Use the word done in a sentence

Sentences starting with done

  • Done at Washington, this sixteenth day of April, A.D. 1863. [7]
  • Done gone to New York. [9]
  • Done with the engines, sir! [5]
  • Done at the City of Washington, this twenty-second day of September, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-seventh. [7]
  • Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-fourth day of September in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-three, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-eighth. [7]
  • Done at the city of Washington, this twenty-fifth day of July, A.D. 1862, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-seventh. [7]
  • Done at the city of Washington, this twenty seventh day of April, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-one, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-fifth. [7]
  • Done at the city of Washington, this twentieth day of October, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-ninth. [7]
  • Done at the city of Washington, this twentieth day of April, A.D. 1863, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-seventh. [7]
  • Done at the city of Washington, this twelfth day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-two, and of the independence of the United States the eighty-sixth. [7]

Sentences ending with done

  • He’s doing what you’ve done. [11]
  • But you hold your grip, and we’ll see what can be done. [5]
  • I am sure you will excuse me for remaining in Illinois, where much hard work is still to be done. [7]
  • I will tell you what you have done. [5]
  • I will tell you what they done. [5]
  • It is for you to say whether that can be done. [7]
  • No, by Heaven, you shall not do it, even if it can be done! [11]
  • In the main you must be the judge as to what is to be done. [7]
  • I approve what you have done. [7]
  • That is what you have done. [2]

Short sentences using done

  • Gentlemen you’ve done yourselves proud. [5]
  • Richard, what have you done? [9]
  • How much have you done? [5]
  • What good have you done? [11]
  • Is venesection done with forever? [3]
  • But the deed was done. [4]
  • Who saw the tomahawking done? [5]
  • Who had done this? [5]
  • Armour had done this carefully. [11]
  • The Shepherdsons done the same. [5]

Sentences containing done two or more times

  • She said: «If you’ve done wrong, Si Hawkins, it’s a wrong that will shine brighter at the judgment day than the rights that many’ a man has done before you. [5]
  • If I’ve done you service, admiral, be sure of this, it was done with clear intent. [11]
  • Then it is well done, perfectly done. [5]
  • As Sterne says: ‘We don’t love people so much for the good they have done us, as for the good we have done them. [2]
  • It was very unpatriotic and un-American to have anything done that could not be done by a member of the Union. [4]
  • As we have to tell, not what Myrtle Hazard ought to have done, and why she should have done it, but what she did do, our task is a simpler one than it would be to lay bare all the springs of her action. [6]
  • The honour done to Madelinette was an honour done to Pontiac, and Pontiac had never felt itself so important. [11]
  • He still adheres to his proposition, that I am responsible for what some of my friends in different parts of the State have done, but that he is not responsible for what his have done. [7]
  • Up to this time he had been loyalty itself, where his obligations lay— treachery was new to him; he had never done an ignoble thing—baseness was new to him; he had never done an unkind thing that also was new to him. [5]
  • You have done this for me, but what have I done for you? [11]

More example sentences with the word done in them

  • It’s the best you’ve done since you’ve come. [11]
  • Marse Dave, how you’se done growed! [9]
  • You have proved yourself a man, Richard, and there are very few macaronies would have done as you did. [9]
  • You have raised your voice against it, and I respect and honour and thank you for it, the more because you have done it without resorting to sensation, and apparently with no thought of yourself. [9]
  • I have lived your peaceful neighbour under great provocation, for your treatment would have done me harm if my place were less secure. [11]
  • But in detaching your force the President directs that it be done in such a way as to enable you to hold your ground and not interfere with the movement against Chattanooga and East Tennessee. [7]
  • Now, away to your duty,» she added, tapping his breast affectionately with her fan, «and when everything is done, come and take me to my room. [11]
  • Have you done your business to your satisfaction? [10]
  • You have brought your army corps to Pultusk, routed: here it is exposed, and without fuel or forage, so something must be done, and, as you yourself reported to Count Buxhowden yesterday, you must think of retreating to our frontier—which do today. [2]
  • One of these young brains is like a bunch of India crackers; once touch fire to it and it is best to keep hands off until it has done popping,—if it ever stops. [6]
  • And I wrote you, too, that I would not be true to myself if I told you that what you have done was right in my eyes. [9]
  • I repeat to you, it will neither be done nor attempted, unless you watch it every day and hour, and force it. [7]
  • If he asks you where the heroic deed was done, name any house you please, only not this. [10]
  • And I ask you to believe it is not done lightly, or without due consideration, but as the result of some years of thought. [9]
  • And yet, once you start a mistake, the trouble is done and you never know what is going to come of it. [5]
  • And I thought you smiled and said: «Well done, good and faithful servant. [11]
  • Has he done you or yours any great benefit? [10]
  • I return to you my sincere thanks, soldiers, for the honor you have done me this afternoon. [7]
  • Stay and talk; you must tell me everything that’s said and done —and about the stranger. [11]
  • Then again: If you love her, and she loves you, and is sorry for what she has done, marry her and save her from everlasting shame. [11]
  • You are expected, you know, to have your washing done where you vote. [4]
  • I guess, and you know, that Flint hasn’t treated you decently this summer after all you’ve done for him, and I admire the way you’re standing by him. [9]
  • My love for you inspired me in all that I have done, and, now that I come to lay the result of my labors at your feet, you turn from me, and offer my reward to a stranger. [6]
  • Which I see you have done, and found Tolstoi. [5]
  • Every one says you have done such splendid work for England, and that now you can have anything you want. [11]
  • I suppose that you have done me this kindness in connection with the action of the Baltimore convention, which has recently taken place, and with which, of course, I am very well satisfied. [7]
  • For the services you have done in this great struggle in which we are engaged, I present you sincere thanks for myself and the country. [7]
  • Only recollect what you have done for me. [10]
  • I know what you have done for me—» «I pleaded with Monsieur Fournel, knowing how you loved the Seigneury— pleaded and offered to pay three times the price—» «Yourself would have been a hundred million times the price. [11]
  • Mr. Bass, have you ever done anything the pleasure of doing which was pay enough, and to spare? [9]
  • Brother, what have you done with my daughter? [11]
  • And what have you done with all these good gifts? [2]
  • I don’t believe you could have done it, Mr. Grier. [11]
  • The best thing you can do is to let me die, for then you would be safe once for all from my wickedness, and all would be over and done with. [10]
  • As old as you are and as wise, can you take pleasure in a love-match and even speed it forward as you have done, and yet purpose in your soul to hinder it at last? [10]
  • Guess I done you an injustice, Will. [9]
  • Now I’ll tell you a perfectly wonderful thing that he done. [5]
  • She ain’t neber yit done what I calcelated on. [9]
  • They have not yielded quite as much as they might have done, but pretty well—pretty well. [12]
  • And yet, and yet!—If she had really had the power to bind calamity in the clouds, to turn the tide back into its channel, she would not have done so! [10]
  • Perhaps she might yet succeed in repairing the mischief she had done when she had allowed the emperor to sleep without giving one thought to her father. [10]
  • She had not yet achieved peace, and much of the weary task would have to be done over after he was gone. [9]
  • I think that yesterday, a month ago, I could have done so, but not now. [11]
  • That was the year when Lisbon-town Saw the earth open and gulp her down, And Braddock’s army was done so brown, Left without a scalp to its crown. [6]
  • Several times a year she made this journey, landing at the Eperquerie Rocks as she had done one day long ago, and selling her beautiful wool caps and jackets to the farmers and fisher-folk, getting in kind for what she gave. [11]
  • But this that ye have done shall be told to all who fight to-morrow, and men will know why it is I pardon treachery. [11]
  • De Colonel done wrote you dis note, suh. [9]
  • These little, shabby wrongs upbraided me and tortured me, and with a pain much sharper than one feels when the wrongs have been done to the living. [5]
  • Have I done wrong in leading the Celebrity to the point where you saw him this morning? [9]
  • Spite of the wrong he had done her, how gladly, had she not been lost to art, she would now have tried upon him its elevating, consoling power! [10]
  • Possibly he contemplated writing a story with this idea as the theme, but He seems never to have done so. [5]
  • I intended to write home, but I haven’t done it. [5]
  • One resolves to write a book, as he might to take a journey or to practice on the piano, and the thing is done. [4]
  • Without this he would, no doubt, have done his best for the imperilled sisterhood, but it added to his enjoyment of the grand and dangerous rescue. [10]
  • Children, if you would think, you would remember the machine isn’t done. [5]
  • He allowed we would steal the bogus swag and wait all night for him to come up and get drownded, and by George it’s just what we done! [5]
  • The narrator’s expressions would only be intelligible to a select few, and, I should have done my Margery injustice, had I left the ideas and descriptions, whose meaning I thoroughly understood, in the clumsy form she had given them. [10]
  • Nothing that I would not have done for the merest stranger. [9]
  • Your brother Marcus would never have done such a thing, I am very sure! [10]
  • I said I would make him permanently happy, and I have done it. [5]
  • I think you would have done the same under the circumstances. [7]
  • And indeed she would have done so when war was declared and Philip received his new command, but that she had wished the announcement to come from him. [11]
  • Long ago something would have been done to commemorate them but that three of them were Protestants, and difficulties had been raised by the bigoted. [11]
  • Very likely nothing would come of all this espionage; but, at any rate, the first thing to be done with a man you want to have in your power is to learn his habits. [6]
  • If possible, I would be very glad of another movement early enough to give us some benefit from the fact of the enemy’s communication being broken; but neither for this reason nor any other do I wish anything done in desperation or rashness. [7]
  • Danger—oh yes, there would be danger, but Heaven would be good to her; Philip should go safe through storm and war, and some day great honours would be done him. [11]
  • I said it would be a good idea to get some more garrisons to help him; but they said no, he had nothing to do but hold the place, and he was competent to do that, had done it two years already. [5]
  • Come now, what world you have done, if your son had been in question? [9]
  • Then he had worked a little, afterwards more, and now, lastly, since he had seen what they had done to Pierre, with the hot but firm eagerness of an avenging giant. [11]
  • But I’m done work, for this season, and so have got time. [5]
  • Even yet his work was not done. [11]
  • He saw the work that he had done in the carpentering shed, and had no memory of it. [11]
  • She was at work on what they said was her greatest picture when she took sick, and every day and every night it was her prayer to be allowed to live till she got it done, but she never got the chance. [5]
  • I think the work of the reformer as innocent as other work that is done around him; but when I have seen it near!—I do not like it better. [6]
  • Ef I can’t work jes’ as I choose, fur folks that wants me to work fur ’em and that I want to work fur, I might jes’ as well go to Sibery and done with it. [6]
  • And its gracious work is not done yet—not anywhere in the remote neighborhood of it. [5]
  • I’ve done fine work in my time, but upon that day—not a cloud above, no dust beneath, a flowing tide, and a calm sea. [11]
  • I think devil’s work has been done last night upon those innocent poor people. [5]
  • She recalled the words Lacey had used regarding a service which David had once done her. [11]
  • The Marquess of Worcester had done all of this more than a century earlier. [5]
  • It was a wonderful dream, in which he found the way, as he thought, to atone somewhat to this man for a dark injury done. [11]
  • You’ve done a wonder, Joe: you’ve written a letter that can be sent in to Livy—that doesn’t often happen, when either a friend or a stranger writes. [5]
  • For you, old woman, have done everything with your own hands for so long, that you deserve to have some one to wait on you for once. [10]
  • Almost any other woman would have done so. [11]
  • I set that woman on to speak to you the way she done. [8]
  • And when a woman is all that’s good, to a man, it can be done without fear or trembling. [11]
  • And we were witnesses; we had seen these murders done and it was our duty to tell, and let the law take its course. [5]
  • Everything was done without any orders being given. [2]
  • It was now within three-quarters of an hour of noon, and in that house all was as still as before; the Patriarch, however, might be expected to be punctual, and she had done nothing towards dressing but putting on those gilt sandals. [10]
  • There was now within him a judge who by some rule unknown to him decided what should or should not be done. [2]
  • They are playing with toys we have done with for whole-generations. [6]
  • We have done with those hypaethral temples, that were open above to the heavens, but we can have attics and skylights to them. [6]
  • I have done with this mighty argument of self-government. [7]
  • This was done with the upper portion of her body bending very far forward. [10]
  • We are done with the nation; henceforth we deal only with the knights. [5]
  • We have done with the lusus naturae of earlier generations. [6]
  • I am done with that, forever and forever—» «Why no! [5]
  • He was done with that old world in which he once worked; he was concerned only for this narrow field where an Empire’s fate was being solved. [11]
  • Then have done with that cursed head-shaking, and speak out at once! [10]
  • Silas Peckham reckoned with perfect confidence on his Trustees, who had always said what he told them to, and done what he wanted. [6]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word done in a sentence? How do you use done in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word done?
It contains example sentences with the word done, a sentence example for done, and done in sample sentence.


46. Have something done


Study this example situation:

The roof of Lisa’s house was damaged in
a storm. So she called a builder, and yesterday a man came and repaired it.

Lisa had
the roof repaired

This means: Lisa arranged for somebody
else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.

We use have something done to
say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us.


Lisa repaired the roof. (=she repaired it

Lisa had the
roof repaired. (=she arranged for somebody else to repair it)

‘Did you make those curtains yourself?’
‘Yes, I enjoy making things.’

‘Did you have
those curtains made?’ ‘No, I made t hem myself.’


Be careful with word order. The past
(repaired/ cut etc.) is after the object:



past participle


did you have

hair looks nice. Have you had

neighbour has just had

are having

often do you have

think I should have

don’t like having

the roof

your hair


a garage

the house

your car

that coat

my picture

repaired yesterday




painted this week.





Get something

You can also say ‘get something
done’ instead of ‘have something done’:

When are you going to get the roof repaired?
(=have the roof repaired)

I think you should get your hair cut really short.


Sometimes have something done
has a different meaning. For example:

Paul and Karen had their bags stolen while
they were travelling.

This does not mean that they arranged
for somebody to steal their bags. ‘They had their bags stolen’ means
only: ‘Their bags were stolen’.

With this meaning, we use have
something done
to say that something happens to somebody or their
belongings. Often what happens is not nice:

Gary had his nose broken in
a fight. (= his nose was broken)

Have you ever had your bike stolen?



Tick(√ ) the correct sentence, (a)
or (b), for each picture.

Sarah is cutting her hair.

Sarah is having her hair cut.

Bill is cutting his hair.

Bill is having his hair cut.

John is cleaning his shoes.

John is having his shoes cleaned.

Sue is taking a picture.

Sue is having her picture taken.


Put the words in the correct


had /a few weeks ago /the
house /we /painted.

_____We had the house painted a few weeks ago________________


serviced /her car /Sarah /once
a year /has



twelve pounds /have /cleaned /it
/my suit /cost /to



my eyes /I /two years ago /had
/tested /the last time /was



had /in the kitchen /fitted /some
new cupboards /we’ve



as soon as possible /need /translated
/we /to get /this document



Write sentences in the way


Lisa didn’t repair the roof herself.
She _____ had it repaired. ________


I didn’t cut my hair myself. I


We didn’t dean the carpets
ourselves. We _____________________


John didn’t build that wall
himself. ____________________________


I didn’t deliver the flowers
myself. _____________________________


Use the words in brackets to complete
the sentences. Use the structure have
something done


______ We’re having the house painted________ (we /the house /paint)
this week.


I lost my key. I’ll have to _____________
(another key /make).


When was the last time _______________
(you /your hair /cut)?


__________________ (you /a
newspaper /deliver) to your house every day, or do you go out and buy one?


A: What’s happening in your

B: Oh, ___________ (we /a
garage /build).


A: _____________  (you /the washing machine /fix)?

B: Not yet. There’s someone
coming to look at it next week.


If you want to wear earrings,
why don’t you _________________ (you /your ears /pierce)?

Now use ‘have something done’ with its second meaning (see Section


Gary was in a fight last
night. He _____ had his nose broken.
(he /his nose /break).


Did I tell you about
Jane?__________ (she /her credit cards /steal).


Security was very strict at
the airport. _____________________ (we all /our bags /search).



1 b

2 a

3 a

4 b


2 Sarah has her car serviced once a year.

3 It cost twelve pounds to have my suit

4 The last time I had my eyes tested
was two years ago.

5 We’ve had some new cupboards fitted
in the kitchen.

6 We need to get this document translated
as soon as possible.


2 I had it cut.

3 We had them cleaned.

4 He had it built.

5 I had them delivered.


2 have another key made

3 you had your hair cut

4 Do you have a newspaper delivered

5 we’re having I we are having a garage

6 Have you had the washing machine fixed
I Did you have the washing machine fixed

7 have your ears pierced

9 She had her credit cards stolen.

10 We all had our bags searched.

Unit 43- Part A

Unit 43- Part B

Unit 43- Part C

Unit 43- Part D


{slide=1 What do these words mean?}flag.jpgWhat do these words mean? Use it can … or it can’t … . Use a dictionary if necessary.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    it can’t be broken
3    it can be eaten
4    it can’t be used
5    it can’t be seen
6    it can be carried{end-tooltip}

If something is
1  washable,   it can be washed  .          
2  unbreakable, it ________________.
3  edible, ________________.
4  unusable, ________________.
5  invisible, ________________.
6  portable, ________________. {/slide} {slide=2 Complete these sentences with the verbs.}flag.jpgComplete these sentences with the following verbs (in the correct form):
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    be made
4    be spent
5    have been repaired
6    be carried
7    have been caused
8    be woken up
9    have been arrested{end-tooltip}

{xtypo_rounded3}arrest       carry       cause       do      make       repair       send      spend        wake up{/xtypo_rounded3}

Sometimes you need have (might have, should have etc.).
1    The situation is serious. Something must    be done    before it’s too late.
2    I haven’t received the letter. It might    have been sent   to the wrong address.
3    A decision will not _______________ until the next meeting.
4    Do you think that more money should _______________ on education?
5    This road is in very bad condition. It should _______________ a long time ago.
6    The injured man couldn’t walk and had to _______________.
7    It’s not certain how the fire started, but it might _______________ by an electrical fault.
8    I told the hotel receptionist I wanted to _______________ at 6.30 the next morning.
9    If you hadn’t pushed the policeman, you wouldn’t _______________. {/slide} {slide=3 Rewrite these sentences.}flag.jpgRewrite these sentences. Instead of using somebody or they etc., write a passive sentence.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}2    The meeting has been postponed.
3    The computer is being used at the moment.
4    I didn’t realise that our conversation was being recorded.
5    … we found that the game had been cancelled.
6    A new ring road is being built round the city.
7    A new hospital has been built near the airport.{end-tooltip}

1    Somebody has cleaned the room.
         The room has been cleaned.   
2    They have postponed the meeting. 
      The __________________________
3    Somebody is using the computer at the moment.
      The computer __________________________
4    I didn’t realise that somebody was recording our conversation.
      I didn’t realise that __________________________
5    When we got to the stadium, we found that they had cancelled the game.
      When we got to the stadium, we found that __________________________
6    They are building a new ring road round the city.
7    They have built a new hospital near the airport.
      __________________________ {/slide} {slide=4 Make sentences from the words in brackets.}flag.jpgMake sentences from the words in brackets. Sometimes the verb is active, sometimes passive.
{tooltip}Key.{end-link}3    It’s been stolen! / It has been stolen!
4    Somebody has taken it.    or … taken my umbrella.
5    He’s been promoted. / He has been promoted.
6    It’s being redecorated. / It is being redecorated.
7    It’s working again. / It is working again. … It’s been repaired. / It has been repaired.
8    The furniture had been moved.
9    He hasn’t been seen since then.
10  I haven’t seen her for ages.
11  Have you ever been mugged?{end-tooltip}

1    There’s somebody behind us.  (I think / we / follow)
      I think we’re being followed.     
2    This room looks different.  (you / paint / the walls?)
      Have you painted the walls?      
3    My car has disappeared. (it / steal!)
      It ___________________________
4    My umbrella has disappeared.  (somebody / take)
      Somebody ___________________________
5    Sam gets a higher salary now.  (he / promote) 
      He ___________________________
6    Ann can’t use her office at the moment.  (it / redecorate) 
      It ___________________________
7    The photocopier broke down yesterday, but now it’s OK.  (it / work / again ; it / repair)
      It ___________________________ It ___________________________
8    When I went into the room, I saw that the table and chairs were not in the same place. (the furniture / move)
      The ___________________________
9    The man next door disappeared six months ago.  (he / not / see / since then)
      He ___________________________
10  I wonder how Jane is these days.  (I / not / see / for ages)
      I ___________________________
11  A friend of mine was mugged on his way home a few nights ago.  (you / ever / mug?)

Сегодня знание иностранного языка открывает огромные перспективы. Aнглийский язык в Киеве на курсах – это интересные занятия, которые помогают развивать коммуникативные навыки общения на иностранном языке.

Study this example situation:
The roof of Jill’s house was damaged in a storm, so she arranged for somebody to repair it. Yesterday a workman came and did the job. Jill had the roof repaired yesterday.
This means: Jill arranged for somebody else to repair the roof. She didn’t repair it herself.
We use have something done to say that we arrange for somebody else to do something for us.
* Jill repaired the roof. (= she repaired it herself)
* Jill had the roof repaired. (= she arranged for somebody else to repair it)

Study these sentences:
* Did Ann make the dress herself or did she have it made?
* ‘Are you going to repair the car yourself?’ ‘No, I’m going to have it repaired.’

Be careful with word order. The past participle (repaired/cut etc.) is after the object (the roof your hair etc.):
have + object + past participle
Jill had the roof repaired yesterday.
Where did you have your hair cut?
Your hair looks nice. Have you had it cut?
Julia has just had central heating installed in her house.
We are having the house painted at the moment.
How often do you have your car serviced?
I think you should have that coat cleaned soon.
I don’t like having my photograph taken.

You can also say ‘get something done’ instead of ‘have something done’ (mainly in informal spoken English):
* When are you going to get the roof repaired? (= have the roof repaired)
* I think you should get your hair cut.

Sometimes have something done has a different meaning. For example:
* Jill and Eric had all their money stolen while they were on holiday.
Of course this does not mean that they arranged for somebody to steal their money. ‘They had all their money stolen’ means only: ‘All their money was stolen from them.’

With this meaning, we use have something done to say that something happens to somebody or their belongings. Usually what happens is not nice:
* George had his nose broken in a fight.
* Have you ever had your passport stolen?

45.1 Tick (V) the correct sentence, (a) or (b), for each picture.
a Sarah is cutting her hair.
b Sarah is having her hair cut.
a Bill is cutting his hair.
b Bill is having his hair cut.
a John is cleaning his shoes.
b John is having his shoes cleaned.
4. SUE
a Sue is taking a photograph.
b Sue is having her photograph taken.

45.2 Why did you do these things? Answer using ‘have something done’. Use one of these verbs: clean cut repair service
1. Why did you take your car to the garage? _To have it serviced._
2. Why did you take your jacket to the cleaner’s? To —
3. Why did you take your watch to the jeweller’s? —
4. Why did you go to the hairdresser? —

45.3 Write sentences in the way shown.
1. Jill didn’t repair the roof herself. She _had it repaired._
2. I didn’t cut my hair myself. I —
3. They didn’t paint the house themselves. They —
4. Sue didn’t make the curtains herself. —

45.4 Use the words in brackets to complete the sentences. Use the structure ‘have something done’.
1. We _are having the house painted_ (the house/paint) at the moment.
2. I lost my key. I’ll have to — (another key/make).
3. When was the last time you — (your hair/cut)?
4. You look different — (you/your hair/cut)?
5. — (you/a newspaper/deliver) to your house or do you go to the shop to buy one?
6. A: What are those workmen doing in your garden?
B: Oh, we — (a swimming pool/build).
7. A: Can I see the photographs you took when you were on holiday?
B: I’m afraid I — (not/the film/develop) yet.
8. This coat is dirty. I must — (it/clean).
9. If you want to wear earrings, why don’t you — (your ears/pierce)?

45.5 Now you have to use ‘have something done’ with its second meaning.
1. George’s nose was broken in a fight.
What happened to George? _He had his nose broken in a fight._
2. Sarah’s bag was stolen on a train.
What happened to Sarah? She —
3. Fred’s hat was blown off in the wind.
What happened to Fred? —
4. Diane’s passport was taken away from her by the police.
What happened to Diane? —


1 b 2 a 3 a 4 b


2 To have it cleaned.

3 To have it repaired.

4 To have my hair cut.


2 I had it cut.

3 They had it painted.

4 She had them made.


2 have another key made

3 had your hair cut

4 Have you had your hair cut

5 Do you have a newspaper delivered

6 are having a swimming pool built

7 haven’t had the film developed

8 have it cleaned

9 have your ears pierced


2 She had her bag stolen on a train.

3 He had his hat blown off in the wind.

4 She had her passport taken away from her by the police.

1. we are
having the house painted at the moment

2.I lost my
key. Ill have to have another key made

3.When was
the last time you had your hair cut

4. Do you
have a newspaper delivered to your

house every
day, or do you go out and buy one

5.A: What
are those workmen doing in your garden

B: Oh, we
are having a garage built

6.A. Can I
see the photographs you took when you were on holiday

B. Im
afraid I haven’t had the film developed yet.

7.This coat
is dirty. I must have it cleaned

8.It you
want to wear earrings, why dont you have your ears pierced

9.A: I
heard your computer wasnt working.

B: Thats
right, but its OK now. I have had it repaired

 10.Gary was in a fight last night. He had
his nose broken

11.Did I
tell you about Jane She had her handbag stolen last week.

12.Did you hear
about Pete He had his car vandalized a few nights ago.

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