who go trembling and doubting toward heaven, with Despondency, and Much-Afraid, and Fearing in the Pilgrim’s Progress, and fear they will never get to the Celestial City at all

We grow up being told, «don’t be a doubting Thomas — take it on

doubting self, and I represented my focus and drive self

Doubting Thomas didn’t believe Jesus Resurrection but when confronted face to face with the Resurrected Christ, he changed his mind

would even consider doubting that “God” exists, that “God” created human beings

She tends to be mistrusting and doubting, self-opinionated and interrelated in internal mental life

them to be, that doubting did not lead me to attempt to write any philosophical essays

He said that he knew the spiritual path that they’re leading and following were true but throughout his productive time; he acted as a doubting Thomas and thus wavered in his beliefs

The doubting Thomas in us may forever remain doubting

Where before she had no qualms, no doubts, no goals, no obstacles, where she had been free and easy and almost always happy, almost always laughing, now she felt incomplete, that she couldn’t rest without a plan

But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is

«I’m beginning to have some doubts about some of the history I see here,» Herndon said

Love, adored of doubts and doubters,

Almost as though observing from a distance, I watch my other self flounder as doubts about my chances of concluding the quest with any degree of success become definite, bottomless failure; my perennial loneliness becomes an old age of isolation in a world slowly spiralling down into barrenness and desolation as I eek out my days, hated by those who remain here … the few who could not escape across … Berndt’s face stares at me, full of the loathing he feels for my failure

‘It is not too late to change your mind, if you have doubts

I’ve had my doubts about how effective this whole quest would be if I couldn’t remember where the places were

 Work to eliminate any feelings of resentment, doubts and other negative emotions in the

Now that the moment was upon us, my doubts resurfaced and the very presence of all his tokens filled me with apprehension

Then I heard its doubts, back and forth, back and forth, in the crannies and out again, but they were too late, they couldn’t scare me now

‘You said ‘we’; if I’d had any doubts about this marriage of yours, that alone would have laid them to rest! Hey, what about some ice cream – we’ve got to celebrate!’

I waited anxiously for ten minutes, my mind riven with doubts about his

Desa gave him a very impish grin, “Ava may not know as much about these crystals as she thinks she does,” she said, “and if she doubts that you copied my soul, she still has a lot to learn about the power of entanglement in fifth order condensates

However, at that particular moment, I had my doubts

She appears indignant that he doubts her ability to carry it off

Billy doubts that Bex knows more than he does

For all of Billy’s history he doubts that the man made his daughter do anything

‘Oh shit!’ she thought to herself, unhappy to have her doubts confirmed

Allcock hadn’t really any doubts on the matter since Harry was the son of George and Belle Livingson, after all

Then he was soon convinced, absolutely, beyond all doubts: his sisters were innocent of all the crimes he had in his heart accused them

Billy doubts that the man sitting next to him would worry about the mess, but he would definitely be pissed-off if they lose the Lexus because Billy has soft guts

There are no doubts or grey areas in the simulation

‘You should voice your doubts to the Bailli,’ said

it was said – Jacob had his doubts); Guy Langeais the

had my doubts about him at first, but as it turns out he’s

After a while Jean began to have serious doubts about

» That was something she could promise, with no doubts

Emily was older, had been with the Red Mage longer, and therefore felt it was her duty to ease Whimly’s doubts

«I am afraid that Alec has been through a great deal and I have my doubts that he will be willing to accept such a destiny,» Brice replied

Betty Alpha was having doubts, as she peered this way and that

As she was doing it she still had many doubts

Over the past few days she’d had some doubts about herself as she continued to study the data

beginning to have his doubts

philosophise (I have some doubts about the politicians),

“So, I hope to have cleared all your doubts

There are no problems, doubts or

have serious doubts now

But after I clear his doubts, he will be a

It painted all the doubts she had about her future

To dream that you are imitating others suggests that you are experiencing doubts in your own decisions and actions

He had his doubts as the other Imperial only cleared his throat amid the tense silence

This, combined with her wayward limbs, a bearing that was naturally off-centre and a shakiness arising from an afternoon spent making an inventory of her master’s liquor cabinet, gave rise to grave doubts that the plate would ever arrive at the table replete with its original contents

Thus every time a supposedly good idea crops up, it will be shot down with doubts or fear by the ego

However, in most cases our inner desire or passion is suppressed by fears, doubts and a lack of confidence

’ ‘I had my doubts about your sanity

As her car reached its legal speed limit, the landscape rushed by with unnerving haste, as if this would stop any doubts from forming

’ But now he was seriously beginning to have his doubts

Now doubts were beginning to creep into his mind that he could not quite present into logical reasoning

My hypothesis is this: Knowing that the Evolution Theory does not correspond to the evidence that is found, and that Darwin and others realised that his Theory was flawed and even expressed the reasons for their doubts, we need to investigate the alternative

The presence had not made itself known before this time, before his doubts had crept in

His doubts were wiped away on seeing the clinically white interior under an efficiently bright bioluminescence

Again doubts began to creep in

Afterwards, Raiya still had her doubts

She even told him, she told him because she knew he could read those doubts

If we have doubts about something in the Bible, the Bible will always provide confirmation in one way or another and we see these waters above the sky confirmed in the Psalms:

Then came his doubts

In the retelling of the story he had exposed his old anxieties once more, and it left him with raw feelings of the same old doubts about his capacity to come to terms with it

But then the thought of your friends came into your head and you knew there was no way you could let them down and so some respite came from the doubts

If there was one way to assuage the doubts of his crew, guidance from the council would effect this

But Jimmy did still express his doubts over the realness of this reality

Jimmy still had questions, doubts that probably could not be assuaged

If doubts crept in, the computer, he knew, would capitalise on it

Could he outwit this? Any doubts would immediately be detected, then projected back on to him and amplified in the process

‘Look at the blister on your finger,’ the shrink said whilst pocketing the lighter, ‘if there are still doubts

He had no doubts, however, that it was well within Jhordel’s, and that consequently she was

I had doubts about a long-term relationship

Gerrid had his doubts

He had many doubts

He had looked very closely at the photographs that Esther had taken and had his doubts about the key unlocking anything that he had seen so far

Gerrid had his doubts that it could work, given the type of rotating pass codes they used for their more sensitive data

So with doubts and fears the year went by, and again it was Christmas

If her doubts troubled or insulted him, he did not hint of it

mind, she would confess she had had her doubts about the quantity of

He still had doubts about looking for the kookaburras

Humankind‘s intuitive understanding of the Law(s), informed by Conscience, does not entirely eliminate our doubt(s), however

mind, she would confess she had her doubts about the quantity of flour

» He nodded again with more significance, wrinkling his snout as he shared in their doubts and concerns

Fresh forest air, atmosphere, fatigue, and even doubts faded into oblivion the moment he heard a cry

My biggest concern, however, is that these horrific events, that have recently come to light, are likely to recall arguments about married and, heaven forbid, women priests! That the feminization of the pulpit would likely follow should be reason enough to raise serious doubts among traditional practicing Catholics

«Perhaps,» the scout agreed, his voice reflecting his doubts

I have serious doubts over the effectiveness of normal infantry in COIN

I do not entertain any doubts on this score, that this movement is politically and socially driven rather than motivated by religious principles although exceptions certainly exist

Sure he felt they were possible, but he also had his doubts

He doubts if Margarette can even stand there in ten minutes

roommate, Sarah, could see the TV, although we had our doubts

The doubts and questions flew around in her head like a murder of crows that had suddenly been frightened into the air; cruel, noisy black shadows, their calls only leading to further dark doubts

If there had been any doubts left in his mind about Chantelle’s story, they’d been swept aside

Finally, Kerry sealed his fate before those doubts and many others, when one week before the elections, without proof and in complicity with the UN, the New York Times and CBS, he accused the troops that were heroically fighting in Iraq of not protecting 380 pounds of explosives, overlooking the more than 480,000 pounds of those explosives that they had already destroyed or were in the process of doing so

Out of curiosity I asked the driver: Why is it that in such a disciplined and fined society as this, people sell stolen items openly and with impunity?” His answer that “they do it for benevolent purposes” did not really convince me, but I had no other choice than to accept it with reserved doubts

While Marguerite tried to negotiate in English our possible admission to the museum, I remained silent so as to avoid creating doubts in the fact that we really came from California

Then his doubts were removed

But we both had our doubts

I had my doubts about this woman, let me tell you

” He was currently on down swing, and if he had any doubts it had just manifested itself, when Gordon, ‘the perfect black gentleman’, began behaving like Texas white trash in his favorite saloon, a country yokel screaming across the barroom

“Yesterday I had my doubts, sir

And for one brief, split second of time, I had my doubts

Then again, Caroline wouldn’t be calling him ‘a big handsome cop’ if she had fought with Brian over doubts Edgar had planted in her fiancé’s mind

Brendan had sudden doubts about the translator device

English Collocation

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«We have considerable doubt in his abilities.«
(considerable, real, serious, severe)

«I have slight doubt that she can do it.«

«We have seen growing doubt within the department.«
(growing, increasing)

«The woman has reasonable doubt.«

Used with verbs:

«His actions raise doubt.«

«His boss felt doubt about the project.«
(felt, had, expressed, voiced)

«Her speech cleared up any doubt.«
(cleared up, resolved)

«Doubt surrounds the new law.«

«Doubt remains as to who is the rightful owner of the property.«
(remains, exists)

Used with prepositions:

«She is without a doubt my best friend.«
(without a, beyond a)

«They have serious doubt about his ability.«
(about, over)

«There is no doubt in my mind that she is the right candidate.«

Listen to all    |    All sentences (with pause)

Used with adverbs:

«I highly doubt she will be fired.«
(highly, seriously)

«I privately doubted he would get the job.«

Used with nouns:

«We doubt his ability.«
(ability, accuracy, existence, importance, judgment, love, loyalty, reliability, sincerity, truth, validity, wisdom, word, worth)

Previous Word by Letter: double

Next Word by Letter: down

Next Word by Frequency: drama

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  • If you’ve ever tried to stop smoking on your own, no doubt you’ve faced horrible failure.
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  • It’s without a doubt that you hate the thought of losing your hair.
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  • No doubt, the Grand Canyon is indeed one of the world’s most breath taking natural wonders.
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  • It’s filled with doubt, jealousy and negativity.
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  • The diy home security systems are not doubt very useful and attractive.
  • Well, you might have a slight doubt if doing Yoga can harm your body.
  • They aren’t very rugged and I doubt they’d hold up in daily use.
  • No doubt, you would like to eliminate this ritual all together.
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  • If you’re really a gearhead, you might get a little more entertainment from it, but I doubt it.
  • Without a doubt dealing with parents gave me the most stress, maybe more than any other factor.
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  • I highly recommend this vet clinic to anyone and I would, without a doubt, come back if needed.
  • 5 stars with no doubt.
  • I will go ahead and say that, without a doubt, this is the best toy I’ve ever bought.
  • I try to give this place the benefit of the doubt bc it’s so convenient from my house.
  • If you are new to Forex, no doubt you are confused by all of the strange and unfamiliar terminology.
  • There is absolutely no doubt about it.
  • There’s no doubt about it, kids love gifts any time of the year.
  • Blues music is still alive and well, there’s no doubt about that.
  • Vice City has, without a doubt, the best soundtrack to date in the series.
  • Well, then there’s no doubt that you are going to need to apply for a loan.
  • Now that we know, I have no doubt we will soon become regulars.
  • I am impressed by the rigidity of it and have no doubt it’ll last me years.
  • As you no doubt have noticed, we smacked ourselves in the head a few times.
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  • No doubt your imagination is running out of control this very instant.
  • We had reservations, although I doubt from the empty tables that we needed them.
  • Sorry to have to communicate this, I tried and gave the benefit of the doubt.
  • I haven’t been to 24 Hour Fitness or anywhere else, but I doubt you would get a better deal.
  • There’s no doubt we live in a digital age.
  • But no doubt, at the time is was plausible enough.
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  • I doubt it because it was very expensive for ordinary food and the service was not that good.
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  • However, I was willing to give it the benefit of the doubt.
  • There is no doubt in my mind.
  • There is no doubt you have a serious problem.
  • If you enter the market unprepared, you will be someone’s lunch, no doubt about it.
  • With that said, I doubt most kids would not sit by themselves and play with any puzzle.
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  • The diamond is, without doubt, the most well liked and valued of all precious stones the world over.
  • I recently watched the movie, doubt, starring Meryl Streep.
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  • If you remember the eighties at all, then you no doubt remember the mullet hairstyle as well.
  • No doubt you want a home that is a peaceful oasis in a crazy world, a place to relax and unwind.
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  • Excellent flavor no doubt, my regards to the chef.
  • George gave me the benefit of the doubt and deducted a large percentage from the inspection cost.
  • Collected information also comes handy whenever you are in doubt or want to make a reference.
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  • The original SNES Metroid was a masterpiece, there is no doubt about that.
  • I HOPE the chocolate will taste better, but I seriously doubt it will.
  • There is no doubt that sex plays a very big role in any relationship.
  • There’s no doubt about it the popularity of poker is at an all time high.
  • Health programs are no doubt effective to help you manage your weight.
  • We’ve never had poor service here and doubt that we ever will.
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  • And without a doubt, one way links far outway the value of a reciprocal link.
  • I doubt you can find a better spokeshave for twice the money.
  • The puppy dog eyes were full of doubt and he was scared.
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  • A complete response is, without doubt, multi faceted.
  • Headlines are, without a doubt, one of the most important elements in copywriting.
  • I will give him the benefit of doubt since I don’t even know who he is.

Similar words: Double Crostic, Doubly, Double Action, Douroucouli, Double Armed, Double Jeopardy, Double Dipping, Dough Trough, Doubts, Double Declutch, Double Worked, Doumergue, Double Face, Double Indemnity, Doughs, Double Layer, Doubled, Double Printing, Double Struck, Double Boiler

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