Use the word donned in a sentence

She stood in the early morning sunlight, feeling the warmth of it touching her flesh though the sensible tunic and hosen she had quickly donned

He quickly set down his pole, and donned his coat at least, not able to dress his bare feet in so short a time

“You two pull on your rain gear and tie yourselves onto that rope, its going to get slippery here, very fast, and I don’t want to have to chase down this canyon after either of you,” said White Feathers as he donned a poncho and demonstrated with his own length of cord

respectfully, donned his cloak and strapped a sword to his

Jameson donned the donkey’s ears, put on his toque and went to the kitchen to make finger sandwiches to the amusement of all

thanks, then watched in horror as he donned his apron

Typically, one donned a phase shield if they planned on engaging in a brief, but bloody battle

» This was brought, and she spread her mat in the courtyard, placed the food in order, donned the dress, and so made all preliminary arrangements

I donned the

They had donned their masks, stepping out from society in order to hunt and to kill

It was late evening when I woke, thankfully not disturbed by any of the children then I heard the car come up the drive and as I dressed I saw Robin alight and run up the stairs, so I quickly donned my shoes and as fast as I was able then marched down that blasted staircase to the screams of excited children and Dulcie hugging her two sons

The three of them had immediately donned their uniforms in order to help impart a measure of authority to what they were about to do

Next to her, there was a pair of scraggly looking soldiers donned in breastplates and helms, one of which had to continuously stop fighting in order to adjust his falling visor

Most were humans, two thousand of them donned in sparkling, polished full plate mail armor

That no matter what he did to try to prove his worth, whether he donned armor or slashed a thousand dummies on horseback or on foot wielding two swords, he was not meant to be there

In this case he removed his doctor’s hat and donned that of a man under the influence of Cupid’s arrows

If a woman donned a long blouse over her bikini she was

Gerrid donned the interface band

Satisfied that everything was as it should be, Alex donned the marine VHF radio headset and contacted the Harbour Master, advising her where he was going and how long he expected to be

I have no doubt that a number of famous athletes, past and present, comported themselves in a manner consistent with their own inestimable standards of proper conduct; that is to say, with ―class‖, while others oftentimes donned the mask of conventional behavior for propriety‘s sake

Another day, she and a group of fellow tourists donned helmets and life vests to ride the wildly exciting white water rapids of Rio Reventazon she had seen from above

George donned reading glasses and scanned the list

He donned a raincoat, pulled the hood low over his face and left

quickly, Thomas donned his own armor only asking that

Kwonowski donned his overcoat and led Colling out into a fenced yard behind the shop

Petunia quickly ran to the kitchen and donned a pair of

tans that now donned their bodies, sort of a castaway George

suspenders and rubber boots to the grocery store, who donned long johns in the summer,

Thick of bone and muscle he was, and looked to weigh close to a hundred and thirty kilograms before he donned his armor, though he stood but a hundred and fifty-five centimeters tall

Leora met them at the entrance and donned a robe since she was a Sage Priestess

Thick of bone and muscle he was, and looked to weigh close to three hundred pounds before he donned his armor, though he stood but five feet and one inch tall

And then it donned on him that she might be regretting this little heart-to-heart chat she’d initiated

The nurse donned her own so they could begin

donned the protective masks I’d found at the mall the

She was down to her lace bikinis, and quickly donned her

The Director of the Martial Academy donned a pair of wire-framed spectacles

He beckoned for the ceremonial, red paint that he donned on his new recruits

donned a robe and with purposeful slowness, ambled downstairs

Anemone quickly strode to the stone giant and donned the glass ball and its chain necklace

They were roused that evening by porters and donned their best clothes for the state dinner

Raven conducted her ablutions and donned a fresh set of clothes

The Sentinel donned a bright halo of light

She had donned one of the robes

And it was another hour before they had donned clothes and downed a few

The two-man tent was erected, they stripped and sunbathed while Jack talked about the history of the area, then they donned climbing boots and clambered up a steep rocky escarpment for a view over the plains

After a very quick briefing from a dispatch Senior Charge Hand that ran across to meet the crew, they donned their breathing apparatus and started into the factory, heading for the reaction vessel

«That’s Conan the northron, the most turbulent of all my rogues! I’d have hanged him long ago, were he not the best swordsman that ever donned hauberk—»

I swear by the days when we were thieves together in the land of Zamora, before you donned hauberk!

‘You are the Devi again,’ he said, grinning fiercely at the gold-clasped gossamer robe she had donned over her hill-girl attire, and awed not at all by the imposing array of chivalry about him

The prince had cleansed his hands, torso and beard of the blood that had splashed them; but he had not donned his robe, and his great dark-skinned hairless body and limbs renewed the impression of strength bestial in its nature

Pallantides hastened from the pavilion, clanking in the armor he had donned at midnight after a few hours’ sleep

When Jesus had finished washing the feet of the twelve, he donned his cloak, returned to his place as host, and after looking over his bewildered apostles, said:

He took up his cloak and flung it over his shoulders, then donned a helmet Publio had procured for him

Once they were unloaded at the ship for the last time, they docked and donned their EVA suits so they could secure the shuttle to the cargo ship for the trip home

The crews donned EVA suits and exited through the airlocks to the ground

Greg donned his EVA suit and shut down as much of the ship as he could

The man was back two minutes later with a protective suit, complete with gloves and mask, which Nancy quickly donned in an adjacent locker room

Their bodies were lean under the sports jackets they donned; their skin contrasting from dark to light, and the woman were nowhere to be seen

» Mitchell didn’t respond, except for pulling the black leather gloves he donned, upward

Instead of taking her goggles off her helmet, she simply undid her helmet chin strap and handed him the helmet and goggles, which he donned

He was stunned by my approach, whatever he had expected from me, wasn’t what he was getting, he stammered his apology and began to chant the first song of the ceremony, the drums reached a crescendo and the crowd began to chant in time to the rhythm, the holiday mood had returned to the village, Yaotl sacrificed a variety of birds, animals and snakes, and as the finale his slaves finally brought out a mountain lion in a cage, everyone craned their necks for a better look at the beast as it spat and snarled and threw it’s body against the cage, I remembered the last time Yaotl had made such an extravagant sacrifice during a drought two summers ago, I didn’t want to seem small and mean, but the cat that Yaotl had sacrificed that day, looked exactly like that cat in the cage, so I watched the sacrifice closely, one of the slaves put a bowl of water in the cage which the cat drank with relish, it had obviously been kept without water for a few days, after the cat drank, it stopped spitting and snarling and the same slave opened the gate put a collar on the cat and led it to the chacmool it jumped up onto the slab and Yaotl began to make signs all over it, to everyone’s astonishment it then lay down on the altar, Yaotl raised his obsidian knife and with one stroke drove it into the breast of the beast, after a moment he held up the heart, blood running down his arms, I could not find fault with the sacrifice, maybe I was wrong, maybe it wasn’t the same cat, the sacrifice had the desired affect on the villagers who were all dancing about and singing, two slaves dragged the carcass into the temple building, the priest ceremoniously washed the blood from his arms and chest donned his official robe and slowly descended the temple steps, at the bottom he flung himself to the ground and said

donned solely in putrid tatters torn;

donned in the toga of flowing lustrous calcimine

Back in the medical cabin, Homer donned an oxygen mask and waited, sweating profusely and trembling, for ten agonizingly long minutes

Next morning, Carla donned the Burqa and headed for the prison with Habib; they waited for Sangar Zohori to arrive

Sir Winston Churchill for example once stated that if he were an Italian he would readily have donned the black shirt of Il Duce’s fascist party

He showered and donned his black trousers, shirt, and collar, glanced at his sermon notes, and trotted off across the parking lot

This was where the priests donned their vestments before beginning mass

With a well-practiced effort, he donned that mask

When he had awoken that morning, he had pulled off his slept-in suit and instead donned a safari outfit: khaki pants, a chambray shirt, the cowboy boots he ordinarily reserved for the Fourth of July parade, and a pith helmet

As Klieglight had donned the helmet that morning, he had looked in the mirror

And then it occurs to me; all of them have donned robes

She however quickly donned her sword belt and took her pistols before going with her wooden bowl to the corner of the barn where two local women were serving fish from an iron cooking pot

Then he donned a

Vinny donned his favorite jacket and skittered out the door

Marie donned a furry coat and gyrated towards the front door

Monty left the pool, and all three men quickly donned their clothing and bowed

As he approached his escape window on the second orbit, he donned

He donned his space suit and opened the airlock into his garage

He donned his official uniform and packed his own clothes

He donned his space suit

He donned his

He raised himself lethargically from the sofa and donned his

the sofa and donned her hat and coat

He arose from bed and donned his blue terry cloth robe and roused

He popped the trunk, donned the black shirt and pants stashed within, slid a glove over his uninjured hand, and softly shut the lid

other performers donned covered her entire body

She had donned three T-shirts under her red Weston sweatshirt and walked with her hands pulled up inside her sleeves

So she had donned her bright blue waterproof Windbreaker over a sweatshirt and jeans, grabbed her umbrella and the plastic bag to sit on, and headed out the door with no goal in mind other than to escape the confines of her room

Aunt Janet and Uncle Roger had insisted on accompanying them, so they had donned matching yellow rain slickers similar to the professor’s and were waiting by the front door

” She pulled Aunt Janet’s sweater over her head and quickly donned the overcoat

That might make the skeptics wonder whether these prophets of yore were but tribal heads who donned the religious garb to pursue their own agendas for better effect

Definition of Donned

to wear certain clothing

Examples of Donned in a sentence

Soldiers frequently donned their uniforms in the past to every social function because this showed their military background.


The only time Carol donned a dress was for her awards presentation because she would otherwise be seen in a t-shirt and jeans.


Donned in a disguise of a fake moustache and blonde wig, the young man walked into the bank to rob it.


On Halloween night, the teenagers donned in their scary costumes would walk around frightening little children.


I wouldn’t’ have been worried about the man standing right outside my window except he had donned a ski mask so I couldn’t see his face.


Other words in the Clothing category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

I donned my knight’s uniform and picked up a sword.

Just because I donned a western outfit, now you call me Mala.

context icon

Только потому что я надела западную одежду теперь ты называешь


Маля- джи.

The mask I donned was that of a rhetorically airtight, extremely smart,

extremely knowledgeable middle-aged writer.

context icon

Маска, которую я надел, это была маска писателя среднего возраста риторически подкованного,

чрезвычайно умного и знающего».

context icon

context icon

context icon

Но я не знал.

context icon

Я больше не пью.

context icon

Я не знаю, Хенри.

context icon

Я не знаю их.

context icon

Я не люблю оперу.

I don‘t know… everything.

context icon

Ќе знаю… ƒа за все.

context icon

Я не люблю втроем.

context icon

Но я не курю.

context icon

Я не знаю вас.

I don‘t believe that, either.

context icon

Я в это тоже не верю.

I don! wanna talk about it.

context icon

Я не хочу говорить об этом.

No, I don‘ need a doctor.

context icon

Нет, мне не нужен врач.

I don‘ t understand it, either.

context icon

Я не понимаю, тоже.

context icon

Мне не нужен священник!

I don‘t want any trouble.

context icon

Мне не нужны неприятности.

context icon

Нет, я не знаю.

context icon

Я не знаю будущего.

context icon

Я не хочу брата.

context icon

Мне не нужен ответ.

context icon

Я не хочу казни и смерти!

I don‘t wanna comment on this.

context icon

Я не хочу это комментировать.

I don‘t want to lose you.

context icon

Что я не хочу тебя терять.

I don‘t want her to know.

context icon

Я не хочу, чтобы она знала.

No, I don‘t want to anymore.

context icon

Нет, мне больше не хочется.

I don‘t want to go there.

context icon

Я не хочу туда ехать.

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Spirits were high as we all donned our pink t-shirts and
decorated the bus with banners and ballons.

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Q: What is a sentence using the word donned?

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2. She is in the habit of chattering continually. – She will be chattering for ages. — Она привыкла постоянно болтать. — Она будет болтать веками.
3. After I had completed my degree, I enrolled on a sailing course. – Having completed my degree, I enrolled on a sailing course. — После того, как я закончил учебу, я поступил на курс парусного спорта. — Закончив учебу, я поступил на курс парусного спорта.
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Adverbs can take different positions in a sentence. It depends on the type of sentence and on what role the adverb plays and what words the adverb defines, characterizes, describes.

Most often, we put adverbs after the verb but before adjectives, other adverbs, or participles.

She walked quickly away.
He runs slowly along.

A rule that explains where an adverb is in a sentence.

Place of adverbs in a sentence.

Adverb and three main positions

There are three main positions for an adverb in a sentence:

  • before the verb
  • at the beginning of a sentence
  • at the end of a sentence
Three positions of adverbs in an English sentence.
Adverbs in a sentence.

Let’s look at these positions separately.

At the end

We put an Adverb at the end of a sentence after the predicate and the object.

The water is rising fast.

At the beginning

We put an adverb at the beginning of a sentence before the subject.

Today I have a piano lesson.

An example of a sentence using the adverb today, hands playing the piano.

In the middle

Most often, we put an adverb in the middle of a sentence. But “middle” is not an accurate concept. Where exactly this middle is located, it depends on the words next to which we use the adverb.

  1. In interrogative sentences, we put an adverb between the subject and the main verb.

Did he often go out like that?

  1. If the predicate in the sentence is only one verb, then we put the adverb before the verb.

You rarely agree with me.

  1. If the predicate contains more than one word, then we put the adverb after the modal verb or after the auxiliary verb (if there is a modal verb or auxiliary verb).

You must never do this again.

There are adverbs that we can put before a modal verb or an auxiliary verb.

He surely can prepare for this.

Adverb placement depending on the type of adverb

The place of an adverb depends on what type of adverbs it belongs to. Different adverbs can appear in different places.

Adverbs of manner

We usually use Adverbs of manner:

  • before main verbs
  • after auxiliary verbs
  • at the end of the sentence
  1. If the verb is in the Passive Voice, then we use an adverb between the auxiliary verb and the verb in the third form.
  2. We usually use Adverbs of manner after the verb or after the Object.
  3. We can NOT use an Adverb of manner between the verb and direct object. If the sentence has a verb and a direct object, then we use an adverb of manner before the verb or after the object.
  4. Usually we put an adverb of manner that answers the question HOW after the verb or after the verb and the object.

She held the baby gently.
We are running slowly.

  1. We usually put the adverbs well, fast, quickly, immediately, slowly at the end of a sentence.

I wrote him an answer immediately.
The truck picked up speed slowly.

Adverbs of Frequency

Adverbs of frequency are adverbs that indicate how often, with what frequency an action occurs.

Adverbs of frequency answer the question “How often?

  1. Most often we put Adverbs of frequency before the main verb.
  2. We can use normally, occasionally, sometimes, usually at the beginning of a sentence or at the end of a sentence.
  3. We usually put Adverbs of frequency that accurately describe the time (weekly, every day, every Saturday) at the end of a sentence.

We have another board meeting on Monday.
I wish we could have fried chicken every week.
Maybe we could do this every month.

  1. We put Adverbs of frequency after the verb to be if the sentence contains the verb to be in the form of Present Simple or Past Simple.

My routine is always the same.

  1. We often use usually, never, always, often, sometimes, ever, rarely in the middle of a sentence.

I often wish I knew more about gardening.

  1. We can use usually at the beginning of a sentence.

Usually, I keep it to myself.

Adverbs of degree

Adverbs of degree express the degree to which something is happening. These are such adverbs as:

  • almost
  • absolutely
  • completely
  • very
  • quite
  • extremely
  • rather
  • just
  • totally
List of adverbs of degree.
Adverbs of the degree.
  1. We put Adverbs of degree in the middle of a sentence.
  2. We put Adverbs of degree after Auxiliary Verbs.
  3. We put Adverbs of degree after modal verbs.

I feel really guilty about that.

  1. We put Adverbs of degree before adjectives.

When guns speak it is too late to argue.

  1. We put Adverbs of degree before other adverbs.

He loses his temper very easily.

  1. Sometimes we put Adverbs of degree before modal verbs and before auxiliary verbs. Usually, we use such adverbs as:
  • certainly
  • definitely
  • really
  • surely

You definitely could have handled things better.
I think I really could have won.

The rule explains the place of the adverb enough in a sentence.
Adverb enough.
  1. The adverb enough is an exception to this rule. We put the Adverb enough after the word it characterizes.

I have lived long enough.

Adverbs of place and time

Let’s see where we use the adverbs of place and adverbs of time.

  1. Most often we put the adverb of place and time at the end of the sentence.

I thought you didn’t have family nearby.
They found her place in Miami yesterday.

  1. We put monosyllabic adverbs of time (for example, such as now, then, soon) before main verbs but after auxiliary verbs including the verb to be.

Now imagine you see another woman.
Yes, he is now a respectable man.

  1. We can use adverbs of place and time at the very beginning of a sentence when we want to make the sentence more emotional.

Today, we have to correct his mistakes.

  1. We put the adverbs here and there at the end of the sentence.

Independent thought is not valued there.

  1. Most often we put adverbs of place and time after the verb or verb + object.

I can’t change what happened yesterday.
You have to attend my wedding next month.

  1. Most often we put such adverbs as towards, outside, backward, everywhere, nearby, downstairs, southward, at the end of the sentence or in the middle of the sentence, but immediately after the verb.

I made iced tea and left it downstairs.
With this speaker, you can hear everything outside.
I can run backward!

  1. We put adverbs of time that accurately define the time (for example, yesterday, now, tomorrow) at the end of the sentence.

The ship is going to be back tomorrow.

He wants it to happen now.

If we want to emphasize time, we can put an adverb that accurately specifies the time at the beginning of the sentence.

Tomorrow I’m moving to Palais Royal.

Adverbs that show the speaker’s degree of confidence.

Let’s talk about the place in the sentence occupied by Adverbs that show the speaker’s degree of confidence in what the speaker is saying.

  1. We can put at the beginning of the sentence such adverbs as:
  • definitely
  • perhaps
  • probably
  • certainly
  • clearly
  • maybe
  • obviously

Certainly, you have an opinion about that.

Definitely think twice before correcting one of your mistakes again.

Maybe someone else was in her apartment that night.

We can also put adverbs like this in the middle of a sentence:

They’ll probably name a street after me.
This assumption is clearly no longer valid.

The rule tells what adverbs we can use at the beginning of a sentence.
Adverbs at the beginning of an English sentence.

Adverbs that emphasize the meaning of the word they describe

The next group of adverbs is adverbs that emphasize the meaning of the word they describe.

  1. Look at the following adverbs:
  • very
  • really
  • terribly
  • extremely
  • almost
  • quite
  • pretty

We usually put such adverbs in the middle of the sentence before the word that these adverbs characterize.

He is very tired.
She found it extremely difficult to get a job.
I’m quite happy to wait for you here.

Adverbs defining a verb

  1. We put an adverb after the verb to be. If the adverb defines the verb to be in one of its forms.

He was never a good man.

  1. If an adverb defines another adverb or adjective, then we put such an adverb most often before the word that it defines.

I can see it quite clearly.
They walked rather slowly.

Adverbs connecting sentences

Adverbs can connect sentences in a logical sequence.

Such adverbs can appear at the beginning of the sentence or in the middle of the sentence. These are such adverbs as:

  • next
  • anyway
  • however
  • besides
  • next

Adverbs that explain the speaker’s point of view

Let’s take a look at Adverbs that explain the speaker’s point of view in what he says.

  • fortunately
  • surprisingly
  • personally

We most often put them at the beginning of the sentence.

Honestly, I wish I had time to do more reading.
Often their homes are their only major material possession.

We can put some of these adverbs at the end of a sentence.

I know what you’ve done for me, honestly.

Always, Never, and Only

Now let’s talk about some adverbs separately. These are very popular adverbs that we often use in English.

  1. Always and never.

We usually put always and never in the middle of the sentence before the verb they define.

The bread always falls buttered side down.
Love is never paid but with true love.

  1. Only.

Only is an incredibly popular adverb. Most often, we put only before the word that the adverb only characterizes.

Wisdom is only found in truth.
A man can only die once.

Additional tips

If we have two or more adverbs to define one verb, then the order of these adverbs should be as follows:

  1. Adverb of manner
  2. Adverb of place
  3. Adverb of time
The rule says in what order we use adverbs in an English sentence.
The order in which adverbs should be used.

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